LL teas may look alike to you--but the difference in Red Rose Tea is in the taste and the smell. Another marked difference is the agreeable strength that puts real quality-in the cup with less tea in the pot. Will you try it. NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE Jas. 'B. - McLeod Drug Store, Is Guarateed by and The Best Nearly evervone has dandrufi,' and must reconcile themselves to the idea of becoming completely bald or re sort to the use of Newhro's Herpicide, The mamifacturers have absolute faith mi" flerpicide to kilthe germ and remove all traces of dandruff, So perfect is this belief that all dealers are instructed to sell the preparation with a "money baek™' agreement. Such supreme confidence is the best evitlence in the world of the merit of Herpicide. They = know the result, Lents the gugranfee. It Protects the purchaser. seh as directed, Newbro's Herpigide kills the germ that eauses dandruff and prevents the 'hair from coming out, lt stops itching of the scalp, which is so disagreeable, Send 108 in postage oF silver for sample awd booklet to The Herpicide Dept, I, Detroit, Mich, Herpicide is fod sale hy all pints, andi applidations may be tained mt goad barber shops. Co drug- ab- The great Uterine 0 Tonic, And only safe ef iI Monthly Regulator o aa Women can depend, Sold in three degrees of strength Nao, 1, & 10 degrees stronger, 0, 8 for #) fosial © , $3 per hox, Sold ld ts, ob sent apaic on of Adres of Pr re pim A Cook Medroing Ou, ToroNTo, "rmorsis. oF GANADIAN NoR1H- WHST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family or any male over 1b old~ homest a reer oars qua Eection of avallable Dominion land in Tanitobs, ao ss oa \ cant mus appear n on a the ow Yomi dans Agency or Bub- he istrict. Entry by proxy At any agency, on gertain RAIEIONS: fathery mother, son, Bughter, Reosher or mater of lntend- omeste 3 a td. nthe' residents upon An cultivation of the land In each of ree Joara, A homesteader may lve within nine miles of his .omestead on m of a. least 80 acr Misalely owned sad onetoied by hin or by his father oth or, PY an ¢ er, brother o slater, In certain atric a homeateader in good standing doh pre-empt a Suarter on alongside, od homestead. Pri " 5 per acre, ust reside TE the an ud re~-emptio in each Bmoaatad entry ne required to Sar how 81280 a. and gujtivate, i: ny acres axtra A homesteader wh exhnusted hw homestead rig a Sa not obtain CER Ti Shths in Years, cultivate, fit i p- & house worth § 0 i Deputy' oe the Minister of th - jaee ublication ot Td fh wif "sot be pau In he the EE HEADQUARTERS. FOR XMAS JEWELRY OR MEN MEN'S GOLD TIE PINS $1.50 up. MEN'S GoLodore LINKS ~ $0.06 up. MEN'S Gon 'LOCKETS-- "5.00 up. : MEN'S VEST BUTTON SETS $2.00 up: R MEN'S soLn TIE CLIPS 82.50 up. ENS SILVER CUFY LINKS § sto E- ARE PL EASED 0 HAVE § M00 COME" TN AND LOOK 8 a) ela EERE Of - o herself for Mr. ices. berta. | LOOOOOOO0 ODO OOO000 ER frevrasssrssasase asl: Told In Twilight : ressssessesres ! ' : ' @vvnarnese A very pleasant little party, chiefly of musical people, met at Mrs. J.B. Pirkett's, #agot street, on Thursday evening, having been accorded the pri vilege of a pret hearing of a beautiful "eomposition"' the music of which bas been written by Mrs, Firkett | Arthar Klugh's words. The poem, a hymn of prayer to the Plossed Virgin, entitled "Ave Maria,' is interpreted by musi singularly re {they have {for home, im THE DAILY and Miss Mory Hora, King street, | wheke | returned to-day from Toronto, bern since Wednesday. Froest Cunningham and her tile son, Padl, will come down from Toronto. on the 1Sth to spenti Christmas 'with Mrs, "RR. C. Carter, West, street. Miss 'Mamie Aplin, who "has been spending © several months in Brat, Alberta, left left there on Friday and will spend. a day or two in Calgary and Toronto en toute, arriving in niogstom om Sa- turday next, Mrs. William Harty, Otterburn, helt on Wednesday to spend several days Toremtg, the guest" of hef parcnis, Hon. and "Mrs: J, R. Kerr, ue wo. Miss FElzabeth Dempster, of Gan- Mrs. verent and tuneful; and, as sung by Mr. N. (Connor, it was & rare plea: sure. The sweetness and musical ac eurracy of Mr. (YConnor's ietor voice | had in this instance the added charm of perfegt sympathy with his subject. Mr. Connor was alo good enough to! sing several old secular favorites; |{ and Mr. iSiugh, always kind ta his. friends m this way sang several times, the houtess herself sang aud played, Miss C. Dupuy Javed charmingly and Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Birkett's mother, was coaxed to the piano and played & number of sweet old airs. Among those who enjoved the music were: Mrs. Klugh, Mrs, H. A. Petts, Wiss Ada Bates, Miss White, and Dr. C, E. O'Connor. The "Ave Maria" lias heen dedicated to Mrs, Cornelivs Derming: ham. Mrs, i. Y. Chown, "Sunnyside," en- tertained at a very bright and en jovable tea on Thursday afternoon; Miss May Chown assisted her mote in receiving the puests in the draw- ing-room, which was srtisticglly de- corated with bunches of golden chry- santhemums. The pretty tea table, ranged with cream roses, was presided over by Mrs. McNeil and Mrs. Arthue Clarke. Mrs. Albert Chown cut the "The 'girls who assisted were ? Miss! Etta Henderson, Miss Ethel Jor- dan, Miss MM: Hewton, Miss Robert- gon, of Peterboro, Miss Willihmson, of Newcastle, England, Miss Mildred Scl- lery, and Miwes Edith and Eda Chown. - . . a Mrs. Frank Strange, Svdenham street, entertained the ehildren's dane ing club on Friday evening. A very enjoyable time was spent by al the little guests, who were M gs Gwen- dolyn and Doris Folger, Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick, Miss Ethelshent, Miss Beth Small, Miss Careline Finkle, Miss Hilda Calvin, Miss Laura' Kil porn, Mids Helen Strange, Messrs, Howard Folger, ¢, Ashby, GG. Small, Edward Ryan, George KNirk- patrigh, W. Nickle, W. Sears and R sanrrett, . » P.. Shine, Royal Military College, 'enterfained at supper, on Fri day evening. The table was done in golden chrysanthemums, and was most effective. The guests were Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Mudge Crowe, Cadets Sweeney, Cos greave and Gwynne, «iw... Mrs. J. Mra. J. M. Platt, Portsmouth, {én athéd - "the: * Friontenne chapter the Panghters of the Empire, at tes, afternoon, A very pleasing feature of the afternoon was a presentation made hy the chapter to Mrs. Barber, who, everyone is sorry to hear, is leaving town shortly. on Among the girls who served at: a very delightful tea in Toronto, given by Mrs. Mcllwraith, were Miss Mil- dred Jones, Migk Grace Hemmihg and Miss Dorothy Cotton. . The hostess presented each of the girls who served | 1 Mrs. G. Y. Chown, 'Sunnyside, will not receive again until after t New Year, and then on the first ant second Tuesdays of the month, a» » - » Mis. Cornelius Bermtingham, Barrie sireety "will entertain a number of the younger girls at dinner on Tuesday evening. afterwards. taking: thom on to the theatre. - Mrs. J. Richmond, Union street, ens tertained at a card party, on Friday evening, for her daughter, Miss Janet Richmond, Rev. Ogilvie Dobby, will be the guest of Mr. thur Craig, mas, of Brockville, and Mrs. Ar- Albert street, for Christ- A prumber of girle had a vary enjoy- able and informal tea at the Country af Club; on Wednesday. . - - - - Misses Donoghue, Wellington street, entertained informally at bridge on Thursday evening. - - » - Mrs. H: A. Betts, Albert street, will hot receive again until the first Wed- nesday in January. - - LJ - Mr# Lennox Mills, Bishopscourt, will not receive again until after Christ mas. PP. PA. - Mrs. Richard Cartwright, Napeaioe, For Names and Addresses of Deal- {ors trom wham the wonderful with a Bunch of beautiful Sunset roses, | - - their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Polson, Universit anoque, Was' a giest in town over Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, W, H. Craig, William iatreet, dre spending the week-end in {0ttawa, the the guests of Mr. and Mis. "Mye: Rove Cock and Miss Mary 'ook; 1 Campbellton, drrived in town om Th y and are the guests b Vr, and Mis, James Third, = Wol- fton street, for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs: E. L. heany, of To- conto, will. spend the Christmas holi- days 'in town with Mr,. and Mrs Cegrge Young, University avenue. - Mr. and Mis. - C. leit Sherbrooke © on Mahone Bay, Henderson Catter Thursday for ., Where Mr. Carter has been appein manager of the Bank of Momtreal. Mr Carter came to Kingston on Tuesday and spent a day with his mother, Mrs. R. C. Car- ter, West street. Mee. Frank Botterel, of Montreal, will spexitd Christmas with her sister, Mrs. James Cappon, Darrie street. Mr. E. H. Pense returned to Ot- taWwa on Friday after spending a day br two with "Mrs. 'E. J. B. Penso, West street. Mrs. Arthur Uraig, Albert street, will not receive again until atter the New Year. Miss Mabel Miller, Alfred street, who has been visiting in Chicago, for gome time, has gone to St. Alban's, Vermont, to visit her sister, Mrs. G, t. Berkley. Mrs. W. ¥, Bulloch and Miss Bulloch, from Gananotue, week in fown. . Mrs. J. C. Paterson and Miss Nan | Paterson, have returned from Toron- to, to-day, where they were guests af the marriage in St. Paul's church, To- ronto, of Miss May Butler, -of Strat ford, to* Mr. Alexander Paterson, in spector of the Merchants' Bank, Mrs. R. J. MeDowall and Miss Elda McDowall will spend Christmas in weed. Dora spent this - T, Daniels children and her sister, Miss Cotter, arrived from Mooselaly, aud {will be the guests of Mrs. Cotter; Al- fred street, until.the spring when they {will leave for Regina, where they will reside, | Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cooke and som of 'Seattle, will spend Christmas with Canon amd Mrs. A. Cooke; "'Huzdl- { delt."" , Mr. Praderick McParland left gary on Saturday Mrs. A. her two Annia and Cal- and is on his way home to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James ~~ Me- (Pariand, Emily street. . - The many friends of that sweet lady, Mrs. 8S. H. Butler, mother oi Mrs. F. Peart Bisley, and Mrs. John Carson, will be grieved to hear she is dangerously ill. Mr. Harry Tandy, King street, has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. | Vanran Davond, in Prove; Utah, . re- {turned home on Friday, Migs Marion Redden returned from New" York, today, after spending sev- oral wook there, Maglrederick Sparks, "of Toronto, is visiting friends in the city. old Mg W. Har 1, of Ganmonve, in thwn v ; Mr. ant "8 Hay and fan ilvedilaieiiog) 7 pik, tis city {this weds aird in Hatkire, will re- dy in Kimberley, Saskatchewan. t and Mrs. George Mackenzie antl HR: httle ehildren, of OttaWd, expect to spend Christmas in Brantiord, the A of Archdeacon and Mrs. Mac spent Frid Ty I Mrs. K. Tett returned to town 'on Friday from montreal, where she spent 4 few 'diiys and is the guest of Mrs. I) J, Gardiner, Bagot street. Miss Nah Skinner will be the guest of Mrs. Ifiam SKinnér, Gote streit, util after Christmas. . and Mrs." Herbert Horsey and Wiss' Mildred Horsey, after spending some time in England, have left for iermany and expect to spend the winter ig Dresden. Pr. and Mrs. Bigrber, Portsmouth, will leave the beginning of the week for Annandale, Ontario, where Dr, Barber will take up his new work, Mr. Geoffrey Hale arrived in tows on Wellpesday to spend the Christmas holidays with 'his parents, He. and Mrs. noel ale; t Mr. Pani Whiting, of Ottawa; ing a few daye in town. Dr; W. Ty Connell, Arch street, left on for Brockville. tain and Mrs. Ruseoll Browne) or © athum, England, have taken a flat in -Lendon for the winter. Mrs, Candy will spend the winter thers home from New York io spend the Christmas holidays with e, avenue. ; Nre. Donald A. Macdonald); Mount {Forest, will spend the first few daye of next week with, Mrs Sidney; + W, fy' Stasis avenue, before leaving } her Me. N. J -yDinginan} a inland ber reverie, Sr poll in Wintipeg. Mr, Py 8. been granted leave of absence. ish Edoa Booth is expected, howd of wext week: from. Jdohn: to Christ, with 4 Aiea avect ; © Mes. A Ha wha Ye been visiting a Ara Das Gillies, of Carleton Place, are ex- [preset i ith town next week to visit oF. J. Met'ann,, Union street! Miss a Byrne, who has been real street, «to. Bar : in , de Mille Burpee, whq B. Carroll and Miss G ladys } ' Stuart amd James Polsow |" dng Miss Kathryn Sowards, Mone has returned BRITISH WHIG, AMUSEMENTS (GaN , OPER, ROUSE) Tuesday, Dee. 12 The Hminent E ni Character Actor ir. Wn. HAWTREY And His Aad 1s Distinguished Company Loudon Players, in the Laughing Spe. eens of Two Continents, ts mow ou Sale ) 10s $1. $i: 30. NOTICE ANY PERSON DESIRING HAND- painted Christmas Gifts in the most artistic and up-to-date designs would 'do well to call at Mrs. Harper's, 327 Johnston Street, between the hours 2-5, 7-9. Prices ranging from 15¢ to $5.00. ! Calls solicited at any time. Also a Special Line of Gentlemen's Hand-painted Gifts will be for Sale. JEAN VAL JEAN This celebrated Lecture will be siven in STREET METHODIST CHURCH, SYDENHAM Tuesday Evening, Dee, At Eight o'clock, 8S. Cleaver, D.D,; of Toronto, the auspices of the "Epworth League. 25 cents. CARD OF THANKS, to thank. the many were so kind te my Mitchell 12th, By Rev. Under Admission, I desire who friends sister, 'Mrs , during her late illness, P. J. PALLON. Mary Stuart street, expect to spend Christ- mas in Cayuga, the guests of Mrs, Upper. Mrs. Burpee will spead some time in Toronto with Mrs, Z. Ww Lash, helgre returning. - - - Mr. J. Drummond and Mr. C. Grey, of 'I'gronto, 'speota. a few in town 8 week, returning to ronto on Thursday. Mr. Garnett HM. Lockett, Stuart street, left, on Friday, for Montreal, where he will spend a few days, Miss Meacham, who has been vis iting in Ottawa, arrived in town to- day, to spend some time, the guest of Miss Kidd, before returtfng, to her home in Chicago. ie Me. and Mrs. bounce the phter, Apnie Anderson, B.A. wan, son © derson and more, Unt, place quietly cember, I. days To- Samuel Anglin an- engsgement ck thair dau- Gertrude, to Mr., John Davidson, Saskatche the late Mr. Levi An- Mfs. Anderson, Ross The marriage will take the last week in Ve- . . Professor and Mrs, Knight have sent out invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mona Natalie Knight, to Mr. Herbert: Spencer 'Wood, of Vancouver, on Welnesday morning, « December 27th, in Chalmers church. The new perfume, "Beauty sweet ant lastl special sale troduce for Christmas. store. And many a, man who believes = in doing the greatest good to the greai- est number, regards number one as the greatest number, "During month: of December," life mémbership in Tabard Inn Library only costs $1. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It is rumored that the C.N.R. build a round house in Pieton, house their engines. r A colored engraving free with each ular 50¢. bottle Yleawty Girl," for . Mahood's drug store. Ward |W. Christopher, of cott, died very suddenly at on Friday last. If you desire to buy consult Mullin. It. is easier to hold a man off than it is #o. hold him Gat. BALDN ESS Prevented by Using Parisian Sage is Thne. If your hair is growing thinner causing you anxiety, go at opoe Jas. B. Meleod and get a bottle Parisian Sage for il 50 cents, It is such a delightful hair dressing that you will like to use it regularly. Daily applitations will refresh you and re store life to the hair roots and thus Prevent baldness, «0h ow larisian Sage is guaranteed to stop falling hair and itching scalp, to era- dicate dandrufi endl make the hair lus trous and - radiant, or money back, Sold by druggists and dealers every- where. Girl," to mn- Mahood's drug will to Pres- his home a nice home; andy to of TEACHERS WANTED. avAL 1H) TEACHER FOR 8. No. tachinbrobke for 1812. Apply, turin Ee emlary. tox Ho J Wager] Ci arville, Ont. © Qu AL ED JEAchER KOR 8.8, No. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1911. 3 1 ' CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES essen of | pirat tusertion le & word, Each son- secutive insertion theremfter hail cent a word, Minimum charge for otic tasertion 35¢; three insertions, SOc; six, $1: ome month, $2. | HELP--WANTED. A SALESLADY, AT ONCE, APPLY, T, F. Harrison & Co. £ COOK: abie fice. GOOOD WAGES TO SUIT- at Whig of- person. Apply A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; ONE who understands cooking. Apply to 186 Bagot Street. A NEAT GIRL, store. Apply fectionery AT at Store, ONCE, FOR Grimm's: Con- Princess Street. BOY FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT; Sieaqy Position id a mA bright Eid ply, usiness © hk Whig. hy Me A GOOD MAID housework: references Apply to Mrs. 8. Anglin, & rack Street. ron GENERAL required #5 Bar AGENTS WANTED fast selling cent, profit; A. Nordling, Waukegan, FOR cent sample 436 ILA OUR NEW articte; 208 por 15 K Genesse Ye rect, INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers, No canvassin Bend for partic 'ulars, Pp oay Syndl. cate, 3,96% Lockport, N.Y. ONCE, A no laundry ferences month. office GENERAL or upstair required; Apply to SERVANT; work; re wages, $18 per Box B. Whig 2 A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no washing or ironing: references required Apply, in the evening. to Mrs Gwillim, 173 Union Street W. GIRLS TO LEARN PAPER BOX making; good wages short hours: steady work; . hou 7.30 to §; Saturday afternoons off, Apply, Kingston Paper Box Co, BE ng. Street | GIRLS WANTED: highest wages; steady employment, Apply immediately, D, 8. Pers rin & Company, Lta London, Ontario. w ANTED, YOUNG MEN TO LEARN automobile. business; big pay; He- mand greater than supply; make you expert in ten weeks; autos mobile model free; intepsstinig booklet free: American Auto- mobile Institute, Rochester, N.Y. raGR THREE. sesasens sessessesriiaststsessertessteeeter People's Forum | FOIE SPT EVI IIPIVIRIIF IVES III SRvEv EY LOST. ANNIE A GOLD LOUKET, NAME ' Awo graved front graved on front Finder kindly retur: Tice and recgive reward JEN. photos, photos. hig of- BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. GERMAN CANARIES, FIRST SHIP. ment just received: just the thing for a Christmas gift. "W. J. Driver, corner Queen and Barrie Streets. 'Phone No. 612. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, opposite SIR station, -one block from CPR: on street car line; ath suppiled with best of wines iquors; charges moderate; 3 io rates Sy the week, John usineau, Prap. ONTARIO ST. HOTEL, 342-344 Princess Street. Bar stocked with the best of Alés, "Beers, Wines Liquors and choleest Hrands of Cigars. Meals, 25c¢ each, or special rates by the week, Yard and stable ' accommodation. Rates reasonable. Mulville & Driscoll THE GRIMASON BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home. No canvassing, "Be your own boss Send for free booklet. "Tclls how, Heacock, ,2,969, Lockport, N.Y. WE CAN Stoc py where located soription Sowrh Hi, YOUR roperty send to-day Dearborn BUSINESS, no. matter price and de Addison 5 Street Chicagn SELL EUROPEAN CAPITAL Furnished for attractive entes prises in ail substantial lines of husi- ness, Railroads, ; Tractions, Water and Electric Powers, Irrigations, Timber Mining, Agricultural and Industrial Bond, Debenture and Stock Issues Underwritten, Purhased or Sold Properties purchased for: European exploitation and Investment, ¥inancial Undertakings of handled. Miscellaneous commissions ders of all characters ace ecution in any European country, Cofrespondencs enclosing | full talls at first writing invited, THE IN TERN BANKERS all sorts and or. epled for ex de 14-16-18 London. ron INSURANCE om AT INSURES Go to W, H. Godwin & Son's Inusw TRICE Emporium, ever Noartliern Crown Bank, Brock Street, or 'phowe in GENERAL INSURANCE--FIRI, JIFE | Accident, and Health fcles issi- ed; first-class comphnien; s rates, J Boon, Agent Wellington Street. BATEM AN & GARDINER Life, Apcident Insurance and Cus toms Broker: Real Estate and Money to Loan; a share of your business solicited. © £7 Clarence Street, Kingston. 'Phone 336, ~FIne, A LINE FOR EVERY ROWE} WRITE for our choice list of agents' ou es; we have the greatest agency proposition in Canada to- day; no outlay necessary. Apply, BOL Co,, 238 Albert Street, Ot- taw COUNTRY DOMESTICS QA P- le. Scotgh,-- English and Trish malds; also Danish girls; parties arriving twice a month. Apply now, The Guild, 71 Drummond St, . Montreal, 47 Pembroke Street, To- ronto, and 227 Bank Street, Ot- tawa. } OLD a CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, espediall working men; good salary; pers manent pesition; if you are. work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day; Fou can double your wages aid | your own boss. Apply, Box "gy, *s. Cc." Whig office. INTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, to sell selected close in property in Regina, Swift 'urrent and Medicine Hat! also acre hloeks in Grand Trunk Paelfl Divisional Town 'of Watrous, highest eomé mission big mone) for hustlers. J, H; Peoples, 98 Stobart Block, Winnipeg. WANTED--OENERAL TWO SINGLE houses, or house, for 3 as 174 Earl Street as possible, ply to above address or 'phone IN ine ™O ons neay Ap. 149, Rooms r rooms students, SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE. feription; first class work: best Teather only used: one trial will aifice. Bring your repairs Lo ott's, 206 Barrie Streei, cor, of Clergy est. 1 WILL BUY and furniture ighest prices; anyone else, 1 333 Princess Street, nest St. Andrew's Church, TAKE NOTIU! THAT 1 kinds of second- and stoves; will pay see me. before to ed A he, te Robt; H. Gr , Treas, RyIS te 1 Ont. ny gee QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR $5. Vo. iarendon, for 192. Apply, stat- fie rd fons and salar to evna, Ont. ¥e MALE TEACHER ror S58, Hinchinbrooke: »P fotestant. ply, stating salar ng» ence, to Geo. A th Pa Ne, 5 Ar am, av TALIFIED TEACHER VON ss 'Na. 1, Palmerston, fer og stating' gqualificatio salar ™ Isaac Allan, Mississ pnt Ont. A TEACHER VOR, SCHOOL | Neo. 4 Harflowe, for 1912; commence early in January; 4 THLE. Appl y Troas., Hariowe, TEACHER SEPARATE SCHOOL No. olfe Iisiand; one SR Sal ERR Buk Greenwood, Ont. EMEN TO BRING THEY Cloth and have if made up Into a up. to-date suits. Price and workman- ship Buyaran anteed to please. Ing & repairing Rone on - the shortest notice. Bits Galloway, 131 Brock St, near # Livery, MEDICAL, DR. DERICK Surgeon. Office, Sy Tel. 1068. Hours, 2 "8 ERINGTON, Sea Street, Thi by 4 ol 4a th ston 1100 erin agen o 12 rr 1 to % pom. Phones oy MacCALLULL, PRYSICTAN rg eon, 3a2 Weiilngion to § pm, Teleph FARM LANDS. lass prof i eerie = «© Thenniy yas FoR pd Craps. values que a A Sinn ena Foe stumps or a for mix » - ia Journal, $18 Maison New Orleans, hours, 10 to. 12 am, $ $6.4 one " FREE INFORMATION. --ASK US ANY) nesthon 1 34, MARKET Accident and Plate Glass, and Motor K. CARROLL, Street.--wre, Life, Health Insurance, Employers' Liability Boat Insurance, Becurity Bonds, Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina Calzary, Moose Jaw, elo, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety;, established 186 president, Sir Richard Hie money Issued on city and farm properties, munisipal! and county debentures; mortgages purchased; deposits Theelved a futerest- al- Towed. 8. McGill, Managing Director, 87 & jarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Cor. pany. Available assets, $61,187,215. In addition t« which the poleyholders have fon security the unlimited liability of all the stack-holders, Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business t rates from Btrange & Strange, Agents 'Phone 325. DENTAL. SPARKS AND BSPFARKS, ENTISTS, 230 1-2 Princess Nirser. Kingston "Phone 344. DENT. 8 BH. SIMPSON, LDS Dba, at, ree Feiephons 253 Princess 24. DK. ©. OC. NASH, DENTIST Weicker, nasistant, 153 'Phone 736. DR. 0. A rincess Bt 8 A AYHRO0Y 5, D.D.S, LOS, DENT. over Dominion "Express Office Ti Wellington Street. 'Phone A. BE KNAPP, BA, Dentist, Princess. office. LDS, DDS, 19 Moitreal Street, peasy 'Phone 852, Ground floor MUSIC. SALSBURY BROS. ORCHESTRA.- Call up 1079 or address 21 Sixth Street when in need ol an or: chestra for dance, at home or ball Remember the 'phone number-- 078. 5 itis aise " - " - - -- LEGAL, CUNNINGHAM & MUDIR, BAHRIST. ers and Solicitors. Law Office, 7) Clarence Street Kingston: UPHOLSTERER, W. J. GAVIN UPHOLSTERING RE Pairing and carpet work, nair mat pd renovating. ec? & card » . 216 Bagot 9 We FOR SALE. om a LOTR, LAO; EUM, ' ALSO Cork, all remnants, a 05 in prices, at "Tur 708 some gre Sa differ- Phone A F-ROOM, mae cory AGE, Ne. 412 Jo ] n possession ee ms, enac nn € APDiy, & F. Fron Street. HEALPIR L ORiGH Brand plane, walang ET has swoon rented three onthe only: will seil to quick buver ar cash or on monthly payviments, Apply, Bex 713 Whig office. eh x CABINET FLACS, AWNINGS, InN camping outfits, marine 1 fant he" ukie tackle, naigots, Euaglish raincoats, Tn in canvas, kit bage, silk tents, snray hoods, motor boat: supplies, Frank Ww. Cooks, 289 Ontario Mt. Phone 891 or RENT, King GROCERY and Lower Street A Lor STORE, Gordon. Grocery OF onoice FOR SAL ¥ oR RENT) ¥ PARTY lots and 1% Wn AT fir hi Ang tong Two Sets bulld« Ings. good ste an ain 1 1 BATEMAN hy G AROINEN, RL tate an L Insurances laren: Street" Khigstoh HY ¥ : ven, sion 1 lumbia fo hy, withost annual Wt arast ! profits, $600 p acre orchard garden, hee keeping, . BOSRery, boating, Liahing: Aalig! Warm climate store, smwmiily to markets; uni { products, Wr free 1 ay . Frait 1 bea wor Brigigh Chl mb, | a Lands 1987," "TO. LET. DWELLINGS, um ED AND UN~ furnished, stoves, ete, wisn, 51 Brock Street - o . 8 merase cite Swipes A FIVE-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE Neo, tis ohnson Street; . ' ec. 8th ONE ROO for or ary. convenient Apply, Bbx 127, STORAGE Fil URN IU nae, . dry, &iry rooms, absolutely moth root; Jour Oh lock and key. rost"s Cit torage, 299 Queen St, Phone s26b Ol LEAN, HENIY », sar ", ARERITRER, § ETC, 268 King Streat, 'Phone B45. ARTY R ELL 18, ARCHITECT, University Avenue, 13 is: Tlephone WM, NEWLANDS tects, etc 'Phone 60% ® SON, ARCH Offices; 268 Bagot St. row KER 8 SON, ARC WITEOTS, MER chants' Bank Bulldiug, corner Brock and Wellington Streets, Er REAL ESTATE, BOUGHT A ND leateq ant « 261 Ris OR Oy REN 5 woney Lo loan; Victoria Btreet, 4 OCEAN HTSAMSHIP AGENOY. TRANSAT), ANTIC LINES, ALL OL ASS. os 8 Kirkpatrick, Agent Elarene @ Street, Kingston. "pP ons FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, ebonizing ahd gHding, ensmelling and all colors ef mission work; al work given best atiteh®on Pat, Driscoll, 23 Johm Bireet. Call or drop a card, 1 ous Is now he we 10) a Buch as waxing and olling floors: we also clean i storm windows dow Cleaning Co over Mcleod's Bho OSTROPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT PRY GS, 4, JAshotoft, DO, 138 Wellington St, opposite the Past Ofthon is ehronie disenses treated by Ostécpathle methods gnd Rieetrical Vibration: man by appointment. 'Phone kinds, gr . LEARN TO FR ---- influence a contre make learn: Ean fon Jetty, sARk Bide. Jax i Mich. y TOLD PAST AND ure." ive, marriage, business all affairs. of lie clave! send birthdate and fe i Millet, Box 725, Newfloundiand FORTIN in = dohn's HAIN, OLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marky and ail growths and 'skin blemishes removed permanently without ¥ year¥ exports ence, Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, ¢;, Threat and Skin Speciall 258 Bagot Btrest Burn Swift's" soar; Tr N Is the remark made by many care- ful housekeepers, when speaking of Coal and Wood Try US Next Time.