YEAR 78 Rb. 272 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Ww EDNESDAY, Nov E .-- MBER 22, LAST EDITION TALKS WARMLY Sir Richard Cartwright in the Senate RAKES THE TORIES FOR THEIR ATTITC DF. RECIPROCITY The Kind of Power They Seck Insult and Ignoramuses ox THE VOTE, fc Depreciating Spebiw! to the Whig. Ottawa, Nov. 22 Sir Richard Cart. wright, the veteran' from Kingston was in excellent form in the senate He' seored conservatives for their at titude on the reciprocity vote, "Po these people know," he wewt on, "do these slingers of mud reeall that the people i" the [United Stgtes are, to-day, close (0 a hupdred 'mil Hon strong amd within pyears will resch a hundred and millions ¥ That Is the kind of | that is the sort of nation that' these "people think it wise and prudent and in the interest of the British empire Jor ns to insult and @tFange | fifty power, - "There is another class of people," | he added, "as to whom I would say a word, apd they are Ahese fools among British public men--and 1 use the word with emphasis those uy grateful fools Who have recently heen | oxulting at the downfall of the Canadian administration that ever conferred a service upon imperial com. merte or ever raised a land to assist British arms. 1 know enough of the | stalid ignorance of Canada and things Canadian which prevails among too large a section of the British people not to understand how completely ig- noraut these people are of what they are talking aboui, but I can tell them this, that if they ever did know any- thing of Canadian history they would know that they had done their best to depreciate 'the services of the one government that did any respectable serviee to the empire within my tine abd generation atleast.' WIOKED BOSTON, Minister > M4 paring Statement rding Hub Boston, ome 3! Nov. a1. Declaring some "New * England, * and especially Boston, men ate worse than the five "other and, kiss Mary Chami A fontrag Kas,, Rev. Herbert 8. prov of Warren aveniug Baptist church, declared from his pulpit that "theft of a woman's soul in Boston, the deutre of refine: ment and culture, doesn't amount to theft of a ham." "We say a dastardly thing like tar ring and feathering a woman Soldat occur in New Enigland," he said. "We are guilty of worse crimes every day, I visited 'licensed hotels' last night, In every ome young girls, imported from Canada, to support those dives, were drinking, . carousitig and song- singing their sonls to hell-and from 'ivensedd plans." ' THE THIRD ATTEMPT, Twice Married, Twica They Wed Again. New York, Nov, 22.--Mr. and Nes, Michael B, Flaberty, twice wed and twion divoreed, were married again on Toowlay, and started on a third honeymoon. The souple failed to state in thé ap- plication for a marringe license the dates or places where the divorces wire granted, hut the bridegroom de werd himself As a salesman, thirty- seven yéurs old, of Amsterdam. Mrs, Flaherty had Yegumed. her msiden name of Laitrs MH. Smith after * the second divorce from Flaherty. An al derman performed the ceremony. Divorced, Pure Food Campaign. New York, Nov, 22.--Fighty alleged violators of the sanitary code in keeping for wale impure food, faced the court of special sessions, yesterday, as the result of a campaign waged by the ity health department, The court made short work of the eases, Ome Reoh ot who sold tainted mutton at . a pound, was fined £100, and _simi- a fines were levied against a Wake who used dedaved o ys and a dairy. man who sold milk that was per dent, solids. The dairyman ungble to pay his fine, and went Jail foe 3 thirty days. ore wak one supuitial Ju ol in all the lists of cases. Cut ut ON Passports, St, Petesshure, Nov. 21.-A patoh to the Rech, from Kiev, that the Tow ides "passports tants "by Toms they are to 3 amd "annual passports bu will be dreated no right to "lerpy giv "fiscal J ee ovember 1st. Of this hum- ports ocean at Poe fu "the United States. Katrange -- HRritish Best Government Ever Helping Kmpire, twenty-five | Sngrateiul | only ten was to but den the Says of the province police . authorities are be | making such motions us 'he as Haileybury and Men Take Action. { obait, Nov. -AtL a big hee - ing of mines and other citizens a strong resolution. was uns animonsly. passed, condemning the provinéial gov- ernment for ealling the elections "ol the revised voters' lists of Cobalt, Haiteybury, Coleman township and Latehford could not be usd; not be ing vevised in suflicient time. Ihe meeting also called for a depu- tation from the four municipalities, with' the three candidntes in the ro- nineial fight, 'to go to Toronto to interview James Whitney, and that he. defer the elections for ' the district. In Coleman township alone eighteen hundred appeals are. enterad by those who wish 10 be added to the Jists, and there is a similar num in Cobalt and Haileybury. Cobalt, Coleman Ron Sir » ber TWO WIVES ON ONE STREET. Charge of Bigamy Against Edward James of Chatham. Chatham, Now the United States, separated from her husband, Mrs, Fd- ward James charges that she re¢ent ly found him living a few doors dis- tant. from her on Parthe street with another woman. She laid a charge of bigamy, but while Officer Dexelia was obstructed at the door of the factory by workmen who questioned his au- thority, James slipped out by another door and disappeared. He is prob- ably in Detroit James was first married some eight years ago, the se- marriage taking place in Cha at ham qmte recently. AY BUYERS LOOK T0 22. --Heturning from where she had j cond | Prices in Northern | New York Pre- hibitive---Imperts From Across ~ Border Expected. Watertown, N.Y., Nov. 22.--Hay buyers as well as those who have hay to sell are much interested in the embargo now on, aml the fact that the prices for hay are advancing each week." The "embargo has been on for several days and no hay is being shipped out of this section for the New York markets. The buyers are obliged to pay the highest prices in years. One man who was offered $I850 a ton for hay ind his barn, turned down the offer and demanded $20, A vear ayo hay brought about $12 in this section. Some of the local buyers have gone to Canada, where hay is bringing | about $Y a #on. Others have Fond to Vermont, where there is a crop and where prices are [ower than in Northern New York. Buyers claim that" the farmers of this section are placing too great faith in the present market and that the prices will show a slump with heavy Canadian ship- ments to New York as soon as the embargo is lifted. / i Biggest Maskinonge in Ameriea, Cornwall, Nov, Be. R. Duquette, proprietor of the onyuin House, Stanley . Jaland, and ig ing George Hotel, received a message from Dr. Fred. Waiting, New York, that he hid won first prize for the largest maskingagge in America in 1911, Dr. Whiting's fish was caught at Stapley leland and weighed thirty nine pounds and was sixty inches in length, Several maskinonge almost es large wers also landed at Stanley this super, and in recent years they have gone as high forty- four pounds. Had Good Season. . Picton, Nov, 22.-The boats «¥ Ontario and Quebec Navigntion fleet ure making their last trips to Montreal this week. 'This has been one of thes heaviest falls on record for shipping. This is especially dune to the wonderful crops of apples in the counfry. APPROPRIATED MONEY TMS OWN 15 He Was Convicted and Will Be Sentenced to Prison at Early Date. New York, Nov. 29 William J. Cummins, the former Tennessee pro- moter and recent directing head of the Caroegie Trust company, was found guilty of the theft of $140,000 from the Stems Ward bank by afore which he had been on triall for the past five weeks: He was r to the Tombs prison until Friday, when his coun- sel will be given the privilege of may decide upon 'before sentence is pro- rotmoed. Cummings scammed stunned by verdict. . : The state held 'that Cummi rs had $140,000 of the 's funds hooked 8 to himself and that he used it to dnt] boleter. up the finances _<f his va riors industrial i in A ah. which the * state attorney . re- to as " » eompanies. penalty the Go. * ANT ELECTION DEFERRED, | FAVORS PACT Cardinal Gibbons Believes in CANADA FOR SUPPLIES! good} the the URGES THE COUNTRY TO SUPPORT PENDING TREATIES WITH FRANCE AND ENGLAND, Would Liké to See a Joint Commis. sion tol Investigate All Matters---- The Idea Represents the Best Spirit of the Day. - taltimore, Nov "T sincerely hope that the new arbitration treaties negotiated by our uwational govern. ment with Great Britain and France will be ratified by the senate," said Cardinal Gibbons. "They should receive "the support of the whole conntyy. It i of the ut most importgnee that civilized nations should bind themselves - in advance to submit to arbitration all interna- tional questions which can be settled hy the application of principles o of law and &uity, and I can see no rea- son why there should not be a joint commission to investigate questions of such a character, so that each na- tion will be in honor bound to submit those issues to the international ar bitration rather than to resort to war. That iden represents the bost Rpisit of the age. It has behind it t endorsement of the Chaistian world, " 9 PITH OF THE NEWS. Che Very Latest Culled From Over the World. Italy has sent 26,000 more troops to Tripoli. Sir Gilbert Parker will Sail for Can- ada on Saturday. Canadian Methodist have arrived at Shanghai. A verdiet of not guilty 'in the Farm: ars' Bank case was returned for W. lindsay. At Aurora, King said Sir chilvary, Wesleyan (College, Montreal, has sided to appeal the Prof. Workman, Two hundred Suffragéttes were jailed in London after a big window smash ing demonstration. The Duke of Conmjauuht has accept- d the office of ehief scout for Can ada of the Boy Scouts. Charles Page Bryan, the newly-ap- JOINvAE Xiferican ambassador to Ja pan, was received in andience by the mperor on Wednesday. The Anglican clergy reserve land in North Turonto, 118 meres," has been wld to W. Dinnick, president of the Dovarec ot Land eompany, for $3,200 an acre. P Ross, editor of the Journal, Ottawa, is the he-civie improvement ity for mayor, wt for AD missionaries Ont., Hon, Mackenzie James Whitney lacked de verdict favoring Envening nominee. «¢ league of that Mayor Hopewell is # third term. Hobble skirts, peak-a-boo' sacket hats, rats, powder and » COS: metics, have kept votes from women according to Mrs. Ida Husted Harper, of Boston, authoress and lecturer. Hafold Marshall and John Maloney. twa young men of Ogdenstorg, N.Y, were atrested on Monday for the theft of two seta of furs at the busi- news eolloge. They were released $1,000 Bail- cach. Commodore Perry's flagship, the Niagara, which his laid at the bot tom of the lake in the trie, Pa., har har, for twenty-five vears, will be raised and taken on a tour of the aroat lakes in 1913, as a feature the Pérry contennial. It transpires from the. official re port of the budget cdmmitten of the reichstag, that the situation between rent Britain and Germany was most tense from July 2lst to July 274 md that the language use on Hoth ides was very sharp. {Sir Richard W. Scott, formerly secretary of state, is out with 1 lengthy statement on the "Ne Tem ore dotres." He deals at length with the Hebert case, assests the decre applies only to Roman Cathoties, says it alma at preventing hasty and ill-considered marriages. Seven deck hands, of the steawmor Maodesa, were up before © PolMce Ma- rate Jelfs, at Hamilton, on Tue char, with refusing te v dug, tharged Captain Henderson, te help to coal the &fdaimer. They were alowed' to go but were informe that they werd liable to from four to twelve ®eeks' imprisonment. LIKELY NO RESIDUE. Gifts to Widow Cut Out the Rochester, Na Nov: 22.-By the {erms of the will of Morton .W. Run del, the residuary estate was he questhed to be used in the erection of a public library and art gallery. The amount was thought. to be about $250,000, but later there was a sur for Mr. had transferred his stock to Mrs h Holmes, a widow, no pects. ) waists, on of une Art . rel LT ; on t be ELE LIMIT TO HAT MIN. Deadly Thing Should Not Project §ver Crown. Nov. 2.---The edge woman's hat is = the! limit for the projection of the dead- fv hatpic by the New York State! Federation of Women's clubs, which closed * its" convention here Friday. Women whe have -beensitting hathess during the sessions of the conven tion adapted this resolution: ""Re- solved, 'that this ~coavention con demns the wee of hatpms that pro iwct beyond the crown of women's hats." In support of the measure the of metal eaps to protect the was urged. Fhe convention also went on record as ggaingt Christma shopping in the 'evening, at all after Dec. 15th, MOTHER OF EMPEROR ELOPES WITH ACTOR Princess Lai, Wife of Prince Rege of China, Takes Fortune in Jewels With Her, San Francisco, * Nov. 22. Lai, mother, of the bby' «¢ China, and wild of the prince re- gent, has eloped with an actor,4vany | Sha bu, according chinese papers. A number of newspapers m China rofer to the "disgrace that | kas «"®hme to the royal family," but only one, the Min Lu Po, the largest paper published in Uldna, gives wincess' name and an account the elopement: : The mother of the emperor, the pa per says, fell in love with the actor and -correspbnded with him' for some ine hetora the rebellion began. The paper draws the conclusion that «the princess _helieved that ¢he Manchnd cause was lost and decided to flee, Fhe "princess 1s said to have token -a fortune with her and to be living in Yung, in Mukden. Amr mctor and a barber are classea with the lonwest castes in China, and hinese here say that the elopement ¢ of | the princess was the ' greatest dis grace that could came to the Mancha dynasty. New York, tha crown 'of a use points nt! Princess to Hews published | tne of w FOUGHT A WOUNDE D MOOSE. Hunter Finally Slew Big Animal With a Knife. East Grand Forks, Minn., Nov. 22. --Attacked by a wounded moose, Ed- ward Lodgard, of this city, saved himself from.death only by engaging inn fierce "combat ~ with the animal and finally slaying it with a knife. The moose had fallen to the ground when shot. Running forward Lodgard was taken by surprise as the animal suddenly rose and charged him, He 'nised his rifle, but its hammer fell mn an empty shell. The hunter stunned the moose with A blow across the nose with the butt f the pun, dashed between its and stabbed it to death. weighed 1,668 pounds. BIG FORTUNE FOR KINCARDINE PEOPLE Juenos Ayres Man Leaves $14,000,- 000 Estate Which Ontario Kincardine, -Ont., Nov. 22-Short- ly after hearing that he und other members of the family were probibl, he sols heirs to a fortune of four teen million dollars, William McGaw lied at lin home here The money. was left by an vho died soma time ago at Ayres. William MeGaw ther John, who «died some time agd, had often heard from him, and it was currentde-meported --that he - was immonsely rich, REVEAL FRENCH *'DUKE" AS NOTORIOUS THIEF Phil de Clameey Sent to Jail for Sin JYears After He imposes on Boston Officials. Boston, Nov. 22.--Phil de Clamecy, dso known as 'J de Clamecy™ wd the 'Duke de Neverew," who has Liven 'entertnimed by Mavor Fitzgerald urd other city and state offi®als," as a French nobleman, was adjudged 4 a 'foommon and notorious thief be Jedge Sanderson, of the superior rimifal codrt, and sentenced to state grisop_ for mot less than six and more than ten vears. De Clamecy pleaded guilty 'ndictment of four counts tated to the passing of hecks CANADA 18 MANACLED, By Shackles of Tory-Oramgist Press Agninst Laurier. Montreal, Nov. 22.-"Le Senne legs The moose urele Buenos and his bro to an which re worthless of and ¥3edone | | to force their way into the emperor | i | | | i lo i t Commons. i i MADE UPWARDS OF ARRESTS. The. Suffragettes Fared WHO Badly Window Smashing by the Mili. tants, Eondon; Nov. fared badly at th lice last night. i 22. ~The sufirairettos eo hands of the po- They had threatened house of jcommons and make a protest on the {floor of the house against the prime | minister's refusal to pledge the jorniment to a bill 'giving equal i frape to both" sexes, but they leven to reach the entiance to iment, Thwarted by the police, {upwards of 2% arrests, {fragettes resorted to | window- smashing. Diven vrom Par {liamort Square by the police, 1800 of whom were on duty, the womgn, | accompanied by sympathizers, pro- | ceeded through Pall Mall armed with mgs of stones concealed under their! coats, and hroke the windows in the pubEe oflices, the liberal headyuart- ers and the National Liberal Club. They even extended their operations to the Strand, where windows of the pést office, banks "and other pri- vate concerns suffered from the slaught, The militant ¢nctics of the fengettes followed a statement by Premier Asquith that the government was unable to introduce a hill to en- franchise women, as the cabinet was divided on the question, but would allow an amendment to be introduced | ta the proposed manhood suffrage bill, leaving it 'to ¢he house « ecom- mons to decide whether women sho wld be given a vote. Tha demonstration was not so Vargls as those of last year. The damage to property was preater than ever, how- ever, and the number of arrests es tablishes a new record: (3Cannon Row station in Whitehall "was crowded with prisoners, and the police. were oecupied dor hours in making charges against them, Among those arrested Lawrence, who is joint Votrs far Women; Lady Lytton; sister of Lord the Hon. Mrs. 'Evalina daughter of Lieut.-Gen, ger, gov- suf- fatlad - parlia- | who "made | the sup a campaign of on- sufs were Mrs. editor of ytton, and Haverfiedd, Lord Ahin- Women Were Fined. London, Eng., Nov. 22.-Two hun- Ired and twerdy-three women, atrest- td during the suffragettes' disorders of yesterday, were arraigned in Bow street police station this moming, and one and all prondly pleaded guilty to the charges of disorderly conduct, and were fined or sentenved imprisonment. The majority chose prison and were taken by the store, in prison vens, to various places of detention. The crown pro- sectors and magistrates said the prisoners were guilty of conduct disgraceful and ditereditable to Fag- lish: womanhood. The orders were gwen that their treatment in prison should be ths same as c¢ommon pri soners, to BOUNTY U PON PIG-1IRON by Manufacturers Hérden Ministry. "Ouawa, Nov. 22~The ofthe manufaeturing interests of the country upon the new government was made this moming when an im. portant delégation of iron and steel mamifactarers waited upom the mine isters and nsked for the granting of a bounty upon pig iron as partial compensition for disatllities umier which industry is placed through | lowering of duties, exemp- tions and diserindnations." i he spokesman of the deputation were Messrs, J. H. Plummer, T. J. Prom- mond, Thomas Cantley, R. [lobson and R. J, Mercer, representing the Dominion Steel corporation, the Nova Scotia Steel company, the Camada Iron Uorporiation, the Steel econpany uf Canada, the Deseronto Blast Fur. nace and the Atikokané Iron com- pauy. It is understood that Mr. ~ Borden promised careful condideration, and also asked for definite information as to the relative.cost of production "ip Cannda and in other countries, "and also data as to the probable effect upon the development of the "eountrs whieh the proposal involv cd. The premier wns this mémis od to place an item in Ute est for the coming year for/ eonstraciion of the Georgian Day #anal, but de clined to make any "definite promise, merely promising eafeful consideration and reminding his visitors that the government hed not yet time to decide upon important 'questions of - {pofiey. \ SWEDEN 1S WILLING To Allow Dominions to Withdraw From British Treaties. Lopdonl Nov. 22.--1In the House of Commons, FD. Acland said the Swed: ish government had expressed aadi, ness to allow the self-governing dom- injons te Withdraw from the Anglo Swedish treaties if they desired- No other governments have yet replied. ma minister to the Uwitedl States, piter 'the Pavamie presigiency. Asked i of the first demand "a nry- mates THWARTED BY POLICE in London Streets--A Campaign of "Constance VESSEL HIGH AND DRY 1 Said Canddians and, i is a Board. New York, Nov. witeless nessage, day, the Hav steamer "Prine -Josehim, = whith here, Saturday, or Kingstown, maica, ie stuck fast on the rocks two Shandred mites notth od Havel, but ied vot in a dangerous condition. Mr. and Mrs. Inkstetter, of [amidton, are amon: it is beliet dians. Are According to received here, oarz- American fn to hn} tof | ed there are other Cana TANG on S. He Has Gone Over to the "Republican | Side. Nov. ®.--Tang min ister "Tokio, Shao Yi, for merly of posts and office under the regime of Yuan Shi Kai, dictator, and has joined the re Volutionary cause, declaring for. straight 'republic, The situalti nin the etbinet is sevions, several boing abd hat to follow the he example 4 of Tay SHOT HIS WIFE DI 00WN ON A MONTREAL STREET John Cummings, 2 Wa a Waiter, Amested, But Denies That He Attacked the Woman. ~ Montreal, Nov. 2X.~John Cam- foings, who is alleged to have coolly shot down his wife on the street last !night, was this morning arrested in a restaurant, where he was acting us u | waiter Last evening, Mrs, Cummings, {who was separated from her husband, | wag walking home from her work in jie Canada Paint company's factory, | with a young man, whén another man, {said to have been Cummings, siden ly pulled out a revolver and shot he down, killing 'her instantly. He escap- | ad -- the crowd which gathered; and | walked coolly down a side: street. Taken beoiore Chief Carpenter ° ten | minutes. after his apprehension, how. ever, Cummings absolutely denied hia guilt, but upon being se; arched by de tectives a 38-calibre revolver was dis- {covered in his hip pocket. All the! chambers, with the exception of (we,. which contained empty cases, loaded with ball amanmition were BON AR LAW WINS. The Result Against Is a Protest Home Rule, London, Eng., Nov. 92.2 Under the leadership of Bonar law, th: uniogs tats made a notable gain in South Somerset, when Hon. 'A. Heghwert was flected. in in dhe constituency, ich d voted likpral for centuries oe bye-eloction was eauscd by tho -eleva- tion of Fdwaid Strachey, the late li beral member, to the pectage This turn-over, is regarded as bh protest a-| gainst home rule for Ireland: ow Socialisth Must be Fought, New York, Nov. 2.- Bird. S. Coler, yesterday, branded socialism us o the great:st menace of the age, saving that ssven out of ton teachers in New York city schools wery social i ists and were hinging wp-the child. | rin that way, To Keep the fmhbiie | decent, said Coler, socialism had 10! be fought tooth an] nai) f THREE NATIONALISTS LEAVE TORY CAUCUS - Some Significant Incidents Con-| nected With the First Bovern- | ment Gathering. Ottawa, Nov. 2--~F. D, Monk » nde | his appearance at a comsdgvative cau cus, yesterday, Alter an ahsence of yvenr. The eaucus lasted for two! hours, and Mr. Monk remained Yous | than twenty minutes. The exceptional brevity of his. visit, after his long ex ile from ejucus, lords further col longo | Sir Wilfrid Lairier"s comments in the] house. The metion of Mr. Monk in} leaving the eaucus so early was alll the more smgnilicant in view of the fact that lie was followed in few | moments by Hon. Mr. Nantel. = And] Mr. Nantel had not been gone for| more than a minute when Dr. Paguet | another leading nationalist, came out} and did mot go back. It is under stood that early in the cancus some of | the straightline conservatives showed | a disposition to resem the nutionaliat] influence in the caucta, especially ip | regard to the maval question and Mr. | Lancaster's bill respecting the ne te mere hy § i n i i i | 1 ONLY" ASKING THEIR RIGHTS, Says Bruchesi, in Discussing the Ne Temere Decree.' Montreal, Nov. 22.-A pew, state i ment on the Ne Temeee decree cirued | by Archbishop Druchedi, was issuer di from the archhishen's palace, to-day. Fhe statement holde that Untholirs are not seking sony mote than constitutional rights when they mand that the evil power recoguizes impediments om miardiage ordained by the Catholic church, He declares that the Ne Temere decree is nol under atood by the public. Lhe de . B. Elliott, thas rétiring master mechanic of the sasterm division of the C.P.R., was presented arith an easy! couch 'and chair, on Monday evening, : by the members of {he lorbmotive brotherhood "of the Ottawa district. DO} $1 1901 ING 'sles] aw) SY Wpued Bernhardt indignantly hes the that she 1% about to marry Lou lellegen, a twenty-six- year-old Flemish actor. Mrs. Daniel Stewart, of - Lin, disd} on Tuesday morning, aged Syiy-nine |yesrs. i & oa Ja {int | the passengers apoard and | &! | ym- | munications has refused to continue in 3 z | Comment i { Gazette, Lorden cabinet evening wn (prépaosd by } ree fe Ww O of fof Avatris, Ww FATHER PROBABILITIES. 1 FRR MW 22nd, 10 nm ; SU Lawton east to south wind ris SHOW towards even ring locally to sleet ay £ nd t pper i fing | or rain night { am-- | OOOOCOOOOVOCO00O0000D CHRISTMAS § 5 4 T i CODED? © | SUGGESTIONS | | |OUR LINEN SECTION A and hust | i i i b X BY 1 |$ | { i | i i lg little more than a month Christmas, with a1 its > of gift purchaking, will be with us We would sug- gest that you should do your buying now for two reasons Fir best 2 0< NOOVOCOOTFOOBOOOTOO0 SOPOT OO0Q VOODOO on oo 5000000 OCICS Our selection is at Jn Second--You will save your- self the lnconvenienta of shop- ping at a time when the store is erowded. ® { To-day we place before you an excepflonal showing o beautiful LINENS sul:able fo gift giving, which we will take great pleasure in showing you if you call FANCY DEW BLEACHED BEDROOM TOWELS FROM Sto $1, GURS® TOWELS, 25¢ to 80c. FANCY IOYLIES, 12 1.2¢ to $3.50 NTRES, TRAY/CLOTHS, FET COVERS, CARVERS, Ete, EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES TABLE END PIECES, 18 hy Bempyed adge, H30¢ quality at 18¢. BLEACHED TABLECLOTHS, Prétty designs, with border ali aroand,-size-62 by 22° Pare frish linen $1.76 quality ar ®L30. $1.65 quality at $1.25, SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL mn : Ni Pillow Dresser so w, whe, Q @ i} <Q BU} "i, They are simply slogant, ---- STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. 0000UO0! HOO0000LB000000 BORN. Kingstos, MeKENTY § and Mrs 1911, 1 ROBERT J. REID, Leading Undertaker, 230 Princess Street. The JAM Firm of 204 ana 98 Pui Es TM er Vane | 147 tor a TTAKE NOTIOD, ars hase t of the "Royal Agen Soa good wird and modern prices; also a oh fo oBd heaters, se- Nov ¥ Phone | cond band, which We will sell at reduc + prices, Don't #it till they are all gone, Tur k's. Phone TS a Wwe TRY ome DUERR'S S JAMS HANPRERRY. STRAWBERRY. RLACKBERRY, APRICOT, PEACH. STONELESS DAMSON, STONELESS GREENGAGE, {1 1.2 Ln. AAI JARS, 33 CENTS. Jas. Redden & Co. REC IPROCH! TOY NC Nor BEATEN, of The Westminster Gazette on Sir Wilfrid's Speech. X 22.4 The West minster Sie Willeid Laurier's spesch, says: "The advocates of re @procity; are plainly not beaten, al- Yigup h in a temporary minority. Cer- ainly in all the coalitions in our Ho noe we have had no such. ex ample of such diviese clesionts as the presents." Tandon, angnt Ot A meeting of the Frontenne Hodkey Club Bas been ealisd for next Monday the «ity council chamber. stiteriont of last year, I, Jl. Dowsley, will be proceed and officers for the coming soason will be, dleeted, Anyone who is intereted in the tent is invited to be Présent., Last, Oetobar Avehdake Ferdinand, Emperor Francis Joseph married withoul permis emperor, Hosa Cruber, {nancial of th: shown ithe dang biter of a professor of engi inserting, and was ford. deprived oh The empéror his rank of svehaduke, has now forgiven Kim, restored rank and enchled his wits. Pr. "Dilarize Yorins, former Pang Wie