THE GENERAL ELECTRIC "le PANY'S MICA MINE CoM. Prices Ave Determined by Its Output =A 'New Find and a Remarkable Composition That is Not, Yer Dee termined. : Canadian Mining Journal, The wileamining region of ! has not 'been extended by any new dis coveries of importance since 'the pub lication of the last report. The chief eenires of 'mining activity are Sydenham and Miecaville, in the townships of Loughboro and North Burgess, respectively. ln the former district, the Ceneral TFlectric com pany's mine-the old Smith and Lacey ~atill remaing the chief producer, and employs an average stafi of thirty-five "men. The oulput and reserves of this mine play an important role in fixing ithe market price of the mineral and the terol Fleetrie company, which carries om its mining operations under the name of the Loughboro Ming i Compuoy, can be said to practically "wontrol the market. : The occurrence of a yellowish, and rather brittle mica, whose eomposition and exact species have not yet been de termined, in 8 highly niet amorphosed rock in the Sydenham district, may "be mentioned here as constituting a Avie of mica deposit in many respects similar to the majority of occur rences visited, The deposit in question 'is ab present being worked by H. Rich- ardpon, of Kingsion, with an average stall of ball a doyen men, and is situ- ated on lot 1, range X, of the town ship of Loughhore, Thesintrusive roek to which the mica probably owes ite origin had not, at the time of my visit, been met with the depth reached by the workings not exceeding sixty foot. The mica ap pears 16 'have been deposited by preu- matolytic emanations from the igneous Ontario "RING OUT, WILD BELLS." Kingston Business Men's Version of « This Poem. Ring out wild bells," ring out bells; The pure white sppw, the clear cold alr Are spreading gladness everywhere; The bees are sleeping in their cells. wild Ring out wild bells, ring out full clear, And chime with joy dull eare away; Hing out and let the people say "This year shall be the greatest year." The greatest Kingston ever knew; Ring out the bantering bHusiness deal: Ring in one price, the peoples' weal; Ring out the chattering auction screw, Ring out the shady business plan; Ring out the man who drops his eyes, The man who'd sell his soul to rise. Ring in, ring in, the Konest 'man, Ring out wild hells | Awake | Awake | The bees are (sleeping, why should e ? ii Is it "To be or not to ba?' Why then "Po be 1" Awake! Awake ! "To be I" & slogan always new, Ring dear old Kingston up-to-date, The pavements ring, however late : "To be 1" a summer "hostel" too, "To be !" a Kingston harbor grand. Ring in the traffic from the west, Ripg in the money to invest, Ring ont our name through all land, the That Canada may turn to see The old town booming, not too late To help to make the nation great, To build the Canada "To be 1" ? ~TERRY. TODGE. i ------ 2 Oratory No Longer Soars. "Oratory is a'lost art," Cleveland man the other day. said a "1 used intrusion of some basic rock whieh did} 1° #2 down 10 the courts just. 10, hear not reach the surface, but which will probably be met 'with at an inconsid- erable depth, Thee bods, from one (6 two feet thiek, of 8 reddish quartzite, are met with in the workings. These lavers contain no mica, and the rook in their immediate proximity is also practical Iy devoid of the mineral. . i The source of the mica is, in ail probability, a bagic Iaecolite, A similir mica is alwo found on lot 5 range 11, of Redford township, (his occurrence being almost identical with the foregoing. In this case, however, the country rock is limestone, helong- ing 10 the Archaenn formation, and is of the normal white, coarsely crystal line type. The association with"the mica of secondary minerals such as vesuvianite, actinolite, garnet, ete., at both the abovementioned mines, is in- teresting. -------------------- When a hard working man remains poor his wife says he is too. con- scientious, the lurid speeches. Nothing doing. in that line any more. The lawyers do not talk about flowers, rainbows and sunbeams any more, "There was un lawyer years ago--Rill Robinson name--whose address ways attracted a crowd. T will for- ever -remember--ome of his sentences; The man he was fighting in the suit had a reputation as something of a miser. " 'Who is this man, who is he? thundered Robinson. 'You know and 1 know that he boils his potatoes in widows' tears.' "This phrase eaught the jury, and Robinson won his case, but one doesn't hear any such "oratory" as that nowadays.' Cleveland was his to a jury al in The constable of East Liberty, Ohio, nearly lost his life: when a man crazed with drink grabbed bis whiskers and dragged him through the town. The constable was rescued by the sheriff. Any man ean secure an appreciative audience by letting his money talk. gD tg --#gppose-ails-sne, anyway? fTea¥-- Why, Fvo¥ drack it 20 years, say Doc, quit chaffin', I'm feeling bad, "is the public school 'system of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 4 i -------- FRENCH GRADUALLY CROWDING THE ENGLISH OFT, An Appeal to the People of Outario-- The Stir Made in Canada West---- Attack on Public School System Duty of the Hour. Toronto Telegram (conservetive). Is Ontario to remain English or to become French ? Ten years ago the process of asking such a question would have identitied the questiones as a long-haired fanatic. Torday fourteen seats in the Ontario house are said to be controlled by voters of the French, and whole com- munities in this fair province are being ""Quebecked" so completely that that the few English who gre in the communities are fleeing away to where the people mmy speak the English language and where the public schools educate the. children in the tongue of our fathers; More than 140,000,000 inhabitants of the earth use the English language in their business, social and home life. Yet here in this province of Ontario, founded by the men and woman of England, Scotland and Ireland, the Canadians are facing the extinction of the English tongue in 'every farm house, village, town and city in the gréat eastern and .middle sections of this English province of yesterday, The facts are so simple, so glaring, so insistent that they 'have thrust them- selves into aur public life. The attack commences at our public school system, The machinery that Ryerson devised to guarantee every child an English education is to-day being so skilfully manipuldted that ail over kKastern Ontario, and in certain northern sections, the public school system is being used to fortify the children in their knowledge and use of French, and hundreds of children in Ontario are growing up into and be yond school age who can speak no English and. learn no English their schools, and who have ground into then the lesson that it must French, and Krenek only, tant and all their people shall speak, The time is ripe for some plain speech to our fellow-Canadians, The Papers, associations and societies that are standing between the French-Can- adian and «u sotnd "English education, are courting social and financial sui- cide. Not even the three million' French of North America ean turn back the clock and give again to Canada the glories and the dreams of the old re- gime. No one is denying to the par- ents the right to cherish their own speech, to use it fully and freely in their homes, in social intercourse and upon the streets. But Wolle. upon the Plains of Abraham shattered a thou- sand dreams and vamity and vexation of spirit wait upon the men who are striving to piece those dreams tol gether, It is not a question of whether it would be a good thing for a child to have the culture of two languages. Let every child have as many laug- uages as the parents desire, so long On taria is used Tor the sold purpose of giving, to every child in this pro- vince all the elements of a sound Eng- lish edueation; and no child in. Ount- ario should be permitted to say fare well to school until he or she -ecan speak our language with freedom and vase, This province must remain Eng- lish in customs, laws and language. There is not room here for two lang: unges placed on any equality. Every child in Ontario must go from school prepared for the struggle with that preparation which can only come from a sound English edueation. This is the question of the hour, and more than one politician will wear himsell thin trying to dodge it. But surely the party which gave to Ontario such men as I'Alton McCar- thy and N. Clarke Wallace, must have somewhere a man bold enough to fnce the issue squarely. English must re main the language of Ontario in all her official and commercial life, or 4lae: we shall: be traitors to. all for be they which our party lived and died. These Chickens Talk. Harold Sumner, a farmer living near here, says that he has found a way to make hens talk and it isn't by evossing them with parrots either. Sumner has been experimenting for sowie time and his neighbors testify that while his fowls do not exactly talk; they make an awiul and uawa¥- ranted racket, unlike any of ° the sounds which "have heretoiore been emitted from a chicken's throat. Sum- ner brought several of his talking hens into town recently and gave an exhi- bition ih front of the post office. Before the hens would perform he gave each a tablespoonful of brown powder, Almost instantly the birds commenced to emit discordant sounds, | sonic of which sounded like English words. Sommer said the powder which he gives the fowls is made from granu Inted phonogr cylinders and discs. He says that when the phonograph re- in their pulverized state, gets into the hen's systems they' can't help but do something. He calls it talking. On the afternoon menti "he gave one hem a mixture taken, from the re- cord of "The Ravings of John MeCul- loch," mixed with a pioeh of "AN Coons Look Alike to Me." The effect was marvellous, It killed the hen. 4 An interesting incident in the Kile of Lord Kitchener is told by Hermann Klein, 10 the many] Takes © § PROBE TURNS TO REGISTERS. v Conspiracy to Restrain Trade Through Shifting Competition, Cincinnati Ohio, filed here agains Register company, Bee. 5.~Sait was the of Davton, Ubio, charging that the company is in a» conspiracy in restiaint of trade and asking 'that it be enjoined from fury ther carrying on such flegal practices as are set forth in the petition The government does not seek 16 de- stroy the Navional Cash Register com pany as a corporation, nor to inter- fere with the legal and legitimate busi: ness of the company, but asks that it be prohibited from selling cash regis- ters "and other registering devices in a manner that would prevent competi tion, | It is further charged that the defen. dants have waged vicious,' wrongful and unlawful wars of extermination against other competitors and have driven them out of business, securing thereby about ninety-five per cent. of the cash register business. GTI.P. TO SEEK LOAN, Government Will be Asked for Fif.]! teen Millions, Montreal, Dec. 6.--1It is understood in railway and financial circles that he Grand rink Pacific railway company will come before parliament during the present sssion and ask for a further temporary loan of | tegn milfion dollars to assiat in the completion of their railway aeross the comtinent. It is alse sad that special information will be forth- coming as to the exact use to which the new loan will be put by the com- pany. It will be rememisered that a couple of years ago the Grand Trank Pacific secured n federal loan 10 the amount of ten millions, the same being adopted by both branches of the ('anadian parliament without much opposition, the recommendation le ing fathered hy the government ot Sir Willrid _ Lawyier. Tobacco on the Stage. The solace of most men and a: few women was frst brought upon the stage in England by Ben Johnson in "Every Mao in His Hutior," in which Capt. Bobadil appears smoking a pipe, in company with others addicted to the same practice; aud who wer von tempt iously stvled in the stage direc- tion "a rout of stinkards." Bobadil is made to break out into the follow- ing high flown panegyrie of the weed "Sir, believe me on my relation for what I tell you, the world shall not reprove. 1 have heén in the Indies, where this herb grows, and where neither myself nor a dozen gentlemen more of my knowledge have received the taste of any other nutriment in the world for the space of nine-and- twenty weeks, ' but the fume of this simple only. Therefore, it cannot be, but it is most divine, especially your Trinidado. Your Njeotian is good, too. I do held it, and will affirm it before any prinee in Europe, to be the most soversign amd most precious weed that ever the earth tendered fo the use of maw)'---Dundee Advertiser. Thése Schools Bar Rissing. No more "Drop the Handkerchief" or "King William" or, in fact, any games incorporating oseculation will be per- mitted on the grounds of Santa Moni- ca public schools, : "The Kissing Bug' in the November issue of the Santd Monica School Bul- letin is tabooed as a pest and made & fit object for an attazk by the horfi- cultural commission. The bulletin brands the kissing prac- tice as unsanitary, owing to the ease with which germs can be carried. The modest little high school girls declare they have not eultivated the practice, at least, not upon the school grounds, and take the bulletin as personal af- front. The bulletin applies to all sti- dents and younger ones in particular, ~Los Angeles mim Not Superior to G.T.R, A prominent wember of one of the large wholesale dry gods. houses of Montreal, who has just returned from a trip to the Pacific coast, including Vancouver and San Francisco, writes the Grand Trunk as follows: "On our trip to the Pacific 'coast and veturn we travelled over ten different rail ways, making use of the dining car service on ech, and would like vou to know that we did pot find in any cage that the serviee on the dining cars of other lines was superior to the Grand Travk railway, and in many tases it was very much infegior. I take, this opportunity of informing you as to what we think of the service you are giving on our great Canadian railway." , ---------- A gentleman very close to the Otte wa goverment is authority for the rumor that Hon. F. 1. Monk will shortly 'he retired to a seat on the Quebec bench, from Casecarets, "Don't let your stomach, liver amd moment; put an end to the headach sick, "sour, now: a i need National Cash} WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1041. GANANOQUE RATEPAYERS TO VOTE ON BY-LAW. W. F. Nickle, M.P.. to Address Meet ing in Gananog Arg Hopeful of Winning in Leeds. Gananoque, Dgo. 6.--A/special meet ing of Gananoque public , library as sociation was held last evening. It was unamimously decided to. petition the towt' eouncil to take over the assets of the library and raise its Status to that of a free library in accordance with the librarie® - act. 'A deldgation of the directors, consisting of J. C. Linklater, president, C. Sine, secretary, 1. A. Mitchell, C. J. Wil son, Rev. Henry Gracey and br, O- Comaor attended the coumeil session and preferred their request, being . re- coved graciously by that body and after discussing the question the council commented (o -aubmit the ques: tion for a decision The necessary by-law st reading, The funeral of the late Sarah Mc Luan, relict of the late Kdward Rog- ers, of this town, took place yester- day afternogn from the home of daughter, Mrs. Willian Nupee, ork street, to Gananc fre vault, and seas largely attended. The serview - was conducted by F. J. Me€Clement, Pas- tor of Geaee church, W. F, Nickle, M.JP., of Kingston, will address the electors of Ganano- que in tha opera house, in Wehalf of J. R. Dargavel, en Friday evening, - The ladies of Grace church held an old-time quilting bee in the church parlors yesterday, their being a large attendance. lhe election campaign in Soufh Leeds has opened with a swing, with Mesgrs. W. J, Wilson, liberal, and J. R. Dargavel, conservative, id the field. Last week Mr. Wilson, accom panied Hy W. J. Gibson, made a can vass of the rear of the riding, and this week some hard work will be doue ing the front, incluMug Gananoque, The outlook from a liberal standpoint is very hopeful, Allan Sheridan has disposed of his handsome frame residence on Victoria avenue to George Sauve. who will take posséssion at = ly. date. "Mv. Sheridan has also purchased from the McDonald estate the brick residence on Market street occupied for some time past by Peter Pelow, Henry Mortgn, King street weet, a well-known hunter and trapper of this section, is reported as having met with a serious Sneak | thieves broke into his barn and made off with some twenty valuable pelts, was given its loss, The Banner of Truth. J. RM. Eternal truth, rear high thy crest. In all thy splendor shine, Where countless millions long pressed, ; In mental darknees pine, op- Subvert all false and hollow eresds. And bloodsatained shrines o'erthrow, Uproot all rank and deadly wens, That in mind's empire grow. Lead knowledge to benighted claims, The human will direct; ' Change sounds of chains to church- bell chimes, Thy sceptre, faith protect, Thy temples build on every height, Dash idols to the ground: That mankind, basking in thy Fight, May worshippers be found. Imperial tyrants curse they name, And tremble at thy glance, And "torlaned slaves of vice shame, Reel back at thy advance. and The fettters that the mind enslave, Melt at they touch divine, Thy radiant glory gilds veal lila, And marks its moral thine. No earth-born, crawling thou," No "breathing form of clay; Death's pallid seal ne'er thy brow, To mark thee for decay. thing . at stamped Thy name is blazoved God's throne, Thy banner is the sky, On which for ages stars have shone, And hymned thy praibe on high. on Celestial, terrestrial gloom, And in thy glery reign, That guilty earth may bloom, A paradise again. truth dispel all and smile ' "Boston is hungry for but the gospel, and isn't saved be cause it does not want to be. Men leave more and more to women whe are leading the world io-day," said everything v. De, G. W. King, in a sermon. . No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches; how miserable and uncomfortable you are from constipation, tion, biliousness and sluggish intestines--you always get the desired resulis indiges- bowels Hil mike you miserable another gasey . backache and all other distress: cleanse your inside organsi'6f wif the poison and effete matier which is producing the do's wait until bedtime. In oll the world there A Mreent box memns health, happiness and a clear head for months. No you will Don't forget the childven--their litide in- more days of gloom sad a Cascaret now and a good, genile cleansing, too. of the people. at} the municipal elections in Jamsary. herd p sana Cleantine easy PAGE SEVEN. at every individual stage of its CEYLON TEA, IT'S §0 CLEAN; IT COULDN'T BB CLEANER REFUSE SUBSTITUTES © SEALED PAGEAGES ONLY FREE Sample mailed on enquiry--Address: 'SALADA', Foronto LIPTON'S TE ON PACKAGES A THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS ~~ CORPORATION acts as ADMINISTRATOR of Estates where there is no will or where the appointed executors prefer not to act. TORONTO OTTAWA WINNIPEG SASKATOON What Every Woman Wants in a Shoe It is unnecessary to point out to Canadian Women the desirability of being well shod. They know. how well attractive shoes set off an gttractive costume, "AMES HOLDEN" or "McCR " Shoes do this to perfection. They Bold their own in grace and style with shoes made anywhere. And in addition to' this they are #0 well made, both as regards workmanship and material, that they retain their shape and pretty lines until they are worn out which is a long, long timo. AMES HOLDEN ox +1: CREADY sors #ro made of the Vest leather tanned, the soles ure Wo, 1 Ouk---sis irregularity of material, £aish or Mmanship cam escape oy mn of inspection. Our uppers can't rip or toar, they are stitched with silk instead of cotton. The Goodyeas Well process avoids stitching inside and consequcnt Tecomfort, If you will insist on your dealer giving you "AMES HOLDEN" or "McCREADY" Shoes the next time, you will have the best looking and best wearing shoes made. mm l We have just possed into Block the finest range of Hotkey Boots ever shown in Kingston. ' We cordially invite your fnepeéc- ® tion of sme. Sr We are Local Agents for the > HURD PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY BOOT, $5.00. Same as used by all 'the leading Professional Hotkeyiata In Can- ada. We will take pleasure in showing them to you. g J. H. Sutherland & Bro; "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES