4 PAGE ELE i . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1911. and all the chicks growing good smd healthy. But if a would-be raiser should visit a badly-neglected yard, 1 feel confident the impression would leave ome, probably twp, effects; first, the kind of work that has to be done y chickens right; and, seeopdly, vell, he may lose the fever he bad for ping chickens, if he 'had ope; and, HE he had it, 1 am sure he will never |4o '2%; rolls, 26c. pet Jb.; eggs, 35. Jget-it visiting .a filthy hen-house antl ii, ade. yard. : Dominion Fish company weports Now what are some of the diffieult- 4 rices as follows : jes to be met with in rearing chicks. i : Let us stari at the beginning and see those suitable to every age. irst, look out for lice. They can get these even before they are old enough 'to eat. The mother hen may have them by the hundreds, even before she is set, If so, she will have them by the thou- sands by time "she is hatching. They will not prove a very welcome band for the chicks on their arrival. The careful poultryman will see to ii that they are extinct long before this. ogy When setting a hen it is well to dust mink, her well wih insect powder, and al- tuskrats 28¢. to 42c.; weasels, 20c. to and the land is being gradually under- |go" once or twice during the twenty- 3 rh en eg 2 auy wide [one days of incubation. By doing this John McKay, Brock street, reports awake farmer would do, When ecom-lyou will save yourself a lot of trou pleted it will represent an additional ble when the chicks do come, These investment. of aboyt #25 an acre ou |little parasites will net have to be the fifty-five acres" to be drained. }fed upon the blood of the chick; that; About one third of the acreage will bel ill go to promote its growth. Not- foi plowed each year. withstanding; that all this may be The Hired Man. dome, it is well that a constant loo Cs out for lice should continue aft The Alberta (Homestead, of Edmon- | hatching. Grease the heads of the lit- ton, puts up a ase; for . the hired 4,000,000 ACRES CATTLE RANCHES: Standing Herd 300,000 HEAD OF CATTLE: Estimated Consuming "4,301,000 TONS OF GRASS Yearly : Empldyees 5,000 to 6,000; Factories Cover 500 'Acres ¥ live hogs, Sle, a tb; dressed. hogs, pork, Se. to 10c., by smut Re. to 10¢.; pork, Sc. to 10c.: spring lamb, 1le. to 13c. per log veal, Se. to 10c. per Jou; fucks, $1.80 :8L:25 pair, turkeys, 18¢. per Ib.; wl, T3¢. to be, ur; spriig chickens, He. to Sle, per phiriygeese, $1 lo ¥1.25. hut- ter, creamery, Jc. to $e pints, 2c. In discussing the subject of model HHerming 'by railroads with the view of ultimately increasing their tonnage, T, 'E. Martin, superintendent of the Feeventy-ncre farm of the New York Central road st West Hergen, New York, says that the weak point In the project is that the methods gene rally employed are out of reach of the ordinary farmer, who is often handi- eapped by inadequate help and per- haps a mortgage on his farm. On the Centrgl's farm the endeavor has heen to get results by practical methods. The ordinary price per acre was paid, To help you in making your bashes, croquettes, gravies, soups, etc. To give your meat dishes added nourishment and richness. '\ To 'give you a stimulating and invigorating beverage. § Not only the cook but the nurse too finds OXO Cubes. N tle chicks when they are a few days invaluable. dnvalids : recover and gain strength 'quickly ' jan in the following rite tashions eid, 46 that 'the. commen heed. lic aided by the strengthening and 'mourishing ~OXO 'Cubes. in the west, who would take advan- wip 9ither be Sxuinguished or prevent- Cro Killed by St : 3 " Y - . } d oF 2 ' € 3 rom. coming. is very common "rows orm, XO : uble tage of the hired man as the Home to find big lice an eight of an inch| After the termific windstorm of last 0 Cubes save you fime, money an tro stead indicates, yet there are some |, oon the heads of the chicks be:|Saturday nignt M RT hore : who do not. hesitate to get. a' good BON . aturday pignt Mercer county. shou ' 5 fore they are a couple of days old. hp rid of crows for some time = to A Doctor writes 1 I say again, fight the lice, or better jeome. Abput 5,000 of them wer still, prevent their appearance, and if [killed on the farm of Wiliam Lo Hestablished, cause their disappear®nee |gue, near Deep Creek, in the west as soon as possible, for' lousy chicks |eénd of the county, according to ro will 'never 'do well. Aside from this, it {ports of people from that section is 'not pleasant to handle or work |The high wind did much damage is among lousy chickens or chicken [that vicinity, and seoms to havi houses. The best preventive is to keep | struck the farm of Mr. Logue with the chicken establishment clean. more force than any other spot. Al A second difficulty in rearing. chicks | the shocks of fotos in a large fiel is that of bowel trouble. Every year {Were torn down add scattered over thy we wither see or hear of its inroads place, and rousting in the Geld ame upon the flock. But I must say ii is |the nearby trees was an unusually chiefly owing to management rather large flock of crows. The wind pick than, its being a disease caught or in- ed the birds up like thistledown anc herited. Let me enumerate some of fogsed. them against the fences anc the things that cause this trouble :|lrees, tore them out.of their roosts Sloppy food, - uncleanliness in coops |" the ranches, thvisteds Rheit wangs and about food dishes, allowing chicks | 2nd scattered pilot of ddd amd to run out in bad weathér, or when crippled crows in the train, of des too young to become wet with the truction left , behind. --Harrodshurg, dew on the grass. All of these, more Ky., Herald, or less, tend to bring on bowel trou ble. So then, the very best way to keep cledr of it is to run glear of the cases enumernted, and I feel sure everything will be all right, at least in this respect. IA very important point, often needing clearing up, is How to cure a case or cases of bowel trouble sonce it has been established. Lét. me say, it is not an easy thing to do, but I have found the following very helpful: First, give nothing but ia grain diet, with scalded' milk for drink. Be careful not to constipate by giving too much of the latter. Give plenty of good grit; occasionally feed hard-boiled eggs and some hoiled rice. This is for little chicks, of course, begange (it is when they are quite young that they ° are bothered with this trouble. $4; raccoon, No. 1, large, 3 No. 1, medium, $1 to $2; mink, No. 1, Rigor 90 to $7; No. 1, medium, $3 to A Toronto Lady writes : * My children never tire of OXO-- their luncheon is not without OXO, and ! 16nd it most able, yefoeahing: making it a most deal more than their money's worth out of him, when they get a chance, and for these the "Homestead's neat bit of sarcasm may be beneficial. "The hired man will soon be with you for the harvest. Fle can have his sleeping quarters in the hay loft or the caboose, ag he ought to want nothing better. "Should he show unusual readiness for work, this is a quality which should be encouraged, and eighteen hours should be got out of him a day, . he A Prominent Business Man writes: | Whee bags & packings from you 5 "Your OXO Cubes sre very mach appreciated by my family, particulaly the boys, who enjoy one and frequently two on Towne TIE e { "1 have a patient with anemia and | gave him a bot yesterday moming. He told me retiting at might. - My wile: would not be i he found them delxcious end quite ~ojoyed the without them and bays a box of fifty sta time | Beef Ter My wile also says it is excellent. 0 as to make sure of always huving them io | {jp | hall be sble to use them a good the house are so very convenient, Do messiag deal, snd will sé that our grocers stock them." as is the case with the liquid preparation." A Merchant's Wife at Oshawa says: * | never make a meat pie without putting sympathy and help when 'they are mea Rg C attacked by weakness and suffering. At times when Nature seems cruel and very hard--when depressions hy : ; i and derangements come ~- kind a fi hied. ok Hem nape mach womanly friends may givesympathy. li, fphr indigestion, and he can. get When ailments occur, the best |his#rest at night. natural help and correction is the 'If he's inexperienced at farming, safe " and well-tried family remedy an occasional sneer when he makes a : . mistake will brace him yp, and pre- BEEG HANM'S vent him from repeating the blunder. "tive him as many chores to do as possible, especially on Sundays, or he might get into idle ways. "Try and prevent him from running off to town on Saturday nights, where habits of dissipation might get hold of him. A couple of hours' relaxa- They correct the result of errors tion with the bucksaw will soon stop and remqye the cause'of suffering. | 4% They. have tonic, helpful action on the whole system, They relieve nervousness, headache, backache, dispel depression and suffering. Beecham's Pills give the organs strength, improve bodily conditions and may be relied upon "A policy of this kind will.put any man in love with farming and with ~ For Sure Relief ure elie you, toa." For females, Boechnm's Pills are specially saitable. See instructions wiih each box. Sala Everywhere, 10 baxes 28¢c. nave Oxo Cubes ready to supply to yeu with thelr recommenda All the following stores in Kingston, Ont tion. Eccome one of their satisfied OXo customers m f Allan, F. A. 617 Princess St. Arnfel, Wm. J. Cor. Barl and Alfred Sta Cambbell, John (People's Cash Store), Cor. Earl and Division Sts. \ Carson, R. J. Cooper, Chas. 247 Wellington St. 'ouper, D., 341 and 343 Princess St Cullen, J. Cor. Princess and Alfred Sts Davis, Mrs. A. Cor. Queen and Division Sts. Driver, W.. J. Cor. Queen and Barvrie Hts Free, H.-T., Cor Diviston and West Clergy Sts. Gage, D. B. Cor. Bay and Montreal"Sts Gage, J. Il. B. 254 Montreal St Gibson, George ' Cdr. King and Princess Sts. Gilbert, John 194 Barrie St " " Cor. Gore and Wellington #bson's Red Cross Drug Store, Glover, A. Cor. Earl and Bagot Sts. Gordon, J. 1 irant, Mrs. J. Nelson Ste. Grimm, N. R. Haffner, P. A, Johnson and Fronteaae Henderson, J, BR. 59-61 Brock St Hoag, The Druggist, Cor. Hutcheson, J. B. Cor. Queen and Wellington Sis. James, Thos. Cer, Colborne and Barrie Sts, Kelley, Jas. & Co. 270 Pringess St. Leahy; T. J: Market Square Lee, W, J Moltae, W. RR. & Co. (Golden Lion Grocery), Cor. Brock and Wellington Mahood's Drug McLeod, Jas. B, Cor " w Cor Medley's University University Ave Morris, 1. T 03 Montreal St Mullin, BE. W. Cor Murphy, John Cor Murphy, L. W King and Princess Sts vers, 4 J. 9 Brogk Si Nesbitt, Wm, J. Cur. University Ave Nolan, M. 338 Prindess 8 Pickering, ¢. H. C¢ Powers' Grocery 212 J rice's ( Yurdy, J © Reid, W. J, Cer Reid, M. P Saunders, Chas and. Bagot Sts Princess and Mo Kin and Bre Drug Store fohnsor Princess Aid When Choking. Tn case of choking, remember thai the bit of food or other gbstacle is usually held at the root of the tongue by ihe top of the windpipe. It is not asually down in the windpipe as peo ple often suppose. Lay the patient at once back on a couch, or on the floor, with his head on a pillow. Open the mouth, roll up a handketchiéf, -and put it between the teeth. Then pass your forefinger and the next ome, right to the back of the throat, and sweep the finger like a hook round the root of the tengue and upper part of the windpipe.In this way you will gener ally be able to hook forward the of fending mass, If a little child swallows n coin, which will likely be loose in the mouth, hold him up by the heels for a second or two, and the coin will 'roll forwards and out of the mouth, Johnson and Divis Bagot and Bay . ¥ Cor Sts rl Sts Cor. Barrle ud t Division Sts (Vietoria Grocery), Con ri a ne Brock and Princess and Chatham Sts Smith, H. A, Cor wk and University Ave Stover, Herb A *or. Union and Alfred Sts sSuddard, E. 8. 225 Division St The Best Drujs Store, 124 Princess St Valleau, G. D., 308 Montreal Bireet 1 fico Houses. * The economic value to the farm of a well-filled ied' house of clear, pure ice is emphasized by Secretary Wil- son in Farmers' Bulletin No. 475, just issued by the United States de- partment of agriculture, The bulle tin does not treat of the ice crop as a source of direet revenue, but av a factor in the economics and com- forts of the country home. The 'secretary calls attention fo the readiness wit which city residents can secure ice, natural or artificial, for the preservation of perishable| Carrots, 10c. and 15c. peck; turnips, supplies, and the maintenance of} 10c. peck; potatoes, $1.25 bag; beans, '| moderate temperature in their homes | 8c. qt.; cabbage, 60c. doz; celery, To. during the heated mn of the sum-{onions, $1 busk.; radishes, be. bunch; mer, while the remoteness of country | lettuce, fe. bunch; apples, 25¢. peck; homes from the markets o'ten renders{ J. A. McFarlane, Brock street, re it necessary to use omnped, corned | ports grain, flour and feed, selling as i for smoked meat products because the | follows : want of ice prohibits the keeping ot| Osis, 45¢.; local wheat, $1.05; busk- fresh meats in an edible condition. [what, B0c; seed rye, "$1; peas, $1 to He further paints out not only i= 10; yellow feed corn, 90c.; bakers' ice appraciated because of ite use| flour, $2.75 to $2.90; farmers $2.75 to in the preservation of fresh meats, | $2.90; Hungarian patent, $2.90; oat- butter and other table supplies, but |meal and rolled oats, $3.50 per bbl. that the production of high-grade do- {€ornmeal, $1.80 to ¥2; bran, $25 ton; metic dairy products is impossible { shorts, 826 ton; baled straw, $7; loose, without. it, and that many markets to {#% s Jooss, $13 to 815; pressed which milk is now shipped demand {Bay, $14 ton. ' that it be cooled before shipment™ to| Meal--Reef (local), carcase, 6c. to Xt 7e.; prime western beef, $10 per @ degres not attainable without the se of ice, cwt.; by carcass, culs, 10c. to 1Bey Princess and Barrie Sts Produce and Prices, Kingston, Dee. 9.--The market clerk weports prices prevailing as fol lows : ; Service Without Reserve. We need never fear that we will be tempted into giving too much of any- thing we have to the service of owr | Master. If wo have anything of 'the passion of our Lord t will not be » great sacrifice for us to give our best and. highest, and nothing else or less will be enough. Christian men and women must lea¥ii 'to pour out with- pb out without #tint of their treasures of time, and strength and talent and money, and lifeblood itselil in order that they may compass the tasks that present themsclves to them in their Master's name today. Christianity will never = win. if it does not have J whole-souled and unreserved ' and abandoned advocacy. And you and I owe it that and ought to be paying our debt every day of eur lives. TS oi BOYS Typowrite your letbors, or your home je money doing Pristing for others on your typewriter 208 NATIONAL SALES CO. Dpt Toronto, Ont. 'Why Should I Use Cuticura Soap? _ "There is nothing the matter with my skin, apd I thought "troubles." True, itis for skin troubles, but its great mission is "to prevent. skin troubles, For * more than a generation its deli 'It is also invaluable in keeping 3 the hands soft and white Shea 3 'live and glossy, and 'the 4 ~ soaps, it is prepared with such cire 'and of such materials, that it wears toa wafer, often outlasting several cakes of other sdap, and making 'cal. Cuticura Soap is sold by but She truth of thess citing may by be demonstrated Boston, U.S. A, fora liberal sa { treatment. in With the Live Stock. Sone wheat bran in the ration is most suitable for the brood sows. It keeps the system copl and the bowels open. Be sure there are mo narrow doors for the ewes to exbwd Rrough. Une jam may cause the loss of a lamb, or both ewe and lamp. Do mot try to) winter the cows without grain, 'Wheat bras, corn meal and = oil-meal will be found val uable, After Five Yi The cow your neighbor does mot want Ao sell is fthe one you want jto buy. Gat is dilemma by raising that k yoenelt, : ; over icy roads with 'smooth Pon Tes ru your best horse, ottng the, hoa's with .a sponge a ean water every day, of sim laheonic eczema. ply dipping egch foot into & pail i water, will keep the feet Chey 3 Coming dry. : {hi A horse's teeth get out of condi- |; tion as readily as do your own. Nowadays when one of our "horses feed, we at once look tol before giving any other {V5 Sunil - With' the beginning of winter fhere is less work for the horse, and he stands idle in the stables sometimes hol the las har [Ho a ! oO mud, 7 is r Hi Hi if i N Hl ke Psoriasis Was ears of Three Doctors Failed and Said {wind up that raveling, he kept at Case Was Incurable. -------- Itching and Burning Was Terrible Relief and Cure Was Dissolution of a Union. appearance can you beat this?' A young man took his sweetheart to a ball. '$he 'wore a party dress. As they began to' dance he noticed what he thought was a ravelling sticking out of her sleéve. He tugged at it. It came easily, 'and during' the remain- der 'of the dance, having started to it. Cured Suffering---- It wasn't until the end of the that he had finished winding. 'wother : "Maw, an awful funny thing hap pened last night. You know I went to that dance. Well, when | got home and got ready 'for bed I found my Fagin suit had disappeared." "~ ¥oung's Magazine. . The Blind Picture Maker. The -ourvent number of "Our Dumb Animals," contains a picture of a Fhgograh ken a iM tal arry H. 3 y "Muscatine, Towa. It a wr his seventh:vear. In a $0} ihe remar achievements of a 4 y "For a rare case of mysterious dis | dance I> "Next morning the girl said to her |¥ 'made from a |, by a man who has bees blind since | / = | a : i Razor Set. F # 1/you want . Becoming in a minister _ incident ome of bis congregation was in habit of gazing shout the church dur ing the prayers, he told him one day that he considered it would be more {hae aye dune!" " - BH os RA TE WL fous vs oy ESE et Ao al decantly elosed.. "Doe: to kh Having observed "Alat [ture bid us watch as well as pray?" the | replied the man. "An hoo ean a body watch wi' their een wteekit? Na, na : [eug Fil just stad' and glower aboot as J |Mawde Allan have also done well fram : hope. . / [A Pleasing Christmas Gift? It certainly is. Few articles for man's use "are sq bandsome as a heavily plated, superbly finisied Gillette Safety ] 4 Thoughtful Christmas Gift? Decidedly. It shows that you care for +/ ++ his personal appearance, his comfort and his Savings Bank account--for / the Gillette ministers to all three. A Suggestive Christmas Gift? Pethaps--but what's the harm? him 'to enjoy 'every day the keenest, quickest, handiest, shaving razér in the world, give him a Gillette for Christmas. Look over the Gillétte Styles shown by your druggist, jeweler or hardware dealer. Standard Sets $5.00 -- Pocket Editions $5.00 to $6.00 -- GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. : Office and Factory: 63 St. Alexander St., Montreal. + Hactosies in Montreal, Boston, Leicaster, Berkin and Paris. go Money in Hops. The information that a Kent man hits made over $200,000 put of the hop industry, loads a contemporary fo suggest that Mme. Pavlova and Mise i