that he will we Onturic a good deal #7 and had a comleremée wih Hon. Ho-|bPeth Salter, of Whithy, on Fs = = a > KINGSTON, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1941. LAST EDITION YEAR 78 -RO. 278 ~ ne r-- CENSURE HON. MRE. FOV. WILL NOT GIVE Bt. Jean Baptiste Society Expresses ] : "Utier Contempt." wo -- "fittawa, Nov. 29.-The St Jean . . | Baptiste sociity of Holy Family Fa A Seaport fo Ontario So ish, Ottawa Fast, has passed a i strong tesolution supporting the & anitoba Decides | French-Canadian Educational Maso- x M ieiation in its condemnation of Attor- ney-Cignéral. Foy for his attacks on > bilingualism. A section of the re soloticn read © | CONCESSION OPPOSED "As citivens of Canada we « look rh Ng down with etter contempt at the 2 i --o | narrow-mindedncss of Mr, Foy. As Catholics we are ashamed to see in BY ROBLIN, ALTHOUGH ROGERS yar midst a 'man so unjust aud so IS AGREEABLE. mean af to wish to cancel the righis viafed by human nature, Christian and Catholic sjtrit, the the country and TT emt The Clreumstances Sarsounding the Alleged "Settlement" -- Western | o> Proviuce Refuses to Please Str} They far hermore want to declare James Whitney, for Mr." Fov's own 'benefit and that Htawa, Nov, 29.--ile "settlement" [of i's friends if ha bas any-that the of 'the boundary dispite betes Un | French-( sinadinn parenis ure more tario and Mautoba anngunced the | han ever sanguine of having French other gight with ou great flourish = at taught their children, 'without ne trampets By fien. Robert Hogers and glecting the stody and teaching of Hon, Frank (Cochenne promises to he | Foglish. clussed with 'that other settlement' aco rie ves" "MONEY CANNOT ATONE "There's no doubt that the mumbers FOR WOMAN'S DEATH British fair of the commons from Manitoba gre decidedly opposed to any cousessions ta Ontario, and have so notified 'the minister of the intevior, The circamstances sirromnding "settlement" seam to be these : Among the issues forced (6 tha front Jail by the (mtario élections was the ex-| : tension of the Whtario goverment Joronto, Nov. 20°F do not im railway to the waters of the Hudson {PO% a fing we should not recogni bay, and i beoame necessary for the that money can pay, etn in pas Whitney government, to make some|for blood." This was the conclusion demonstration in regard thereto, of a five newspaper column the Seven Months in Common indg- Representation was muds to Ottawa [ment in which Judtics Riddell, t. day, | some- | atenced Roy Drintuell, antome]iil- nt, epmvieted of wilful negligence ict running down aud kilkbe Wes. Riza Sone sen com- thet it was neccesary that thing should be done, and consdjuent ly Hoo. Frank Cochrane got busy. ju | Street, some months ago. The would 46: mo havm, and would do | tence was seven 'mopths in th: good, if Mapitoba were to promige | MOD inal, Lhis case ompsed a rent to make some concessions to On: |deal of interest lere, being the irs tario, 'The Hem. Wobert acttiiesced, | Sonviection of an automobilist follow - and, soon it was agreed hat the | Bg many dusths from automsiile ae announciment. should be made that [ident all over Ontario, Mawitobm was willing to give Ountefio His lordship dealt ab great length un port on the Nelson civer, + fon the why axeessive speal nd The suggestion med simple [Corelcssness in automobiling has en enotgh, but il' now looks as if the \dangered human life in cities large Hon. Robert Waites been taken into | ood small, and on country hiohway camp hy fits colleague from Ontario Incidentally ho spoke of the right of heonuse fob only do the Manitoba [8 hunfen Tings to breathe pure air, mombers on beth sides assert that | "hich was not posstde in tho wake of they will not consent td any such ar-|%ome machines. _He criticized the me rangement, bul Premier Roblin hime | thos of deluney Strongly, say mE i ; ¥ ve 'intim was conclusively evidenced that some self ia. vadersioud to have intimated body Tad' tempered with the pia ho {SHEne "betwEen the time of the pocie dent and the time of isspection by the court's .expen's, -------- a St bert Hogers, ang suggested that "Aurther off Thai it is now: before will withdraw one iota from. his prev: | fous: A Ta swoon an the "apt tlemant" wan anounced, some of the Manitobn mempiors went to pu thie engineers whe had been engaged in the surveys ol the Hudson a railway, and discov. Bath Also, ered that if, us seems likely, the ter- | Seattle, Wash., Nov. 29.-It has minal of the Hudson Bay will be at [been forvpdden for any person to Fort Nelgon, the hatbor must be on take a bath either in a private te the eastern side of the river, which {sidence, pubte bath, ely or hos would, under the proposed partition, [tel, because The city hus wen with- be in Ontatio, while all that would be Jout water siiice the pipes were car left to Mahitoba would be the wosiern {riod away last Sunday. bak, upon which there could only be] J, J, Forster, of Chicago, an ofli- » sort of a mushroom town, and thus [eer of the Atlantic steamship service Ontario would obtain all the advan {of the Camudian Pacific Railway, stay tages, whilst Manitoba would get on- [ing at the Calhoun Hotel, went with ly the rough ond of the deal. out a shave and a Math as long as It is further claimed that as all the Lhe thought trate for the Hudson Bay road must fang for a pint of ehampegne, = mix- come from the west, and ws Manitoba | ed his whaving lather with it and had in ohiefly interested in the road. that [a difightful shave, he says. "hen the terminals must be onder Manitoba | be ordered aight gallons of milk and conteol, or at least in Manitoba terri- [indulged himself in a milk bath. tory, Liberals say it is safe betting sits emit-- that after the votivg in Ontario on HAS BEEN RELEASED. Dee. 11th, little more will be heard of the "sett t." Soi tc SHAVED IX CHAMPAGNE. Official in Seattle Has _Luxurivus Wife's Pathetic Letter Gets Stripling Manitobn is not going to give up its + Freedom. rights to "please Sir James Whitney Nov. 20. Thomas Columbus, Ga. and his friends. She will stand where | jo Stripli ' 1t dor sie: Nas Son fOr git wears past and Edgar Stripling, self-confessed murder will refuse any alteration the jit, Sncupptured haut a --onh ago, alter boundary, as defined by the resolution hid Fisen to the position of 'chief of ol the house of commons, in 1908, plies of: Danville, Vs, hes been. Bu by command of the governor to attend the deathbed of his yowng- ext child, Jesse, two years old, governor's action resulted from receipt of a pathetic letter from Stiip- pa KINDNESS WAS REWARDED. ---------- - Woman Who Helped Neighbor Gets His Estate. Torontd, Nov. ¥ : : Kas. allowed th appeal of Mrs, t, (19 destibaie since A: Thouwipson from thy decision of | 0ITe8E, the local muster ext Brookville, who a found that Mrs. Fhowpsion hat used SAME RULES FOR FOOT- influence to induce Alexatder . dev; aged eighty, of Burritt's Rapids; to will 'hi ontive estate to her. She wus nu relative of the uld Caman'y, But had washed, baked and 'sowie for him without charge, and ox his aged wife who predeceased LR her husband's ve: Pa to be Made the New short dime. Action was --acoept the McKenzie, who refer the domin will constitution | he could ant thea he fe The the 9. Justice Teor Pling's wife, who 'with her ten children BAL OVER DOMINON Father Staston's Meas are Likely jules all over will give the {hed it ean MeKoazie' LATEST TIDINGS Despatches From Near and THE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- 'SIBLE FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody-- " Notes From All Over---Little of Everybody Easlly Read and Re membered, Alfred Holt, Liverpool, ship ener, is dead, ; Mtawn wehools will soon be under medionl inspection, CPR, net earnings for the month of October showed an increase of 8166, 000, | The foree of French troops ut Pekin here has been increased to 1,000 ren. {and that of the Japanese to 1,200 {| €. 1. Atkinson, secretary of the {Rrdadview, branch of the ¥. M. C. A., | Toronto, nas tendered his resignation {last evening, Roy Brintnell, Toronte,, Must Spend | Fire frim spontaneous rompbustion, {destroyed the Pearce Dlock and wreck ed the Wermer block at Owosso, Mich i Loss $150,000. . --Firirty-five tiwisnnd workmen opon Andalusian railways, plan to declnre a strike on. Pde. Tth, unless their grieyances are satisfied, Sir Vdward Cloaston, general man- ager of the Bank of Montreal, is to retire, owing to ill-health His sue- cedsor will be H, V. Meredith. Irving Dudley, U. 8S. Ambassador te Brazil, is dead from heart failure, at the John Hopkine Hospital, Balti- more, Md., where his wife is also iH. Dr, €. 8. Taman, pathologist «f the Brompton Hospital for Consumptives, London, Eng., will be head of the new hygenie inktitute at London, Ontario. The erviser Aboukir has been pur chased by Canada, and her erew are being paid. She will be thoroughly overhauled, and transferred to Cane ada yoxt spring. An Agreement has been concluded, whereby the Cunard Steamship com: pany 'will acyuire a large intersst in the Anchor line, of Glasgow. There Will be no change in the managemnt. The German Bed Cross society pro- poses to assist both the Ttalian ond Turkish forces epgsged in operations in Tripoli, peed Sthal: WARUT RRS are recaived Chat'ihe help will be sc cepted, | Baron Gustave Samuel James de Rothizahitd, disl dn' Paris, pped eighty two. He was a partner in the great bankiite "firm, and also acted as con sul-genetal for Austria-Hungnry in Paris, President Frederick W. Hamilton, head of Tufts College, and Universal ist minister, is to marry in the spring Mrs. Emma Tuttie James, of Fomer- ville, a former metress, widow of an actor, and row teacher of elocutivm, STEEN -- 5 { Tuesday. ~ ARCHBISHOP-ELECT SPRA ga -- SUFFRAGETTES WERE JEERED, soemiaimse Messengers and Clerks Ladies Unkindly, New York, Nov. Five thou anand messenver © boys mad brokers' clerks outside the offices of J. p, Morgan & Co., at Broad and Wall streely, drawped the voles of Mrs, twmmiline Iankdurst, © the British dulivagette, in a tmbult of jeers, eat-wvalls and cheers. She was sche duded to pwake an address om suffvage there at noon. She mateled her voice 'agrinst her tormemtars for [if ten minutes and then gave % When she sat dawn Eo ia » rush for the automobile from which she sooke. The erowd wedged Abou he machine, stripped it of its flay: snd bunting, and with decisive cheer: ug, opened a lane in front through wmich « score of nen dnd boys pro etled the car down the street. Treated WILL REMOVE WRECK. Cleveland Kien Decides Not to Fight Government. Ottawa, Nov. 29-hs "difficulty which grose. same time 420 ; between he department o marine and' fisher ies and the Cleveland Frm whicl swned thier vossel Jolishde, Sehich vent a the bpttom of the St Clair rive with a carge of row, hes been set ded, The company refused to renin: be vesel,' which was af obstrud iop O navi ation, snd the depattoios) de wed to take leral action, The com has given sthe depart an updertaking "to vemiove th any ment wrack. now ia Black Foxes Dear, Moncton, NR, Nev. 2 -Charle Dalton, millionaire "fox ranch owner, of Prince Edward Island, to-day pur chased from. 1. C. Calhoun, of Gaspe hore, three black foxes, the price paid being something over nine thousand dollars. Mr. Calhoun, whe hat an ex tensive fox farm at Gaspe, arrived iv Moncton on Saturday, with foxes, ep route to Prince Fdward gland, but was met here by Mr. Dalton and sev: eral other owners of fox ¥anches on Prince Fdward Island. © My. Dalton was the successful bidder for the valu: 'able animals. is mete ims Fooling Nimrods. Belehertown, - Mass, Nev. 20-7 stuffed deer placed for @ joker in the woods in South Amherst is causing 2 great waste of ammupition on the part: of sportsmen. Yesterday hunters mistook it for the renl thing One hunter shot at it four times be fore he discovered it 'thud deen dead tw enty Yeats JRO DS cape irre niet No Fuel Famine in West. Ottawa, Nov. 20.--"Aldanggr of o coal famine in the wesl Bas now bos removed," fail Hugh Satheddand, « member of the executive staff of the Canadian Northern railway, who is her's from Winnipeg. The OC. N.R. has a million tons of coal docked at Port Arthur. The union railroad station, White River Junction, Vt., was burnsd on 2,000, pro- + ou --- ---- h Spratt, Who is to be i Catedral on | Be" Hotel Dieu and 'the cat carved out, churches am CROWDS GREET Archishop- Elect: Spat on His Arial ESCORTED 10 PALACE BY BANDS AND A BIG PROCES. SION. in Address of Welcome Read in St. Mary's Cathedral by J. J. Behan, to Which the "\rchbishop-elect Made Reply. 0 The cermmonies in commeetion with tif» conseeration of Rev. Michael J. Spratt, of Bellaville, 10 the archhis bopric of Kingston, commenced on Wodiienday afternoon, at the Grand Urunk station, when the archbishop ect arrived from Belleville The weival of the future archib®hop of the iocese of Kingston wad marked Ia he attendance of large crowds, and though the train was not dne to uwrive at ths station until 1.45 oo lock, large numdyrs gathered at the station at one o'clock. The areh!tchop-olect was met at the station by the members of the dio cese of the city of Kinghton and mem- and of the congregation of St. Mary's mud conducted to tho pal ice. A procession was formed, dhe wder heing the band of the B.C.U A., Knights of Columilaus, Ancient Irder of Hilernians, Catholic Order of Foresiers, Catholic Mutual Dene fit Assovation, Young Irish Catholic Hendvolent association, men of S41. Mary's congregation, band of Mth P.W.0. rifles. These were all on foot vhile the rear was brought ap by' the clergy, who rode in carriages. The procession lined wp om both sides of the woad leading from the sta. ion along Ontario street to Broek, and awaited. the arrival of the train. t was about twenty minutes late. After some delay in getting the pro- ession in order, the R.C.H. A. Band, which was in the lead, Strack up, and the long line of representatives of the lifferent societies, headed by Marshal Cornelius Millan, moved off. hence to the cathedral. Crowds lined ihe pavements, and business was. sus ended forthe time being. Five hun- red children were stationed on the eps of St. Mary's cathedral to 'wel- some the new prelate, and the little ones stationed in front of the convent, al wave ed small Union Jacks. AN connected with the affair wore badges bearing the pictures of Archbishop-elect Spraty and Mgr. Stagni. * Upon the arrival of the proesssion it St. Mary's eathedral the clorgy went to the archbishop's palace and the crowds filed into the cathedral, Cho clergy afterwards marched into he "cathedral and on the archhishop- dect 'taking his place J. J. Behan, m behall of the eongrgration, read he following address of weleome | | ------ Address to Archbishop-Elect. To His Grace, the Most Reverend M. J. Spratt, D. D., Archbishop of Kingston. \ Your Grace: The congregation of St. Mary's cathedral unite with your faithful clergy throughout the diocese in extending to your grace our warm congratulations and cordial welcome | to your future home. i Through the wisdom and foresight | of the holy father vou have been sel ected as chief pastor of the andiont see of Kingston. With this histories episcopate have been associated the names of many illustrous men, men in whose hearts burned the zeal of the missionary life, men of profound eru- dition and renowned scholastic attain ments, men of gentle culture dnd broad humanity. Thus in this diocese was laid wide and deep the spirit of faith; schools and colleges have been founded amd hospitals and charities erected and endowed, There is obwerys ef 'a devoted loyalty to authority, and at the same time a happy abaence ol religious intolerance and religious strife; all classes dwelling together in peace and amity. : May we not say to your grace that your life has been typical of the see you are ealled to govern. The trials and labours, the hardships and priva- tions of the mission were yours, but ne work was too great for your band to. overcome, the labourer was equal to the task, and so rishes were presby tevies and the entire range of pas torial duty discharged ably and well: {Then followed promotion, with wider cares, with responsibilities greater and more diversified, with fast ing, serious duties. All these diffioult- ies you met with the same wise judg. mient, the same calm determination, and the same marked success. Thus along your way of life stand monuments of your priestly labotirs; till now what wonder are enalled upon io rule the Nh therein, » provinee, lives and hearts of the people, you are by birth, education and experience preeminently qualified seh the high and important duties of wers<of - fhe Roman Catholic sists The line |chairman, Mr. Macphersom will eight Jof march was along Ontario street to |complote Brock, to Wellington, to Johnson and department. Mr. Macpherson was bora gritusug. from 'mand of decessors, much remiains to be done. There ure problems financial, edion tional and charitable, of a serious natury yet to be solved. But to what- ever work vou tama You: hand, what ever sphere you contemplate, vou will fiad at your command in Kingstod # faithful, loyal and devoted people, fol- lowing where yon lead, and exhibit ing in your services that zeal 4nd fety, that affection, that profound faith, which under wise guidance have made the name of Kingston renowned in_the Canadian episcopate, So we bid your grace ag welcome to Kingston, and it i owe fervent prayer that your years way be long, that peace and happiness may wait on you always and that . year labours nfay be erowned with glo fous results to the church and 16 our le. aT a laces was beautifully ome bossed, the work om it being of a specially high quality. It wes done by one of the Sisters in Kinestin, After the reading of the address the archbishop-elet replied and imac. diately afterwards tne procession was peformed for the mareh down to the Bingston and Pembroke station tor the welcome to the papal Mgr, Stagry, ~who comes tawn. Among those who have arrivad tor the conseoration eoremonies wre Hon C. J. Doherty," minister of justive, cepresenting ths domininn caverns ment; Hon. M. F, Hackett, of Stae- stead, Gueber; C. JJ. Pav, Leth, and M. J. Haney and purty, of To ronto, lalernte, from in Farewell at Belleville. Michael's Romany Catholic Belleville, wne on Tuesday (Continued on Page #1) IS MADE ASSISTANT TON. T. CHARMAN Duncan Macpherson Born at Bath Graduated Frem RM.C. "in 1880. Otiawa, Nov, 20.~Duncan Maepher: son, who for the past dix years has been assistant engineer to the, Trans continental railway commission, has been appointed assistaut to R, W. Leoward, chairman. The promotion means that during the absence" vi tha havo control of the"Wark of the St. church, at Bath, Ost... in 1858 Jn 1880 he the Roval Mslitare ollege, Kingston, and in 1551 he joined the engineering deparinient of the C. I. R. in Montreal. SEA LORDS SHAKEN UP. Changes in British Admiralty Stated to be Necessary, London, Nov. 29, lw ortant changes in the admiralty are antow od, Admiral Sir Prancis Chavles Bridgeman, .commander-in-chicf, of the home fleet, is appointed first sen lord, replaging 'admiral of the fleet Sir Are thur Angvet Wilson. ¥ice-admiral Prince Louis of Battenburg besomes second sea lord, veplacing Viee-Ad: wirn! Sir George LeClere Egerton, Capt. William CC. Pakenham, comma der of the battleship Collingwood, be cames third sea lord, replacing Rear generous |. : ee TTIRS, Tome, Nov. 29th, 18 Aah tawas Valley and Upper St. Lawrence | Fresh WUFIrong westerly winds: alr and poid to-day ahd on Fi utedny SPECIAL CLEARING SALE OF FUR LININGS = ==} FUR TRIMMING : TO-MORROW We will place on sale all our Fur ®lates and' THmmings at half price Here's a chianece to Buy WEFoat warm Hning for a. Coat or Wrap just at the time § when you'll likely nes. it fhe Loi consdsts of WHITE AND GREY SQUIR. REL. $16 Quality ot $8. GREY SQUIRREL, HEE Quality at $16. STBERIAN LEOPARD, B13 Quality at $7.30, JAPANESE SABLE SKINS, $4 Quality at R32, FUR TRIMMINGS, Chinchella, Sable, Ete, 81 to $1.30 Quallties at 50c, 3 | XMAS SHOPPING Every day now there is a chance of 'getting Xmas Qift-giving Novelties at this store. Pretiy things arriving dally and ofien £0 as quickly, od COME OFTEN, AND COME 2 EARLY, : STEACY'S MAIR, GREENBE--OARNIGAN On #vening, Nov Tuesday Admiral Charles Edward Madden. Admiral; Wilson has been offered "| peerage, but declined, while the com | some important home port | will be given to Viee-Admiral Fygertou, | on the hrst vacancy, i CHURCHILL WAS ASKED About the Changes He Made in the Admiralty. London, Nov. 29. --~Winston Churchill was called in the commons this | morping to defend his recent chaviges | in the adodralty, being. asked by | Lord Thynne, member for Bath, ii] officers who were removed went ond | of ther own accord or weve remev..) ak. Mr. Churchil} replied that whens | he apprised them. = that his majesty | had assented to the change they | put perscnal interests aside for in] terests of the service. } SULTAN OF ZANZIBAR ABDICATES HS THRONE Occupies Only 2 Nominal | Post. London, Nov, 20~The sulian of Zanzibar proposes to abheate in fa vor of his son. Owing to the stat of bis health Mis Wighuesy is obliged iahecget every year tu take o Louw ir -Frapce or Cems iy. And to heave Zapuzibar under the regency of his wel, Seyyld Khalid. In order to avoid any incomvesience to the fad booms. by if tan A% Pin Hamud desires to be It Goes to Eldest Son--The Ruler|- which |: repeated and enforced absences, Wil-|* in H A 1011, in the iy, Fathor Chrrigan, Greene, of Rishon & Fuis HISCOCK ~Suddeniy, in Nov. 29th, 1911, OATS ate) from his late pepid. Witliam Street, Vriday, Kingston, nan 2 Joseph Hiscock, aped 57 Funeral (priv ence, 117 at 7 p.m MURDOCK ~ AL Cleveland, Ind, 1811), Jennie wite of CA Ohtlo, Nov Walker, beloved Murdock, aged 49 Yveare Funeral took place In Cleveland, Olin Napanee Beaver please copy MACKENZIE fn Kingston, Noy. 28th, 191), Margaret Mackenzis, beloved wife of Donuld Markengle, aged £3 yours Funeral will Thursday morning from Jas, talab on place aL ten aelock, Reld's Undertaking Parlors Friends and soquainiances respect - fully invited to attend. ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone B77. 230 Princess Street. REID The OM Viem of Und: 0 he mail 256 FRINCENS STRIEY, Tn mbulanes, ene 14 for A TAKE NOTICE. We have the Agency of ihe "Royal Stoves" a good kind: aud modern prices; ging a lot of good heters, se cond hand, which w h hich il pel at reduc, rices. at wl &y Are a gore. Turk's. PHone 3s. AH Weve TRY inatt PDUERR'S JAMS soa ' RASPBERRY: STRAWBERRY. relieved of his responsiiifitics." The power, established in the Sultan Ali Bm Hamed the principle ef 8 wresnion to the eldest Zanzibar, and there is no why it shoud bel set aside Can Write No More. Indianapolis, lad, Nov. 2. For tie first time since he jo famous, James Whiteomb Riley, to. decline: the task of writing a Uhristnias poss tis yeur. Paralyms has evap' to biz ing i oan Wrile no more. 16 compos reason Brifish government, as the rotating! poison Col] a ni spurs, but to BLACKHEREY. AP FA PEACH, : STOXELESS DAMSON, STONELESS GREKNGAGE: 1 1.2 1B, GLASS JARS, 85 CENTS. - oi Redden & Co. To Hunt Wolves In Alr. Gulvdston; Tex, Nov. 209-%en rauchinien ovning 150006. Aeres in Pecos, Brewster and El Paso countisg, {stocked with 300,000. cattle, have in Vested in an acroplaie, sot for . rid their lacie the wolves, panthers and mowtein loos {oleh kill enti, Atstralic and Afgentins together pasture omethisd of the irs she @¥ N Be a a