'PAGE POUR. a " [raz wai SEVENTYEIGHTH YEAR' Xan H WHIG, published. at 306-310 King Btreet Kings ton, DALY » at per year. Editio s at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 Jukes, published in, parts on, Mon 0 United States charge for .Nervousness fs: wasting wor health. Warner's Bale Nefvine qillets the nerves A TEACHER TELLS SOMETHING See Our Handsoma y produces resiful sleep---restores health. Frees from narcotics. "I was troubled with nervous Ayapepsia re dizzy spells; used onle batte of Warner's ing and received relief & 3 Mrs. W. Weston, Sloux 2 . ---- -- 'J VA 1NT DAE A errecte } Each tor a purpose: 1--=Kidney and Liver Cure. Z--Rheumstic Cure, Be=abetes Cure, 4--=Asthma Cure, B--Nervine, Sonstipation) 6--Pills (sioudiem ASK YOUR DRUGGIST. Poul Warner's Safe Cure Co, 293 Toronto, Ont. end me free of charge a sample F of your Remedy No. Name ,... Address .. XMAS GIFTS IN FURNITURE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN CITY. LIBRARY TABLES In Golden and Early English at $12, $16, and. $20.00. BEDSIDE * and $4.50, in Golden Quartered Oak Parlor Tables $1.25 to $35. JARDINIER STANDS 75¢. to $6.50 + PEDESTALS $410 $8.00 Mahogany and Oak any R. J. Reid Hh BOPTEee seers eee WOOD FUEL 3 8 For agosd Fuel at a # low cost try our Hardwood Slabs : They are sound and | diy; in fine burning | B condition. . Prices $2.75 $ the half cord delivered 1S. Anglin & Co, Cor. Bay & Wellington. "Phone 66. SseeeesTeRes ® Men' s And Bons Clothing Gent's Furnishings Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Men's Gore oats, 57. 50. $10.00, 13 and 316.00. Boat value in ihe hd boi outh's VErcoats, sige 81 t 3 $5.50, Extra: value . sm and, tid Sui h a Hy ts, size from Pr $2.50, $2.75 up 10 EOD. 24 to 33. hs Sut, hime 30 ic $5.00 soda and § % 24, Price, ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS sTREkT. A T saLm enters, Lar aa Becond-Nand w, MW SUGARMAN, 243 untarie A i undry has femoy ry. ha i a3 on Fi ntesy ry Work aay. Stock urniture. "heen advanced [Sent "to any a e Suits, $6.50, $8.50, $10.00, 312.004. postage had to be added, making p+ per year. Attached 1s Obe of the best Job stylish, and Sipnp work; nine impro TORONTO Suite 19 and 20 Queen. City Ch Senator Pope, one of the new mem- bers, has soggested that the senate, by some arrangement, share with the commons the responsibility of initia- ting legislation as well as revising it. It is not a new question, It has been up before, and a similar argument has in its behalf, namely, that under present conditions some bills Have been "railroaded" through the howve. The senate has not time to properly consider them. The commans is not likely to con- surrender of the duties that pertain to it in order that the more to do. The of its rights. senate may have lower houge is jealous . The senate now has a monopoly of the divorce business, and it angrily resents the proposition that a Divorce Court be established and that the evidence in divorce cases be taken and analyzed by an expert in the service. day and Thutegass morning at $1 a year. of Daily $3 and of Wee $1.50 c® ys Ky $13 Printing off ed prefpen..y in Canada; rapid, TE BATH WG POLS C2. LTD 8 G. Elliott, President. * Letlan A, Guild, Sec.Treas, OFFICE: mbers, 32 Chie Street, Toronta, H. BE. Smallpiece, J.P., representative, ~BENATE V8. COMMONS. ters of marriage are quite a8 conser- Vative a8 the people of Canada, there is a divpree 'court and it reconciles as many disputing parties as it separ- ates. From the manner iy which the senate holds to its special business one cap infer how the commons will interpret any proposal which affects Pe Richard Cartwright, who is one of the most venerable members of the red chamber, has a perfect cure 'for the railroading business. The senate is tinder no obligation, he says, to hurey legislation, and pass it without due. consideration, because the com- mons works spasmodically and cramps it for: time.' The senate can be as de- liberate as it pleases in considering public business, and if it holds up the commons a couple of times there will be an end to its opposition. It is a good sign when the venerables bristle In England, where the people in mat- up and assert their independence. The Ottawa council: has had twp proposjtign before it. steps should be taken to eliminate the One was that aldermen, who appear to have ' sur- vived their usefulness, and to commit civic government to the controllers, or commissioners, five in number. A counter-movement is that originating with the board' of trade and having for its object the government of the city by a national commission after the manner of the commission which guides and directs and controls the city of Washington, As the Journal has pointed out, the second proposition, upon which the people 'will vote in January, is bound to incur delay and may never ma- terialize. So many things are con- tingent upon 'it the consent of the ratepayers, the consent of the nation- al government, the consent of the On- tario legislature, and the Quebec leg- islature, in so far 'a¥ the surrounding During the reciprocity discussion, and" the election; which was. decided by other issues, principally religions and racial, {t wag contended that the Canadian people were ag served as they 'should be, because they did not have a permanent tariff board. . The Americans had such a board, composed of experts, and the government was in a position to pre sent an elaborate case. al any time without much preparation. Now it board is not well that this American not so ideal and not-sp eof seems PR [footive as it was reported to be. Therd has been a three to two division of the tariff board over the wool duties. "How can there be any division 7" jokes the New York World. "The tar ifi, after it leaves congress, and handed over under the terms of the last republican plat. form, ceases to be a football of poli- ties, and becomes a purely tific' It is not aol opinion but is to a commission 'scien- to be a question of mathematics. €8| put a divigion of opifiion over a pure- matter, MUNICIPAL UNREST. territory is concerned. Eventually the federal parliament may approve of the scheme 'and 'create the national com- mission, since it must spend a large sum of national money. What Ottawa may get, much sooner, and with as good results, is the gov- ernment of the city by commission. The Ontario legislature, James Whitney, may consent since he has had some unpleasant' reminders in the election that what the people want they will have. What Ontario needs is a statute similar to the acts of fifteen state legislatures, so that every town or city that votes upon the subject may have commission government. The discontent in the cities with municipal government, as it is in Can- ada, is remarkable. This discontent has its basis in' the indifferences of the average common council, its disposi- tion to neglect public duty, its in- clination to let public business drift. The commission is the cure, or Sir RESPONSIBILITY REMAINS. ly scientific question in a scientific body is not possible. There can be no dispute," for instance, about the fact that two and two make Jour. The fact that the tariff board has a division of opinion shows that neither it nor the tariff is scientific." And it is this board that Mr. Bor- den and his government would dupli oate in Canada. And he would remit & lot of things to it, the things that trouble the government andl bafile and amioy it. All questions of trade, af fected by the tariff, would go to this commission, and with them the experts would wrestle to their hearts' con tent. The experience at Washington, at the 'present time, is suggestive, Tarifi difficultios cannot be dealt with by a commission. They belong to the government. The commission may supply information on certain mai- ters, just as the department of com- | uterce can supply but the government. must issue the respons. bility 'of dealing with tariff changes and inequalities. them now, INT The politicians in the commons "are fighting the battles of the late elec tion all over again. And the debates are. now acrid indeed. Hon. Mr. Foy, "elated for "a jukige- ship ? ls defeat expected? If not why | should this announcement be made on: the eve of the election ? Mr. Darrow, the chief counsel for the McNamaras, talks about the aw- ful strain that was: upon. him. But for $100,000his fees and peryuisites-- ong ought to stand & good deal. Three m aspirants on one side, and all of them anxious. One un- EDITORIAL NOTES, The same thing was said about Whitney and Mr. Borden when they were in opposition. Two years ago there was a movement to displace Mr. Borden. All things come to the Man who waits, Mr. "Mr. Borden admits that he has changed his mind about. the civil ser: J vice since 1896. when he disclaimed, riotous fashion, against a missal of public servants on poli account. Surrendered to the spoils system, eh ? Couldn't stand the pres *} supe ? There was a merry + war at the last fonservative rally, ments mmde nu stir. kept hot," said a conservative to {pe "between Mr. Nickle and the ABOUT THEM. s=4an Get Along Without the French--Some Points of Real In- terest, : Teacher, in Ottawa Journal In your issue of November 21st, you publish a report of a speech delivered at Fergus, Out., by Premier Whitney in which the honorable I a makes reference to "bi-lingual schools." To quote from this address he makes bold to say that 'north of Sudbury and in many places you will' find schools where not one of the pu- pils can speak English." And he con- tinues, "What are you going to do in a case like that 7 Why vou are go- ing to do the common sense thing. The teacher must be able to pon A both French and English. Then he will be able to teach the subjects of the public school education by means of French and English." To say that a teacher must be able to speak both languages, is one of most absurd ut- terance that bas eyer issued from the mouth of any statesman. What would Premier Whitney advise if he eould understand the schools of Saskatchewan? In many of these there are from eight to ten different nationalities represented in ope single little country school. Would ke have the poor, over-worked teacher under- stand these eight or ten languages. The poor pupils would be grown to manhood before a "qualified" teacher could be obtained to minister to their wants. The writer may here remark that he has Fad considerable experi- ence in the teaching of foreigners. In one school, the location of which Pre- mier Whitney may ascertain without much exertion, the writer had charge of over fifty foreign children. These represented six difierent nationalities, to wit : German, Swedish, Polish, Hun- garian, Rlavish, Galician. At the end of ane year, these children, none of whom had ever heen at school before, and not one of whom understood a word of knglish before commencing school, they could speak fluent Eng- lish, Furthér, one of these pupils, a Polish boy of fifteen, made such re markable progress, that to-day he is teaching school at a salary of $720 a year, and Shuais better English than many Canadian teachers. It may be further stated that the writer has spent some years among the Icelanders. Where English teachers have been employed the children have made much more rapid progress than where a native teacher has 'been em- ployed. Again, let Premier Whitney visit some of the foréign districts of Sagkatchewan and he will finfl that the foreigners themselves, are most anxi- ous to have English teachers." What applies to these schools applies to those referred to by the honorable speaker. In conclusion we would like to im- press upon the mind of Ontario's pre- mier that a child of -another race may be taught English without the teach- er having any knowledge of that child's language. We are proving this every day throughout the length and breadth of Saskatchewan, and in this way we are preparing citizens who will one day cause the cleverest of Ontar- io's sons to sit up and recognize the ability that at present is but in the bud. Kingston and Cape Vincent. Steamer serviee change of time, com- mencing Monday, December 11th, steamer will leave Cape Vincent daily, except Sunday, at 8.45 a.m., arriving at Kingston, 10.30 a.m.; returning, leave Kingston, 1.30 p.m., arriving at Cape Vincent, 3.30 p.m. . Big Values in Fine Furs. When we say ours are not equalled in Kingston for quality or value we don't ask you to take our ward for it but invite you to come in and ses for yourseli. Campbell Bros.' the makers of fie furs. Vate for J. heres, the people's choice for oe) a: legislature for Frontenac riding. He is a man who will do things Joseph O'Brien, formerly pre saident of the American Association of Base ball Clubs, has been named as secre: tary of the New York National League Baseball Club and aseistamt to President John T. Brush. (Brien will represent the club at all National League meetings. Waterman's fountain pens in a ta Claus box," $2.50. Mahood's Drug Store. After eight vears' deviohs travel in the ways of grand juries and special pleas ti® cases of ten Chiepgo meat | packers indicted for alleged violation of the eriminal provisions -of the Sher man anti-trust law, has rehched 'trial Brownie $2 camera makes a good | and ' sensible present for a beginner. | Mahood's Drug Store. Democratic Leader Underwood, of I. 8. House of Congress, is au- thority for the statement that a ser viee pension bill will be passed before 7 {Christ ristmas, DR. SOPER : i ie i | English the Language of the People|' "San- | agriculture BIBBYS" ONE-PRICE MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR STORE. . Overeoats, $15.00 ~The Season's Favorite Overcoat Our Overcoat spread inc very best models of the most noted makers. We're ready to satisfy a Overcoat longing. We're sure that you can find leps, Sir, your taste be quiet "Just your Overcoat," or breeg Our two specials at are: The Speedway Two-style collar coat, ele terns, choice fabrics, A $18.00 value for $15.00 this writing Suits of Refinement We have Suits modeled to sult the taste of the man that desires refine- ment in his clothes. Suits with dignity and character in cvery detail. All freak and glaring features aveid- ed CLOTHES FOR GENTLEMEN. The Premier Suits English Worsieds in new colorings. Hand tailored. Something extra for $15.00 The Alton Suits Cheviots in New and Olive. Man Absolutely correct in $20 and $22 value $18.00 Blue and Black Suits Masterpieces of tailors' art, $156 $18 $20 Fine Scetch Greys, Browns tailored suits. style. Regular for Suit Cases and Travelling Bags See our $5.00 Leather Suit Case. wem---- a Umbrellas New Xmas. Novelties. Fancy handles, ete. We initial umbrellas free. Smart Shoes : Exclusive styles, The young man of to-day always wants "the thing" in shoes, He ges it, when he cotses here for his shoes. We specialize on $4.00 and" $5.00 shoes. New high heels and foes. ludes the ny man's wheather y too, gant pgt=-- regular The Protector Two-style - collar Coat, lish Tweed, raised seams, beauty. Regular $15.00 va $12.00 fine Eug- ete. N lue for ents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men Agents for Penman's Underwear and Sweater Coats BIBBYS L 78 80-82 PRINCESS. BOOSTS FRENCH IN SALARY OFFICIALS SKILLED "JUGGLERS." No counts, People's legally. Dishonesty, Says Court of Ac. But Millions of Francs of Money Are Used I. C | Paris, Dec. 9.--That a lot of graft- ing of the boldest, baldest variety is going on in French officialdom, where {by the 'common people' are heing | skinned boldly out of their "hard-esrn- Jo OY; is the gist-of a report just made by the eourt of accounts to the hamber of Deputies. | |} Actual dishonesty is not charged, |! but millions of francs, the report] says, are annually, spent withaut any { authority, and in direct ¥iolation of precise stipulations to the country. Almost every department is hit, the embassies at London and Berlin, the foreign office, the department of ag- Figuleure, departmental councils, and s, being included, a where there are labor or socialist majorities are guilty along with the rest, and the trouble is so general that it is believed all will escape with a raking over the coals and a warning. The court of accounts is the i preme authority for the spending of public' funds, tape being very much at home in France, the conrt i= always a year behind in ith reports The new report--which is for 1909 i i t A i |< similitude & of charging to the for their own pockets: pockets, similar bodids did the sine thin coincil served expenses Aimargues, in fhe "Card, aboui $300 | weighs to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative." It is found among municipal ounts that officials are in the government items should pay out of Ope council owns Thé gouncil of the Var was generous in entertaining friend! y fficials, spending handreds of dollar wining and dinigg them upon the rouncil's own say so. sMany other &, and mem worth of "refreshments! were served to the voters and the bili charged to the state. In the latter instance, ever, Mr. Common People is presumed to have had "his share of the "refresh ments" and 1s willing to let the mats ter stand, ac how. habii which they ~ very Mrs. Rebecca Barskey, is the children a jury San Fran twenty-one of mother of all boys but one, entirely | { } i | cisco, was one of composed of women, a criminal case, Bhe says she ers may yet have dig down in| has plenty of to attend to the heir jeans apd "pay the. piper" them- | ballot-box, the pry and her childeon elves, 1s | Maurice Molirath, held up A man At. Marseilles, where seems to | Yew York, which netted him twent w a labor and socialist majority, and ten wears in Sing Sing itself a banquet Cadet Leland Devore, of West Pr ont, Bg nearly 8350.°. Other places, where [has been chosen captain of next abhor members rule, sent delegates to son's football team abor conventions and charged up the! man in the academy, to. the ""yoVernment . At} feet three and t may be that the individual to try to time In there the | cen ta, cost- | en He is the standing one-hadf, inc hes, 21 pounds tallest Aix and LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW Sales N For ate Eh ego ts Collected Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate 'E. Blake Thompson, NORTHERN CROWN BANK MARKEY SQUARE, 286, KINGSTON, ONT. starts off by calling to time the var ious departments for failing to send in their accounts in time. The report charges the minisier of with spending large soms without asthorization. This depart: {ment augments in an irregular whn. oer, it is stated, its stall of employees, fand in the same way oir snlaries are hoosted at will. Thi also are given : immense speading Seeints, Attention ispdiréeted to the manner iin which contracts for. work safe car ! fied out at 'the london awd Berlin {émbassies.. AL the! Berlin 13,000 was allowed for new for {When the hill came to be paid, the [eaurt of accounts found it to be for {SI00.43. No doubl, the tonel's se ports says, the extra three cents "was ddded to give su air of ertistic verl Wid ns vs NF Rea " Aa Waa RAWFORDS LL in Your our Cellar IER 81. X} ALRITE