should be short. They will be receiv- ed at the Whig and Standard offices, and as many as possible before Tues day. Previously acknowledged .. $42.80 Mrs. J. Henderson ..... .... LOO Mire Middleton wi 100 Prof: W. iG, dardan ... ..... 100 . TRnAlk Ran PATRICK LEARY GIVEN © MONTHS FOR THEFT, BANK. DEPOSITORS Will find in the Bank of To- NINE i Said Liquor Was to Blame For His| Trouble, But Magistrate Would Not Take This For Excuse--Ret sident Was Accused of Speeding | His Automobile. Nine months in the Lentral 'prison, This was the sentence Magistrate Far- rell meted out to Patrick Leary, im police court, Saturday morning, for the theft of two ovdbeoats, and a suit of clothes. Leary was arraignad in police court, Friday worming,' pleaded guilty and was remanded Leary saif he was drunk when he took the goods, and that he did not know anyt Yahing about it: "Bait vou were soper enough to sell an overcoat," remarked the court. "Yes, I got a dollar for it, but Li was drinking, and did not know what t was doing. If I had been sober, 1 would not have taken the goods.' However," the magistrate did not |§ take this for an excuse, and imposed 3 term of nine months. Constable James Downey, summoned' a resident for speeding his automobile on the street. It was alleged that the resident went algng King street, be- tween Clardnce and Princess streets, last Tuesday. morning, faster than ten miles an hour, the speed limit, for the city, 'I'ne constable swore to this and he was backed up in his evidence by a witness. The resident said he was driving on King street, but that at the time, he had a person in the car with him, while the constable and the witness swore he was alone ip the car, On this account he thought the constable must have been mis- taken in the car. The constable had also secured the number of the ear after the affair was all over, and while the car was standing in front of his place of business. The caso TO-NIGHT, 7.30 to 10. We Expect fo be Busy, and We Would be if You Knew of All the Pretty Things That Have Arrived during the Past Few Days. We mention just a few: ; ~NEW LACE COLLARS, with the yoke and other styles, 49¢, 75¢, 09¢, $1.25. NEW FANCY ELASTIC BELTS, -a great choice of entirely new styles, 25e¢, 39c, 49¢, 7c, 90c, 99¢, NEW AND DECIDEDLY STYLISH STRING both in plain silk and the knitted silk ronto that security , for their money and conveniedlee of de- posit and withdrawal that makes the Savings Accounts in at this Bank so great an aid to ita many depositors. / The Bank of Toronto Capital .. INCORPORATED 1855. TIES for Ladies' Wear, mikes, 25¢. 50 New Lace Waits, Silk Lined ; New Fancy Net Waists, Silk Lined ; New Silk Waists Entirely new styles and very fashidnable. $3.75, 4.25, 4.50, 4.99 and on up to 9.50 a ON MONDAY We will place on sale the following specials received to-day : 800 Yards AH Wool Navy Blue Dress Serges These are the Gentine "Imperial" Quality Dress Serges, and are the best of their kind precurnble. They wear exceptionally, do not crease, and " have the color and finish now so much . sought after by people who' know. 42 inches wide. ' - Yards Imperial Navy Dress Serges, Special at 49c Yard. KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager: » RE- CHEESE PE EON® (eo) ® BRASS 600DS FOR-GHRISTMAS : Brass ® Kinga~( » SATARDH CROUP COLDS 2 ASTHMA I The nlcast line of Goods ever offered in ton, Brass Fenders from $6.00 to $12.00, Fire Sets, bath Dlack and 'Brass, from $3.50 to $15.00. Brass Andirons from 33.50 to $10.00. P ® Black $6.00, de- be ESTABLISHED 1875 A simple, safe und cficetive treatmem [or Bron £hial tales, without dovicg the stonsach with Used with stceess for thirty years air rendered wougly anhept w, tegired 4 INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. 300 Yards, 85 Inches Wide, Imperial Navy Dress Serges, Extra Value, at 75¢ Yard. 150 Yards, 45 inches Wide, Imperial Navy Dress - Serges, Exira Value, at 65. 30 Yards, 42 ches Wile, Inurl Yan Dress Seng, 90c Yard Black Dress Velveteens We have just received to-day a splendid lot of Dress Velveteens, Queen Quality Black Velveteen 21 inches wide, right weight and m: ee, 50c Black Velveteens Fall and Winter Suits, enti ul nights. - " hh young children and & Dow 0 « uliwrens | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Our Reporters. Buy Kodaks at Gibson's. 30e, gal,, sweet cider. .). Crawford, Houses to rent and. rents collected by Mullin, William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at 'MeAuley's. Phone 778. Ladies' Suede hand bags, in colors, at R. Uglow & Company's. English high class sweets for Christ- mas. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Queen's Rifle Association went over to the ranges at Barriefield, Saturdpy afternoon, to have a shoot: You can't' help liking "Beauty Gil" perfume. Don't miss Mahood's sale, H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave o at Auley's book store. William McFedridge, whe has spent the past month in Fort William, has returned, to the eity for the winter, Finest sweet cider. J. Crawford. Money invested in firdt mortgages, for annual revenie by Mullin, Kodaks, all prices. Mahood's Store, Two members of the in trouble, charged conduct, They were day. v "Waterman's fountain pens in a "San- ta Claus box," $2.50. Mahood's Drug Store, Mrs. Joseph Tetang and her brother, Henry Myers, left, last Wednesday, for Ottawa, after spending a week with their sigter, Mrs. 'W. Bramah, Welling- tee street. odaks, all prices. "Mnhood's Diag Store. The steamer Wolfe Islander made a special trip over fram the city, on Friday night for those who wished to attend Anthony Rankin's - political meeting. i "A Chrivtmas 'present that "lasts," life: membership 'im Tabard Ton library for 81." Gibson's Red Oro Drug Store during month of Decent Mayor Graham-had a visit from two strafigers, with hard<duck stories on Friday, mand gave them | assistance. One he gave a 'vallway puss as far as Belleville, and the other to Na- punee, New perlumes, beautifully Mahood's Drug Store. Buy Kodaks at Gibson's. The building in whith the first par liament 'of Upper Cnnada assembled on 'Queen street, pext to St. Paul's chureh, together with adjoiming build: ings, is offered dor sale bv Mullin, Jthe real estate 8 Spapiatint. WANT' KINGSTONS WORKS. The letter which is printed in as news joolumns of this paper asc cenduates mn fact which the Whig has then trying to impress npon the people. Ti is that Kingston is nob {so much alive to its own inlerests asf it onght to be. It has un Fndisteial | {Committes which represents the com: cil and is absolutely without Jnibin-, tive, If it is dang ~ aid By from $3.00 to ---- The Citizens Are Urged to Help Destityte Home. spr of some valusble poultry of which the fund which is beige raiged by the | Waddington the butcher, and when ¥iGus methods of getting the weight, from chickens which were only will respond at once. est in, and is very successful 'with his waid he expected there would he at se | During. the past season eight fields made glad by . the newspaper ced by the Qieen's University Mission. good people of Kingston. It is hoped |ary of the large demands: that must be |angelist in Formosa, and of three Ar secretary has a number of young {of 81,450, while the increasing business [| tio to the good eanse. sourges 80 far as the foods are econ HOCKEYISTS GATHER {some other way, Should there be any , .- ois i ¥ ELECTED AS PRESIDENT been sugpestetd that it go to the pro- tenac Hockey Executive Arranges to Santa Clads at once, 'Their letters cessful season in the City Hockey Y. M.C.A. building Friday evening. The I a was adjourmied until Monday, for the vice-president, W. W. (hibson; presi . . =F ! WN carter was accused of ill-treating ceil; rer, A. T. tok Keill; treasurer, A. T. Hatch. droppul unanimously tendered to him again, he guided the league' through a stormy Andirons is : sfeontrol it again. 0. » or . dinior dar 31 4 hand. The executive adopted the TO: HELP HIM MAKE MANY : HOMES HAPPY. Make a Pu ghar WAN Jiri 3. W's. Pine Poultry. Cheer and Gladuess to Every J. B. Walkem, K.C,, is the posses: There was nu meeting on Friday af [he is jostly proud. This week he sent teinooh of those who are interested in [five white Wyandottes in to Henry sewspapers and for the assistance of {they were dressed, the birds weighed Bgitn Claus. I was desided to vee | ihiriv two pounds, Sight ounces. This deserving children, and it is hoped hatched on May = 25th, is extraovdin- that all those who are appesied 10 Lv. Mr. Walker takes a keen inter. The general secretary of the Asso- CL \ { ciated + harities, who was present, |! ds i ™ { : ueen's Mission Work, least one . handred and seventy-five Q oh hy Christ woukl § Shildren whage: Christmas i". on in Canada--iour in Ontirio and four These cannot he helped very much in the West--were manned and finan without the further generosity of the Awsociation; contributions were that the fund will still grow in view [made for the support of a native ev- made upon it. menian boys in a school in Turkey. The Y.W.{LA, 6s doing its share. The |The accounts show a budget last year women employed Lin dressing sixty lof the sssociation calls for a budget: dolls which go as a welcome ontiibu- for 1912. of over 21,5 % Is pretty clear that the little folly, will be cared for from| other corned, and the newspaper fund edn | i ; be raised for aiding Santa Claus ia HARVEY J. MILNE was surplus of eash it will be devoted ' to some object of Sharity, and it 'has te . Of the City Hockey League~--Fron- posed creche. on Title : invited to. wii The little folks are invited to wrile For the Season's Practices, ¢ Prospects are bright for another suc League, judging from the interest man. ifested 'at the meeting held in the election of officers' resulted : Honorary president, Dr. J. J. Harty; honorary accused to have further evidence pro- ¢ {duced dent, Harvey J. Milne; viee-president, al wi Gordon Canrem; secretary, Frank]?® horse, but the amima i will be stroved, and the ease will likely _ The position of president, so ably . x3 filled .. by Mr, Milne Tast year, was He demurred, saying that he felt that someone®else should have it, but _ag season last year, the members of the execulive thought that he should A statement of last year's finances Hee... .our urge Brags Jar was given and. a slight balance was al Best valuo ever offered a same rules as prevailed last year, with Kingston. 1: 4 a few amendments. in all Granites and R.C.H.A. have already » 1 W. A. MITCHELL 'entered the senior lists, while the fol Hardware --=-- | Jowing have cxpressed their desire to BIBBY'S CAB STAND +86 PRINCESS ST. enter junior circles : Tecwmsehs, Re- DAY OR NIGHT La peel ior or senior must be in by December 20th, when a schedule will "be drawn up. A resolution was passed to the of feet that the team winning the menior trophy this winter should be sent to Montreal to wompete with the cham- pions of that city, Sr Prospects Are Bright. The general public has been wonder: ing where the Frontenac hockey offi cials will get the material for the two good teams which they promised to "put into the OLA. this winter. At the meeting held last evening, of the executive, the . prospects are very bright lor a fine senior team. The club has already good material at hand, but they invite anyone who has played hockey at all and has any abil ity to perform, to get out on the ice and try .to catch a place. There will be no. favoritisms shown, but the hest men. will be picked for the teams, Arrangements were made for the coy-' ered vink for the winter regarding vracticos, and new outfits were ordered for the players. 2 giopolis, Kelli and K. C1, All names Phone 201 Me of teams desiring to enter either jun- rich shades, Deng Suggestions For REHA. are with disorderly arrested on Fyi- a For F 75¢ Special Black Velveteens Phe best Dollar Make 'We bave ever had $1.00 Yard The Above Mentioned Navy Serges and " Black Velveteens Can be had To-Night ais well as Monday' Umbrellas For Ladies and Gentlemen, very latest London handles, frames and covers, 1.25 to $5.00 each. perfect ° } Handkerchiefs Are alwavs acceptable; we offer, LZ Fancy Handkerchiefs Sie., Ibe, We, 2We., Ibe, bHbe., The, 30c. gal, sweet cider, 'New suchet powders. Store, Mrs. Davenport and George 'Cwre were married in Belleville on Wednes- day. New sachet powders. Store. "High clas perfumes." Kodaks, at Gibson's, shoppers. _ Mrs. H. Willis 'died in d sixty-eight years. man's Kodaks. J. Crawford. particularly the reliable qualities such as Mahood's Drug And if not ready to buy You-nay select any length you Require and put aside until 'wanted. THIS IS AN 'OFFER well worth considering, as hott of these are suitable for Christmas Giving. J Laidlaw & Son. Had a Fine Treat, Aceording ito reports, medical stu dents at Queen's University, bad quite a treat, Friday afternoon, at the ex- pense of students of Arts '14. Ten gal- | lonis of jee tream had been sent © {the Arts otndents, having si home," "and the "'meds" parloined it' and - enjoyed the cream; tendering = Mahood's Drug Real Trish manufacture, 1 sweets 'and for Christthas) boxed. Brockville, ido Mahood's Drug 4 Mrs. Jane Edge died in "Balleville. aged sixty years, 'Ehstman's Kodeks. Mahood's Drug Store. oidered and : Real Lace Handkerchiefs o Magnificont agsortment, Me," to £5.00 each. | Pure Linen Hemstitched : 'Handkerchiefs 124e., 1be., e., Per, ei; Mey For Uentlawen, 12e.. 10e,, ate, Ae. Me, We. 'Men's Jackets Real Seoteh, $100 up to $500 ench, © | Stave. » than §t has %o. fue essnyed avd be in n position to approach manufacturys and entice them wilh ' promising y Shervrooke, i For 'Ladies, Toe, 10e., Boe. 900 00000000000000000000000000000000800000000 "at went howe so Mull of the subject all to boom the eity the prople are Without the evidence of it, and this]of {is 'the season when the allermién' w he exopsed if they expdfiate elo quently upon thir acconiplishments. | Some time ago the Whig referred to Welland as a place of most rémark- | able growth. It was faveured in the; th «of cheap fuel, wed Niagara Falls power, &ll weidg] that he had no difficulty in warming a the Ysusiness mon of Shevhrooke, insifing them, awd pow the wan grows that they went. so = lowy vithout this - tuning wp. 4 [spend $300,000 more in mal tng per vote of thanks to 'the Arts students, who were forced to get a mew supply for their t. Deseronto Lady Dead. The death occurred in the city on Friday morning of Mrs. Victoria Mel low, of Peseronto. She had been in the city w oing smalien] trent ment. 'Phe rem@ing will 'be sent Ha Deseronto for burial. : i sn pela ' A Christmas suggestion : F OR GENTLEMEN Men's Vatiey Shippers at Men's Carpet or Leather wt 'Bubserip- tion to public library for your friend. "Life membership" in Tabard Inn Jibrary for $1. "Gibson's Hed Cross Drug Store, Available at most acceptable rates. : : manent improvements, in addition to Tin adfjtion, th: town, like most of the buildings apd thir e¢Vonme "he city in asked for very little --and Men's Felt Slippers from Men's Chocolate and Black High Stigpers . "Mae" MeKorehy, of Montreal, spent the week-wgnd with William Potter, FF . $1.54, $2.00 and $2.50 Men's Chocolate and Black Low Cat Slippers... .. 84.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 Reajed Dr. Jucegsy X Pure Wool §lippers . . . - 1g. $1.75 and $2.00. The Shoe Store re 000000re0seutiesssssssensnssnsesnsy Cesseerssisisistsesetasesanstneanisaens rr Lavin