Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1911, p. 5

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in Woes Sometimes Makes a Big Difference If You Are suffering the Tortures of re fgitigestion and Have to Wait Until Someone Runs to the Drug Store for a Box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Free Trial Package. 4 The instant relief afforded over-burdened stomachs by the of a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet should be a reagon for, constantly Keeping a box hand-<at home and at the oflice well, 3 poor use on ns Tablet wot onl, nicks but "it adtually does: itsoll, In other words exactly the same ments fur the digestion of fuod the natural juices of the stomach stomach; therefore, is not called upon to do any of the work except to churs the juices furnished by th tablet and then push the digested food along into the intestings where # will be still further digested awl the strength taken up" by the blood to be carried to the muscles and nerves of the body, So by taking a Stuart's Dyrpepsia Tablet after a meal , you. give the stomach the rest it needs in which to mend itself and grow well Ayan And you absolutely prevent the ing of any food, the formation any poisonous' gases, belching, breath or constipation, Stuart's Dyspepsia done more for humanity caused more rejoicing than any other one agency that can be named Every druggist ¢verywhere s and personally recommends Stuart's Dys- pepsin Tablets The price He. per box, i vou first wish to ' wry thenr a sample package will be sent vou Tree il you write to A. Stuart Nuuart's "A digestion the i ele as digretion furnishes 'The Our ol foul Tablets have and have is |THE BOARD OF WORKS AGAIN. DEFERRED CHOOSING OI CITY ENGINEER. Quarry Drills--=A Discussion ou May Use Electrical Power for Ston the Sand "Allowed to Hemain os the Paved Roads. Unee again the board of works . has deferred the appdimtment of a city gineer Hecause wll of its | numbe %ure mot in attendavee at its fort nightly meeting. There vere only four membprs in attendance on Thurs day «'ternoom, viz, Ald. Toye," whe acted ag chairman, aud Alde. Fraser Bailey and Harrison. ' The application of T, F, Harvison and others for a sewer (in Kensing fon avenue was granted. An effort and sewer pipes all laid in oh trench on this pew thoroughfare. Work will be started very shortly, Yh board discussed the -- testion of a steam dill for the city's quar on Montreal street, but came to the conclusion that electrical power might 68 cheaper, and instructed. tite "oligo Juan und the acting engiueer port A short discussion took yarding the that lowed lo remain on the paved recently laid, JJuring the last lays most, of "it been Ad, Taye stated that vin Ties towns he had visited, when paved roms were 'completed in the fall, sand to the depth of about tw inches spread over them and allowed to remufn there till spring He thought-that the trouble here was that too little sand had been sproad on the roads and that why it had blown about to re: ul a place been roads fin removed sand has has western and wis was 80 much THE COMI < DUKE Will Create Much Enthusiasm on Saturday. : Satwday. morning; at--T.45 6 dock, he .Duke of Connaught arrives in the city to visit and inspect the Roy ol Military College While the, gov ernor-qenaral's cial the city, ing no oflicial the visit of his-roval highness be the occasion of much Large crowds will line long which the duke from his train to the crowds will witness, his railway station atv eleven 2, thelr presence and cheers Kingston ans. will welcome and evidence thei great respect and love for the one of royal blood" that ever repre sented, the king of Bpitain in the acknowledged first Of his glorious overseas dominions © visit a corporgtion, part in the tak as vill the has K.M.C return route to pass to the o'clock. Hrsi Ca, Mich, 150 Stuart Bldg. Marshall, Sharpton Personals. Sharpton, Nov. 30.-C. Taylor, Kingston Business College, spent the week-end st home. Mr. and Mrs, MN Rogers are visiting at Denbigh, Fve vett Rogers is at home, Messrs, M. and P. MeKeown, Erinsville, ave at Mrs, DD, Karing'; C. MeCormick, of Tamworth, gre with relatives here, af Rexall "93" Shampoo Paste can be : Only One "Brome That is p> Quinine." Laxative Bromo Quin: Look for ue signature of E w Grove. Used the world over to cure a cold in one day, 25 The steamer Wanderer returned (laytan at 7.30 o'clock day with the came up for the minnies. Rahbers fur all cheap. Princess street, to Thurs- which cere on delegation consecratfon Mought in Kingston only at Mahood's drug store, the Rexall store. Hi For natty Shirts at $ 1 Fancy Neckwear at HUNT'S - - SUSI PPOSOOOOOOOIOIOIOTOOH sees eese ©0000000000000000000000s00i000000e "PEARSALL"S MIL . SPECIAL SALE e UNT'S Knitted Mufflers at 50 cents to $3.50 See our large assortment of Also, Plain 8hades in Ben . Collars in quarter sizes. Louis Milligan, while playing with his lprother, got his wrist caught in a door, the arm being broken: 00, $1.25,$1.50 50 cents alene and Irisn Poplin Brock Street. -a ®00000000000000000000080 ns LINERY > Felt Shapes at half price, others at 50c,Each. All made Feather Turbans 25 P. C. OFF. COME IN AND SEE THEM. 5. OOOO FRESH SUPPLY of GLACE 1 Ib. Boxes Glace Pearsall's Millinery, 228 PRINCESS ST. tomers who buy this week at our value. « The "Tokyo" @ GIVEN AWAY Ten costly prizes to those cus SALE . over Geods ove dollar in JAPANESE ART DEALERS, me Wellington Siveet. sessesas UE ITs ws Glace Assorted Fruits, erries, will be made to have the gus, water Dutton's 200 : a" SEEK MORE EVIDENCE CONNECTION WITH OF BRAKESMAN. IN DEATH Coroner's Jury, When About to Give Verdict, Decided to Ask: for Exide ence of an Absent Fireman. Ihe jury empannelled to inquire into the cause of the death of William Ed- ward McGowan, who: had his life crushed out by being caught between two cars at Starbot Lake, Wednesday evening, adjourved until four o'clock Friday afternwon, "tot get: additiona' evidence. As the evidence was being taken, someone asked where the fire man of the train was, and the reply 'wae. given that he was sick when the constable went to serve papers on him. Later in the evening, it trans pired that he had gone out on a loco {motive and would not be back until | Friday afternoom. The jury was aboqt {to agree to'a verdict of accidental {death when one of them pointed out {that the fireman might have evidence ito give which might throw more light fon the accident. 7 I Dr. DE. Mandell, coroner, land the jurors were foreman), Thomas Mills, William A Newlands, Osear F. Bartels, Napoleon { barose, William Cunningham, Geor | McKenzie, Charles Compton, W. Bennett, Oscar F. Telgmann, 1. 1 Lackie and 'E. F. Guess. The hod: iwas brought to the police court room and was viewed by the jurors Conductor Thomas H. Healey the first witness called. He at Sharbot Lake making up his train for {Kingston, when notified bil the acei- dent. He was standing on the plat- {form of the station, talking to a { PLR. conductor. He endeavored to got Dr. Kilborn, but failing in this he ob- tained Dr. Coutley, who dressed the iwound. The deceased, "in * company | with Brakesman Cooper, was shunting. [Cooper the senior brakesman Two loaded with coal and the other with steel, had been kicked ont on the main line. These were for the Kingston train Charles Cooper, brakesman, presided, wus was was CArs, one testified Ibox ear to the engine and the coal welcome, fear was a few feet from the box car. Mowat president of Bt. Andrew's Cooper was on the engine and was box car, He expected McGowan Lo see that the two cars were coupled. Me- . Nite " . y d {Gowan went through between the two Stephen, from W. F. cars and was caught., When he came up with the unfortunate wan, he ask ied him what was as he lying on his back the traek. Metiowan replied his leg was broken Cooper procured help and the vietim (was taken to the station. He did not lknow why MetGiowan should be- tween the cars, as the coupling could {have been effected without crossing the track. | Daniel Guirey, the engineer, {ido much concerning The first he was aware that thing was wrong was when he saw | Cooper drop his lantern, He sent his lveman back to see what was wromg, faa he was told that McGowan's leg {was broken. He knew of no reason fwhy Meligwan should have had peca- sion to go across the track. Johan Page, ear inspeetor, "testified {that be had esamined the couplings and that they the latest i and in good order, I Dr. 8. J. Keves testified that there {was only small skin wound large | enough 10 put linto. wrong, was ACTOEs go did pot the accident. aby were kin¢ All the muscles of the lower ex- tremity were torn, well the perves, and there {free blood inside. The injuries were suflicient to cause death, MeGowan {wae almost pulseless when placed on the operating table, and died at ubaont Hive o'clock Thursday morning, His injuries showed that tremendous pres- sure had been brought to phim, {At 0.30 olelock the eonrt: room iclearved for the jury 10 decide is erdiot : ns as was bear on Was upon its OFFICIATED FOR FIRST TIM As Archbishop of Kingston and Im- parted Benediction, Last evening wis Congregation "pposent mn cathedral. Tx Grace the new arch {bishop imparted the benediction of flies Blessed jsucrament; fu the presence of the apostolic delegate, the Luern an > minense Mary's i bor "of priests } nas very {dered the {voice The [tum Ergo aren The music and singing fine, N. KE. O'Connor ren "Ave © Marie" in splendid "Or Salutanas" and Tan was given by ithe Tull tehoir, the music which was ur {ranged by Prof. Paul Denye, and i showed the tough of a masterly hand. i! he altar was brilliantly ilundnsted. { ol A Beautiful Complexion. As a substitute for a heantiful com- plexion, some women resort to paint and powder. But the more sensible use Wade's Iron "onic Pills, which | produce a 'natural, healthy ion, make new blood and a robust constitution, Price 5c, as J. B. { MeLeod's drug stores, i Rexall shampoo, 25¢. Mahood's drug f stare. > ; M. R. Davis, governivent inspector {of hulls, is confined to his home on {King street through illness, bat ex- ipects to be around within a week. { For hair and want of hair use Rex- (all "93 Hair Tonic. Mahood's drug store. A - [ER Charlebois and wile, of laston, NY: came to Kingwion on hursday for the ~confeerstion cere RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE DAILY BRITISH John Smith. the tip of one's finger tiful considerable bishop<dind bishops and a large une complex- | WHIG, FRIDAY, DEC ST. ANDREW'S BANQUET : : THURSDAY NIGHT. A Fine Company Was Present Happy Speeches Given in Honor of Auld Scotia~--Bagpipers in Their Glory. . ! St. Andrew's tedd by all Scotsmen in the city, and not by any mean? the small part of the festivities was the banynet {u the British- American hotel, Thursday night, commemorating the seventy-first 'anniversary of St. Andrew's Society in this eity. : At mnso'elock seventy-five, headed by Pipers J. W. Fraser and John Me Donald, filed into the dining-room, snd sat down to an excellent dinner, prepared by Mine Host Telfer, Among those present were: Mel). Mowat, president, George George Hague, James } { § h John % ¥, Ste wart, John Macdonald, James Craig, #W. Frazer, David Scott «J, F. Me Millan, Prof. J. Dall, J. 8. Melntvre, Archibald Maclean, Joha Mills, Alex ander T. Mebeod, Eslwand "Youhg, R;: H. Waddell, T. Kirkwood, David Mir ray, he Dr. Donald Maegitliveay, Shavgha, China; Prof. Robert Laird, Lieut.-Col. Massig, Lieut Col. F Strange, W, R. Givens, James Swuiall, Prof. Jobm Watson, Rev, Principal Gordon, Col. T. Benson, Col. Crowe, J®0G 0 Elliott, Prof. A. MacPhail, Dr. A. W. Richardson, James Dunnett, A MacGregor, W. Gi. Craig, J. ¥, sav, W, W, Bryant, F. Kinnear, (i. DI Bankier, J. MeL. Stephen, & R Peel, Archibald Hendry, Prof. Alexan- der Laird, Prof. J. L.- Morison, A. Gi. Sinelair, N. Revnolds, Frances Muec- nee, Robert Harvey, J. I. White, Thomas McKenzie, Max i. Milligan, J. B. Grant, De. A, E. Ross, Prof. W. L. Grant, Capt. €. W. Perreau, Capt. A. ( Gray, J. A. McDonald, . F. P. Spalding, J. €), Hutton, 1. Hen- derson, Dr. James Third, When the haggis was served bavid Seott gave the Scotch grace. Thomas Me¢Renzie led the proeession,. and was followed by the pipers, and the hag gis was conveved on a platter by one R. is, purely 'umoffi- | that he was engaged in coupling the of the waiters About eleven Meh Nor o'clock, John ciety, called upon all present to drink enthusiasm. | looking after the coupling of it to the the health of \the king, which was fol lowed by the national anthem. Lireetings were then read hy J. Mel, Niekle, M.P.V, in Ottawa, amd from St. Andrew's Societies in Toronto, Halifax, Corn wall, Montreal, Kansas City, Ill, Phil adelpbin, Pa. St. Catharines, Hamil- ton and Albany, N.Y. These wers at tentively . listened to and applauded. It was reported that James Stéownart, hono y secretary, hay sent greetings to a number of Cana dian and United States cities, +h. McDonald Mownt welcomed all 1, the dinner. He spoke 'of the excellence: of the menu, and referred to the of forts of James Stewart! and others who were fargely responsible for th success of the affair. Mr. Mowat then proposed the tomst to the "Land Cakes," which was responded to Iy Prof. John Watson. The professor, it a very witty and elever speech, touch! ed on the history and characteristic of the Septtish people, especinlly men tioning the reticence, and of their sometimes being accused ax regarding themselves as the salt of the. earth Uf all countries in the world within . small compass, none were more "begu than Seotland: The said there had been Scotch blood i the veins of most reformers and grea men, and there is no better Canadian, than the Scotsman. The next toast, "The Dav and Al Who Honor It," was proposed by George B. MeRay, vice-president, and responded to by Prof. Alexander Me Phail, In calling upon Prof. MePhai the toastmaster referred t, the profes sors recent election to the legislature of Prince Edward Isfand. Prof. Me PRail spokes of the reminiscences of the past, and of the spirit of the day, In wiiddy should. teach. us tu Frances" and to stand for erty Fhe toast, "Our posed by Prof. W. vieerpresident,-- andl Principal Gordon, Crowe, and Rev. Shanghai, China The toast, "The Land the Ma ple," was proposed by James Stewart honorary secretary, and very ably re sponded to by - Prof. Robert Laird Among 'other things, he referred to te mixed blood of Capadians, and sai we, as Canadians, must faco the pro of-{he heterogeneous elements 1 the life of Canadians. We have woe the foreigner. The rate of intrease of population in Eastern Canady is smaf compared with that of the west, am {ho declared that it was the problem of the cast. The men of the west are uiore wide awike and more readily a¢ copt moral responsibility. In the east we need men of ideas und conscience and he declared the Scoteh could do this better than anyone else. The toast to the "City of Kingston' as proposed by C. A. Macpherson, and seconded by Dr. AE. Ross, in the ungvoiduble absence of the mayor. In his speech, Dr. Rows also aid that {this dinver was the smallest part of St. Andrew's Society. The work done wong the Seoteh poor of the city though quietly dors, showed the true {north of the society. : i The toast fo the "Press" 'was pro. posed by W. 6G. Craig and responded to by J. G. Elliott, i Paeast toast, "The Ladies," was {proposed bv Lieut. Col. Massie, and ag eloquently responded to hy In A.W. Richardson. He aasumed the role of a woman and Save nu ver, (strong talk yegardiog the attitude. of 'men towards them. He promised that the franchise was coming ig thew. i The tomst list wae interspersed with Leseellent musical numbers" phan by R. C.F. Harvey: vacal solos by H Be Basiier, Hans. tol. Massie, dent. Oh): Sern WG. Craig, Prof 5 Dall; violin o ran votien { tion, David Sentt. Prof. James Smgll [od R. RF. Harver were the aocom- _. | The happy gathering broke wp at two. Weluek : this Warhing ywith 'the singing "Auld Lad Séwe™ aod ied Save the King." : Bering the eneors to W. (i Uraig's violin 'solo Thomas McKenzie, J. ¥ t towns ang professar personal hil, Guesis," was pr L. Geant, responded to bn Col. Bensan, Co! Dx. Macgillivea 5 tf Sheou ol { PW i + solo day was esmmemors: | Ran right griev) ith Jute * ¥ MBER 1, 1911; JUST IT. 'Winter Calf. IN BRITISH-AMERICAN HOTEL] Bluchers in all Leathers, $4, $4 Correct ~ Shoes For Men Our Styles are certainly up-to-date the patterns are the very latest; So are the Heels and Toes See Our Swell Buttons, in Tans. Patents "and .50, $5, $6. Men's ge Rubbers i To Fit the Styles. . of Shoes now Worn=-= $1.00, $1.10, $1.20. 9? $ BERNETHY"S y P00000000000000000000000000000600000000000 0 THE SPORT REVIEW RUGBY TEAM HAD LAST WORKOUT ITs Afternoon For the Final Game on Saturday----Officials For the Game Are bDecided--Hamil- ton Team Ar:aves To-night. Military College inter: team had its last work- wit, Friday afternoon, preparatory to he final strug the Dominion ntermediate championship game, here, the Cadets "dnd Riders. Bucking, passing combined with he fast signal work which the Cadets sossess have formed the bulk of the cork during the week ant, tp-das, the practice eambining most" of these of was held The boys will be in the very best ondition to the Hamilton "run ers up' and result is that the wople here ean expect a fast game. It will in unchanged line-up, vhich will represent the Cadets at the hietic field, Saturday afternoon, as apt. Gwynue contends that would © fatal to change his men at the last aoment. lhe which repre ented the collédge in the intercolle fate finals and the semi-finals of the lominion chanipionship in Montreal, week, will face Hamilton, I'he will be: Full-back, Galt; Cartuthers, MeAuley, and cawson; quarter, Blackstoek; "sevim- nage, Greene, Mallory and Green- ood: outside wings, Shoenperver and iwvnne: middle wings, Roberts and "earce; side Sweeney and lorms. Unless something unforeseen happens he day will be perfect and with a wrivet day and good grounds the ame should be all that could be de red. Queen's gthletie field dries quick- ant "if the weather Just cold nough to keep the ground hard the ame may be expected ta be very nappy. Cadets have some fast run: sors and will show the Haumivon boys omething in the sprinting line © and omething in the kicking, too, for artuthers has been oiling his leg up or the finpl action on the back divi ion. lis punting is advantageous to is own team and dangerous to the pponents. ¢ 5 _ the soldiers and all theirs are hopeful for a victory and omethmy goes wrong the hould be able to win this game, vhich would again make them cham dons for another year of the domin on. What advantages are available he Cadets have for they have played wm the grounds a number of times. Lhere is every probability that Dix m, of 'Varsity, and Robins, Hamilton vill be. the men to handle the game, he choice has not been made delimite y. It 13 is the 3 ' rith to decide who the men "are Ro he 4 a wire was expected to-day it the collegé announcing who the wh -would be, For all the oncerned about whotdy, would wd a mals for I'hé Royal nedhiate rughy for between Rough O"MOTrow, he Hamilton ackhing and ast shases the ne oldier meet Lhe be it same team last me-up wlves, wings, fricuads unless Cadets Hamilton papas are the game to-morrow ever think that they in. the dominion not a word concerning the ontest" has appeared in any of them his week. Perhaps they are waitiog o do some of the talking after the ame. It is expected that the Rowgh Rider weregation will arrive in the city his evening on the midnight frain. They are to stay at the Randolph witel. A number of ex-cadets are 'ex- pected down with them. rughy team Witnessed American Game. In an efiort to arrange an julerna- tional football match for nest - year netween University of Toronto and an American college team, delegation of "Varsity wen, including - Advisors 'onch H. C. Griffith, Honorary Coach dr. Arthur Wright, Capt. "Jack" Maynard and Mabager "Timber" Mul piven, went to Philadelphia, as guests of the Toronto Star to witness the inal big colleve game of the venr in the states, which took place at Franklin field, Philadelphia, between Cornell University and the University A Pennsylvania. ---- SSAA. Executive, A {meeting of the executive Suny School AAA Thursday evening. set forth was accepred, with ope change. . The change was that the game between' Svdenliam and Bethel, a week from next Tuesdat, be played first in th: coening, on stcount of Nydenkam having a concert at the iehureh that "evening. ao ° of the was held on The schedule as + Basketball Games. The juwior basketball games at the XY. MUA, gymiasiom in the after noow are going alowg nieely. Om Thursday afternoon, Cooke's and Sq Jobu's met bat Cooke's walked: Away the Portsmouth Jade. Cooke's ployed the first hall with wally wen, Ar the ond of the hall the score stood M to 6 for Cooke's. The full time score was 40 to Fhe Portsmouth boys will have another chance this week to try and make up what they lost Thursday when they meet Sydenham on Saturday, The teams were : Cooke's--W Evans, J. Evans, Toland, C, Toland, Douglas. St. John's--Marks, Smith, Holland, Wickham. Referee--~H, Edgar. DRUNK HAD BIG WAD JAMES GRANT, A STRANGER, WAS CARRYING $102.50, Mistook Post Office an Hotel, and Wanted to Get in to Get Drink --=lolice Took Him dn (Rarge and Saved His Court Notes. When chap, Friday of drupkenne him that police for N. on » Dennison, For Money--Police husky court, James Grant, big up morning, ' ' stood in the police to plead to a charge told local left, was ss, the magistrate could thank the having any mone Late Thursday might, Grant "very. drunk," the police termed it and while in this condition, he mis took -the post oflice for hotel, and was tryang to ¢ét into building, to get a drink "What's the Constable Arniel "1 want to get get in," was Grant's reply. He in such a bad condition that the eon: {stable had to take him to the police station. When searched ato the police station, he had a big. wad of money, amounting to SI02.50, and this wag put in safe Keeping f until the morning Grant pleaded guilty to the charge He hus been employed on some of the boats. He had deal to wivle being taken to the lock-up, suid he had been on in Glasgow, Scotland, and that he had a good mind 10 fight the stable, for attempting to arrést him he an the matler,"" called to bim a drink, but | out can't was ww him # great sav, He the police {urce, eon hands of President (o However, he went the station, i without trouble, "I was drunk that John Connolly magistrate said it was his -third ap pearance in court this fall, A pretty bud record, so a time of $5 and costs, month imposed to oll right' had all sav. The was to or one Was --_-- PEDESTALS and Jardinier Stands A most stitable gift i 4 for a Young Lady. MUSIC CABINETS, Five O'clock Tea TABLES, " TEA CURATES. Children's DOLL BEDS Complete. REID'S HIGH QUALITY REID'S LOW PRICES. JAMES REID'S THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, "Phone 147 HELP IS BESOUGHT SEND CHRISTMAS EARCELS EARLY IS PRAYER OF POSTMAN. Carrying of Small Bundles and Plug Puddings Constitutes. a Grievance Which Each Year Aggravates, Say the Men, The modern mail carrier is develops ing into a reincarnation of the origin. "Berooge The Christmas rush in the fice 'has. commenced, and if vou care the letternian wilt that "Merry Christmas' to him al post of to question Vou quickly means nothing Peery learn have to work n Christmas we twenty-four hours day aiud dobn Gunn was summoned fon drunk, while eu the "prohibitdd | He did appear, ; w erdargad uot however case 18 THE CUSTOMS RETURNS ts Had Big In- Business, for the month the sum of ®2 Er ---- Show That Merchan crease in Fhe customs revenue November totals 5.62, Fhe revenue for the months of the fiscal < the same periogl o 390.06, Fhe Sear HOw orense ove of 2 ' { Pur, mens an inere business amongst our merchant least a quarter of a millioy for the eight months. above of of nt dollars Election of Officers. the refrular meeting of Seelev's lodge, LO.OF., No. 411, held Wednesday evening, Nor ember 29th, 1911, the following officers were elect wd: NG. Bro. Dr. F, Young; V G., Bro. KE. W. Moore: treasurer, Ero Joseph MeAlonan; Fs + Bra, A. J Sly: R.S., Bro. F Moore « ~ At fay < Another New Street Car. 1 : The street railway will have another pew. ear on the: route The men at the barns at the present tine are working on it he company turning into car building lishment. This will be two the company has built &n time, SOON is a est dy that short cars a Snes ore Queen's Military Corps, The Queen's ) struction was again held at the armowries on Thursday afternoon, "About 120 students gathered and were instructed by Captain Hughes und Sergwt-Major Hagans, This class is becoming ver: popular © with the students Made Investments, The Saskatoon Phossic of Novem: ber 37th save: Mr. ind Mrs. Isan Allan and fails, of Kingston, have been visiting. at the home of thei eoitsin, MN John Alan. Avene ¥ while on. rosite to the Paviiee CORSE While here, Mr, Aan invested rite extentively in city Property, enginesring class of in : elegant ol weeks in together . about the i to the big holiday the more hu dbnsome the job becomes;"' a mail wan told the this morning People never seem to think that would help 'us out a whole lot if thes through the mail couple of weeks before Christmas, and make thi out rosilts, u The mail tion to the manner wrapped pareels on be clover we get r the average man, Advertiser il presents were sent vearly with will." ohjocs mall py Lis we appeal they ax I carriers wiso Ses fans oF raIEn in which cols are People sewn think that handled when done ap in sonll Square but if they would make thew long, th same as newspapers, thy fr a lasting the Small parcels cannot be strapped te, a bundle whereas those of are easily handled Plum puddings, which by mail to London in tons each vemr, particu larly from the eld couptry, constitute another grievance among these care riers, who cannot why any man should care to place suck weighty sul. - stance undér his belt ) The post office authorities have alsg thr prac books more readil would cone favor om poet fen afd conveniently carried, more oblong shape COM weg issued a warning concerning tice of placing letters parcels, or papers All such ngtes arately at the person discovered against this rule from 810 to $40 The clerks have authority own pareel that reason in should be sent sepe rate, wy committing offences ix lable (6 4 fine of letter and fe for fon mail and follow any suspected, trouble mas those wha err Rexall "93" Hair Tomo makes hair dressing, Ste. and Mahood's drug store The firemen wish to extend their thanks to Father Hanley for his ght of a fine $x of cigars Rexall "93" Shampoo Paste én b np 1. Fon { bought in Kingstom only at Mahowd's drug ftore, the Rexall store Mills to-day Thomas and wife wrest, leit Quinine) to Cong York reckicers."" Gibson's and uo edab house Wail + coming building spend a Nes "Busyveon Au argiaury i a : Gave n Little Dinner. RB. E. Cushman, if Kew Viwk ident of the North American Ng Eounpaay, save x little party at Remdolph hotel IV evening to a few of bi 3 is Phe Smelt dinner Thuredy, EE pte : 7 3 IVER ILLs Are Cured by . ; HOODS PILLS

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