PAGE TWG. POOOOOVCOCOAO0VO00N000D0OO00VO0000C00000000000 | PERSIAN LAMB and SEALSKIN J ing come in and see our . We have a magnificent col- lection to choose from, Expert and finishsd workmen | «to make them. scores of 'unsolicited letters from pleased Customers tending from Coast to expressing their pleasure and | satisfaction with our product- ions. It is not necessary to go out « of g This Is Your Store, -- right at Home, Ask Our Pleased Patrons, They Are Our Best Advertisement. ; tr ' . From Trapper to Wearer,- (Reglstered.) { you contemplate purchas- a FUR AT, why not kins. ~ Ws have ex- Coast Kingston for High Class McKAY MODEL EXCLUSIVE (From Our Catalog). Mc KA Yzzock st OOOO VOOOOOOCIOOOO000DD QO00000000C00QO0O00N00 149-157 Peorrsssressssrrsenesnel 4 ) . SPECIAL SALE OF WHITE BLANKETS In best qualities, all wool, 5, 6,7 and 8 . Ibs. weight. R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. > Bevsssssresessssesanef 2 - =] RUGS---Al Carriage Painting This is the place to kova won Auto repaired to stand all kinds.of weather. E. J. DUM'HY Cor. Montreal and Ordnance Sts. Christmas Presents Our line gives most satisfaction to the eye and pocket--look fime, wear well, feel comfortable. y "Rockers All styles and _ sizes for young and old; Child- TSP ren 665cts. up, LY} others 1.25, 1.50 275 up to $40, Music Cabinets $4 50, $5.75, $8.00 uo. Other styles for $3.50 up. Jardinier Stands 66¢., 90c., $1.26 ap. A large variety. sizes and qualities. Largest stock we ever have shown CURTAINS. Lace, Nett, Madras, Bilk, ete. : Repair and Upholstering work promptly done. 'Phone 90, Yours, T. F. HARRISON COMPANY ench Hospitals with great success. ¥ Cures evened Jog sores, discharges(eithersex) weakness tvigor® vital force, drains, losses ke. Either No. at stror Mil $1 from Fougera & Co, 90 Heckman Sh New York City, or Lyman Bros, Co. Lid. Toronto Hin doubt NoLrrquired, sond self addressed cavelope -- shook to Dr. Le Clore Med. Co. Haverstock Rd. ampstead, London, Kang. Try new Fora «of Theraple HERAPIONETE: asteless) iB, cacy to take, safe, lasting cure. HOSPITAL GOVERNORS EVERYTHING AT HOSPITAL IS IN FINE ORDER. . A Tribute From a Patient--The Amowit of Work Done in Novem ber Was Larger Than Ever. DUNCAN'S CART STAND ¢ 70 WILLIAM STREET. (®) ® 1065, ® He Bb. ©. The bosed of governors of the gene ral hospital met on Monday after noon, The following were présent : F Lockett. (chairman), Lieut.-Col. Massie, Prof. Il. H, Magghall, Rev, D. Laing, Jolin Gilbert, FE. Spangenberg, Bibby, A. F. Chown, J. A. Minnes, The . committee + of management - - o . sasenane 0008000000/00008080 brought. in an extensive report. Seve ral important items were referred back to the eommittes with power to act. 'The' medical superintendent brought in what was considered "a very satis factory report, showing that the amount of work done in the hospital exceeded Any previous November. he financial statement, white show: ing an increase in veceipls, showed al- #0 a correspduding increase in. expen- diture, as the cost of nearly every article of foodstufis and ti 'neces: ties is so largely increased fils year, A number of communicating were receivad aud disoussedd among others a very satisfactory letter, jrom I. A. Shaw, who was recently a. patient in the instibition, expressing his satis- faction at 'treatment and atten: tion he had received from every ou Lin the ihstitution from the medieal superintendent down and wishing the weneral hospital "continued prosperity {in its God-given work of searing suffering: humanity." © : (he visiting governors browgnt in a written Spars and expwossing the we they found in going over the mstitition_ and seeing © the pycellent conditiob of every part of it and the sytisfaction 'expressed on the faeces of both patients and attendants. ] Those appointed to visit the hospi tal next month are Prof. Marshall Little Dog Lost. © | dog found its way into the Whig of- ce hg a A shelter a repo Ter's room. | Lake have for | Losing track .of his owner, a little' s ittle dug |, STEAMER EDMONTON IN PORT FROM FORT WILLIAM, + ellat Reported densburg, N.X.-- Fast Nearing a The Steamer Aground at Navigation is Close, ; The steamet Exkmonton arrived from Font William with a cargo of grain for Richardeon's' elevator. The" vessel Lake* Superior. The steamer Iowa arrived in port from "Oswego and will be laid up here dor the winter, 3 The steamer Sharples arrivid in the Welland canal at six o'clock Sunday night and with the fine weather it was expected that' the tug Fisher would make a record run with the vessel to Port Huron. The local crew, go it was reported, have bben offered a certain sum for the trip, or $0 much per day. The men took . the ob ut so much pen day, but if the record trip is mede they will not realize so' much as a result of their wip, had they taken the bulk sum for the trip. ~~ __ The steamet Pellatt, loaded with package frfeh, from Montreal, is re- ported agrotnd + near Ogdensburg, N. Y : Capt, Jobn Corkey returned home from Présedet, He went down =~ to {rescott with the governmgnt boat, Lambton, » 'The steamer Keystorm will not be faid up at this port for the winter as fiest reported. The vessel will'be laid up at Ashtabula. # she steamer 'Iagons passed down, Monday afternoon," graim-laden, to discharge at Prescott, The fights and "buoys in Lachine been removed, Navigation ie fast drawing to a close. M., T. Co's elevator : The steamer Windsor arrived from Charlotte, with coal for Montreal and will go into winter guarters; tire. tugs Emersén and Glyde arrived from Montreal with seven light barges: the tugs Bronson and Hall will arrive from Montreal to-mbrrow with light barges. 'the schooner Bertie Calkins finished unloading coal at Swift's, Tuesday, and cleared for Oswego, This schooner expepts 40 make two more trips be- fore 'nayigation closes. The steamer Prince Rupert is ex pected at Richardsons' to-day with outs from Fort William. The steamer Sharples passed Port Dathousie, ori Monday, in tow of the wrecking tug Fischer. Steamer Parthia Called. The steamer Parthia, of the Calvin company, was called to give aid to the steamer = Pellatt, which ran a- ground near Ogdensburg, N.Y., on her way up from Montreal, with package freight. The steamer Par- shia left for the scene, taking along the schooner Maize, to be used as a lighter. PE DID NOT GO TO OTTAWA, Pity Solicitor Says City's Interests Not at Stake. City Solicitor Mchtyre did not go to Ottawa with regard to the ques- tion of the K. and P. railway lands. Hf the solicitor had been consulted on Monday, the city council would have heen saved a lot of anxiety. Mr. Me- Intyre was seen on Tuesday morning, and said there was fio necessity of his going to Ottawa to appear before the railway commission. All the G.T.R. company was applying for" was an or- der to expropriate the propetties of certain owners in the vicinity of the hay market, who would not sell. The city's interests were not in any way at stake, he said. He received notice of the proceedings last week. 'THE AMOUNT OF GRAIN That Was Passed Through Oftice During Year. During * the season of navigation just closed, the amount of grain that was passed through the canal office at Kingston, en route for Montreal, was 16,040,262 bushels, of which amount 15,381,847 ; bushels went to the metro- polis by steamer or barge. On account ing the previous year. The number of steamers only lightered their cargoes here, less than 10,000,000 bush grain passed through "the Kingston elovptors, a smaller amount than dur ing thie hrevious year. The number of Canal 1 steamers from the Welland eanal that discharged or lightered here was 212. During the season, there was report. ed at the canal office here, 3,761 tons of flour; 212 tons of merchandise, and 32,085 tons of coal a FAMILY ROW WAS AIRED. In the Police Court on Tuesday Morning. A family row, wiih strong drink at the bottom of all the trouble, as is usually the case, was aired in the pol- ice court on Tuesday morning. beert drinking quite heavily of late, and has not been looking aftér Mis wife aod five children. The wife placed ihe children under the care of a neigh bor, and provided for them. J. C. MeCanachie, acting for the Children's Aid Society, investigated the case,' and as a result, had the husband arraign- od before the magistrate. After the case had bom told in detail, the hus band promised to turn over a new leaf, and the court decided to give him a chatice, and he left for home with his wife and children. WITH THE CURLERS, Started to Make Ice, But Weather start was made to make ice at curling rink on Monday, but as took a mild turn, the ndoned. The SER gia was then hnndad over ta the police ta}. me -------- GH TRIP ¥ lands in the south Vaaibe, wm A man living on Rideau strebt has | 3 NEW HEBRIDES MISSIONARY. Spoke in St. Andrew's Hall on Mone ! day Evening. A very istevesting, racy and in structive ad@ress was given by Dr, Patoli, som ol ythe world-renowned br. John (Gi. Paton, oti mission work in the New Hebrides, a group of is He. Andrew's 'hall, . on Monday evey ing. Nature has beawtifully endow- od. these islands, 'they pre glad with verdure, fruit «grows in abundance, but the piople have poliafed' them experienced very rough weather om | With their, evil «doings, chief mnong the evils Leng sammonlism. : Canada has a special iptevest in these islands for weveral of the early missionaries who gave their lives for these people, went out from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Is- land." To one of the islands - wont John Geddes in 1518. He died . in 1872. On thy fablet erected to memory are the words: ~ "When he came there were no Christiaus--When he died there were no heathen.' The middle «islands of the group are now all Christian, but he morth islamdg end sooth islands and about one-hall Ch istiapized--the remainder still practising {heir cannibal ha- bits. - Mr. Paton has done a gheat- work on the istand of - Malakula. Some days he would work for thirteen bours without food in a climate where the emperature is never below, 59 degrees above uro awd often for days = ™ e.recs above. Hegspoke very highly f the women's work on these islands teaching the natives to sew and to cook. "Fhe home lifq of the Christan g the Lest whiect lesson for the na- tives. In these islands ihere are<a- ot 20,000 natives, of whom about «ne-half are Christians, Ir. Paton said that the religion of Jesus Christ, was the only sgant whick copld » ghange these cannibals into gentle, loving human beings, and that work was being accomplished. the prayers of the Christian people in ths home Ilunds were sustaining he missionary in his work, and if he people will pray earnestly and work fuithfally the world may n- ce.d be won for Christ in this gen- cration. Dr. Paton had a number: of verg in- Loresting eurics, among which wad a knife' made ols bite bamltoo but now quite black froin being used for Lome hurdrid and eighty years at cavuibal for sis--blackened by smoke and grease when cooking human beings. Rev. John Fair¥e occupied the ghair .nd Rev. 1% Mapgillivray assisted in he opening vervices. Sunday school Union Service. A meeting of the superintendents of the various Sunday schools of the city was held in the Y.M.CA. Sun- day afternoon, and arrangements were made to hold a union service of the Sunday schools of the city in Syden- ham street Chureh on Sunday,' Dec. 31st. A programme, appropriate to the festive season will he provided, I'revost, Brock street, has received oll his fall and winter goods for his order clothing department, also in ready-made tothing and gents' fur 'nishing department; they are all well seeorted with new goods, Tabard Inn, £1. Gibson's. . Richard Clement, of Chesterville, aged seventy-seven years, choked to death while eating his dinner on Fri- day last. Music for Christmas; great variety; 2,000 copies, 10c,, by Chopin, Lizst, Wagner, Verdi, ete. Dutton's music store, 200 Princess street; Mrs, Thomas Pigden, of Belleville, aged cighty-ope years, passed away, on Saturday, after an illness of two years, borne with Christian fortitude. Kodaks and supplies. Gibson's. | i | : LADIES' CLOTH COATS AT COT PRICES Every Coat Sea eh Te SVT VT RE BTVUOT HIVE VEBTREGTTS anette We have determined 10 | clear our stock of Ladies' Cloth Coats this month. We are show- ing all the smart, newest Coats and you can shop here with an assurance of a geouine reduc 1.4 OFF $20 Coats For $15.00 | ~ $15 Coats For $1125 $10 Coats For $7.50 $8 Coats For $6.00 WATCH OUR WINDOWS! GEORGE MILLS 3 00 Ng To 'DROHNBER 5, 1911. his: Ne ATA ALTLBSLLL LATEST LTLAT TE TTT ASRANE oo. Two HOLIDAY BOOKS' | " instinct with the "same THE FOLLOWING OF THE STAR _ By Florence L. Barclay, o Author of "The Rosary." A béiutiful Christmas love story, feeling, glowing imagery and vefine- ment of literary artas "The RosiTy," and told with all' the power and sweetness which won for Mrs. Bar- clay's earlier books their place in the front rank of recent fiction. Net, $1.35 depth of*. ~~ A WEAVER OF DREAMS By Myrtle Reed "Auwtho? of Lavender snd Old Lace; etc. A delightful love story showing the same power of characterization, the same. charm of fancy and the same delicate sense of humor which distinguish her earlier books. Exquisitely bound in cloth. -. Frontispiece. in color. lavender Price, $1.35 260 PRINCESS STREET, The College Book Store OPEN NIGHTS. "Phone B19. DIED IN HOTEL DIEU, The Late Mrs. John Mitchell, Cousin of Bishop Fallon. The death - occurred at the Hotel Dieu, ai two o'clock, Tuesday morn- ing, of Mary Fallon, the widow of the late John Mitchell, who predecéased her by seven years. The late Mrs. Mitchell, who had been suffering from stomach trouble was fortV-seven years of age, and married her late husband eleven vears ago. Deceased ig survived by her mother, Mrs. Patrick Fallon; four sisters, Mrs. James LL. Brady, Mrs. John Linaugh, and the Misses Jenmie and Sarah Fal \lon; one brother, Patrick Fallon; and one young son, Patrick, all those gur- viving "fiving in the city. Deceased was a cousin of Bishop Fallon, of London. At ihe present time Miss Jennie Fallon is lying very ill at her home with lung trouble. - at St. Mary's Cathedral for the re- pose of the soul of the deceased, at 9.30-a. m., Thursday. LOCAL LABOR MEN SHOCKED At the Confession , Made by Me- Namara Brothers. Local labor men were greatly shock- ed at the news of the confession of the MeNamara brothers, whe pleaded guilty to having dynamited the Loé Angeles Times building. The Whig was in conversation with a union man today, and he stated that the men should receive the full penalty of the law for their erime This appeafs to be the general expros sion of opinion. Another labor min told the Whig that from the very start of the case he believed the men were guilty of the crime. However, the majority stunned at the news, and could hued: ly believe it. were ALD. ROSS WILL REMAIN As Member for Frontenac Ward in City Counéil. AV hough elected Kingston in the Ontaria legislature, Dr. A. E. Ross will yémain as an ajdermanic representative for Fren- tenac ward in the city eouncil, When asked by a Whig representative nm bout the matter to-day Dr. Ross said : "Neg, I will continue to sit as alderman if there is no objection, I like city council work and will find time to attend some of the meet- ings." : Dr. Ross was elected last January for threp years as alderman and bas two more years to serve. as member for Chosen Friends Congert. On Monday evening a coneert" and social was given in the Sons of England hall, wnder the auspices of Couneil 121, Chosen Friends. The all was filled to its capacity, and a very enjoyable time was spent. ©. b. Kelly occupied the chair The jrogramme covsisted of the follow: ng Songs by Master John and Homer Routley; recitations by Miss Walker, Mr. helly, Mr. Bmeaton; a readivg by Mrs. Lapiere, Mr Allan Lemon gave a patriotic selection. The speech of the evening was de livered by Juwmes H. Metcalfe. Re freshmenis were served by the ladies of the lodge, % nr ------------ Concert in Portsmouth, A concert was held in St. John's church, Portemouth, Mouday evening, in'aid of the establishment of a Christian Endeavor Soeiety, and quite a, good sum - of money was realized from the affair. Sergt.-Maj. Clifford was in the chair, and a fine pro- gramme was given by the following persons © Solos by * Mesars. Halliday, Arbuckle and Webster; a duet on vb Siviolin aud clarionel by Messrs, Sattp- ders and Atkins, and a solo by Miss Henstridge. Miss Turnoull acted' as accompanist for the evening. Won the First Prife. coupons which the Cereals company, of this eity, hes been copdueting for some lime past, Howard Fair, the seven year-old son of W. J. Fair, £ ing *ireet, has succeedad id win. ping the prize, a pony, cart and har ness, it wes a stern race in this district and ths yowmg seven-year-old Ind succeeded in turning inio © ihe Cereals company some 2,900 pons. He was hotly chased Cobourg lad. Late John Hyssop. The funeral of the late John Hye sop took place Saturday afternoon; Ho Catarsqui cemetery, from his late resid Alfred street. Service was conducted by Rev. (Prof) Laird, isted by Rev. Robert Lair, &r., and Bev. Wiliam Craig. Many. beautiful floral tributes were placed on the eas ket by the, friends of deceased, who Xt such oetermed ol Boal eircl of friends, and who wi sully mi ed by his fuinily, 4a v A solemn requiem mass will be. swig} a Tired Feel? You ean not blame the man, or you calf not the woman whose feet ache, who has . tired muscles and nerves, who is fatiitued after 8 few hours walk. The cause is 8 weak or broken down instep, also known as *flat-foot." The rheumatism, aches, pains, distorted look ing shoe, and the cramped toes, are all results of & weak instep or broken down arch, imes the perfect lines of the foot are destroyed and sometimes they are not, but.the victim suffers all the symptoms, TRADE MARK REGISTERED A the Scholl "Fogt-Eazer' and getinstant to these painful foot aliments, and rest to {hetired body, The* ~Eazer!' is ascientific the arch or instep. Is made of two * German Biivér Springs. leather cpvered. & comfortable and seif-aditstipg to all feet, Is worn in the regular size shoe dnd can be changed from one pair to another. No matter what your occupation 1s--n0 matter what style shoe you wear, if you want {o en your walks and want to forget®about yonr fred ome in and he fitted 10 a pair of Scholl *'F Earers.' A trial will demonstrate our faltid= money back if not satisfied. a Dr. A. P. CHOWN, Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS ST. "Phone 343. FERCEEEPIIRIEIEEDIIIRED . AN In the competition for Orange Meat {On Monday Next, as PPORTUNITY for those who § delayed buy- & ing .a Winter Coat. es ALL COATS Children's Misses or Ladies, Half-Price nn FO OOOOH YQ OOOO CCRC SC eREe Newman & Shaw e 1 s & Pe aleles aE = 8 The Always Busy Store. [DOO 0000 CCOO000OO000O0N Electric Restorer for Men restores every parve fn the bide Phosphonul restr avery ba the nde vite asd vitality. weakness a Prematore decay all eexngl verted at once. 1 wil ake JOU 4 Hew man iancs SA 3, Ix for ailed to any a Drug Bo. Be Caciarines. Ome. For Sale at Mahood's ig Store BARS MAY REMAIN OPEN There is Election Here, , "May bars rempin open for ousiness next Monday 77 wie a question asked after Dr. A. E. Ross had been eloctad by atclamation for Kmgston. Two Toeal lawyers were asked No on that day, and Both replied that they were sativfied it could, as thers was no poll being taken within this etectorh] rivhing. - Red Cross Cough Berup will eure your sough. Oply af "Gibson's." # bei g the Wiig # liquor eould be sold here 1} VO 00e WE ARE PREPARING to serve you better this Xmas than ever before. ER A Qur Stock in all ments will be bigger choosing that much easier For Men we show thin Fold- ing Travelling Clocks, cased in fine soft leather, $10.00 each "Lemalre's" Famous Field Glasses for shooting or holi- daying, complete in carrier with leather strap, $10.50. Sterling Silver Triangular Cravat Holder, with leather ° hanger, $5.00 each . Together with all the more usual lines of Jewelry Gifts al- ways found here. Departs and: A FN AlN NNN SMITH BROS. 850 KiNG STREET, Jewelers. Opticians, Issmers of Marriage Licenses, 0000000000000 00000000 Z & he i Wie. SN op MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. F GOURDIER :lOUR BUSINESS The selection of profitable invest ments in Real Estate a tidy proposi- tion. One Single Dwelling, Alfred Street, and one Double "Dwelling, Stanley Street, all rente ogether wit) bujding lot, all for $1,850 We've list of the city a fine properties in Investigate ir first nual revenue you desire to place money on mortgages for an Consult us Our business brains al. your service MULLIN +|Ghe Real Estat: |} apert Corner Johuson and Division Sts * "Phone 529, -------------- Raw eee Hand Washed | Blankets and flannels | by hand in our way i peculiar ways which. prevents | shrinkage: © The 'result Is | gratifying beyond Measure | white agd asofi as ermine, i {lufly, porous-- just like mew washed OUr own « Particular people. are using "us and they are delighted, May We Delight You? Kingston Laundry | | Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts, { ¥ 'Phone 22. ante er hr BEBE P= ON. FSSC, WO