Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1911, p. 1

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i revous, and the hest educationist [in tha United States vasion by the French of the "ol Ontarey mpeg rs British Whig Eg «JEINGSTON, ovraumo, -- DECEMBER "ty ep 19. \ Gee ---- "LAST EDITION ~ A GRAVE PERIL In Dual System of Language in Ontario. THE STRNGHT SPEECH OF G. H. Yrigiaor. GREXNVILLY CONSERVATIVE, "Are We Golng to Fdueation © to be Gradusii Obliterated," Declared the B lingual School Opponent. Erin, . Dec. 1.-Gearge "H. Ferge son, who 1s a condidate for rve-ele tion, spoke here last vight in be half of Col. Craig, the loeal comser vative candidate, He dewalt especial with the bi-lingual [§hools question which, he said, touchsd our educa tianai system, our immigration po! oy, and reached into ow mations life and des'any. ¥ In twenty years the bllimrua schools had ineraased. Jrom 47: 10-306 of thie eighty fon A iii Ontario not evs word of English wis made us of, and iu some welish could be spoken Ly pupil or teacher. Not only was the dual svete up necessary, bul it was unwise Permit Eagliv! no ane aw od mistake. It was retrogressive, ed so the segvepation of the" drew a line of demarcation minds of the voumg, and made cial distinction. There was, said Mr. Verguson, earelully and well worked out propa ganda to drive the Anzlo-Sasony fron the Fren bh domuntmities, and behind ef all was a Systematized organization Mr. Ferguson referred to an article by Jules Tremblay in- ths Rovue Cane diene, referring to the French con quest of the eastern townships, ane fis waing thal, if all French-Canadian ollowed the example of these who a complished this, there would not Beh the world a power strony enough bar the path thn follow. "hat which our fathers ave done in Que bee wo ghall do in Ontario, in the west, and 'the maritime prayinees, concluded the article. "That is the avowed whet the in rovise Lote, fr. Ler, gusan, "Are We oT to allow hii gradual invasion to go on, and per- amit our own people ty be driven to wall, and the present system of English education to be gradually but surely obliteratad and the present French system prevail 7" "What is the destiny of Canada's citizens to be? Are we to be a loyal apd homogeneous people speaking the English language, or are we to be a heterogeneous conglomeration with various ideals pi speaking different languages ¥ "So long ar you rit the school teacher to exclude English or impress upon the mind of the child that ther in idistinotion between the Frenchman and the Englishman ax 'a Canadian wae tend races in "th it) n "aotlong as you imbue his mind with NN - vestigation was ly the hat beady ideals other than the Anglo-Saxon ideals, 'you tend to Welate bin from his fellow ines." GOT AWAY TWICE. Negro Escapes on Way to be Hang ed Washing Ln, Dee, i cuffed an Na with a rope, I Walker, a negro, who was brought here from Augusta hanged to-day, weuped from Bobo and two deputies «1 Carpet, Ga., late last night. Bloodhound and a posse of WH sowed men are searchin'y. for "him, Jhix Wal ker's mecond escape from impending death. A 'month ago he was in the hands of a mob propared to lynch big, but esenpod, & handred bullets failing to bring him down. He had shot and ki'lod Charles 5. Holleus heat, a white merchant, the latter war #tiug iu at vight, Hand Bn broing to In Sherift while ia home rou ND DEAD 1 IN HI HOUSE. W. F. Stephens, Aged Recluse. Passes Away. Humiota, , Man, Nov. 30.-W, ¥. Stephens, Oke of the pioneers of the Duk River district, baving come irom Brockyille, Ont, ewanty six years ajo, and a resident of "this place for the Rh few yous, was found dend in house yesterday niternoon. He hud ben living the lide of a re cluse, and not having bosn seen a. round far the past duys an ine ro vy was discovered e was in his leaves a fam ughiters, 4 READY, ; sult Ini Ths budget, was ofticially an shows the unoty yens, a yon be to sbont fifty cents in + 500,300,000; ex ni 109,500,000; POVERTY ON INCREASE. York Children's y Tells of New York, Dee meeting of the Childeen's Aud ety William Church Osborne re-elected president Douglas gol wes among the trustees elected, | Mr. Brac, the secret: saves i hi report that poverty has increased iy New York in the last year Poor and iusufiscient, food," ®, "noise, sonfysian, excitement day aad night, have Havered the develop ment among the children of Nt. Vitus' dance. little | aml long confming are having be expected New Aid Conditions. b--At 'the Society wunual Bo was Robin said younger Poor food, hours of the dedetarious upon the lewp work feet to children ihe older problem, the Verge discontent older offer of them and which boys many of vagraney form gangs menace Lo the eity i" that in three months last summer over a Yhousatid boys and young mon were acraigned in the magistrates' ootrts on charges of rowdyism and disorde rly conduct "During the vear 8,125 homelesy sought shelter in en homes, tht largest number vears."" GOVERNMENT AFRAID - OF RUSSIAN POLICE A Demand Made | in Duna for Court)' Enquiry nto Stolypin Murder. " SOrIONN on their are in are a i reported boys bays' mi working mm LATEST [ TIDINGS Despaches From Near and Distant Places THE WORLD'S EPISODES IN THE BRIEFEST ros SIBLE FORM. GIVEN el} | Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From AH Over--Little of Everybody Easily Read and Re membered. Iwo people were drowned when the steamer Kaleigh went to pieces in Lake Erie. The king. and queen Lad an' esceed- ingly rough passage through--the Bay of Biscay, Ring prizemsy (lifford, been notified that he won the Comaught cup at Bisley Seventy thovsand metal ocked out at Berlin, Germany, as al to actépl agreement. +iioniste Toft "British TOmMmonE, on Thursday afternoon, in. a body after a debate over the insuranee bill. The Standard Oil trust ceases existence an Friday amd control is sumed by subsiduary companies The fortified 'seaport of Mocha in the of the Yamen on the Red bombarded hy Italian. war oronto, has Duke: of workers on fe its as province TOM, WIL aps Frank F. Monet broke down and St. Petersforg, Doe, 1,- Replying 'in the dima to" interpellations ng the of Premier Stolypin, | nd the wetivity oi the secret police | t Kiev, the minister of the interior, M. Makaroff, repudicded the that any cnebut the revolutionaries was | connected wih the erime { The Octobyprist Je M raid that the government seemed dromd the power of the tnlyv al verdict «0 open coart satisfy | public COMPETI Fhe would remicin in bondage cilisny justice meted out The whide duma applavded his cor had ng declaration that (he pation would support goverumint of gt dope } regard murder iden Guehaolf, tof ader, police oy government unless mer Ws the * . CONENSOOUS. COME SET J.P. McINNES, liberal candidate tn the ¥rontenad. The Hiding of TO OPPOSE LICENSE RENEWALS. Alleges Quehee Hotelkeepers are Not Complying With "Law, : Montreal, Dee, 1,4. H. Roberts, the Dominion 'Alliancd, who returned from Quebec, after spectibn of conditions: in the ancient capifal, has prepared a report which he will present to the license commis siguors of that city. Roberts will oppose the renewal of a" Ea number of licenses on- the ground that the proprietors are mak ing uo real efiort to comply with the law in as far as the provisions re garding the serving of meals are con- cerned, of recent ly an mn TRYING T0 SETTLE THE PERSIAN TROUBLE Sir Edward Grey Gives Brief Outline of Objections to Shuster's Lovidon, Dee. 1.~TThe emrmped is in dose commmination with the Russian government with a view to! the speedy settlement of the Persian difficulty. Formgmi Secretary Sir said that while it did bot. qpestion/ Mr. Shuster's intentions the Hritish: governiient did not support his appointments of British sirgjects nm northern Persia as this was re. garded as a possible means of in: troducing foreign influence and give tise to political trouble." It was also Juealculated to disturb the basis of the Anglo-American agreement. Can't Serve Two Masters, 'Ottawa, Deco. that. within a few days an order will be issued by ie dominion government to the effect that eivil servants must irttash gov. entail absence os their official dur ties when they ought to be at work. w "Pry" at Christmas. Kleinia Day will be "dr | ense value Velward Grey not oeeupy wiumicipal positions. which tn this heard detectives ac a fellow-clerk in New York of stealing 812,000 hy forgery Ten thousand dollars' worth of furs stolen from Kent & Brown, Moosejaw, Savk., were found concealed in giraw stack ten miles rorth of here. Aue vinitr that of his personal propert G. Vanderbilt had the ix personal valuables re 00,000 to 81,000, Fwo physicians, val corps of the declare that typhoid what js known technically prophylaxis typhoid." the douma has passe the reading of tHe hittfor tf prov of virumkenness. It prohibits the sal of aleoholic hquors in all government works, institutions amd places of pub He -amadement, James J. Parkinson, 'Park, Broadway," reputed once. worth hall Li aiblion dollars, fell dead on his fr eit thoronghlare with exactly v confessed when *he a his debits exceed the Alfred sment on inced from AER the medi army, ww eminent in United Slates fever "has as "vaesine rains third ation of ae sjentesn ents in hig pockets. farm orien Herbert Ugoper, the London hand, who murdered 'Lord' Ranger, former ecirens owner, Tues day last al East Finchley, a suburb, committed sticide, on the railroad two miley from the scene of the crime Thankful that his income of $250, 000 a yenr does not 'prevent him from working as 'a clerk, Maurice Edniund Burke Roche entertained twenty-five fellow employees at dinner in Hobo ken! - oF hree seta of in "and all of "em criers," in jail seem a vacation Cohen, of New York. "Bat get me out to carry the said, A report from mem asserts that Dr bee's experiments to by grafting a part have on twins three years, made a night to Jacob my wife'll twins," he prominent medical I'rederick H, Al cure hunchbacks of the shin bone to the spine, been most suocess- ful Casino Carle "system" authorities at Monte are trying to. digeover the of Appleton, an American, whose win nings recently total $90,000. Some say he's lucky and will lose if he keeps oy playing d John RB. Mason, of Windsor, is out as an independent candidate in North Fssex, where Ur. Reaume expected walk-over. Wilson is n strong conse vative and took an active part federal elevtion. He against hi lingual schools, und the ne temere de- oree z ¢ in the mont WALKED 8,000 Miki: Was on the Road More Than Thir- teen Months, Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 1A walk of 8,0000 miles will be finished by Meu Stella Woolf, said to be the cham- pion woman long distance walker of the world, and her husband, Dwight H. Wooll, when they arvive at their home in Kansas City, Kansas, to- morrow. The trip started at San Antonio, Texas, more than thirteen months ago. The pair went firdit to Atlanta and then to New York, where they turned their steps toward home. Pre: viously they mide two other walking tours, and' have coversd a total of 10,300 miles on foot. The Wools. have eaten and slept in the open. Since leaving San Antonio they have spent' only twenty-one nights out of 411 with a rool over their dg e $800,000 on Paving. Edmonton, Alta, Dec. 1.-A pro gramme of : civic work dor the next year sirpassing in magnitude, any thing previously attempied by his department has been submitted for approval by City Engineer Latornell commi The L=1t is understood|io he mates, which 'be com- the course of the next . few $300,000 To item is the provis- 1 for paving. days. . a on Cine. effort this yur: Christmas § fund j cents. TTT AN ALL-BRITISH CABLE. of Investigation Adyo-! cated, 1 -Uharles Bright, before the London last night, up- pogition of the Atlantie cable sd ocated" the appointment "of u commissidn with ovefseas rtepresonta tion to iuvestivate the question of imperial telegraphs, Relerring tg the recent amalgomabion of the Western Union, the, Anglo-Anwrican and Direct Cable company, he said that the British joterests was com: pletely ontwiped thereby.' Mr. Bright said that if Great Britain were to be dependent for commaenior'ion with Canada and other oversens dominions upon American controllédd ables we ¥wuld have to face the proapect of ma Sages leaking out at Washingion a8 no rcliance could be placed upon the secrecy of codes. Mr. Bright supported the view the imperial conference as to, desirabulity of laying a statefpwned cable. botween the United Kf exdom and Canada. It was decided to make strong representations to the pov. ¢rument to co-operate with the gov- ermments of the dominions, | espedal ly Canada, for the establishment of an hrlependent, strictly all-British trans Atlasitic and band line conneting the Tmperinl Pacific cakld Commission & v Hee address ol commeres, Londen, mm an thamber on the of the cable TWIlh OUEEN ALEXANDRA seven Years of Age on ~=loyal Salute. Sivty Friday QF ER ween Alexa NEA maven the Roval fired a gins in was At noon, Artillery Can nel an royal © salute of twenty-one honor of the event. "The | birthday of {ueen Alexandra is one of the days that will he ofticialls nized as long as she recog Fives PRICE OF BARLEY HIGHEST IN 25 YEARS Mait Jumps: From Seventy Cents to $1.40--Price of Beer Also Jumps. New York, Dee i without precedent in the tirade now confronts the brewers of the wid The produotion of barley and hops has been yearly decreasing, so that under horwal crop conditions the world's supply would amount to little more thee the actual regnirements, i he unprecedented drought m Eng land and northern E urope last sum- mer had a disastrous effect upon all farm produce and partiowlariy |! severe with respect hops A condition wo waa to and bmtiey As a rest British brewers mie bought hops_snd barley from the Pa cific coast freely, and. as the Am ericon barley erop was short, prices have. gong to the highest point that bag been reached in more than twen- ty-five The average price barley hos ruled during the past years about savenly cents n bushel, whereas to-day it is quoted at $1.40, with an upward t cy. Hops have averaced bitesn ' to twenty cents per pound during paet years are welling to-day at fifty vars malt at ol Brewers affirm that it costs a dol lar 4 barrcdd more te' make beer than in previous years. [a many centres Erowers. have alregdy advanced their beer * fifty cents wn harel, BISHOP FALLON ASKS FOR GOOD WORKS FUNDS Money Will Be Loaned to the Struggling Parishes Which Are in Debt. London, nt., Dee. }.- Bishop. Fal lon has ordered that a collection be taken up in the Catholic churches of the thocese of Loudon,' on Sunday next, for the purpose of % eroatiog a "Good Works Fund." The object is to establish a large fund from which struggling parishes may secure loans, particularly for ilding work, at low rates of infer ost. All money borrowed in this man- ner must be paid back to the fund with interest, at owe or two per cent. At Sresmt churches are Fatty Juiiding: funds eaten by the dem dal ved in of apples 4 ON DEFENSIVE THE LUMBER COMBINE SHOWN TO HAVE TAKEN AD. VANTAGE. A Heavy Burden Laid oun the West. ern Farmer and Rancheri-Dr, Redd Tries to Defend the Action. Ottawa, Dec. 1.-<The nationalist conservative alliance was thrown up on the delenwive again, yesterday. The grueling it received through the course of the debate upon the speech from the throne wae no sooner over than W. E. Knowles, the liberal mem- ber for Moosejaw, launched a broad- side at its fiscal tarif-raising opera tions. The young westerner subjected it to a vigorous arraignment, in which Dr Michael Clark amd Dr, Neely joined aud Hon. Dr. Reid found his hands full explaining. Fhe Moosejaw man read house of the combine, to meeting held on the day government took office, as in the conservative Winnipeg They desided at this meeting to call upon the government to take immediate action to change the : The report also chro nicled the fact that the lumber manu- facturers had decided to close their mills until 1913, and mark time, ow- ing to the fact that "ag business has emi conducted there has been some cutting in prices." y By the frankly the of an account the lumber the new reported press new regulations now arrangement, stated that removed, and the association. charged, was "a violation of the ombine," aided and government. "We tial the combines claims upon this minster of it was all _epmpetition all mills would his, brazen law, n abetted know,' have government," {mance stated wis not coneérned with them, hut, on the firs opportunity, he listens tp their mandate and grants them what they demanded By the new interpres tation' of the section which | had: been adopted, a duty of twenty-five tent. Was imposed on much of the F American rough lumber which had heretofore boen permitted to enter fren: During the first five months 61 the present fiscal year "the value of the lumber so imported was $2,330,628. "Twenty-five Per cent. upon that is a pretiy penny to the consumer, besides having To pay the enhanced price of the combine," decluved the Moose Jaw liberal. If was dome in a subtle and underhand way, but when the big in terests piped the conservative party had to dance. "The timber combine,"' continued Nr. Knowles, "is bitterly felt by the farmers and homestenders throughout the pruiries; where lumber 1s at a premivm. It is heartless in its operations. T have seen it take the ox from the stable of a homusteader or the stove from his home when it got its hold upon him.' Hon. Dr. Reid mnde a somewhat labored and lengthy explangtion It was true that the Jumbermen had wait ed upon him in reference ti the intet pretation of the customs regulations on the import of lumber. He had re ferred the matter to. the customs boatd; and upon the. report of that! body had issued his instructions All that had been done had been to in: struct customs collectors ti, watch the import of lumber more carefully, and prevent lumber planed on one side and an end getting through free, as bad been the case under the late ad- ministration Although no definite decision has been reached 4s to the adjournment of parliament over the (Christmas holi- day, it 'begins fo look as if the ade vocates of a long recess had won otit All depends upon the progress which may be made to-day with the esti mates.. If all goes well, the proposi- tion will probably be for adionrmment uext Wednesday, until January Sth This would give the government time to prepare the measures which it promised, and would also allow the Ontario members to participate' in the provincial cfections would be be foreed. into Mr. Knowles and flay confessed ¢ by the said he, grat The hier rant fen new 8 ROSS SOBBED AND MOANED When Placed on Trial for Killing a . "Companion. Montreal, Bee. 1. -'Held by a oor ner's jury on a charge of murder C F. Ross, of. Miaws, who, on - nesday night, shot and killed Robert Fitesimwhons following a rfiarrel over A game of cards "at.the Orpheum theatre, this * morving, appeared be fore Judge Bazin in privatet , mud pleaded not. guilty. "The defence will be that he did not intend to shoot but the revolver was discharged we cidentally during the, struggle. Hoss Presented a patible figure at the inquest. He moaned and sobdaet con tinunlly, and, a food of tegrs told of the remorse which he felt. Ross was emanded for enquete om Der. 7th, ' . Derelict on the Sea. . Halifax, NS, Dee. 1..Capr. Me Leod and eight, of the erew ~ the Nora Scotism Brig Marco, were takin off 'the vessel by a passing steamer, last "night, in 5 stores which had dismantled: the brig of all her masts and rigging. The: Mar- comi is mow o Drifting a derdlict some- on he Alas tic, seriously en- . { dangering path of the great hiners. She is loaded with ocon via rime | fmonths' per b it ro of her fie home and A BEVERLY STREET ROW. A Landiady and Her Te the Participants. Things "were quite ively ley street about five day afterooom. Une and her landlady pants in the "scrap." Jthe tenant owed her landlady, two rént and evidently it was cheaper to move than started to take her furniture out of the house. The landlady.' smelt the ral" and, wiwilling to ler the rent ship though her fingerx went' out and interfered. From words the us ing of fists ensued, and the elipax was reathed when the tenant rit the landdudy over the head withs a washboard. When things got 'to, this poi police were telephoned for and Con stible Armstrong started for °° the scene of the encounter. However, fo fore he arrived thipgs had been jwiet- ed down, 'though the tandlady at she would have her unruly tenant ise fore the cadi, ! PRINCESS PATRICIA BRINGS A BOB-SLEIGH To Enjoy Toboganning at Ottawa--- She Sailed From England Friday. Bever Thars- on a'clock of very It appears that tue pay. the Special to the Ottawa, sleigh to enjoy the Rideau Hall, and Christmas presents, to-day sailed fre nada. Prince Arthur naught, Princess Maurie Grey, Lord Stratheona, emyes and Lady Muriel her off She comes direct tawa and will be here to Bringing tolsog also a bob- ul giany Patricia for Ua ( on- Earl ountess SAW Ot- epend a ning reat Princess England of Louise, Co Paget to E11 nant We rol the, residents | partic | ihtnking i \, WEATHER PROBABILITIES ) Toronto, Ont, Dec. 1st, 10 am tawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence Fresh sofitherly and south-westerly { winds; fair, statipnary or a litils | higher temperature. Saturday, mostly | fair; but some local showers WE ARE ------------ | | i on the opportunity for economical satisfactory Christmas buying that NOBODY - CAN AFFORD Christmas Gifts and you 'will both pleased und satisfied. OUR HOLIDAY STOCK Offers in great variety really desirable and useful presents for people of all ages, and Ws most popular stock in every respect because of {ts choice selections ' be TRUSTWORTHY VALUES Christmas with her parents, the Duke and Duchess of Connaught i a HRM. CROWN PRINCESS FERINAND OF ROUMANIA The beautifol daughter of the British Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and a direct descendant of Queen Victoria WILL TAKE IN SUBURBS, and Start Campaign. Pemtfroke, Dec. 1 ty the first of | the New Year this town will have its | liowndaries extended so as to take in the surrounding submebs at the west and eastern ends of the corpor- ation A publicity campaign will started to "boost" the town I'he citizens belisve that Vembroke hos o great future, and that by making the respurcea and natural advantages ol the locality better known to the out side worlh more indastries might he induced to lodate here PERSIA HAS REFUSED T0 DO RUSSIA'S BIDDING The Position of 0 Other Powers is Regarded as Quite In- definite. Teheran, Versa, De most unanimous vote the Persian parliament, this morning, refused to comply with Russia's demand for the ismissal of 'W. Morgan Shister, the United Stateser, who, fon several months, has had the post of Persian treasurer gvbheral and hase Foailyv of. fended the Russian povertdnent bs hes policies. Troops have wlrendy been despatched by Russian and the situa tioh is critical. The positioow ol Great Britain, United Sigtes and other powers in segard to fhe ter ts very indefinite. Persia is altendy plunged into 5 reign of terror following the decision of national assembly to resist the de- mands of Russia. Ala Fd Howles, for met provincial governor and leader of those who would give in to Russia then. be 1.-By an al this morning." Ht was Jeurned that Shuster sent word to the assembly he diore the vote was taken, not fo én {sider him, torfosis of was his Harty, but 16 vote in the the mation. But personal influence that they refused him Foreig nn. riinister Grew of Orent Britain, cable! sewibly advising complianen #ia'y demand. Shaster is virtually Shab dnd dictator of Persia. Russian troops are to-day crossing the borders for the Putas of taking Teheran. best ETent und popu- tn dishes Fadward the Hoe Nir A box sonia wag given at Abe howe of Miss Jennie Dennison street, on s Thuradey evening. © About | ¥ gathered at hag a i Sujasale | | i Pembroke to Extend its Boundarics. | nat and dismise Shuster, was yesnssinated | ue al AND FAIR PRICES. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING And 'just what you want" is our welcome to Christmas buyers COME AND BE PLEASED, To-day feature late ar- rival we NEW HANDBAGS in 20 different styles ANEW ELASTIC BELTS "in pretty Dresden designs LADIES' FANCY WAISTS of Ninon, Silk, Nets, etc. CHILDREN'S COATS Of Bearskin, Velvet and Cloths SWEATER COATS in great variety for Ladies and Children ALL AT PRICES THATILL APPEAL TO YOU, STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. : Now is the time and this is TO MISS Come to us for ) § ) ) { } { a 2 MARRIED. EWART MULL ARD---Om evening, Nov 20th, by the Rev Mr. Crisp, of 8t. Johu's Church, ! Laura Bertha Millard, of Kings- i Lot Joseph Ewart, of Ports. mouth, Ont DIED, In Kingston, 1911, John Hysso Funeral from his late Font ance, Alfred Street, on noon, at 2.39 o'cl McGOWAN---In Kin 1911, William aged 28 years Funeral notice later © ROBERT J, REID, The Jongg Undertaker, 'Phone 577. 280 Princess Street. nOAMES REID ; si eee 1d Tor for PRN GE Pr. the Braves. ad. i so f€ le hand, which pt aa ol rvy ae. Fed prices. Don't wait till they are all 'soe. Turk's. Phone 7085. Wednesday fo HYBBOP on Nov. 30th, 2°58 ny after- No Hoan a an Be 30th, fdward McGowan, TAKE hg { Wea have tha a Ei Wows. TRY --~angif DUERR'S JAMS RASPBERRY. STRAWBERRY. BLACKBERRY. APRICOT. PEACH. STONELESS DAMSON. STONELESS GREENGAGE, 1 1-2 LB. GLASS JARS, 35 UENTS. Jas . Redden & Co. LIKELY HE. WENT DOWN, Stemmer "Tnleigh Was Blown Upon & the Rocks. Fort Calvorne, Ont, 1. ~There is Httho hops for the lide of En. itchard, whe rpluged 15 mye bis engine room when the steamer Kaleigh was'blown on tw {rocks of Shesketon, (mt., fast wight. { The bodies of Frederick Wise and his ju He, who acted as eook, wera mn ahr near PBulfslo, this morning. og prow of the ill-fated vessel can ibe seen among the breekers of Lake Je a nos heer Cillian, 1 Beverley {be living Ot -

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