PROMINENT TOWN OF NAPANEE armies ied on, Tuesday Afternoon After Severe Hiness--Twp Weddings Napanee on Monday. \ Napanee, Mov. 22.-John \ s MLL SUMS is a difficult. matter, man fhias lost all Lis money | through unwise Investments ro | some get-rich-quick scheme. |i A saving account ar the Bank of Toronto dor your spare money: will prove safe, con- venfent and profitable, A Frase diel at his hope about yesterday afternopn. The had been" in 'poor healih for the pa operation, byt when the tore aw . him they opération would ouly hasten the en i BE way bromght to his heme agai The icurnev to Toronto sod back w go an Interest paid on Savings De- posits, dnys hed aud for the last few pp The Bank of Toronto INCORPORATED 1855, ing weaker family at widaw, one aurvive.. They are Mrs. Scheftele, New . York: = Mrs. (Dri Bonnell, I Brookivn; Mes. A, A, Holland, and A thur, of New York, Ome WW. A. Rowe, recides in Napanee. funeral will be announced later. (mm Monday "morning Alice HH youngekt daughter of Mr. HH, A to W. B. Cronk, of Cuelph, of Deseronto, Rev. Father i GEORGE IL McK AY, ij performed the ceremony Manager. his bedside. som and sister, KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. | prosmiinet an Spree sp ] | 1 i i i 3 | 0O'Connc the before 1aking in Guglph. Napanee in Kingston, oy Mics Alice (. Pruyn, onh moon in west, resirienog Anut her ace marriage Monday, daughter « Mrs, W K. Pruyn, Arthar 1. Dafoe. Ren wrformed the ceremony at lence of Mr, and Mrs. H E of the, bride. Mr on, mut A pend their honeymood Naor will Bermuda, A Beautiful Complexion. A+ a substitute for a fexiom, sSCme women resort to and powder. - Dut' the, wore use Wade's Iron Tonic Pills, produce a natural, healbbvy fon, make new blood constitution [fice Meload's drug stores, Floor ax, "ane Wag witha Guarantee" and ¢ on 25e., FOR SALE BY Visit Kingston. j& said thy Ike of Connawgh and party, conang the * K P. RR., will pe. in Kington on turday, Ie. 2nd, fron': na " While here the Royal will be visited baste eee Ministerial Association boxing in the \ request to { eoincil to take steps to have discontinued Duke May It aver to '1 a.m. Colleg Jerlin denounced terms and sent Ask for Book.on Treat- ment of Floors and prac tice A gniet wed fding ville. on Naturdas Mise Hah Boulter was W. Brewster, of Campbelliord. Try King a Quality" flow want satisfaction. afternoon, whe Sanple of Restorer -- Noo doubt there are chisotiul «but did vou ever sed one? givers THURSDAY, 8.30 O' clock Black Sateen; lined with good quality Red Flan. nel, Black Gloria Taffeta, (the best imitatoin of Taf- $1.75, $2.00, and $2.50 Thursday a 98c. Da : Knitted Wool Underskirts Thursday in stripe and fancy designs $1.76 Thursday x 8c. 15 Doan Laties' Flamelette Wrappers ill wide widths $1.50 to $200 Made of ext ty of 1, trimmed th Buna on fa Toei Batra wide Jn 30 Doz. Black Underskirts 'feta Silk ever made), Black Sateen Bkirts up to $1.35 and $1.50 : "98. 8 Dozen Long Kimonas or Dressing Gowns ; = Boers, 2 Blacks, Navys, and Reds made | 'tom Ladies' ite 'Flamelete Gow $135 to CERT ' aldron({$ . : 4 - . : NSE a, "i (LATE JOM A FRASER TesiprnT BF a resident of Napatite for muny years, live o'clock deceawrd conple of ; months, aml shout a week ago wax taken to Toronto to inder- doe decided than ar a severe straits wpon him, buy he ral- Was resting comfortably, but always grow: He passed away with his Besides hie three daughters of Of rs "The Gertrude, and Mrs, W, was united in matrimony forme rly The newh- welded couple tefr for x short -haney- up took when was married to William Kidd the resi Robert and Mra in | His enso beautiful com paint sensible whic} complpx robust | at J. KH A Sa: Velitars has wtrongept the mayo th took place in Belle wedded to FE. if you PGE hE WEST CHARGE" OF STARHING ARTHUR JOHNSON. James Campbell Was Arvested in Kington on Tuesday Sorniug-- Denies™ Having Used a Kulféer Police Went Arrest Him a Perth Road. A dow hours after County Coustable Rohert SNumith and Cig Comstable Alesander McAdoo, left for the [Perth Roud, to place dames Canipueli nider arrest, on o charge of stabbing Ar hur Oohoson, on Monday " nigut, Sergt wert Nesbitt and Uonstable 1 #4 Bateson, came acro® the ac used near Victories Park, al the head ik. Brock sireet, placed him uhder ar rest and Tockesd lim up at the police aution. He will "Te bhronght before Justice of the Peace Hunter. . Campbell denies the charge, and save he knows nothing whatever about Tohyson being stabbed, He states further, that if he was stabbed, it must have been ip a row with some other men ut the railway camp. Campbell stated that he left a note at the amp to inform the local po- Hee, when they arrived, that he had youe to Kingston. Constables Smith and MeAdao left. early Wednesday morning far 'the camp. I understood, that Campbell stayed gt a local Liotf! over night, iaving walked into the city, from the Sump, late Tuesday For an ON 1 a in PY to st ol, n on r 1% Mr afternoon, wur or so, after he was pluced in the | ek up, 'he Kept walking ap flown the loans corvidor, mumbling to vimael', aid he iy Heved in rent mu of uns Johnson ta ihe ital for : oon, fic: hat wit for arrest of #88 reported ax do y - 4 i 1 to iy ound + went enter gener] hos i alier | SwWarn ir after ait the 14s ie erigus. When soared "ampbell had md a son, . . { lice sum of H i 1 atutiom, | money, ls | 1 i stall ark rite x ar | Committed For On Wednpe<da was hrought sace George tation his trial day enty re | t | accused, nd wi i at. the trial. Constables Smith and MceAdon re- | fturhed from PerthRoad carly Wednes tay afternoon. When they arrived at the railway camp they were informed hat Campbell had gone to the eity In the note which the accused left dt the eamp for the police, it is stat- ad that he made the statement that he hag gone to Kingston, and would he willing to give himself up, he had many iriends at the camp, and ' i not want to disgrace them Campbell" had been working steadily wt the camp for sone time, not los ing a day, and it wis stated to-day that he had about 2175 coming to him in wages. Trial | witernaon, Campbell | Justice of the the police and was committed to stand at the court on Wed. dy November 2h. PD. M. |} ghee w th thi App AY as HE foun hifore Hanter, at ho set as TEACHERS MAY RESIGN If They Do Not Get Increase CL --mntwries. There will be in an meeting of the agement committee of the board of sduention, to-night, when the mem- bers will again tackle the question of inerease in salary for the schaaol tenehers. The management committee at its Iasty meeting veported . that the matter was under consideration. It is understood that there is much dissatisfaction among: the teachers, and that if the increase is not given, that the bodrd will have quite a nupiber of resienations at the end of the year. From what can he learned the committee is likely to recommend Ad increase, it. map QUEEN'S GTHLS ENTER FIGHT. They WHI Hdve Two Alma Mater Candidates. The wildest kind of sensation and excitement was created at Queen's, or Wednesday, when it was announzed that the suffragettes at the university were shout to enter wpou a campeign of netive and militant enterprise. The fair co-eds at the college have. decid ed to enter the political arena, and in 'the coming contest for Alma Ma ter elections they will place two can didates in the field. Although not de finitely decided it is umderstood that Miss Lillian Hudson and. Miss Mand Mayfair will be the choice of the Le vana ladies, They will run for places' on the society eveoutive committee. Becoming More Popular. (wing to the increased patronage, the proprietor of the Box Ball Bowl ing AMey has found it mecekeary to make some alterations. "These are now complete . and the patrons of this amussnent will find all the alleys at their disposal. A much-enjoverl dance was beld at the home of QMS. Inst. Clifford, cor. rer of TUhion street and "Alwington avenue, Tuesday evening. A large {number . of the sesgeants wid their wives ang friends Were present. oe Dan- anced Sip--Removes Dx ~Promotes a luxuriant, E hedithy hair growth Stdpy its and | of | vho gained fame in Torosto as u pro ' i ihe A membership campaign. iat | tenced to two and jagam. +Barrett;- and the hoard will pass} "I Bernard Mills and Messrs. i: EWR GIVEN IN THE HE BRIEFEST Pos SIBLE FORM. en . Maiters That Interest Everybody--; The Ministers Were Much' Embar- Notes From Afl Cver--Little of] assed--F. B. (arvell Declared Everything Eastly Repd and Re That Canada. Must Have Larger membered. ~~ § Markets. E. 1. Peose, ofthe public works de uariment, Ottawa, ie in the oily Frank Wa augh wus fount dead in the canal at Beantford Over $12,000 Wis Ywiid hours for the Y.M.C.A., Toronto. Mrs. Donald M. Johnson wus by a train at Port Credit. vr. E. NM Dunsford und Frederick Join, Toronto, both died suddenly. Koy Brintnell was found guilty, in Toronto, of "'wilinl neglect' in causing the eath of Mrs. Salter. F. J. Catnpbell, Albert Street, wus in-a ra low condition on Wednesday morning. A telephone in every post office proposal made in parlinment. Farmers' hank shareholders will on federal government, on Friday x redress. For the first seven moriths of the current fiscal year 265,833 immigrams arrived in Canada, producer, was not dead. declared F. Hay sold at $24 per ton and pota- B Carvel. Who resunied the deplite on toes. at 81.60 per bag on the Torento the address Lin reply to the. spesch murket Tuesday. These ave sew highlg the throde. I care not what vou price records for the present crop. oall-it anid he eERiTent Hig "Hhaekeray; (or JY years Ti | which would loyally serve the inter- dian age " at the Ahiwiek "Reserve, ests of this great and growing domin- J po Thien ugiatente, dead, oii must set ~itself to secure good Ai Reno. Nev. PH. markets for its increasing productive. 4 *2 ness."" The policy of raising tariff bar- riers higher and higher could not ul imately survive, I Hon. My. Foster interrupted if got necessary," siid he, a larger protection on make a home market." "1 am glad to have this intimation from- the minister, that there is to be Ho mcreage in tariff, at any rate," re sponded the New Brunswick liberal. Thix hrought . Faster to his feet again with alacrity. "I did not say that," he observed, gmid liberal laugh- 9 ter. ' "Ah," observed Mr. Carvell, smiling "I though the hon. gentlgman had gone farther. than he intended." Proceeding, he arraigned the govern ment for conducting an election cam- Paign, based upon race and religious prejudices, and, dealing with the nav al question, scorad the composition of the nationalist-conservative 'cabinet "Henri Bourassa is the mlastér of the present administration," he declared, "Its is absolutely and abjectly under the control of the nationalist party The premier has confedped that he does not know what he 18 going to do. let me tell him. He is going to do just what his nationalist masters tell him; he is going to do nothing. The plebiscite is the refuge of a gov- armment, which cannot make up its mind. It puts Chnada in a position of humiliation before the eyes the world." s Mr. Oliver with! Hon, Mr. Hazen asked time for the government to determine its naval policy. He had been received by the former gov- ernment on May Ist fast for four cruisers and six destroyers. The low- est, temger was that of Campbell & Laird, Great Britain, for ¥11,280,000. He believed the real reason for the failure to award the contract, was the knowledge, that six years hence, when these ships would have been com- pleted, they would be obsolete und un fit for actual warfare. The minister closed by promising a naval poliey in the "interests of Canadal -and inthe interests of the empire. WHICH STFS + LIBER AL FU SILADE. Ottawa, Nov. 2. Parliament is sit ting up and taking notice. It finds the benches 10 the left of Mr. Speaker, peopled by an opposition that is re- speeted and feared; a 'company of re- solute and experierited politicians, led by the master parliamentary tactician and statesman. Jt seems the big bat- talions of 'governmental strpugth are more than met by superiority in de bating power and in vigor snd coufi- denee of attack There were no preliminaries. Stimu- lated and enthused by the inspiring generalship of the * Ma Chief," the opposition promptly renewed the at. tack when the house met yesterday, and kept the government manifestly embarrassed, ill at ease, and on the defensive 'throughout. The issue for whieh reciprocity stood in the recent campaign, the securing of larger markets for the Canadian in three killed is is Patriarche, | voter aml later ax a bucket shop pro- noter, has filed suit for divorce } The group of bovs represented by ved flag now lead in the Y.M.C, I'he blues ahead for some fow days. | \ nice sum of money was taken iu the door of the basket-ball games it the YM.C.A. grmpasiam on Tues: lay avoning. At Welland, Walter "i to place imports te yers Collings was sen a half years in penitentiary, for robbing the Michi yan Central ticket office at Perry last week. . Wiliam Robinson, ex-M.P.P., who nas heen confined to the general hos: pitall for some time, is able to sit up His numerous friends expect to see him ardund again very soon. North Renfrew liberals offered the uomination to Norman Reid, the late member, but illness compelled him to ask for time to consider. Dr. Russell accepted the liberal nomination for West Hamilton, Engineers of the public wotks depart- ment, Ottawa; ave there lodking over the improvements of the Kingston Shipbuilding company, has oy. to the government drydock. The gift of Mr, and Mrs. Rovert Reford, = Montreal, of 3100000, "to McGill, is made expressly on "the sondition that the campaign. fund bo raised to FL500,000, and that thie amount he secured, . Ir is ansured that at an early "date, renew his, request 'or an investigation into the charge that he had received $69,380 from one of the Transcontinental railways, pre- sumably for campaign purposes. The horse belonging to dahn HH. - "that miped into the wate at the Moutreal Transportation slip, last Saturday afternoon, is under the care of Dr. W. G. Bell. The horse will recover, it i= expected, A number of young Wolie Tslanders have formed 'an athletic club. The H0ys have rented a small place build- ing wud will ix it up for a club room. Wrestling, boxing aud - othe: ments will be indulged in, of amuses v Musical Festiv, Mrs. Reed Miller (Ne a Van Der Veer), the great American contralto, who appears at Grant hall, with the Croxton guartette, Wednesday, No- vember 20th, will -sing, by special re- quest, that intebsely dramaile Rin- her, "The Denth of Rachael.' Mrs, Miller's rendering of this selection will long be Temorobored by the great audience at Queen's this summer Kingstonians ean in no way afford te allow this unique muéical opportunity to past. It is doubtful Hf a company of such eminent artists ever before appeared in this city. Tickets ave now on sale at Uglow's ROWELL'S CH ALLE NGES, - What of Bi-lingual Schools and New Ontario? Lindsay, Nov. 2. ---Two definite shallinges were flung down to Sn lames Whitney and his followers by the liberal leader, NX. W. Rowell, sd', here last night: one with refer mee to the treatmeryt of New Ontar- in, the other regarding the hi-ling- wl 8 hools. These formed Mr. Row: oll s léading | arguments in last sight's speech here, though he dealt so with several other (questions. peaking of the "inertia" Warged aghiost the department of agricul: ture hy W. Flavelle, Mr. Rowell asked "Is it any wowder that Un- tario 1oes not go ahead, whes scar sly a minister will venture to do anything off his own bat, and Sit lames undertakes to run the whole sovernment himself Is is not time to put out this government and put in i.8 «place another, a more pro- gress ve government, and, 1 hope, a more progressive leader ! Sir James Whitpey can hetoll aml courageous and alm st insulting," declared Mr. Rowe) 'when 'the temiperance pPeo- Je go to him, but when the spoils faction of the conserv ative jawty wants to, use the licinse sysiem to further its imteredts, nccording to the Toronto News, it controls Mr. Whit ney and lis awsociates. x Stil Heavy Sea. There is still a very heavy sea on Lake Ontario, according to marive reports. The steambadrge Jesca arriv- od from Oswego today, with a cargo ef coal for Sowards, and the crew re-. ported a very heavy sea. The steamer Howards, which loaded coal at Os wego, is due to arvive in iB:pors tonight, Lett for Toronto. William C. Tilley, the well-known architect, who for some years has béen with Power & Son, leit for Tor- onto, today, accompanied by Mrs, dlilley, He was one of the hest known architects in the eity, and an expert in his line. The good wishes of a host of friends will go with them. Euterained Tn nat nates, On Tuesday evening the inmates at Rockwood asylum were given a fine treat when . musical programme was rendered by Messrs. J. Cousins. and $. Reétludge. Mine Bull ably presided at the PERRO. tc -------------------- 3 News From Witton. | Wilton, Nov. 22.~The Thanksgivieg ateeting of the W.F ANY, of the Pres byteian church, was ' field, Friday evening, the "ehurch. Rev. Mr. Lougheed, a nEssionary from China, was present gud gave an address, The sollection was henrly $20, The. Pres. byteritn choir, and u yuartetie, com posed "of Mosdames. KN. Storing apd Frat Mik} ne, furnish 1 jor a A Dexinint, - nelore the Soci worl voukat that the wo glose of the umeetmg. Mr. and Mrs, AR who would retain hee youth just Luman Jordan, Campbeilfovd, are -- Miter Yoo hate oe he woman Asti i i wil u unattractive hair i sel. Rigg Wilton. fo Tdom ever uduiived. : Pathe's Weekly. | That is why so. many of ont love Ohir patrons. look: forwasd to this Jest. women demand thai Varisian with the same interest as they do to! Su bo nsed by their halir-lrsssers, their daily newspaper. This week, Preparation is gnarautesd to English al Dirigible breaks in cen- 1, dandruff, stop falling haic snd tre on her trial teip: Bugene Ely, the itching scalp. most sensational aviator, killed in al Parisien Sage will make harsh and *. Cardinal Gibshons' unattractive hair soft, lastrons and jubilee: in Duke of . Con. luxuriant in a few dus. Bois the leaving Liverpool for Quebec. (ideal, delightful, rejuvenating tonic 't fail to hear our new voealist, Jair grow, itis wot baticky or grédny, but on dhe othe in - Penn Use Parisisn Sage Exclusively, Hom in illustrated songs, the King Pasant. itso hand is most pleassut and duintily Sold everywhere fifty cents lar or battle and. guaranterd by 3, , wno will refund your mon: do alt i Soman' ree Him n 0 average w sizes him wp B. ¥ he is 5 Jase ey ii Parisian Sare va on the bargain sountet, : Vat in claimed Jur stated that nine tenders |. &; - S4ssesssesssesssesese Nothing But Carelessness Keeps You or the Children Cold. After you know of all the reparations that went on or months to secure the best makes of Underwear at saving prices, then the -- announcements from time to (ime of their arrival and sale. HUNDREDS of satisfied customers have sent tis hundreds moré to be properly outfitted for the winter. i PUT there are still many who cling to the old fashioned makes of Underwear when for the same money they can have REAL COMF ORT and satisfaction from the Newer Makes now to be had from us, Women's Warm Underwear In Natural Wool and White, in rights weights, not too heavy, and shaped to fit. DRAWE RS and Vests to match. Underwear that is mnshrinkable. Underwear for small as well as large women, Underwear for wonien that are STOUT. Just a hint as' to prices WOMEN'S Vests and Drawers, both natural and white, 25¢, 49¢. , ; WOMEN'S Vests and Drawers, both natural and white, 69¢ 90¢, 99¢, $1.25 WOMEN'S Combina- tion Suits, $1.49, 1.69, 2.25, 2.49 and up. EVERYTHING in Children's Underwear, for Girls, hig or little. Drawers and Vests to match. FOR BOYS of all sizes. The right makes that have given great satisfaction, 2bc, 3be¢, 49¢, 65¢, up SPECIAL MAKES for the Big Boys, with long legs and arms. a 390, { 2C, 1.49. Complete Underwear Outfit for Babies Fine White Unshrinkalile Makes, -we-ask vou to see the first--time in. These "you are A large lot Just Received of White Flannelettes Soft and' warm. for Children's dresses and Underwear, For Women's Underwear dresses, For Men's Nightgowns, New Striped Flannelette Foy Wightshirts, t0e, 12§¢, A lot of new and pretty stripes, Night- and Night 150. rere eee Z LADIES and * CHILDRENS WARM LEGGINGS and GAITERS ALL STYLES FOR ALL AGES. We have sepurol a Great Bargain in Leggings for Children 1 to 3 years old. These we are .going to Clear Out At . 15 and 25c., Two Styles. Colors, Blue, Fawn, Black and Red OPO! seed o wa I The Lockett Shoe Store diussssiavemnidvisniie 0000000 R004000000000000000000000000Q000000000