IRDA SSE The longest double track in the world udder one management. The "only double frack railway between Montreal. Toronto, Chicago and principal Canadian Cities. i a . - - y The International Limited Leaves Kingston Gally at 12.26 noon tor Toronto; Hamilton, London, De- troit, arriving in Chicago 8 o'clock the following morning. Four Express Trains dally to To- ronto and Montreal. J.P. HANLEY; Agent, Corner johnson and Ontario Sts. -- AST C LT RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH #s Canadian Pacific Railwa TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTO 11.46 am. BExpress--For Ottawa, Montreal, Quebée, St. Johm, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chileago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marle, Duluth," 8¢ Paul, eouver, Seattle, Portland and San Brinch Local. for Sharbot y Lm --~~10cal. or arovo a confesting with ©. P. R. Bast and West, 1.45 a.m. Mixed--For Renfrew and fatermediate points, Mon., Wed., and ay. Pramngen leaving Kingston at 31.45 a.m. arrive in Ottawa at § pab.; Peterboro, 4.38 p.m; Toronto, 6.06 pim.; Montreal, 7.06 p.m.; Boston, 7.30 a.m.; St. John, 12.00 noon. Fu 11 CPR. | 'Phone 50. ------------ PAY 'OF QUINTE RAILWAY, a Train ves Union Station, Ontario Jo dally (Sunday excepted) wi Sydenham, Napanee, nockburn an all 0 secure quick despateh to Maynooth, and fo Route your ipments ur- 5 uinte TIAA ow ur. olch, Pass Agent. articulars at K. and P. and ket Office, Ontario Stree:i. F. A YX, Gen. Pass, Agent. eser- BAHAMAS - JDEAL WINTER RESORT. ei TOURS New twin-screw 8.8. BRAZOS and Other large steamships in service con- necting Nassau with Cuba and Mexico; $25 up. Connections for Interior Points 180 semi-weekly service from New York'to | | ~Jsle of Pines, vans Bantiago, ete. hi rl a or wonderful Cuban clim- ate, / lings each Sailings each ay MEXICO: or * ! for re Crus Tampico, kin al ints In the interior of Mexico. ite for literature and particulars about rates and accommodations, Genesal Offices, Pler 14, Hast River, i New York. Th each ay Hie or rous northern winters are exchanged connections for Mexico City NEW YORK AND CUBA MAIL 8,8, CO, Also FRED A. FOLGER, Kingston. eamer and Has Ele. Ch PeMBROKES Winnipeg, Van-|. m HL i ; i IT aun or es -- S$ 100% PURE DECLINE SUBSTITUTES He Writes oy «A Moder Special .to the Whig. hen" the Creator of the world on the evening of the first day leavened SPECIALS Hot. Bovril, $1ot 'Chocolate, Oysters and Lunches Pork and Beans, : : y Geo. Masoud's ICE OREAM PARLOR. 264 PRINCESS STREET, thé lump of Eurgpe and set it to rise aver the warm waters of the Mediter- ranean a portion of the quickened mass overran the rim of the continental mix- ing bowl. and depended like a great tear drop far into the Western sea This excess material while still hang- ing by! a marow neck of land to the crown of Europe, was cooléd by the blasts from the Arctic seas into that rugged peninsula which 'ends at the South in a rich alluvial plain and grad- ually slopes from the precipitous cliff at the West, to the shores of the Bal- tic at the East This elongated strip of land, --Scandinavia, comprises the Kingdoms of Norway, "Denmark and Sweden -- The Vikings. The history of Scandinavia is the re- & TRAPPERS send us your FURS and we will pay you the Highest Prices REVILLON FRERES LIMITED 134-130 MeGILL STREET MONTREAL, P.0. We will send free to every trap- per who sends us furs, our book "The Trapper's Loyal Com- panien". cital of valorous deeds, bloody wars and. feats of romantic chivalry. Who has not read of those old Viking ex- ploits without a thrill of interest and emotion? In Christiania near the Uni- versity stand three long low fireproof buildings. At the entrance of each, one reads a notice to the effect that a Viking ship is housed within. The an- nouncement alone is sufficient to set the imagination aflame. In fancy we go back a thousand years. The world is young, its inhabitants dominated by the inflitencé of that age of romance and chivalry that appeals to the imag- ination of every martial-minded man. We recall the "sagas" recounting in pleasing metre the expeditions and bat- tles of those hardy buccaneers, and an- cient masters of the sea --the Vikings. Again the fords of the west coast are dotted with viking ships. At the prow in, his helmet and coat of mail with shield uplifted and javelin poised aloft stands the Viking--a giant in stature and in strength, His sturdy oarsmen Christmas Presents Furniture makes a suitable Gift. ROCKERS UPT and TABLES i GOLDEN RATTAN MORRIS CHAIRS EASY. CHAIRS In large variety. JARDINER STANDS PEDESTAL 75¢ te $10.00 R.J.Reid Phone 577 beat the water into a foam as the ship is shot forward like an arrow over the placid bosom of the land locked la- goon. His faithful soldiers line the gunwales ~ ready to obey his every command. The helmsman swerves the ship around a steep rocky embankment and bears down upon the surprised quarry Ike an avalanche. There is a ery of alarm, a rush to the oars but the Viking ship is upon them. There is a clashing of shields, a clanking of spears, a curse, a prayer to Thor, a wail of despair and then a stream of scarlet spreads over the azure waters in the wake of the captured ship. We also follow in fancy these Viking ships as they brave the storms of the Atlantic on their way to Iceland and Greenland, and even to the shores of Amenica. Several centuries before the discovery of America by Columbus these hardy Norsemen sailed their ships along the Eastern shores of the United States and Canada even extending their ex- plorations, as modern historians aver, as far South as the coast of the Car- olinas. ' a <5 y Ships of the Vikings. Naturally we wonder what manner of boats were these that .in the early ages were sufficiently strong to outride the fury of the oftimes angry Atlan- tic. Fortunately the visitor to Chris- tiania is vouchsafed the privilege of ex- aming at will these self same Viking ships: which figure so prominently in the Icelandic sagas or poems of these chivalric days. It was the custom of the Viking to be buried with his ship. Beeatise of this fact we have the Vik- ing ship to-day, in some instances, in an almost perfect state of preservation. The Oseberg ship, for example so '} A NEW IDEA AND A NEW SHIP. THREE SHORT CRUISES. On t among time Electric fans in room ventilation from swimmi ng chestra. As Limie eck. 1, excellent \WEST INDIES EE ; 375.% Nassau and Havens. YS = $100.% ye rm Cea) West de in a limite 5 Ald reed a 8 cuisine, or- ip. goes to dock in iE Teen fr Go To BERMUDA Jip Wireless 'telegraphy. Fastest, newest and passengers Hamilton, WEST INDIES Antigua, st LIE ne: Suites de luxes, rechestra. Bi nt; 13th, 23rd; Jan. Tig every Wed. _ with private bath, ige Keels: electric fans; No steerage. steamer dock . in only at the of YX |t, §E xe 4 : ik i * ke i aE Dodge, Times, inf: and ©. 8. ps DR. ROUSHS RACY LETTERS His T i airy rere Sv Recaling th Mistry of the Viogs--Traces ofthe Stra: uous Forefathers Found in the People of the Country Husting City is Found. oi called because it was found near the village of the same name, is a little over seventy feet in length and about sixteen feet wide and furnishes per- haps, the best example extant of these ancient craft. This particular ship was found about two miles from shore and nearly fifty feet above the level of the water, Whether the vessel had been dragged any considerable distance in- land or whether the waters in eleven hundred years have rec to that ex- tent or not is a matter 'bf speculation. Because of a peculiar kind of clay with which this ship with its dead Viking was covered explains the fact of the vessel's almost perfect state of preser- vation, Even the iron .rivets with which the boards of the bottom were held together are in, many instances the original ones forged at the head of some ford by the brawny blacksmith of the Viking age. Tt must have been an impressive ceremony, this burial rite of the Viking. One can imagine the pageant. The faithful vessel was made fast to an everlasting anchorage. The central part of the boat was converted into'a mortuary chapel in which was placed the now lifeless commander. By his side his trusty implements of war were laid. Sometimes even his Ser- vants after self immolation were buried at their own request at the feet of their adored commander, _ Pagan ceremonies as weird and mys- tic as was the life of the devotees were performed over the remains. The flare of the torch at the altar of sac- rifice illumined the waters with a pale lambent light. The incantations, the petitions to Thor, the anginting of the dead, the wild gorge hemmed in by walls of everlasting rock and over all the soft, translucent glow of the "white night" must have produced a scene as uncanny and barbaric as that period of barbaric splendor ever beheld, Semmens. The Spirit of the Age. And so the ship with its regal dead was covered from the sight of man and the gallant commander rested ready at the last call of Oldin to arise and sail his defied craft into the' golden fords of everlasting bliss. With such a super- | stition and such a rugged religion it is a matter of no surprise that the sagas were composed and sung, than- which no more romantic poetry has ever been written, And so while standing there in the heart of modern Christiania with the buzz of moderp traffic in the street beyond and with this not wun- graceful tombship extending the length of the shed before me T felt the spirit of the past with its idyls and its ro- mance brooding ghost-like and sor- rowful over the soul of modernity. There was an anachronism, however, tht jarred unpleasantly on one's sense of the fitness of things in the spectacle of this emblem of the age of poetic savagery housed in a modern steel shed covered with a roof of corrugated iron. It would have seemed less in- congruous to at least have . refrained from the roof of corrugated iron. But such is the spirit of the age. beauty, sentiment and sceriery must all. be sac- rificed to utility. But even the iron roof cannot entirely destroy the illusion of eleven centuries when in the pres- ence of these Viking ships and one can fancy he hears the creak of the oars in the well-worn odr locks and feel the jar of the mast as it is hoisted and stepped into position. To me there is nothing more interesting in all Chris- tiania than these relics of bygone cen- turies--barbaric, 'tis true, but chafac- terized by a fearless spleridor that in the history of all the world has never been surpassed. * Norway's Royal Family. From the Viking to Haakon the seventh, is a far cry yet the 'Scandin- avians to-day exhibit unmistakable traces of their stremsous ancestors and it is not altogether improbable -that in {the royal veins of Norway's recently fmported Rin some Singh of the Vik- ing still cour r was a Danish Prince fron long line of native Danish rulers. Nor was the selection of a King from the' royal house of rk a few years ago orway ugly wishdfen : an ical i 's Inter goat y more associated with Denmark than with her Swedish proposed to a Ni i oi > orw: s ore that Prince Charles of Denmark re- ei on Nr ane ad with an heir apparent is the "daughter of Edward VII of Eng- land, no objection was presented and in due course family of Nor- way wa the new oF Proce ES hae eloped hi nl hi » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1911. Western Kingdom hastened his death." "Then the real reason was not dis- satisfaction.-with King Oscar® "No, it was a combination of reas- ons 'both political 'and economic. The interests of Norway and Sweden are not the same. Sweden is agricul. Ours is lumber and fish. The foreign consuls wéfe all appointed by 'Swedish officials who discriminated against Norway in favor of Sweden. Our in- terests were habitually neglected. Wg were. growing poerer while Sweden was becoming more and mere prosperous. We protested but with- out avail Then we decided to with: fdraw." "Ind youn anticipate that trouble lawvould follow your action?" © "Well, we didn't know, we hoped not." "As a matter of fact there Was con- siderable war talk, at the time, was there not?" "Oh, yes, and considerable activity jon both sides of the border was shown for awhile, We strengthened our forts and endedvored to get our army om a wir basis. But! fortunately there was no bloodshed." 5 "In the light of| the past six years of i erice then, you, as a nation are satisfied with your action-<you think you have made no mistake? "We believe our. ifdependence has proved a good thing for our people generally, Commerce - has increased, meney*is more plentiful and the gefer- al condition of the country has notice- ably improved. It may be of interest to you to know that trade with your country has been stimulated and in. creased. This is also true of England and Germany as well." ® -------- he City of Christiana. And such conditions to a casual ob. server indeed: seem to prevail for Christiania, at least, is a modern, hust- ling city with stores and shops 'that compre favorably with those of a sim- ilar character in amy other part of the world, The capitol is most pictur- esquely located occupying as it does a narrow strip of level land lying at the head of the Christiania ford and sur- rounded on thtee sides hy wooded slopes and pleasing peaks, while a view over the waters of the ford discloses a marvelous array of verdant islands, shadowy bays and restful stretches of pebbly beach. Little local steamers and ches ply among the attractions of this arm of fhe sea which has strayed far inland from the ocean and become hopelessly tangled among. the rocky scarp, nafrow defiles and lofty frelds af South Central Norway. The vol- hue of "water in the lakelike lagoon forming the head of 'the ford is con- siderable which haying: its "intake" from the warm gulf stream at the South exerts a marked influence on the temperature of Christiania and it is not without reason that the dwellers theréin boast that they enjoy the most mild and equitable climate of any city in Norway. The latitude of Chirstian- ia 'is just 60 degrees North, only about six degrees from the Arctic tirele. A corresponding latitude in North Amer- ica wonld just escape the Southern point. of Greenland and cut off a good- sized slice from the lower part of Alaska, Local conditions and not la- titnde therefore must' needs be respon- sible for Christiania's delightful clim- ate thoogh lving so far North that it falls within the zone of the whité sum- ger nights. - it Beantiful Nights. One can never forget these trans- cendantly beautiful nights. It is neith- gr dark nor daylight, but a marvelous blending of those tints of sunrise and sunset that convert the heavens into a dome of jewelled splendor surpassing in softness of tint and tone the glow of the pear! and the lambent light of to- paz and amethist. Under such a skn One. experiences a sense of rest and quiet wholly dbsent in the hot black nights of the Southern climates. It is merely the filmy shadow of night that speaks of a soothing and tranquil pedce, ~~the memory of day resting like a benediction: on the submissive and weary world. oo SIGEL ROUSH. wg cites Mrs. Jobe Garrett, died at Fast Wellington on Wednesday, 22nd. Nov- ember, aged ninety-two years. Are You Bilious 7 MI.O-NA Will Cure. You, Black specks floating before your eyes--dizziness' and wick spells, prove that your Hver is out of order, your digestion bad and your internal ma- chinery generaly out of order, To re- medy this state of aflafes you must 20 to the seat of the evil and tone up the stomach. ¢ MI<O-NA Tablets are a perfect stomach tonic and will relieve indiges- tion in twenty-four hours, They from jmore than this for they also clive Milloumess, vomiti of pregn x wen Of Car siekione and ond wr de caused by excessive ice. MI-O-NA cures by strengthening and invigoruting the-stomach, Tt is hatentont by druggist Jas B. Me- Leod, who will refund your ig dalla A> large Box 'wots you os from your deuggist or postpaitl from The R. Tv Booth Co. Limited, Fort | Brie, Ont. the grief caosed by the loss of his tural in the South, mining in the North. | "W -- The Home llumined i -------- How Wrinkles Are Caused and Removed 1 From Ametican. Home. "Why did no one think of this be fore,' writes a clear-thinking reader, 'Wrinkles are caused by the skin be oming lovse. Obviously the remedy is to tighten the skin. Equally it ie obvious that the only thing which will tighten the skin is a powerful astrin- "Now, it is well-known "that the only werful astringent which is abso- utely harmléss and beneficial as well, is pure powdered saxolite} obtainable from any druggist. Dissolve one ounce in a half pint of witeh hazel. Bathe the face in it daily and--behold ! The result. It is almost magical. The skin becomes firm and smooth, the face feeds snug, tomfortable and solid, in- stead of loose and flabby. Simple, isn't it? as] asked--why did no one think of it before? "One should be eareful, however, to use no other astringents than pure saxolite, as the former do no good and are really injurious more often than wot." IF MANY A WIFE KNEW ABOUT ORRINE There would be less of. the terrible affliction that gomes to many homes from the excessive drinking of hus- band, father or son. : Orrine has restored And tha bets gas. There is a brilliance that illumines the whole hood from a house electricafly lights ed. You can read better, write bet see everything better, and it indicates a cheerful - household. the best modern illuminant is Electric Light-far brighter and ter than neighbors ter, is really far safer amd less troublesome than gas lighting. More economical; 100. thousands of men to lives of sobriety and industry, and best of all they have made thelr loved Ones happier. Orrine is prepared in two forms, pill and powder; the latter form can bHe given secretly. Only costs $1.00 a box --@ trifle when compared with the amount a man would spend for drink in a day. We have sold ORRINE for years, and will gladly tell you ail about ft Céme tn and get a free Booklet Geo. W. Mahood, corner rincess and Bagot Streets. GAS FIRES, We have the imitation hard and soft Coml Fires, just the thing for the parior or dining room grate; no trouble; no dust; no smoke; as cheap as coal tw. use Let us give you a price piped an set otmplete. 'Phone 816. Personal attention, J. W, OLDFIN & CO ) ud 0 p JUST ARRIVED Large Assortment of GANONG'S .G. B. Chocolates, the finest in the land "A. J REES, 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 wont Affect! an iit 1n A de om uf iPour. fch Made) vy at. you can Always © 'Depend{Upon™ All eading h Prop'iy 3 v Houses;ca em. 3 BRET ArE Very EDDY'S MAT mse-- ---------- " Dainty Shrewsbury " is what our friends call Crothers' Shrewsbury Tea Biscuit: It will fill the final need for your! 'afternoon tea. Insist upon having "Shrewsbury" The W. J. Crothers Co., Ltd. KINGSTON '0: . ONTARIO | The Lemna "RUBBERS: | 'RUBBERS: Now is the time you will need good rubbers. . You should try a pair of ours ; that have the old time wear. We have a full stock of rubber Children's Sizes 8t0101-28$1.76 Girls' Sizes 11 to "2 $200 ' ¢ Women's Sizes 3 to 8 $250