og. Thomas Copley : S0000000000000008000000 # ol Has been tried and 1 a ah aly Ontarie Street, Carriage Painting This is the place to Lave your 'Auto repaired. to stand all kinds of weather. E J. DUMPHY [ Cor. Montreal and Ordnance Sta, GAS FIRES. We have .the imitation hard Coal Pires, just the 5 the parlor or dining room grate; ne trouble; no dus; 80 smoke; as Cheap as coal Jo 4 3 us ¥e you a rice piped. and wet complete, » Phone 515. Personal attention, J. W. OLDFIN & CO, ( ht hum and Ordos Sta. TR " PHONE 987. Drop 4 card to 1% Pine Street we sh wanting anything done in the Carpen ter line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and "new work alse Hardwoed Floors of all kinds All orders will receive prompt attention Shop 40 Queen Street KINGSITON BUSINESS COLLEGE | (Limited) hat IVSLC Tn: D. COUPER, Plione 76. $413 Princess Steet. Prompt Delivery. i [THE BIGGE {wild game, "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Twgenty-sixth year, Fall Term begins August Courses in h, Bool (keepin ghotina gravhy, Civil Service ana ng- 1) Our gr the best postilfons. nts short time over sixty secured positions with one wf the largest railway cor- > rations in Canada. ele aduates Wi etealfe, ingston, Canada, 3 SacBee nosnenORerR. BIG SALE Working Men's and Boys' Boots; also Fine Shoe-Repair- ing done while you walt, of trophy and divide up with his hunt- gocossccncvE JOHN GREEN, 285 PRINCESS STREET. 9000000000000 0000000 9590000000000 00000 Geo000000000000s0000ORDES TAKE IT AWAY «That's what our fatrons "ny »- When sor with Belfast Ale or English Ginger r that do uot bear our r bottled goods for family - ve no superior, ple It at any of the lead. hotels o rtelep e 304 for a rial case. | ea a Thompson Bottling Co. 3 PRINCESS 87, KINGSTON. foes doen roenenns - sreseeeesrnsrnnne : Removal Notice! » 0. Bennett, Tinsmith and Plumber, has Removed his place of business from J78 King St. to 191 Princess Street, voxt door to the late 8. J. Horsey's Hardware Store where he will be pleased tc meet all bis old customers and a- many new ones as reqiire firs class Tinsmithing and Plumbing done; also agent for the Souvenir Range Phone 1033 PERFECTION COCOA Is rich in food value and easy to digest. It is jus? Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground from the choicest Cocoa beans. Nurses and Deetors recommend its Your orders will be filled is- factorily If you deal there _- | Ww. 86-67 Barrack Street. of British-American High-Olune Ladies' Talloring, Has removed from 231 to 267 Princess Street. 4 Come and see our stock and styles before going elsewhere. . Lowest possible prices. 'Phone 851. Bosoovesseevesesecsene 0000C8000000 creations in Ladies' Fine Evening ~ Slippers = Fl GUN METAL, PAT. COLT, SUEDE, VELVET and SATIN SLIPPERS, BEADED SLIPPEKS, PUMPS, and CROSS STRAP SLIPPERS, FROM A A REAL BEAR STORY FROM THE NORTH, Huntsmen Who Won Prowess in the Woods--~The Fur of the Bear was Glossy and Fine, Perth Courier. " Perth hunters have returned home from the haunts of the deer and other and in. most cases get their full complement® of venison. But the fests of most huntsmen were out done by the party composed of Trea surer Code, County Commission Pattie, High Constable Burris, . Ed- ward Hicks and the well-known "dack" Watt, of Yarker. The sextette spent a fortnight at their camp in North Frontenac, beyond Plevna, and in addition to gest black bear ever seen in that dis- trict. Messrs. Watt and Pattie wen the heroes of the day when they land ed in the camp with the body of Mr. Brain. Mr, Watt was on his way to his ronway, and while rowing across the lake he heard the crackling of twigs and the snortiff sound which told him a bear was coming. He crouched low in his boat and 'waited, rifle in hand. The grunting monster roon pot in an appearance as he scrambled down the mountain side and plunged into the lake, the finest speci 'men of a bear the old hunter ever saw. Unconscious of danger the ani- mal swam on till he was well within range, when, startled hy the noise from the boat, Pruin raised his head in the water to see what was up. Bang ! went the rifle and Mr. Bruiii got his quietus without a second bul- let. The bear wags hung up at the camp, and measured seven feet. be- tween the extremities--point of nose to end of toes. His weight all agreed went beyond 500 pounds, probably nearer 600. The fur was in perfect condition--a glossy black throughout, The generous "Jack" tried to sell the itl eromies, but -they would have none of that. They insist on his taking the prize home and making the best of it, and ere long it will doubtless be transmogrined into a splendid rug for some aristocratic drawing-room--for a good consideration: On the way home the hear was koduked a dozen times by admiring travellers, ° ------------ THE GREAT McEWEN, Magician, mind reader and hypnotist, at the Grand all this week, The Mail and Empire says Calvert and Young will be dismissed from the National Transcontinental commis: sion. Commander McDonald, of the Niobe, was acquitted at Halifax. | Health Restored Gained 29 Pounds Many Years an Invalid--Untold Agony From Headaches. Dizziness, Sinking Spells and Exces- sive Weakness Disappéar With Use of Dr. Chase's - Nerve Food Nearly every woman will read with interest the letter of Mrs. (George Bradshaw, quoted below. It tells of years of great suffering from nervous headache aud other symptoms aris ing from weak, watery blood and a starved and exhausted condition of the nervous system. Mrs. George Bradshaw, Cosy Nook, Harlowe, Ont., writes: "I am glad to state that 1 received henefits from Dr. Chase's Nerve Food which I fail- ed to get any pince else. | was trou fed for many years, in fact from my early womanhood, with weak, watery blood, and given to dropsy. I suffer- ol untold agonies from nervous sick headaches, dizziness, and sinking spells, in fact was a semi-mvalid for many years. failed to help me. Doctors told me I had no. blood, and that my heart and kidteys were dis- eased, and that I had so many com- plaints there was not much use in doctoring up. one or two. Four years ago 1 took six 'boxes of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, and was glad to ses 1 felt better, and then got six more, and they have cured me of of my ints. When 1 begas aking Nerve Food I weighed 116 pounds, to-day I weigh 139, and am forty fiveyenrs old. Ar. Chase's Nerve Food, 500. 'a box 6 for $2.50, at sll dealers or rdman- i getting a deer each, | . | they brought out with them the big- movements, At your dealer's, 75¢ to 2 TIC BRAND PITH OF THE NEWS. -- The Very Latest Culled From An Over the Werld. _ Laberal Leader Rowell Promises curb- ing of trusts. : ohn A. Carlisle appointed postmasg- ter of St. Catharines, Aun experienced party has left Co- balt to hunt gold in Utgava. ; Judge Kohlsaat, Chicago, quashed tho meat packers' habeas corps pleas. There is a strong conspiracy among the Chinese to assassinate the pre wmier. L At Ottawa twenty-five automobiles were burned in a gargage; loss Fou, 000, Henry McQueen was drowned while crossing the river at Chatham in leaky boat. Dr. J. F. W. Ross, Toronto, injured ut Richmond HE iv an auto goei- dent, is dead. lhe Toronto civie reception to the Buke and Duchess of Connaught will be by invitation, J. C, Eaton will areet a ®200,000 dollar church in Toronto in memory of the 'late Timothy Eaton. : Rebels attacked imperial forces at Hankow on Friday sand were ropul- sed with considerable loss fierce fight- ing. Searbaro Women's Iobtitute was awarded the first price in the ecsuned fruit competition 'at the Horticultural Show, Toronto. The Grand Trunk railway traffic earnings from November Sth to 14th show the following increase : 1911, $959,980; 1910, 2899,760; increase, £60, 220. a . ~ At Keokuk, Ia., a hubpy who was "too religious" and who "was al ways saving 1 was going straight to b=", led Mrs. Newson Crumbly to sue fur divores John R. Walsh, banker, Chicago, who died one week alter his release pirom the federn]l prison at Fort Lea venworth, Kan,, lelt dn estate valued at $805,000. The Loudon county council has at last put a stop to wriggling dances in theatres. The alleged oriental dance called "The Dawn of Lave" was barred after a private exhibition. The old-fashioned mother is out of date, according to Prof. Zueblin, ol the University of Chicago, who urged women to desert the fireside to help social 'and political progress. Mrs. Robertson, of Chatham, suf fering for a -year from what the doc tors called acute tuberculosis, cough- ed up a rusty sail, on Friday, gpd now, to all appearance, is a well woman, Mre. John Porter, North Malahide, aged seventy-five, and weighing over 200 pounds, was probably fatally in jured by' falling head first ten feat into the cellar. A trapdoor had been left open. When Joseph Lazarus lost a pocket book containing $21,000 he did not expect to wee it again. A New York waiter found the purse and returned it without knowing what it contained. He accepted $500. Sentenced to one whole day in jail for shooting a girl who refused to marry him, Harry Cutler escaped with only sixty minutes in jail in New York, because' he entered at 3 p.m., and the day ended at four. Over 1,500 Roman Catholics out of 7,351 married in Ontario, married in- to other denominations. Five Rowman Catholic girls. married Jewish young men, while two Roman Catholic grooms chose wives from among the Hebrows. E. Sims, editor and proprietor the Rodney Mercury, came across good story in which a young man figured in the case. He went to the young man to get the facts, but in- stead got "ome ou the jaw." After- wards the editor gave the young man a. chance to apologize, which he = did not avail himself of. It cost him £10 and¢ costs. of a Maple Grove Happenings. Maple Grove, Nov. 18.~The Allard Platinium and Gold Miving company is doing a rushing business digging mica. Mr. Allard has erected un fine dwelling beautifully situated on the shore of Gould Lake, A wumber of rafles were held in- this.vianity and were largely attended. E. H. Snook passed through here en route to Perth Road. A gang of foreigners, seeking Jor emul, wer in this vicinity #t week. School is progressing fa- vorably "with Miss Good as ar James Trousdale has purchased | ao lot near Sydenham and intends mov- ing in the near future, Miss Helen Joynlr, Spafiordton, who was visi ing her sister, Mrs. B. Kemp, has re J,urned home, Mrs, Vankoughnet, of Perth Road, at her daughter's, Mrs. A. Martin's. Miss Good spent Sata day and Sunday at her home near Harrowsmith. Charles Sigsworth, ud Oliver Vaurett at Prank Brooks'. More Wolfe Island News. son, Bates & Co, Limited, Toromto, CAUGHT "SPY FEVER" : i "| tightly to his side on the way to the : { ZEALOUS POLICE ROUND UP SUSPECT ON TINY ISLAND. i Political Feeling Expected to Run High During Closing Session of Reichstag and Sharp Debates Berlin, Nov. 18,--"Spy fever" bas! apparently become epidemic in Ger- many, and details of a fresh case are supplied by the Tageblatt. According to information received by this jour- nal, the officials at the observation station of Horoum, on the North Sea island Sylt, noticed at the end of September 'an individual" setting up a curious three-legged sppsratus am- ong the sand dunes, and seemingly | taking photographs of the eg: ing la pe. - This procedure naturally produced' great. excitement, and the consequence | was that the police authorities were informed by. telegraph of the myster- ious person. The burgomaster of Wes: terland took the matter up with com- mendable zeal, and ordered a police sergeant and a detective to watch The suspicious person, The strenuous ef- forts of the two officials were crown. ed with success, for the suspicious in- dividual was discovered quietly walk- ing down the main street of Wester! land, and offered no opposition when told -that he wust consider Limself un- der arrest The prisoper declared that he was a harmless visitor from Bre men, who was seeking recuperation from the sea breezes of Sylt and em- ploying his leisure in taking photo- graphs of the scenery. This statement, says the Tageblatt, could naturally not be credited, and the two officials returned in the first place with the prisoner to his room in a local hotel, where they confiscated the photogra- phic apparatus and plates, they found there, and then tokl him he must wse- company them to the Burgumaster. b The zealous police sergeant stuck Rathaus, while the detective took charge of the confiscated photographic apparatus. At the Rathaus the burgo- master submitted the prisoner to =a searching examination, demanded to see his papers, and ordered the plates found in his room to be developed. As not a little of evidence that he was a spy was found, the prisoner was set at liberty. The Tageblatt observes that every German must be filled with pride when he learns that the eye of the law penetrates even the sand dunes of Sylt, but that he must find it, to say the least, awkward to be arrested in the open street and to be conducted to his hotel by a policeman in uni: form whén he believes he is merely enjoying his holiday. Nothing good, it adds, comes of overzeal and exagger- ated fear of cspionage, and German tourists should, therefore, bear in mind that they run great risk in photo. graphing desolate sand dumes on the shores of the. North Sea. Mount Chesney Budget. Mount Chesney, Nov. 16.--Owing to the recent snow = storm, the farmers were forced to bring their young oat- tle in for the winter. McAdoo Bres., Dufferin, passé through here- with .a large drove of cattle this week. A. Sharpe. Sunbury, has his pew rink about completed. Wild ducks ave quite plentiful around here, and hunt- ers are to be seen daily. G. Patter son and M. McGarvey have returned home, after a week's hunting trip through Lanark county, 'and report game of all - kinds plentiful. While there they were the guests of Rev. Father Carey, Micaville, Frederick and J. McGarvey spent a couple of days hunting at Cranberry Lakes aad report the best of. luck. The young people of this locality spent an enjoy- able evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Fowler, Visitors : Misses Mol lie and Katie. McGarvey spent a few days in the city. Mrs. M. Hawkey, Glenvalé, and Miss Freda George, at James George's; Mr. and Mrs. James McGarvey, at Mrs. P. Black's, Maple Lawn; ¥./ J. OBrien, in the city; John Black, Maple Lawn, at G. Pat- terson's; Miss Joyce, Kingston, at Mrs. P. Fowler's; E. Prevost, at Joseph McGrath's; Miss Lizzie Gould, Kings- ton, visiting friends here; C. Nichol- son, spent Sunday last in the city. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and winter goods for his order clothing department, also in ready-made clothing and gents' fur- nishing department; they are all well assorted with new goods. Fifty guests at Delmomcos, New York, ate a dinner eooked ontirely in paper bags. The coffer was boiled ina Mag, the ice cream frozen in one and fish, fowl, meat and all | served from bags. "King's Quality flour" is what the grocer uears most. Robert Wallace, a leading and building contractor, of Bay, died ou Friday from after a brief illness. MILLIONS OF FOLKS USE ONLY CASCARETS They Never Have he, Bilous. ness, Sluggish Liver or Bowels or a Sick, Sour Stomach. Citizen, North puenmonia, Ne odds Yow bad your liver, stom- ach or bowels; how much' your head aches, how misershle and parol able you are from piation, indi- gestion, biliousness and i in- testines--you always get the desired results with Cascarets nnd quickly too. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable another side organs of all the poison and effete matter which is producing the misery, | Take a Cascaret now: don't wkit until bedtime. In all the world there is no remedy like this. A 10-cent box means health, happiness Clos WOLFE ISLAND TIDINGS, John Spoor GC Wolfe Island, Nov. 17.--Samuel Ho- gan and Miss Gertie McLaren, will be married on Tuesday, Nov. 21st, Hir am Davis had beep appointed assess or. Frank Briceland shipphd®two car loads 'of cattle to Montreal op Fri- day. Patrick McDermott, sr, has left for Detroit to visit his son. Hugh Horne purchased a driving borse from James Kinney. Thomas Quirk had the misfortune to break one of his ribs last week. Grant Pyke shipped a boat- load of hay to Cape Vincent on Wed- nesday for Frederick Constance. Miss Muna Greenwood has gone to Three Rivers, Mich., to visit relatives and i for a month. rein The municipal pot is beginming to boil. There are two candidates in the field for reeve, John Spoor and Grant Grimshaw. John Greenwood has com. pleted cellar wall for A. Henderson and will move a house across the road om to it. Wild -ducks are getting scarce in this locality, Elmer Weyland, a Chicago tramp, was drugged by a fellow hobo, slept four days in a corn crib and awoke to find both . feet - frozen so bhdly that they may have do be amputa- ted. > "King's uelity" flour, manufactur- ed by. the Maple Leaf Milling Co, and sold by all leading grocers, is in popular demand everywhere. Have vou tried it? g Gardon Graham and wife, of Toe ronto, were asphyxiated at Mewphis, Tenn. Cheese sold at Picton and" Grant Grimshaw for Reeve. at lige, | PHYSICIANS COULD NOT 'HELP HeR "FRUIT-A-TIVES"" CURED HER Mountain, Oxy, March oth, "I bave takeh *'Fruita-tives™ with great, benefit. I was troubled with jiliousness for years and after taking 'Fruit-a-tives", am entirely weil again. [ have been treated by physicians and took many kinds of medicine, but nothing cured until I used "Fruit-a- tives", Mxs. R. M. BEGGS. Ne other medicine in the world 'will cure Biliousness as quickly and 'pleasantly as "Pruitatives. This amous fruit medicine acts directly on the liver, relieves the congestion, enables he liver to pour out more bile, and corrects constingtion and indieestion, No matter what have tried or how long you have ccd, Pruita-tives™ will completely cue yeu. Soc. 8 bax, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, age. At all lealers, or from Pruita-tives Ottawa, Kesing's Power 106 Bs To feht form of Reon use owder. None isso A gy- it is odorless and ful only to insect life. Made Thomas Kea , in London, Eng- land. Seld by all druggists. "nr In tine only : 10¢, 160, 200, 28a. . rss INDUBITABLY the best Babbit Metal for all general machin wry is Bearings Harris Heavy Pressure » Write for prices. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Fraser Avenue Toronto WHAT ARE JO DO WITH YOUR FEET YOU GOING warm foot covering. We carry everything you can think of in Felt Boots, Moccasins, both Oil Tan and Moose Hide, and Rubber Boots. Overshoes, Rubbers, REID & P.8.--'Phone us for your Rubbers. CHARLES ~ Opticians agree that the easier on the eyes than any ot better light than the low-priced her artificial light. The Rayo Lamp is the best oil lamp made. It gives a strong, yet soft, white light; and it never flickers, It pre- serves the eyesight of the young; it You can pay $5, $10, or $20 for other lamps, but you cannot get Made of solid brass, nickel-plated. ing shade or chimney. 'Easy to clean and rewick. Denlers everywhere ; or writs for descriptive circular direct 10 soy agency of The Queen City Oil Company, Limited light from a good oil lamp is helps and quickens that of the old. Rayo gives. Easily lighted, without remov- TIECIGVRL IPI PRCEERCRIIBC DIP IRIRY ASK FOR (| ILIFEBUOY RUBBERS The only rubber sold in Kingston with leather between the lining and Rubber at the heel. _This is the most ment in Rubbers, important improve- in recent years. Costs no more than ordinary Rubbers. For Sale Only At "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES' 3H Suherland Bro. BRE ST