Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Nov 1911, p. 4

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"PAGE FOUR. YOU MAY PAY ~s MORE FOR - 'CEETEE BECAUSE IT WEARS BETTER, Manufactured by C. Turnbull Co. of Galt, Ld. THEY INJURE CHILDREN and Harsh Distressing Cathartics and Pills Physics May Cause Complaints, You cannot he over-careful in the selection of medicine for children, Only the verys gentlest bowel medicine should ever 'be given. Ordinary pills, eathartics, and purgatives are too apt 10 do more harm than good. They sometimes' cause griping, nausea, and distressing after-effects, and may ' actually injure the health, thus estab lishing a life-lasting annoyance. We personally recommend and guar antee Rexall Orderlies as a safe and dependdble remedy for constipation and associate bowel disorders. We have such faith in the virtues of this rémedy that we sell it on our guaran- tee of money back in every instance where it fails to give entire satisfac- tion, and we urge all in need of such medicine to try it at our risk, Rexall Orderlien are eaten just like eandy, are particularly prompt and agrecable in action, may be taken at any time, day or night;. do not cause o diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive looseness, or other undesirable effects. They have a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they come in contact, apparently act, ing as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muse ular - 'coat of the bowel, thus overcoming weakness, and aiding to restore the bowels to more vigor- ous and healthy activity, Rexall Orderlieg-mot only relieve con- stipation, but. help to remove the eause of this ailment. They also fre quently overcome the necessity of constantly taking laxatives to keep the bowels innormral condition. There is really, in our opinion, no similar medicine so good as Rexall Orderlies for the purpose to. which it is directed, especially for children, aged and delicate. persons. They are prepared 'in toblet form and in two sizes of packages, 12 tablets, 10c., 36 tablets, Sac. .» and 80 tablets, 50. Re- member, yon can obtain Rexall Re wiedios in this commamity only at our store, ~The Rexall store. G. W. Ma- hood. FPRRoEEEeEEE 00000000000 QUALITY Goes a Long Way IN LUMBER 2 Our Lumber, E whatevergrade, is | @the best of its SH Dee aes) < | count "Phone 66. LL WINTER SUITS ao OVERCOATS Have you seen the splendid display of Suits and Overcoats at this store? If In need of a hedvy Overcoat or Suit for the cold weather, it would be to your advantage to examine our ' stock before buying elsewhere. Also large Stock of BOOTS and T RUBBERY at the lowest prices in the city, ISAAC ZACK 271 PRINCESS STREET, STOCK. Stock roniture, oven ai EE ER "FONG S some remarkable mesmeric Ontzrio, at $6 per year. at be added, making pace year. Attached is one of the best Job N. fy Mr. Rowell promises, when the libe- rals are returned to power in On- tario. to deal with the trusts. These are at the throats of the people, and the Whitney government has no de- sire to deal with them. 'The Ross gov- ernment was viciously attacked, and it¥ purposes questioned, but it tack, led the trusts and put a couple of them out of business. Others would have been prosecuted--plans had been The labour department at - Ottawa is advertising "itself. 1t was organ- ized, of eourse, by Mr. King origin- ally, under Hon. Mr. Mulock, and is continuing to work according to his plans. But the idea is to show that Mr. King, an expert in his business, has not been missed; on the con- trary the attempt is made"to show that the department is succeeding best without him. Thrée instances have transpired of a more ~or less notable character. Hon. Bols Rogers, when in the west seeking a seat after his call to the government, went to the coast and tried his 'prentice hand in the set" tlement of the coal miners' strike. He was supposed to have exercised péwer land to have reconciled the conflicting ele- ments. The difficulty is not .yet overcome, and the minister of the interior can hardly be credited "with wondérs after all. The longshoremen of Montreal had I . GETTING AFTER THE TRUSTS. 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28; 1011. |THE WHIG, SEVENTY.EIGHTH YEAR oe BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street. Kings- Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. Raia a 1 eae stylish, and cheap work; nine improved presses. THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED J. G, Elliott, President. lemag A Guild, SatcTvens, FTIR: Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church Street, Toronto. H. BE. Smaliplece, J.P., representat. laid to this end--when the Whitney government was formed. The trusts 'ere spared. They have since been al- lowed to do gs they like, and = they have not hesit A to grind the people and to add to the coSt of living. Just now much they ave filching from their vietinw ag. only be ascertained by exposute, 'and Mr. Rowell pledges him- self, if given an opportunity, to open fire vpon them. " WONDERS AT OTTAWA. a serious difficulty, and a couple of the labour department's officials went down from Ottawa and ued their persuasive powers successfully. The minister remained in Ottawa ond looked' wise. In Toronto, under the liberal gov- ernment, a firm was being prosecuted for a violation of the Immigration Act. With a change of govern- ment .came a change in the The prosecution was dropped. structions were said to have been is- sued from Ottawa to that effect, hut no ona can find out who issued] the order, and why. The labour de- partment, which should kwow, can give no light. And it is on evidence lke conservative contemporary would have the people believe that the la- hour department is a power in the land under the direction of a man who does not kmow what real la- bour is and hag no sympathy with ite case. In- that a The mose notable interview of the a deputation its year was that between from North Ontario, representing Coleman township, otherwise known as the imperious one. It had reference to the voters' lists for the local election. When it was ammoun- ced that an election was to be sprung upon the province to shit the whims of {he premier, it was said that the people would be largely disfranchised because they could nat be registered in a hurry, : The govetnment hesitated. "The si- tuation was clearly embarassing, but eventually the discovery was made that if everybody, including the muni cipal officials, gat exceedingly busy, at once, the plans of the party might carry. There was bound to be dissatisfaction in any case, on ac- off the election in December, holiday month, and' the resentment would be the greater the nearer the turmoil occurred to Christmas. But no one expected that the tfouble would become as acute .as it appears to be. » The 'deputation was not, perhaps, composed of the right persons--right in the sense that it was composed of admirers of the brusque Sir James, and that its members would be sub- missive and obsequions. Three of its members were the liberal candi date, the secretary of the liberal as- socigtion, and the socialist candi- date of Temiscaming. The reave of Colanan township and the mayor and three towns and and Sir James Whitney, THE PREMIER AND THE PEOPLE. on the delegation. They had a pe tition which was forty feet long, and bearings-the signatures of hundreds of business men? who asked that the voters' list of 1011 be used, although the compilation had been delayed, or 4,994 electors would be | disfranchised. = The dialogue that fol- lowed was -sharp and decisive, The premier was clearly disturbed by the tone of the interview. He was asked for no favours but ha "put up to him' 'to in some remove the difficulty. From start he talked like a king, or like one who was - the superior of all others, who had a supreme contempt for all who differed from him. . When eventaally it was intimated that the whole election, as well as some of 'Lhe details in commection with it were irregular, Sir James becamd very wrathful and said: "You can go back to the north and blow your trumpets about disfranchisement," and at the same time he waived hem to the door. : He had complained previously this particular deputation was cold-blooded, and the socialist marked : "Nothing is certain, Whitney, but change. Some you will not be premier of the vince. If, then, you ever have oc casion to come here I hope you will get a more cordial reception than we have today." Hom. Nr, Hurst, who introduced the deputation to the premier, and whose political life de- pends upon the people of the north, witnessed the clash between the pre- way the that too re- Mr. day pro- rex-mayor of Haileybury were also mier and the electors, and was dumb. (Jearly Hon. Mr. Hughes has no use for the militia council At Ottawa. Why not. dismiss it once? Why sub mit it to a long draw out and pain NER | whole thing will Be r EDITORIAL NOTES. t own kind so. as to realize what means. it Now that Manitoba has accepted irom the Borden government the houn- daries it refused from the = Laurier government what will be the griev- ance of the province in its elections ? But is the trouble over The school question is not settled. At least so Archbishop" Langevin » says. : The Borden government pleads that it Bas been so busy that it could not develop a naval scheme. The premier has announced, however, that the 0 A and principal in ruch a case. Fiustice, and not of money of y WANTED IN NEW YORK FOR FRAUDULENT USE OF MAILS. Left on an Auto Trip--And Authori- ties Fear That She Has Managed t0 Reach Ontario. ' New York, Nov. 23.--A woman, who came down to the states from a small town in Ontario tem years ago, ac quired a knowledge of business affairs in Boston, and then came on to New York in search of a wider field, was indicted by a federal grand jury for fraudulent use of - the mails. She is the first woman to be indicted .as a The woman is Mary Dugan, or Mae L. Dugan, as her name is quoted in the indictment. The ease in which Miss Dugan is in- volved ig connected with the raid on J. C. Gavigan's offices ou. ' August 19th, and has to do with the sale of the stock of the Manhatian Real 'Es- tate company. Along with Miss Dugan the federal grand jury indicted Her- ron Bayley, former president of the Manhattan Real Fstate company, and others. Miss Dugan was secretary and treasurer of the Mauhattan Real Es- tate company during the presidency of Bayley. Bayley and Miss Dugan are on an automobile trip, and the government fears.that Canada may be their objec- tive point. The postal inspectors say they can get the others indicted when- ever they are wanted. PUBLIC OPINION. Best of Government. Brantford Expositor. The cost df ecivie government, undet the Whitney regime has advanced sixty-five per cent. As a government of salary-boosters to its own friends, the provincial government has everything beaten to a frazzle. Divorce Mill. Montreal Star, The divorce mill starts up at Ot- tawa ggain as soon as the senators gather. Some day we will get civiliz- ed, and make divorce,'a matter of and poli- tics, Has Not Explained. Toronto Globe. ' Sir James has not yet explained why he lost $25,000 to the Farmers Bank about the time when that in- stitution lost about $25,000 to Beat- tie Nesbitt, the conservative bois, Sir James is off. Toronto Star. When Sir James Whitney says there are no bi-lingual schools, he must mean that there are no schools in which the two languages are taught. If he means that there are schodls in which only French is taught, he is not far from the truth. The Canteen Again, Stratford»derald On the subject "of the canteen, it is hardly likely that Colonel Hughes will favor its restoration. The drift of pub- lic sentiment 'is ont of harmeny with it. If the athlete or pugilist in traim- ing cuts liquor out, should the sol- dier in training do less? THE WHIG'S PUZZLE. t|Can Yon Guess What the Picture Represeuts? What other name for preacher? Answer to Wednesday's puzzle: -- Larch; Stillman's Freckle Cream, at Mec- Leod's Drug Stores, The woman who iusists that she 18 a "perfect lady" is seldom able to prove it. BR. SOPER In the following Diseases of Men: Plles | Eczema »Aipte wy if hecessary voted on by the people. way and get the referendum, apd every one knows what that means. nensirtnn, Adam Studholine, Hamilton, ia So the nationalists will have their] British-American High<Class - 3 * Has removed from 231 to 307 Princess Street. Come ana ses our stock aha Lowest possible prices . styles before going elsewh ¢ Fine Shoes For Men BBBYS™ ONE-PRICE MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR STORE. Fine Shoes For Men _ $400 and $5.00 THE CLOTHING QUESTION? our WENTHWORTH SUITS, $15.00. Genuine Scotch Fabrics, new colorings. 'The tailoring of the best. Would be good value at $18.00 and $20.00. BIBBY'S PRICE, $15.00. BIBBY'S é SWEATER COATS 2.50. We are 'showing some splen- did values:in Men's and ladies' Coats at this price. New color- ings, new designs. BIBBY'S SPECIAL, $2.50. elegant | Today The Tailoring on these Suits is simply perfect. We certainly "made a hit" OUR SENATOR OVERCOAT Hand collar, tailored handsome two-style patterns fabrics are English and Scotch Tweeds, $18 and $20 else where BIBBY'S PRICE $18.00 BLUE ARE DANDIES We v $15.00 MOCHA GLOVES $1.00. See our Lined" Mocha 'Glove at this price Regular $1.26 most places BIBBY'S SPECIAL, $1.00 Excellent workmanship and style made The Hartt Shoe The Shoe of The Hartt Boot and Shoe Co., Limited FREDERICTON, N. B 'canABA' BEST Clhe onamMaEnst We' re solvihe'} it daily, to the satisfaction ~--nay more -- to the delight of the men that come here to see. in our selec- tions for every man who looks says--* RL Finest Suits and Overeonts | ever saw.' OUR NOBBY $2. 00 HATS, New wide leat Derby; the ery newest style Regular $2.50 quality BIBBY'S PRICE, $2.00. SUITS don't see how it could be improved. FABRICS --Fine Imported Worsteds, Cheviots and Vicunas WORKINGMAN'S MITTS, Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men 78 80-82 PRINCESS. Underwear and SweaterCoats bE 3 : : Y SEN BUR OAT, £15.00, I'S °E, a . * ¥ i aaa-------------------------------- $2 : g 00. its BO0¢. . { The best value. in the coun- § Jdned" Moc ilove try to-day. Wool lined, knit Ce, 4 21 wrist, horsehide cover. Regular ces. y 76¢ qualities v "Ss § (CIAL, 00, BIBBY'S PRICE, boc, . 7/3 mh : oe i 4 / 4 ; . yr 8 ity € h, 2 Ag Ltd - Agents for td. | Penmans . Subscriptions For Canadian Locomotive Co.,ixd 6 Per Cent. Bonds In Denominations of-- $100, and $1000. Price--Par and Interest Apply To . O. Hutton Market = . Kingston. $500, Carriage Painting SOME CLASS TO OURS, This is the place to Lave your Auto repaired to stand all kinds of weather. E. J. DUMPHY Cor. Montreal and Ordnance Bis. ROYAL ICE OREAM PARLOR ARD QUICK LUNCH ROOM, All kinds of Lunches and Hot Drinks Ice Créam and all kinds Fruit and Candles. M, PAPPAS & CO. 184 Priscess Street, of NEAOKACKAEI ORION COLD NIGHT SPECIALS Hot Bovril, Hot Chotolate, Oysters and Lunches Pork and Beans, Geo. Masoud's ICR OREAM PARLOR. #64 PRINCESS STRE®, -- WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond Neo. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL C0. 'Phone 166. North Bed Ontario Street, -- ALL KINDS i i ad AT ' 4 FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT. JAMAICA ORANEES. 166 PRINCESS ST. JAMAICA GRAPE FRUIT. A. J. REES, FLORIDA ORANGES. MALAGA GRAPES. Phone 68 U\S E- RAW FORD'S £ OAL

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