Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Nov 1911, p. 4

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oCPrwuP> Our Bargains and Quality in Skates, : Hockey Sticks Hand Sleighs __Prices and Quality ; Cannot Be Beaten. Goods as represented "or money Teturnded. CORBETT'S The Home lllumined indigates a cheerful household. the best modern illuminant is the Blectrie Light=~far brighter and bet- ter than gas. There is a brilliance that illumines the whole neighbor- - hood from a house electrically light- ed. You can read better, write bet- gee everything better, and it is veally' far safer and less troublesome than gas lighting: More economical, And ter, "Fannounced "that Arthur id : ¥ ¥ A : Da THB pARY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1911. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 0% TEEKLY BRITISH WHI day And FUsTMORY wotuiag at $1 postage had to be added, making per year. iay stylish, and chéap work; nine Some time ago, before the inaugur- ation of the social functions at Ct tawa, which so diverted the Jorden government that its members could think of nothing else, Hon. R. Rogers, during a visit to Montreal, "Hawkes "bad been appointed a special immigration commissioner, That was supposed to be the last of Arthur as a political agent or author. bd He is, however, still the ' publisher of the British News of Canada, which is not, perhaps, ohjected to, and he is the writer of the columns of stuff in which he refers to people in a personal and more or less offensive way. It may bé that his appoint: THE WHIG, SEVENTYEIGHTH YEAR BE at 308-310 King Street. Kings- tions at 2.30 and 4 lock 2. k 10 sagen, J published in nited Attached 1s one of the best Job improved TRE DATISH WAG PSHNG CO, LIMITED... Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Cllambers, 32 Church Street, Toronto, H. B. Smalipiete, J:P., representat. EE -------------------- IT TT OFFICIALS IN POLITICS. parts on Mon To States. charge for Dally $3 and of Weekly $1.60 Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, presses. ear. of J. G. Elliott, oa 4. gut, ment to a public office does vot in- terfere with. his political, activities, but it shopld. Mr. Hawkes was sa eager for col lisions with people in the elections that he could hardly expect his re "Pasi without reome comment; and Hon. Mackenzie King will be forgiven for | paying his compliments to the spe cial immigration commissioner. But the way for Mr. Hawkes disappear out of puhlic eriticism is to disappear out of politics, and if he is going to keep up his talk in the British News in Canada he will hear about it again and again, and so will his obsequous masters, the min- igters of the federal government. to The Chinese premier thinks it ne cossary to send to the American people, throtgh "dhe New York Her- ald, an explanation as to why a sopdoBicen form of government eannot be adopted. He says the idea the government, as conveyed to the masses, is that there will be ' 'no tax- es and no goverment." 'The em- barkationiof China on the experiment of a republic "would 'only lead to the dissolution of the empire, foreign intervention, and the partition of the country." Therefore, he says, with- out doubt constitutional monarchy is best. This will be a sevete disap- pointment tothe men, in press and of THE REPUBLIC DECLINED. public life, who have been congratu- lating themselves upon the good 4 sense of the Chinese in seeking to pattern their government after that of the United States. The American statesmen have not been read as they wished. Their desire was that they would be regarded as the ex- ponents of the greatest system of yov- ernment ever invented, while the Chin- ese regard it as the resort of the spoilsmen. There is something radi- cally amiss with the system or the men who exemplify it, and the Am- crican statesmien and pressmen will do well to look it up before they again undertake to extol republican- ism to the skies. The liberal government established the Civil Setvice Commissiongands ap: s pointed its QUALITY! . Goes a Long Way IN LUMBER O ur Lumber, whatevergrade, is the best of its grade. CALL AND SEE. For Names and Addresses of Deals ers from whom the wonderful © can be purchased in Kingston, Ont., nee megs advertisement in this issue. e Painting Sean SOME a is the place to Lave ydur Auto repaired to stand all kinds of weather. E. J. DUMPHY ' GREAT oves } New an Second h hand Large Stock very low. <M. SUGARMAN, 242 Vatario Street. membérs, Dri Adam Shortt and M. Gi. LaRochells, for life. Their work was confined to the inside service. They do not select the men for public positions, but they do set the examinations which must be pass- ed, yualifying persons for appointment or promotion. The idea was to extend the jurisdic tion of the commission until it cover ed all the members of the civil ser vice, both in Ottawa and outside of it. To the extension pf the civil ser vice, in this direction, the conserva- tives are committed, and now they find themselves in mn' embarrassing gituation. There are thousands of ap- plicants for appointment, and ther is no way of gratifying them. To every proposition that men be appointed to offite without supplying the evidence of fitness, the commis- sioners are a bar. They 'cannot be re: THE SPOILS OF OFFICE. moved. Their disapproval cannot be ignored. What is to be done? It is stiggested that the Civil Service Act be" aniended, that the commission be enlarged by the addition of three more, These three shall outvote the two that now hold office, in defeating or circumventing the law, or making a farce of it. The extension of the service can only be undertaken when the pressure of the party has been lifted. The possibility of all this will be made apparent wome of these days when the secretary of state presents his amendments to -the Civil Service Act, and the premier, the guileless one, shows how far he has surrendered to the spoils men. The great and good Sir James Whit- ney undertook office with: the intention of ruling as he liked with regard the civil service, and he had to sent, in chagrin and humiliation, to con- to the work of the headsmen. Tax reform in Ontario is nearly as vexatiotis, in some respects, as tarifl reform in Bngland. The promier is emphatically opposed to it, and be cause he does not see its merits he is determined mot to change his mind on any account. The great objection of Sir James to the proposition, which is advoca- ted by an increasing number in the province, is that .an option law wonld lead to variable results, and he calls it a ocheckéiioard system. Tax reform would certainly; be difierently enforced in different places. A greal deal would depend upon the basis of values, and this basis would be re markably dissimilar. The basis of assessment is any thing but uniform now, and the tax reformers have established thisthy an analysis of the tax records of the several cities. The discrepencies are remarkable, and they are bound to wiry TONG SING x A Stu Ta Ses remain. ; The tax system, like munidpal gov- PEOPLE MUST RULE. to advantage. It has been subject to amendment from time to time, but it is mot perfect, and cannot be made perfect, and for this reason that every assessor, in covery town and city, has bis own ideas of values and his own ideas of assessing them. The taxation of land values could not be male uniform. The standard differs in every city. It is affecied or changed by local ecomditions, by the boom that is om, or the lethurgy or dullness which prevails. «might lead to some disturbance to change from: real estate and improvements to land, but the experiment is orth a trial. The places that have tried tax reform are loud in their praises of it. The greatest of all issues is this: Are the people to have what they want or are they not? of Ontario is s..~times wise. Some himself into the ides that he is fallible, and from that delusion ernment generally, has been worked may be suddenly awakened. ward from the federal government tai; The premier times he is unwise. He may delude in- he SEPARATE, SCHOOLS ARE ONCE MORE DEMANDING: ATTENTION. SB The Schools in the New Territory-- What Will be About Them "Consulting With Mr. Berden--A Crisis is On. | ; Totonte Star, the bo h : gement © undaries of Manitoba raises the DE of separate schools within the added ter ritory. Separate Schools were abolish ed in Manitoba some twenty years ago, and 'attempts to restore them by legal or political action failed. Fro- vision is, however, made for religious instruction in public schools. In the added territory there are separate schools, and the question arises whe ther they are entitled under the Brit- ish North American act to be preserv- ed and continued as a constitutional right. The British North American act en- acts that a province, in its 'education- al legislation, shall not prejudicially affect minority rights or privileges ex- ing 'at the union," [eral-in-eouneil tow minority = considers itself aggrieved. When the provinces of Saskatchewan | and Alberta were created there was a tremendous controversy over the ques tion whether the British North Ameri- can act applied to new provinces. The result was, in effect, a compromise, acknowledging the right of existing minorities to separate schools, but subjecting these schools to all the re gulations governing public schools, in- cluding inspection, text-books (in the name), and qualifications of teachers, The settlément was attacked on both sides--in Ontario because separate schools were conceded, and in Quebec because they were regulated in the same manner as public schools. Mr. Pourassa took the latter ground very strongly. He said that the law reduc ed the guarantee of the minority to almost nothing. 'It ensures them neither language, nor faith, nor sep aration." The question now arises in a new form--whether, in territory added to a province the same rights and privi- leges for a minority exist as in the original provinces of confederation, or in territory carved inte new provinces after confederation. The matter will be dealt with in the dominion legisla- tion extending the boundaries of Mani- toba, and the legislation and the de- bates thereon will be watched with keen interest. THE WHIG'S PUZZLE. S-- Can You Guess What the Picture What foreign city ? Answer to Friday's puzzle : A Marred Face. A beautiful, healthy complexion is a treasure, A face marred by pimples, blotches and carbuncles is repellent. the complexion is made beautiful by the use of Wade's iron Tonic Pills, which cleanse the system of impurkties and enrich the blood. Price 20c. at J. B. McLeod" drug stores, Maltese, Thé Great Sir James, Hoh Mackenzie King at Aurora Sir James Whitney was quick to grab. at a knighthood, in order that he might be taken out of obscurity in- to the limelight. He gol a knighthood, but not the atiributes of knighthood. In the first place he is utterly lacking in chivalry, otherwise he would not attack without just cause, nor would he misconstrue a speaker's remarks in order to do so. But the truih is Sir James is not capable of chivalry, and it is not to be expected ol him if he had a dozen knighthoods!, Sir James was referred to with kindness by N. W. Rowell, in his Massey Hall address. Sir James turns around and refers to Mr. Rowell as a man of putty and wax. He will learn that Ontario'thinks more of this man of putty and wax, than of the rumbling and rambling of Sir James. With all his bluff and bluster, Bir James has not even or: dinary courage. Dwyer for 50c. men's and boys'. Mrs. Sidney Warner, Napanee, visiting her daughter, Mrs. CA, Lang, in Toronto. sweaters, all sizes, is MANITOBA AGAIN! Have - Béen} BIBEYS"™" - ONE-PRICE MEN'S AND "7% BOYS' WEAR STORE. Fine Shoes For Men $400 and $5.00 There's a reason for well of us. SEE OUR SPECIAL The Speedway $15.00 $15.00 The Chamberlain FABRICS--S8cotch Cheviots and Tweeds. Wales Cords. New Colorings. Hand Tailored Garments. A Perfect Fit or No Sale. $18.00 and $20.00 Overcoat values. SMART GOOD CLOTHES Good dressers have a way of coming here for their Clothes and other Outfitting. : Ask the man who dresses well, where to go for the best clothes and he'll say Bibby's, . Limited with his next breath. his saying so, too. The Senator $15.00 The Gloster $15.00 Exclusive Styles We take great pleasure in show- ing our Swell Shoes to Young Men, regardless of whether or not they want to buy. See our Great BIBBY'S SPECIAL $15.00. He knows that our clothes are ,. §--------- made by the best Tailoring experts in Canada, and so he slways Speaks T $15.00 "Overcoats The Premier $15.00 The Balmoral $15.00 English Herring bone Tweeds . SHOES $400 / =3_ Shoes. Don't Forget We Sell 1st Quality Men's Rubbers ents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men BIBBYS Ld 78 80-82 PRINCESS. Agents for Penman's Underwear and SweaterCoats Subscelptions For Canadian Locomotive Co.,1: 6 Per Cent. Bonds In Denominations of-- $100., $500, and $1000. Price--Par and Interest Apply To J. O. Hutton 18 Marke; 8t, Kingston. VTRVVVBVT TTT BRB EN COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. "BOOTH & CO. : : | a Cc pL ------ Smoked Kippers Fillets Bloaters Ciscoes Finnan Haddies DOMINION FISH COMPANY 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 520 ALSO OOAL AND ALL KINDY OF WOOD. S. Bennett & Co. Oor. Bagot and Barrack Wis. 'Phone #41. Thomas Copley PHONE 987. Drop a ecard to 19% Pine Street wat wanting anything done in the Carpen« ter line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and' new work also. Hardwaod Floors of all kinds All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 40 Queen Bireet. IEF hail AW FORD'S OAL GAS FIRES, We have the Imitation hard and soft Coal Fires thing for the parlor o room grate; no frouble; 1 no smolee; cheap ax ood use, Let us give you a price piped and set complete "Phone 615. Personal attention, J. W, OLDFIN & CO, Cor, Sydenham and Ordos auce dL a8 Goes Sssvseserstiisened I. COHEN British-Ameriean High-Cinss Ladies' Talloring. > | | | | [ 267 Has removed from Princess Street 221 to 2 Come and see our stock and styles before going elsewhere Lowest possible 'Phone 851. prices TUTE VVRVRON SYNOPSIS oF CANADIAN Noni Ho. WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WH If THE SOLE head of a family or i male over 18 years oid may homestead a quarter suction of available Dominion land in Manito Baskatchewan or Alberta ant must appear in person at the aa applicant Land Agency or Bub- Ag for the district. Entry by proxy made AL Any agency, om certain Sonics ®,. by father. mother, won, ing hotest brother or sister of Intend- teader. ix months resldencs spon and rs or of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may jive ithin nine miles of his somestead on arm of a. least 80 aor v8 solely owned AR ge oveupled by hin or by his father, mather, son, daughter, brother or certain districts a Nomesteater in good standing may pre-empl 8 quar tet section pions Fm his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties Must reside up on the homestead or pre-emption six months In each of six years from date of homestead entry (including tha required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty qores «xia homesteader who bas «xha sted nie homestead right and capno ain 8 pre-emplion foay enter for ¥ asad homest end in certain 4 Price. $3.06 per acre Duthie reside six months In each of years, cultivaig rp A sores wnd erecy & house worth $300 ¥ Mw. CORY Deputy of the RL LAS of the Interior © WB Unauthorized wibilestion ' of will mot be paid

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