QUIDK RELIEF FROM THAT PERSISTENT, HACKING COUGH: We mean the kind of cough it gives one a cold sliver just to hear--the dry, deep-seated back --hack--Hadk--t hia t scents as if it were tearing the y vitals. That's the kind of 8 th Das means business. 3 Fortunately, though, that is also ane of the kinds of or for which Na-Dra- Co Syrup of - Linseed, Licorice and Chiloredyne was first préscribed, and vilich it has been relieving with great promptness and regularity ever since, a Na-Dru-Co' Syrup of Littseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne is absolutely free from Rarminl drrgs of any kind, and is safe even for cl .dren, Itispleasantto tike, and acts quickly, relieving the irritation, loosening the phlegm, promoting ex- toration, and so stopping the conght. honsands declare it to be the best cough syrup they have ever tried. Your Druggist will gladly recommend it, and will supply you with eithera ase; or soc. battle. The-National Chemical Co. of Gadada; Limited. 116 THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on It 18 crowing louder as he goes slong Only 45c per pound. ¥or chewing and smoking. AT A, MACLEBAN'S, Ontario Street. home! rella Boning. sanitary, c Guaranteed one year against rust, /Apposutinents to your Phone or send post card Margaret Dunsett "s, Spirella Corset Corsettiere, 'Phone $78. 106 Wellington St. Read the Sphrella adrertiseenonts in 7 adles' Home Journal, Delinestor, Dnsigner, Now idea sod V. que. ! "thome from the railroad. "KINGSTON BUSINESS ~ COLLEGE (Limited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' taken up his residence in Toronto, 0.HA. jto put up a Connaught cup for ARRINGTON [CAPTAIN OTTAWA COLLEGE RUGBY TEA) ------ ' t is Suggested That the Duke of Connaught Should Give a Cup for| Hockey in Canada, Basil Frith has been elected captain of the champion Varsity team. E. J. Webb, the English walker, has Canadian amateur teams are greatly in demand at Boston and New York. - The Winnipeg city council may take over the big curling bonspiel as municipal enterprise, There will be forty or forty-five jun- jor temms in the Ontario Hockey As sociation for the season of 1911-12. The annual meeting of the Interpro- vincial Football League will be held in Toronto on Saturday, December | ith, : Code, the crack Varsity cover-point of last vear, is in Torgnto, apd is said | 16. be slated for the "Parkdale senior team, - © kl | The Western 'Canada Kefinel: Club! will hold & big bench show in" during the curling bonspiel, 3 first week in February, 4 "Tommy" Burhs' return te Calgary will be 4 sad one. During his absence is Austrais his two-vear-old daughter | Alberts passed away. Burns is now, hurrying home from the Antilodes. Lindsay, the Renfrew goalkeeper who | was awarded to the Tecumseh Hockey Club when the Creamery town dropped from the National Hockey Association, left for *Vietoria yesterday, where he will play with Lester Patrick's team "Jerry" Harrington, middle wing of | the Ottawa College football team, was chosen as captain of the 1912. All of last year's players be on hand pext year, "Silver" Quilty having eoractically decided to remain another year at the college. in the British Columbia league. i Montreal Herald : With the Stanley cup, which was given as a champion- ship trophy for amateur hockey, cop signed into Kmho-what's the matter with getting the Duke of Connanght the { the world's hockey championship 7 A new game is being introduced in Regina--lacrosse on skates. Three or four teams have organized and the sport is becoming very popular. Is wus tried out at Montreal several years ago and proved as much of\ a success as might have been expected, Glendowet Notes, | Glendower, Dec. 6.---James Wilson is, ) Sanford Zee man is cutting wood. James Wilson , has moved [into his. new house. Fhe ie has gone oft of the lakes. It looks: like an open winter. The Richardson company's steamer was sunk in the lake, bvt has been raised. Mrs. John Raymond, of Michigan, is visiting at Sanford Leeman's. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Spider are also at Sanford Leeman's. The people's candidate, J. P. Meln- nes, is worthy of the support of the electorsof Frontemae. Vote for him. Only the "herpine in a novel can read a love letter and curl her hair |, at the same time. i bagi ontr-aE alt re ns Augus ._ Courses A ey Shorth i 'ole. raphy, Civil Service and Te sh. the best ur graduat get oon Within "a short time over sixty secured positions with ope of- the largest rallway core rations In Canada. Enter any ime, Call or write for informas tion, H. FF. Meteaife; Principal Kingston, Canada, "ay SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORAS- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE A a avetivn of avaliable Domiaton Manitoba, Baskatchewan or Alberts. The a cant must r in person at eo lon and ney or Bude Agency for the district. Entry by pro; may oe made a , on n sent conditions, 4 ughter, of intend. n omest 3 : uties--~Six a i) residencs upon and cultivation of tHe land in each of three years, homesteader may live within alne miles o hls .lomestead o And Gocupled by hha or by his father ee a or mother, son, Yanughtor, brother or sister, an In certaln districts 's homesteades if good standieg may pre-empt a Pra section alongside his homest 5 $3.00. per acre. Dutfes--Must up or the Lomeitesd or re 2 {incl i ch o re homant oad entry 0 has d. right and cannot abtals nter for | Flim gl EECEEPREEEREEREEEREEE = HEADQUARTERS FOR : 2 XMAS JEWELRY NEN'S GOLD THE PINS $1.50 up" MEN'S COLD OUFF LINK 00 up. ad MEN'S GOLD LOOKETS-- a 5.00 up. go . MEN'S VEST BUTTON SETS 3 MEN'S SOLD. TIE CLIPS . {so much of late. Bathing the face and pint of witch. hazel, and you have as during to lv. § {tion. We take all To Quickly Chase Away Wrinkles From Fashion Review. The surest and quickest way to obliterate wrinkles of every descrip- 4 tion, from the finest lines to the deep- | est furrows, is by means of the saxo | lite formula, bout which we've heard neck in: the lotion at once' tightens and tones up the skin, affecting every wrinkle as well as creased or saggy tisste about the cheeks, neck or Shin. Apy druggist can suppl re powrler- N saxolite, which Ry affcetive, Dissolve an ounce of this in a half perfect a solution as any expert can make, . FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND GUARANTEE INSURANCE Real Estate Hought, Sold & Exchanged Call or communicate with =F J. 0, HUTTON, AS Market Street, Togstan, Ontario, - - v. ---- DEAR MADAM--T' can in " form you we are making big re. dugtfons If 211 out Ladies' Gare ments during the month of Des 'comber. "Hope you will call and see, US before geing ellewhere. Yours truly, L. COHEN i. AS A FAR OFFER. ck Af Yow're Not po medicine a ve you const the risk, Y. 40 us In any way what- | er, That's a 'but pay. for all Ww ing the. friaky; eT oe i Thee) et Nar An Interesting Meeting of the "Wo fdusiliary. of the Brockville Winai- : A team fox will at Mra. H. Mulvanghs', 'is recovering from heie recent illnuss, at FSclen last Friday night. od enh Gibson neh young jeountry hunting and fishing, has * ny Dining and fish REPORTS FROM LANSDOWNE. men's, Institute. Lansdowne, Bee. 6.~The Lansdowne general hospital, geet on Dec. lst, on the town hall. The membership is steadily in creasing, twenty now being on the roll, a The Women's Institute also 'met op Friday. The president, Mrs. J. D. W. Darling, - occupied the chair. Mrs. Charles ~ Horton gave an excellent paper on "Potatoes." Mrs. I. RB. Beck- stedt gave a sketch on the life of Grey (the author of the day), and Mrs. Redmond a report of the Wom- en's Institute convention held at Tor onto. The next author will be Mrs. Browning. Mrs. Latimer js ill. Miss Maud Cornell, Sharbot Lake, is" visiting Mes. T. E. Foster, 5S. H. DeWolle fell from the bara on Saturday last and hurt his back and side, no serious results are | aniicipated. Misa Jessie Findlay turned on Baturday from visiting her sister; . Deans, Miss Shirley left ah Fridage for Uxbridge, and Mrs. W, . Mare for her home in Rosthem, Hawk Blake Sheldon, Brockville, spent Saturday and Sunday with his sig ter, Mrs. Floyd Fredenburg. Mrs. C Bigford, and Wesley McCullogh, spent a few days the guests of their sister, Nis. Goodfeligw, Westport. Fred, Wallace, Jrognois, is visiting his brother, Harry Wallace. Robert Mox-: ley, Brockville, at Sunday here. Mrs. Guntom, Brockville, arrived on Tuesday to spend a short time with Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Young. Miss Mayme Donevan, Eden Grove, is visiting her aunt, Miss C. Cross. Miss Stewart, Kemptville, is milliner Miss Wilson being called home on account of her mother's illness. Lansdowne has a paei. Westbrook Notes. Westbrook, Dee. 6.--Rev. John Web- ster, of Kingston, preached an inter £stimg missionary sermon. in the Me: thodist church here on Sunday lassi. The many friends of Frnest Sproule are pleased to see him here again alter spénding the past three months in the . Nerth-West, George W. Smith returned home on Wednesday last from Emporium, Pa., where he had Ween attending the funeral of his brother, The late Dr. S. S. Smith" Nr. and Mrs. J. B. Seanlon and littl son, John, of Nairn Centre, are is- iting at D. Shethan's, Mrs. Henry Snook and Mrs. Delbert were vocont visitors of Mrs. "IB. Rose, "Cluster Cottage." Mrs. Campbell (formerly Ada Knight), and daughter, Strat ford, renewed aoquaintances here last week, Courtland Snider, of Maple avenue, was a recent visitor with frinds h re. A number from here it- tended the tea meeting at Collin' Bay. on Tuesday night. The choose factory closed on #ilday last alter g successful season. Mrs- Sperry Burg Mount Chesney Budget. Movint Chesney, Dec. 5.--Owing to the open fall the farmers are still en gaged getting up their wood and tak- ing in their corn. F. McGarvey and E. Prevost attended a raffle at Ida Hill and returned home with a buggy full of ducks and chickens, John Brow is butchering in this' vicinity. A good fall of snow is nebded at pres- ent,which would enable the farmers to dé their: light ha#ling. G. Parnes is engaged far a few days at Joseph Fowler's, * Glenburnie. Visitors: J. Brown, at John McGarvey's; C, Ston- ess spent Sunday at James Sherman's; Latimer; J. and M. McGarvey, in the city; Miss Nellie Fowler is spending a few weeks with friends in Kingston; Miss Katie Hogan, Dufierin, spent a few days at James McGarvey's; Mrs. M. Fowler, at James Moran's, Pitts- hutg: G. Fowler, at" James McGar- vey's; H. Hawkey visited at Sunbury; B. Webb, at J, George's. ---------- a Wolfe Island News. . Wolle Island, Dec. 6--The Ladies Aid Society of the. Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. George Rattruy on November 20th. There was a gpod attondance and several new members were received. A box con- taining quilts and clothing was sent to the Deaconess Home in Toronto for distribution among the poop. Mrs. J. Ferguson is visiting in the city. The song service, held in the Metho- dist church on Sunday evening, No- vember 2th, was largely attended. Miss Blive Woodman sang a solo and 'the oir rendered 'wo anthems. Much credit is due the efficient Mr. Fitzgerald, Sacramental service was held last. Sabbath merning, the pas tor; Rev... A. W. Stewart, having charge of the service. The quarterly board meeting was held i» the church on Montlay. Nirs. (Rev.) Roadhouse returned to Kingston efter a short visit with her daughter here. Glenvale Reports. _ Glemvale, Dec. 5--~A number from here attended the high school Sonor rr . « . t Su rat JE. Day's, Har- iat 3. Dye a? BE Fass. foo , nt a few, ys tw ith fei a Kingston. Joseph Haw- Jn who spent a week in the back re- ome. x : ye ¥ oe. 01 When Grder he MR. WM. A Of V. Vanest, ties he 'was a liberal, esteemed by all funeral service was conducted in Sunday last Colebrook: worth; Louis and Heaps warning will be prosecuted an kigdly to consistency as a ICES of L HOSPITAL _TO-NIGHT 10 UNIVERSITY DRAMATIC IN THE FAMOUS 3.ACT COMEDY, "THE LOST PARADISE Prces-25-35-50-15 | Sots now on Sale MAIL ORDERS nu HA WTREY nd his gwished Tango Ei .. BeRy, In the clenm, © Dear Old TO BE PRESENTED AT THE Grand Opera House TUESDAY, DEC. 12 Prices, 25-50-75-$1-$1.50 LIBERAL MEETINGS | In interest of Rev. J. P. McINNES LIBERAL CANDIDATE for Fron- tenac, will be held as follows: -- Perth Road, Wed., Dec. 4th, 2 p.m. Elginburgh, Wed., Dec. 6th, 8 p.m. Cataraqui, Thurs., Dec. 7th, 8 p.m, Desert Lake, Fri., Dec, 8th, 2 p.m. Fermoy, Fri., Dec, 8th, 8 p.m. Fi rald School House, Sat., Dec. th, 2 p.m. Verona, Sat., Dec. 9th, 8 p.m: Everybody welcome Addresses by Mr. others Representatives are' invited to ap- pear on behalf of present Govern- ment. Ladles cordially invited. Comedy, McInces and PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS]; PUBLIC MEETINGS In thé Interest of A. M. RANKIN * Will be held as follows: VERONA, Wednesday, Dee. 6th. JOYCEVILLE, Thursday, Dec. 7th. ELGINBURGH, Friday, Dee. Sth. WOLFE ISLAND, Friday, Dec. 8th/' CATARAQUI, Saturday, Dec. 9th. The meetings will be addressed by A. Rankin and others. Everybody welcome. Ladies cordially invited. GOD SAVE THE KING. THE DEATH AT PETWORTH Whe , Was Ninety-one Years OWL. Petworth, Dee; '5.-Of ~~ Wednesday November 20th, there passed to rest an aged and respected resident of Petworth, in the person of V. Vanest, who lived to see the ripe old age of ninety Vears, eleven months, and twenty days. Mr. Vanest was Born in the vear of 1520 and was marrisd in 186. He and his wife were two of the first settlers of this place, and ived here ever since. In religion Mr. Vanest was a Methodist and in poli- He was highly who 'knew. him. The the Methodist chwreh' of Uslebrooke" on by Rev. Mr. MeMulles. were conveved to the Nearly The remains White church cemetery, followed. by al. large cortege, Deceased: 'lentes his aged widow; who is aged eighty sight, three daughters. and . two. sons Mrs, fohn™ Shaull, Mrs. James Shangraw, Mrs. : James: Garman, 'Pet - Verona. the grandfather of grandchildren and eleven Mr. Vanest was twenty-one great grpndeh tldren. -- ---------------- Assurance Déubly Sure. The following official notice, posted on the wall of the municipal electric power plant of a town in the of Germany, is being widely produced in the press; south "To touch thekd Wires means instant leath. Any one failing to wespect this fined." mot take jewel, Many there 'are whe do Billy J. ¥. SPA nA, MDs FHISICIAN 3 " _-- 100 Hlingion § HELP--WANTED, HELPERS WANTED, AP ton Shipbuilding Co PLY, KINGS, } AT ONC MESSENGER: GOOD OF. portun ty learn telegraph budiness. Apply, GN.W. Tel. Co. iv : A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; ONE who understands cooking. Apply to 186 Bagot Street. AT ONCE, A coon" GExERAL SER- Yani; ng latindry. Apply to Mrs - e Third, Hington Fireet. BOY FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT: steady position to a Smal bri ht Ba Abply: Business Office, the Whi AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers, No canvassing. Send for particulars, Press Sy ar cate, 3,960 Lockport, N.Y. TRAVELLING SALESMAN WANTED By manufacturing specialty house; Applicants apply, with references, ta Mr.. Lawson, British-American Hotel, Saturday morning. GIRLS WANTED; highest wages; steady employment, Apply, immediately, D. 8. Per- rin & Company, Ltd, London, Ontario. A LINE YOR RV ¥Y HOME; WRITH us for our cholte list of agents supplies; we have tHe agency proposition in Canada to- gay; no outlay necessary. Apply, BCL Co, 228 Albert Street, ,Ot- tawa. OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICS CAP able Scetch, English and maids; also Danish girls; arriving twice a menth. Apply now, The Guild, 71 Drummond St; Montreal, 47 Pémbroke Street, To- ronto, and 227 Bank Street, Ot- tawa. CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH _hesded in every home, especially by "working men; good salary: per- manent position; if you are work- ing for small salary behind the (counter, write to-day; au can double your wages aid own boss, Apply, Bex Whig office. e your E B,C, WANTED--GENERAL. ENGLISHWA MECHANIC, WANTS board oy room iu private family. Apply, Box 412, Whig office, WANT TO SELL 1,000 LBS, OF NEW Pickled Hocks at Se per 1b, the nicest part of the plg for bolling, at A. Maclean's, Ontarjo Street. » SHOE REPAIRING OF BEVERY fe ~-meription; first class work; at leather only used; one trial will sutfice. Hring your repairs to Scott's, 208 Barrie Street, cor, of Clergy West. TAKE NOTY THAT 1 WILL: BOY all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest prices; see me before anyone else' A Thompson, 353 Princess Streél, next St. Andrew's Church, E : . GENTEEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up. to-date suits. Price and workmau- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and jopairing done on the shortest notice. homas Galloway, 121 Hrock Bt, near Bibby's Livery, TEACHERS WANTED. FIED TEACHER FOR 8.8. No. Palmerston, for 1912 Apply, stating qualifications and salary, to Isaac Allan, Mississippi, Ont Qu aly A TREACHER FOR SCHOOL SBOTION No. 4. Harlowe, for 1912; duties to} commence early in January; salary; $3080 per annum Apply to by Cuddy, Sec.-Treas, Harlowe, Ont. PERSONALS, HAL MOLE: WARTS, BIRTH. nn ang un growths and skin blemishes removed permanent without Ronn'? 27 Yoarg Sap oy - ence. Dr. Eimer J. Ear, A hirvat re &in Specialist, 358 Bagot Street. MEDICAL, FREDERICK ETHERINGTON, 'purer Office, 2 Brock Street. Tel. 1958. Hours, 2-5 p.m, §5-§ pm. | Any greatest | = he People's Forum | . A FIVE DOLLAR BILL, EITHER ON corner of Alfred and Rim Streets Queen Breet. Pinder kindly tarn te Whig office or ree BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. 2 GERMAN CAXARIES, winst SHIP. ment just received: just the thing for & Christmas gift," W. J Driver, Corner ueen apd Barrie Streets Pione No. 812. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BRUNSWICK Wi i OTEL, ONTARIO Jopusith DF 1, stat ox lon, one block Streel car line; h best of wines moderate; ok, John from CPR; on bar supplied wit Uguors; sharges 8 i rates by the we Coustneau, Prop. ™ GRIMASON Cl i 18, 26¢ each, ral by the eek. accommodation. reasonable. BURINESS CHANCES. ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail ord¢r business at home, No canvassing, : He your own boss Send for free booklet. Tclis how, Heacock, 2,969, Lockport. N.Y. FINANCE AND INSURANOR, FOR INSURANCE THAT 1 te W. H. Godwin Son's lusurance Emporium, ov Nortliera Crown g nk, Hrock $ reet, or.'phone 421 GENERAL INSURANOR--FIRE, LIFE, Accident, 4 Health Policies issu 'Tes Spi FSURES Go ed; first.c mpanies; standard I A T, 15 Wee oon, Agent, on s x Street. BATEMAN @ GARDINER FIRE, Life, Agcident Insurahce and Cus- toms Hroker; Real Estate aud Money to:boah; a share. 6f your business solicited, 67 Btreet, Kingston. 'Phone 336, 'KK. CARROLL, Btreet.--Pire, Life, Health Thsurance, Employers' LinbMWy and Motor Boat Insurance, Securit Hongda, Real Estate in' Winhipef, 'Regia, Calgary, Moose Jaw, etc, " MARKLT Accident and Plate Glass, FRONTENAC LO AN AND INVEST ment hic. '- Society; tablished 1863; president, Sir Rich rd Cartwright; money issued on city and farm roperties, municipal an epunty ebentures: mortgages purchase]; deposits received and interest gie lowed, 8 Co McGill, Managing Director, 87 Clarence Street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOIRK Fire Insurance Con.pany. Available assets, $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hability of all the stock-holders. Farm and olty. property. insured at lowent possible rates. Before renewing o a Riving how Dusiyess get Tatas rom Strange trange, 1 'Phone 325. " poi wv DENTAL, "we, iP $72. IRAER PR 'ARKS 350 1.3 'Phone MTOR BP ~N 13 DR. NAS, oker, ©, er, aus 'Phone 785; LER. O A S.A A is : YEKROYD, DDS, LDS, DENT. ty over Dominion "Resrocs Office. a Wellington Street. 'Phone Clarence ['#TORAGE FOR FURNY OILCLOTH, 1. Cork, sil tude in p 705. INOLEUM, ALSO ome remnants, x gn aiffer Tices, at Taurk's Phone . FIRST CLASK COCKRELS Rhode Istana Red, A, doite and 0 outs | treet," Boyd, 108 Pine ¥ a ROOM. BRICK Foo Stree; immed iaiely easy AF Bond, 26 Fron. L500 WiLL, eotiage No bossesglop terms. Apply tenac Mreet, ls TY A 41d HT cami asd. Kis ooen BEAUTIFUL Tic shan Plano, wal rented three months oniy: will to dalek buyer. for. . cash oe al m ¥ paynienls A 3 TT: Whik office Uk Anpiy. Box 11d FLACS, AWmnIN ing out HiTE TO RENT, GROCERY STO on, King and Lower Gordon Beacon reet, tore, Karl 8 Lor or ¢ Howe FOR SALE, A FARM, TAT Dwellings. FOR SALE OR REN the th Spt . sety nd lots 11 and 13, mh farm sion of jnigston; aE good & a gral 3 AN & GAR INER, REAL gS. nee, 61 Clarence BATH , tate and Insura Street, Kingston, TO LET, DWELLINGS, FURNISHE } IN furnished, 8 ISHED AND UN tuves, etc McCann, 51 \ FIVE-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE Ne $12 Johuson Street: \ oe A QO Sth y a A. F. Bond, ONE ROOM AND for one or two pe alry: conveni Apply, Box 127, UDY, suirasLe rsons; 'bright and it 16 Univergity ! Whig office ------ -- dry, airy. rooms, adaotuts MEAN footy Zant gown lock ada 0 'Phone 88 Borage. 299 Ques nu ALFRED house; "nine rooms and Hent cellar, with Rood 1; rent Moderate Apr «d" Street STREET, BRICK bath; ex ard und ¥ to 187 mp ---------------------------- FRAME HOUSE, nN class condition: stable if de- possession immediately Ap- Jenkin Street, between and Alfred -- ARCHITECTS, ® HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT. 268 King Street. "Phone 345. 9 RTO, ARTHUR ELLs, ARCHITECT, ToL yersity 1 Avenue, Telephone WM. NEWLANDS & SON, AROfits tects, ete. Office 8 B 'Phone 608, .. = pot, POWER 8 SON; ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bak Bullding corner rock and Wellington Streets, REAL ESTATE. BROUGHT AND SOLD; RENTS COL, lected and woney to lean: offic No, 251 Victoria Btreet, Richardson, OOCRAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY. TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. ; rkpatric A ef COC 8 Ki 42 oe ee Blfeet, Kingston Phone FURNITURE FINISHMR. LDS, DD 19 Mo:itreal Street, Da "Phone 652, Ground floor B KNAPP, BA. Dentist, Princess. office. MUSIC, YOUNG LADY, FREPARED TO GIVE lessons In elementary music: given at pupil's heme If referred; erm Very reasonable. 0 Nelson SALSBIRY FRO. ORCHESTRA Call up 107% or address 21 Sixth reet when In need" of an or. chestra for dance, at home or ball 45 r the 'phone number Me! BTRA, | VIOLX larger if required NS oR clarinet, plana, open f ements balls, or dances, receptions, afternoon "teas | ete; latest musle; a #isl salleit Appointments may be made at Princess Street, or 'phone 224. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPROIALTY, ebonining and gilding, enameliin and all colors of mission work; a work [ivan best attention. Pat. Urisgoll, 23 John Btreet. Call or drop a eard, in bly WINDOW CLEANING. THE SEASON OF PALL HOUS cleaning is now here: we do al kindd, such as waxing and oiling floors: we also clean and put up worm, x indows, ! a a dow ny 6, 21 Mon ebooks Drug Store. over LTH WITHOUT DRUGS HR. G. Ashoroft, DO, 136 Wellington St, opposite the Post Office; chrom'e diseases treated by methods and Electrical 3 eALmants by appointment. "Phone 2tod ice hours, 10 to 12 aa. and 7 to ¥ pm "Phone 386. DR. EC. D, MaeCALL PHYNMCIAN, and Surgeon, 142 iiington * Bt, Office bours, 10 to 38 am. 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m, Teleph: 93 ohe 1 LEGAL, NNINGHA BAN cUN INGH oa Tay aw Office, 1 rence | UPHOLSTERER. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- airing and earpet work, nulr mat. Pe ara, card . call 218 Bagot Btreet, Reply to. Greeley. There was once' a : between Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the | eminent woman sufiragist, and HH ace'Greeley, on the occasion of a dis course by the former on the right of women to ballot. In the midst of her talk Greeley interposed in hi® high- pitched, falsetto voice: , i hat would you do ' An Order From You Will be apprecia AR pe agp 18 ted Our service a> is Careful and Courteous. Our Coal and Wood is the BEST QUALITY. Our prices are reasonable, : ;