Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1911, p. 5

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A Reasonable Plea [For the Stomach "'H Your Stomach is Lacking in Di. 'gestive Power, Why Not Help the Stomiach Do Its Workee Especially When it Costs Nothing to Try? Not with drugs, bui with a rein- forcement of digestive agents, such as are naturally at work in the sto whach ? Scientific analysis thowd that digestion requires pepsin, ni trogenous ferments, and the secretion of hydrochloric acid. When your food fails to digest, it is proof pos itkve that some of these agents are lacking in your digestive apparatus Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain nothing but these natural elements necessary to (vgestion and when placed at work in the weak stomach and small intestines, supply v hat these orgapé need. They stimulate the gusiric glands and "gradually being tho digestive qrgans buck to their normal condition. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have heen subjected . to critical chemizal tests st home 'and alwoad and are found to contain nothing buf na tural digestives. ' Chemical * Laboratory, address, "Difindo," London, Tele phone No, 11020 Central., 20 Cul. hia 8t., Fenehiireh St., E.C. London, 9th Aug., 1995. I have analynsd most carefully box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets {which 1 bought myself at a ity chemist's shop for the purpose)' man- ufactured by the ¥. A.Stuart- Jo., 86 Clerkenwell Road, London, B.C. and have to report that I >annot fil any trace of vegelable' or inin- ernl' poisons, Knowing the ingre dieuts of the tablets 1 am of opinion that they are admirably adaptekile for the purposes for which they are dn tended, (Signed) John R. Brooks, There tion Their known shown Telegraphic a F1C., FOS, i# no secret in the prepara of Stuart's Dyspepsia Vablets composition is commonly among physidans, as in by the recommendations of 40,000, licensed physicians in the Uni ted Stated and Canada. They ar the most popular of all remedies for indigestion, dyspepsia, 'water brash, insommia, loss of appetite, melan- cholia, constipation, dysentry and kindred diseases originating from im proper dissolution and -- asstmiation of foods, because they are thorough ly reliable and harmiedk to nan or child. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are at once a safe and powerful remedy; one grain of these . tablets being strong enough (by test) to digest 3,000 grains of steak, eps and othe foods. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets willgaligestvour food fof you = whew Your 'stomach-ean't, Ask your druggist for a Die. box or smd to us divect for a tree trial sample package and you will he surpserd at the result, FF. A. Stuart Co; 150 Stuart: Bldg, Marshall, Mich. POLANDER GIVEN PASS. Steamer. The Polander, whose sad case. was referred to in the Whig, on Monday, was given a pass as far as Montreal by the mayor, He was very anxious to get work on a steamer going across the ocean, and it is expected that he will be ahle to do this. The Polander, who received the sad news of the death of his wife in his far-off home, could not speak one word of English, and for this reason, his onge was particularly sad. Some of his friends in Montreal, where he had been working, for a time, had written a note for him, in English, telling his story, Colds Cause. Headache. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world: wide cold and grip remedy, removes cause; Call for full' ndme. Look for signature EK. W, Grove, 26% CIVIC IMPROVEMENT DISCUSSED BY H. I. HUTT, GUELPH, AT QUEEN'S, OF Suggestions For Improvement of Streets, Public Buildings, and En- trances. to Cities--Other Towns Are Brightening Up----~Public Play Ground Question Brought Up, The illustrated address given Prof. MacClement's class roam at Queen's university, 1 uesday witer- noon" by H. LL. H B.5.A, of the Ontario Agricultural! - éollege,- was listen'd to by abbut fifty people. It should have been heard by several hundred, Perhaps had the people been aware of just what the subject Mr. Hutt would speak on they might have attended in larger numbers, His subjeat was on 'Municipal and Home Improvement" and was ifistra- ted by many fine views which he had taken himself ®at. diffurent times ong, his travels. He pointed out the necessity of having 4 mood front oor or 'in other Fp A have 'the railroad stations arranged ag tastefully and «8, beautifully as possible. This was eng thing in which Kingston was be hind the times. He considered t bat such a -Beautiful city as we had here should look better to the traveller as he steppel off the train. Public buildings, too, had a great deal to do with the fine appgvance of a city. The way they were laid out to get the best advantage and to command the fmest outlooks. very best arrangement of trees boulevards, The grading all tend to make a city beautiful and one that a visit to would be remem- bered with pleasure, . Another thing he favore public play ground. Not out with flower beds and levelled, but one which wns natural state where the children could enjoy themselves at dll times without Meng $n danger of damaging nny property. He thought the play araunds around school by was a lwid artificially in its one sible, and he was sorry to Kington fell Hehind somewhat this line. It took time for all rrovements, and he hoped that nexi time he came to Kingston would ses that the people had cauwht the spirit of making the city «till more beautiful than it was, Died in Cleveland. The death occurred at Cleveland, Ohio, on November 22nd, when Mrs. C. A. Murdock (formerly Jennie Wal ker) passed away. Deceased was horn in the township of Olden, forty-nine years ago, but had resided in Na panee, before leaving for Cleveland. im the he ston people. Besides. her sorrowing husband and five children, she is sin vived by- her mother, Mrs. N. J. Wal: ker, Napanee, five brothers and . six sisters, Clara, Amos, Alice, Robert, Lottie, George and Mabel, of Water: town, N.Y,, and Alzina, Alonzo and Chloe, of Napanee, and Thomas W., 'of Kingston. Bright Eyes, Rosy Cheeks. That depressing 'used up' feeling and pallid face ean. be Yuickly ox: changed for happiness and rosy cheeks by a course of Wade's Iron Tonic Pills. They build up the constitution, make new, rich blood, strengthen the nerves and improve digestion. Price 250, at «Jas. B. Mcleod's, drug stores, ---------------- Mr. MiDonald Resigned. John McDonald, inspector of weights and measures, formegly a resident of Kingston, but now of Ottawa, has re signed after serving over thirty years in the service. He will be succeed ed by Uow'roller Hinchey, of Of tawa., Robert Summerville, student at Queen's, will preach in Cooke's church next Sunday evening. Reve. {Prof.) A. Laird will occupy the pulpit in' the Fancy Neckwear at . 040000000000000000000034 ssessessescecesccenyes HUNT?®S For natty Shirts at §1,00, $1.25,$1.50 Knitted Mufflers at 50 cents to $3.50 See our large assortment of Also, Plain Shades in Bepalene and Irisn Poplin in quarter sizes. : : morning. 50 cents ° - 0000000000000 000 DOWN TOWN See our Special Extra cy Do. Men's Knockaout Bargains all this week in Mex's and Bovs' Footwear Shod for Men :.. ... ... ... ne Waterproof { Rubbers, Felts, Sox, etc., all sizes. SHOE STORE . $5.00 $3.50 $3.50 EF $3 and = 70 Brock Stree Welt . Boots .< .: .. .., J. E. JOHNSTON, "tomers who buy this week at our Ten costly prizes to those cus < VERY SUDDEN DEATH OF JOSEPH HISCOCK, THE WELL. KNOWN MERCHANT. Passed Away on 'Wednesday Morn- ing at His 'Home--He Was Pre- paring to Retire From Business. Death came very suddenly heart trouble, at seven o'clock, nesday morning, at his residence on William street, to Joseph Hiscock, one of the city's best known and most re- liable merchants. Mr. Hiscock was just on the eve of veliring from busi- ness, in fact was opening his retiring sale. He was down to his storey Tues 'day evening, and to A. J. Rees and others who were in conversation with im, appeared to be in his usual health and good spirits, although complained of a slight touch of digestion, from in- buikdings | +hduld be looked after as well as pos" | say that | | along She was well kndwn by many King the late Mr. Hiscock, ' who was in this fifty-seventh year, was horn | Montreal, and eame {twelve years of age. For years he {was a steamboat steward, serving | principally with the Folger brothers. | From that he went ioto the fruit and | confectionery business on King street to Kingston when | and also kept different stores on Jin cess street, being thirty years in busi- (news. Deceased was married to Eliza- | beth Wales, of this city, and she, with one son and three daughters, survive. Howard, at present taking an eleetri- {cal engineering course at Lynn, Mass. | Miss Reta, high school teacher at ' Stouffville, Ont.; Miss Grace, nurse-in- training at Clifton Springs, N.Y., and Miss Florence, professional nurse, at Deceased also had one brother e sister--Edgar, of this city, {and Mrs, (Capt.) Storey, of Colling- | wood, 4 The late Mr. Hiscock was an member tof the Masonic order and the AOL. |W. He was a Methodist in religion, pe. |ing a trustee of Sydenham street i church, and 9 was a liberal in poli- j ties, Deceased was alderman for Vie toria ward for the years ISR6-R7-58-80, While he was quiet and unassuming, he was always interested in anything for the good of the city, and tobk a Keen interest in clean sport, especially baseball and hockey. + The funeral will take place, Friday afternoon from his late residence, Wil- liam street, and the service will be conducted by Rev, T. W. Neal. HON. C.J. DQHERTY, Minister of Justice, who will attend the consecration of Archbishop-elect Spratt { ------ To-night "Madame X." It caused but a ripple of surpilse when Henry W. Savage imported from Paris 250 gowns to be worn in three "Merry Widow" companies, be- cause 'a chance to see Parisian cos tumres . will always interest sirongly every woman of good taste. Bul the costumes for his production of "Ma- dame X," with its French judges, court attaches and gens d' armes, and uniforms, Mr. Savage also ported, as he insisted upd the ecstuming for Disson's great emotional play absolutely correct, even to the tessels on the caps and the gold braid on the uniforms. Ae- cordingly, all the costumes to be seen in "Madame X," at the Grand to-night, are exact models of those employed in the original production of the play at the Theatre Porto Ste. Mari) Th Paris. im- » No Risk at All | Cute, lyuises, burns, scalds, boils, and such mishaps carry no risk of Blood poisoning whatever, and cause very little discomfort if you promptly wply . that sure cfire, "Mecca" Oint- ment. © None should be without it, Big 3 oa, jar 2c, at all dreg: gists, Left Hospital To-day. William Robinson, ex-M.P.P.,, King- ston's veteran citizen, who has been confined to, the general hospital for some weeks, lias so far recovered from his illness as to leave the hospital. He was removed to the home of his sou, to-day. Christmas Sale. In 'St. Andrew's hall, on "St. drew's Day," Thursday, Nov. 13 om. - An- J0ch, Appointed Manager, C. Hewderson Carter, = Sherbrooke, ys YO 'som of Mrs. R. +'. Car- ie Wont rit. has been appointed manager «<f the Bank of ¥ontresl at Mabone Bay, N. S., near Halitax. Mv. and Mrs, Carter will leave Sherbrooke for their 'new home in abou, twp weeks, : > x Wed be | in | all with their picturesque hats, robes | . having | "the a. GAMES PLAYED "At YMCA, Gymuasiam Last Even. | ing--Winners Were Brock, St. { James' and Sydenham Teams-- i Notes on Sports. | The second group of games of the Sunday Seliool Basketball League were played at the Y.M.C.A. gymna- sium on Tuesday evening. On a whole, better basketball was played. The games started about 7.15 and lasted until about ten o'clock. | <The first was between Brock and Bethel and resulted in a win for Brock with a score of 21 to 10. Half time score stood 7 to 4. The teams : ) Brock --McConnell, Crawford, Fer- guson, Kinch and Rei Bethel Edgar, and Mershon. Referee--Leslie Meek, The second game was very one-sided from the start to finish. The two teams interested were St. James' and St. John's. The former won hy the score of 32 to 3. Hall time score was 18 to 0. The teams ;. + St. James'--Potter, Sargeant, Part. ridge, Sharpe and Esford. St, Johnds--Davidson, Dennison, Stevenson. Referée--F. Pound. The last game was a very good exhibition of ball. Both teams show- ed improvement since the last game. The contestants were Sydenham and Cooke's, the former winning by 15 "io 4. Half time score was 6 to 4, Sydenham--Wightman, Ward," 1'vo1- ter, Pense, Barnum, Wood. Cooke's-Smith, Kiel, Parkhill, Filson, Referee--Leslie Meek. The next games in the Junior Sun- day school baskétball series will take place on Thursday afeerncon when Cooke's and St. John's and St, James' and (Queen street teams meet. It is likely H, Edgar will referce one of the games, Wilson, Veale, Law Scammell, and Forsythe. Sherbino, ---- Collegiates Meet Soon. Plans at the Collegiate Tnstitute will be formulated this> week for the formation of a hockey team. A team will be entered in the junior intercolle- grate series, this winter, despite the fact that they lost the championship last year and have lost some of their good material also. A meeting likely be held, Wednesday or 5 Thurs. day evening, RMC, is Ready. The Royal Military College team is ready for the contest, Saturday, with the Rough Riders, Hamilton, for the dominion inter- mediate championship. The Hamil- tons have a long mmp to play for it dnd arg coming againkt their wishes. The game will be played at Queen's athletic field . in order that a gate may be collected. The officials have not ben decided yet but Cadet Gwynne, captain' of the team, for- warded a list to Hamilton and the authoritits agreed to a number of them but the two who. will guide the game have not heen decided vet. They wil likely be picked in a day or so, rugiry on of 8.8.A.A.A. Meeting. A meeting of the SB AAA, been called for Thursday evening for the consideration of some matters. It was postponed from last week on ae- count of the fact that a ahorum could not he gathered. | me lll i}. Rifle Association Booming. The proposed Rifle Association, in eornection with the S.S.AAA, 7s dbing well and is now practically an assured = thing. The necessary pa- pers for the formation of a rifle league are here and it only remains forthe officers in connection with the affair to penform vith the regu- lations. # | has i Noteés on Sports, Grand Rapids, Mich, tr the Ontario 1 etition, Alexander » will again en- tankard curling com- Munroe, the English wrestler champion, is coming to America to meet Frank Gotch, on bec. 25th, the Ottawa Stanley cup holders have aijout given up hope of land- fy Fred. Taylor, Who was dwarded to the Montreal Wanderers. |. The New Edinburghs will not play Winnipeg for the 'Allan cup, but will take an_exhilfition tour to Fort William, Kenora and Winnipeg. The univemsity of Toronto rugby team wiil lose only four of their play- ers for next year: [liott Green and Frank Hassard, of the regulars, jad Duff Wood aud Cruickshanks, of "|the substitutes, It is almost certain that the re maiming Canadian' championship games, intermediate and junior, will te played on ered fields. The junior final will not be played jtatil a week from Saturday, and per- haps not until Inter. s Toronto News: .The old R.M.C. half, Smith, certainly played strong game for the: Argos at flyin; wing, and Amoldi, the other re cruit, was of some assistance, ul though hs did not shine as much as he has in other games. Toronto Globe © When other unions than the « Intercollegiate finally got {gt syes opened to the reason for 'Vamity's suceois, if they ever do, and l1ealkize that speed and the game 'are the answer, footlmll will "improve 'tnd be benefited all over the coun fry. The Argos are perhaps the best nc te team in Canada ior years, but they were not good nough. ; a ¥ ! i t € ] Presented With a Ring. The members of the choir of the First Baptist church "surprised" Miss ith right Tuesday eveni at home of her father, T, will intd nervors system : DAILY : NESDAY, NOVE 1941. TRE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20. THE SPORT REVIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL BASKETBALL Colored Silk S Also WHITE KID PRETTY EVENING - A 'Patents, Gun Metals, Suedes. - In plain and beaded effects. Black Velvets and Satin. In strap and no-strap pumps. trap Pumps. in Yellow, Blue, Green and Mauve, * All at Popular Prices A GREETING IS SENT BY REV, R. J. CRAIG TO KINGS- TON BRITHER SCOTS. On the Eve of St. Andrew's Day=---- ;Lang Syne." To Saint Andrew's Society, Kings- ton:--- Leal hearts aad try Vera sune in their annual gather- ings will Auld Scotia's sons and daughters be honoring the memory of St. Andrew. Flueging yammer and care to the craws, they will speed the hours wi' the mirthfu' jest, the patriotic speech, . and Scottish sang; and hail the day honored by John Tamson's bairns a' the world o'er. At this time I find my thochts gaein oot to the brither Scots doon by Kingston, where in the days o Auld Lang Syne I had money a plot and play; and I maun send yie a screed, seein' 1 canna come myself ' Nae doot in flka man o' yie the-pat- riot's fore rekindles as Saint An- drew's Day approaches, and there is already an' unco stour a lookin' up, o' Glengarry bonnets an' feathers, braw rosettes and coirugorues, trews, and philabegs. The guidwives will be thrang wi' recipes for haggis and-tripe, an' cock-a-leekie soup, an' siccalikethings. When yie come th' gither, tak' tent that I'm wi yie in spirit, an' 1e, greeting! Old Times are Recalled for "Auld |, MARINE INSURANCE EXPIRES i THURSDAY AT MIDNIGHT. Season Will be Practically Ended Then--Sharples Will Get: Away Thursday--Fine Record of Steam- er St. Joe, © Mgrine insurance on the lakes ex- pires at midnight on Thursday, it be ing the last day of November, and this will see practically the close of navigation in this district. Unless ' a boat is' at the upper lakes coming down, the insurance will be void after the last day of the month. Work is progressing steadily on the steamer Sharples. Pumps are work- ing to get the water out of the hold, and it is expected that not later than Thursday - the tug Fischer will start up the lake with the tramp to be put in the dey-dock at Port Huron for repairs. At Swift's wharf : Steamer Coruna coaled, Wednesday morning. From here she will go. to Cleveland--and thence to Fort William, where she will go into winter quarters; steamer Aletha, down from bay ports, to-day. She will make her last trip of the season on Saturday. he stesiner St. Joe, port, with a cargo of coal from Os wego, has had a very busy season' She has been engaged in carrving 'coal from Uswego to Foronto, the most haein' a braw time among 'yle in honor o' the Auld Mither Land. The diel cloot him on the hinderblades that doesna haud up Auld Scotland forever! » "Dear Auld Scotland, dand of flowers, Land of mountains, shade and showers, Land of ever changing beauty, Land of liberty and love; Scotchmen! tread the path of duty, '~ Till you reach the land above." Land of river, lock and dale: part of, the season. Up til October 25th the steamer St. Joe had carried into Torbnto® seventyone loads of coal. The steamer Sowards arrived from Oswego with coal fof Sowards. The Sowards may clear for Oswego again to-might. The steamer Ames passed up Tuesday night, on Scotland stands where she must ever stand, foremost among the na- tions for honest men and wvonnie lassies; for guid husbands and faith- ful wives; for wisé Taithers and lov- ing mithers; for affectionate sons and daughters; for sagacious states- | men; reverend philosophers and preachers; 'intelligent citizens and shrewd financiers, for gallant sold- fers and daring sailors, Her children in a' lands need hae nae fear o' Mer, whatever dark days and fiery faithtesting times betide. Scotland stands firm on the rocks, against which oceants waves and storms for ages have beaten. Her children stand on the rock of the world immoveable, Ever be it so! And we forget not the mither land and brither hearts, and Scottish hames and ways when far, far awa'. Brithers! I send yie a kind, fraternal, loyal greeting and hearty weelwish- ing to ilka Seottish heart amang yie, "An' while the wavin' heather Brows, An' onward flows the windin' river, The toast be Scotland's roumy knowes, Her. mountains, rocks and glens for- ever." Yours in truest patriotic ties, R. J. CRAIG. South River, Ont. Re A BRAIN WORKER, Must Have the Kind of Food That Nourishes Brain, "I am a literary mas whose her Yous energy is a great part of m stock in trade, and ordinarily have little patience with Ireskiast foods asd the extravagant claims made of them. But I canuot with hold my acknowledgment of the doubt that I owe to Grape Nuts fond. "I discovered: long ago that the very bulkiness. i the ordinary diet was not calpulated to give one' a clear head, "the power of - sustained, accurate thinking. TI always felt heavy and shugogish in miod as well es body after eating 'the ordinary meal, which \diverted the blood from the braim to the 'digestive ap- paratus, "I tried food easy-of digestion, but found them usually deficient in nutriment. 1 experimented with many breakfast foods and they, too, proved satisfactory, till | reached Grape-Nuts. And then the was solved, : "Grape-Nuts agreed with me per fectly, from the beginning, safisfying my hanger and supplying the nutei- ment that so many other prepared foods lack, : "1 bad not been using if very 1 before 1 found © that | was Tun ot an wnosisl quantity and ar ity of work, Continned use has fhmonstrited' © to my entire sativae. tien that Geape Nuts food contains the. clements by the 'brain hard Wied of the working public' writer," Name en by Canadian Postum Co, sor, Ont. The schooner Ford River will elear toight for Big Sedus, Yo load coal for Richardsons' op ther, last trip of the season, * The tug Emerson, of the Montreal Transportation company; arrived from Montreal with four light barges, cleared for the Cornwall eanal bring light barges 10 Kingston. The steamer Windsor cleared Oswego, yesterday, with coal Montreal. io from for Nearing a Close. With the clearing of a couple of grain barges, for Montreal, on" Tues day, the grain trafic by bont to Mon- treal, for the Montreal Yransporta- tion company, closed. The barges and tugs will now soon go nto winter quarters, A couple of grain carriers are ported to" be on the way from Fort William for Richardsons' elevator, but the season can be regarded as practically over. All the vessels pass amg up from Montreal the past days, nre on their last trip of senson. re. few the Absorbed Companies.' The Niagara ) Navigation company is absorbing the Hamilton Steamboat company. and the Turbina Steamship company, as well as the wharf pro- perties at Hamilton, The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation company has heen negotiating for control of the Niagara Navigation company, as: well as of other lines out of Toronto with a View to including them in this big Ravigation 'merger. It is just pos- sible that the present' deal may be a step toward the larger anion planned, Reasons for the deal are given as the economy of concentrated management and the advantage of expanded rimtes, Alfred Goodearle has, for years, been manager of the Turbinia company, wo Wealth, Happiness, Health, A person muy have wealth dom, yet~ i anaemia, and Wade's Irom To and wis. feel most dejected because of or general debility. *Health d are assured by using nie dls, which 1 ake new rich , cleanse the system and tone up the nerves. Price 25 cents. For sale by J. B. Mel.eod, drug- problem | gist. Caught in the Aet, It does not pay to ride wicyele on the sidewalk--that is if 4 con stable catches you at it. A well-known business man has been summoned for riding his wheel on the walk on King Ardbt, betwesn Princess and Broek Streets. The case will be heard on Thursday. Not Easily Gulled. The Hamilton Spectator says © Jat 8 few extra gulls are float ing around Kingston they are. pre ich "a hoard winter Ir the Poor." But ihe rest of us are not gulled thin - ensily. : Nr. Chgeles W. Balfour. former of Brockville, and whe oi wareied after an 1909, died iu Montseal al present: + | wei {monies at PILLS: ABERNETHY'S Children's Threé-plece Toy. Setts, Two 'Chairs and Table, in Mission or Colors. 3 High Trays, and Rocking Chairs. Children's Chairs, with These are useful as well ag pleas- ing to the young. REID'S HIGH QUALITY REID'S LOW PRICES. AMES 'REID'S "Phone 147. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. GEO. MULLER & SON Carpet Cleaning and Laying and Furniture Repairing 379 KING STREET. 'Phone 1032. / / nena BoSEES i IE. BT oi Paulin Dr. de Van's Female Pills K reliable French regulator: never taille. These pills are exceedingly rful in regulating che generative portion of the female system. Kefuse { all cheap imitations Dwr, de Van's are sold at x Mailed to any Address. ae, Cothariaos, Wor sale at Mahood's Drug Store. INCIDENTS QF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Our Reporters. Archbishop Gauthier arrived Ottawa yesterday to attend the St. Mary's eathedral Captain J. Kenny, of Wolle Island, has returned fram the upper lakes, where he has been sailing for the past season, The police today summoned a mem- ber of the 'prohibited list" for being drank." The case will be heard Thurs day. Uonald Paterson, Bank of Montreal, Montreal, has been made accountant of the branch of that bank at St, Marys, Ont. R. B. Bennett, M. P.; for Calgary, bas consented to speak at the annual Business Mens banquet in the Y.M.C, A., in January, Frank Puedy, of the Bank of Toron- to, has been transferced to Montreal. C. V. Callaghan, formerly here, * has been moved back 'to Mr. Purdy's place. . The board of Cooke's church will meei tonight regarding a call to be extended vo a pastor. It is stated that it is likely one of the ministers who occupied the pulpit recently, wil be called. : Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and wintes goods for his order clothing department, also in ready-made clothing and gents' fur- nishing department; they are all well assorted with new goods H. Maleolm Graham, of FEleetrie Railway Association, at Lindsay, amd arrested for faking, was once before convicted of a heinous erime, for which he was sentenced to the pene . tentinry for two' years. Heception to Students, The YMA. Will hold a reception to the students of Queen's on the afternoon of New Year's day. A big basketball game will be put on in the afternoon between Queen's and the ¥. MUA, : : a Up hy irom efre HOOD' 280.

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