especially for the boys and girls who grow too fast. Rapid growth and the physical changes that are taking place render them parti cularly liable to weskness and dis- orders of the diges- tive system, kidneys . or lungs that very frequently, when allowed to rin om, condemn them to a lifetime of suffering. It is most important that at this period of life those organs. which carry off the body's waste and impurities --the bowels, the kidneys and the skin -- should be kept active and vigorous. Nothing will do this more effectively than that good old-fashioned remedy, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. It acts directly on each of these organs, enabling them to do their work properly, and thus the whole system pure and hedlthy., Morse's Indian Root Pills are otill made from precisely the same furmula as when our grandparents used them, for wothing better has ever been devised, Made by W. H. Comstock Co. , Ltd. Brockville, Ont, and sold by all dealers at 25¢. box. #r. Borse's Indian Rest Pills would make ber hoalthy asd bappy. Po MAKE THIS TEST How to Tell it Your Hair is Diseased. Even if you hlive a luxuriant head of linir you may want to know whe- ther it is in a healthy condbion or not. 98 per cent. of the people need a hair tonic, Pull a hair But of your head; the bulb at the end of the root is white and shrunken, it proves that the hair is diseased, and rejpives prompt treatment if ite loss would be avoided. 1H the bulb is pink and full the hair is healthy. We wynt® every one whose hair re quites tlea®tent to try Rexall "93" Hain Tonie. We promise that it shall not cost anything if it does oot give satisfnotory. results, It is de sighed to overcome dandmd, rdlipve sealp irritation, to stemulate the hair roots, tighten the hair adresdy in the 'head, grow hair mid prevent baldness, It is because of what Rexall "Hair Tonic has done and our faith in is goodness that we you tg fry it at our risk, Blo. and 81. Sold only ~The Rexall Store. if yr sincere want Two sizes, our, store W. Ma at G1. Agent--Jas. McParland, 359-341 King Street East. COWAN'S PERFECTION 3 Tug DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1011. AROUND THE WORLD Mad adeira "By Our Special Correspondent, EDGAR ALLEN nN CE) UNCHAIL, Madeira, Oct. 29.-- Five hundred Americans out- ward bound on acruise around : the world gave Funchal the busiest Sunday that it has had in meany a day. The dewout population was just finishing early mass when the gay bunting of the Hamburg-American cruising ship Cleweland came into the bay, with the suniight gilding the tips of its stately masts. One half of the city, dressed in its: best bib and tucker, hastened to the per to serve on the self appointed reception committee, while the other half ran to open its ba- zaars and spread out a tempring dis- play of finery. The Americans were in a frolicsome mood, for they had been nearly eight days without a sight of land. Besides, to many this was the first tim® in their lives that they had seen a foreign port. jeautiful to the eye of any traveler, Funchal has a sentimental interest to Americans because this little city of white houses, half hidden by the dgu- riousness of its follage and flowers, was once the home of Columbus. On the neighboring island of Porto Santo he won the daughter of the Portuguese governor. and -¢ither here or thére he is thought to have first conceived the , great idea, The Funchal house in which he lived has given place to' ohe more modern, but the site is yet to be seen. The guides, however, are not all well informed on the subject of their most celebrated townsman. One Amer ican party in Funchal several years ago was led blindly up one street and down another in a vain search for the navigator's former home. With the cheerful assistance of an idle and eu- rious crowd the guide finally halted his party at a gateway and vanished with- in. After a long delay the impatient visitors saw his disconsolate face re- appear. "Colombo no live here now," he said sadly. "He dead!" And he was much ruffled by the heartless mer- riment that greeted his sad disclosure. Down in the business center of this little Portuguese city is a poor excuse for a restaurant, with the one redeem- ing feature that the traveler may sit ata fe on the narrow sidewalk and watch the sluggish stream of Funchal life flow by. (The fact that passersby qmust go out into the street in order ito pass his table does not annoy this @ood natured people in the least) Sit ting here at luncheon, with a bottlé of 'the farfamed Madeira wine as an an- tidote to the food, I saw a small wed- hiding party come out of the cathedral ;across the street and drive away in ox hearts. It projected the mind backward across four centuries to the young sea captain, Cotumbus, for they will tell you in Funchal (and it may be true) that it was in this very church that his firstborn was christened, Madeira and the Azores are our near- est neighbors eastward in the Atlantic, yet we are less acquainted with the Portuguese than with any other race in Europe. In. Madeira at jeast the conviction grows that the youngest of the family of republics has = it some sturdy stock, for the inhabitants of Funchal and the country folk who come with their produce are a simple, good natured, courteous people, even to tourists, who are a heavy tax upon the good natdre of any land. This balmy isle that sticks its ruggedfhead up outiof the Atlantic has been tourigt ridden for many years, yet even its guides make a favorable impression. They hawe less of that annoying per- sistence than those who walt at the gate of almost every port of call around the globe, The courtesy of the peasant born who guided about the streéts of Funchal is something to be remem- bered. When we came to the parting FORBES of the ways there was no haggling over payment, no whine for tips. I ordered a-glass of wine for him, 4nd he drank my health standing, with bared head-- not in servility, but with a natural courtesy not expected in one who was so obviously of the soil It is to the British that Madeira owes much of what prosperity remains to it Funchal is one of the mild climate places which the Englishman loves, first, because of its climate and, sec- ond, because of the profusion of beau- tiful flowers. And it is such a health giving spot that ome wonders why Stevenson went far out into the Pa- cific in quest of a longer lease of life. Much that you see in Funchal may be found eisewhere in the world, but in ita facilities for "rapid transit" it may claim to be unique. Ox carts are not uncommon In any part of the world, but where else may you ride over cobblestone streets in a canopied sled drawn by oxen This is the ves hicle of the lower town. The steam tramway of Funchal is merely for the convenience of the foreigner who wishes to ascend the mountain to a fine hotel that overlooks the city. And for the descent again you find the sled, but in a modified form may be called the "surface line" but the narrow, winding street that leads down from monte is better known as "the slide." It Is built for two or three passengers, yet it requires two husky "motormen" to steer it- around the curves by means of the ropes on either glide. Whenever its locomotion be- comes slow and painful gne of the "mo- tormen" draws forth a bag of grease and lays it under the rupner--a crude meth od of lubrication, but it brings results. Taken all in all, Funchal is one of the most attractive and enjoyable of the island cities, and it is a great pity that only the Briton has discovered it. McNAMARAS IN PHILADELPHIA, Brothers Respopsible For Explosions There, Burns Says. young woman. Attempts to identify fier as a young woman of the same name said to be in the employ of the French secret service failed. Philadelphia, Dec. 8.~The MeNamara brothers were responsible for ex plosions jn this city which damaged structural iron works on several building operations, according to Wil liam J. Burns, the-detective, who to- day larriv ed from Cleveland. he said, I am positive that both of them were responsible for all the explosions in this city on strie tural fron work during the last few years and others are implicated." "Will the future arrests include any past or present members of the struc tural iron workers' union ¥"' he was asked. 1 do not care to say, but I will say this--the National Board of the Association appropriated certain sums to John J. MoNamara, and in = my opinion they knew the money was to be used for dynamiting purposes.' Berlin Has Wild Parvots. Berlin, Dec. 9.<In addition to the | sparrows, pj s and other birds usually seen mn a great city. Berlin has now a Folong of wild parrots. Since fthe early months of the year a common 'gray parrots have | smplf (OBgesied condition of the liver Can Now Work With Comfort The Old Pains and Achés Are Now ' Only a Memory. Tells of the Wonderful Benefits Ob. taliéd From DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS Like many another Newfoundiander living far from doctors, Me. Stone feels gratitude for the benefits from the use of Dr. Chase's Liver Pills, "For years he had suffertd from a and kidneys, with headaches, backaches, {sh Ruablggr in the streets of the ex- treme northern quarter of town, where there is still a good dest unbuilt land abd garden vegetation, {interest to observant nature lovers. The little strangers, to the yumber of | twelve or sixteen, who are supposed se k have 4 gueaped from the cages of fancier, Wave successfully foraged for themselves all through the | summer, and if in over reach the brooding season next spring there seenfs some possibility that Ber will in a year or two have a re ar popuiation of wild parrots in its streets. Th of Gen pretty young Whoth Gorman and have been a constant source =of | coming the rigors, Y (the winter and {many Yin' limbs and body. Words fail to describe his sufferings as well as the gratitude he wants to express for the cure. ; Mr. Alex. J, Stone, West. Pukat; Nd, writes: "I suppose Otten , all about t I had fo Io when 1 got Chase's Kidney- ver Pills, but 1 baven't. You mast excuse mistakes, for like many New- Houndland ment I have not mich edu- ication, and 1 want to thank you times for your medicine." od tte Shen bre, ofr | have given friends, who tell me they have ' done : my i on derived from the grant LAND VACANT 00 YEARS. In Best Residential Section Thomas. St. Thomas, Ont., Dec, ~-For. the last sixty vears a piece of land situa- ted in the best residential seefion of St. Thowas has been lying without buildings or tenants owing to the fact that a elear title could secured, The ownership of this property decided out of eourt. The owner, Rev. John Meclntyre,: ted to Australia some sixty ago, having raised the money placing a mortgage to 'hig brother, the late Archibald McIntyre, of St. Thomas, who fenced the property and paid the taxes until his death, fifteen years ago. Since that time the taxes have been paid by his heirs. No communications had been ceived from the descendants of the Rev, J. McIntyre in Australia for forty years. As the heirs of the late Archibald Melntyre wished to get a title, they applied to the commission: ers at Ottawa three years ago for a deed as the mortgage had been - strayed by fire. On the day the deed arrived a claim was put in to get possession of the property, which had just been sold for $3,000, which will be equally divided. Ancient Suit Settled. Frankfort, Dec. 9.2What is said to be the oldest case in. the courts, has just been settled here, four hundiéd] years after it was instituted: The se tion grew out of the dispute between the Lebuser-Kietzer fishers and the Frankfort fishsrmién as to who had the right to fish in the Oder river. : trouble began in 1500 and the Lebuser fishermen showed where Duke Joachim a li their avo of St. 8. was original emigra- re- in high ours "has the Frankfort 'Woman to be Beheaded. Chemnitz, Dec. 8. Convicted of hav: poisolied her Neither can you build up your nerves with alcoholic remedies. To be Self-Reliant, 'nerves must have a: food-tonic that nour- ishes and builds up the entire system. Scottl's Emulsion is the World's Standard Body-Builder and Nerve-Food- Tonic. ALL DRUGGISTS 0OQOO0CO0 XMAS For the best quality of Fruit Cake try ours Made from the very best of material See our window Re Re eR NG |e AND DECORATED FOR XMAS. CAKES ICED Phone 141 R H. TOYE, 302 KING ST. IOC QO ®EE & BLO S TEA OVER 2 Mil LION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY JUST ARRIVED Large Assortment of GANONG'S G. B. Chocolates, the finest in the land a. Jd REES, 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 CERES the finest range of Hockey We cordially invite your inspec. We have just passed into stock pts ever shown in Kingston. tion of same. We are Local Agents for the HURD PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY BOOT, $5.00, Same as used by all the leading Professional Horkeyists in Cane = ada. We will take pleasure in showing them fo you. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" RAILWAY [ETNA Ontario Provincial Fair ' GUELPH . ONT. DECEMBER 11th to 15th | Round Trip Tickets will be $6.35 Good going Monday, Tuedday, nesday and Thursday, DD 11th, 1¥th, 13th and 14ih. » Relur istued ai Weds embog n,limit December 16th For full particulars api ly toy J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner ¢obnson and Ontario Sia, tT a RAN IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian 'Pacific Railway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON 11.45 a.m. BExpress--For Ottawa, Montreal, Quebee¢, Bt. John, NB; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Van- couver, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. 5.00 p.m.--~--Local for Lake, connecting with C, and West. 7.45 a.m. Mixed Intermediate points, Mon., ¥riday. Passengers leaving Kingston 11.40 am, arrive in Otlawa p.m.; Peterboro, 4.38 p.m.; 6.66 p.m.; Montreal, Boston, 7.30 am.; St noon, Full particulars at K. and P, and C.P.R, Ticket Office, Ontario Stree, F. CONWAY, 60. Gen. Pass. Agent. Sharbot P. R. Bast For Renfrew and Wed., and at at § Toronto, 7.06 _ pm.» John, 12.00 "Phone BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train Jeives Union Station, Ontario ftreet, 4 p.m. dally {Sunday exce ted), 'or Twe Bydenham, Napanee, Sere wto, Bannockbirn and all re orth. To secure quick' despatch to anockburn, Maynooth, and points on Jenteal Ontario Route your sMpments of Qu ine Rallway For furs ar artlculare, ply, H, Ward, rt. Phone Rn ent : Yolo, "Pass Agent, No. IDEAL WINTER RESORT. FIRST TOURS CABIN. $s New twin-serew other large steam necting Nassau with also semi-weekly York to Baflings each CUBA £ nt "t% Where rigorous northern Thursday and Saturday exchanged for wonderful ( ate, tor Havana Sailings each Thursday for Vera Cruz Making winters are ban climes \ each viling Va connaetion Me and all points In Write for literal about rates and accommodatio SEW YORK AND CUBA MAN leneral Offices, Pic 14, East New York Aflse FRED A: FOLGER, Kingston, SK Coy River, A NEW IDEA AND A AEW SUP. Three thon yachting Cruluen te the A est Indies wn 1h RED CROSS LINE 8S "STEPHANO, Dee. 20, an. 4 and dnn * I3 Days, $75.00 Ira To i dnl '& i and to Nasstin, Havasia, Kingston, & Colon, Eleetrie fans oi swimming pool. exeslient ral Limited te o 150 pas ing adv d now RING & Co, 80 up, euinine enget { MH ' 17 Stiste Si, WoRH CONSENS Bom ide we int he 1 ate ail year round Ve are rortsmouth; tp Christmas Hrrade | The THOMPSON BOTTLING 0 00. GEQ THOMPSON, 1'rop Telephone 304 i Highest ~ QGrades GASOLINE. OOAL O1L. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMIT DELIVERY. W.F. KELLY. Clarence and Ontario Streets, Toyeé's Building. 0000000000000 0000C0000 Ssamaia ees eeeCePeReee Your orders will be filled aitise. tactorily Hl you desl Here -at PP, WALSP'S, 55-57 rack Street