Rr, © " a LAST EDITION YHAR 78 NO. 282 ; KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1911. ~~ OTHERS IN DYNAMITE PLOT -------------- And Detective W. J. Bums Expects to Bring ~~ Them All to Justice. * Samuel Gompers Says Labor Was Grossly Deceived by the " McNamaras---Statement of Anierican Federation of Labor---"Murder is Murder" Says Theodore Roosevelt. i -- N-------------- y = NT TEI A | EXPERTS SHOULD ASCRRYAIN. LATEST ] Why St. Eawrente Watershed is Diminishing. / ; r---- $ Quebec, Dec. 4; William: Price, ex: Jespatches From Near and ; . M.P., in an interview, published in to THE WORLD'S EPISODES day's local papers, advocated the au- pointment © of & special commission, GIVEN, IN THE BRIEFEST POS SIBLE FORM. PRICE WEATHER. PROBABILITIES. Taront Out, Dec. 4th, 18 aw tawa Valley apd Tpper Bt, Lawran DR A : ROSS cold to-day snd on Tues a. ° » - - Elected Member For Kingston|5 [ by on CHRISTMAS WIL BE NO ELECTION: | GIFT-MAKERS weit). : GREAT: : IN KINGSTON FOR FIRST TIME USEFUL PRESENTS - BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS § APPROPRIATE PRESENTS Was When the Late Mr. Pense Was Elected at a Bye-Election in}! For YOUNG, MIDDLE- AGE or OLR. February, 1902. S Dr. Arthur E. Ross was, on Mon WE HAVE NEW NOVELTIES In nice but inexpensive goods. | Crop 47,000,000 Tons Compared With 61,000,000 in 1910. New York, Dec. 4.--"This year's hay ergp i® only 47,000,000 tons, against 61,000,000 tons a vear ago. As A re sult of Piiges of hay throughout the country At principal consuming mar kets rapged from 326 ton. at New York to\ 317.75 at Minnespolis. = New Urleans Bas to pay eveqa mare thie (New York for its hay supply, the latest yuotations there being 327.50. Excepting prairie * hay, which sells much below the standard varieties fou stock feeding, there is little to be had anywhere in central markets, cast os west, wider $22 a ton. The rule in the east in $25, br 14 cents a pound, . Whether the price advances or .de clines depends much on what the early winter weather is. lf snow should cover the interior éarly in December, cutting off pasturpge, the prices of ny would advance still further wit progress of heavy feeding for nll kind: of live stock. For that reason thos who have supplies for sale are holding them back, but stocks are low nunc arrivals ave quickly disposed of. a composed of leading experts from England and other places, to report on the St. Lawrence watershed, with a view to ascertaining if the flow of water is diminishifhg from natural causes, afd owing to the ing up of the country. I they found this to be the casg Uheysshonld then ascertain if it is possible lo deepen the chanuel between (Quebec and Montreal without building 'artificial barricades, AN PRINCESS DE CHIMAY WEDS. Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everybody Easily Read and Re- membered. Ambassador Nanking was volutionists. The Persians are preparing to resist the interference of Russin. Canddian cattle swept up prizes in the New York eaitle show. George W, Verral accepted the no- nination of the liberals in West York. Martin Lohr, an old man, was burn- xl to death in his house in Beverly township. : Rev. 'Thomas anon of Former Toronto Girl to Fourth Venture. London, Dec. 4.~Clara Ward, once the Princess de Chimay, who rau away with a gypsy fiddler, is about to take her fourth matrimonial venture in the person of a handsome Italian chaui- fer. She has lost most of her money but still has an income of $15,000 a year, Clara Ward was originally .a Cankdian, and not an American, as is usually stated. She lived in Toronto and moved in society there, Take n ; Jryce is in Ottawa, partly burved by re- said Mr. George. "Tt is apparent that the industrial situation " this eountry has reached the point where I men hive despaired of i through | the peaceful means of public opinion and thy ballot, "These men were nop fools, They knew what they were doing. But they were evidently convinced that there was no other means of redress for ution labor than the awful foree of dynamite. 2 "Phroug bout the . union labor" field leaders are coming up who ure Leonvineed that peneeful means no lon- Foor avails in the MeNamara meident wo see an indication of dhe hehiel by men that only civil war ean readjust the situation." Chicago, Dec. 4. Further arrests in the "Los Angelos Times dynamiting Gand Ey Tome nt nny thane, according to Detective' William J. Burns, who discussed the case al Some fangth. "There are oOthets in this casp just an guilty as the McNamara brothers," said Detective Burns. "1 do not, think the pleas of ghilty in the case ol wither man should stop the prosedu tion of the case and the search for others implicated in the plot. "we will soon have "Dave" Kaplan and M. 7 A. Schmidt, alias 'Smithy,' iso wanted in Gmnection with the Blowing up of the Times building, and there are a numberof others, = It would be injudicions for me to say how many or the nature of their pox day afternoon, elected by acclamation to represent Kingston in the Ontario legislature, ' This is the first acclamation known in a general election in the history of the city. Old timers who wore present! at the préepedings could not recall an acclamation in thor time. and it wad slated a positive Yact that this was the first time, Dr. Ross was declared eloctesd by the returning officer, J. B. Walkem, K.C., and afterwards the do .or made a brief address, in wich he re- turned thanks for the honor ferved upon him. 'The attendance the nomination was very about sixty people in all hing the hall. Dr. Ross was nominated at 2.10 p _ INVADES CANADA. Big Factory Will Shortly be Estab. lished in Kingston, Binghampten, N.Y., Dee. 4.---It is announced that Henjamin B. McFad den, of the Commercial Envelope Co., of this city, has been elected. president of a coweern, organized to be estaly lished at Kingston, Canada, wher # factory covermg four acres o! land will be hurried to completion. The name of the' combine will be the Commercial Dox and Envelope Co., limived, of Cannada, with a capi- tal of nearly $200,000, 1t is planed fo unite all the concerns in the United as HFOOOOC DEMAND ON GERMANY Teignmouth fn . Shore, Worcester since 1991 and To Build More Warships Great Britain. Berlin, Dee. 4.~The post is out to- day with a beligerent article, demand- ing "that Germany build more ships than Britain. It says thai Britain will soon be unable to keep up the pace of two keels to one. © Than FOOOOC ean at small, us these » WE HAVE COSTLY GIPTS But in all grades and prices Pa Should Not Have Confessed. Denver, Col., Dec. 4.--Charles H. at al § Moyer, president of the Western Fed- eration of Miners, who with William D.--Haywood ~and-- John A. Pettibone, was arrested in connection with the murder of former Governor Stueében- burg, five years ago, declared the con- States and Canada under the ecorpox ation and control the envelope out: put of the world. Owing to the present trust agita tion in the United States, the com binaticn sought Canada us a locatior Canon Elegood Dead.' Motitreal, Dec. 4.--Rev. Canon Elle bood, reetor of the Church ol 'St.. James the Apostle, Sunday might after a long He was the®oldest clergyman died | We can supply you te your satisfaction, "*=% t Do not fall to see oir SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS In the Linen Section, in the diocese of Montreal, and _ 'the L:. | only one left who saw.the birth of the Sviod:in 1859. He was also the oldest milijary chaplain in the Brit ish servite, havin: been chaplain of the Victoria Rifles io¢ "over ity years. and the enterprise will be the largesi of its kind ever undertaken in the dominicn. fession of the MeNamaras furnished capital with a club ""which it would not be slow to use against' organized labor." "For that reasom, no matier how guilty I might have been, | never would have confessed," said Moyer, Such an Table Pieces array: of pretty of Linen, Lace, have never put befors the buying public. D'OYLIES, TABLE ENDS, ete, we HRS. SCHENK DEMANDS TRIAL. Woman Accused of Poisoning Hus band, Requests Hearing. Wheeling, W. Va. Dec. 4-Mes. L Farnworth Schenk, who was triec enrly in tho yesr on a charge ol Having attempted to poisan ber hus band, Jchn ©, Schenck, has demand ofl of th: prosecuting attorney thal the give her another trial without de- CENTRES, Ridpath Almost Better, Toronto, Dee. 4.--PBruce Ridpath, the wellknown hockeyist, who lay uncon- scious for days after being struck by an automobile, and whom surgeons pronounced dying, has recovered and will leave the hospital 4n a week, He will not play hockey this season. A Temporary Setback. . TRAY CLOTHS, TABLE RUNNERS, Ry TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE NAPKINS, Kte. es ere iia mpm N | Denver, Col., Dee. 4.--' 'The acknow- jedyment of their guilt by the Me a Namaras will give the cause of labor a temporary sethack, but only until the rank and file can prove to the people that individuals and not labor D3 RY. ot ' oe 4 unions were on trial," said President lay, the #4 in the first trip hav ] Charles H. Moyer, of the Western Fed- ye 8tool eleven to one for acquit: Ra ------------------------------------ eration of Labor. "I think there is tal. ore ® something feeper in these confessions: The case has been called in gourt n WILLE a ata thin the labor movenient ean gv peers) Himes since the first trial. and : ' The. great slelghtive Who ran dow the fretuest heme. ? ft pastponed each time at the at the present time. 'of the prosecutor. Aras. - a Shabir i "Murder Is Murder." tion tn organised » lahor, but 1 will] New York, Dec. 4.--When Theodore A RELIGIOUS FUSS way that there are. other prominent | Roosevelt was asked today what he men mixed up in this affair, and I ex: | thought of the confession of ihe Me: pect to keep working until the last of | Namaras, he said: "My idea on the Anglican Received Extreme Unction His Body However. ther his been brought to justice, subject. was expressed in an 'Outlook' "This has hot been a fight against ofivorid), entitled 'Murder is Murder,' organized labor, a¥ many have suid, | nd that is the way I still feel about Montreal, Dee. 4.--William Vaughan, hn Anglican, of St. -Jehn's, Que., died in a hospital in that town, and just but rather an expose of the worst | » part of unionism, and: the past that | before his death received conversion 3d extreme unction from a priest. H ARTICLES FROM 8¢ TO $10.00 MANOEL de ARRIWGA, President of the Republi¢ of Portugal ie OCWOVOOCCOO00S00COVTOVVVOOOOCTCOVTO0 Many of them look double the price they are marked. ¢ COME TO-MORROW SEE THEM. CAN'T" HELP MEING PLEASE, reas sstreesTetITEES morning with both houses in session alter tha THE PEOPLE'S STORE. The first excitement is expéétetd to be ) a discussion on the steel trust bill, ' 8 Wi : a op LOO OOIVOOODOIOOO COO There will probably be something said mann ons ye nt dir i el ee . about the deigat of the reciprocity the opposition had «until tem nan no candidate was nomin- | HAGERMAN In Nagsiee bill in Canada { utes after tol nominate thes nll in Ca . {ated and when the time expired «ths 17th, to Mr. and Mrs { candidate. A rR | However, A MEXICAN GENERAL | returning oflicer declared - Dr toi a In his address Dr. Ross ---- { his thanks for the honor. Orozco Has Seen Conspiring With 5.5." "vi". the Rebels Against President The Axe is Falling. &t. Catharines, Dec. 4.--F. Cecil Clif- ford, for ten years secretary to J. L. ' Weller, chief engineer of the, Welland ay ARTHUR E. ROSS, i the ser- | Kl "by soclamation as member for cual, has beens votive Hot Hl Kingston, in Ontario, Legislature, tion. Tt is commonly reported about {~ ne RE -- , m. His nomination was ed biy the streets that other changes are to Hatry Giy and seconded by "William follow. : ¥." Vinoe, After Dr... Ross had the returning. officer under reguledions he to wait until two o'clock nominations One hour first nomination was made chaplaii-in-ordinary to the king, died' in London on Sunday. He was bom in Doolincin- isd. William . Lyons, a Toronto electri cian, was serisusly burned by the mis- placing of a switch, Hugh Adams, St. Catharines, suibid- ed by jumping into the eatdract at Ni- agara Falls. Several New York labor organiza- tions have demanded the .death pen- ally 'for the MeNamaias. Ferdians marched in thousands he United States legation in wpéaling for support againkt Beseie Smart, school assaulted dion, her way home fram school, near Brockville, Ont., apd John McCallum has been arrested. Edward "Melfadow, a well-known cancher of Milavville, committed sui cide in the Grand Central hdtel, Oko toks, Alta., by blowing off the top of his héad with a shotgun. The first skeleton of a child that lived in the glacial period has been found in Hungary. The skull is long and narrow, as are the forehead and face. The jaw is prominent. The appomtment of Glen Campbell, ex-M.P, for Dauphin, Manitoba, as superintendent of Indian agencies, is to be made. The appointment carries with it a salary of $3,000 a vear and expénses, ' John Armstrong, M. P., has given notice of a résolution for.the appoint- ment of a commission to investigate and take into consideration, the na- tionalizing of the public services," so far as the telegraphs, telephones, wire less, cables and the postal services are concerned, and for a better system of po TANTS TO OW fro. rural mail 'Gelivers: ROWELL WANTS TO KNOW Hormidas Vaillancourt, aged twenty years, and Armandie Lachanee, both Roman Catholics, of Sedit's Junction, Que., obtained a marriage license and were married on Friday at Levis, by Rev. J. J. Wright, a Presbyterian clergyman, of Levis. The girl said she was seventeen, but her father says she i8 only sixteen. The father got the girl to return home with him, and threatens legal proceedings against AND YOU been nominated wimnounced" that wold fored to receiyo U.S. Congress Opens. Aashington, D.C., Dec. 4.~The six ty-second congress was pened this was to Teheran Russia, Outraged Confidence, teacher, was Boston, Dee. 4.-An official state ment from the A. F. of 1. was issued Saturday afternoon by Secretary Mor- rison, as follows: "The McNamaras have outraged the confidence "that organized labor bad in them, and have deceived the thou- sands of workmen who rallied to their support with financial assistance. The ase of violence of any kind is com mans BORN LLOYD--At Bilisville, on Nov Mr. and Mra. TE. W. Lioyd one 1st, a son to should be rémoved: by the better oles ment. ; "a "Labor leaders should have investi on Now, Will Hager. Ross is remains were interred with Rom- an Catholic service in the winter vault, Then his relatives got the body gated the ene before they eriod 'frame up,' and 'conspiracy.' Laboring men d it was re-interred in the Anglican . aa . .d ing-g d, wit >rotestant trary to the principles of unionism, arying-ground, 'with a Protestan should have known that one of the men arrested aml two others sought i : ony. There is quite a fuss over and is repugnant to the entire mass ee aie habe 1a 4 B . af our membership. \ pllair. Ser in connection with the case did not evén heloog to organized labor. J B. MeNamati was not a upion man, nor had he been for many years, Neither were Kaplan wor Schmidt union men.' The criminal acts of which the Me * May Have Apple Show. Namaras stand self-confessed - merit ¥ fash Y 'Wilk H the condemnation of every member of. Spokane, Wash., Dec. 4.--William i orghnized labor aud society as a Bunting, St. Catharines, Ont, ofl whole, © . cial representative of the dominion "The American Federation of Labor department of agricalture, who, N ne stands for government by law, and Shypentien by Fred. H. Gridley: Aa will not be remiss in even an implied Ho ' ig making 8 Sour of #he pi attempt. to condemn unlawful acts. gr . " f an interview an The McNantaras, hearing witness | OU Se ho i ar iy WL against themselves, should Teweive Sriokane, that i8_¥atng. the Ya . rious fruit districts in this part of punishment commensurate the the country to gather data and othe crime which they committed. . 1 ¢t information for use, in the event Labor Leaders' Opinion. it in decided to hold a national ap- la. show in Canada next fall. Jt is New York, Dee. 4.--"I the McNam- fikely that Toronto will be the ex aras sre really guilty Judas Iscar-[hilgtion city. jot and Benedict Arnold pale into rn, 2 jnsignifieance beside them. They havel James Ryan and family, Marmon, betrayed their best friends." have moved to Tweed, where they will So said Cal. Wyatt, genemal organ-ig up their residence. The Lynch & izer of the American Federation. olf Ryan Lumber company has securad Labor, and he added : "Isgme valuable timber near Tweed and "If 1 believed in capital punish fog operations. < ment 1 myseli would willingly pull "Sule at 327 Johnson street, of tha string of any man actually guilty hynd-made Christmas presents, = will { the man who issued the marriage li- of the crime which young MeNamaraiyle, place Dec. 14th and 15th. cense, the clergyman, and the = boy. ed guilty to x Ey 4-~Thomas F. eT heir honor that they are innocent Pittsburg, Hee. fn the A : n their hat they are innoce . i in t 'Im : oho Ey eo FR FES FE Per i (rommier Whitney Condemned : In The House Of His Friends Eats 3 ; th. ruilty to @ evime of the vharacter of 8! 10 The Ottawa Journal, the Hamilton Spectator and many other conser- 5; would it not unsettle any man it such and jd Bhs . interested in our cause? vative papers, condemn Sir James Whitney for his indifference fo tax re y " » r % South River Read, to Mr. and Mrs a daughter, ; At-350 Alfred Lee, 2nd Howard R a son I papers please copy on nd George returned He in view first SOT con ol gon the he Street, off Sat. to My. and Broderick, 1911 Cowan, Labor Grossly Deceived, Troy, N.Y, Dec. 4="Labor was grossly deceived; "said Samuel Gom- pers, president of the Ammeriean Feder ation of Labor, with' considerable emo" tion. "Only a few days ago, and just hefore the olose of the récent conven' tion of the a ioritny Woderution of Labor at Atlanta, we received a tele gram from the MeNamates thanking the labor unions of this country for their confidence and help in their hu: miliation. "Ihe sssumption is that the unions will sulfer as a result of ssion, but .1 do not think will, even if it will do them no g Of course, we stand for evolution rather than revolution, we stand for peace and the uplift of man ° rather than violence and brutality. No eduse in advanced when violence ix resorted 10, but the severest criticism that can be made against us, meaning the federation, 1s that we had faith in he men whe were ascensed of the erimé "We hud every cause to accept their innocence ax. a fact. Think of those ' telegrams declaring that they were falsely actused nnd expressing' the con- fidence that 'they would be adjudged innocent.' When men proclaim on feral eiection by acclamation in {eity. In taking his seat all {hat tar offer the people was his feord in the past. "At TEOWATER {tiom some weeks ago he was of the {opinion 'that he had struck the key {note of the situation .when he A | [nounced that the Whitney govern Bd | ent was an honest and progtessive er ri ve . turned traitor, and for months had | government, He pointed pen that y ANALSI INE. Hor MAN Alms been conspirihy with the rebel gene: | the Whitney government w Aving ¥ VanAlstine, daughter of CC. M ral, Reyista for Madero's downfall. |, sar larger grant to education tlie 10 tie Clifton Hoth Madero is getting more popifarevery agriculture, In fact all the an 8: day, and will soon doubtless put [nents he pointed out, were rece down the rebellion, ing larger grants from the Whine government than they did under the liberal government. Uontinuing, Dr. Ross said 'that he hoped his course in the future would not bring disgrace on the city | ! the people who had placod him in| nn his pew position. He felt that hel] 7 day iy Kisaaton, ont. whe undertaking a great responsibil ary, aged 70 years, ity when he considered all the great x 10 private * ho had filled the position. aT apers blsase copy Jib ' Pom , VEKINNER--1In_ Toronto, suddenly, a small crowd gave Kmgston's Sunday, Dee ard, 19811, naw anember a hearty cheer as he fin daughter of the ite John Shaw, ishad his. brief address. and widow _of the late and pursued by his opponents. He is | In declaring Mr, Ross elected, Mr. evidently losing his temper, and he | Henry Bkinner, MAJ, aged 71 years Funera on Tusnday, Hector 3th. HN { Walkem said that the situation was err a ia Ben "tho. seeks ug Saver Hs own indecision by unique within his recollectiol, which Sly - Sfacter atic Sompliment, ¥0 fwent back forty-two years. In that ROBERT J. REID, I pouen's, ie stat ast night at | 00 he never knew of an acclamation The Leading Undertaker, 1: have 'come Le the sontlusion de: in a general election, It must he a|'Phone 377. 280 Princess finitely that a public met or 579 Tord {source of great pleasure to Dr. Hows fn give: his: opinion. on public | 0 have nothing to do with an elee- JAMES uestions js a punhe fool. A man who jlo. Everyone knew the work and The Old Firm of Undertake attempts to Hoodwink . the people i | trouble it gave a person, runming a 25% and 258 PRINCESS W kr. Ontario today will not succeed, and {eontest. He' wished to "extend congrat-| - 'Phone 14 for Ambulaner, he 'ought not to secceed ¥ i |ulations to the new member. In an "1 wonder," remarked Mr. Rowell, | 8musing way, he said, he felt sorry "bow Sir . James would enjoy being for some who were chosen 4 tarry on measund by 'these yard sticks, the work in connection with the olee- tn ---------- tion ahd had been looking forward fo Welcome Christinas "Gifts." receiving a little extra pocket money Toronto, Dec. 4.--The shareholders for. Christmas, and thus would be ent of the defunct York County Loan and [off, owing to the fact that thera would Savings company, all over «Canada [be no election. Mr. Walkem said he are being sent Christmas ts in presen had returning officer nine times, the shape of cheques for twenty-five land in that time he never kuew of an per cent. of their claims. makes acclamation. fifty per cent. paid, afver deducting MARRIED. FILE KRING--On Nov. 15th Kring to Edwin L. File, Napanee MELBURNE his Effie 1 Mexico City, Dec. 4.~Government both of circles were shocked, to-day, by the revelations that Gen. Pasqual Urozso, who was supposed to be one of Presi ent Madero's warmest friends, JOYCE-+~At Napanee an Nav. 20th, Thos. Melburne y bank, to Elizabeth Win, Joyee, on : i Marl daughter of Adaolphustown Bwit - 8 and depart labor the they DIED. BABCOCK--At Bpokane, Washington, Nov. 29th, Wellesley ey son of Reuben Babeoek, Sr, Nap- anee BRISCO-In Benjamin What Whitney's Opinion is on the Bi-lingual Question. Woodstock, Dee. 1,--'"The bi-lingual school question is becoming more and more embarrassing to the premier," said N. W. Rowell, K.C,, provineial liberal leader, in addressing the North Oxford Reform Association at their annual meeting here, on Saturday. "He is being badgered by his friends Ernesttown, on Nov 24th, Brisco, aged or sixty-six on Bun. George Mans on Annie, #1 can't fighre out the case of the MeN a5; as being anything else rihan the at of crazy men or fana- » wall Mi Gompers, ip conclus- jon. "No sane man could entertain apy ides that such a crime. would benefit {gbar conditions in this couns te . Gompers said he wonld issue 'a : : red stetement later in" which he hd 'go jh details of the case TAKE NOTION. We have the on of t Bod arng an Btoven," a Royal Nood form. : ; modern i a J The Toronto Telegram condemns Sir James Whitney and Yon, Frank San Francisco, 'othrane for Rip-Van-Winkling six years among the agricultural possibili- the McNamara fies of New Ontario's 15,000,000-acre clay belt. ; r {The Toronto News has at times co ned Sir James Whitney and bis government as unfair, un-British and high handed. © The Toronto World condemas Sir Ji Whitney for his senseless op- -| position to Allan Studholme, the only representative ™ the legisla- Ld prices; also a jot of heaters, se. sond Band, Which evil sell uf rian: od prices. it walt t t =r gone. Turk's. Plone 706. d . A Wow TRY etn DUERR'S JAMS RASPBERRY. STRAWBERRY. BLACKBERRY. APRICOT. PEACH. STONELESS DAMSON. STONELESS GREENGAGE. 1 1.2 LB, GLASS JARS, 35 CENTS, Jas. Redden & Co, * 's Wild Talk. iPee. 4.--A tremendous} evel vil war, is fore a AFA, ARCO to - Hesty Gute, Jr. (democrat, N. a ominous sign, Thousands of conservatives, rank and fle, condemn Sir James Whitney mom - i his blastering discourtesy to deputations/ in fact to everybody who dif § pm Jing rag ak from his opinions... : Jick Chglmers' Churn sated i « = | Never was a prime minister of Ontario so berated in the house of his hn. at 3 oelbek ( see El I Church tea and end 8 167 le-| In connection with this acclamation, ' gal expenses other charges 'it might be stated that in Lebruary, against certain classes of claims. 1902. the late E.J.B. Pense was ol ected by acclamation at & byéelec- Many conservative papers and copservative members of the legislature condemn Sir James Whitney for his rash misstatements ing bi-lingu- al schools. The Toronto World mekes a cartoon of his blundering equivoca: ------n a - ™ 7 RG : : ? : Sve. : Shot in Fight Over Gan. tion, but at thal time only occupied \' Smith's Falls, Dec. 4:-Two boys the seat for three mouths, when =» named Bursoaghs and NsRecwne we geeral election was called on the fol- struggling for possession of a rifle, lowing day, when bho was re-elected, when it was aecidentally discharged: - The bullet entered the cheek off a A a 4 1 " The Toronto Mail end' Empice in boy named Moran, coming out st the {a forecast of the provincial elections, éve, shattering the latter di net gain of four ine Sir smber, | predicts The injured ob. is ato Mospical in 8 | Tames Whitney's majority in the log- ses Whitney, becsuie. be is the govsrament. Like Noatney, p Witney a TY. Sir James hn - - - »