Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1911, p. 5

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goes than they would have undertakes under' ordinary circhmatances, Followidt up the low water, rough weather played havoe ith naviga- tion, agd a few weeks, there was practical] little doing. A wrent deal time been lost by" the storms. , Although, navigation was given quite a set-back by the low wgiter and luckily there were very few disasters. While there, were many storms, the vessels had ample time fo seek shelter. As one marine seine season of TUL, which isfman was heard to remark, "the gply be | thing that saved some the ldeal eventful § yossels was' the fact that they were able to stay in pori."" Had some ol the vessels boem oni in storms which wed on the lake diving the past few shing cold have saved them The ingurance on phe vessels will run out now, ig the chukse of a few days, and vessels will chugmence lo go ino winter «uarters. There are veral MARINE SEASON NOW DRAWISG ro A CLOSE, very of has Low Water and Storms Have Brought Heap Trouble to Mariners Year--Luekily. No Serious Notes Aroumd This Misha ps Marine Harbor, storms, murine wing to a dose, will of af Ahs Low water and severe storms took & prominent part in the VERE, Tow water Fandi enpped practically all sdsuner; in fact, the oldest marine mop of this city, and her i stated that pever before time, had the water been so It will be remem hered fhat days at o thee vessels | grain-carriers on their way down from were held the low water, and) Fort William, hut there will be had to carry far smaller ear | more boats load at Fort William for OW i Or recorded one most in many year eves of The Vessel Weeks, n cities, their low, ol in ip by no vousels HUNT'S: For nutty Shirts at $1.00, $1.25,$1.50 Knitted Mufflers at 50 cents to $3.50 Ses our large assortment of ; Foaty Neckwear at 50 cents Also, Plain Shades in Bepalen¢ and Irisn Poplin Collars in quarter sizes. aa HUNT'S : - Brock Street. SPV ever NOCOISOOIORSLIBTONTS 9seccsesesnsce Soesences i 00000000000 000000CONNIEYS } -- ET ATER I ITH LIST-YOUR PROPERTIES NO + For Bale or to Rent. ! Sales Negotiated Rents Collected Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUAKS, "Phone 186. KINGSTON, ONT, ao esniele JAMAICA GRAPE FRUIT, MALAGA GRAPES. "MEXICAN ORANGES From 15¢. a dozen to 40c. a dozen. NEW FIGS and CRANBERRIES, allresh. Phone 1 R. H, TOYE, 02 KING 57 Were le Be Re) DOOCOGT Ve a a era aren GIVEN AWAY to tomers who. buy this week at our Ten costly prizes those cus- Geods over one dollar in value, The "Tokyo" _ JAPANESE ART DEALERS. 174 Wellington Street. "PEARSALL'S MILLINERY 7 SPECIAL SALE Felt Shapes at half price, others at 500.E ach. All made Feather Turbans 25 P. C. OFF; COME IN AND SEE THEM. » Pearsall's Millinery, 22s princEss st wr FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT. [FLORIDA ORANGES. JAMAICA GRAPE FRUIT. | JAMAICA ORANGES. MALAGA GRAPES. A. J. REES, - 166 PRINCESS 8T. Phone 58 THE PERFECT COOKING BUTTER. - For baking, frying, cakemaking, and all. cooking purposes, Ko-Ko- But will hake an improvement on your own favorite recipes ude it pastedd id butter or other shorten. Ing. Make your cooking a perfect 1: Mucvess with Ko-KoBut. I 2 "Your grocer sells iL" Write for book of recipes. For § {Quality 1 Swift' DAILY Kingston. The vessels returhivg to Fort William these days are loading for Georgian Bay ports or some other ports. The Montreal Trousportation Com: er delayed their work 4 great and practically upset all their plans. With an elevator filled to overflowing, they were unable to, get barges up from Montreal, but now that the barges will be brought 16 King- ston, laden with grain, and taken back to Montreal, 'as speedily as pos- File, : @ The steamer Renvoile discharged her lenrgo of grain at Richardson's eleva- tor, and cleared; at. six *o'dock, Fyi- day morniig, for Fort William. The steambmrge Navajo 'arrived. is port, from Montreal, with a cargo of package freight. 'Capt. James Norns, of Kingston, is in charge of the Na- vajo. 4 : The schooner Maize arrived from Os wego, with coal for R. Crawford. . The steamer Nevada passed up, on her way from Mobtreal, with phckage freigrht., MY, elevator : Steamer Pel- latt, grain laden, from Fort William, lightered her cargo and proceeded to Montreal; steamer Glenmount cleared for Fort William, after discharging 72,000 bushels of wheat: tug Bronson arrived from Montreal, with three light barges, and will elbar for Mont- real, with three grain barges. The steamer Aletha was windbound at Stella all day Thursday, and a deplt, did not reach the city until Friday morning, about eight o'dlock, After coaling up she laid there all day and left for 'bay ports at three o'clock, The steamer Dalhousie City, now in the Kingston dry dock, hus had the rolling keel 'put on and being painted, The steamer on ways at the Kingston foundry, for paigs. Co's i$ Migsisquoj is the Wreck of Turret Cape. A Detroit despateh says: writers of the Lhe steamer Tarret Cape, which went aground on Middle Bank, niar Cove Island, during the torm last Friday, may have to pas Jor the ship. 'The Turret Cape was abandoned an Sunday by the erew, and on Wed- nescday by the owners. She ié insured for $107,000. PUTS UP A CHALLENGE, Says He Cannot be Hypnotized-- Offers Money D. W. Herman iz willing to bet $50 that The Great McEwen cannot hypuo- tize hun. "I will give him all the time he wants, but his attempt must be made before the public. T am issuing thts challenge bécause of some uncom- plimentary. remarks which ently divected ut' jue, which-Mr 4c Ewen ande use of during his Wednes- day evening performance." Mr. Herman was with the great Kel- ler, at the Park Theatre, Philadelphia, for four monthg, in. i896, and he kaows what he says, when he mukes the challenge. 'The challenge is the outcome of a discussion which ocourred at Mr. Hor man's boarding-house, in which ke ol fered to bet $10 that he could be hypnotized. His fellow-boarders put up the money and Mr. McEwen, appat ently was consulted the matter, but he said not time to bother and consequently the het petered out. M Herman is an employee of Sim mots Brow', were evi is not in regard to that he had over sugh 'things and can be seen there any ti: between 7 am: and 5 pom, by Mr. Mcfwon or who desires to take up the challer anvhody Only One Has New Cover. Only the ballot boxes {o be used in Kingston in the coming pro- vineial election, will be fitted with the new cover, The covers, as now in use, only eover half the top, the other half being secure, The new cover will open up the entire top, there being no possibility; when the returning officer examines them, of a ballot lodging in them. Number eightesn will be the on with the cover, able expense being involved, one ol Iyv-_one new consider- Y.LC.B.A. Dance, Inst of four by tha Youug Irishmen, 8 held in the Y.LORA. hall, street, Thursday evening. & Connor's orchestra wis and furnished pro grmamie of music for the eighty cen ples presént. Refrgshmeonts were ed late in the eveping. Much of sucesss of the quartette of dar held danced, of the uecessiul n Croshy present an good sery- the Wes i due to the energetic committee, 1. JJ Martinelli, Charles Cross, Henry fy es, Patrick Lawless, ¥ Thomas Walsh and Samuel Mateer. Well-Known Actor Here. Frank Grimshaw, of Kingston, who has bden travelling with Marks Pros' company, is back in the city, for a few days, on account of illness in the family. He left the company in Re gina, It is said that James Purtell, who bas been seen several times in productions of the Y.LC.BA. Drama- tic Club, will accompany him west- ward again, "ae Best Obtainable. There is no surer remedy for Fer ema (Salt Rbiewnd and all Uiceases arising from an impury condition of the blood, than Wade's Iron Tonic | Pills. They ¢leanse the system, en- rich the blood, improve the appéeite and tove up the- constitution, Pries We. For sale by 1. B. Mcleod, druggist. Government by Commission, The Bible class of the Y. NM. C; A. on Monday night will take somewhat of a different nature on Monday even ing. The subject for discussion will be government by commission. The meet- ing will, as usual, be led by Robert Meek. A number of ti® aldermen wilh be asked to be present. It's From Camphelt's. " That's all the mas of = fosdyiom wants 16 know about: the hat fie se lects. New derbies and soit hats, S150; 82. sone, BL 3 Campbell Bros", Kingston's only exclusive hat and for store, ne pastry _oking, "K ' Bour never had an equal % coal is well screened, pany is very busy getting grain barges | down te Montreal. The stormy weath- | deal, | the weather is favorable for river work, | tating about, he ts Mhurpieed at the reswlt. ¥. : Bld WIIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1911. BE IN SYDENHAM HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT. The County Council Asks Legislation to Make it Imperative For a Town. ship to be in Same High School District. BRITISH ISLAND TO Since the yedr 1896, Wolfe Island has connected with no high school district, ite boys and girls attending the Kingston Collegiate Institule, which is much more convenient. than the Sydenham High School. During a sTorny session of the Fraitenae coun cil fifteen years ago, Wolfe Island, by some clever manoeuvering of its repre | sentatives, munaged to wiggle out" of the Sydenham district. Ever si there has beeu dissatbdaction on tin part of the other townships of the council, because of the unnive position cecupied by Reeve Fawcett's island constituency, which pays none of the cost: of mamtaining the edunty® hich school in Sydenham village. At Thurshay sfterncon's decision of | the Frontenac council, a motion: was introduced by Councillors Donaldson | and Godkin, to petition the Ontario | legislature to change the law as to make it imperative for Wolle 1s fand anc 2H other townships similar ly situated to 'be attached to some hight! geMool distriet. This resolution: | Deen gine 80 REAL UP-TO-DATE SHOES FOR MEN. Winter Tans, $4, $5, $6. Winter Calf and Oil Leathers, $5. Gun Metals, $4, $4.50, $5. We also have small sizes for Young Men. ABERNETHY'S bwin t result of a report made by | WM, F. Nickle, K.C,, guunty solicitor, who stated that under present condi: tions Wolfe-dsland could. not be for- ced to join. the= STdenham High five years. Schook district. + The institution, Fhe resolution asking for tegislation yout, was a was passed, Councillors Fawcett, Bai-| Frontenac could . afford to den and Foley alone voting way. The | without. The warden promised that vote was 11 to 3. Councillors Ran- {the hospital needs would fully kin, Calvin and: Reid, were absent when | considered by neil {the vote was taken. | After Warden Miller had declared the {resolution carried, Cashecillor Fawcett | asked for the yeas and navs, hat the | warden had to refuse' the view of his declaration, ¥ | For dry kindling: oo Councillor Taylor deew attention to! Another "Week-end" dangerous condition of Dog lake regular frosh 30¢ for bridge in Storrington Something Oily i should be done to is at The | York" on "thursday bridge was used by people of Pitts oa § 2 Pe { excursion. burg township and of Leeds COUnLY. { 'Mout: - housewives It was part of the _ main travelled | Quality" flour. There's a road, In view of its being used by Work on the addition to t Pittsburghers, he thought that ' fice nicel It rington should not have to be wholly { rushed along as speedily as possible. received in grauts to care fay the poor sick of Frontenac last vear, The an- nual grant bad not been increased in Mr, we Lockett th one, pointed which he most not be the cou 2 - THE INCIDENTS OF DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Our Reporters. to choeolate sale, Mahood's to New New York Up By request, in | Swift's, i 25¢. went the © persons nee, on "hin 0. prefer g ree . post ol St is progressing 1s being % | store, at Mel utéheon, when she entertained friends Wolfe Island, that he is to Schoal the Jest evi to on Thurs and the what the all continue to « "King's Qual- ¥dgerton Shore, general secretary in Queen street morning. Chocolate sale, was ht , Ch Ma ton, civils service gives most of "We choealnles glare, window of regular Htc Mahood's drug "King's Qualit flour, manulactar «l hy the Maple Leal Milling. Co, ant sold by all leading vrocers, is in popular demand everywhere, Have you tried ¥ A munition by the ordnance for pound guns. These will, from time, be issued field battegies thro dominior A number of fr od'" Me. and Mrs héme, on Kail at our on for 25 Yeon proof pos ite agents these contain elements Ww husy stomach hat stimulate graduy of Wagons and recerved consignment limbers Hane has - been stores erghite n time to 1. the artillery ly . % ghoot { their Ir pot back woh sUrpry their Fhursday es | is have fowr ie) A chemizal and but en ged air inddul Nee oes the af 1a an garly howr this morn: Vele- 20 Cul $ave i tn We Friday drug new at "ta cheap. sixpense SWALLOWED MOHPHINE PILLS, Young Lady Took Seven of Them on # Dare. A voung lady witending an city stitution swallowed seven morphine tablets, Wedpesdav afternoon, taking a dare which had bean extended in some of her friends. by ot wbort. Gine she began bo not strangely snd her eves Look on a fived Look. A doctor was called and she was trested. One of them was sonsidersd all that was sale to take and it wax x miracle that the taking of the seven did nat wind ber life, wm responsible for it. The bridge mus Swift's coal is promptly delivered. eithér be rebuilt at once, or it would | "Week-end" sale 0c -chocolates for be necessary to clos¢ it to teaffic. It |. i . ' 1 & Mahood"s d will receive the council's attention. ' : s spemt This resolution was passed, on 'mo 1 yery pisasa pent pe : the home of Miss Tessie tion of Councilors Salmond and Don Lp ih treet aldson : That in the event of the] Ties 8 DT township of Storrington placing the 1' na ol hex id matter of responsibility for Dog Lake Williadh Fitigorald, bridge, before the judge for his con- {denies the fant sideration, the roads and bridges' | take 2 position in. the Puiry copgitiee go and lookrover the x: } fin Aingston. fn bridge so as to "be ible to give p y and bread olin dence before the judge, v 8 market, hirig's Quality. I'iy it. EF. G, Lockett, chairman, and Dr. Two more pris mers were, added H. A. Boyce, superintendent of Lhe the roll at the penitentiary, Cieneral Hospital, addressed |d8y. One came from WeHand, on behali of that institn | other from Hamilton "a tion, and asked that the annual grant { "Bing's Quality Hour" is of $1,000 be doubled in view of the | grocer hears most. increased expenditure, and extended | Sachet your Christmas presents, work of the institution. Dr. Boyce {fresh at Mahood's drug store pointed out that it cost the hospita! Letters ; ome to the eity management over $1.00 more than it | from former Kingstonians, expressing = m-- a .-. pleasure at the fact that Kingston is to have a new hotel, A Reasonable Plea Fhe con's bons fond . ity" flour. For the Stomach Hear Rev. T. E. "iM. A, B.D, ; : * oreig missions, i Your Stomach is Lacking in Di- | orsign i gestive Power, Why Not Help "Week-end" Friday the Stomach Do Its Work and Saturday. Don't miss it this time, Especially When it Costs Se, Mahood's drug store. Nothing to Try? A party Riven in Monday in honor Not with drugs, bu with a rein | mie Gallagher, of King forcement of digestive agents, such | cently went to #he capital to a8 are naturally at work fn the sto: | position in the mach? Scientific analysia shows | Swift's coal that digestion revjuires pepsin, ni Kee -trogenous farments, and th: secrolion of hydrochloric acid, When food Tails to digest, it is that some of are lncking in your digestive apparatus Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet nothing but these natural thecessary to (igestion and placed at work in the weak dnd small Ditestines, supply these organs moeed. They the . gastric glands and bring the digestive Orgnng their normal condition, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tal been suliscted to critic A tests at home and abroad Hg. times and dancing were found to contain nothing ing jane alter 1 sl tural digestives. broke Bp at Sata a wd Rs "wr ch mo. i mirwioty, Tole Reape Prevost, Brock street, has received , ' . : 4 phone No. 102% Cantral. all hi€' fall and winter gods for his kh Q o fi ye order clothing department, also in um 3t., Fenchurch St. Fo. vm otk and gents" fur London, 9th Aug., 1903 teddy-made siothing nj ge 1 wall I have analyzed most carefully : nishing Sapartuient, they ate all well Ry aegis : ye # assorted with new goods. box of Stuart's Byspep a Uablets The Smith's Falls News King {which 1 Hought myself wt a wity ton is becoming progressive in spite of chemist's shop for the purpose)' man- | borself---ehat is in spite of the few re ufactured by the F, A Stuart Cou, | maining fossils who have an idea that 86 Clerkenwell Road, London, EB. they constitute ull that Wise nnd and have to report that ¥ ~annot important in the old Limestone city. lind any trace of vegeiable' or nin Maple cream chocolaies, : eral poisons. Kuowing the ingre- | Bordeaux chocolates. dients of the tablets | am of opinion Bitter sweet chocolates. thit they are admirably adaptatile for] Coffee cream. chocolates, the purposes for which théy are Choeolate coated caramels. tended, {Signed} Walnut stick chocolates. Jobn R. Brooks, F110, Po8. Regular 80c¢, for Wm. on Theve is no seeret ini the prepara | and <Saturday,. at Makood's tion of Stusrt's Dyspepsia Tablets. store. Their composition in commonl Thomas Nelson & Sons, Priternos- known amon physid ang, as if ter Road, London, Fi are ron shown by (he recommendations of !'siautls issuing hooks cheap 40,000 Ticensed physicians in the . Uni | rates. Ihe atest are "The Road. ted States and Canada. They are by Frank Saviles,. "Through the the most popular of all remedies for Heatt of Patagonia," by H. i. indigestion, dvspepsia, water brash, Prichicd™; "Mr. Horrock's Purser." insomnia, loss of appetite. melas. by C. J, Rutclife Hvue, and "Wiki cholia, Gonstipation:-- dysenire and | Wales." bv George' Noeraw." The Kindred diseases orifinating from im- | prices ranse from a Proper dissolution and gesimialion shilling: and are exceptional fol foods, because they dre shotongh | ; ly relintde and hareress 1 man sor child. oS Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are at once a safe and powerful remely. one. grain of these tablets: boing | strong etough (by testy to divest $000 rains of steak. wers nid other foods. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest vonr food for wom whew your stomach can't, | Ask wour dreguist for a 3c. bos or to ux diceet or 4 free {cin} sample package "amd = you will "he A Btuant Co," 190 Stoart Mich, : - i OFFICERS ELECTED i a rT ee 4 AT MEETING CHARITY ORGANI! © ZATION SOCIETY, Additional Matters Dealt With at an Adjourned Mecting--Employment | Bureau to be Opencd at the Earli-| est Pospible Date. An adjourned meeting of the Char ity Organization Society was held Thursday night, in Y. M. C. at the following officers committees were elected: President, Dr, A. E TT. H Harrison, and J on | AL} and the which Ross; vice: | I ¥. 1 recording general | tre ® An executive cominittee Was appomt- | ed, cousisting of Dean venor; T, 8. Bale, Meek, Rev, D Whitmore, Rev, J. Mrs. Oberndorffer, president Nteacy Carson; Bale; McConachie; Steveison. secretary, tary, J. C, C. secre P.] surer, SUITAB'E GIFT | For Lady or Gentleman in (Quartered Oak or Mahogany and Circassian. Walnut Buy early, we store your purchase, REID'S HIGH QUALITY «REID'S LOW PRICES. JAMES REID'S 'Phone 147. Bidwell, con secretary; Robert Laing, Rev, H. Db, Fairley, Miss Muck James. Swift, Mrs. 8. Mrs: W. G. Jordan, Miss Strange, with the president apd office ers lestone; A finance committee was appointed, of Robert Meek, F. Harrison, Dean 5. Bah; to Arrange imed- iutely for' funds for the association The executive committee advised the general Lo secure what sup- plies were réqiired, including a tole phone, and to arrange for an enploy consisting venor, 1, F. as Yidwell, cons - and secretary of | at to ment bureau, the earliest possible - date, and also notify ull {churches and institutions to communi- [cate with the associated {avail themselves of the information tsoctured ba the general secretary, and, i furthermore, to report to {the secretary, for the purpose pres venting rlapping, It ASBATY that all information be in this way, and it will he kept entirely ean {fidential, and not given to the public i manner: It is desirable t} Jl iemployers of libor, whether indu trial ' domestic, shall report their needs ito the general secretary of the assoc i inted charities at his office, 18 Market ' thease TBVRTRLVRRBARN Cleaning Women's Wear. ¢ 4 : the charities, to We give the mos careful ai- tention to all cleaning and: dyeing for the ladies No need to be anxious any article sent he larg est every cyse of about work " to in R. PARKER & Cv, Dyers and Cleaners, 80 Princess Ni. Kingston, Oot, ave 18 nec these given Canadn in any at fSssassesssrnessns ' ¢ ' cra sassssssesne on oon. 8 mr MCEWEN STILL MYSTIFYING, street, and also that the ity employment dur associated council Liwge Audience at the Grand Every before giving out Sh Evening, swill the wintel any consalt the charities here . 0 non t ol great the to mters I'he i cate on the fife. A {aston In it the professor il ening attendanee Past + and big - Crawd 150 V VERY FINE RECITAL Witness the jn iHquG MoE wen Hing the who condition tainment Of Dickens® "Christinas Carol" wut nian was in ioxed Last Evening. Iarge Fue loptic sage in a chair feted to real bo winher wus py ' Methodist Loam Bile woathed and wocler eeurel sll large od oO 1 took ham was I dese te the nter stivactions, at the dram: simak Carol" , the Dicker sirect } wide lament plage, tied, and the box was nailed win by two carpenters and tent the the age. Two adjoin. professor i turned over ln a few wat were into a ihe nit who recited the whe on entlemen Dickens' 18 1 condensed | ve wh ny the box the elio ries "lage, ex- closely touching story Me the 1 . r nex Phere doubt that amined i "8 interpret 1 of watched SHOT 413 this He is holding Ws listeners of themselves, and i they were story into expla tions pat the an (rims 1eie Ifting 1 making almost of Louth story is to him yman on orn remark ening s, them tn regard me Bh made n Mise Flore beautiful Faust," Rod," the kh ment Oy matin < previous ey Hanley re Waite spect this nee ndered three The almost pathos that it outline it humor ange song, from ened applauded, entertain. fo well Kuown . . Annie 1. was in varie' "faolden SIE] anvthing else partner | had this Christmas eve. this was brough: of hig nephew and the poor. * He hat his clerk. Old want and that fight was visited iw ey's ghost, too in life During the +isirs of sparits, Christmas Past Present, and Christmas Yet to the great Old Og sible, a self The 'great ens" famous writing doubled foree to danger of dwarfing bemy the chief and only | taking pleasure all and no pathy with s-fiering Mr. Williamson hes ion ; HINACOSEAT had fost but h deal His back by the colle very SeYooge and war ml pot ic caused Strooge orest in His years, ane miesmer ic been much laughter altern whicl + provided for be pro- children, memory of win there wil the od gramme a special visit A 8 . Is ore {mn ine w : 'rofess 1 » nchde wag with Pr ani « ir meetin ternoon, hom Mar it warned, before to change and was late fie inter PT Money Back, 'y Mocca Oi t oreny 1 he Christma three Lone transformation redesne, if of Chu Came ag lesson x Filins Have Til y ut with i presen § iter ture § 1H" Ving pe the stamp * of acl same émg's bite, AY phn s cen Bo fw the hap arovmd, tamariy i + his : gold watch «hi Lh x Le A Quiet Marr Dickens owned and is shipposed o quml matriage bave earrisd during his yemhe or} ae ings. It was Prought 16 Cannds i \. Robert a nephew of the great ne . ~ Street, came to this country gind beramae an | TBD, daughter insoector in the Now be Wesi te j ane Mrs. 1 Police. This nephew - Yo} ndow, rooted and it mas for a the the possession of uo | y 1 fen city, antil Me. Willis it After the rdf] » thie interesting relic Durisr the evesang Harald Aa grove sang mm bis uscal pleasmy mater, "The Veteran's Song" and "Mabe New Frionds'™ Ag a hearty 'vote of thanks was iage a Now A Herb bilo Mee %. Kk. Limes united age ovcurved, the resis early L915 Art boy td " Wore wi by Re x 3 Maresing hot ress parelesd 1 Elves iatock Fry Rpt gel H i redone | 0 pst Paved i cure constipation, date soom x ; thet i bllbmeiess and all ther] Baer i Po nt » to the recifer. with tha hone he would pice Kingetosingge, ane Gripe or itriate, $6, »

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