minutes is all the time required for 'brewing Red Rose Tea; and the result is a beverage of matchless flavor and satisfying' strength. The verdict of - your family will be that SAVE THE HAIR Newhro's Herplelde wil De It. No woman should have poor, thin, seraggy hair, and no man need be- {come bald, Poor hair and final bald- {mess are due to the dandruff germ. Newbro's Herpicide will destroy this little germ aud stop the hair fom falling. Further evidence of this is found in a letter from Mrs, F., Neil wen, of Tomah, Wis She says: "I fought the worst kind of dandruff for | nine years. | have been using Herpi- cide now one week, and my scalp is healthy, the dandruff has gone and the itching has stopped. It is the best remedy for scalp disense I ever saw, and 1 have seen many," Don't subject yourself to disap "pointment and expense by accepting ' something claimed to be "just ag good" as Newbro's Herpicide, These off brands may. possibly be good, but why take chances ! The genuine and original dandruff germ destroye can always be obtained. If yours own druggist has nothing but "just as good" or Li T. Best,! who will furnish you with Newbro's Herpicide and guaran- tea one dollar size bottles. It sto fuching of the scalp almost instantly, 10¢. in tage or silver for sample and booklet to The Herpicide Co., Dept. R., Detroit, Mich. Applications at good barber shops: 4 ' ® | beyond S{changed his mind, his views, articles, go to Jas. B, MeLeod [head ie per year. Attached 1s one of the best Job i A STUDY ------ City government by commission isa coming issue. It is very properly be- ing studied upon its 'merits. ~ Only 1 those who are following it up are at atl conscious of the hold the commis. sion idea is having uj upon the people. Not commissions for managing rail; ways, or electric and power plants, gr public utilities generally, but commis- sions having to do with the entire {government of cities, As it was pointed out by ome at a meeting last evening, it is not a new idea. Centuries ago it had a practical application in the borough fife of Eng' land. It had ite application in the earlier government of communities in America. Out of it 'the municipal sys- tem in many places has appeared. The stylish, and cheap work; nine improved presses THE BRS WHI PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED . THR HAILY BRITISH wo, Zewsmy. NOVEMBER 28, 1011. THE WHIG, SEVENTYEIGHTH YEAR Y BRITISH W plished at 306-310. King Strest. Kings- y oa. Bins of 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. pages, | in parts on Mom- States. charge for akin 'making pace of Daily $3 80d of, Weekly $1.50 . Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, te J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. Salts 19 and 30 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church Street, Toronto, H. B. Smallplece, J.P., representat. -------------------------------------------- IN CIVICS. Hester decentralization. Now it is towards a tentralication of responsibility and power. The result is government by {#fommission in a highly organized and | most, successful form. . "There is much to be 'said in favour] of jt, and naiich to bg said against if. There never was a public movement which was without criticism, but it is remarkable how pany places have Ladopted ~ gity government by commis- sion, wholly or in part, during the last ten years. The number is over an hundred and fifty. Some fifty places have decided not to adopt it. Until recently, however, there had not been a single abandonment of this plan of government once it was ap- proved. That is a record of some con- tendency for many years was towards sequence, The resolation of the honourable leader of the opposition, and calling attention to the peculiar composi tion of the government--a governmént 'composed of men who prior to tne election dmounced each other--is leading to some remarkable' revela- tions, Sir Wiltrid, in his criticism of the address, said there were three mem- bers of the government, perhaps four, who were singularly cut of place, and the blessing of Hon. Mr. Chamberlain, cabled to Hon, Mr. Bordem, be as distasteful 'to them "as the sprinkling of holy water upon the of Satan." Some one had gone back on his 'word., Who? 'The premier, who had been repudiated by the nationalists, or the man (Monk), who, ffom the seat of the first lieu- tenant, had taken a back seat and refused to consort with the comserva- tive leader ? Here was a coalition government a doubt, Some one had his attitude, Who was it? 'The minis. ter of public works made an awful i} | exhibition of himself in Is personal ® | defence. He did not deny that Our Lumber, § whatever grade, is § th the best of its § he Jbeen guilty of nefarious work; "would THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE. had differed with 'Mr. Borden; he did Mr. had he did not recall the insult that Can ada did not owe anything to - the mother country; that it was willing to hand Canada to the United States in 1782; and he did not deny that in the hyeelection campaign he preached conscription as a result. of militarism, The readers of the Whig are referred to the . news columns of this issus} for the "apology which . Mr, Monk made in the house when roasted for his apostacy. Read in connec: tion with this the explanation of Mr. Mondou, of Yamaska, and = one has the evidence of the wretched deal which was made by Mr. Borden' with the nationalists for the seats of the mighty. Mr, Borden is in ¢he hands of Mr. Bourassa. He cannot say nay: He dare not refuse the na- tionalist leader an "audience at any. time, © Mr. Bourassa even calls him from the éommons when he likes, and Mr. Borden dare not refuse to go. not. repent of his charge that Borden, on the naval policy, THE HEALTH The Board of Education is getting | eporte from the school nurse, and the reports thus far seein to furnish a bundant evidence that the health of the children requires to be looked after. The hoard is doing every- ) | thing in itd power tofadilitate the work of ths nurse, and both board 2 and nurse are being ably assisted, bly og ee .. 0S Bua $s pooyvy Iv epeg 104 Ean : ROYAL? AR it TH pit the local physicians, who are giving the city teachers lectures and prac- | tical ' demonstrations: on defective or diseased childben. Their demonstrations a good desl of the physitian's time. Ho has to visit homes or schools and pick out typical cases of illness or defect, and then he has 1d meet the teachers and discuss these defects. All of which consumption of-time could have been avoided if the teachers had been properly traimed in OF CHILDREN, Toronto's faculty of 'education only eight lectures are devoted to anato- my, . physiology and hygime. In Queens faculty of education it is not at all likely that more than eight hours are devoted to these fundamen: tals, so that in both universities the qualify graduates in education to care (% for they 'health and ocom- fort" of pupils is wretchedly low, In fact it is exactly on a Gevel with that in a country model school. Queen's College Journal, in a cent issue, comments upon this se rious' condition of affairs and re minds the senate of a petition of some twenty-five or thirty students of last session who asked that a bet- der cowse of instruction be provided in physiology and hygiene for those who 'wee training for teachers. It is to be hoped that a further course of re- {by the ladies of the standard of scholarship .which will} FIVE MEN TO CARRY ON. CIVIC 'GOVERNMENT. Robert Meek Related the Develop- ment of the System--Discussed at the Y.MLC.A; Last Night After 'an Sali hgh ten, served Y.M.C.A,, the young mien's elass of thirty or more listened to 4 splendid exposition on "Civie Government by Commission," from Robert Meek, who has given much dime to its study aod_investi- gation. He gave the origin of the san, British in cheracter, and. of is spread over the world, many. cities in- the United States lately taking it must prevail in civic government just as in the conduct of _ Usually five commissioners io the larger sities, giving ail their time)to it; in the smaller cities part of their time, 'They are paid for their ser + vices and business is promptly at- tended to; there is no delay in the band og of busipess. Mr. Hock, 20d dilly-dallying was out of the question, ; "that -frqfuently franchises have been granted in two days that usually would run from six to eight months in' a council to find a suc cessful issue. Mr. Meek spoke ahout the 'initiative, the referendum, and the feenll, showing the benefits of edch. The recall means that on a petition 'of a quarter of the rate payers, the action of the mayor, or of any of the commissioners, can be brought up and an election held to decide the people's, attitude as to the vonduct of the party attacked. Mr, Meek presented the favorable points of the commission scheme as well as the objections. In summing, up he declared himself in favor the scheme and thought that the city council of Kingston should have the matter brought "before it and a special commitlee appointed to look into the details. The young men appeared to be much in and when the oppor- tunity. for askimg questionsy were very prompt and pertinent; a quatter of an hour was spent in uestioni and answers. ald. Eliott, one of the invited guests, offered "various objections . to the plan, but was favorable to the public' being educated along the lines suggested by Mr. Meek. He, however, could not, see that the government by commission was very much superior to the present mode of conducting public affairs, point was that a property owners' as- sociation was very much needed to take part in the administration of civi® matters. In closing, Mr. Meek intimated his aires was solely "for the pose of of up the « uestion, that there a Be Tots of opportunity for 'consideration and discussion and ig eh doom ed 'wise. & evening songs were heartily rendered by the company and a Hiei hour ada half splent, THE WHIG'S PUZZLE, rn Can You Guess What the Picture that pur- What occupation? Answer to Monday's puzzle: ~~ Twine. . Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and" winter goods for his order clothing department, also in ade clothing and gents' fur- ; they are all well i] v goods. A haisarinl ¢ pe has been erected members of the tion 5 hy Michael's church, Betloviller to to thar late beloved pastor, Rev. Father Twomay. Ife | UI $11 RUN BY COMMISSION: >. - Really the plan is that Wusi-|- ness principles ol} Ald. Carson #lvo- spoke ahi his chief : wr Pine Shoes For Men BIBBYS"* ' ONE-PRICE MEN'S AND * = 0 BOYS' WEAR STORE. to receive as For Men OVERCOATS, $10, $12 to $20, SUITS, - $10 to $20, FULL DRESS SUITS, $25.00 to $30.00 § RAINCOATS, $6.50 to $16.50; TROUSERS, $2.00 to $6.00, SHOES, um $4.00, $5.00, * SUIT CASES, TTT 820010 $15, HATS AND CAPS, SHIRTS AND COLLARS, NECKWEAR. HANDKERCHIEFS, FANCY VESTS. GLOVES AND MITTS, SUSPENDERS: SWEATER COATS, of ' HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR. UMBRELLAS, Christmas Gifts. XMAS The Christmas Season draws nearer and nearer every day and the time in -which to choose Christmas Gifts grows shorter. For Boys J o¥ERCOATS, $2.50 to $12.00, * We're in splendid trim for Holiday trade == showing just the things that Men and Boys are always delighted For Ladies SUIT CASES Fitted with ladies' manicure sets SUITS, $2.00 to $12.00, 4 CAPS AND HATS. SWEATERS. SWEATER COATS, HOCKEY SWEATERS. HOOKEY TOQUES, UNDERWEAR. GLOVES AND MITTS BELTS, SUSPENDERS, « SEE OUR $2.50 OVERCOATS " For Boys 2 years to 7 years, SEE OUR $4. 50 ov E RCO. ATS : For Boys. © years to 12 years. SEE OUR 7.50 OVERCOATS For Boys 10 ygars to 16 years, $8, $9, $12, $10 COAT SWEATER, $2.00 to $6.00, Bh UMBRELLA, i $1.00 to $5.00 . AVIATION TOQUES, Boe, 75¢, $1.00, GLOVES, Chamois, Mocks and Kid, lined or KNITTED SILK NECKWEAR. ents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men BIBBY 78 80-82 PRINCESS - 1 . or ] 00. 1 unlined. . §. NITTED MOTOR SOARFS. A SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, Ltd «Agents for Penman' 8 Underwear , and BweaterCoats | £ Subscriptions For Canadian Locomotive Co. 6 Per Cent. Bonds In Depominations. of-- $100, $500, ad $1000. Price--Par and Interest Apply To J. O. Hutton 18 Market 8t., - Kingston. COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL Is good Coal and we guarantee BOOTH & CO. GAS FIRES, We_have the imitation hard and soft Coal Fires, just the thing for the parlor or dining room grate; no trouble; no dust; no smoke; as cheap as coal to use. Let us give you a price piped and set ccmplete, Phone 515. Personal attention, J. W. SIDFIN a Co. 8 hsm nee Sts. 'COLD NIGHT --~SPECIALS---- . Hot Bovril, . Hot Chocolate, Oysters. and ~ Lunches : ork and Beans, Geo. Masoud's ICE CREAM PARLOR. 204 PRINCESS STREET, TAKE IT AWAY Shas wit a, Ag mig 51 bottled have no superior, STEER Thompson Bottling Co. 203 PRINCESS §T,, KINGSTON, te 2 1 i if 000000000000000000 8 S080 c00ROsgeOsO IVINS a cultivation' of the lan Stam ore. mother, 8 son, in certain districts a homesteader in good niongside $08 per acre onibs in Aste of homestead entry (Incinding the time patent) and switivate fifty Acres axirs, sader yr Bb Bi i Jomestend LR certain districts ThomasCopley ° PHONE 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street wea, wanting anything doie in the Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on all kinds of Hardwood Floors of all kinds orders will-teceive prompt attention. Shop 40 Quen Street. repairs and new work also. All a a------ APPLES. SNOWS. TALLMAN SWEET. BELL FLOWERS, NORTHERN SPIES. SWEET CIDER, COAST SEALED ONSTERS, D. COUPER, Phone 76. B41:8 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery, \ OF CANADIAN NOR1H- --_----ve LAND REGULATIONS, FERN Tho 18 HE SOLE or Any male m 3 family ov sey vallable Dominion katchewan rier rr in niry by proxy gaat a4 iy agency. nw certain her. mother, son, a brotner or sister of futend- onthe rhaldencs upon d in sac hn of omesteador may live Ran Ses mies of of his aomestgad on least $0 ser ws solely owned od By hlia or by_ his father, daughter, brother .or standing may pre-empt 8 quarter sde Nin homestead. Prios, Duclos Mist reside up- omestend or pre-emption ix each of w=ix years from homestead to sarn required who has. exhausted t and caanot gbtala an enter for a pur- % Duties - ey . in eneh of ~ Must threa Satine cultivate fifty screa and arvecs { house worth #506 00 Deputy of tho Sintuter of the interior, ud S¥BE 18