Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Nov 1911, p. 1

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. ¢ YEAR 78 -NO. 275 -id he Daily KINGSTON, ONTARIO, saTeRpAL, NOVEMBER 5, 91. 1 eel fifis 2 LAST EDITION ENGLAND MAY mr ----_ Ambassador Will Enter 'Grey. Retires. em EB Cf fm Hie Germany Were o on 1 Verge of. War Over Morocco the Cause of Disclosure That Britain and RECALL BRYCE Cabinet If Sir Edward , = Opposition. -------------- ar - London, Nov, The belie! pre vails in politics] circles that Sic Pal ward Grey, secretary for fordign af fairs, 'will retire frope the ealinet uf ter his engerly awaited exposition ou foreigh relations. on Nov. Zith, in the hoase and | that dames Bryce, ambassador © to the United States, will suecced him. of commons, | | SIR EDWARD GREY The fesignalion of the cretary alipogt gertninly handed: to Ah Aminigtor shoukl any lack ol cotifitefiey bw shown in| his peliey Sduring Ahy debato which will | follpw bi ty set on Mon day. ii W Sir Fdward Ctl resentiye hus the obyset of pe ity tous attack, from the i Ei rom the ox- treme She aptly Wolf His own party, The, ra a which dip lomatic supe tations have Brey eir ried om' has avousdd the 'ire of the radicals, ho Inttotly have received some support from the more moderaty | liberals, | |mTETTm PRIDE NEARLY KIL KILLS HIGH COLLAR WEARER Man Used to Soft Shirts Chokes When He Dresses Up, With Uncomfortable Result Georgetown," Hel, Nov. 23 ficiug comfort' for pride in his sonal ~ appearaner, Ruymond of, Georgetown, wes nearly steanalod to death whan he wore o collay that was too high and wo tight. Pusey has been accustomed to wear- ing a soft shirt and collar. = It was not until he wan preparing to make a onll that he opened a poclage of | stiff collary. Howes only with siderable effort and the use of button hook that 'he wade the of the 'collar mest. : Starting down, hte noticed poecul- jar feching and an efft to hroathe Stopping ut a loeal doug store he ask- od for ruhief sid could hardly speak while his face lad almost turned purple, The doctor®did not notice the collar and told ths voung man th he feared stroke of some kind aml urge him to gb howe and hie down Tearing the collar afi, he pearly fell inlo the doiy of his home, Dut WHE S08 povided ad Gi a short timo had ragaind his «normal con: been nob Sacri per Pusey, w | ni on Is 4 Five spvead Rapidly st Convent in Quebec, St. Jerpme,, Que, Nov. During the colabration of wass, early yester- day morning, fire vgs discovered in the hospice of Sosufs Grises and it sproad with such rapidity that by the time of the are fat. of ithe firemen the whole upper. pa of the structive was « mass of Humes. one buodred reliiouses aud young ehilifren ssleap in the dormitory. were, Avithy consiler able diffipulty, © reshGved from tha building 46" a pew ol safety. The convent a ro Mo ruins. a inn fs ol Han of Hamiios, Sad mself 5 ear consigl J ie St with" Sond and water jor the tr IR ¥ogave out, and he was in, "nl the car in A dying condition at New Richmond, We on dat ¢ chaool f nh. Wolves for Soe. tonights Mabod's drug store: Dwyer for ithe best 0c. bovs' fleece: lined shirts and drawers. DAILY MEMORANDA. To ARdpewR 0 sarmon, Chalmers Cehprel Topas Sunday. orf Bammdr. dbaver and wiltedts and Thursday. : WAELEat ten af Mrs JR o's, Carl Bivecr. Dec i. ah concert, In eval Hall ine tight § the Aun with re. statements were on the the radical it wn- th The disclosures regarding" glo-tierman conversations spect to Morocco amd the that these two countries verge of has given another openimg,, and nov derstocd they are presiing retirement of Sir "We won't out--knowing the renson why. The radicals faver an Anglo-Gér man understanding and accuse Si Edward Grey of balking their efforts in this direction, either by his own design or through thé infiuence of anti-German - officials in' the foreign office, Should' Sir Edward resign deidqount Haldene, secrctary for war, anl Reginald MeKenna, the homo secretary, will likely follow him ow # the cabinet. dames Pryce, cessor, would { entive Party, unionists war is fon Edward's sue the the as Sir be supported by as he wus whe 'tucked him for the part took 'in the negotiations on the {sil fect of reciprocity. hetween Canada amd the United States, a tacit undemwtanding the komist leathers support the govern- ment's foreign policy, of at least re frain from eriticizing ity They, like the woderate liberals, argue : "Why surn a brilliant diplomatig victory into defeat Hy sacrificing the victor, in order to secure the good will of vanquished Germlaps." The lobty is full of rumors he Ly un-~ of oth for troutlos lesetting the ghvernment. that It is said in uniouist quarters satisfy the cabinet ie pot abies to John Redmond's home rule demands whith have increased through fear of the growing (V Brienite strength. iu. Ireland and tho laborites are dissn- tintied with the findings of the royal commission last August with respect to the railway steike,. They blame the cabinet . failuge to secure ve cognition of the unions. The prime minister, it is true, © is under nioral obligavions' to avoid a crisis during the king's absenee, but it may be beyond . his power to do A QUEBEC PRIEST LEAPS 10 His DEATH St. Therece hE Bn Skull in St. Joseph priest death; Therese, Gue., Nov. 25.--Abbe Arthur Vaillancourt, parish of St. Therese, met a sudden Friday. He was walking on the C.P.R. tracks, near the viaduct, when the Nominingue * train came steaming along. Surprised by the train the priest jumped out of the way and falling down the embank- ment which is about twenty feet steep at that point, he fractured his skull on a huge stone. His body then roll ed into the river which borders the line. The train was, stopped and the body of the Rev. Mr. Vaillancourt was dragged out of the water by passen Lers. BEES ARE NOT GAME. Men Who Cat Neighbor's Likely to Get "Stung." Albany, N.Y., 'Nov. &5.--Bees have never been consi i "game" and no Livotize is required to hunt them, save V. 8. Willams, counsel to the ate conservation commission, in re- plying. to a letter from a resident ob Orleans county, asking for-i tion regarding the cutting down o "hee trees," or the taking of honey from them. "But," he savs, "if you tiid a 'bee tree' on the lands of your neighbor you most his consent be- Trees vou might get for trespass," 'sting' > in 8 ~~ School Course in Eating. Chicagd, Nov. 25. ---Penuy lunches which the school board began to serve a few months ago ag an experiment, have developed into = part of the cur riculum, in several of the public schools. They have beeg found to be of great value in making the children more plamp and their brains - more active, ¢ Before the lunches were instituted, many §f the children were backward in their st It was found that near yall "of "these cases came from fami les An straightened - circumstances. Then the. : school hoard © began wd. improvement was Mumia dition be od: ah . Matas WeelEnd Sale. will sell BRE o fai. Edward, declaring tf be drawn into war with | fore cutting down the tree, otherwise, an action] the lunches to seo whether food were need Within a short time a remarkable noticed. "At a school in the north side Ita- |? / children RATS AND STARVED STOWAWAY, Twelve Days Prisoner Hol, | Coddles Them for Warmth, taltimore, Md., Nov. 26. -Twelve fale a prisoner in the cold gnd blaek {hold of 4 ship, sucking the moistur frome the steel plates in the halt to siench kis thirst and having only two potitoes to eat amidst swarms of rats, was the experience of Walter Purding, a stowaway on' the Johnson line steamship Ulstermore, Capt. Gowan, in port from biverpoot: The Ulsermore left Liverpool, No- vember 4th. It ran into the vicinity if 'icopergs. Hail fell on the ship and mverted the stowaway's quarters (n- to a veritable refrigerator. Prisoner said the swarms of rats nestled on his breast, and he did not fight them becalise théy kept him warm. lle says he petted them. On November 6th the foremast light refused to work and jt was necessary to open a hateh. Purding was found almost dead. ' DECREE IS BEING FELT IR HGH PLACES Miss Mildred Sherman Mas Been Acmitted and Baptised a Catholic. in PHOTO UNDERWOOD & UNDERWOOD. N, ¥ MER MILDRED SHRRMAN New York, Nov. ~The ne temere déoree is making itself felt in high places in United States society, Miss Mildred Sherman, the beautiful and dungiter of William Watts Shami. 'millionaire, néphisw 'of Gen eral Sherman, Was, this morning, ad- mitted and baptised a Roman athe lie, ip view of her marriage, this af ternoon, to Lord Camovs, member of one of the ost prominent Roman Catholic families of England. PRESENTS A STATEMENT, 25 Signed by Accusers Themselves, Denying Misrepresentation. New York, Nov. 25.~John D. Rocke feller, in a statement given out, re- plied to the charges made by the Merritt brothers before the « Stanley steel Investigating committee, re garding the methods used by Mr iKockefeller in securing control of th \iesaba ore mines and the Duluth, Missabe & Northern railroad, pointing out that the charges were denied un lor oath as long ago as 1595 in the litigation over the [Lake Superior Consolidated iron mines. He fufthermore submits the text of a paper bearing the date of January 22nd, 1897 to which are attached the ndmes of Alred and leonidas Merritt and ~"all* the other members of ' the 'amily,"' declaring themselves satisfied hat meither Mr. Rockefeller nor his agents committed fraud or made mis copresentationss i in the matter in ques tion. FATHER'S GRIM JOURNEY, Five Days' Trip Through Northern Bush With Corpse. Cobalt, Nov. -A fivedays" trip through the bush over irails covered deep With: snow and across muskeg, not yet frozen sufficiently to give good footing, hating to trudge around all bodies of water on which the ice was nots yey thick enough to muke a this was the expetience 8 Taylor, who, bearing with of hix son who had been arrived in New Liskeard, from West Shining Tree. The boy, twenty-one years of age, met his death. while alone trying to cross a lake on ice which broke be [neath hime. 25. aT MAY BLOCKADE DARDANELLES, Naty Given Notice of Such Ingen. tion. London, Nov. 25.--The Daily Constan ople correspondent that the Russian and Austrian am- bassadors have informed the porte that their governments have received notification of Italy's intention blockade the Dardanelles. - Neutral comigerce is seriously threatened by "the remo blockade. 1t is shought that italy meiy even try to force the Dardanelles and dictate hei" terms of peace at" Constantinople, Circulate Petition, -Eriends of W. R. Traverse are Mails savs tolday ' i Despatches From - Near and Distant Placas THE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little wt Everjbody Easily Read and Re membered. Fortunes are won and lost Chicago by women" poker playems. London police will prosecute motor- ists eicceding ten wiles .an hour, Hamilton will be asked to vote $650,000 for water works improve- ments. Only one sale of cocaine was repolt- ed in Ontario during the past six months, Robert J. Wood, Berlin, has won the degree of LM.D. at the university of lingis. Half a million dollars is being spent on additional grain storage on the Clyde. Calgary exhibition directors have de- cided to invite the Duke of Connaught to Open next year's fajr Peter Pauli and his on Clifford, who were asphyxiated at Rochester. N.Y. vtll be bused at Stratford A temper@ince hotel in the town. of Newmarket (under local option) has just declared a dividend of six per cent. Marquis Jutaro Komura, ex-minister of foreign affairs and privy councillor, died at Tokio, on Thursday. He was born in 1833 All the charges arising out of the failure of the Farmers' bank have been disposed of, unless Dr. Beattie Nesbitt should return to this gountry, £ Jose « Pino Suarez, was entrust Mexican republic, before the Chamber in with the office of vice-president of { of Deputies, Theodore Staniscis, worth $100,000, under sentence of seven years in Peni: tentiary for arson, hanged himself in jail at Lincoln, Neb., on Thursday. H ry _ Hodgins, poesident of the St. Catharines conservative asso: ciation, has been given a clorkglsp in the customs house. Miss Jennie M. Roberts, of Syra: cuse, N-Y., and Robert ©. Garlock; of Cape Vincent, N.Y., A¥se marrie! at Svrachise, on Wedidsday 5 Alired 'Anderson, Berlin, Ont., aged fotty, with a wife and three childres in the old couptry, was arrested fon peeping into the windows of St, Anne's convent. li Rev. Frederick Percival Farrar, whose appointment as chaplain to the king has been cancelled, comes to Canada, he will be deported as an un- desirable. Rev. Angus B. Macleod, pastor of St. John's Presbyterian church, Corn wall, was married recently to Mis Catherine MacLeod, daughter of John Macleod, Boston. The Dail Manufacturing Co, of Port Colborne, may spend $1,000 008 in adding to its plant for man ufaciuring farm implements and may acd autos to Us output. Dr. Wu Ting Fang and others ar working on a proclamation, which wi be issued shortly, asking all nation ta recognize .the republic, according to a Shanghai despatch. The sénate, having concluded the de bate of the address, intends to ad journ early next week until the first week in December, when it-expects to pass a supply bill and take anothe: vacation till January te await busi ness from the commons. "William Cummings, Nashville, Temnn., bavker, recently convicted of held by the Carnegip company, New York, was sentenced to an indetermin- ate term of four years and eight months, to eight yecrs and eight months, He is fifty vears of age. DUKE'S TORONTO VISIT. Cars Will Not Run on Yonge Street When He Passes. Toronto, Nov. 25.--The Duke and Duchess of Connaught and their wili- tary escort of thirty-five mounted sol- diers will have a clear course on their way from North Toronto station to the city hall on Monday afternoon so fur 'ns-the street cars are concerned. Manager R. J. Fleming, of the Toron- to 'Railway company, has promised to keep the cars off Yonge street during the half hour or more occupied in es- corting' the royal visitors to their first civic reception in this city. The work 'of decorating buildings in honor of the coming of the new gov- caimor-general, which was scarcely got un way yel, was intercupted to day by the wet weather. It is ex- pected the decorations will be active y forwarded to-morrow and Satur Kept in the Families. : Nov. 25--Two four have Dix Chair- their heen approprinted by Governor and a Democrnie: State man Huppuch, for members of families. The Jucky members Charles B. Dix, a brother of the » snd Herbert. D. Spe of § appointed v hs i The fd are 2, Woh te LATEST TH TIDINGS the theft of $140,000 from a trust fund | EUGENE V. DEBS PREDICTS. Says Roosevelt and Harman Will 'be Candidates. Terre Haute, Ind., Nov, 25.--Eugene V. Debs, socialist candidate for presi- dent three times, says jhat Roosevelt and Harmon will-be the candidates of the two big parties next yéar. He says that in the republican convention Lakollette will have "a robust ma- jority"' and "Taft big ' will have a majority, but the leaders will see that he cannot be elected. Some one will suggest Roosevelt as the man of the hour and he will be nominated. When the time comes LaFollette, who is} leading the insurgent movement, will step back and let Roosevelt be no' minated without a struggle. This will enable LaFollette to stick to the party and, with Roodevéit's help four years later, land the nomination. "Bryan will support Harmon for the same . motive. The party forces have determined that Harmon shall be the nominee and Bryan will - find himself in the same position he was when Alton B. Parker was the no- mince. But Bryan is more seasoned now. He is inoculated with the idea that some day he will bé president." Debs says of Roosevelt : ""After ali he is only about 'six inches out of the jungle. His snarl is too much like that of an animal." ARE VERY OBSTINATE, Will Only "Accept Pure Government Measure. London, Nov. 25.--A telegram has been sent to the chancellor of the exche quer, Lloyd-George, signed by two hundred of the sufiragette pri- soners in Bow street. 'They reject his offer to urge a campaign in support of the proposal te imciud women in ' the government's oonbay manhood sufirage bill, and say they will accept nothing less than -- a government measure giving wgual vot- ing rights to men and women. HE MAKES PROTEST. Joseph Chamberlain Opposes the Newspaper Talk, Nov. 2b6.~Joseph Chamber lain is out with a strong interview protesting, vigorously, at the news paper--reports of the alleged Italian atrocities in Tripoli, calling attention to the fact that lialy's soldiers may have undreamed of provocation and that Italy always was friendly to England, a London, Chosen Bishop. Victoria, B.C., Nov, 25.~Rev. T. John C. Roper, New York, lormetl ff Toronto, was elected bishop of jritish Columbia, in succession te fichop Perrin, early yesterday. 'the session of thy synod was very pro- tracted, extending twenty-four hours ine ballots were taken before an if thecandidates secured a majority of the clerical and lay delegates. VERY BAD OUTLOOK FOR GOOD FOOTBALL | - foronto is Blarketed With Snox and Rain is Now Ex- pected. Toronto, Nov. 25.--This city is hein blanketed, this morning, with. a so heavy snow. storm, and the prospe « for rain if there i any change at all. The weather ind zling rugby dopusters and the pro- mois are making guessing on the 'raq Varsity battle for the domimo -hampidnship very varied indeed. The experts in the newspaper office are much divided, some favoring o team, some the other. The weatly conditions certdinly are favoring ar gonauts to oust Varsity out of th championship seat. Budget From Picton. Picton, Nov. ~The former Ring- er carriage factory, on Main street east, is Lo be converted into a gar age rpxt summer by Mr. Hubbs, ol East Lake Road. This will make th. second ome for the town. A dis astrous. fre ocomrred ar Malville Comsecon Lake, when an evaporatos Barrel factory, saw mill and - grist alll were destroved. About JOO worth of evaporated stock was des troyed alo. B. 7. Hepburn, M.P,, intends taking a petition to Ottawa o secure if possible the diediing of Picton hatifor next year. Mes Benson expects to leave in av few dys for Cuba. - Justice Clute, of Toren to, has been holding the high court here. Nr. and Mrs. B. Aylesworth Have left town to reside in Hamilton, W. I. Potter has left jor British Colum- hia. Jerome Helferty has tee visiting in Kimgston." Mrs. T. Shan- non has returned from Toronto, Miss Hamilton, of New York, is the guest of Mrs. H. A. Hamilion and Mrs. W. fH. Williamson, Centre and Mrs. Horsey are to spend the winter. Oshawa, visited Yu town recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen celgbrated their | o fiftieth anniversary, [Oat 3st, when children and grandchildren wets pre- sent, except Ross Valleau, sbsent Alberts. © Mrs. Rose, a former resi- dent of the cvunty, died at Sodus, X.Y. Kelvin Baldwin, son of r. ard Mrs. HB. Baldwin, died on Nov. 3nd, at the Sick Children's hospitel, Tordnto. , At Milweukee, Wis, Edat Mitchell, formerly of Sp tint., { itted suicide drinkigg car. oommi by oe holie weid. He leaves wile amd ov Newsrk; N.J., Former United training ships. Rx She: dominion, ruswy Editor Charles States Semator John F. Dryden died, favor of ¥ te diaion ae --1 GET SEAPORT Plan Arranged by the Federal Government. To NEED APPROVAL BEFORE) BILL © CAN. BE. PCT THROUGH HOUSE. Ontario to Have an Outlet' in - the Hudson Bay at Port Nelson--Thi. Harbor is Probably the Best 0. Bay, and May be Railway Ter minus Also. Ottawa, Nov. 25.--1It is understood that a plan has ben made by the government here whereby Ontario, as as Manitoba, will secure a sea part on Hudson Bay. The arrange ment has the approval of both Um tario and Manitoba ministers am here, but it wiil reqfre the} approval of the governments of the two provinces before a bill can be introduced in parliament to give it effect. it is now proposed that tween the two provinces will Be lo cated by producing the present nor therm boundary of Manitoba cast ward to the ninety-seeond meridian of longtitucy, proceeding thence north- ward tothe awnety-second gneridian of latitude, running thence northwest vard to a point within ten miles ol the mouth of the Nelson river, whic a followed to its mouth (htario thus secures an outlet on Hudson Bay at Port Nelson, which is, prolasbly he best harbor on that sheet © water, "and was favored as a ter minus for the Hudson Bay railway. Intario obtains a triangular piece of derritery on the shores of the bas nd gives to Manstoba a triangulm ection of a similar sive further to Lhe south, a line be i TRAVEL STORIES, Several years ago the Whig published a ries of travel letters by Dr. Sigel Roush, a descriptive writer of great power. They, were greatly enjoyed. Dr. Roush = has started on another tour, and the Whig has arranged for the publication of his new series, the Tiree of whieh will appear in Tuesday's issue, Watch for it. terest ow p GPP PPP rte ret 0a PEPE ETTE i HAS PUBLISHED A STRONG REPLY anon Kittson Takes Exception to the Letter of Archbishop Bruchesi, of Montreal. Ottawa, Nov. 20, -Canom Kittson, «otor of Christ Chiirch cathedral, hich is attendgd by the Duke of Con | aught, has published a strong rep i » Archbishop Bruchessi's letter on the temere © decree. It is a searching nalysis of the rights which "it i» imed were given the chureh in Que- Canon Kittson was, himself, « rmer Roman Catholic, and for sev. «} years lived in the province of Juebec. He charges Mgr. Bruchessi th distorting the rights of Roman thanlice in Over province an tells him it would be a sad day for mw a he had to receive hE ou rom Kine lowe ora From He further says that the axtiffishor's mazng statement of cians Lu isproved repeatedly by the evidener f the treaties themwelves and by the cords that anv one can read in the Canadian archives, e ---------- GENTLE LADIES SENT TO JAIL. nac, x ler Constance Lytton Down For Forts night For Window Smashing. * London, Nov. 25.~lady Constance $e {Lytton and Lady Sybil Smith, both whom have been prominent in the suffiragetle movement, were charged at the Bow street police court with smashing windows dering the demon- trations of Tuesday lget, They were sentenced réspectively 'to a fortnight md a week in jail, in default of the payment of fines. WANT TO ANNEX YUKON. British Colainbla Conservatives To Take Up Question, Vancouver, B.C., Nav. 288A pro being put forward for con at the annual ecuvention of the British Columbia Conservative Association, which was opened ut New Westminster, to the effect "that the time is _anadisn government the desirability of annexing the whole of the Yukon territory to British Columns." John Lesonski, of Seranton, Pa. went to Old Forge, on Wednesduy, to martiage to a widow, who the matter wader advisement. Op way home, Lesonski wus attacked two men, who suid he had. no his Braivs out with a fence rail. Russing poultrymen have invaded the New York market with half d opportune to urge upon the | yes business with the widow, und buttered !, ---------- WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronte, Ont, Nov. 36th, 10 am. --(n tawa Valley and Upper per, St. Lawrence Falr to-day: Hight local snow falls 1: night, with rising a 8 ay milder DO0VQOVVCVVVVVOTVON CLEARING SALE & WINTER COATS SATURDAY Oe of th: bast 9370: tunes of the saasmn AteteeTTLIBTTLITES. The advance of the season and active selling have made a quick disposal of odd numbers & great opportunity for the cus- tomer. At the height of the season she may choose a good winter garment at about half the etual cost. FOR 1 DAY ONLY ¢ LADIES' TAILORED COATS Well made of best Meltons, Beavers and Cheviots; also a few -Caracul Coats... Colors, Greens, Blues, also Black. There ¥» oily ome or two sizes of a kind, but all sizes in the lot, = & 51210 91 CONT SPECIAL PRICE - SATURDAY DON'T MISS THIS SALE AT STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. LPO GREAT BORN. MURRAY ---At Barrietleld, coih, 119i, to nur, dnd Mire Murray, aA son "ROBERT J. REM The Leading Undertal Phoue 557. 30 Princes JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertai 2354 nad 58 PRINCESS Ni 'Phone 14 for Ambulay: ¢ NOTH ® TAKE Ve hae The ves, . Re 'ui 4 riven; also a lot of goua 'ond hand, which we will sei prices. Don't Wait til] they sie zone. Turk's Phone 705. ove TKY ---~emger DUERR'S JAMS RASPBERRY. STRAWBERRY. BLACKBERRY. APRICOT, / PEACH. STONELESS DAMSON, STONELESS GREENGAGE. 1 1-2 LB. GLASS JARS, 85 OENTS. Jas. Redden & Co. Alleged Gold Discovery. 'Beantford, Ont., Nov. 25. -8Bome x- by the aliored Rit yndicats Ona set ¥ in wow of ¥ hich Thomas A. Cox is the chiel promotor. 1t is claimed a vein was struck twelve - feet below the ground while drilting operations for oil were in pro- An analysis of specimen hr shows thet it may lead to im- portant diseoveries. Bordeaux chocolutes, Coffee cream chocolates, Chocolateconted caramels, Walnut stick chooolates, Regular 50c. for 25¢. Ib. h.on Satur iv, 4 Mahood's Four mien, named fH laine and two Genthiess, al op ithe Upper St. Maurice river, storied in & birch bark canoe for

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