© DUNCAN'S RT STAND; ( SERB - Sweet Cider New Figs Choice Apples Coast Sealed Oysters D. COUPER, Phone 76. 841-3 Princess Street. i Prompt Delivery, Suitable Christmas Gifts <> "\ Almost countless are the number of appropriate gift things shown in our new catalogue ranging in. price from 15¢ up. There are 124 pages of Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver- ware; Ching, Cot Glass; Leather Goods .and Novel- ties write for it, it is free for the asking. We prepay all delivery charges on every article purchased from us, guarantee safe delivery and immedi- ately refund the full purchase price if the goods are not entirely satisfactory. % TAKE IT AWAY «That's what Sur trons say » When served with Belfast Ginger Ale or English Glager Deer that dé not Dear our el ur bottled goods for tamily wee have no superior, Sample it at any of the lead. re hotels 0 rtelephone 304 for a trial case. . Thompson Bottling Co. : '292 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON, Ryrie Bros., Limited Canada's Largest Jewelry House Jas. Ryrle, Pres Harry Ryrie, Sec 134-136-138 Yonge St. TORONTO Treas tmp Sessssasesesssnsnnnce ---- The 01d Folks find advancing years bring an incrgasing Yendehey to constipation. The corrective they need is *NA-DRU-CO" Laxatives Entirely different from common laxatives. Pleasant to take, mild and painless. A tablet (or less) at bed-time regulates tha howels geriectly. Increasing doses 'never needed. Compounded, like all the 125 NA -DRU- CO pre- parations, by expert chemists. MBney back #f noi tory 25¢. a box, st has not vel ve will mail them, NATIONAL DRUG 4 CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. in the New Home You want the best when starting in the new home. Above all, you want that home to be snug and warm and camfortéble. You are sure bf warmth and comfort with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. The Perfection is the best and most reliable: heater made. It is a sort of portable fireplace. It is ready night and day. Just trike a match and light the wick. The Perfection is all aglow in a minute. The Perfection Oil Heater does not smell nor smoke--a patent autorpatic device prevents that. It can 'be carried easily from room to room and is, equally suitable for any room in the house. Handsomely finished, with nickel tnmmings; drums of either turquoise-bl: je enamel of plain steel, RFECTIOQ Ask your dealer 10 show you a Perfection Smokeless Os! Heate wine for descrptive circular direct 10 any agency of The Queen City Oil Company, Limited The Kind You Have Alvays Bought, and which bas een in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ' » and has been made under his pere / ; sonal superglsion since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterielts, Imitations and "*Just-as-good"' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health oi Infants and Children--Espchionee against Experiment. What is CASTORIA QCastorin is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. If is Pleasant. 1t contains neither Opium, Morphine mor - her Narcotic substance, Itx age is its guarantee, It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. 1t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flataleney, It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Fhewels, giving healthy und natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Always Bears the Signature of hs The Kind You Have Always In Use For Over 30 Years 3 Teheck pbs, THE PAILY BRITA wHG. A CHAMPION FORGER' AT as ANT, POLICE SAY. -------- Saloonkeeper With Pen-Year Career Cheque Pasding, Which Big Money. New York, Nov, 23.-%ever was there such another forged check worker, the Gothmn police they declare they are goipy Carle Carlesi to 'be when started ou lids tri People ho deal in bogus cheeks don't often keep it up long because they iave 10 show themselves To their] victims, and the result is that long there are a lt of good tions of them in circulation, arrested, the vietims identify them and they in prison. ut Carles: hag if the police story vears and for half bas been suspected but so crafty nonody has been 'mble to "get fgoods™ on han. In the medntime, guardians of the law aver, raked considerably Balt million dollars. | Carlest himseli tells {atraight story. He wu tbut un honest saloon-Keeper, never negotiated Tu bogus check Hie, basu't a - thing +o do with Black Hand, us the detectives say he hax, and is simply vietim of police persecution or Inkheadedoess: The police version is that Carlesi was the head of the bogus check busi- ness, without personally participating lin the manufacture of the in the operation of disposing of them. They assert, however, that b- | sorbed the hon's of the Fhe following the the detectives say he pursned : Carlesi would piek out business firm which he felt have a large bank account the habit of drawing checks against it, He bad two men in his service, now under arrest and known to the police as William - | Schutgberger, amd Isilore Wei of whom would write to the tion. making some sort chase and the for jt. The v order variably be large and to which it was sent wonid for the over-payment. his cheek would be' turned ver nnd woald sive jt to Italian artist whom the laid hands vet, the right kind of ink and a lair brush this artist would produce so marvelously aegurate a reproduc it, sigpature and all, that otlicers of the banks wete ins by it. Fhe would leave and the finished, weriine cl CAU GHT GOTHAM New York of 50 say, as to prove they get deserip they get 'are on band to wet long terms been at the is right, for of that time game ten he that the the hes has in than more a pe rectly sve he 18 nothing no in his the for The share cov It some anre and rood wus be in sized <8, One in a pur. order firm of nioaey would the eticlosing! mone iT too him ta Carles a | vOung haven't he on and with i tion of even the variably things the would be the date The reproduction would & the Schutzberger's and Weiss' to requasition again. Sometimes one, sometimes the and sometimes both, of these duals would open a store somewhers in New York or city for the gang' operations niti- mately extended pretty well all ovee the conutryv--and mike a camlortable deposit in the nearest bank. Ator reasonably dose relations had been cultivated with thid institution the bowits"cheek would Be dated and filled in for all the way from £1,000 $HLOOO and sent to the, bank whieh it purported to be drawn certification. It is no shgeht inl to the artist's skill that tion was never refused. Fhe chock then would he with the loeal bank awd later most of the seecount would checked ont and 'the one who {handled the transaction would pear. Combing on the. fnet that { unk depositors do not balance {neconnts until the and of the [#0 that ampld time way | "oetaway."' Carles. seems to Lave ig the police theory just. one mistake. He original cheeks, secured purposes, throvigh give the artist them it was neces hold them s6 long that aiteacted attention, wiinld probably i pected even vet and the ggmets Hee think it an odd coinendonc seeins to have foooled wrist only ouk amount. Carlesi =h aud eal) SUIViIeRs in other indivi or aun, olhee some. of hier to on fon timon deposited a few be hid disap most their month, allowed fon made to be nssim- sound cashed for the copying To reproduce to he ultimately Otherwise not have his own saloon, time Surry to fof hum he 1 sus the po that it stopped sine Carlest's nught! have been vet, Tribute to Sir Wilfrid, Montreal Witness | To-day Sir Wilfrid enty yewrs old, health and spirits arrests rong Laurier is soy and i younger in thai. he was fide years ago, Owtwithstanding his pos Litieal defeat. To swy that he would rather have won he elections. than have lost then; rather have had his policies approved by a majority in the country than 'disapproved, need not he insisted on. Nevertheless, ha hatt botoe the cares of office long, and they began to weigh somewhat heavily upon him. Relieved of the eures of of ficial | responsibility. and multifarious, wearing detail, he will come fresh into the political arena to lead the opposi- tion. This will give him, maybe, great opportunities fo serve his be loved qountry ax office gave him, al though those opportunities have béen magnificent and many. for there are groat questions on Canada's horizon, as great as ay that dave betn, and a strony, broad-minded evitic to Jed the opposition forces wus ever more ne cossary. Mthougl defeated at the Sir Wilfeid is. honored and ad- mired by political suppotters and op- ponents alike, and all will wish him long continued health and vigor in his green old age. Posterity will cone fer upom Sie Wilirih the title of the as Genuine bargain, our. "Week-end" ehoeolage sale, regular Ste. for We, at Mahood's drug store. Lloyd Gorge SAV Women are sure to win the franchise if they svize the ophortunity 'presented by nl, fd Maple cream dhogolaies. Lord Charles Beresdord reiterdtes his charges that the British nRvY wgs newer prepared for war. The minister of militia has sent back avalte swords" flartially made in Ger many. Rasloer ot Gallet sandal pu] soup, Mshood's drug stare Charged | Bad' Netted | before] geries or | pro method | big | return a police carnel's | certilien; | days | great concilintor and nation-butlder, - \squith's THURS), ay. A FORE v ER. oy EMBER 2. 101 a Na ------ THE SURGEON'S KNIFE SEEMS TO HAV E © WORKED CHANGE IN BOY'S CHARACTER. ---- Piece of Bone Pressing on Brain-- Removed and Apparently the Child Has Been Made a New Boy. New York, Noy 23. Frederick wris, fourteen years old, son Thomas. Morris, of Nooo 107 Main street, Yonkers, went yesterday, St. John's hospital, wind made -- ENDS DY PEI § | Hearthurs, as Indigestion amd Other stomach Distress Vanishes. anything tour stomach fear of Indigestion 01 that your food will on' Your stomach, a little Diupepsin oceasion- You can cat feraves without Dyspepsia, ferment oi Ty SOY {ed i Xo junythi ithing ea Will © 1aste vou eat will tbe ferment 'or tur for r stomach gay, which causes belching, digztoess, a feeling of fallness zfter enting, nausea, {like a lmop of lead in stom- tach), bitiousncss, heartburn, water {brash. pain in stomach and intestines lor other svmptoms. | Headaches Tom the absolutely unknown where . this effec {tive remedy is used. Diapepsin re: ally fdoes all the work of a healthy stom- ach. It digests your meals when your, stomach camo. A tingle dose will {digest all the food you eat and leave 'nothing to ferment or sour and up- set the stomach. ' Get a large Sbe. Diapepsin from your start taking vow, and in vou will actually brag about your healthy, strong stomach, for vou then can eat auvihing and everything vou want without the slightest discom- fort or misery; and every particle of impurity aod that in your stomach and intesianes going to be carried away without the use wf laxa tives or other assistance, Should this moment be suf-, fering from indfgestion or amy stom- ach disorder, vou ean surely get reli within five minutes. ur meas n into acid Me of New home, Riverside and iis he PHHROL ow indiges . ® from with his dispos.tivn apparently th: kuife of a surgecs Two youre ago; one winter the boy came to supper ug over his right ear. He said he had fallen on the jee. Mrs. Morris bathed the bruise mud poulticed it; 'and by the next morning it had dis appeared. It was found that the in jury had really, heen received in fall fram u. second- -storey, landing a fire escape, hut as the boy censed to sufi® Jittle attention was! paid either to the hurt itself or (o the story the boy had told. { But the effects of the injury quickly toegsow themselves in other! ways, Frederick had been a papi! mn Mary's parochial school, regn-! lar in his attesdance and dven to studying as most boyy of twelve. Abruptlv he took te plays truant, sometimes for: duvs dt a time, aud to uegdect his Hooks "en When he did go to he generally ought home with him a note of. colplaint from the| 2 | teacher, + sw | After a time 'the boy was sent to} *| public No. -2, bat he faved! quite as unhappily there, He began to help himself to things from the pan- | try, which he fore. | He brgnn to help himself { tings more valuable than food, at other places than home. Twice was Laken into court on clay: petty as allowed to go on probation, A month ition, i new Fav with a swell #tomiach are a on case of _ Pape's had! druggist and wu Jittle while heg un SL. gas is as is Mg any, vou at i tirely. school | re {JAPAN TO RETRENCH. i na » school | and Naval Expansion Pro. gramme Rejected. Tokio, Nov. 2. --The ministry, iting, vields to the Yamamoto, the who has heen ur agamgt an n- The military programme will The details will It I utider exposition and the railway gauge will | Military after ntti min; had never' done {a prolonged Frude of of finance, baukers to protest in the budget. nay al expansion be Count Ler the crease and defimitely be septled stout that widening of thoth be affected ring larceny, and w rejected on Friday the th t Mrs son's mind ago Mortis "decided that het had been affect- ed, He had changed completely disposition as well mother firecalled years apo, and decided that a goon should called in, Two wieks ago the boy to Dr. Robett H. 201 Warburton avenue, a the of {an exdamination, produces | mitted to the an operation of the hrain {tho right ear Th as in hatdts, weident of ty the su he | | | ' | Doctor Tells Cause And Cure of Wrinkles taken | of Kg membkr of | Johu's He mode | had the boy ud-| pital and performed | Was Shunabiay, 'afl St field Republican what wrinkles and sagginess of skin," said iv, Elizabeth Bhnn, at the Woman's | Club, last evening. "Premature aging, nutrition, ete the flesh to ling bit ifs seathiu] plumpressie = itsTiormal position, The skin. phen is Loss {put I a bh underneath; doesn héal hén Housed to \ wrole From Spring Stop © to consider hos which revealed a lesion bunieath a fracture he dov was brought oN er viward pres mal cpus shrink, and of bone back | the boy houl lose and incision firmnes large for the fit tightly and snugly ir wrinkles 'Ht | flex 1 erday Frederick | letter telling on the shiv could week aro his mother a how he was gvtting vw d last night that believe the had from the boy her son had been for the past 1 vears. Last might, when the bov can suit he looked as champed as the letter had prepared ber . i expect. Frederick, well as his pn rents, thinks things will bg entively different Irom now 'It was a simple Shanahan said last night to a porter for the World, - "The fracture rs had never healed, and for two year 00000600 a piece of hus been pres: on © © © © © ® the brain. There can hardly | dotibt that thid condition has sponsible for the Moi ris "It is hard the . result There is though, difference boy's below years. rected, yest ul he plain that ¥ hn il Bit the will effectually wrinkles Lraten must 1 periect ly mothe hardly fave remove Ider come and and harmls dissolving saxolite hazel \ giness Fhis js plished by | powdered witch using i face lotion, » The eustiy acco Hil OMNCe of a half pint the ingredients vou can get at any deag store. Fhe results are surptising. The skin tithtens up, becoming vouth., Every at on ? v she in Fhe | home, and solution as | us nnmediately firm and fresh wrinkle Rag on. operation,' Pr as Im re- affected apd Done ny be any been ry change In young The Germans certain- | ly doknowgood beer, and all the Germans in Europe would drink "Salvador" if the output were large enough, Reinhardts' | what will be believe nich The falling to say, of course, of ¢he operation to make as accident did good that it will ns the mentality normal during the past This, at least, should be and it seems pretty thet the nusclel he has done heen due "to his mental that is true the operation correct that, 1de."" reason ha heen fwo cor certam has Ii to} contidion ourht » Killing the Working Men, d Exposite thous through the last ten vears to provide adegaate the Brant T weit ty killed ada during a bill tion, and workingmen have | been accident in Can-J Famous National Drink) and yet i compensn- | by ul wa mtroducel into hooves lheral during rejected by the premier, Wd vestiy the mutter Workmen' compensation modelled Falish «stem in an important plank in Lead- | er Rowell's platiorm om, is the only beer brewed on this side of the Atlantic that equals the famous Bavarian "Salvador" in purity and tonic qualities. Matured in wood bottled oh in Toud and 4 REINHARDT' roo 00000060 Local Agent B. BEAUPRE, KINGSTON. Telephone 313 3 n- | ' | ati Tier a---------------- | * Serions Results Follow, | Cold, clammy hands and feet, and] pains _in the back result from tmpov erished blood. Serius consequences | follow neglect. Wade's Trou Tonic | Pills make new. rich blood, tone up, the system, add vitality to wasting | tissues and strengthen wenk nerves. | Price, 25c. Sold by James B. McLeod, druggist Lobsidedness Not Good. Hamilton Herald. ; "Can a good government be strong?' asks the London Free Press A vovernment with no opposi- tion would not long rémain a government | too; LS 2 bardbl iii A in Your Liver is C : That's iy. You're Tired --Out of mood good Bordeaux chocolates Hitter sweet chocolutes Coffee cream chocolates. Chooolate coated caramels Walnut stick chocolates. Regular S0¢, for 25¢ Wh on and Saturday, at Mahood's store. 4 Chester McMahon . a5 seni dudge O'Rielly,-a# Cornwall, nesday, to seven vears in the tiary for horse-stealing. Provost, Brock street, all his fall and winter' goods for his! order clothing department, also in ready-made clothing and gents' ur- nishing department; they are all well {assorted with new goods. i The Clayton, NY. town [badly damaged bs fin morning. The loss £10 0660 : Diwsar for sweater promis. Dennkenness was the cage of the Dr:Martel's Fe: 1é Pills | S---------- of Rev. Frederick Farrer, CICHTEEN YEARS ™e STANDARY | ¢ ing" # domestic chaplain, son of Dean Srusarbed and sucsimandad for waments a | Farver. + | ments, u scientifically prepared remedy of proven | Soe, ur window of FE EAE of velpular 50c ehaeol orrmanent. For sale at all ~~ Mahood's drag store i Friday | drug i enced by | en Wed peniten ! has reesived | hall was, Trasday | estimated at? on 1 Week ond" anh] much + AGE SEVEN. Thomas ¢ re y ~ PHONE 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Stryet wanting anything done in the Carpens ter. line. Estimates given on all kinds of" repairs and new work also. Hardwood Floors of all kiads All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 40 Queen Street MAGIC we sn KINGSTON ~ BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Twenty-sixth year, Fall Term begins August 30th. Courses tn Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele. graphy, Civil Service and Bog- ish. the best Within a short time Our graduates positions over sixty secured positions with one of the largest raliway cor. 'porations in Canada. Enter any' tae. Call or write for informa. tion, H. F. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, Canada, QUALITY IN SUGARS Su Sugars do not | other. Every Grocer Consumer to kuoow it. wk alike, if placed alongside each knows _ this. We want the fusis¢ on having EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR You will not only have a good Sugar, but the best on the market. The clear white color proves the superior- ity of "Redpath" Sugar. When buying Loaf sugar ask for REDPATH PARIS LUMPS in Reb SEAL. dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co. MON REAL, CANADA. Limited Established in 1854 by Joba Redpath THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for CouGHs, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a eharm in DIARRHOEA, 'DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Elfectually cots short all attacks of STASMS. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. The only pelliat.ve in NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chlorodwyne is a liguid taken in drops, graduated qocor It snvariably Juliery s Puiin 0 w btlever kind : creates a tila rested stem Men all othe when no other wm ding to the matady cadm verreshing sleep ' rail. fewves lerate the ie "nb ke ehecis: and a ne can be 1 INSIST ON HAVING Dr J COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chemists Prices ia Lapland Vii, 2/9. 48 Sole Manuiacterers J. 7. DAVENPORT 1 The immense success of this Remedy has given rise io many imitations. N.3. Every bottle of Gaania Chlorodyae bears Gn the stamy the same of the iaveator, Dr. J. Collis Browns Wholesaie Agent; Lyman Drug Store a aa ANDORA RANGE for Coal or Wood EGAUSE the Pandora Reservoir is made of one piece of sheet steel and is OVAL in shape it has né-square corners, seams or grooves in which dirt can collect: The triple-coated, smooth-as-marble surface of White Ena is easy to clean thoroughly: Ybu can make the Pandora Réservoir absolutely sweet and spotlessly clean, so that fruit can be cooked in it withoui T'sk of taint As it holds much more than a kettle it is a great help at preserving time. The Enainglied Steel~weser- voir is only one of the many Pan- "dora convéniences which save time, labor, fuel and money. Get our Pandora booklet and learn. about the others. ' M<Clary's Stands for Guaranteed Quality" Superiority at Wear vou oF ter foe. 2% "For Sale by J. B. Bunt & Co, Kingston