iv From Trapper to Wearer, (Registered. ) PERSIAN LAMB COATS MADE TO ORDER. » Select your Skins and Linings, 7 FIT AND STYLE. QUALITY, GUARANTEED. Compare our Prices. Absolutely No Obligation to Buy. - JOHN McKAY 149-157 Brock St., Kingston. 191 Solid Comforts $5 $6.50 wp to Comfort. PARLOR CHAIRS style, finish and covering, $4.50, $5.60 up ? sremivar, 1atlh All up-to-now in $6.00, A large range of Parlor Suites In the up very latest designs, Our own holstering. Some beautiful cov ering OILLOLOTH CARPETS AND RUGS Home and Torelgn makes Curtains--Lace, Madras, Silk, Repair _and Uphdlstering = promptly and well done 'Phone 90 All ete Yours, a T. F. HARRISON co. Berescsassaae SPECIAL | SALE OF WHITE BLAN KETS In best qualities, all wool, b, 6,7 and 8 lbs. weight. R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. All widths and patterns sizes Work ¢ "Jrursl lands in Frontenac, Our Morris Chairs are imequalled &, ve for Strength and a A 'Are believers in owning because it can't fly into smoke and as good in 'vestment. 2 REAL ESTATE On our books will cola mone , for buyers If Righy on wen line REAL ATE fold. det our partieniars. 1] ' DISCUSSES SYDENHAM . HIGH SCHOOL MATTERS, | And Has a Little Wrangle Over In. spector Reid's Suit for Additional' Will Make Settlement. The Novémber session of the county council opened on Tiesday afternoon in the coundl chamber » the court 'house. In attendance were; - Warden Miller and Councillors Calvin, Sal- mond, Ieid, Godkin, Donaldson, Foley, Cronk, - Stewart, Hamilton, Rogers, Kennedy, ~ Balen, Taylor, Truscott, Thomson and' Faweett. Hume communications were received: Ww. Wilson elerk of Lennox and Aion council, asking that a date be fixed for a meeting of repre sentatives of that ecouncil-and ol Frontenac, regarding Inspector Reid's salary and expense claim, and to consider other business. Kingston General Hospital gover uors and Children's Aid agent, asking for appointments with- the council. An adjournment was made until ten o'clock, Wednesday morning, when further communications were read. The Sisters of Charity, House of Providence, asked for an annual grant for clothing of inmates from _ Fron. ténace., The forestry branch of the interigr department; Ottawa asked for the ares of swamp and other non-agricul- us it is conwidering the question of refores- tration in certain parts of the ecoun- try. Untario Good Roads Associatioy, agked that the Frontenac council ap- point representatives Lo join 4 bi deputation to wait upoll the Domin- lon government, regarding a grant for good roads, us soon as possible after the Ontario elections, The secrctaries of Picton and Perth high schools wrote to notify the council that these two schools were open to pupils from Fromtenac. coun- W. F. Nickle, county solicitor, re- ported that in his opinion Wolfe ls land was nol necessarily bound. td be connected with any high school district, nor could that township be held liable for any portion)of the cost of the enlargement of the Sy- denham high school which comes un- der the mame of "permanent im- provements." Mr. Nickle also advised that Wolfe Island could not collect any refund from the county. Thurslay was fixed as the day for receiving various charitable deputa: tions which wished grants. A discussion took place upon the advisability of the whole council going out on Thursday afternoon to NMydenham to examine the ' work be- ing dune on the high school addi- tion. Cowreillor Kennedy moved that the tii be made, Councillors Hams ton ard Cronk did not think it was worth while to make the trip. Cormneillcr Stewart said there was o building committee and it should be heard from. Councillor Kennedy Coa ir: the council © should leave the matter to tis committee. Conncitlor Stewart stated that the contractors wire now working on the third storey. So far $3,050 had Leon drawn by the contractors. Coueillcr Kennedy pointed out that it was very advisable for the coun- cil "10 see the extension. It had placed a linte of $8,000 on the - cost of 'the building, whaeas the oon- tract was $8,600, without furnish- ines. It looks as though the high school tFistces would come back fof $2,000 more. Coundllor Kennady further pointed out that the attend- ance at the Sydenham high school had fallen off. 'There were only two pupils "in the fourth form. 1t whs decided to await- a report from the building commhittee Welore a visith was made to Sydenham. Councillor Stewart asked for infor- mation concerning the recent case of School Inspector M. R. Reid vs. the county eouncils of Frontenac, and Lennox. and Addington, for $302 ad: ditional travelling expenses. The wars dem and Rr oeior Donaldson re- ported that Judge, Price had left the matter to the two councils for settle ment. If the councils could not agree then the judge would give judgment. Councillor Wtewsrt said that Inspec tor Reid did not reside in his inspec- torate as the law required. He jour: neyed to his home in Sydenham for every week-end. If he lived in his in- spectorate, he would find that his ex- penises would be less. Quite a wrangle gecurred as to whe- ther the educational or a special com- mittee should be sent to Napanee to confer with [gnnox. and Addington representatives as to a settlement with! Inspector Reid. Warden Miller and Councillors Cronk and Donaldson held that the edueational committee should be sent, as it was an educa tional issue. Councillors Thomson CASTORI. IA For Infants and te Kid You Ha Ava Bough Bears the Bipmiteat , ED. MULLER Carpet Cleaning and La and Furniture Repairing. 879 KING STREET. 'Phone 1032. ying" COAL! is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL wood Coal amd we usnyaten BOOTH & CO. Expenses----Educstional Committee & SON » aud Kennedy did not agree, it to be a mere financial arr Councillor Thomison Councillors Donaldson, Stewart Calvin be sent. : Warden Miller fntimated that the judge had recommended that the mat- a be first referred to the education- al committees of the two councils. If they could not settle the matter, then it should go to the councils. { On motion of Councillors Truscott and Shannon, the matter was referred to the educational committee to meet the 'same committee of the Lénnox and Addington eouncil. The council adjoursed till 10 a.m. Thursday, to give the committees a chance to do their work, ement. that and AT COOKE'S CHURCH, The Ladies' Aid Held Concert, The tea and concert held on Tues a Tea and {|day evening, tnder the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Cooke's church, was a most successful event, and much en- joyed by the many who were present. The event<was held in the lecture hall and wpwards of three hundred people -{ were present. Ihe ladies of the church had charge of the tea, and are deserving of great praing for the fine spread they provid- The lddies at Cooke's have al- wavs had a fine record in this line, but on Tihesday evening they excelled themselves. "The arrangements were perfect, and the menu of the best. As result of thé efforts put forth by the ladies the sum of $60 was realized, which will be given over to the church organ fund. After tea there was a Most enjoy- able programme of inusic rendered. Mayor Graham was thd 'chairman of the 'evening, and introduced the pro- € | gramme, which included the follo ving numbers : Piano duet, Miss L. Walke and Miss Jobuson; voeal solo, Mr. Beecroft; recitation, Miss Biglow; pi- ano solo, Miss k. Newman; vocal solo, Miss Davies; recitation, Miss Mayell; violin solo, Miss Johnson; vocal solo, Mise Jessie Reid; recitation; Mr. John- son, Queen's student: vocal solo, Mr. McCallum. The programme proved a most delightful treat. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, McEwen, the Hypnotist, Again Draw» a Big Audience. The Grand Opera House last even- ing was filled with an audience = to witvess the second performance of the great McEwen, magician, hypnotist and mind-reader. 'The performance opentd with the awakening = of the young men who had been in an hypnotic sleep during the afternoon. The pibject seemed to have enjoyed his Bleep for he seemed loath to be brdugh ck to real life. Mss rence Hartley 'gave three numbers, "In the Fternal City," 'Sa Saran Rosa" (an Italian walt sing), and being recalled gave "Nora Malone." The professor, before going on with his hypnotio work, ammounced that be would give three valuabie prizes to his best subjects during the week, class of twelve: were on the stage and went through the different phases of hypnotic sleep. . The professor Fill show how he ean remove handeufis and! manacles from himself, no matter how. tight and secure, to-night, in connection with the new programme. A young lady was placed in a hyp- notio sleep this afternoon in a Princess street store and will be awakened to-night on the stage. ? WORK IS~TO BEGIN the Royal . Military Oetlent Wharves Next Week. Gowan and Whitney, of Brockville, have the contract for the comstruction of new wharves and a large boat: house at the Royal Military College. 'The wharves will be built in front of the dormitories, and the work will start next week. The contract figure Le in thé neighborhood of $20,000, Eo Oragnized for Session. A very successful social evening was held by the A.Y.P.A. of Bt. George's cathedral, in the hall, on Tuesday evening, a bright programme of chor: uses, piano solos by Prof. Gummer, Louis Marchand and R. R. F. Harvey, wongs by Miss Whitebead and Miss Beardsall and George Gillespie, a read- ing by Dean Bidwell and an address by Canon Starr wus rendered. The work for the winter was planned and the following are the officers : Honor- ary president, Mrs. Bidwell; past presi: On AND THUS SECURED THE COly LEGE CHAMPIONSHIP. A The Purpose of 'the Interfaculty Games Has Been Served. The final inter-faculty game, Tues- day afternoon, between Science and Arts for the rugby championship of the "university, was won by husky science, and when the referee's whistle sounded "Bud they were pronounced victors, the yell | of 'Science Hall Forever," was given lustily. wan13-to 3, and the gywe vell played ity sport. All honor men for having won it. Was' to the science St. John's Basketball Club. St. John's basketball club met on tuesday evening and the captains of he two teams were elected. St. John's will make a brave efiort to make a lair showing. Athletic Association Meets, The 8.85.A.A.A, executive is to meet chursday evening. in the Y.M.C.A. wilding for the consideration of im- wortant business. The new schedule will be presented for adoption and plans for a hockey league will be discussed. Sporting Notes, Queen's track elub meets this after' noon for election of oflicers. 'The last of the ipter-vear and inter- aculty rugby games are over at Jueen's and beside gurnishing a lot of fun they have served the purpose in- tended, that of bringing out raw aaterial which olfierwise would not ave had a chance to develop. A new treasurer of the Frontenac Hockey Club: will have to be elected ait the first meeting. 1. J. Dowsley, vho looked after the funds, is now jn oronto, but his heart is with the Urontenaes. There is a surplus in the nank now of 'ghout' $320. Who wilt inanage, the Junior Fron enacs should there be a team ? Some have said that Sutherland could handle the two teams; but that is too uch for one man to do. Whi about "Senator" Powell ? After the first meeting of the Fron- tenac Hockey Club, "Jim" Sutherland will "be a busy man getting things in to shape for the coming season. I'here * a lot of work in connection with the management of a team. STOREHOUSE WAS ROBBED. \ Clergy Street Building Was Enter- ed. Some time norning," some persou or persons, broke into the huilding pext to 'lames Robbs' butcher shop, on Clergy «treet, recently occupied by the mat- tress factory, hut now used as a storehouse, Entrance wus gained through a window at the rear, about two and a half feet sjuare, at the rear the entire sash being knocked out. A quantity of condemned mili- tary stores, clothing, rope, ete, was stolen. From wheal marks in the lane, evidently a waggon was used. As far as is known, no trace has been found of the missing stores. early on Wednesday | Ten and Sale. Girls' branch of W.A, of St. George's, annual tea, at Miss Macaulay's resi- dence, 203 King street, Thursday af- ternoon. Sunkist 'Naval Oranges, First of the season from California, also our first lot of California celery received to-day Carnoveky's. |" For dry kindling go to Swift's. Peervrrcssrsassrassae > 4 i | "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." The Guessing Contest Has begun in earnest. Every lady is entitled to one guess. ent, Miss Laura Ryder; pn Prof. Noel Gill; vice-presidents, Miss Brownfield and George Gillespie; secre tary-treasurer, Miss Olkhe. Former Kingstonian Dead. Word was received in the oty of the death, at Oil, City, Pa., of a for mer Kingstorsian, in the person of Mrs. Sarah Jane Cameron, aged sixty. four "years, ameron. Smarsm, in 1848, and her marriage also took place in this city. She was a woman of sterling character, and beloved by all her acqpaintances. At Oil- City she was identified with the First Baptist church, In addition to. her husband she is survived by one son, Wilkam H., of Toledo. Drawing-room Prayer § Services. Prawing-room meetings for Bible ing and prayer were held, Monday evening, in the home of George Mills, University avenue, and last evening in the home of F. (i. Lockett. In these meetings the Bapt- ist and CU ational the city are united. t meetings ave conducted by T. S. Cole, of Toronto. They are well attended : to be very helpful. This evening Alda union service will be held * There are only three kinds of Furs displayed--Russian, 3 Sable, Hudson Bay Sable, and Mink -- each article being ticketed with its correct name, and three or four showing the price. This is te help the con « testants. Some of the pieces shown Are -- A Hudson Bay Sable Scarf at A Russian Sable Muff at +». $125.00 Et A Mink Muff at .. cov $90 It Was Quite an Exciting Game--| The score: exhibition of the univer-| er It Never, Never Can Naughty Marietta. 'Neath the Southern Selections, 4 260 PRINCESS STREET. 2 " INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Nelsy Paragraphs Pleked Up By Our Reporters. Cream, at McLeod's Drug Stores. ' Dr? A. M. Galbraith, Tuesday in the city. The new dance is called the Argen- tine, a five-step. Formolid Throat Ease, Drug Stores. Some people are boasting' THAT "their Christmas shopping is done. Rev. T."W."Neil returned from tawa Tuesday afternoon. Glover's dog medicines, Drug Stores. HA Cases against' provisiofad directors of Warmers" Bank collapsed in to court on Wednesday. Rev. Dr. Ryckman, Kingston, con: ducted anniversary serviced gin the Methodist church at Athéis. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. leave orders au Auley's bookstore. Eric Boak will manage Fee n's rog- by teams next season. He was ap Malvina Yarker, upent at Mcleod"s ot McLeod's at Toron: 21 Me- s| pointed at a meeting this week. Miss street, ness. Mrs. Thomas Lindsay, Clergy street, left Tuesday to spend the winter with rélatives in the old country. Students say eifht o'clock is frightful hour for college to be ed. -W. F. Nickle, M.P., Kingston' mem ber; expects soon to bring up in the house a bill affecting Queen's Univer sity. Mrs. street, Kathleen Sughrue, Sydenham has recovered from a recent ill n call Sydenham home, after George Harrison, has returned spending the past few months with her father, "Mr. Roscol, Picton. - Frank Lee and a gang of men from the Kingston Foundry, left on Wed nesday for Marlbank to do some re pair 'work at the cement works. Sanitogen, three sizes, at Mcleod's Drug 'Stores. Oscar Johnson, city assessor, Toron- to, has aeturned home, after two weeks' visit to his cousins, the Braden brothers, Kingston Mills. - John Wolf, Peter Katzonlos and "Tim", Maddocks, mining prospectors from Old Ontario, drowned in the wp- setting of canoe in Big Lake, Al goma, lagt week. The ladies were bers at the basketball games on Tues day evening. The team will have a large number of supporters at the games this season. William Swaine, piano "tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778, Page's Asthma cigarettes, at Leod's Drug Stores, : Miss Amelia Gibson, nurse-in-train- ing at the general hospital, has re turned from a pleasant trip to Bos- ton. Dr, A. C. Scott, has been appointed house surgeon, at the general hos pital, So take the place of Dr. A. MeGlennan, who has left for Colborne, Ont. Both are graduates of Queen's University. Capt. Perreau, the newly appointed adjutant of the Royal Military Col- lege, will be settled in his new quar- ters at the college by a week from Thursday. Two men, without means, came {to the police station on Tuesday night, and "asked for shelter, and Were ac commodated. The gold weather makes the knights of the road look for the police station. * Dr. F. McK. Bell, of Ottawa, broth- er of R. C. Bell, of this city, and Dr. J. Bell, of Hamilton, had his auto mobile badly damaged in the fire at one of the garages in Ottawa last week Me- Kingston was certainly on her good behaviour on Tuesday. There were no arrests, or sununonses issued, and as an result, there was no session. of the" police court, on Wednesday morn: ing, and Magistrate Farrell had an off day The portamouth philosopher says : "For goodness sake have a light in the city hall tower so citizens ean see the time. There should be a light early in the evening." The philoso- pher is right. The clock has been in darkness for several nights during the early part of the evening, Home From the West. James MNMeCammon, has returned home from an. extended trip to ' the North- 'West, He says there is a great boom out in the west in the way of selling property, and that the difier- ent towns Sad _ cities are making good that ngston is 1K. regent, and he made sure to get a return ticket. He went by way of Chicage and St. Pani, and ta few days in these places. Mr. McCam- mon's health was much improved as a result of the trip, Some men 'endesvor to gain recogi- in. by he wae plten of the letter wi getting i's an I'm Falling in Love With. Someone. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. If 1 Were Anybody Else But Me, out in large num-! NAUGHTY MARIETTA MUSIC 'Lyrics by RIDA JOHNSON YOUNG For a limited time only we will carry in stock the principal numbers of this. popular opera. Music oS be Love Moon. Complete Voeal Score. The College Book Store ~~ OPEN NIGHTS. You can not blame the man, or ygu can not blame the woman whose fect ache, who has tired muscles and nerves, who is fatigued after a few hours walk. The cause is a weak or Broken down instep, also known as "flat-foot." rheumatisin, achea, pains. distorted Jook- ing shoe, and the cramped toes, are all results of a weak instep or broken down arch. Sometimes the perfect lines of the "foot are destroyed and sometimes they are not, but the vietim suffers all the symptoms, TRADE MARK REGisTERiD Reariie Scholl 'Foot-Bazer' and got instant relief to these painful foot aliments, and rest to the tired body. The "Foet- '1s ascientific support to the arch or instep. 1s nade of two German Silver springs, leather covired. Light, comfortable and self-adjusting to nil feet. Is worn in the regular size 8 Abagnud can be changed from one pair to anothe 0 matter what your oe 'cupation is--~no matter what style shoo you wear, if yeu want to enjoy your wiiks and want to forget abont yor foot, come in and be fitted to u parr of Scholl **Foot Eazers." A trial will demonstrate ho falth-- woney back If Lot satisfe?! Dr. A. P. CHOWN, Druggist and Optician, 183 PRINCESS ST. "Phone 343. eee ava Yel: JOO COO Yelerele OOOO00 ©) LADIES' READY-TO-; WEAR SKIRT St Will be placed & § : on sale Thursday. § : £50 Skirts in the « lot, all sizes, colors § & are Navy, Brown, ' Green, Black and # Grey. Thursday lew $1.98 Exc: "Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. 000 OOO0O0000C Yas oe es Ye GOOOC aE i see) (s, 8 Seas serene QUITE LIVELY TIME In One of the City Schools on Tues- ' day. According to the reports going rounds, today, there wax quite lively time in the old Collegiate In stitute, on Tuesday, where a clase is at study, ander a temporary teacher, It all came about when the teacher wanted to use the strap on a lad, for what she termed impertience on the part of the lad. She succeeded in keeping the discipkne of the room, and used the sirap on the boy a couple of times so it is claimed, but the lad fought bitterly, and in addi tion to pulling a gold chain off the teacher's neck, he nlso tore her cloth rs . the n The lad clans that he was not im geetment. and it was reported, to y that the ease might be brought to the attention of the school board. The lad who figured in the ense/is a son resident, and has been paying a fee to attend the school. It's Pretty Soft For Simon, Ttalian Street Song. You Marry a Marionette, The Dream Melody. The Sweet Bye and Bye. Live For To-day. A i il, at o. { - nn Ee Tired Feet? -- by VICTOR' HERBERT Waltz, 'Phone 019, C0900 090000099000000000 SPECIAL VASE VALUES Sterling Silver Deposited De- signs on Crystal Glass Vases at $1.00 each The bent value in one cf the New Articles -< dainty that we have See these while the supply lasts' pn, SMI TH BROS. 350 KaNG STREET. Jewelers. Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses, 0040000000000000000004 MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. F GOURDIER Kipling's pathetic tale of the artist who lost his sight, teaches a moral, THe eyes are the bread winners. Take care of them. Have them examined. Know that they are right, We are eye experts. Satisfaction guaranteed OR MONEY REFUNDED. KEELEY, Jr. Optometrist, 226 PRINCESS STREET. HOME WASH i We're home wash : we do the best laundering | town---you know that, {| Arted us. people Ia if you've Make it look ya {I through RTA lat amily ork ash No fabric of any kind that we cannot wash perfectly. Our new plan explained in detall for the asking, Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts, "Phone 22,