Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1911, p. 4

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yrlue - he : CL JTHE._DAILY BRITISH WIG, W EDYESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1911. {THE WHIG, SEVENTYEIG DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street. Kings- x Editions Hockey Sticks, # Pricts 4ffwest ; : Best Goods. $ CORBETT'S - eeee Goes a Long Way IN LUMBER O ur Lumber, : whatevergrade, is 2the best of its grade. CALL AND SEE. S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Bay & Wellington, "Phone. 66. EERE OC A WE are Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 dnd Ontario No. 1 Minés, the best' Anthracite. Coal mined in Peansylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. 'Phone 156. North End Ontario Street. inst nm ASBESTIO . PLASTER FOR BALE, ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDY : OF WOOD, Beta oh fay "Tones a. vigorates Tyous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des. 7 Hs wal Weakiess, Kuisvi Sper matorrhoea, ond Effects of - wi ner box, six for < ~ cure, "Sod by dre or mailed in al fo i) w [lie fey Fe Wood maicine ine Gon" Uormenrly . Toronto, Ont BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY! OR NIGHT Phone 201 OUR CRYSTAL BRAND pli always Of Stoves ----y aa Stock @ rge OC of Now and = Naw. Eo 1 aa oc0ng hand Furniture n, SUGARMAN, | 343 watarie 5 ef to 383 Princess First class retioy od '¢ R are ia. "5 3n Sa y MENGE sey 1 have a large stock suitable Appropriate or useful. are moderate. Call 'Nothing could be eve and see $908 : six | terests? of her subjects she had to in ton. Ontario, at $6 per year. LY BRITISH WHIG, 18 gr at per year. : Suk ~ © Attached is one of the best Job Buits 19 and 20 Queen morning at §1 a year. ipostage had to be added, making pace of HTH YEAR at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. pages, published in parts on Mon. To United States. charge for Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 Printing Offices In Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work; nine improved presses: THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING C0, LIMITED | 7. G. Eillott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec-Treas. ity Chambers, 32 Church Street, Toroato, H, BE. Smaliplece, J.P., representat. : Whit is Bishop Fallon's objectioito the bi-lingual schools in . Essex, schools that Sir James not In Hanna, says do exist 7 his conversation with Mr, the br, were as reported = by provincial , secretary to Pyne, the bishop said there children © going 16 the public schools in certain parts of Essex who were unable to wpedk? English three generations after their ancestors rived in the county. This he held to be proof, that "Ui Genching of Eng- lish had been "fieglettied among the French-Canadians, notwithstanding the fact that they belong ar- to 'a province of English-speaking people, part of an English-speaking contiggnt where all children leaving school to engage in BOOSTING A friend of thé Whig, and a former Kinggtonian, sends a Duluth Herald, which gives the particulars of a new impetus which that city has received; Duluth is certainly 4 very progressive city, and one that has been given the benefit. of splendid service by very enthusiastic citizens. They have had in remarkable evidence the divie spirit and when a rally was called, for the consideration of new plans looking te of increase of her popu- the enlargement the city's boun- daries and the lation, there was a hearty response from the people 4 The the right word men were at the meeting with at the right time, and the occasion was one long to be remembered, though the It was pointed out that Commercial Club was a great help inthe civie development, it work achieving something. It was was always at and always not 1 regard to in Moroceo havé been complete, When he Germany's designs had finished his statement in the com- mons everyone breathed easier und for twa reasons i (1) The policy, of the British » empire = had sheen vindicated, and (2) the place of the mother coun- try in the world's polities was shown to be, as usual, The cablegram from Betlin, and to the ofiect that the and gunboat recalled from: Agadir, safe. German eruiser, Berlin Fber had been revives the controversy that occurred British and the German ambassador. between the foreign minister which took found relief only The terseness place at one time when the tone of Germany's communications sub- plea of Ger- suddenly necessarily dued. I was 'un specious hecame many that in order to protect the in vade the best and only open port in Muroced,, and seemingly, take sion of it for naval purposes, It was the act of a diplomat which Sir Fd- ward Grey performed" with both can- dour and courage, and which left the unmistakable impression. that Gey- posses, BISHOP FALLON'S VIEWS. the battles of life must be armed! first of all with the English languag cost. what it may." of Bishop Fallon stands for the teach- ing of English to the extent that the children shall hear nothing but Eng- lsh jn thpse schools. This is precise ly the attitude of the Orange deputa- tion Which called Sir Jumes' attention} to conditions in Eastern and Northern Ontario. The: bishop, however, ' does uot share - jn. the « bostility of the (rangémen Yo the French language, put would favor "the establishment of purely French schools for the purpose of assuring to such children a» desired it the French bi lngualism fighting. -- Toronto Globe, education in " a thorough language, It is bogus he is THE CITY. equipped with an Information or In- telligence Bureau, and an organiza- tian which could seize and follow up opportunities for public usefulness; witht an ides which he proceeded to unfold, and as a fesult there was begun A man of affairs was present at once the formation of a fund of 260,- 000 which will be used in establishing the bureap referred 'to and, through it, in huilding up Duluth. This is the sort of service The of Duluth helieve in their city. that counts. men They have a pride in all 'that concerns its welfare. . They "do not spare any forts in advertising and,_extolling its virtues, and the reward is found in ule growth which is phehomenal, which 1s expected to bring together Lion people in fen vess. Great is this civic pride. It leo to labours in behalf Would that Kingston had it in large proportions, | all sorts of heroic of. a worthy cause, BRITAIN'S SUN SHONE. Sir Edward Grey's revelations with course, one to which - Great Britain surely i objected. when Lloyd-George made his notable speech, in which he publicly notice that - Britain would not be compromised by act, of Germany's. until Sir Edward The crisis "caine gay e any It was not known Grey spoke, that the exchequer re- flected the mind of the government at the chancellor of the lord mayor's banquet, and now that all the facts are out i is ex- plained how unaffected the British gov- ernment was when it was demanded the chancellor should be removed from office, and silenced, The demand was uot only dropped, but the language of peremptory thes German chancellor was very properly molified, I was either that or an end of the ways of diplomacy. There had been su feeling that Sir Edward Grey, in some way, failed to uphold the dignity of hig country, bit it disappeared when recited the he facts and in its place there was a feeling of entire and genuine satisfaction. Germany has » tong desived to occupy the place of Hiritain io "the direction of the world's affairs, but the time for this has not many was pursing an unwarcantable Lo The oldedt member of the conserva- tive arty now. deisg. daty in the commons, and the only' conservative privy 'counsellor, is Mi. Foster, bat Mr. Mouk leads the house in Mr. Bor- den's absence. Still pandering to the nationalists, or 13 Sr Le Devoir wejoicssin the end of the naval policy. Mr. Bourassa boasté that he caused the wreek of it with the help of Mr. Borden. Eventually he will be the wreck of the government which has been so anxious to placate or pl Tw. 4 A The shamieful alliance between the Heventually. ~~ Alteidy the evidence of Leonservatives and nationalists is now being revealed: in parliament. How long does anvone. will eon hose 1 : tinue ¥ Mri: Borden wil suffer for it that is appearing. PE One sees the Asquith government dis missing the chancellor of the exche quer, because he "spoke out sharply sad. in oriticiem of German oppres- '* EDITORIAL NOTES. ---- otis. vet come, luged with all sorts ob requests uid. When the Borden idea Properly the provincial government will be relieved of many responsibili- ties, and, they will be transferred to the dominion government: Fhe re venues of the federal would need to be large, ARI an go for spreads The Ottawa Jownal Says that Me, Rowell "Ras rend public opinion the tax guestion . must better Sit Tames Whitney, the Aournal, "'the reading ought be easy, for over four hundred muni citalities of the. province, fully law Rowell now expresses himwelf Flavoring" Si J [fighting paidic opinion, and Fito kngw what that means, i Ri: The wonlan's has suffered &n jection of that it take in all competats out rerard to their sosial and finan cial standing, . The than {ihe pulpic A 'tistle gird in. OME T8nity churely, . women ® ef {( a mil government | on Ao fifty nt. of them have asked' for As ames is deli \wately he ought sufiragette movement Figg! snd' by the ve who are THE WORLD'S EPSDDES Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re. 'membered. Hon. Winston Churchill has appoint: od new men to the British admiralty Sixty Boston school children are dasgerously ill fromy eating comples- wn tablets, : A London butcher found a lady's hat pin in the stomach of a cow,. The jas Pin was nine 'inghes long, with a iamond top, very valuable. Choice steers are selling in Winnipeg for $4.75 per ewt. It is a pity some of our Kingstoh butchers don't buy fohem;-astead of letting Toronto get the good stufi. 'A tréinendous wave swept the decks of the steamship Sant Anna, from Marseilles, to New York, aud caused the death of four seamen, and serious Injury to three others. Rév. George Mason, pastor of the Unitarian church at Boston, Mauss., de- clares that he syill not marry any [touples who cantot prove they are i good physical health. The French government Las intro duced a measure for comldating ners' in provisions of ayy Kind merchandise, designed Lo, prevent illegimate increase in the cost necessaries, Charles Wells, of Los Angeles, Cal., was the best.student in domestic sei ence -ai the high school there. The class consisted of thirty-six--thirty- five girls and Wells. He is engaged to be murried. Lor of the of works, when in opposiiion, used to pay the way of the Laval students to Ottawa, to hear him rail against the British empire snd navy. This year he refuses, and the students are mad and. won't ask him to their annual ban- qguet. nes 2 Dr. Herbert Conuor, of the state prison commission, says that the Rev C. Richeson, charged withe poisoning Avis Linnell, told him that his en- gagement. to ber was broken by.mut- ual consent, as she intended to pur- sue a professional, career. He further stated that he was in no way respon. sibfe for her condition, and only learn ed of it to his sorrow, and surprise, when she unbhosomed herself to him as her pastor, seeking sympathy. Be@eEsese » WILL QOOOUOOOC] HE PO IT? Nir James Whitney ought to tell 'the people of Ontario in ) plain language whether he will have English taught thorougl- ly im all sehogls. (1). By appointing qualified inspectors in French districts ) and insisting that they do their duty. : (2) By training teachers and insisting on the appointment of qualified teachers: . (3) By iu- sisting on the use of authoriz- ed*text books fof the teaching of English; and exeluding that are not authorized. There are twelve dave before the election in which Sie Jame Whitney may answer these (ues- tions, LEPIEECIPIREEEEEE HORE TO PLACE CHECK OOO OOC0OC00000] (ele ® » (J Beverage': Ottawa, Nov, 28. -- Notice has been given by A, C. Macdonell (South To ronto) of a resolution to be presented in the commons, declaring that 'the question of the adMieration and me- description of foods, beverages, and drugs demands the immediate atten tion of the government, and that it is desirable that the existing law on the subject be amended and strength. ened, that standards of foods, bever- ages and drugs be established, that the law so amended, and the stan dards so established . be vigorously enforced, and that adequate equip ment be provided 'for the purposes aforesaid." Mr, Burnhawn (West Peterboro) has given notice that he will move for the Shpciitinent of a special committee of parliament to enguire into ; the government system of old age pen sions, andghe has alo. introduced a bill to amend the election act by abolishing the requirement of a de posit of $200 by candidates for elec: tion, | Took un Fresh Start. Youth's Companion. 5 In "Yesterday with the Fathers" Dr. William Wilberforce Newton gives ar entertaining anecdpte, concerning ove of the "Fathers" aud an observant small girl. hen " preaching, the bivhap had » peculiar habit of breathing in air like an orgag bellows; and sometimes the whistling of his girpipes - could be ding, asked her mother to let ber home. The mother refused, becatse she supposed | that the bishop was ap pronching the end of his discourse. After the , third refusal from ber wother, who whispered that the hish- ap world wet dike to see a little gin go oak of church 'while he was preach wi, and that he. was almosy done Auow, the child answered in a bigh fal setio Gy BE . "No. mother, he is not going to Hon. F. D. Mouk, minister of public Sroee heard by occupants of the pews near ¥ | becoming restless during ihe preach: || go} See Our Nobby $2.00 Hats BIBBYS™ See Our Handsome Overcoats, $15.00 ' ONE-PRICE MEN'S AND wag BOYS' WEAR STORE. a a, secure your trade. Shoes That Shoes Shoes at $5.00, Sir Shoes that we believe # $1.00, * SHOES WORTH COMING TO. SEE. We want you to see our John Bull Our Keen-cut Shoes at $4.00. been equaled at this figure. Headquarters for ' 7 r » Men's Gloves KID GLOVES $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, REINBEER GLOVES, $1.00, $1.50, $2 to $4.30, "MOURA GLOVES, 0c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, CHAMOIS GLOVES, KMTTED GLOVES, Ie; Tic, $1.00, $1. * We feel sure that the excellence of our: Outflitting and our moderate prices will make a strong appeal to your good judgment and,zin the end; Before you purchase your Fall and Winter Suit, Overcoat, Hat, Toggary, or any other Outfitting, Sir, you owe it to yourself to investigate the merits of our " Better Clothes." dan Are . The Menarch nil ¥ & a * mes f 8 penn Savon Sweater Coats Galore : Don't miss séeing our display of New Sweater "Coats ROLL NECK SWEATERS, $1.00 to $3.50, SWEATER (OATS, 73¢ to $3.00. SEE OUR SPECIAL $2.30 Sweater Coat with turn-down collars All calors SEE OUR SPECIAL $4.50 Extra Heavy Wool Sweater un collar. New shades. w 7 have never ! n - Coat $2.00, New Shi New Shirts You'll like our Shirts not only be cause they fit perfectly, but you'll like the exclusive patterns and neat shirtmaking PRICE, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, 23. Agents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men Agents for Pénman's Underwear and Sweater Coats BIBBYS ws 78 80-82 PRINCESS. ~ QUEEN'S COLLEGE, Condensed Journal. Arts -14, social evening, Dec 3 Dee. 15th; science What is From the Dates Sth; Conversat, dance, Jan. 19th. Campaigning for Alma ciety is proceeding. The dates have a strong Queen's platiorm John MeKinmon, B. A., is the sixth ol one family, all of whom graduated at Queen's. This vear he is taking fin al philogophy, next vear le takes fin al political science R. Stevens, B. A, in medi cine, ix a hustler, but in the Hmelight. He pets conscience into any duty he is asked to perform, and wili not let up until the work is complet ed Mater arts candi- So now seldom ». Queen's Track Club wants to with- draw from the Inter-collegiate Track: Union, It is not given facilities to do its work; Queen's support is decidedly frigid. Track: officers just chosen: Hon. president, Der, Richardson; president, J. P. Harvey; vice, E. P, Scotl; sec retary, F. 0. Thurlow, ! stop. | thought so wow for three times, but bas gone and blowed himself up gain" HS . @ Well CL d A witte haired wan who sent to jai onth by the Man ter uit Jog , for Ey 1 'ed the Nanking handto-hand fight, in which THE WHIG'S PUZZLE. Subscriptions For Canadian Locomotive Co... 6 Per Cent. Bonds In Denominations of $100, $500. "wd $1000. Price--Par and Interest Apply To J. O. Hutton 18 Market 8t., Kingston You Guess What the Picture Represents? SALE OF PANG Can What fur-bearing afimal? Answer to Tuesday's puzzle: Cobbler. There Was Much Blood Shed in the Work. Shanghai, Nov. 29. The rebels rash- fortific tions today, and captured the city after a desperate several hagdred Imperialists upd five hundred 490 revolitioaists were killed, Cor. University. Phone 530 Pekin, Nov. 38 Lisut.-Ceneral Feng- Kwo-Chang, commander of the Tmper- : i - inl iroops at Hankow, Kas telograph- 8 ial this week : NEW el that he has occupied the whols of {FR of all kinds. the dity of Han Yong, ' - For Good Things to. Fat. Princess St. - *

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