a NOE TEN. ' : " THE BAILY BRITISH WG, SATURPAY, D ECEMEER 11 : - ---- - ---- - a---- -- -- " = -- " s-------- -- ----- -- - - wo m-- mena. ' "Some Strange Jishes "ag At first thought it seems strange io fines, to be later described, are darkness ig continually present. sharp teeth, , . . > ta' i a OF on Tt tes Loire] by. sysaem laps athness is son usally Dre hathyhial oh re or bringin big do the taptain, gate ue Yurtle huntibg, Lior him. "whi is interesting to ob interests of the family to the rool ing provided 'with a light, But such | These 'large dredges are 'attached to sen devils" are degraded forma of of the individusl. Tha: warias pos. plnted the fitile ts the ship, : where he Sutpriie ; eh | is especially prepared ! garden while substance is looked af- is the fact, and there are very many [cables of great length and let down lophins, their surface representatives. tion of the mouth opening is very con- | Prac vattn, hia il har ule 4 ion he ong dee aud tural se fer for the older. members on the cugiosities about as startling to be jand diagged along the sea bottom for The substanes by which their light is venient for iis possessor. but not s0 {to the, museum of the Ca wa gird ivi hig aii a negiYmE the ground floor. Whether or. mot the found deep down in that vast watery [some distance, when they are hoisted produced isy unknown Their hones much so for any friend who happen' , Christiania. ana 5 that tov » I gro a fue ue OWS, | degper Sut SpSGmens of Nght Anping storehouse of wonders. and their. contenits examined. It was dre extremely light and thin in tex to "get taken in" The grotesque specimen called * Me than of a = a ny - ye - isha fhakn in thls peeylins Wane However. extensively and beautifully on an expedition of this nature, di- ture and all other parts of their bod- | 4 i x : 8 1 pee . Js, aly are Shy uly 0 ner is not as yet known, as 'ery eve h " ! ! The outlines of these fishes are any- j13noccstus Johnsonii," named after its|sbuile about among the: weeds und little is known of the habits of those On Bol's rays cover the ever-chang- rected by Mr. Wyville Thompson, of jes 'Are 80% loose in texture that the {hing but graceful, and it. is clearly discoverer, Mr. Johbson, who found [grasscs of the ocean's bottom in th ah hict B enn So, ing surface of the great waters, they 'her thajesty's steamship "Challenger," specimens feel flabby as a dishrag | cane that such bulky fortes arent this str nge little fish. at Medeira, is more shallow places. " Your will nts | Schon » ae R Dams Shei lives "a at fail to penetrate bevond a hundred | jin about 'the year 1878, that the first | when brought to the surface of the eos for rapid travel. The revelation, | the onl¥* known specimen so far -pro- [tice the backward direction of © the mrént = n's Jopths a yards or sd, therdore, the ocean bot- | specimen of' 'wancalias," as one var- 10 these oe docp sea fishes is the location loo p00 ay comparative form is con. cured. . te th cf the lower jaw. This arrange 1 here he St foug Fath ot cerned, of these bulky fish to the] Ms loht-hearing spine is Bir ; . ah | graceful and marrow trout, might well | thorter than some of the other mew- ihe compared with that of the eanal phers posts, but the measnrements of hont-4o the sloop-yacht. the mouth would scem ta make np " for any lack in other possessions This huge mouth &Mables ths fish t take in other Eshes much larger than itself, and to accommodate watt} "hearty" meals, the sack with which the abdomen is provided may | greatly distended as the stomach | (quires, more room, There are two other illustrations which give two views of another, gro-4 tesque wpe imen of the same! family, called "Linophryn Lucifer." At the time hig pictire was taken he was suf- {fering from the efiects of an overs filling dinner, as will be obderved bv a careful examination® of Lis distendad hase line ! His mer!' ont ctrongly to this weakness of bis; and as illus- trated, he has actually eaten a fish, whale, measuring. longer than himself ! | The drag line hanging from his under chin is not his mother's apron string, as' one might imagine, but serves the purpose of a sense organ as it drags | along the ocean bottom, letting its | The peculiar fishes described above possessor know when be has passed i hele ng to the large ordir of gome morsel which is worth stopping | ler" fishes, also called "Frog" for. One would think the lantern held'a hideois specimen of which is . X so neor his eves would disturb his tured herewith, 'These latter fishes w i {for the escape of any victim which dredyiing, os wide-awake fish ate not Pront View Linopheyn *Lugifer. Fi the Mind datice furnigtes for the vison, but we may suppose he is used found all over the se birttom, fre mjonce gels nabbed by the powefil to he en» such An net, fo we tor, even in comparatively shallow iety of these strange fish is called, was (deep ocean depths where the wate to it, as it Appeam to be built there the doptin: ta EE allow : Pinus, wr of this . hidden, nemy- 8 jaa 4 y hate fittle wien of he ae 3 and from their wiprepossossing ap- | method of spawning of these 1s tual pojalation of forms of the crea places, rests in a darkness so intense, tuken. This remarkable specimen of | pressure is $0 tremendous to sky, [| oarance it is proba) ust as well {as remarkable as the fishes them- tyris which pass thar lives so far that our darkest night may not be light bearing fish was brought up at | A remarkable characteristic peculipr this grotesque specimi n of fish was Phat the ide far I ¥ trom t: lve h re laid in. large bevord tl No f A Nothing of compared therewith. Lieutenant Perry a point in the Middle Atlantic, be- of the gill openings, which js hack «+ fourid floating on the surface of the laze of those who "enjoy forms whieh }-saantitics ich. form a raft like much a saint. W wekd bé smi ad rom described the darkness of the long -tween the Canary and Cape Verde | the side, or pectoral, fine. The gill soa by Capt. PP. Andresen, while an Bare smote pleasing. They lie nb 1 ¢heid, sometimes threefect wide by the sevapping of a great fredlge a polar huni go gr that one Salamis: where the i. mired 2, | I merged in the muddy bottom of th thirty feet long and gontainingmear- lone the vrovnd of son plateau or seemed to really feel it, but we may « athoms in depth, or a trifle over; | acean, waving th: tiny flag with {Iv one and: one-hali million of eggs, jraivie, from great heights above, to indagine that the darkness of the feean two and one-third nautical miles! \ 3 3 which thor long fre ot spite "Lip which float upon the surface oo dn vin what manne! of Hyving ote bottom ig mors complete thar even down! This single specimen, secured y » red, ad when a two curiows cvs water where the sun's warmth may tures wm ited this world of xs that 'ofv'd polar night. at this time, was described in 1878 by : Ft ) tomer hpens along to investipaty meet than, . This is certainly a which + nk so full of many won The ovr palit and constant act the English naturalist, Sir John Mur = Ly : the matter, he is 'carried away a Vhandy way of sending the hateling dard a teresting things | he ivity of curious humans, in its wt "ray, and is preserved at present in " A i , 1 enki of d sea dredging 18 and most intelligent efforts termed that great storehouse of euriosities "'goience,"' is responsihle for most of (and treasurés--the British Museum It the knowledge that is preserved to us fs not a large fish, being only three ' from the past, and is constantly and opehalf inches in length, and of * Ny. = gad 1 3 ner 3 yt Yel Ne \ . Jimre nriy ar ive when men muy ex bringing to light added knowlellge a uniform blackish color. The general : ] Fons PN Ay rnc ¥ / {11love the veran's depths ta move ad aud theories developed from findings appearance ¢f the specimen referred to 4 A Le LA fyentucy, but the enormous water of the present' {may be seen from the illustration of i SENS : g i ---- {preserve of thy lower regions would In the study of the great fish fam: !a very similar specimen called "man- A A go ny 5 | . | soem to preclude a persomal ineestd ily, with its wonderful variety ol 'caliaa shufeldtii.'"" The peculiar whip-1 f ; 4 X gation, unkss some geal pressure ~dovins and colorings, rauging fom the 'like, jointed = appendage projecting v & : 2 / ; beautiful to the grotesque and hid- from the top of the head is formed | : : nied, v the "erepy" occupation eous, there is provided a large sub- from the' first cophatic spine, and is 4 = \ a vi investigation ject of surpassing interest. {provided with a small, pear-shaped, Melanoertys -Johnsonii, : There are many varieties of fishes luminous bulb, which may be swung openings hee po small in the specimens voyage to the West Indies. 1t was in which live. near the surface of the sea "about in various directions. As the shown that it is not very easy to find | May of 1877, while ho wos capturing continually, while ' others are found fish 'ex almost hidden in the mud of 'them. The mouths of all the species | f turtle in his boat, about three degrees down, and still others at great the sea hottom, this queer little lan-: are huge, and the tiny black eyes of {west of Madeira, that his attention depths. The fishes which form the sub- tern is Ti ld aloft, some think to al most: of these fishes ard conveniently | wos attracted to this queer little fish, ject of this article, however, are of lure prey within handy distance, while lccated 'near the top of the head, | not quite two inches long, on the wa- the Jowest order, in one sense at others say it serves as an orvan of where they may 'keep an eye out' for ter's surface. Capt. Andresen wrote least, in that their lives ave spent, sense to give notice of the approach any. creature that is att¥acted by the that it was not surprising that" the lit most of the time, on the very bottom of any passing fishes which may serve suspended light. The black skins of {tle fish was almost motionless while 'of the "fathomless deep." in that tot- as food for she individual resting so. thede strange little fishes are com | floating there, as he discovered it had al and immense blackness of everlast- ogmfogtably in the mud. - There seminomas red with minute, embedded, | just swallowed a fish longer than it- ing night, which continmally bathes about? me thousand species in. thise ¢ pines, which afiord some pro- sell | He said it did not lie on its the vast Hoor-ob.the ocean's: depths. familx.ol, ceratiidne," and all known tection for the bodies which are so i gide, but was apparently unable « to Certain valuable fossil remains and forms are of a uniform blackish color very loosely constructed. Both jdwe swim away with such a cargo as it en | these interesting specimens of deep wa very figding color where total Shims] with medium- sized sols oi | compasscd. After such a find as that, Lhis fish is mostly made up ' head, and when the mouth is (lose! Wath ans take the vertingl pewitios The positicn of the mouth aod ver hanging light show very o%arl. th vr relation to each other and . disclos the manner in which this strange fish procures its food, Angler Fish. pic | me nt asSures a more than slim chance ylue f anima life from Jeep ator. This sort of non resistant body CRErMOuE, if we may give much erexhit xf what lis energy i i i i end i 0 ready secomplished wige-bell: could Bo in Manvcakias Shufeldtii, Li eeoming to blonde and bhrimette a- | bec, ninety-two per cent. of the total MODERN SERVANT, ELECTRICITY that she had a Feat deal [res Avky 11 Noctis times no mies TOoMOB ILE FADS. } ah : | ak i } | LORD ASHT N bi: was been more pitterly attacked thand' 1 -- Fike. The button weil is liked, for {The mills of Nova Scotia consmavd s ee . : jucice 10: overcome when she first loft have been, There are people whol erties" Hat Fizures Amon- it is shirred and finished with a hut! nearly thirty - thousand cords New Science is Now Knocking Louidly «tf ber Lerman home for He Veidds soem fo ger tv nnd my politics in {* Novelties. ton toihold®it in place. iB runswick used barely one-fifth Kitehbn Poors. owed Kn 1890, hen ughter : t was ten, vears old, Unen Privmia's chidf function in life was to prepare the future queen of the Netherlands for her high position, and this, Wis axtmitted on all sides, she has dotie thoroughly well \ cnr meg dent 3s narrated in connection with her marriage in 1579 to old Kmy i Wilhelm of Hollgnd The king had fropescd to her very beautiful siste 4 «ha attach y Men are wearing for caps to match [much as in 1909, contributing ii th Popul Machanic Eo cants EK FOR MORE PAY REC ALL-| everyiaing, 'a wha attack me on | eal fad . . . . apular etchant Magazine ORD R : eyery eonceivi. lo oeegsion, The note 'The latest fad in antomobile hats is i the collars of their fur lined coats. |vear fifteen per cent. of the tots In 1 lactii tL {he ilont, mystérion - ris ED BY BOSS, to my people is but am aucident; Dut he corsgrtiblel hat. It. has {Forsian lamb pnd seal being much {1010 the amount used was only hand maid a of. modern scientific SE ---- I have put my foot down at last." j 1 sulle] cri and a wide soft stitch by o. per cent. of the total, due chiefly to mechanic: jrogress, 1s knocking Regarded as Great Benefactor, Too He could not, he added, do an fed brim. fH may be worn turned) 0 of the new ideas in Tay coats | he closing of one large plant The the door of eviry home." ¥he in --But Lancaster Merchant Can't|thing withont political motives being Bp in the bag ate ak fs, Seomt, Hike s "dry shin" raccoon. 'The skins are lavérage value of pulpwood in (1816 mute, we h & no followers. She Tolerate Language of His Own | Bttributed to him. but : Kal hi in e hold. ' go fitted and matched that they do twas' six dollars per . cord, and Quebuoe warts Ao "alternogh off." 8) bet > IF'welva months ago Jord Wshton button untir tha chin to hole 1h not show where they are joined: as {was the one province in which the Toit fix ther wags ihe chikdrin lo Men. complained of strangers DHelonging to place. The hits ark of a smooth, ordinary coats do. 'They are in loose jpricewas less in 1910 than in 1900. not both r ha : oa f : | London, - Dec. 9.--Lord Ashton, {the labor party béing wrought into Fitund | iss Te, feud with solid solo) models, satin lined. he price in this province fell off thir So +n s there is a trolhy ] : ' known as the benefactor of Lancaster, 'the town and addressing meetings "jn | ' by Hig once green is faced with | ei" fad now to design and have | ty~five cents to five dollars and a half from which vou ean obtain neces Ene #8 Pauline, who rejectod hin Hpriertie "made tellet bags to carry' onos toi- per cord. The highest price -paid was encouragement when her spirids are weduse of bis age I would never » © suen language as could not nossisl whose linoleum' factory finds employ: Sten guag ' d not nosanl; ; ; } a . beeen " ment for thousands of hands, has is be defended by right-minded people" Morabon hiods are much usel, » {let articles instead of buying fitted jin Ontario, where it averaged seven low, she works just ag well in 0 Yefuse to Locome a, queen," sand sued an important notice to his work- In a letter which he published he coid } thoy are Hs h'er Shak ha anes. i Fhe, { cases. ldollare, while, pulpwood from Nova Country os in the city. She sn young Emma, to her hawghly cister people. It says: i that "those outsiders have held their hb Y he natural color = and ol Leather pillows in all colors, having | Seotia, at four dollars and er ill, nevsr tired che does not he king heard of this remarl wd "We arrange! came time ago that meetings us near us possible . to med lie pE_evening . wear. hoy hav he buttons and loops as the cornetmcents per cord, wan the cheapest tee h Rava rary ~ Princess Emma' became queen of the wages in more than one depart house at Skelton, indulging in mast 1onzoEearf tabs in front and fbck-{o; hold the doily in place, make al maximuin speed. which yon ment should be advanced, and an or: insolent language and froiNg 20 fav M3 A n rosettes each side of the foomiartabls addition fo the comforts oT R olf der was given to that chect, We have | a8 to deserine me as a thief and rol. ne ! + {of the car Our Queer Langn ARS Ax she has upset all laws and « i -- now to say that no advance will be ber. oe | tubber coats vith hoods attache d I'he rather odd looking black and Isn't it a queer language™ tans the industrial world : Y Evarvbods's: fried made, the reason for which you ate During the last few months veade Son to De dhs Lost raha protectors [white civie fur coats ssem to be A New York policeman saw a wo jg pared to silence fore : that hdam aon aware of.' union organizers have heen busy i lhey may be had in grays and in { cosining in favor a8 motor toats. The man in the street with a carpet pnda i Jeena ojo Silanes J a : "All workmen not satisfied, and who | Lancaster, and from thefemplovees oi <8 §€ tans, fur is soft (nd warm and the costs |stick, fmed up in the trod oma' : hut © js mare wufsic thay soem think they ean do better or even as' Lord Ashtou's mills many new meme; bright red astomobile veils are 0 nog bulky "Beat it," he harshly commanded "13 never weil elsewhere, must ave. our om hers have Leen enrolled. { much worn with fur soft hats asd rl Netherlands... while - Princess 1% marries] an obscure German 1 specimens of the t pax? 1 " ts tran . de ne, nd to male § } The easiest way to acquir y fort A smart tweed coat in Raglan mo Whereupon, the woman Lruek the can emphatic al raative answer {une is to inherit it from vour father ploy at once, no matter how Oe common del' is lined with muskrat: and has a [carpet with the stick and the police fine long disenssed puestion of vib Lg - - " 4 t fv | | may Be the « numoer, as we would 3 TT "4 {fesp raver collar of scalskin, which man arrested her for violating a street | rather clove the wirole works for éver 4 is rather nn mew -conGination. ordinance, le than give an advance of wages ing Boys are wosring. muskrat coats | The judge heard the woman's | it it profable that electricit any mrtment at tho present "time that fall 10 their shoe tops and have [and smiled, ts. mire than it will ever cost We have also to say that in the event | v a high collar around the ears. Caps | "Beat it," he said to he sed Ahi ¥ put Fhe mere yon un wf ' 9 of the works "heing dosed through $ ; 3 i{o match ar worn with them. ' time she understood and hurried "= his "Toes it will weeds ; > It B k ) railway of eonl strikes the wages will ay SRS : a L. What apfesrs to be a vegular suit [Cleveland Plain Dealer [ind ths sitora~ people" using it {1 S a er S | not be paid. » s 2 > ! case i= ny r ality a 'champ BENE Car: 2 ir ---- less "it will vost they civ Fuh "In future, when trade is bad, 'we ; ui rier. it halds three quarts ard glass: A man never finds out how 'oe ei There 1s a vid ol roa x tl and shall only keep men whom we regard wo ; , lem and thers js an jee chaser on one | is until he runs for office Casts t +8 much, ¥ aries diet as friendiv and loyal ja theie em y side to keep it cool. ont ore portions tel ployer, who for neatly half a cen Bn Reversilde iordered scal ceoats are 3 a yf i ges It' D li tury bas upheld the causé.abthe work " N new an ! attractive in appeararce. The 5 , sai Hy ll ' i e hoes with . S € icious| ine dlastes. and we shal pas i ; reverse is made by turning the fur . | as ; past, keep those who are ol " n the oo site direction from that WwW f all sense of what is due not only to X a which the gvirn of the coat's fur rite or our imes thet number of hours o their employer but to themselves. . \ runs. tis. duvished with big seal ; ; the remainder of th samesd iv ar 4 Sha sorrow--sdorrow much a { |buttons. Catalogue! } The difienity is that the { er ie axprong, that we : : \ 4 Oe. of the new soft foot pillow ' i Bl (lants mist be pre aed i 1 o e this notice, bu 3 ; reste has 4 canves ease to, carry the Py il 2 maxime otal of Ghorus the Sag state of things is so in- " millow in with the word "Auto" at It S free! EI Boggs) pod tolerable that we are determined . to Fas : #né corner in. irass letters. : Bl fovr hours, | heir lint poke put an end to it, no matter at 'what For dome strange fancy the brass | gi > i ost the s ING; a Lh cost." leppant soma to outdo the brass! Bi Our new Catalogue, eon- MB |. reduced ontpur at ths fim This notice has cused deep rogret : "Joaple in the mascot line. Perhaps its | if taining 124 pages, illustrat- |, inven is rot india] Ane amon Many of the employees and reputation for. windcis and caution | i lng Diamonds, Jewelry, I At the present time Tt i net Px i os jin presence ¢ anger may account | BS verware, China, Leather HB'. craii an to state that the week During the recent. musicipal cleo: : y or its popularity. Goods, ete., will be mailed I </ thie huischold | can he done by to th y | tions Lord Ashton n wad stacked by 7 v 3 i : free to any address upon iW |clectricity (x Fheaply in many eit a upport Yo. the wes paid to : '| Pulpwood Consumption of 1910. i request. | end in thy sax's of stoall towns, as le. This, it is understood, : Nearly six hundred thousand cords It brings our store to your § : E Yih gus, oon! as a personal attack, and y ¢ 3 £ Tof wood wero ground into wood pulp| J ,door--all you need to do Is power. Jo some. cities thet resented. Sa : ot hy fifty-one pulp mills operating |} to make your selection fn | mon'hly Fil will be found 1a averszc] Lord Ashton's benelactions to. Lan- Ta . : | throughout. Canada during 1910. Sta- your ows home, mail ittous, iI" caster include the = Williamson Park § 4 ltisties compiled by the forestry [Jf and we will do the rest, § Sibi Di inly lo deja th (Williamson is his family name}, new ar : branch of the department of the inter without any worry or § Noth a, the Aome. It Bas to rele buildings, costing over | : : 3) 3 i '1ior show that the total value of this expense ; Bl ince "to beating because until ties : a a jywood was three million five hundred | Bi We : happy lime srrives Wikin cutven and sighty-five . dollars, and|B rox roaches its lowest cost, or at Rast J Made by . : : ! that it "was e thousand do four hun- | I ; press charges, guaran- until it (5 considerably lower than Made by a petfect mechanical splendid views of coast snd J EGR ; dred and ea nd oR tee. that it will be safely il |it averages 'thionghout, the comin process from high grade cocoa . y ; 4 pulp. Quel Sage a ; delivered to you, and refund to-day, tire will be no econom. | beans, scientifically blended, it is of . the finest quality, full strength and "Lord Ashton is sikty-nise = Lt a 2 = : your money if you are not fl |~'tenirting to heat the home br ' 3 a 3 : . v, its extensive and baliam . entirely satisfied. _ : | wy : y lth arities ena Ts, and balan 2 Pt, absolutely pure and healthfu! electricity twenty-five pulp mills in Quebec re {J . < " Dowager Queen of Holland. SoldinlS Bh. 14M, 12D. and ported the. consumption of fifty-seven | Bi Ryrie Bros., Limited Queen Wihclmina's mother, the Ba cent Sught " ( v Canuda's Largest Jewelry House cagen moth of the Néth#lands is» Recipes aE eg, - cheery, kinily fgeed woman in ha Sent Free 134-136-138 Yonge Street enrly fftics, very like hor histor, dhe 3 TORONTO a Puchess of Alan Her simply [nod Walter Baker & Co. Limite : ° news ant ueaffectind manner have Established 1780 made her extremely popular with 17} Monte Can Piteh, and Yee in spite of she tan el, s Dorchester, Kas. » woman 18 afraid of losing her toed I or not two ean hive § cheanl | hair she mi it up in a safe jritres i {a 1. would to Jurmish curred | etoking, wishing and roning