Fo His 'Sometimes Makes | a Big Difference If You Are Sulfering the Tortures of Indigestion' and Wait Until. Someone to the Drug" Store Box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. HAD XO WILD I RUSH AFTER | ALMA MATER! ELECTIONS. on\Graham As kel Them to be on | Go "1 Wehaviour, and They Care ried Out Nis Wish--Police Had | NO Teonhle, DRUNKEN FARMER HAR NARROW ESCAPE. A May I Off His Waggon 'Seat--For- tunately. Ald Was NN ear--The Farmer Was Given Shelter in the Police Station. Have to uns for a their mght, and as trouble after |i I'he in : quite Or- students were on Saturday ; there. was Alma Mater Societ tuedents ¥ Prine they about six o'clock Petworth who had been own all day and had been keeping company * had Very narrow ape from drowning. He was so kK that he eolld pot and the horde wer their own course. Their wan- GTR. good goo Saturday evening ja farmer from on no Free Trial Package. v elections close with "'fire water, ihe "5 dry n guide his team, pursuing street, on but The instant over-burdened of a Stuart's Dyspepsia be a reason for a box" on hand office as well, relief afford d yO 3a stomachs i bY he tory the police B ad trouble met hot | liven Evers person was. wll Puen 3 Ang ed with the ie passed 9€ ings took them along the at home and the tracks near Swift's wharf. In ats 3 tempting to go mercies the tracks the waggon whorls skidded and the farm- er was patehod into the water as the tracks are near the edge of the ship. Henry for Fenwick, re Hendry & ¢ was closing up for the "10 might when heard the splash. = He heard the man strogeling in the water and shouted for som to procurg a lantern. He climbed down on a yawl boat, which was moored threw the man an oar. [ed down by a fur the fury was pulled gol him ont of his cold bath, Other help had arrived by this time nd he was pulled out of the water, The unfortunate miles distant so he was taken police station for protection, his clothes could be dried, to the close shave he had, risk of being struck by cut to pieces. He was Sunday. oumbers, were and Wo + way at complained that the students every isanee, and in ad- whack to business, Graham askéd and not Merchants have held by a gront Crush" J esr, i | dition, wd this i thir student ie bis ard ise. the is od an Lake, a iver gre vear, Mavor to be good, disturbance, worship that they also cuiried any # ¢ one out their * pro there ai Mayor s Universi with Prinet intter, the ¢ over fo Farly in vening, ; te was weight - f hi n i cont and nearly all off it in trying to nam wend and had Gordon, and | the studen th Id ton Anes, it tion An niet with the AMR iw vihing d to creste a disturb to NO man's home was, to ithe where In addition he ran the the train and ent home was pointed no obilee would he taken vys hav ing all the fun in the : Singing n would futti on stunts," and ongs ete gtrong obie taker of Tablet y Mat it A digre stion digestion furnishes exactly ments for the diges the natural juices The stomach, upon to to churn tablet food it Stuart's but itself, ool only at uplly In ot i " ents g on does i HO tim il els food as clashing May nice! to the bos de put ton the ut it i erst oc stand so same of the tie tion of thereiare, do any the work the juices furnished apd then push the along ato the inte will be still furiher the strength taken up by the blood to be carried to" the muscles Loud and nerves of the body, f $ Nar Elon : So hy taking « Stuart's hp. Tablet after 8 meal you stomach the rest it needs to mend itself and And you absolutely ing of any food, COLE, SNAPPY Ww The Mercury Approaches Mark Monday weather the has experienced so the Ww tham case the same | od that he rough play, police the to 'keep hould or (1 yer stomach not called except by the digeatod stines tigre, he vfild nat he hat' they vould i | it the Zevo Morning. Sunday of { and gave The day Mon that city this season. (Un the bridg: frozen guff for people to On Sunday morning a local wharfs the water was Aronia the island wharf very solid hut the boat it up. If this weathe: lake will be frozen solid or Fhe temperature on mong was fifteen above zero. morn it de and the on was severest far ater ho 20 where and cigosted and I the Suniay kelow VO OF » put In Case was wnt weh of § wires, but Students. gath but they made ne hl we erowd of expect nething wrong, on,' the ver kate there wa round ory frozen | the oon «IO Hyrpupsia wed around theatres, ice was broke the 1 week mve the im. wilrch grow well main Sireets TEmus ] the the formation of Any poisonous gases, belching foul | breath or constipation { Stuart's -- Dyspepsia Tahlots done more for humanity nnd have caused more Fejcicing than any other one agency that enn be named J Every dragpist everywhere sells und personally recommends Stuath"s Dys pepsin Tablots, 'The price is Obe per box. HH you first to ir them a sample package be sent you free if you write to I. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg Marshall, Mich, 3 he Re ing t in a sunday degrees it proven OLE To aed C preser dong "abiput Monday JTees, William Hawt Delan table Hawtrey, Lond "Dea 'y ming, ing was ar wii it cha vie erie ceellent Sermons: Rev. J, D. Richardson, of Perth, ched excellent sermons in Jueen Street: Methodist church on Sunday, his morning sermon being on "Trae Discipleship," pointing out that re voted service to Christ was the re quirement that all religious, moral ind social reforms came through un daunted devotion the | cause espoused. the evening his choice of ideals th up to if she wt, and. to do ve have | reactor Preached 1} of vers in ~ the Hd Billy," by ym its hundred re the i Iwi und his company i al i wishod pres farce, eri- united farges it one o AI Da wish ha will Lhe mn m Vers, At the comer 12th 3 courage an In Very { address was on the agidé - on-a-small deposit [ that Canada must res popular in Kingston. At! have the | place, Best's, something the best. With low ideals t conn and hundred Christ- | try must decay. People must realize mas presents have been laid aside in | that in the upbuilding of 'any country this way. "Tis a good way shop | there mast be willingness to serve; 48 in this way one gets just what one | that they must give rather than wants, and is not bothered with the ! rush and depleted assortment the to Popular, The laying plan is very one business between ninety Abhnotdnced. the marriage eldest daugh- and the late Engagement It is amnouneed that of Miss Agnes E. Seale, ter of Mrs. Seale, Charles Otway Seale, and Charles N, Gates, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gates, Pittsburg, will (ake place the latter part of this mouth. desires to a to re- cove, at BEST'S GIW] For Ladies. Pollet sets. Manicure sets, A andle sticks, Hand bags, Stationery. Fountain pens. Chocolates, Jewel "Perfumes, Writing Portfolios. i Mirrors: ¥ Atomizers N.B.--A! small de YOu mmy These days make you long to be a bird and migrate, December 6th, will be the | of Advent, Wednesday, first day For Men. Smoker sets. Shaving sets. Brushes. "arses. Bill folds. Collar Cased (ALIX TEL] SEstececstseess ere HUNT? S For natty Shirts at $1.00, $1.25,$1.50 Knitted Mufflers at 50 cents to $3.50 See our large assortment of Fancy Hes aos at 50 cents Also, Plain Shades in Bepalene and Irisn Poplin Collars in quarter sizes. character around the city, and HUNT S. - - - Brock Street. ¢ cially to the police, he having sought ; protection them frequently "thiy SEioesestesnivasisessasionseetiosesvrosiol Jing the thirty left, Satur. day, for his home 'across the river EE ---------- from Cornwall, which he has not for forty years. He call ed at I station bade Sergt, good-bye hi he wonld be around up the police sta- tion more, had been in the habit of calling ground in the morn- ings und tidying up the police quar ters, boxes. pipes. Doxes Cigar desks, f igars, ind cigarette bountain pens welling companion. Safety 'razors, Mirrors. 2008 cases, posit keeps any gift - select. Well-known Indian Departs. Mitchell, the Indian, a well-known espe from Samecasacsonecse Inst YeRrs Rr -------------------- i yn LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW For Sale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Rents Collected Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHEEN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, "Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT, ee seen the po- Nesbitt not and and told to ¢ ce any Fall: News entertained at afternoon, and a of ladies found their home on Flmsies he Smith's H. A. Lavell Wednesday number her Mrs on Inrge to ys tea Way atreet {CASCARETS CLEANSE LIVER AND BOWELS No Biliouswess, Heating he, Sick, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Coated Tongue or Constipation. ESV eevee A FRESH SUPPLY of GLACE FRUITS JUST ARRIVED. ; Glace Cherries, Glace Assorted Fruits Angelica, 1 1b. Boxes Glace Cherries, 1 Ib. Boxes Crystalized Cherries, 11b. Boxes Glace Assorted Fruits. Phone la R. H. TOYE, 302 KING ST. Firred tongue, bad taste, indiges- tion, sallow skin and miserable head ached come from a torpid liver and clogued bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi- gested fouosl, which sours md ferments "| like goringe in a swill Rarvel. That's {the first step to untold mis ry --indic { gestion, foul gases, bad breath, vellpy skin. mental fears, everything that is horritde and nauseating. A Casouret ta-nignt will give vou a tharough {cleansing meide and straighten vou wt hy morning, They wotk while you sienpa Ie. tax from your drug | alut will kesp vou feeling pood for bmonths, Millions of men ad "women [take ub asturet pow mid then to keep i their stomach, liver amd bowels regu- (lated, amd mover know a miserable HOR Dos' forget the children ir 1qtle insides weed a good, gentle Toe, $150.00 worth of PRIZES Givenaway tothe purchasers of our SALE GOODS over $1.00 in value. Drawing takes place DECEMBER 23rd. "THE TOKYQ" JAPANESE ART DEALERS. 17s Wellington REMOVED, : A T. J. Lockhart, Real Bstiie and Insurance Agent, an- nonuces that be has removed to larger offices over Bank of Mouireal,. Clarence Street, Kingstdn where he has better facilities = for 2 sondusting Lis business. 3 has ---- idl, THE pal} ny ITISH WiG, AON And Not so Much at the Outcasts--- attend. 1o AT THE WELL-TO-BO CHU RCH ATTENDERS, AND Dr. Paterson Smyth, of Montreal, Preachied Powerful Sermon. in St. Paul's Church, ° ' Fhe preacher at the celebration of the Jholy commonion in St. Paul's church, Sunday morning, was Camon Paterson Smyth, L.L.D., of St. George's church, Montreal, From the parable of the supper in Luke xiv he' preached an unpressive sermon. He asked how many people to-day are not in the same poltion as the in- vited gues to the supper, who made ull kinds of excuses for not attending. At the time of his parable Christ was dining in the hovse of ou wealthy Pharisee, and his Conversation was not altogether a- greeabile to thosé who were listening to Him, and did pot put them at their ease. But whatever was said Christ ssid in Grace, smd eourtesy to the company. le wanted to teach them that n-spite of being descend ants of Godly ancestors, awd in spite of them being the chosen people of (sod, they were tied up in money making and pleasure-se eking, and thew religic n was pot, a vital factor of their lives. br.. Smyth Christ's aimed, went ut on to say that that time weit only at the Jews of that at the people of to-day, safe enough © of getting nto not as the beggars, out- the like, perhaps foubts, hut church who: boasts church great herituge, has neg realization of great Ihe preacher the "Does that concern words not day, Lut who felt a heaven, ists, and haye their atlender, and het persona Founder: juestion of you ?"' the parahle for not Ihe first in business, all rigl reason, who as the of his and, het asked not any in cuses ding. was three men. made coming the the man' making ex wed- | who ney ' but, to was busy me Kin its place, he poliely declined to the supper. 'Ih ¢ the man who had made his wealth and was busy retaining it.7 He could have made blessing of it if he had taken snto parteership. And dha third man had' married wife and could not Woe unto the man or woman who marry, and on account of either cone loving pleasure and frivolity things of the world they or children cannot come to the Supper, Ihe preacher pointed out that the greatest danger was with ths young whom pleasure and money -making ap- peal to strongly, But when you get old thimes look altogether ditfer- ent. In most eases the attractive ness of money making and pleasures fisappeyr. If the children turn out badly they very often do, you weep over them, and then have to ask the «uestion: 'Was there © any influence in the home after all 10 ruide their steps in another direc- tion." When man stands in the presence of God, stripped of all his' varthly pos- sessions and pleasures, and if, during life, instead of taking God into his business and pleasure, his religion has only been sham, what account will he be able to giwe of himself? In closing, the preacher said hoped that all present would Tay that their relationship to Chriet might be of a more personal charae- Ler. During the sermon, Dr. Smyth spoke of social functions of the people. He psaid the habit of asking a few friends in for a meal, or for a quiet evening party ,and real friendships made there- from, were going out of fashion. Christ did not discountenance the sim- ple evening party, but deplored exita- vagant functions and urged the people to get back to the simple life. The average hostess of to-day does not en tertain to. make friends, but for tentation and and to get name in the papers. which was for this the imvitation second wa a great God and their Lord's a he O% show, her a ls Preached at Queen's, Choosing as his text Matthew xxvii, "What shall I with which is ecalled Christ," Rev. Smyth delivered a forceful ser- mon to a large audience which gath ersd at Grant Hall to hear him speak on Sunday afternoon. He said the su?¢ ject was one which should concern young college students a great deal, as they were on the verge of a great career, He believed there was po aud- ience which he felt more respopsibility tn addressing, than one of young people, when he remembered the great possibilities which were before them, and what the years would bring to them.. : The question, which was the subject of his discourse, was one which every student had to face. It could not be shaken off, and would follow one all down through the years. He had heard & man declare, that after los ing his money he was going to the devil as fast as he could. He told him, however, that God would block his way, and that no matter . how bad a man was he could not be as bad as he wanted {o be, as there was always the pang of conscience gnaw- ing at one's heart. It was a curious thing, he aflirmed, that God was al ways more concerned over our souls than we "were ourselves. The nfembers of the choral society led the singing, and' while the offering wag being taken Harold Angrove sang "Face to Face," in splendid voice. Generous Queen's Men, The Queen's military engineering clase, which is belgg beld . at the armouries, met agein ou Saturday af ternoon for instruction. The class is getting larger all the time. fhe in tention of the class is to put aside the money that each man receives 22 do Jesus, n to #4 o new building Tlie will amount white «a sum. The annual amount of money received "hy each man will ramonnt to about ten dollars, and each {mason the total! will be about £1.00, All the men witl be Dunished "with uniforms. for the erectiol time fb rome. pt Bishop Mills has been nfed a from the government for his drilling, EMEEDR fs); Slippers, 'Leggings, | Travelling Bags and Suit Cases. Everything that is New in our line is here. Ta WERE G00D THROWN INTO ARBOR | CHRIST'S WORDS HED ooeresrerrresrrion GET READY FOR" CHRISTMAS Only a few days before the Great Rush. We are ready with a large assortment of Hockey Boots, Slipper ne LL esoposssesesesreeeee Soles, The Big Sale on until every Article in the store is sold. continues SRLS At the opening of the Gigantic Bank- .- 'The CRUMLEY BROS. STORE | 132 and 134 PRINCESS ST. rupt Sale our store was so crowded at times that we were 'reluctantly obliged to lock our doors on several occasions, and take this opportunity to apologize to the many Ladies who were not proper- ly served, but trust that this week we ~ will be able to be more attentive. and will go THE CRUMLEY BROS. STOCK SALE 132 and 134 PRINCESS STREET " UNBEL IEF Is POPULAR. is Easier © be .an Unbeliever Than a Christian. Compton - preached lar congregations at both services in St. Andrew's church on Sunday The young Irish preacher prefaced Ins remarks with a talk to the children, who werd present in large numbers. The subject of his talk was "Ye Epistles." The few remarks to the little ones were timely and interesting. The subject of his sermon was taken from Hebrews jii,. 19: "So we see they could not enter in because of unbelief."" and Mark vi,6, "And - he marvelled because of their unbelief." His remarks tended to show that it wus much easier to be an unbeliever than a Christian, and that it also much more popular. An unbe- liever was entirely free as regards re- ligious obligations, and could live for self, while the Christiag'y time - snd thought was for others. Rev, 8. .1 to 3 fieorge Emery, with his daughter-in- law, Mrs. G. FP. Emery, West street, has gone to Brantford io reside with ihis daughters. Mr. Fmery formerly lived at Satie CASTORIA Infants and Childress. 1 Kind Yo fe Alas Bough Bears the ogre of Appo rae of the: tari bond's Are was ALMA MATER ELECTIONS. A -- Arts Figured Largely in the List of Successful Ones. The suspense and excitement always caused by the alma mater society el: {ections at Queen's, is over -for another vear, and the students can work quietly onee more. Arts was the most (prominently represented--the new offic ers, with four representativés: Medi Folge, three; theology, . two; science, lone, and faculty of education, one, The wildest kind of excitement pre- vailed at Queen's Saturday aftersioon after the ballots had been cast and the results were * bwing 'annoupced. Prof. 0. D. Skelton was elected by acclamation as homorary president. The other officers were: President, R. 8. Stevens, B. A., medicine; Ist vice president, RB. M. McTavish, B.A., theo logy; 2nd vice-president, M. A. Me MeKechnie, medicine; critic, P. T. Pil- key, theplogy; secretary, FE. M. grim, arts; sssistant secreiary, A, BE O'Neil, faculty of education; treasurer, J. H.. Stitt, arts; Jack" Hazlett, arts; C. R, Owen, BA. arte; R. F, Kelso, MA, medi- cine: J, MH. Mosley, ; weience The output of pianos a1 Wormwith's for last' month was 206, the largest by far in the history of the works This month the management wants 250. The stall bas been increased in the Just two years from about seventy employees until al the present time about 120 men are moploved. Thomas Barne, a resident of Crystal i» Rosh, near Prescott, died on Vuralay Pil committesmen,, PEDESTALS and Jardinier Stands A most stitable gift for a Young Lady. MUSIC CABINETS, Five O'clock Tea TABLES, TEA CURATES. Children's DOLL BEDS Complete. REID'S HIGH QUALITY