WORN "BY THE BEST PEOPLE SOLD 8Y THE BEST DEALERS ] An (SE) 88) Ree LR ERIEOE NESE EEE® , (® ' oh . / v For : best quality of Fruit Cake try ours, Made from the material Bee our window CAKES ICED AND DECORATED FOR XM AS. Phone 141 . 302 KING ST. O00 00000T0T) . H. ieee ss niareie a la)e "ls QUALITY IN SUGARS All Sugars do not look alike, if placed alongside each other. Every Grocer knows this. We want the Consumer to know it. Insist on having EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR You will not only have a good Sugar, but the best on the market. The clear white color proves the superior- ity of "Redpath" Sugar. When buying Loaf sugar ask for REDPATH PARIS LUMPS in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MON /REAL, CANADA. Limited Established in 1854 by John Redpath Eatshlished in 1834 by John Redpath | Port { said : DrJ.Collis Browne's ( THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENC. GE, The Most Valuable Medicine ever d§gcovered. The lyest known Remedy for CoucHs, CoLps, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. "Elfoctually culs short all attachs of STASMS. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases - FEVER, CROUP aad AGUE. The only palliative in NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATIS HL. Chlorodyne is a liguid token in drops. graduated according ¥ the malady, LI invariably rodieves pain of whatever kind: creates a scaly refreshing steer; allays trribation of the' rervous system when all other remedies fail: leaves we bad effects ; and can be taken when no other medicine can be tolerated. INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNLE. WITH EACH § BOTTLE Sold by all Chemists Prices in England: 1.209, 4/6 Sols Manufacturers: LT. DAVENPORT Atd. . LONDON, SE gv The immense success of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. NB. Every bottle of . Geawin Chloradyse A bears on the stamp "~, A Warm Bathroom Pemscnoy. * Every mother should be careful that Bo che le ire na warm hogan. The chil of a Sl toot is dangerous fies Spm in turquoise-blue ensmel in steel ; and shone, yo soo aod dursble--wtable for sng voces 1 es bn} LOE _ nS +: Dealers everywhere: or write to ay agency of ' Queen City Oil Company, Limited a : Da {cons street. _socialisty of 3 pat Na . TOO MANY STEAMERS 'crsriox wis vanum { ik { Dyspepsin. Gas, Sourness and Other ARE ON THE TAKES, 50 ¢pssgy Stomach Misery Go In Five Mine : 0 2 1d SO VESSEL | ; OWNERS. SAY. b mtes. : Lake your Senso Grain mach--or maybe you call it indigrs- tion, dyspepsia, gastritis or catarrh Ocean of stomach; it doesn't mat terg-take United your stomach trouble right with you [tg your pharmacist.and ask him to open a S0-cent case of Pape's Dispep- OR gin and let you eat one twenty two- the whole apy more satisfactory from grain triangule and see if within five the vesselowners' stanslpoint than minutes there is left any trace of your have other recent seasons. Chiefly former misery. : 5 responsible for this condition is the The cprrect name for your surplus of vessels on the lakes, due) is food fermentation--food to over-building, a serious falling off {he digestive organs become in the orecarrying trade resulting there is lack of gastric juice; your from stagnation in the stesl business; food is only half digested, and You | the coal strike in the west, and the become affected with loss of appetite, necessity for gettmp all the coal Pos- pressure and fullness after eating, sible west of Fort William, resulting vomiting, nausea, heartburn, griping in serious delays in unloading at in bowels, tenderness in the pit. of locks, where facilities for handling stomath, bad taste in mouth, consti were insufficient, pation. pain in limbs, sleeplessness, 4s has been the case in recent belching of bihousness, sick years, rates duwging the summer and headache, nervousness, dizziness, * or right up to Novemiwr Ist were Very many other similar symptoms, low. The ruling rate for grain during If your appetite is fickle and noth the greater part of the summer was ing tempts you, or you belch gas, or from one. eent 16 one aud a half ff you feel bloated after eating, or vents per 'bashel from the head of the your food; lies like 'a lump of lead on lukes, which 'was from a quarter cent your-stomach, you can make up your to nall a cent below the actual mind that at the bottom of all this of transportation, lwese low rates there is but one cause- fermentation of have been sompensated for somewhat undigested food. ¢ by the higher rates towards the close Prove to yourself ide five minutes of the season. * Final cargoes have that your stomach is as good, as agy; veen brought. down at as much as that there is. nothing really wrong, hve cents a bushel to Rufialo, which Stop this fermentation and begin eat is the highest in several years, + ing what you want without fear of Gram east-hound througn Montreal disconifort or misery. still* meets very serious competition Almost justant relief js waiting for from * that going through United you. It is merely a matter 'of how Slates ports. Lhis is because, in spite soon you take a little Diapepsin. of the facet thaf the rate from the head of the lakes to Montreal 18 lower than the rate to Bosten or ¥New York, the ocean rates more than make up tae difference. Frequently Just because of this lake steamers have had to make a rate from ¥Forr Wil liam to Montreal lower thap from tulfalo to New York. At least half of the grain leaving Fort William Arthur in the past season gone oy way of Buffalo, In this connection a ste sour, out-of-order sto Unsatisfactory Rates Too Low----Cheap Rates Take Grain States Ports, Ihe past season has' not heen to trouble souring; weak, gus, cost THE WORK OF HATS. "Savings. of a Lifetime Gnawed to Bits. Washington, Dee. 7.~The life sav- ings of Jack Simpson, of. Aitkin, Minn., amounting to $2,565, securely hidden from burglars, were reduced to pulp by hungry rats and mice. ln a letter received By Présiffent Taft, he appeals for the redgmption of the fragments by the federal treasury. and has amboat man A "Liles the ocean lines out of Montreal can be forced to give as His w . il 1 i ow rates oll grain out of Umited hs ¥en i, accumu ated to" buy A states ports a greater proportion of farm, Simpson expléins, was placed in the Canadian grain will find tw way 2 Dox and deposited het ween the "'up- to the seabourd through: the United stairs floor and the ceiling. No hum-+ States in the future." Rates from - 2 being disturbed it, but when he Boston" and New York to Liverpool took it 4Fom ius hiding place, he have during the season averaged ue, found it reduced to dust by the rave a bushel lower than the provailing 8ges of rodents. The president has re- rates Jtom Montreal, ferred the matter to the treasury de- "Owing to the action of the Jul} partment for investigation. : underwrit.rs ir refusing extensions of The treasury department recently Foo surance after Nov. 30th, except deemed for a Kansas farmer a roll of on impossible conditions -amwd---exort- bills which slipped out of his back bitant rates," he continued, "'grain pocket while ploughing his fields and rates have advanced ver v comsider- were buried in the soil for a year ably during the latter half of No- The money, subjected to rain and vember, ard have enabled vessel-own- 'frost, was a sorry sight when he re- ers to close the season a little ahead covered it upon reploughing the field of last svar. (It as appara) hows the following season. The treasury ex- ever, that 'the specul tive building perts succeeded in piecing it together of ships on the lakes must ccme to a anid sufliciently establishing its ident top, at least in the bulk and package ity for redemption. fright trade, watil the dommerce ! area ni CALLS DAUGHTER THIEF. of the lakes overtakes the large sur- plus of boats before any repsonable | returns can be secured by the opera- Mother Pleads for Girl Sentenced tion of freight boats." : } ta Prison. 2% In addition to the higher ocean | : i wi rates on grain out of Montreal, Can-' Cleveland, Deo. 7.--~Maud Wilber, adian vessels are handicapped twenty years old, of Syraeuse, N. Y., iously by the discrimination of un- Was sentencsd to one year in the pent derwriters Agninst boat trading to tentiary fof stealing a eash box econ Montreal. Insursnce rates on loats taining $166 fiom the May company. trading from Montreal are two per' She is also wanted in' New York and cont. higher per annum. than those on Philadelphia for the same of boats from United States ports work at big department stores. She to posed as a member of the office force, "er sort Package freight boats claim have had a fairly - suceassiul soason and got the cashiers io give up their in westbound freight, although the money to her. 4 total volume of freight carried is not. After the sentence was imposed, her quite so large ss it was last vear, mother, Mrs. John Ranger, of Syra- this is possibly' due to the Jowness cuse, said the girl was not to blame, of the water in the lower lakes, and that it was pretiatal influence, "Be- also in # measure to the competition fore she was born, we very of the milways. "poor," said the mother, "and 1 wish Passenger lines ed all the time for more money" ceasful season, es the regular to be were report a very and the Business routes of travel oem | werensing from year to gear sue WT 4 formerly China, n Castello Branco, minister to monarchy was still arrested on a charge against the republic a visit to Brazil, The 200 cotton mill strikers at Mn gog, Que, went back to work nt th 7.--Braving death old wage, and the mills' are running full blast again. Porta where the existence" was ol conspiracy while He was on ruese WARNING RANCHERS. Women on Handedr Brave a Forest Fire. Los Angeles, Dec in a forest fire, Mrs. May K. owner of tate; her son 3 Rindge, the $1,000,000 Rindge es Frederick and. his wile, and Mr. and Mrs. Sanuel Rindge pumped Fl hand-ear for miles, over the Rindge estate until stopped by heavy sand, in an offort to warn ranchers. Fire Warden C. E. Gilton, of Santa Monica, who has returned from the fire zone, told of seeing the handear, manned by the women, passing camp well up in the mountains. i Mes. Rindge's thands were blistered ina Faint Exhausted Was the Nervous § System. and raw, ne said, for she and the | : ? other wumen were aiding the men. {The Feeble, Wasted Nerves Were Gilton said the party passed on-aiter | Restored and Revitalizd by shouting to them to warn all io take | ---- every precaution possible, as the! + i ' flames were fast swee ing over the! flames Seep Dr. Chase's Six lives were lost and many fire- | | fighters injured, two perhaps intally; | Nerve Food a dozen mountain rangers' homes were : destroyed, and property worth $500! Nervous prostration is a terrible 000 has been destroyed on the line of (disease to all who! understand its the fire, .y.. . a symptoms. At times the sufferer en, (feels comparatively well, but with "Caroling, the thresvesr-old dau h- | ter of Me. and Mre. Horbert Terhog. |e", Fetus and all strength and a PY : {vitality seems to leave the system. gen, Olean, N.Y,, secured » sack from | This ir Mrs. Marti a the pantry in which was some candy! a stich irom. Mgs. Martin, ory and a mumber of. tablets, containing wel lescribes the terrible cond; an element of strychnine. A vounger 0 which many a sufferer finds her- sister, Mildred Elizabeth, one vear and sell. She aléo tells how 'she Tegain: three months old, ate from the sack 2d healih and strength by using Dr. and died about fifteen minutes later. | Chase's Nerve Food after all other "Christmas sweets" from MeCop- | treatments: had failed. . : key's and Huyler's, will , not he on bi My Edwin Martin, Ayer's CLF, salo uati after December Ith.' At (Que. writes:--"Before I began using Gibbon's Red Cross drug store ~ Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 'I was in a Mrs. Pridget Medded, wife of The terrible condition from Bervous ex- mas Madden, a wealthy feticed con h8ustion and prostration. Dizzy spells tractor of St. Louis, Mo., died at her 'Would come over me and I would - fall home irom Blood-poisonivg due 10. a 10 the floor. "The was so scratch from a nail in her shoe. great Hint 1 eould oo #0 much as 'Great sale of men's socks. Prices sweep the floor without fainting, but that will astonish. Dutton's, 209 Prin- | the nerve food helped' me ny the © ldoctors failed. It has done wond- »eaused by rupning a splin- ers in bu finger several davy ago, ere 1 van'do my in death of Lafayette and washing ! Evansville. French was forty. great medicine vears old. 'send to me. T think it is the best of Alexadider, good government candi- » date for mayor, was elected by a large whijority over the inhorite | When She Attempted to Work, s0 slight exertion the dreadful helpless- |. = TNE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY. DECEMOER 7. 1915. ORDERS BEING . RECKIVED-- TIRED OF MOTOR BOATING. Letters Sent Out tp Yachtsmen, Outs lining Proposition to Revive Al most Forgotten Sport----Ilanned to Hold Regattas. NY, Dec. 7 >t Ogdensburg, ing season on the > notable for a revival oi © forgotten sport of sali lently 'the motor eraft pall on the Jer among ment has" ioeen al sible the sailing vessels Heir own again. \_ year ago twenty power boats, ill of the same model were turned out at the Letare works for of the various vaeht clubs. Now it = is woposed to build score of sail wats, all of the same dimensions. ietters have been sent out to the nembers of the Thousand Islands, Frontenac, Chippewa; and Gananoque Yacht ( lubs, outlining the proposition ind inviting them to Join in the novement. The letters are stoned by " M. Englis, R, H. Eggleston, 1, MW. sibbons and A. G. Miles, comprising he ope-design sail boat committee The letter contains a cut of the wat and rig as designed by William sardner, of New York. The ctf, shows + natty sailing eraiv 26 fev over all. ix feet, sid inches deck beam and ex- reme draft 'twe feet six inches. otal sail area is 300 syuare feet, nainsail will have.a mjuare feet and feet. It ds expected that the twenty sub- eriptions will be obtained in short der as the contract will "be entered nto apd the first pavment made January lst. A number of sailing re rattas will He ed for thes oats the coming summer, ~The com awrence wit] 1 almost bvi + begun to » whi sum- move- started to to come members Ihe The spread of 235 the jib 65° syunre on arr Duchess of Connaught and Princess atricia are likely t, spend most of wit summer in Furope 5 0X0) IN CUBES --the greatest. success ever launched in concentrated foods. Nowadays, everybody" * uses OXO Cubes. 4 Cubes--1oc, CEE ---- THE PERFECT COOKING BUTTER. You ean mprove on VOrite recipes instead of butter or lard with Ko-Ko-But keep fresh Your pastry is light and flaky, gestible and Test and prove Ko-Ko But own kitghen "Your grocor sclls if Write for book of recipe § I by using Ko-K« wholesome, a MONTREAL 0000000000000 ECONOMICAL WHOLESOME opps PURE / RIE) ANT 2 POWDER PAGE SEVEN. OUR CRYSTAL BRAND 01 stamdard Granulated Sugar das been iried snd found egcelient tor sreserving and table use, Price siways right : ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontarie Street Vv : REMOVED, Lockhart, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, &abn- nounces that he has removed to larger offices over Bank of Montreal, Clarence Street, Kingston, where he has better facilities for conducting bis husiness, ~ Thomas Copley AE "i " PHONE 987. 'Drop a card to 13 Pine Street wea, ~vanting anything doge In the Carpen- ter line. Estimates ven on all kinds of repal and new work also Hardwood Floors of 'sll kinds All orders will receive prompt attention. shop 40 Queen Street T. 3 vend Be Sey oe A487 02120 Fou 00d ap. Smoked Kippered Fillets - Bloaters Ciscoes Finnan Haddies DOMINICN FISH COMPANY 63 BROCK ST. PhONE 520 ---- == Prrsvscsssvsesnunas Teun e@ ROVAL wom CREAM Panton AND QUICK LUNCH ROOM. All kinds of Lunches and Hot Drinks lose Cream sad 51° kinds Fruit and Candles. M, PAPPAS & CO, Nd Princess Btrect. of - i. -- - - vss rssssssssssscnaasg ¢ THE CLUB HOTEL |} ' ; ' WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Prince ) principal st theatre | Arges are moderat #1 rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, Proprictor, § ' ' 1 @ ss vvasssssssessessenll WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal the 'Celebrated Selected from Richmend No. COAL! The kind you are looking for® is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. "BOOTH & CO. ' FOOT WEST STREET. Cakes { DOMINION COCR NIE BUTTERS TERT ARTVVLVALVALECRAAY EE I your own fu But vac longer s di , LIMITED, CANADA, The "Happy Home" Telephone 35. CE -------- § "HAPPY HOME" RANGE design; large ventilated oven, made of the best material, fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction, and will cook more with less fuel than any cther Range on the market, --le.. Elliott Bros., Range is handsome in 77 Princess Street. 0400000000000 -- $ -- = rr 'The i " Dainty i The W. | | | KINGSTON at friends call Crothers' Shrewsbury Tea Biscuit It will fill the final need for your afternoon tea. | having 'Shrewsbury " l is what our J. Crothers i Shrewsbury " Insist upon Co., Ltd. 0: ONTARIO | Srvrevsssdecscsevsstesanen CEE 0T806606005TTI00E ------ Ci stn een, 4 and Ontarie No. 1 | Mines, the best Anthraefla Coal | mined tn Pennsylvania. is Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL 'Phone 146. North End Oufario Street. APPLES SNOWS, TALLMAN SWEET, BELL FLOWE} : NORTHERN SPIES, SWEET CIDER; COAST SEALED OYSTERS, D. COUPER, Phone 76. 341-8 Princess Street, Prompt Delivery, of Keg Heer for TTLING CO. PHOMI'SON, 1'rop i" The TH Be jo x orders" will' be' filled gntis- orily if deal there at 'P. | WALSP'S, 05-57 Barrack Street. Your { fact PO { | | | i t { | o> iL 5 a £ ABILITY a term we think we are o i ' ! honestly entitled to : Our experience of years gives us a keen Tinto the requirements profession many Insight of our | While experts, our work {5 that of we charge anything | but exorbitant prices Po You Require Our pervices? i CALL AND SE 5. i "om 'David Hall 86 BROCK STREET. Phone 335 i i Residence' 'phone, $56. li aan . The. seer' of! Graneial eon count every ceui and make every cent count, . :