4 "NO ALUM J a LIBERAL MEETINGS In interest of Rev. J. P. MeINNES LIBERAL CANDIDATE for Fron- tenae, will be held as follows: -- Perth Road, Wed., Dee, 4th, 2 pan. Elginburgh, Wed., Dec. 6th, 8 p.m. Cataraqui, Thurs, Dee. 7th, 8 pm. Desert Lake, Fri, Dee, Sth, 2 p.m. Fermoy, Fri, Dec. 9th, 8 pn, Fitzgerald School Homse, Sat., Dec. Oth, 2 p.m. Verona, Sat., Dec. 9th, 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. Addresses by Mr. Others. Representativos are invited to ap- pear on behalf of present Govern- ment. Ladies cordlally invited. PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS PUBLIC MEETINGS In the Interest of A. M. RANKIN Will be held as follows: VERONA, Wednesday, Dec. Sth. --FOYCEVIEELE; Thursday, Dee. Tthn- ELGINBURGH, Friday, Dec. Sth, WOLFE BLAND, Friday, Dec. Sih, CATARAQUI, Satupday, Pec. 0th. The meetings will be addressed by A. Rankin and others. Everybody welcome. Ladies cordially invited' GOD SAVE THE KING, Pr. de Yan's Female Pills liable Framch regulator ; never faile. Those ae esceetlog ul in ten Ret che portion ol fe: eluse th | Cheap v imitations. Mtlupes and bo For sale at Mahood's Drug Store, Keating's Kill Roaches {Godkrpacliss eannct live eating's Powder. is nied or blown into crevices. It is a ; or -- stain. ess--yet it is Solent ex Nar ort form of insect life. upon the pantry shelf. ogists. In ting only: 10c., 16c., 20¢., 26c. it may Besnriekle Sold rig al -pe4 v srworsis ow canapiin NORAH- REGULATIONS, ) N WHO 18 THE 80 LE Te) a ot ily orf any male over 1 a quarter "ot available Dominion land in t it t Apfonr % person at we Bominion oan muy r ney or or. Sub- for Eo fit y Proxy ney, on nyertaln eon Mes. Cortielius Bermiggham, | Told in : ASIIII0014 5008560854040 | Barrie street, welcomed a large number of her friends at the tea 'hour on Tues day altersoon, in her beautiful home. Mrs. gown Berminghum woke a handsome of black satin, with panel front of Black vinon, embroidered in. gold, | the waist . trimmed - with gold em- broideries, and black fginge, with yoke of white chifion, and was assisted in receiving by Mrs. William Harty, who wore a lovely dress of orange satis, veiled in black net embroidered in gold. The drawing room was siledtive- ly decorated with pink chrysanthe- mums, and the library aad halls with huge bunches . of American beauty roses, In the dining room the. polished table was centred by a _slace . centre piece on which: vested a 'basket of golden chryshnthemums, ewrrounded y smaller baskets filled with the same flowers, Here Mrs. Frederic Brown- field poured coffee and Miss Eleanor Macdonell poured tea, AL a smaller table, also deeoraied with golden chrysanthemums, Migs Frances Sulli- van served the ice cream. The girls assisting were Migs Mabel and Doro- thy Brownfield, Misses Warie and Dor- othy Carruthers, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Mamie Garrett, Misses Phyllis and Charlie Shortt, ids Gertrude Lawson, Miss Bessie Smythe, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Nora Macnee, Misa Marjory Dfownfield and Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Among the guests present were: Mrs. © Lennox Mills, Mrs. James Cappon, Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Mrs. E, J. Bidwell, Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. E. T. Secombe, Mrs. Jeremy Taylop,. Mrs, C. P. Shire, Mrs. J, HW. Vi®rowe, Misses Helen and Madge Crowe, Mrs. R. C. Carter, , Mrs. F.'R. Se wick, Mrs. J. B. Cochrane, Mrs. I1%a Markin, Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. Howard Folger, Mrs. Perreau, Mrs. Highes, Mrs! Tandy, Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Mrs. Ie am Calvin, Mrs. A. Cooke, Mrs. CO. AFarrand. Pringle, Mes. R.._J. Hooper, Mrs. Meikle, J. M. Catapbell, Miss Gertrude Third, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. nell, Mrs. Robertson, Lo Mrs. Mrs. W. Mrs. W. L. Grant. Mrs: Mrs. Joseph Power, Power, Mrs. James Robert Fraser, Miss Edith Barber, Mrs. W. I. Con- Joseph Swifi, Mrs. George Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Mrs. Crothers, Miss Minnia Crothers, P. night; Mise Mona Knight, B. Dalton, Miss Mabel Dal ton, Mrs. W. FP. Nicklas, Mrs, P. C. Stevenson,' Mrs. Georges Roy, Mrs. W. G. Craif, Mea. Birchall Wood, Mrs. 'Norman Stuart Leslie, Mrs.- RJ. Carson, Miss Vera Carson, Mrs, Dram- *|mond, Mrs. Arthur Craig, Mrs. Sam uel Birch, Mrs, George. McKay, Mrs. Brock' Graham, Miss Walsh, Mrs. Ash- by, Mrs, RB. W. Garrett, Mrs. F. 0. Willhoft! Mrs. Francis Machee, Mrs. P. GG. C, Campbell, Mrs: Herbert Daw- son, Mrs. Vere Hooper, Miss Dorothy Hooper, Mrs. Wo As Mitehall, Mrs, Ww. B. Mudie, Mrs, T. J. 3 s D. Phelan, Mrs. Be Ry leen Ryan, Mrs. W. H: Craig, Miss Martha Smith, Miss J, Dwyer, Miss Mabel Gildersioeve, Miss M. Ford, Migs Carrie Waldron, Miss Drummond, Miss Sarah Flannigan, Miss Mary Hora, Miss Edith Folger, Miss Agnes Richardson, Miss Fidrenée Cunning- ham, Miss Minnie Gordon, Misses Ada and Beatriee Birch, Miss Lillian Noe- ton Taylor, Miss Lil inh Kent; Miss Starr, Misses Brow Miss Gladys Burton, Miss Eilon, Benson, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Helen Gordon, Misses Marjorie and Genevieve Mer- rick; Misses Bessie and Eva Richard- son, Misses "Donoghue and Miss Etta Ward, A, - - - Mrs. W. Leroy Shaw was hostess at a very enjoyable luncheon, Wednesday afternoon, for Mgs. 3 ld Jlughes. The table was cent "oth un buge bow! of red roses. Covers were laid for twelve. Among those presint were Mrs. Harold Hughes, in hie iL Sime. son, Mrs, Neal; 3 bo Sars. or in" nine Ailes x Ris Y omiest oad solely nag oceup nigh by HEE Gly father, Beran, Sees, 3 hemtetente res a ey ond. Price, oe ution Must ile ap- 5 ad homentead or on six ihe Bomtaiena Jats ¢ ip the aduinestuad nw Hy hs vais Hy Ft he LY a ie ~ XMAS JEWELRY. ENS GOLD CUPP LINKS- fo GOLD LOCKERS: ed vi VEST BUTTON SETS< | CASTOR RA we Shee Sw FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND GUARANTEE INSURANCE - EFFECTED, Real Estate Bought, Sola & Exchanged Call or communicate with J. 0.0 w pod oh Baines. esata HARD ON b The windy, 8 weat at Ee this time of year makes. fre to keop your clothes right. A visit to these ching will restore to them their look bof newness, Free eh Hares Iie. Elmer Davis, Mrs. C. Twilight | hi Taylor, 'Miss Lulu Cays, Miss Pearl Oldrieve and Miss Susie Anglin. A uy "Mra Brock Girgham, Barrie street, was hostess on Monday afternoon at a most delightful tea. Mrs, H. B. RK. Craig poured tea, and Miss Ada wireh | UNDER sdtved the ice cream, Miss Evelyn {Newlands and Miss Dorothy Hooper {assisted in serving the guests, Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Bagot strest, will receive on Friday afternoon, for her guest, Mrs. Tett, and not again until after the New Year. Mrs. J. Ruse Simpart Tower, Alfred street, will not receive again until the seeond Tuesday in January. - - - . Mrs. N. =. Leshe, Bagot street, will entertain the Bridge ciub on Thurs day evening at the Country Club. Mrs. Mowat, Johnson street, is unsble to receive again on Thursday until after the New Year. . . - - Mrs. 'Go. W. Mitchell, 98 Bagot |™ stepet, will not receive again until uf ter oho holidays. - A. S. Fatguson, &3 Gore street, first Mrs. , 3 will not receive again till the Friday in February, 4 . ' . Mrs. Theodobs Lyman Calderwood will ngt receive again on Saturday up- til, after Christmas. » 2 Mra." R. K Kilborn, King street, Will not receive again until after the New Year, There will be a Yacht (lub dance on Wednesday, evening, December 13th. - - - - Canon: and Mrs, Muckleston, of Perth, move to Ottawa in January, and will in future reside in the capi- tal, as Mr. Muckleston has given up hig parish in Perth owing to ill- health, Mist 3 thome on Coloriel 'and' Mes. and "Miss Rathbun jare in Toronto. Mrs. Rathbun was among those at a small luncheon given for HLH. the Duchess of Con- naught at Government House. Colonel and Mrs. Crowe, are in Montreal, visiting iMra, H. 8S. Holt. Mr. William C. Proctor, Brighton, is Epantting The Winter with Mrs, Alox- ander R. Milne, Kingston. Mrs. Porteons and Miss Janet Vor Sects, returned on Monday from New York, where they have wpe nt the past two months. Kingston Mr." and Lady Kirkpatrick, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Orr Lewis, are spoken of by "The Dowager," in the Winnipeg Free Press as Canadian hostesses in London, whose mvitations are looked forward to with pleasure, and eagerly accept- tix by mergbers of the fashionable set. Rev. J. D. Richardson, Perth, was the week-end guest of . Mrs. John Nicolle, Union street. Mrs. W. Claxton and Miss Winnifred Claxton, Uhion street, expect to leave to-morrow, for Fort Worth, Arkansas, where they will spend some time with Dr. and oy W. A. Claxton. Miss Anna Lesshis, returned to-day from. St. Catharines, where she was spending seaeral weeks, Mr. Huntley Gordon, from Dundas, spent the week-end in town, the guest of his father, Rev. D. M. Gordon, Queen's University. 3 - - . Miss Agnes Reynolds, of Brockville, who has been spending some time in Hamilton, visiting Dr. and Mrs, Malloch, atrived in town to-day to be the guest of Miss Marion Lesslieg Willkam street. Miss Isabel Macdonald arrived town from Gananoque on Monday visit Miss Machar: Rev, S. M. Compton, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Minnes, "Hillerofté" left on Monday for Mon- treal and will sai on Thursday for Relfast, Ireland. -- Mr. T. Hillyard Robertson is ex- pected in town about December 15th fram Regina and will spend Christmas the guest of his mother, Mrs, George Robert -- Mrs. S. Birch, Bagot street, return- ed on Monday from Utica, where she was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence rh : - - Mrs. Edward Moore, of Winnipeg, is leaving, on December Oth, for Kings- ton, where she will spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waldron, Barrie street. Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Princess street, has returned home from Boston, The Misses Yeomans returned to Bellevillé, on Friday, after spending a few days with Mrs. M. S. Sutherland, Earl street. Colonel Henri Panet, who hds been in England for the past year, returned to town on Monday Miss Helen Crowe, Royal Military College, left, to-day, for Toronto, to visit Mrs. Plummer and Mrs. Gorden Mackenzie; Miss Rellogg, after visiting Mrs. J 0. Cris 4p. in Portsmouth, for some time, left, on Monday, for Toronto. Rev. Patterson-Smythe, 'who spent 8 few days with Dean and Mrs. EB. Bidwell, 'returned, on Monday, Montreal. ; 2 in to Miss Dorothy Carruthers and Miss Charlie Shortt, who have been Jit {ing Colonel and Mrs. Rutherford, Ottawa, returned home on Randers Mes. Norton-Taylor and Miss lil lian Norton-Taylor, Well street, who have been visiting Mr. William Norton-Taylor, in Sarnia, veturned , 'Was 8 giest ve Yast week, A... Watt and Miss Letitia Gananoque, spent Monday Toye, Gore street, is vis: iting hee daughter, Mrs. ham, in Westmount. . Miss Herrington wi returned + to Na- spending a few * fexplained by the fact that the REL sd UNIVERSITY | QUEEN ' S DRAMATIC JAN THE FAMOUS 3-ACT COMEDY, "THE 10ST PARADISE" a an ha 7% CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES BO; six, 81; ene month. 83. WWIISIIISSS a STRAYED. © ret u recel rn to ye rewara Prices-<25-35-50-15 | Seats sow on Sale| = HELP--WANTED, MAIL ORDERS When acedmpanied by Chefius ar Pas or Postal with ven filled in of their ne Benmore Wont' Notable a's. it haraeter. A An Ean Des C Stes sor, 3 4 ng he in the enn clever Sas Dear Old CandOote Ho TUESDAY, DEC. 12 Prices, 26-50.75-$1-$1. 50 Seats on Sale Safurdsy. town from Mr. Francis F. Powers, for « complimentary Strauss-Wagner song recital, by Mrs, Franklin Vagslaven, assisted by Miss Helen Vanluven, and Mr. Harold Albery, of Brockville, to be given in Napanee on Saturday, De cember 9th. - . Mr, and Mrs. F. A, Pallman, form. erly of Merrickville, annommce the on- gugement of their daughter, Addie Beatrice, to P. Gellmer, of Winnipeg. The marriage will take place at. the home of the bride's parents, 452 Spence street, Winnipeg, on llecem- ber 6th, HORSE FELL ON STREET 'And Humane Inspector Ordered it io be Rested. . A local carter had the misfortune to he his horse fall over on Ontario street and break the shafts, on Tues- day morning. The horse was stand: ing in front of the K. & P. railroad station. Evidently the horse was tired and went asleep and toppled over. The animal seemed as if it had been driven a great dead of late and not been given sufficient rest. The driver of the rig took the horse home and got another waggon and came back again. Police Constable Arniel, the humane society inspector, arrived on the scene and ordered the horse to be taken home and given a rest. This is the second offence that the same man has been guilty of within a short time. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. A Defence is Made of Restaurants of Cork. Kingston, Dee. 6.--(To the Ediior)e Last night at Mr. Fitzgerald's highly interesting lecture on "Ireland and the Irish," a story was told (not by the lecturer) reflecting very unfavor- ably on the restaurants of Cork. 1 would like to say "that, until a few years ago, I lived in Cork, have heen in many of its 'restaurants, and have always been served with the ut- most daintiness. Doubtless in Cork, as in all large cities, there are places where things arg not irfeproachable, but such have beer absent from my] experience. Sincerely yours, "Ireland." LEAVES OUT RECIPROCITY. Simmntincs > Australia Completes Jts Tarif! Schedule 'With Little Change. Melbourne, Dec, ta] hope of ne- gotiating © a ity agreement 'with Canada has been been abandoned for the present, by the Fisher: ministry. The tariff question = Was: heen. finally considered, and only a few phanges made of a minor chargeter, introduced by the minister of trade' and customs. Hon. F. G. Tudor, Men Who Fall to Vote. Canadian Courlr. While maintaimmg: that Joafers, non- earners and "unécducated # should not have the vote, one Cannot shut his eyes to the fact that many eduea- property owmérs fail to use their ballots becanse of selshness. These men are almost as dangerous as the others, The Ottawa Free Press points owt thas at the last munic 1 election 'in Ottawa there were 19. 500 peoples onr the list entitled to vote and only 8700 voted. © The Free Press intimates that this is partially can didates for mumicipal honors were tot such as to commend themselves to the public. This is a Poor ex- tuse. ' No matter what the <ualit of the candidates every voter should éxercise his franchise. Mumi¢ipal elections in many pro- vinces are now coming on and it is the duty of every man and every woman with a vole to use it to the House|, EXPERIENCED FUR WORKERS, AF. piy to John McKay, Brock Street. AT ONCE BRO marked cession 7. Hartington P.O. WN LL" on right hip, 2. Township of 7 Edw Ont. Apply AND TAN DEERHOUND, . gnto Lot Portland Con- Whitty, MESSENGER portunity learn hei ov. tegraph business. . Apply, GN. Ww. A GOOD CENPR AL SERVANT: ONE who understands cooking. Apply to 186 Bagot Street, ROY Tom. MAILING DEPAR NENT, ste 'position to a smart, ad ey Business Office, + INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly Sertespanding for Rewspapers, Neo Send for particulars, Pray Bynd - cate, 3,960 Lockport, N.Y. TRAVELLING SALESMAN WANTED by manufacturing specialty house; Applicants apply, with references, to Mr. Lawson, British-American Hotel, Saturday morning. 100 A. Live FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE for our choice list of lies; we hive the Te A proposition ia Canada to- no outls necessar Apply. RB Co., Albert. Stedet, GIRLS WANTED; highest wages; steady employment, . Apply. immediately, D. 8. Per- rin & Company, Ltd; London, Ontario. OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICS CAP- able Scotch, English and Irish maids; also Danish girls; parties 'arriving twice a month Apply new, The Guild, 71 Drummond St, Montreal, 47 Pembroke Street, To- ronto, and 227 Bank Street, Ot- tawa, CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; per- manent position; if you are work- for small salary behind the counter, write to-day; ou can double your wages aid e_ your awn boss. Apply, Box B, C Whig office. " " WANTED--GENERAL. ENGLISHMAN, MECHANIC, WANTS board and' room in private family Apply, Box 412, Whig office, - WANT TO SELL 1,000 LBS. OF NEW Pickled Hocks at S¢ per 1b, the nicest part of the pig for bolling, at A. Maclean's, Ontario Street SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY, DE- geription; first class work; best leather only used; one trial will suffice. Bring your repairs to Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor, of Clergy West. TAKE NOTICE, THAT I WILL BUY all kinds of second-hand furniture and rn will pay highest prices; see me before anyone else, 3. Thompson, 383 Princess Streel, next St. Andrew's Church, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR h-and have it made up into up. oh ate suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. homas Galloway, 131 Brock St, near Bibby's Livery, BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. GERWAN CANARIES, ment just receiv for a Christmas gift. Corner 'Phone Queen No. 612 and Barrie Frise snr. dust the thing Driver, 'Streets. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BRUNSWICK HOTEL, opposite G.T.R. station, from CPR: on streat bar suppiled with bes and liquors; charges ousineau, Prop. ONTARIO ST. one block car t of wines moderate; lal rates by the week, J Hane, ohn THE GRIMASON HOTEL, Princess' Street, the best of Ales, Beers, Liquors and choicest 18, The each, the week, accommodation. reasonable. Brands Yara Mulville & Driscoll Wines, of r special 'and Mates ANYONE, A mall ordér business at home, own GENERAL ANYWHERE, CAN canvassing, Be your Send for free booklet Heacock, 2,969, Lockport, to I. Godwin & Son's 1 Empor um, aver Bank, Brock Street, or Northern 'phone 421% START No boss Tells how, NX ® FOR SUR ANCE THAT INSURES GO nsyrance Crown dens Accident, and" Health Poll ed; first-class companies rates, T J Boon, Wellington Street. INSURANCE--FINE, LIFE, tos issues ; standard Agent, 15 BATEM toms Broker: Money to Loan; a business solicited Street, Kingston. al Est share $7 AN & "GARDINER. FIRE, Tite Accident Insurance and Cus- ate and of your Clarence 'Phone 306 K. CARROLL, Btreet. we, Life, Health Insurance. Employers' . Liability an at Ins i Becurity MARKET Aceldent Plate and Glass, dq Jas r it. Bonds, Real Estate in Tainnipeg: 'Regina, Calzary, Moose J debentures; FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety: president, money Issued on city properties, municipal deposits received and int lowed, 8 C. McGill, established Sir Richard Cartwright; and and n mortgages purch ane: INVEST. 1861; farm count erest al- Managing Director, 87 Clarence Street. ire Insurance Company assets, $61,187.2 In ad which the peollicyholders MYERPODL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Available dition te have for security the unlimited lability of all the stock-hold city. property ers. insured Farm at and lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new busi from Fog. & Strange, 'Pho 325. DENTAL, 88 get rates Agents, TEACHERS WANTED. QU ALFIE TEACHER FOR 8.8, Neo, Hinchinbrooke for 1812. Apply, ating salary, to H. Wager, See, ya garvitle, Ont QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR Ss.S, 4, Oso; duties to commence drd, Apply to Robt, H. Gray, Treas, Maberly, Ont. No. Jan Sed. - QUALIFIED FEATHER FOR SS Noo 2, Clarendon," for 1912. Apply, stat- ing qualifications salary, to J. F. Card, Plevna, and Ont A av. ALIFIED HAL HER Wh NTED 10, Township. of doh I Brooks. at a yearly salary of $335. Apply to Allan Wagar, Wagarville, Ont. TEACHER HOLDING class professional certificate, for Separate School section Ne. 10, Township Lebdrough. salary, $400: duties Lo commence median after holidays. John Koen, See.- Treas. Oates, Ont. SECOND y nam, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH- SPARKS AMD SPA Phone 144. 5 DENTISTS, ww 8. BH. SIMPSON, LD. at, 164 Princo Brest Feiephons DR. Wet - 'Phone pes stant, EwTIYL DRC. 8 8 A 187 $10. . AYKROYD, D.D.S, DENT. lo LDS, ist, or Dominion "Express Office. Wellington Street. 'Phone E KNAPP, BA, Dentist, 19 Moatréa Princess. office. D8, MUSIC, Street, 'Phone 652, Ground floor T= DDS, near SALSRURY CHESTRA «= Call up 1079 or address 21 Sixth Street when ehestra for 4 at pupil's home {rma very reasonable. t. if referred; er Nelson BROW, OR in need of YOUNG LADY, PREFARED T0 GIVE lessons in elementary music: given an or. noe; at home or ball femember the phone number-- apathy" they will more anxious to ome out as candidates. There is reasonable reason why candidates should be forced to go about hand shaking, couxing and cajoli voters to some oul and cast a ballot for them. The whole ioe is wang | CBA its natpral result is {5 leave. muni- cipal politics in the lt of -- he luve 8 80 Tittle, Sous of 1: -respect t are > [to devote weeks to in is mown as as a F'personal canvass," What Canads nesds is dot more voters, but more men who may be om upon to vote at every elec tion, J NNINGH & WMUDIE, BAURISE. oy INTNGHA licitors. Law Office, Street, Kingston. i PEEe ¥ MeM DEATH LURKED IN DYING KISS. pon op conn oo Goal and Wood OR clarinet, plano, open dances, receptions, afternoon teas Ss latest music; a trial soilcited P AHON'S ICHESTRA, larger if for engagements intments may be mad Street, or 'phone vioLy, required, balis, e at 286 224. of FOR SALE. aw Bar stocked OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM, ALSO Sowrm Cor . all rempants, A ent differs ence In prices, &¢ Turk"s. Phone 4 SIXTEEN DMSCARDED TRAV ELLERS THnRS, large . sige. Rood und Strong. $1.00 each. "Apply 10 Robertson Bros. ! 5 2 FIRST CLASS CoRR Rhode Island Red, dotte and Plymouth M. Boyd, RELS, S.C, shad Wyn Rock. © Apply, 106 Pine Street. LACS, AWNINGS, ARNT, © safioe saci Eaglish Savpiied Tu Sapna kit bags, wheter "Phote wi oR ANOES, fiabi x Fug jad Te, thin wit x tent eo be Juppliss. Ontario TO RENT, GROCERY STORE, ng and Lower Gordon, Urocery Stare, Karl Street LY FOR SALE, A LOT OF CHOICE Dwellings. FOR SALE OR RENT, FARM, PART lots 11 and 12, in the {th conces- sion of Kingston; two sets build ings: good stock and grain farm BATEMAN & GARDINER, REAL BS tate and Insarance, 67 Clarence Street, Kingston $ COR, TO LET. DWELLINGS, FrRNIsHE Dn furnished, Stoves, etc Brock Street AND el ann UN 5 Sronacs FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, alry rooms, absolutely moth roof; your own lock key, rost's City Storage, 199 Saen ut, Phone 1 3 26b. i » SIX. Roow FR AMR first ig Hovse,; 1 hile ir St Alfred and ARCHITECTS, HENRY PF. SMITH, ARCHITEC TT, ETC, 208 King Street. "Phone 345 ' ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, 81 University Avenue, 1013; Telephone WM. NEWLANDS ete » 608. SON, ARCHI« Offices, 268 Bagot St POWER 8 SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Building, corner Breck and Wellington Streets, REAL ESTATE. BOUGHT AND SOLD; RENTS lected amd jaoney to lean; No. 251 Victoria Street. Richardson COL office, R -- OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY, TRARNSATLANTIO LINES, ALL (M1. ASS. 8. Kirkpdtrick, Agent, . 43 Elarenic a Street, Kingston. 'Phone FURNITURE FINISHMR. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPRCIALTY, ebonizing and gilding, enameliing and all colors of mission wark; ail work given best attention Pat, Driscoll, ' 23 John Street. Call drop a card. WINDOW CLEANING, THE SEASON OF Pail HOUSE cleaning is now here: we do ail kinds, such as waxin £ and olling floors: we siso clean and put up stérm windows, Kingston Win- dow leaning Co., 21 ontreal Be, over McLeod's Drug Stora OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS "RR. G, Asheroft, DO, 136 Wellington Bt. posite the Post Office; chron'e a SeAnes treated by Osteopathie methods and Electrical Vibration; ylentments by appointment. 'Phone od UPHOLSTERER, A W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, Rit. pairing and carpet work, falr mate tress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 aot Btreet MEDICAL, DR. FREDERICK Burgeon Tel, 1068, ETHERINGTON, Office, 245 Brock Street. Hours, 2-6 pm, 5-8 pm. or ARKS, B.A PHYSICIAN Su geon, Ton "Welingion st Office hours, 10 to 13 am, 2 to4 and 7 to 9 pm. 'Phone 356, PHYSICIAN, IY OIAN Bours, 10 to.12 am, 2 ¢ a and 7 to § p.m. Telephone 1098. 4 Pr. DRE. C. D, MaeCALLY i 1 Our stock i is complete with Fresh." mined Coal and new Wood. Try US next time,