Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1911, p. 7

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' tras m for Tancy jobs in 3 the cities wig hy Gpreme, it must have more shan prin , ! ¥ 3! : LAMENT OF A FARMER bested bes On the land tmproviay the on to stand . on. God is challeng- : 1 h ' } country with betber bliildings, clearing ing the Lnenbisthy century mag tg a TS : ' ? 3 up the land, ete, for not ome out . E endotia task. lt | OVER THE YOUNG MEN LEAVING of evety ben sucemsly in the ety to ANGIMCAN CHURCH FALTERING) The epeaker woul on 16 deal with : THE REASON WHY! CURED THE FARMS. uuything more than a living. IN 11S TASK. the second part of his subject, "The Dr. Gilson speaks about the oN : : Sr Bigness * of the Modern Mao." Troe The ever- increasing gonsumption of tea throughont the : . {ol labour on the farm. Certainl p chivalry is being awakened in men, world--partlcniarly of Beftlsh Grown Tea----has created a de- No Wonder the Cost of Living is ' % . or file No Outstripped by the Other, Churelies and humanity is being touched with} ay t th the supply, which mon other farmer . ean pay what the railroads at B Point--Eloquent Mi mand much greater than np 8 J i oil y Girl Saved High--Canada Should be Pralsed|pnd some other industries. of the ' very i» hog ou sSlon] he cries from heathen-dands. Nission causes, prevents really good tea being sold at former low. on to the Canadiin Youth. country pay for labor. - If the far Address by Kev. A. F. Shatfordjwork a ig task, unl fuires, ¥ prices. : "Fruit-a-tives" Mointain Grove, Nov, 27.~(Te the met 4old. ins produce at a price that Moutren]. ; oy AB A h the beh Russia and Australia are buying tremendously of Bri Bountain Grows N 2 rod would site, tim a fair profit after] The banquet beld fu St. George's ground, in B clercace to' it. We tish grown teas in place of China teas, and the consumption : 3 . aying t i oi i : { Heart Weakness and Heart Irritation {in Dr. Gibson's letter of recent date. bays or Phe cunts, hatp shat uid ball, \, Tuestay ning: by the Augli-I'iie comeernéd with making money fn Gréat Britain ix larger than evar, a Ale Indiges- |He touches upon a few facts whishbeC na" oilt in the towns and ics fan Deas ol t i (all right in its place) ratber than | The shutting out of over 15 million pounds of colored tion. is. formed .in stomach fare hitting the farmers of Ontario! cot = ny igh y Semen @lwith planting the cross of Christ. Any THiia Green Tos bythe -tafted States Government. the. in- he xcomlation og 'bulges pretty hard at present. 1 have been a The doctors -- ie a a te 4 pnd yd om guivatios made in. honthen countries has EE ee ee i ie out the walls of the stomach and presses | resident of Central North Frontenae |. ny ahorers have sent. about two hundr yen from [heen due to the work of the mission acreage given over to the planting of rubber in Ceylon, the . ageinst the heart. Palpitation, pain {ior forty five years, and wht lithe hile anlony. Yes, doctor, we have [the city and Portsmouth churches, as ary. $ shi shortage in the Japan crop this year and the labar problem over the heart, and some! ites 4 exling education | ever wot wah in o litte 2 . Xe (anys in euty Yilage well as many of the clergy of the dio-| The first call Mr. Shatiord made for in all tea-growing countries arc all factors which account for ing a faints, atl are Ty vious wohool house, aver filly GE} Te che Atmys = are sompelles 10 [cee especially of the deaviery of the sym the much higher primary markets. ' ston s p y ay ata hd ae. poo pathy of his audience for wis er Da because years ago. That is the time when we gd a Lo wicate $heie, Shildren; Frontevac. The speeches were all ex- lsions was from a Rhumanitariait basis, i The present revolution is China may also. mean much "Hruitia tives" will always curethis [used Murray's geography (publish Fo 14ih compels the farmer i cellent, and that of Rev. A. P. Shat-land secondly as Britishers: God gave smaller crops there next year and present indications are for weak, irritated condition of the heart |i New York), in the public schools | igouie © of chicken BE arin ford, of St. Jautes the Apostle, Mout- fue this supreme position among the] = still higher prices in ihe future. All these conditions either by curing the stomach, of Ontario. It was a book, American | for breaks out a acarist real, the chief speaker, was one of the | nations, 'and certainly expects some mean a lower guality at the same prices, or the same quality 91 CLERGY $7., KINGSTON, ONT. throughout, » book that pictured | ©" 4 ; ong. + hem to {most eloyuent missionary addresses {thing in return. It is an everlasting at higher prives. - ' J ; f : o support their families andlever given in the city, inviting the at- {blot on ths British tion, the intro- & Tok pli a. 1 suffered fo? some. years with a [Canada to the youth of thal time 885. their doctor's bills. The far Lon British nation, intro Our experience shows that the tea difoking public pre dangerous form of Heart Trouble. My |% cold, barren country, noted for slo yay 16 puy bis own bitls if n Ne sation ol is audience, hifgughout. bn ducing of opium into Uhina, and alve fers the Iatier over hehe. violently, and I had pein fur-bearing animals, and with the X= | hap d n exeellent repast was prepared by la blot 'on Christians, the present ex- pened to be ifuarautined for a |Marshall Reid, heart and down the arms, 1 jeeption of a few scattered settlements arsha ell Ro caretaker, assisted by fporting of rum into Africa. The third . "HONEST TEA IS THE BEST POLICY" 4 suffered with Constipation and |along the great lakes, thinly inbabit- a i conclob i . the ladies of the. different Anglican call was as Canadians, and the Cana nigeation I was treated by phy: led by Eskimos, Indians avd Polar un conclusion 1 would say hold up lchurches, . He oo £5 ESE nS Thomas J. Lipton, Toronto, On ns took many remedies, but |hears. The United States is: represent. Canada to the Canadian youth. Welthe banquet, C. B. S. Harvey played [ties. Standing "half way between east omas . on, oronto, t. nothi did me any good. Then I lad as one of the finest country's in are ig pa ake it ine best coun: piano -solos, which were very Bich chy and west, God expects us to take care Kk ited . Ninine ne SErditacivess and hin eh UY iu 18 Mar) A man who will lelommented upon. Among those al the [of the immigrants. We have a terri ompletely cured me of all run down his own place and coun | speakers' table were: The Lord Bishop [ble lot to accoynt for' at judgment. amediciig heart Pony le, constipation and in. . try and tay of the United States as {of Ontario, Rev. X. P. Shatford, Dem: And the 1, . its a ---------------- union. v . X. P03 . n And the fourth call came as Chris Sigantio. and gave me back ace What was the fesult of thot Kind of auch a 'great wouatiy had better go | Bidwell, Frederick Welch, president of |tians and churchmen. The church had LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW soc. & box, 6 iin MadLE oI siz teaching to the youth of that time ? b pr ad hy Sie good neigh. the local Anglican L.M.M. branch, and always been s missionary church, and ase Soc. At all deale hom x trial ise, Thousands of our best Canadian boys RN sut like our couptry firsv.--J. IR. J. Carson, : : : God always a missionary God. 'The For Sale or to Rent. med, ram. went 'to the States. Thotssnds eoij hp wheitmad Sia Fredétick Welcks Spouber ad the | Auslican church Sales Negotiated Rents Oollected ia them enlisted in the Americ my, hs ee £201 who made an excellent address. © He [boasted its apostolic succession, » and. tNouNIY ol thew aoht: their Jive US. LIQUOR RECORD. said Be was - glad to wee the lord [while other churches were having apos- | Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate Insist on "Keating's for a few paltry dollars, and died | proguetion in 1910-11 Exce 1 Al bishop, and so many of the clergy of tolical suecess. The Anglican church ors dew pattes dollars, and ' sed the. dhocose preschl, us it showed tha [is faltering in the task amd is out. E. Blake Thompson Insist on getting the many a Canadian father and mother : Previous Figures. their sympgthies were with the L. M, stripped by the other chu ches at ev- : 9 gony ne Keating's were left to mourti the Toss of & son,| Weshington, Nov. 29.--Fhe annual |M. And he also! expressed the thanks (ery «point. There is no udity of ef- OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK MARKET SQUARE, § owdie Mids in Sug. and now we have another problem report of Royal E. Cabell, commission- Jof all to Rov. A. P. Shatford, for fort. The low, Nigh, and the broad 'Phone 386 ! KINGSTON, ONT. the world as the oply confronging the farmers and people of or of internal revenue, given out here fcomring to Kingston under such trying churchmen are continually hairsplit- : + . odorfess and stai Ontario generally, and especially the. aster, shows that fiscal year in circumstances, as Mr. Shatford had ting, instead of standing shoulder to and otherwise harmless [towns and cities. Let us see where the |Y e production of sleoholic hquor, been in constant attendance at the shoulder. We : have abuadant re- powder that kills bugs. A deadly ex- | real failt lies. Go where you may The smoking of opium is a wide fhedside of his rector, Canon Bllegood, [sources, and millions are in bondage . - i inator of every form of insect life. [over Ontario, dmong the farmers, and spread viee in this country and opivm for the past five days, At the same [and we refuse to give. God never cre W Sold by all druggists. set | what will vou find. You will find that, igints exist in every city of comsid-|time he wi his thnks to the es a ned without # sian to rect® 1D C00P00O0ATOOT AERP IEIEEREE tl une men and women have been able size. laymen for electing himself heir chair. |! 1 oF ; n ting only: 10¢., 18¢, 20c., 26c. -- Toh the farts in nario by The double system of taxing oleo: man. How many fathers urge their JAMAICA GRAPE FRUIT, TT lihe thousands in thé last few years. margarine is corrupting grocers, and | The chairman went on to speak sons Lo invest their lives in the mis- : They have beed taughi to believe that } SFO" frauds are being perpetrated oo |strongly of the great work the i. A. hon field or the ministry, said the MALAGA GRAPES farming is a disrespectful job and does | 10 better-buying Pui . M. is doing all over €anada in bring: speaker. Poe sail oi the world is too oe Pr ", ng anc a ractive wot pay. They have gone to the towns arpotations making returns under jing home the lavmen's responsibilities. i ame y . and Khe cities, and the railroads, and the Te pa tax law number- [He had attended the great laymen's {Ths #peaket Sed four ways in MEXICAN ORANGES , ' A AREY Er tak rich to advance the cause of is- : the old men and women are left to es re wit un aggregate capital | missionary convention, recenily held in = . : work the farms and produce emough of 267,856, aS The aggregate nt Ottawa, and he said he felt that all or TE fai inion From Te. 2 dozen Wite.a dosen, : 3 ocome to the stockholders was 83 i al. to feed the ever-increasing humber of nen i »* |present had received a great uplift fies f ila Son consumers in the towns and cities, 360,250,642, trot the spiritual men who lead there, igures, found study classes. Secondly, NEW FIGS and CBANBERRIES, all fresh. and " The. "vests productic f distilled organization. The women are twen- N » : fn k on. .0 ABL) and the missionary atmospheréd which ' GATES, FENCING, RTO. o wonder they are Kicking atwout I b a + pr ph e ty-five vears ahead of the men in this Mn araciured by the high eost of living. Tt has -hot Spirits amusutal lo 175402305 gal | prevailed. respect. There should be a missionary vet reached ite limit. Fhousemds of | [208 nearly «+, 711, gallons more Hheought home to laymen, and all real- { eommitt v h. "If th Photic: 41 302 KING 8T. PARTRIDGE & SONS than in the previous Banner year, 1907. pe in every. parish. there is b our young men who have left the Fhe production. of beer; al X te ized that the world had. awakened 10 June particular thing in which I glory ) o cer, alo, ete., ! hii + ¢ Jhng | : wane an iron Werks, ---------- a a amounted to 63 216, 851 barrels nearly heise of the need of t hrist, tireat in the Lay men s Missionary Movement wo Bo han ip lentre Pisting. 1,000,000 barrels more tha the movements require years to accom- iit js in its inter-dénominational char- a 2000000000000 000 kd pravious revord NoRF 1910 hm plish their aims, but we must do all [acter," suid the speaker. Thirdly, con- se came a MAVEL! ING. A Marvel % The amount. of Jiquon held i bond: in our power to bring the gospel of | tribution. We must have system in Fa + a Christ to all in this generation. lo mission giving C r rarly ed warehouses for ripening now g nisgion giving, and a personal yearly + world, with great advantage ang a colored map ol every stite in the Their allegations were closing, the chairman placed the mot- |canvass. reaches the enormous total of 249. aw » 3 : . 979 346 allons to, ray, read, give, go and serve," | In closing the speaker aid he would 4 0 ead in a 6 gallons. ka . before the gathering. He then called like to strangle that old superstitition FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT. FLORIDA ORANGES XT ETT TE LWAY x o ey, he wleouurgurite situa: upon Rev. A. P. Shdtiord for his ad- that when a church gives to missions SYSTEM jo Haw, Be. bell WR. ! 38k Send dress. it is a detriment to its local work, v 8 wipe, out Ma siigle stam Me. Shaiford voiced his appreciation | We niust have a system of propaga JAMAICA GRAPE FRUIT. i The longest double track in the Salt Rheum of Ten Yeai's Standing urd_ol_taxation lec he_colgead, and i the part ghe ladies head-adken in | tion and .oxtension. And fourthly, - - world uider One mansgements® The os Henled as if by Magic? x the a = al ane the' banquet." The women had always intercession. Tray mere to- God, Four only double track rallway between : 'a - been first in mission. work, and the jsreat resource. The speaker said the JAMAICA ORANGES, AA ants. Montreal. _Torentoy Chicago and| Mamis Cracked Could Not Wark Bm Bi al} vould men are only now realizing their ob- present prayer book lacks missionary ds cked, so Co No bby Co i ligations, The speaker suid the chair- Pe Lish bi . 1 i rincipal Canadian Cities. {tres Effected by i man had urged the praciieal charac- i. op, ih moving a Vole o principal ip Cities THE NEWMARKET CANAL. [ior [ hanks, to Mr. Shatford for hi d- NAL ter of the subject ol missions, and |! yy >hal or his a " + » DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT . = C had struck a very high note, which dress, said the chairman's words were . . » ? "7 | Famous Watercourse Within a Mile fi. hoped he would be able to sustain Justified and we had hen} one of the ' It does tot take long for Dr. of Completion, 9 throughout his address. Tt was only most eloquent, touching and thought Leaves Kingston ally at 12.25 noon Chase's Ointmeut to prove its magic} Toronto, Nov. 20.--~The celebrated {he great cause of missions that had Sul of WissiGhaty addretees. Rd. 1 \ 166 PRINCESS BT. Phone 58 ind ; healing power. A single night is often | Newmarket canal is within a mile "of brought him to Kingston on this oc: ttt on ue the vote of for Toronto, Hamilton, London, De-|euflicient to produce the most start-| completion, and unless the federal de-|cusion, as all through the afternoon --- " a ru oped something prac: troit, arriving in Chicago 8 o'clock | ling results. partment of public works rules other |}0 had any minute expected lo receive tical would follow such an inspiring Internal treatment for skin diseases|wise, the present staff of engineers the following morhing. toleph ine Th address, and the laymen, he thought, a @ hone messa e amo net g ie " " is nearly always disappointing. By with one hundred men will complete " : 2 ® had been aroused, to a sense of their Four Express Tralns dally to To- applying Dr. Chase's Ointment to the | the No within six months, death ut Lis belovel restos, ha would dutg, i th : 1 IR MIRROR TE YOU? 7 : disea parts refiel is obtained al Ww. Russell, who has the work in tak To his subject two great -discov- A Vote o thanks was moved to IL ronto and Montreal. most immediately, and gradually the AME stated this morning that ake lor his subjes the ladies by Archdeacon Carey, A pram he E ( A and sores heal up and disappear. Here aro|had received ng orders to discontinne cries that had been made in connec [seconded by Francis King, and alse rae eet "The Smalloess of to C. B. S. Harvey by } i w ters w) will interest v the digwing of the canal, and ex j tion with missions, o . 8, arvey by Rev. J. OL : ; J. P. HANLEY, Agent, : ve lotiarn whith il rach a. ous. BE rasan an ud 0 Haring [© the World, and the Higness of Man." Crisp, and secolided by Dean Bidwell, Of all the akin besutificrs we havephle you should give DDD. Pres Cortier Jolinson Ad Ontarlo Sts |centia Bay, Nid. writes: "1 was a|the past four vears the York Con- Scientifically and commercially the | The evening closed with the singing of had in our store there is none that Li 2 "| sulierer from Salt = Rheum, for ten|struction company, of which he is world is very small. The time is not [the doxology and the pronouncing of [ne can recommend more highly thant poo delay for if not promptly . years, and had about despaired of the head, had carried the work four far past when Ching was considered athe benediction by his lordship. he D.D.D. Prescription haekod inor kin "troubles often ar ; ever being cured, so many treatments and one-half uniles from Newmarket te [Ereat way off, but now, geographical rn D.D.D. is such a logical remedy fm !' HRS nnor +2 DF OL 10h had failed. Reading of the wonderful | within a quarter of a mile of Hol ly, the world is very small. The doors The Rise in Tea Prices. il kinds RLISEM BROKE cures effected by 9 Chase's Oint-| land Landing, including the construe: of all nations are 'open to the foreign W. A VW Melville, chief representa: |scientifienlly compounded that itech avin Yer DDD. to cure A AILWAY ment, ¥ comthencest using it and was ltion of three Jocks, and 900,000 vards er. The English language is almost {tive of Thomas J. Lipton for Canads | lesrs up the complexion over night Bette diop into our store any- ! B | entirely cured by eight boxes. 1 wantlof earth excavation. When Holland [universal It is the work ot the en and the United States, when asked for | MLD.D. iv most widely. known ~ arf y and gel posted on this wondec: to express my gratitude for Dr.lrivor is reached the canal will then be | bieth cently to make the wor althe catse of the increase in the price {the most reliable treatment for | wn IN CONNECTION WITH Uhase's Ointment, and to recommend | opened. common brotherhood, there heing no lof tea, said Kozma, but it Has also been found ful remeds Ask also dbout DDD, "Canadian Pacific Railway it to all sufferers." enrm---- divisions, and a unity of the human The day of good tea at a cheap invaluable' for all kinds of minor soap, which is go mvalushle in keep- TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON Stanley Merril, Delaware, Ont, | family. The world is awakening to a|price has 11.45 a.m. Express For Ottawa, |wriles: "For years | was tronbled | Brewsr's Mills. Wedding. sense of responsibility. Tn Japan, the | British Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.;| with my hands cracking, -otten becom Brewer's Mills, Nov. 27.-At nuptial alifax, Boston, Taronto, Chicago, ing so sore that 1 could hardly do|mwass, at 9.36 o'clock this morning, mver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Maria, [any work. | got some of Pr Chase's | Rev. Father Traynor united in mar- Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Van- Ointment, and happily find that one|riage Rose Anua, daughter of John cieplicn a trial of skin trouble and an | develop int warious disease, diffi- passed more particularly of [skin troubles. We do not hesitate mg the skin in hesithy Soalition. grown teas--their increasing lug give DDD. our special recom | Or write the b . treet. T . missionary and his influence are ac {popularity having created a greater oe endation Bn fact, we Are con Dept. KW, 49 Colborne st > copted and acknow lodged, and the em- | demand than the supply. Russia and | inced that DID. will give reliof that ronto, for a free ti¥al batts. : n peror wag the first one to sign a sub- | Australia are buying tremendously of either case, don't phat it off, but act . seription list for founding Y.M.C.A 8] these instead of China teas, and the {at once. © G. W. Mahood _couver, Seattle, Portland and - Saa|or two applications of same to the | Murray, and T. J. Reid, son of Av-liy his country, because he believed the consumption in Great Britain is lager Francisco. affected parts make them well. 1 have drew , Fseott Centre, The bride [principles of that institution are in {than ever. The shutting ont of over Po sims 00 pm---Lotal for Sharbot|had no trouble since using the oint-! was becomingly attired in brown vel [ihe interests of the future of his peo- {fifteen million pounds of colored China Chairs Ale, connecting with CP. R. Bast|aient for ges Wands. " ' b : vel, with white ictus bat sith wil ple. There is a marvellous transfor | green tea by the United States--this seseeccsesssessecsense | Special In Rot ocker Easy and West. Dr. Cnase's Uintment, 60c. a box, at llow plume. The bridesmai iss Lil ination in that country. And wm Ko- [wilh gieater atreage given to tu ' : 7.456 a.m. Mixed For Renfrew and| all dealers, or Fdmanson, Bates - &|lie Murray, was dressed in navy blue ma where twenty vears age therelin Ceylon, the in in the hie TAKE IT AWAY :- intermediate points, Mon., Wed, and|{Co., Limited, Toronto, venetian broadcloth, : no other remedy cam. Surely if you have aun shin trom Japan tea crop this vear, and the labor pro blem in tea growing countries ace. all » ® with velvet hat J were no missionaries or any desire for : ; ay. . met ear | tte. The groom was assisted by JChrist, thousands of Christian work. ." Thats what gor | trons aes Passengers leaving Kingston at GAS FIRES, his brother, Grover. The groom's gilt Jere are laboring - to-day. China, one}iactors which account for the much} ® 'Ginger Ale o Engliet Ginger 11:46 a.m. arrive In Ottawa" at § We have the imitation hard 'to the bride was a sunburst of pearls; |hundred years behind the times, is | hi . inbe * . higher primary markets. The revolu- do not bear our pan; Peterboro, 4.38 pm. Toronto, and soft Coal Eires, Just iha to the bridesmaid, a gold bracelet; to}gwakening, and turning to the west, {tion in China may mean smaller OHf- eit ill, Samizonl, | J45 bmi Toon foaLe; yok rouble; no dunes the groomsman, « signet tie pia. The land challenging us to give them the {nese crops next year. These comdic Aye 0 superior. Poston, 7.30 a.m. St. John, 12.00 ne | smoke: as cheap as coal to many costly presents received testified gospel. India; dissatisfied with the old [tions either mean lower quality at the ple it af an of (ha jead. ther ] * ng hotels o rt o 304 for » noon. ns Xo a price Kio the esteent ju which the yousg cow |superstitions, is ering. "ive us the Laine Brice: or the. same quality ral Full particulars at K. and 0. and pips and, set, ccmpl = ft held. perstal + ¥ 9 ® trigl case : Th or one 515. Personal SS iention, ple are Christ." From the Turkish empire We | higher prices. Our experience shows or A Ay aro Stree: J. W. OLDFIN & CO. i ukant Vikitors 3. dune Mrs. . hear the age atl. ' the public prefer the latter. Future in: : Thompson Bottling Co. i "i amie | ochrane, at Mrs, . Fisher's; G.| Jt the English nation i4 to remain {dications are for still higher prices. ~. : one 50. Gen. Pass Ageat m-- Fisk hdd G.. Webb Have returned aha : I he o WI PRINCESS ST. KINGITO ' es tans i 3 " " . " ! mar oF AYINTS, NAIL Sian p Compound. Teom the --- Fisher, Vatican ALL You NEED IS A Will be by far. the . chun, populne Ae i \ che bab 5: gL hE, > an ; ; verage. os yy Ra (Bun oy LL ' arty Seats elartual Month het Bis mothet; Mrs, W. Fisher. \ 8 ror Rgndckh a downe," aml Miss Mary E. Tierbey, Rn a dope Sold in tl y : Cloyne, Nov. 27.---Un November Zid u BY "\ 10 de ronier. 8; No. 8% | Seeley's Bay, at J. Murray's. . y Uris Cole, of this place, passed peace TR D . ur ts "28 o pp ' : dn : ---------- fully away. He was ope of the hemi for family saatestaseIestELe . ay ee + Fmt Mrs. M. A. McDonald, Lawns 1 'I y Late Oris Cole, of Cl Trevelyan Tulings: No Stk Headache, Biliows Stomach, or aye, eighty he 4 sears, ' ¢ roo #n, Nov. 27.~John Flood Coated T 16 Constipated months and seven days. is wifol A Natement of 1 Facts Backed by a Sr, ] Mr. CE You pS sgly eons, eceased him twelve years ago. He Strong Guaranter, This large Rocker, in Golden Oak, F. Les November ves fied daughters and ohe. fon, ; apholstered in im. Leather for $8.50 Turn the rascals ont--the headache, |viz., Frederick Cole, of Wilton; Mys { We gusrables complete role! lo|parge Easy Chairs . $6.00 to $45.0' bilio ious, the indigestion, theiA. H. Jones, Lethbridge, Alta; Mrs. all stffevers from constipation, or in| Morris Chars, $3.50, $6.30 0 Cypress Juver, an., |* stomach and foul gases-- | William Hicks, of Swan River, Mani J#very case where we fail, we will sup- : tetently. Mr. and Mrs. turn pron out towight and keep them! Mra. Peter H. Stores, of Moscow; the medicise free. - . I. Fas 1B ye £1 Bins ine pr spent a day recently, ut with Casearets. Mrs. W. G. Lowes, of Manvers, 'Oa, exall Ordeflies dre. n gentle, "of : " ter' line. Estimates iven- Tork all 3: Dern of = and Mss, Edward Fos Calin of men and women take. aland Mes. D. Spicer, of this place. His fiective, dependable? abd safe ine then. . John ter, A Flood has severed |C intense suffering, which lasted some lregulator, strengthener ad tows : Bo 2 i pisix weeks, was borne wi i i i i cuinpeier, 88 BRAZOS ana) Ste 9 fs prompt lt bis connection, 1 : gis with. Lntistion They aim to re-establish un Lure' fun Hortitnde, His remains were fo od ction : nn RUFRICe con ® $s in a quiet, easy wa: they Euba ana M zion; Leeder is the |stomach. uw a large concourse of friends twldg not ean rare 3 tesvics from we : aslowe cemetery, In? politics be was, neh. oor it y ping Ca - weekly X : ey 9 8sdor nausea. They are so plensant to ' 2 ect long or Be Good to hg : 1.3 ' an i re Th inal. Me. Denison; of take and work so easily that they iE Hot Points Xe a "pon Echo." returned from a Busi os {OY be Jalgen. hy any ug nt any Ratloss, wie he We. and : ; ; Anil ta Forsuta, = Je stole a to' Bhalthy . abir NUF(herT Winters ave . Mr ; ol Mr. and Mrs. James Roy avd Mrs: its y ' Dy onderful Cuban clime ; 'aintow : Levi Suider swe returned from al' o" : . . sori wil be god to yo emi . ; og il with Mr, and Mrs. Hemjaoin] Newall Onderlion: are wnwurphesbly stomach, $ tatis : b 3 Foot. of Violet and ideal for the use of children, old a folks amd dedicate persons: We van Gun Book Sectionk, best best made, in. Dalhousie University. stipation and ite atténdant evils any finish, mie." Matioghyy . Early 'Halifax, N.S, Nov. 29.---Dahgusie 8! suberers from any forss of con | English or Fu University is engaged in an active can. | Bot too a them Lo - 1 & > yom He medics in this only at fas pee wt rE - z we Phese 517 Te Lng Ie . v

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