Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1911, p. 2

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R Presents USEFUL, BEAUTIFUL, DURABLE. Nothing equals Furniture in real pleasure giving. » HALL RACKS To h on wall $1.75, $5.00 up. $1.25, $1.75, up to $15.00 40 cents to $1.50. a good line. PARLOR CHAIRS, 55 - $3.00 up to $50 each. CARPETS, Axminster, Brussels, RUGS. Oriental signs, . < CURTAINS. = Madras, Brussels, WNell,, Nottingham, ete 2 Goods held until Xmas. delivery, 'Phone ¥0. Yours, _ T. F. HARRISON GO designs, effects and de- ; Prerssccssesssesrneven - | SPECIAL . {SALE "OF WHITE BLANKETS In best qualities, all : / ' and 8 wool, 5, 6,7 Ibs. weight. | | | | : i R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOU SE. ~~ SMART IN DRESS. | .. The way to always look p smart in dress Is to send your "clothes to these -works ocean sionally to be cleaned and pressed. It always adds grea'ly to the life of the garment BR PARKER a Cu. Dyers and Clennern, 0 Princess Si, Kingston, Oat EEEOROORe 0 see e@es & DUNCAN'S CART STAND ¢ 70 WILLIAM STREET. Velvet, | From Trapper to Weaver. (Registered. ) For ) FAM ~ FUR-LINED { COATS Come to the DAYLIGHT STORE, the only one in Town. Tnink it over. THERE'S A REASON $30 Style 3 OWN MAKE, McKAY"S 149-1537 BROCK STREET. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE, of Interest to Every. body. "Sanitol goods." Sold at Gibson's, Sanger, 'tne famous English show- man, was murdered, An unknown freighter is ashore Grubb's Reef, Lake Erie. Chamois vests, all sizes, Leod"s Drug Stores, ars. 1. Siatiord, of Renfrew, eighty y#ars; died on Sunday. Ur. bk. Laurence, tormerly of Scotia, died after a long illness. "Unbreakable combs." Gibson's. John Galbraith announces his can- Sidacy for the legislature in West A Lot of News at Me aged Nova i, on Hl. Cunpingbam, plane tuner, 2I King street. Leave orders ai Mec Auley's book store, * "uy tooth "brushes." Gibson's. The Court Circular announces the appointment of Sir Henry Pellatt, as honorary A.D.C. te the Duke of Con- naught: . Miss Sarah J. Brown, an elderly and highly respected resident of vrockvitie, was found dead in bed on Sanday. Jhe Duchéss of Connaught visited the Toronto general hospital, where hig Tound iwi irks named aifer Prin- cess Patria, ibe. eel, ron and wine, 5H0e. son's, The Muoutreal Transportation com- pany this year handled 3,000,000 bush- ols mare groin than in any preceding year, Twelve thousand dollars. dgmage dane at the St. «.omas Packing com- any's 'plant, on Tuesday night, by fire; covered by insurance, "Buy tooth brushes." Gibson's. Thomas Moore and three of his chil- dren were to death in their house on pnant-Governor Patter. son's ron ritish Columbia. Miss Clad rant, of Pittsferry, and Miss Edith Hillier, of Odessa, were in the city on Tuesday to attend the dnoe given in the Orpheum hall. The Bellevile Roman Catholic con- regation bade Archbishop Spratt arewell, and presented him with 81,- 000 and a number of uther gifts. German lager beer, imported, Wurtz- burgher, Hoffbrau on draught, at the Club hotel, Wellington street. A witness before the United States senate committee alleged that ex- President Roosevelt had an under Handing with the financial interests in Gib- Henry Shaver, a well-known farm er of Cainsville, Ont., was killed by the Grand Trunk, on Wednesday morning, - when his horses bolted at the crossing. "Buy tooth brushes." Gibson's. The ;nfnister of the interior misid a deputatlon of Sikhs, from British Colunittia, fall jnvestigmtion into the claims that they were not Liane treated as British subjects 75e. peel, iron and wine, Sic, sons, Alter Marshall, = Clayton, N. Y., caught a maskinonge that weighed twenty-sight pounds. It was shipped to Commodore Walter J. Green, of Utica, N. Y. * ohruskayie smb." Gibson's. For b, teacher to stand be: fore. the school. ul chew wads of ro~ Gib on |ed SEprrrrscetianere BY THE DRAMATIC CLUB OF QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY. 3 as -- "The Lost Paradise" Was Excellent- ly Produced by the Students at the Grand on Tuesday Evening. a" delightiully surprised audience wo that Eh witnessed the pro- duction of "The Lost Paradise,' by the members of the Queen's Dramatic Club at the Grand, Tuesday evening. In the choice of "The Lost Paradise the players found' a comedy-drama de cidedly modern in character which af- forded ample scope for natural talent. A splendid story punctuated exten sively with bright, sparkling flashes of humor and sententious speeches, given a clever interpretation, held the inter- est of - the capacity audience from pegianing fo end. i 7 0 divide honors would indeed be a difficult proposition. 'The cast in en tirety i well chosen and each indi- vidual member is deserving of the greatest praise, however special men- tion must be made of the brilliant and clever work of Miss B. Gillhooley, who presented the part, of "Cinders," the tattory girl. The young lady posses ses talent and natural ability quite extragidinary and would readily de- velop into a second "Sis Hopkins.' Miss Somerville, as 'Margaret Knowl tan." had the heaviest role, but ploy ed her part well. Miss Letta Arnold, as "Mrs. hnowlton," was well receiv- ed. F. Pilgrem, as spokesman for the labor party, made a decided hit. A. E. (/Neill, who has been identified with Queen's productions. for several sea- sons, was even better than ever in the role of "Bob Appleton," the up-to date American; his romantic associa- tions with Polly ("Miss Carlyle") made much for the spirit of the piece. Mr. Spankie and Mr. Ross per- formed creditably, while Mr. Hull, as "Billy,"' took the house by storm. Much of the success of the eveming is undoubtedly due to the combined efforts of Irving H. lleers, a .pustor, and Mise Fdith Osborn, who assisted. The students' orchestra supplied the music. The harmony of this organi zation has been greatly enhanced this season by the presence of the fair co The campaigning for Mater elections. cupied the boxes, All members of the Dramatic were the receipt of handsome quets, "Teddy" bears and things. did extensive Alma oc variows faculties the coming The candidates Club bou- other CPP PPP SPER P ENE RSPEI PEP TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS, . If your copy of the Whig is not being regularly des livered you will do this of- fice a favor by notifying us at once, The complaint will be promptly attended to. De- liveries will be made any- where in the city, and made promptly and regularly. If your news boy moves away, changes his route, OR FOR ---ANY- OTHER CAUSE, fails 10" leave yon -the WHIG, please advise this office immediate- ly and his place will be filled at once. Our readers are en- titled to regular and early delivery every evening, and we are prepared to see that they get it. Grant Hall To-night. Wo true lover of music can afiord tb miss the great musical festival at Grant hall, to-night. Reed Miller, in an interview, last night, said: "Mrs, Kimball, our soprano, | consider the equal of any American artist appear. ing before the public to-day, and as for the Uroxtdn quartette, apart from personal reference, it is the best ° or- ganization in the United States. This company appears in Ottawa to-morrow night, where the house is entirely wold out and it is to be hoped Kingstonians will avail themselves of this wunguie opportunity and hear these great artists at Grant hall, to- night. Prices, 50c., 75¢. and $1.50. +* SEPP ee Married at the Palace. A very quiet wedding took place on Tuesday evening, at the Bishop's Pal- ace, when Rev, Father Hanley united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Miss Lauretta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Garrigan, Princess street, to Charles Greene, Pgterboro, The young couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh, of this city, sister and brother-in-law of the bride, and left for Toronto at midnight, from whence they will go to Peterboro, where Mr. {Greene is in business, to reside. Merchants Up in Arms. The 'merchants on Princess street, between Clergy and Barrie streets, are up in arms against the street railway company, for the way the sweeper was allowed to go up the street on Tues- day evening, and sweep all the mud off the roads gnto their windows. In some cases the mud was so thick on the windows that the people could hardly see out. ! H Services in St, George's. In Bt. George's cathedral, on Thurs day" ay morning, at 7.30 o'clock, u spe cial service is to be held for the men - | of .the congregation, when intercession will be made on behall of missions. Service is also to bé held at 1030 o'clock, when Canon Starr will ad. dress the Woman's Auxiliary and. all interested in mission work. At the King Edward. A programme awails you tonight amd Thursda; might, Fathers | Weekly with The . world's t and QUEEN'S GREAT OUTSIDE WING MAN IS A FIXTURE. Report That He Will Go to Ottawa College * Next Year is Without Foundation---RM.C. Ready for Hamilton Men on Saturday--Rifle Association Booming. According to the Ottawa Free Press Queen's will be without more than the five men, mentioned some time ago. The latest "dope" which is = handed out is to the effect that Shter, the great outside wing, will forsake the tri-color. team and perform with the gardet and grey bunch next fall. This report is denied by Mr. Sliter and so far as is known he will be on Queen's outside wing next year. Swapping Rugby Players. _ Rumor Rodden, who did good work on Queen's inside wing line, will go back to Ottawa next season. He may he traded for Quilty, Uitawa's captain, who will 'likely come to ueen's next year. There is a possibility that Ed win Elliott, the great line plunger, will be back at tJueen's next vear. ' Gymnasium Practice. The Frontenac hockey teams will have practice at the YM.C.A. gymnas- ium this winter again. Manager Suth- erlapd said at the meeting Monday evening, that he had figured that the practice they obtained on the floor, had been a great factor in.winning the champiohship. Though if they had been enabled to play the game to the end without showing signs of lagging. They will commerce soon to get work. to Lacal Sporting Notes, Queen's hockey team has not com- menced to work out on the gymnas- inm floor yet, although the officers of the club have been elected and their players are all here. The junior Frontenacs could us» "Charlie" Stewart to good advan- tage, hut it is likely that he will be placed on the junior inter-collegiate team. The inter-year basketball games, of Queen's, will start a week from Satur- day, and a double-header will be put on. "Jack" Cousins is again in com mand of the Froniemac rooters' club, and no doubt it will be again the howling success that it was last year, Everyone regretted that George Richardson could not have handled the veing of the Frontenac hockey club for another year, but he considered that it was but fair that the honor should be handed around. Frontenae Deanery. The sessions of the deanery of Fron- tenac were continued Wednesday mprn- ing, by a celebration of holy eom- munion at ten o'clock, in St. George's chapel. Rev. W' F- FitzGerald was the celebrant, and gave an address The business meeting followed, and Fifesions and © the A.V. PA: "were dis- cusised. The deanery meeting will ter- minate this evening, when Suntiny school meeting will be held. ; King's Daughters' Event, The King's Daughters of Sydenham Street Methodist church held a suceess- ful sale in their parlor, at the church, Tuesday afternoon, at which $0 was renlized. Those whis had charge of the tables, and their assistants, were : Tea table, Mrs. H. I. Bibby; home made and candy table, Mrs. Wr 8, Connell; fancy work table, Mrs, BE. P. Jenkins, : ES Bressessssesssscsasand Kingston's Famous Fur Store, . To make sure of your Furs be' sure of your Furrier, and , there are. many reasons why SO many people come to ns. 'Furs must be caught in the proper 'seasom, be properly tanned, and then carefully made into the correct styles. OUR NEW CATALOGUE Is ready, and illustrates a few of the ' many we show. We want every Indy to have a copy. Head it over carefully--then also has it circulated that 'was with his It Never, Never Can Naughty Marietta. "Neath the Southern Selections, ~* ms es: a 260 PRINCESS STREET. I'm Falling in Love With Someone. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. If I Were Anybody Else But Me, The College B NAUGHTY MARIETTA MUSIC For a limited time only we will carry in stock the principal numbers of this popular opera. be Love Moon. Complete Vocal Score. OPEN NIGHTS. A Se i AANA a, -" Music by VICTOR HERBERT It's Pretty Soft For Simon, Italian Street Song. = ! "You Marry a Marionette. The Dream Melody. The Sweet Bye and Rye: Live For To-day. : ook Store © Walta. X ® Thone 919. T0 VISIT THE R. M. C. THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES WILL SEE THE CADETS. ' And Make Inspection of Grounds and College Buildings--Will Spend En- tire Time of Brief Stay at College. It,will b& an unofficial visit that Their Highnegses the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, will pay to Kingston, on Saturday, but in the short time they will remain in the city, three hours, they will have much to oecupy their attention. : : Their highnesses ake coming to the dty for the purpose of visiting the Royal Military College. Later on, it is their intention to pay the city a visit, and orf that occasion they will be tendered a civie reception. The special train will arrive at the Kingston and Pembroke railway std tion, at 745 o'clock, on. Satwday morning, the pacty coming from Ham ilton on the Canadian Pacific railway. The train will be composed of six coaches, » : The programme outlined is that their highnesses will make a thorough in spection of the Royal Military. College building and the grounds, and they will also see the eadets at their work. This will occupy all their time here, and they leave again at eleven o'clock for Ottawa., > Col. Crowe and his party will meet their highnesses at the station. Upon their arrival the royal standard will be. raised at the station, and upon their arrival at the Roval Mili tary College. :. a. =i. The, station will be detorated for the occasion, the superintendent, ¥. Con way, having made arrangements for this. also 3 nl INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Our Reporters. "Face chamois." Sold at Gibson's. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley"s. Phone 778. Capt, Clarke has gone to Brockville to inspect clothing and equipment of the 41st Regiment. Electric insoles, all sizes, Leod's Drug Stores. Miss Alice Bilodeau, of Quebec, is vis iting her brother, Alfred Bilodeau, for a couple of 'months. Miss Dora MeUann, Burridge, and Miss Frances Mulvale, Dufferin, are visiting Miss Minnie McCue, Windsor hotel. \, prisoner, named Bartley; was brought to the pemitemtiary, Wednes- day, from Sarnia, to serve two years and receive twenty lashes for rape. "Buy tooth brushes. ' Gibeon's. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Spratt and fam: ily, Lindsay, arg in Kingston, to at- tend the consecration services of Me, Spratt's brother, "For cuildren," Gibson's. the Twilight Social Club held a dance, Tuesduy evening, in the Orphe uin hall. Crosby and O'Comnor's or- chestry furnished susie. Dr. Hawke, 21° Wellodley street, To ronto, successfully treats piles, fissures, et, without an operation. Write tor free booklet and references. The weather prognostieators sav the last three days of November Up By at Me- sweet eastor oil. the character of the winter, "Sanitol goods," Sold at Gibson's, A committee of the county councils of Frontenac and Lennox and Adding- ton, went te Collin Bay, on Wednes- day afternoon, to look into the plans as submitted by the Untario Explora- tion company. . "Face chamois." Sold at Gibson's, An exciting incident took place Sat arday night, on Gibson's Hill, accord- ing to a correspondent at Florida. ladies were driving a spirited horse, when it sfell on the icy road, and the ladies were thrown out. Luck: ily they were not badly injured. "For children," sweet castor Gibsons. A A little boy, a stranger in the city, visiting here from the United States, mother on Princess street, this morning, when be got away and was lost for a time, until the police eventually rounded him np, and he wus then restored to the moth- er, who pat in a couple of very ani ous hours, He Spoke With the Duke. Au incident which shows the dem- ocratic character of the Duke of Connaught oecurred while he was en route to Toronta from (ttswa. Due ail. ng s stop of the train at Havelock his royal highness stepped off. A man approached him, snd after afew minster' conversation asked if thought the duke would come out and shake hands with one of the oldest residents. A hearty hand went Laut to thi man who'was coveting thy honor, med be then knew that he had, oll the while, bees talking to the new governorgewersh and the}! first three days of December determine |; ' \ Tired Feet?, You can not blame the man, or' i the woman whose feet ache, who has tired muscles and nerves, who is fatigued after a few hours walk. The cause is a weak or broken down instep, also known as "flat-foot." 'Fhe rheumatism, aches, pains, distorted look- ing and the cramped toes, aie all results of a weak instep or broken down arch, Sometimes the perfect lines of the foot are destroyed and sometimes they are not, but the victim suffers all the symptoms, TRADE MARK REGISTERED Wear the Scholl **Foot.Eazer*' and get instant relief to these painful foot aliments, and rest to the tired body. The *'Foot-Eazer" Is a scientific support to the arch or instep. Is made of two German Silver springs, leather covered, Light, comfortable and self-adjusting to all feet. Is WOrR in the regular size shoe and'can be changed from one patr to another, 0 matter what your occupation is--~no matter whit style shue you wear, If you want to enjoy your walks add want to forget about your feet come in and be fitted to a pair of Schell **Foof "A trial will demonstrate our faith money back if not sathsfled. Dr. A. P. CHOWN, Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS ST. "Phone 343. FEEDER) SILKS Two Excellent: Qualities of Dress Silks and they are having a lively sale at present. aE NVaVey Pees "ASA vi es oe 36 inch Pailette 8ilk, lovely shades of Pink. 8ky Blue, Tan, Helio, White, Cream, Maize, Navy, Reseda, also Black - Price $1.00 per yd. DUCHESS SILK 27 inches wide, pure silk, satin finish, and just the material for EVENING DRESSES Colors are Cardinal, 8ky Blue, Navy, Grey, White, Pink and Black - Price 50c. per yd. SEE THEM AT NEWMAN & SHAW'S THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE, H semepy, FHERAPI Mo Shen hod YOO O00! QUO NC oe A b J .YeY Tew Vere e OOOO I OO OC HOH ® ale Evy 8 . DOOOO0 ave" pee SN 20. slo @ DEeEaE Ss with geeaf success bad legs sores, harges wes k ness for vign: bv ta totee dane Brean Betne Nes Fougera #0... 90 Beckman ew York City, or Lymins Bros, Co. Lid Toronto. free book to Dir queria Ca HaemackRd, I ¥ndon, Esg. Try new! stebews) of Therapion, pe . Kathe: No st sts or M 11 §1 ira doubt No. required, send wit addressed crveinpe easy to take, ufo. tasting ctire, A Milkman Pines. v A trate George Hunter, om Tuesday, on} a charge of adultering his milk Cave Was proven and he wns tased! $40 and conta. This in the third cove! of this kind to tome up this vear i he |. A» sure ax a milkman starts this prac 1H tice by in wre to be caught | : { i ® Only 1.238 Registered. ~The number of mashoud mffrage | voters who registered was LIB, or 08 Jess than the registration for the z milkman appeared before Magis |! The 1}! VELL 000000004 000000000 WE ARE PREPARING to serve you better this Xmas thar ever before. " Our Stock In all Depart. ments will be bigger rand choosing that much easier. For Men we show thin Folds ing Travelling locks, cased in fine soft leather, $10.00 each "Lemalre's" Famous Field Hasses for shooting or hol daying, completé in earriey "with leather strap, $10.50 Sterling Silver. Triangular Cravat Holder, with leather hanger, $5.00 each. Together with all the more usual lines of Jewelry Gifts al- ways found here - AERA si SMITH BROS. 350 KiNG STREET. Jewelers, Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses, MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. F GOURDIER * Looking back | see | never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in, Satisfaction guaranteed, Consultation free. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED, KEELEY, Jr. Optometrist, 226 PRINCESS 8ST, "Phone 927, HOME WASH, { We're home wash people | we do the best laundering in town you know tliat, if you've | tried us. BTA TOT) and through. .. lat amily ork ash Ne fabric Of any kind thai ' we cannot wash perfectly, Our pew plan explained in detail for the asking. Kingston Laundry | Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts, Phone 22, .

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