. DAILY BRHSH WHIG, Wii RDAY, NOV EMBER 25, 1911. THE STAIRCASE TEST SILIR 1S SAVED 1 You Cannot Pass It Your Heath BY PRESENTIMENT, pa is Failing, |Ogtenshurg Sailr fin He Saw| vie Se 4 « When vou suffer Hewfe palpifciion ot | Craft Took Violent Dislike sul { hiss carder 'hos bedn "eventual will pies | | the heart, dizziness. or faintness ater {turesgue. Whether we regard: hie class' "time Voit gor npstgire, when exbriio is Ker debates 1 Assonpit ions College ) of 'any. kind leaves you breathless and | a . career in the Unebe tare trembling, it is a warning that i ¥. N, Nov. 35 I8€ | byrset occupancy of blood is - défective--that you awelol the most remarkable cuses, oiv -~t wider Mockingid. his los Aron. | anaentic.. If these warniogs are we- {or § presentimont," on redord eame to . a ead ONE QL ELE follows {light here vesterday, Harry G. Story, consumip- lable Scantan, walked into # newspaper ous fight Wn ofiposition, | glected worse disgrders wil 1596. Fis Ran Soils ax Pro SR perhaps decline and deadly * EE a tion. FE you are in this cond hit] of You! ollice and laid down a cobtract w hick -need-the news -- rood blood of -bealth The trad signet with Shipiing agent. al ter of Canada, his erushing in September. last, these fond fri that has been given to thousands {Quebée Inst Thursday. 'It shiewed that sufferers by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. |} jsdeh episodes unusual and exeit ing sin cidents which hive regular y i s . he had token a berth ou he NOTWeE hic namie ta . 4 These pills banish alt the nilments [1,, bark Antigua, due to sail that his ame tn Couadion histor arising from poor blood, tone up the {;. tht from a port below Quebec with mates tx he le To system and make weak men and wo-|. a esrgo of pulpwood for Androssan ia ye men well and strong. Miss El abeth | Sootiand, ARCrOSSan, farate and apart from ww Campbell; Almonte, Ont., says: Stoty and eight of his had vice, and be - bus mun th was living in Pembroke at the time | bi rr ght of his mates had LHis political opponents cun ura health failed me. 1 kept crowing | "hipped for. the passage, but upon ling discreditable of general weaker every until I at 1ant grow | | reaching ¢ the dock where the bark was agains She Iibera! s0 weak I . could not walk upstairs, | | moored, Stary suddenly conceived a {respect of his public without help, and i oO sutd nat biog Je nt dislike for the vessel. He ex Rarer it he has down street without sitting down pressed his feeling to® his companions | |} vesting." Mv dhother ite ind one of thm taunted him with about me and took me to'a {having a "'yellow streak." This he des who said 'he te: he med, saying that he had sartad dor restore my a {many years, but thai there was some- bottle of medicine, and 1 continued ita ling ah6at the Antigua that filled use until I' hed. taken fowrHotfl im with forebodings. Her peravaded but instead of pettifiy stronger 1 was | one of hig mates te hack out, and the growing Weaker sll the time; and was !two took the next train west only a mere shadow of my former {| He arrived home veglerday and told self. My parents believed 1 was in a | his. experience to Hiv sister. She at decline and could not get better. My once got a eopy of a paper - which mother bad heard so mueh,about Dr. {gave an aceount of the wreck of the Williams Pink Pills that she decided I | [Antigna in the Jower 86: Tawrenee. | ought to try them.. 1 did not Boti ve 1 tho: same night that the eraft left much 'change until IT had taken five or {port. Fifteen of the crew eighteen six boxes, when a decided improvement | perished beneat} the waves. sel in, and from that on I grew! stronger and stronger eac h days until through a continwed. use of the pills I} vas back to my. old4ime health and sirength, 1. believers Witham Fills the Dest remedy on earth for = o | people, and cannot erly ther weak trial.'* he THE PUBLIC $4 BUTE. {fo Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Chit tain, Re 304 the Liber al) Told In wilight sided wos penapge yi | 'The card party given in the public librawy "building, on Friday evening, in aul of the hbrary, was a huge suc cess, Cards were played at shout thenty five tables, the games played being hridgt, five hundred and eachire; Fhe-prirefor-bridge wos worn by Miss Mabel Dalton: the prize for: five hun dred by Mr. Pigeon, and the prize for euchry by ri. Macdonald. Before presenting the prizes, Dr. Arthur Ross gere a short and interesting address. He copgeatulated Mrs. Kennedy on while and efficient way she had manages the library. Since moving the prefent butlding the of subreribers Bad growth frdbm one bhun- freed and eighty to tour hundred and er. Afrer. the presentation of prizes tefrocshments vere served and the par- broke wp about H.30 o'clock. mong those present Weep Colonel and Vrs. Ramsay afi, Mrooand Mrs. KR. J, Hooper, Captaim and dys. Philip Pri Mr, amd Mya, James Craig, Mra. John Maedonald, Dr Arthur Ross, Mra, J. Hamil- toi, Mis, Vere Hooper, Mrs. Balfour Mudie, Mrs. Charle Low, Me: and Mies, Faston Harms Mis Willhofit, i Harry Pandy, Mes. W. IL Craig, Med, dames Higying, , Mrs. Dawson, Mrs My, and Nrs Havelock Prive, Walsh, Wo A. W. Win- wit, Gardiner, Mrs. W. 0. Welle, Mies. 1. Linton, Mrs. semnoedy, Mra J. Mackay, Mre. Rob Framer, Mrs H.. Chadwick, Miss Miss Gibson, Miss Poavideon; Nelsan, i Loarl Oldvieve, Melntyre « Bureau, Miss Huth Wii son, V, Ahtouter. Miss Irene "wift, Mes Hilda Kent, Miss Bessie Smythe, Migse Ada amd leatrice al Star, ¥YRTH sen F wiorm our many PULA ds of stomers that in conse- Was bors : the | amesessee' 1 | 4 i al {8 yO will like the fine flavor of Red Rose Tea. It has the cup goodness that comes only from Red Rose quality --the reason 'why ft holds first place in thousands of Cana- dian homes. Will you Ogdensburg, Orange and Pink Label Blends of IPTON'S Fen unt} conditions become uiore advancing rapidly for mans {abd tremendous Mier world, but we "delayed increasing the price | sary high-grade quality be" spective of price conditions Thomas J. Eipton 5 Front St. Bast Toronto, Ont. HONEST TEA IS THE BEST POLICY. cCanimed position tory ¥ terial ' » i% ARC m LOr L13e bi defest | L ar wire i of a The co due ta tl orable st of all teas has been ie shortage of supplins ea throughout the absolutely neces maintained graven The months past, ihe ease in consumption of have 51) unit The same will carefully irre- the us v eit ecite either in Privat made errors in en gl aden TET his | 01 Vv crowd closely be | o Wik i } a into ist i " day adder, 5 record oF go and | anxiols | doctor, was quite could | He me got 41 p ; phir him, bousting vietory eheeri his ahility once more, have come to his reference political. opponents. have been the extremely tion and not the rule terness has small pliee in his make up, anth a fine courtesy bi 15 ever at tached to his savings and doings. Hig face and form are know n to every citizen of Canada; and with confidence | in hi » his knowledge and his elo quence have they watched him fivure great imperial funet }i have not alwavs appros ed of the mat ter of his. advocacy, have the manner of its presentation. ( Lada--as avwholo will tai mtinne {regard pir Wilfrid: Laurier with kindls | interes he has been connected ulierances to lead them H lips in debate and | to words | health. gave Sty ar in they | rave -efeep- | Personal hit franx, Me. and and Mrs, to NEVER SOLD suk Your Ceroecor Willd. will etop that spiiiticg oe ondies ® guick aud sure. Il mot Sra leart or mervous gywtem onze a bax all drip se NATIONAL DRUG & HEMIC AL CO. OF CANADA, Liven Finkle, Mra Mra. R. J Me. and A of THE FOOD QUESTION. I i Crease IRE ed Ye ReEE JAMAICA GRAPE FRUIT, MALAGA GRAPES. MEXICAN ORANGES The Story of a Town That Wanted Pare Food. Collier's (Canadian edition) of Aug. ~LERtEIRE an article entitled "West field - Pure Food Fown," which is sure to Be interesting read ing to all housekwepers. = The people of Westfield (Muss) woke up to the "ON THE COAST. we admired . wt an to prigas, | dincial. hater {| Why Not Spend the Winter in Calis fornia? lttractive rates will be ' . itls to oive ey «a | Variable, routes, "affording finest notable era of her « airy z her BE {Citizens believe that he lopposition, every AR; with Hex will devote, Loo stron Ath quoted hy : Hopnient n tue that they were not getting pure food or pure material for wee in fook, They do uot outs that have heen disks thew look nice; ete; want, aod now will bhiave, fralts, jams, ete, in which n prepérviatives ave used, poa- varnished to Of the gro: ceries tested fu the laboratory, one of the most frequently taking powder. adulterated is A delightiul. concoe on known ws a tart proved to he pull 'paste made with lly entre dved with conl-tar. aftitle goes on Lo Bay ug powder in used in some with a The bak- homes alum, 'So little that this product would seem compar- ativel onimsportant. But a great deal of baking powder, however, is used in the bought cnkes nnd biscuils, great deal of tis is adulterated," adulteration and a The may be by ammonia, which is fraudulent, but not injurious, or hy alung, which is yan jar ious, uw it hardens the tissues of the wueous membrances.. Xs a precau jon, look at label and see if ingredid® are stated. Better refuse i # or something that Jooks if Ae "like alum ' (ueh as alumina) is one of them, or vr hottle is almost ol prc by a Be manufacturer it will be well vedients are. not stated hy 1a 'some Other sbhrand! t., ontaups; conlesiions, flavoring ex- ie, eat ars often colatad with eoal tar These dyes mie sometintes harm: i ¥ Jerid injurious, de on ay combina- o ~ one bottle of dfenn de at the novmal sthool, which a coml-iar dye sulficiently to have killed two people, full, but the « fimount used, cansed the death "an and his. whie, and then the Ex- waa sent for analysis. are also adulterated with wood tumeric, many Westfield's experience, its example. -- Canadian Be iis. was just beginning iy iH you know about "North Pole is up at the of 'the world, and the earth tho 2 Re ol Y od The North Pole. the graphy. Ly sald the teacher, wv in the front row, the the "tell North to end turns it, snd Ealimos live there, that all you know What. about ", was embarrassed at being in front of the class anc Ab. the suggestion. "Why Balimos tty to climb it." ih ppd mares ~Apother "Week-Fud Sale. ave inet revsivadsanoihie large real te. million panple, an at of vegidar Soc, chocolates, the faetory, that we will vturday dor a3, Ib. Mahood' # it is &aid, ave in Haesia, because the trope a failure in twenty Russian bly ergy million wing an increased Dries of life because (he Rus in there twenty districts Bug, a good many wheat raisehi in obher climes beoause wheat ix high, hark clonds have a giver a fraudu- cities nd towns' Birch, Mr. and Mes, Pigeon, Miss Ma- A Dalton) Mes, Nevhert Pawson, Miss {ck Dawson," Miss Davidson, Miss g Carson, Misses Mapthe andl Mary dmith, Miss Lilian Mowat, Messrs, Malcohtn Sutherland, dames Farrell, reland and James Rodden > a. Be Miss enjoyable Indy University, who rooms were - effec vellow chrydan- dining-room the used in decorating Mowat was Mowat, Miss Mow ler, I'he professors . and University, and who. were Misses Miss Phyllis and Torothy Anglin, Miss Mise Christina th vat Lanes afternoon, most for Wedteadss entertained at the tudents of rd there arranged with In the ame featires were table. Miss sted by Miss KN, erpgpuson, Miss Annie Lillian Frases loaded aw pumber of tiudents of Queen' ofa town «girls, tear and Helen Duff, Knight, Misses knliih Hoodwin, Miss Burie Edith Hague and Dyde, nl a Residence, the (user's The nemnns, fie tea a8 Nina and Figs guests in- Mrs. Chavles EE. Taylor, Earl street, ntertuinged, © list night; in honor of dis Mildren Vairbairn and Mr Mian Fairljaivn, of Brockville. Those rhsent were: Mus. Harold "Hughes, Irs. Fmerson (i Curry, Miss Isabel 'olsen, 'Eva and Mabel Ric ch ivdson, Miss Sse Aungitn, Miss Dora drive and Mids, Ava Martin, Miss Tildred Sellers, | Messrs, Harold Jughes, Harold Davis, Normah - Mal och, Roger Clark, David Mursh, iduey McCann, A. Bertram, Roy heriif, Misses Mes, E. Ryan, 'Rockwood House," 'ortsniouth, entertained the dancing lub, on Friday * ¥vening, and the ong people spent a very jolly even- bg. The guests included ; Miss Helon itrange, Miss Laura Kiar, Ming 'thel Kent, Miss Sybil. Kirkpatrick, fisses Gwendoline wnd Doris olger, ss Both Small, Miss Neta' Miunes, Liss Margaret Cunningham; George Yirkpatrick, Howard Folger, Harold wairhy; William Nielde) Victor Min: ws, neaneth Tayler and: Gorden 'mall. i - » Mrs. Vietor Anderson, Ottasa, en: ertaingd informally at best on Thurs: nv; in hemor "of - Miss Florence unningham and Miss Bessie Rich. vdson, Yi - Mrs. Birchall Wood, Barviefiold, on- ertaided at bridge 'on Friday even - . - ' - - . . Miss Nora Gordon, King street; left wn Friday for Toronto, where she will pend a few days with her sister, drs, ALB. Cunningham, at the Prince ieorge before going on to Hamilton -0 visit Mrs. PLD. Crerar. Mri. George Cassels, after spendi i few days with her sister, Mrs. Trending am Harty, "iMterburn," returned to 'oronio on Friday. : . Miss Molson, who has beeh » the mest of her mater, Mrs. D. 8. Rob- riaom, Sydenham treet, for the past ow weeks, returned to Wonirst on "riday. Mr. A. Faivhurn, and Miss\ Mildred 'airbuen, of Brookville, are theNguests df Mr. and Mes. Charles Taylor, Earl treet, for a few Jays. Me. and Mes, Richardson, whol ave hoen the Baki ot Mr, and Mrs, fl. W. Richardson, Kivg street, re med on Friday to their home in CUrentom, N.J. Miss Kate MeAdam arrived from Yresentt on Friday to visit her aunt, Mrs. George Richrdson, University ivenve. Miss Florence Comningham and Miss Jessie Richardson returned on Fri day from Ottawa, where they = were gests of Mex. Waller Boyd. Miss Doris Kent and Win, returned Nora Friday, actee ; ram Detroit and Toronte, ite they have spent the past week. Mine Mona Knight, Alice stneet, wh hap heen Spenseag the pas the past two weeks in Toronto and Peterboro, is expest- 2 home on Noma ondiay i r. Charles' Baird wad in Napanes oa for the v Hm. Bid ev. Kd Me Compton, WD: of aise Sait from: Bel nitive ON J § west ol Mo- i gl Newel, 380 hae oun ng Mr Hares Sold by mail ut 3 from Limited, pm. 1 San Francisco Chie three of neeles 1.16 we dealers Dax or Willi leaving boxes | or South Mec- | gix rms' ern Caliiornia, - the Limited, i p.m. lesa than | provide the Frhvdag in rafway travel. i | I he China and Japan Than Chicago, 11.45 p-m., daily, Francisco and Angeles Elustrated literature been {to B. H, Bennett, cago, atl North street; wy Bo Overland | daily, {en leaving ~ route, best BOI T TAXATION, Land Shatidd bs Te Higher Improvements, and Dalry if occasion I fore th having for iis mumnicig tics values at a hi Mail axe edd y Fos Peter on Heation § general Wastorn 'oronto (hi 16 Ontario Railwa the right lature obiect a } the her rv A Campaign of Humbug. Quarterly if not most of rediprocity, was esagg men who financed t} the Moutreal Star and to ie ments i his } the tall] rated cam- the championed h, Fripp, a has always had to the unalterable ier. Whitney he F or ation is 11 mitted "by all wha jaestion "thought, alues and the ments, there is ag of ence. The "irst represents the sults of. man's thrift. and industry. To tax land values is to tax. a man |country by selfing in New for somethine that he did not create [Ket the right to use Canadian money, but which he is using, and which oth jo by financiang American railwavs in ors in the community would make use| Cuba, while the Canadian farmer, who of it ha did not. To fax improve {sells his Wheat at Minneapolis, or his to tax the results of man 's {Inte peaches in the border fowns, in- and to discoarage improve- | evitably drifts towards a- belief in an- |nexation. The men who financed the far- {recent consetvative eampaign who | very men who will fight to the new | ditch, and with the last dollar along [attempt to make the British preference plats {a practical reali ty. the Conroy ative in st > very paign of nember, be withdrawn du of 1 to hostility Prem "ifoned tax- | have the business dealing is nd- [ith the United States. Probabiv thala little of the money which paid for ween 1 | distribution of mperialistic edi- torials wns made in New York. It {diflicult to dee why Sir Fdmund Wal ker Nir William ¥an Horne be vomes the heaven-born saviour of his N York mar- tail fargest It attitude we a under % on tand not } navi that bat value of essential grven {the impr re or ments is industry ment. Is it fair that the mer whe tile-drains paints his buildings or aes, whe builds good fences jhe .pnblic highway, trees that beautify the whole country ade, ghould. be taxed for his pro- gressiveness ? This is the system an- der which Ontario farmers are gnow assessed and tasal ¢ Frery thinking man will the day when in Ontario, we will conse to tax, individual industry and place the taxes ondand where in jus tive they belong. progressive ave ins any his land, ereels Of who A Warnieg to Mothers. No mother can expect her little one to escape all the ills of childhood, but evtry mother who accepts fair warn- ing as to the treatment &f these little His can save her baby such suffering, Thousands of mothers of voung chil- dren keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house=all mothers 'should do so. The {inblets ave a neter-failing cure for all the minor ills of babyhood and chiid- hood. They ean be given with per- Isoty safety--they always do good; sever harm. Constipation, indigestion, colic, simple fevers, colds, etc, all rapidly disappear ymider treatment with the tablets, The tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont, \ a w eléome A Suitable €atch Phease.--. Ottawa Journal An enthusiastic follower of the prime minister suggested recently that sone 'catchword or phrase should he adopted hy the conservatives fo *ex- press the salient fact of Mr. Borden's demotraey. As the term "'democrat to the hilt" has lomg since been pre- emptefl, the only other one of the kind that occurs is that of Ottawa's erst- while Capt. Sills, who was wont 10 re- fer to himself as a 'recherche tit-bit of of the honpolloi." Old Problem, New Place. ntreal Heraid, Dr. Sprenle has been in parliament since 1878, By careful reckoning, that {gives him thirty-three years, the life time of the. Macdonald, Abbott, Thompean, Bowell, Tupper and Laur: ier ministries. Tle is starting to learn French. Better late than never, and never too iate to mend. But if Dr. Sproule never started to learn French before, why not? And if he has started to learn it now, what becomes of the reasons he didn't start long ago? How does Sovercign Grand Master Sproule of the Orange Order, think the campaign © against bi-lingunl schools is going to be fanned into flame if it is knotvn that Myr. Speaker Sproule of the house of commons is rauning a private school of his own to become proficent in French. . Still, good luck to his effort. There is much in French a man in his mat- ure years would enjoy reading. Trouble Not Settled. Montren) Herald Mr, has gone back to Mani toba, rejoicing that he has got every- 4 ithing he wants. But the latest corri- gousip is to the effect that past of the subject which has to do wit the schools, has not yet been com: pletely sidjusted. © The statement is made that Mr. Roblin has expressed his willingness to aoghaint Archbishop Langevin and the Quebec bishops with his inteptions in regard to the future of Catholie schools, but thers is noth- iny to indicate, as yet, that the min- ority are @ will be satisfied with the proposals' Those who remember 1896 and 1905, will' {herefore, await ihe production of the bills confirming the extension of the reundaries with per. missahle cnringity, ¥ Price of Richmond Park tals. Moose-| fiw, will advaver 25 per cent. Des. Ist. Seed. K Coarolf, HA Mawkit M Take One Pain Pill then-- Take it %.> BN To get the beat of Backache Geta Box of | Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Othérwise Backache . May get the best of you Nothing disturbs the human System more than pain whether it be in the form of beadache, Hacaths neuralgia, stomachache Bt pains peculiar to women. Dr. Mi 3 a Mss, G. H. Wess, Sf stinbar, 0. 0 At all drupgiste--~25 doses 23 cents. MILES MEDICAL CO, Toronto, Can. secritary r "orgnta News are the very Wan who | : 5 the | » quality possesses {oy and the er | | talent he 4 | goo { general -- dt In an Embarrassing Position. Jy v Taihuna Winifred Harper of the Associated | Domestic Stience, said at | Food Show in New York | "We mast, of course, pay more | all this, excellent pure food than fus d to pay refuse | mapuueturer; rice, Any i wanld put {| position of for. : \ ar rs Caolen Lins the i We musn't the hichey part rather na Cinnaminson found his he In levitimate {ing the on our us the 'A founder of daily todr of the fappréntice whe {rather listless manner, I "The foimdery flushing angrily, went ito the Iad, took the fand said 'Som, {hammer [ike this, thlows Clanaminson, plant, in noticed was hammering in hammer from hing hold Ins | by the end dha handle | and strike good, hard, quick | like this'--bang, bang |! why I pay that man "816 a week, | {Put when 4 man holds his hmnmer [the middle of the handle, * and jas if he were tapping egy, {this, why | pay him only %7 jand he's the first to go {slack.' { | "The founder returned the hammer 'nd looked at the boy sternly to see f his lesson had home. i "Thank vou, we 'And and how a week " when 1 see 4a man of bin; a ny Frives | an like a week, get | when we gone mild re-| Id it] my £2 | sir," was the whera gught 1 toh ought I to strike for Women as Assailants. Montreal Herald The most surprising thing these militant damsels, that all the resources of the worll's gress to draw they ceive nothing campaign for the capture of the re presentatives of the nation, than an armament made up of bags of stones to be wsed in the worn-out juvenile | and exceedingly commonplace man-/| oevure of window smashing. | If a glimmering of humor could penetrate the minds of these terribly earnest women who are languishing in | jail--Mrs. Lawrence, joint editress of | "Votes for, Women, Lady ( onstance | } Lytton, sister of Lord Lytton, the Hon. Mrs. Evelina Haverfield, dangi- tex. of Liout.-Gen. Lord Abinger, {the rest--it might enable them to per- | ceive that their weapons of conquest | were not well chosen. about with | pro- | could con plan of 18 upon, better is Haste and Delay. Toronio Star Mr. Borden's answer to the opposi- tion amendment relating io the pavy is a plea for delay. This is remark- able, because when the house, 'in 1909, passed a resolution favering themnavy, | Mr. Borden criticized it beeauge it did inot eall fof as prompt section as he desired. . It was upon his suggestion that the word "'speedy'" was inserted He and his friends then voted for "the apecdy 'organization of a UCasadian naval service," and voted alse that they would "¢ordially approve of any necessary expenditure" for thai pur- pose. Mr. Borden now says that Canadian navy costs too mach, and that he wants more time to consider. This is nearly three years after he urged ' the late Government to hurcy. What changes office brings! Society Women Use New Wrinkle Remover. From Society World. Since the discovery that a selation of ordinary saxolite and witch hazel has 'a peculiar éffect upon wrinkled skins, it has been learned that many prominent society women all over the {country have used this simple home tretment with great sucosks. The formula is: Powdered saxolites one ounce, dissolved in witch hazel, gne hall pint. Use « daily as a wash' lo- tion, i The beneficial action of this wash is felt at ones. There's an agreeable refreshing sensation and feeling of ex. hilaration. The kin soars, becomes firmer and wore - southinl looking; "4 fabtiness and all hi are joan diately affected. No one a an 10 get the ingredients 'ut the 3d stove and make for and | | he feels good { Under {ts inf | sell I he {®nee, thie | From 15¢. a dozen to 40c NEW FIGS and CR a dozen. SANSERRIEL all fresh. sles slaeale Bie eleelele hy roi Leading Tailors, Come and Talk 'the Matter Over with Us A cr ar a CRAWFORD & WALSH Ori Seasons Here NN A NN mn at i i et Princess and Bagot 8t go0o8s0enes S000000000c00g000RROOS SEO0000000000P00000OITAOLNOLONOOCROROOOROOROTS 0000000008000 00000OCRRROOIOIROOOROROOS & The Weakness of Liquor Drinkers Alcohol is a Carnulative Poison That Unbalances the Mind and Wrecks the Rody--The Gatlin Treat. ment Cures the Liquor Habit in THREE DAYS, IQUOR life brain makes a whole jie it . and he when mans a hi L poigons belis thet Wes he feels bad luences he strong when es him- he weak and growing weaker every d&y; he be leves his business prosperous wh it is on the verge of bankruptey; | believes he is talking when he is talking like an imbeci! believes that he has the confid of hiz friends when they woukin"t tenst him for a minute an important matter Why not wake ap? THIN THE GATLIN LIN INSTITUTE beliey is fa just GF Pe of Pe { RUBBERS: RUBBERS: Now good rubbers. : You that hawe the old time wear. Weh / 7 boots. | NOTHING int elligent iy -{ lin Httle if you can éver done for you? | TO you? Hag it { money, any friene Come to the { Gatlin Institute and be cured But THREE DAYS of your time will be required You: will be accented fox treatment under a legally executed ontract that you are to be cuned in IREE DAYS---cured to vourviutire atisfaciion fee you pay shall | be refunded at end of the third tday and treatment shall cost you You judge the cure the Gatlin Institute, here are no hypodermic. injec- | tions no strong drugs, no disagree- fea nothing to be afraid A child could safely take the If you cannot come to the institute Gatlin treatment There is not poisonous ingredient in it. ° THREE DAYS, send for the Gat- Home treatment It carries | practically the same contract to cure Institute treatment; the only being one to protect u uuscrupulotis persons 128 JARVIS ST., TORONTO. Phone North 4538, A. IARGRAVE, Mgr. What has liquor What is it doing r made you any or the the | no { tor i as i change | against RUBBERS: is the time you will need should try a pair of ours ave a full stock of rubber BND HRV BVO Children's Sizes 8to 101-2 $1.76 Girls' Bizes 11 to 2 $200 Women's Sizes 3 to 8 $250 King St. |