~ OOO0000O0OCO0O000SO0000 DO000CODOOV0IOOIOOOT IIT OOOO Satsresctess ; + Cor, PAGE 1° ere vw « TRE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1911. P60000000000006000000IOC000000- YOO PERSIAN LAMB and SEALSKIN LE | : : | =e From Trapper to Wearer. (Registered.) If you contemplate purchas- ing 2 FUR COAT, why not come in and see our Skins. 'We have a magnificent col- lection to choose from, Expert and finishsd workmen to make them. We have scores of unsolicited letters from pleased Customers, ex- tending from Coast to Coast, expressing their pleasure and satisfaction with our product- ions It is not necessary to go out of Kingston for High Class This Is Your Store,-- right at Home, Ask Our Pleased Patrons, -- They Are Our Best NRT C D 149-157 (From Our Catalog). Mc KAY, ST. DOVOVOIOGOCOOCOOVOOOOOD COOOL . FPO OOCOOOOO000N0 Bessssssasssssssssesssald { BISSEL'S CARPET SWEEPERS Practical and appropriate as a Christmas "% Saves Work and Saves Carpets. Rich Woods, hand polished at $275 so, § iR. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. : Christmas ; some presents i --we have them | CHAIRS, CAB NETS in Oak, DESKS. AN sizes, Oak, Mission and Mahogany. $3.50, $5.50, $1.75 up. ROCKERS. Fine large- styles, $2, $2.15 up. Some handsome designs in Rattan, Oak and Mahogany. 7 x PTT VVTOTTTVTETLTLT A TTT GS SW Bevesssassrsesrrarvessssecl Carriage Painting : rag CLASS TO OURS This is the place to Lave your Auto repaired to stand all kinds of weather. E. J. DUMPHY Moditreal ano Ordnance Sts. Sa. MATS, LINGLEUMS, Etc, Phone 90. Yours T. F. HARRISON COMPANY DISTRICT DASHES. News Clipped From Our Many Ex. changes, Forster, ke house Michael's hospital, has acvepted a partnership Singleton, Westport. and Mra. Robert Miller, Glen anhounce the engagement of their daughter, Louise, to Alexander Moodie Armour. The marriage will take place at "Glen View Farm" on Christmas day. The sugagement. Margaret Mabel, daughter of John and the ate Mrs, Maecliarmid, Cob den, Ont., to Alexander C. Allen, Bank of 'ttawa, Perth, Ont, The marriage will tuke place December 7th. Ir. . McRae, of Lancaster, iatner of Mrs. (Dry Magee, has been confined in a Cornwall hospital for the pas few weeks, Since the trouble at bj home, and particularly since brother's imprisonment, M#& Méitae has rapidly failed in health. until his friends have very little upp. of his recovery, ox 0 Newton Cossitt, & walls retired manufacturer of Brockyille, atid one of the founders of fhe Ualsitt com- pany, of that town, dh ¥ nigint nt an advanced age. Pr ohiae ently identified with He fn rs, ing an ex-mayor and fort a years a member of the towns council. He leaves a family of several sons. FarSighted Editor. The editor of an up-State weekly had advertised x year's subscription' as a prize for the J pagato grown in the community. ed warm, and the euterprising nows: paper man was hard kate to ac commodate the scores which fiooted the printing office. is com petitor meeting him on the street, at- ER, APIO! "EMEDY. 1, No. 2, No. 3 t pe hn ER s AP great success. Eh Hoshi sores, dischargesie ihepenm: ble 108 r& vital force, draing losses 8c) Eithe: No at Satsor Mail 81 from Fougera ).. 90 Beckman ew York Cite, or 1 Co. Lil. Toronto, in doubt Nox re. gered set sol dressed envelope froe hovk to Dir Le Cl a Haverstos KR. Hampstead. London, Ev. Try newDragéeTasteless) Porm of TRerapion, ed+y to take, safc. lasting cure. vigo Dr. eon at to, Pie, Mr Fay, aq. J. St. sar Foron- with PEER EIIEI DI PEEE Eee DUNCAN'S CART STAND 3 70 WILLIAM STRELT. & 'Phone 1065. SORE is ¢ announced of QOOOCOUOOO00000 Time For Securing a Home oe Cpe Javestment in Real Estate 18 when property is pt In de mand. © You fan secure a property out of season cheaper than at any other time. The revenue from rents will more than double the interest and other charges and give you ® a good advance on your invest- ment if you want to sell later. Let us show you what we Nave fo efter. on his "oom "You don't expect to increase your "Here's the i tion. 'moar as 1 ean sasassnssecnessasess secssee Prison on . competition WAX: | {ari tempted to "kid" the potato hooster | market." | eireulation' his way?' scoffed ihe siv- YOUTH IN HiS TEENS WAS BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE FOR' DRUNKENNESS., Said 'He Secured Liquer at Store Where He Was Employcd----=Given Chance by Magistrate--Membes of "Prohibited List" Heavily Fine ed. A very sad picture was presented in police 'court, Monday miorning, when a lad, not yet out of his' teens, was charged with drunkenness, and _said that he had secured, the liquor at a local liquor store, where he was em- ployed. The lad is a member of a well-known and much respected family in the city, and he: felt his position keenly. He was asked by the magistrate, if the liquor had been served to him, whereupon Be replied "No." He said that hg Rad taken two or three drinks during 'the day. He said he was just eighteen vears of age "Jt is too bad to see a boy of your age here," remarked the magistrate. T will let you go this time. 'The lad was picked up on the street by the police dt an early hour Sunday morning, in a helpless condition. John PB. Gunn, a member of the "prohibited list," pleaded guilty to bine drunk, and when asked by the magistrate, as to where he had secur ed his liquor, he replied that he had secured it at an hotel in Portsmouth The court imposed a fine of $25 and costs, with the option of one month in jail, and at the same time, an- nounced ~ that he would have Gunn placed on. the 'prohibited list" at Portsmouth, so as to prevent him get- ting liquor there. The magistrate told Gunn that he had been coping be fore the esurt too often. The charge against Gunn was out h few weeks ago, but he could not be found to be served with the summons. Constables McCarey and Downey rounded him up near his home, while he was doing his best to give the constables the slip. The case of a resident, spediding - his automobile the' law allows, until Friday. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, accused of faster than was further enlarged np Newsy Paragraphs Picked Cur Reporters. Tabard Inn library, Flannellette night Dutton' 8. W. H. Dathy went a! noon Monday. Christmas presents waterproof mo- tor veils, 50c. Dutton's. ID. A. Givens, Kingston, has appointed a notary public. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778. Handkerchiefs, great variety, cheap. Lace collars, 10e. Dutton's. I'he mild weather continues. Sunday was like a day in October. At noon the thermometer in the shade register ed fifty-two degrees. II. Cunhingham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley' '8 hook store. Men's special comfort ahioe, Call and sec. No more foot trouble. Dutton's. The remains of Frederick Rush, who was drownid here on Wednesday night last, were buried at Rednersville. on Fabard Inn library, 81. Gibson's. Saturday afternoon: Colonel and Mrs. ®rowé returned from Montreal at noon; Monday, where they have heen visiting Mr. ant Mrs, 8, H. Holt. Rubbers for all cheap at Datton's Percy Ward, who has heen" in (al- gary for the past year and a half, has sturned te the ctv and will stay here. until after Christmas. Music ! Buy book over 100 home songs, H0¢., to sing Christmas time. Divtton's music store, Gordon Russell, lawyer, sentenced to penitentiary vears, for forgery, arrived at the Saturday - afternoon. Baby's pretty shoes, all colors, Dutton's: The regular meeting of the board of eduation - will be held on Thurs day evening, when the, business of ths year will be wound up, ; Women ! See our comfort beot price, Dutton's "Bert." Revells, who has been sail- ing on the lakes all summer has re turned home, and taken a position as motorman on the street railway. Genirné "'Rasapra." Gibson's. A meeting of the Ontaric 'Curling Association will be held at the Ran- dolph hotel on Tuesday afternoon. Fhe schedule will be drawn up, Music! Over 2,000 selections Beethoven, Chopid, Warner, ete, le, Dutton's music stinre. Dr. Frederick Boyd, arrived home 'on Monday afternoon, from New York, to spend the Christmas season with his parents on Colbotne street. Fresh horchound. Gibson's, Judge Winchester, Toronto, returned to his home at noon, Monday, after spending the week-end with his daugh- ter, Mrs. E. F. Trimble, Alfred street. 't barn:og Rh Gibsan's. Dr. J... Harty and W. A. Wheat. lov, general manager of the Loca: motive Werks, left at noon, Monday, for Toieule on business, Francis &Day's 100 best songs. Henry Lauder's song books: Lneen's University song books. Suitable for Christmas presents Up By Gibson's. dresses from 5c. down to Prescott been 21 Mec- of Toronto, to two 15¢. , low by Verds, at -[Dutton's, 209 Princess street. Rev. I. W. Neal preached at the re- opening of the Cushendall Methodist church, Sunday afternoon, and in the evening preached at the Portsmouth church. : "rech horehound. Gibson's. George Shortt, a student of Queen's, and son of Prof. Adam Shortt, Ot tawa, is in the general hospital, suf- ng from 'olood-poisoning. He is much improved, proposition, answered] the editor. "I'm out x $1.50 Ae {a certain name, in police little fellow bobbed made ACCUSED OF THEFT. Fifteen-year-old Lad Chance. Magistrate Farrell called out cpurt, Mon- When day morning, a up in the dock, and when the. magis srate asked him how old he was, said "just fifteen," lle was thea put over to the juvenile court, which met 'mediately after all the had been disposed of. The charge against' the lad, that of theft. During the summer, he was accused of stealing lead from the water works department, being laid by the superiitendent she department, Thomas Hewitt. lad was taken to the police but was allowed to go home on promise to réturn when the ease called. But he did not and for some time, he had a time trying to dodge the the police foree, Sunday afternoon, be however, him in hiding in a lumber pile. but no ghaneo; lock-up. The magistrate he was soon in heard all the parti culars of the case, but as it was the first time the lad bad been pefore the court, 'he decided = to give him chance. J. L. McPHERSON, Who speaks + VM. A Wednesday. Tuesday anc County Court on Tuesday. : The county court will open at court house on Tuesday. ent time there are up for trial: J. Fsford, is egharged with assaulting Wormington. The other is the case in which at Perth Road. The grand James Baxter, Corkill, At the pres jury. is: Henry Hosen Campbell, J James Dixon, J. L. friend, Edward Harker, J. .J. Robert Kidd, John Murphy, Merser, Davis (!. Snider, Michael Webb. ,a Hogan, Architegt for Hotel. The civie finance committee, seems, called upon the loeal tects to submit tenders for their vices in connection with the hotel. The amounts ranged £3,000 to under $500. It is stood that the accepted tender the yicinity of £1,500, it ser new under- Is In Big Vote Expected. County men that a big vote was looked Jor county election, in spite of the fact that the roads are in bad condition Citizens who were out driving in the country vesterday, -stated that of the roads were in a terrible tion. were saying some condi Presh Kasagra at (thson's. "Kingston's Famous, Fur Store." HE SALE OF CLOTH ACKETS AND. MILLINERY In our Cloth Coat and Millinery Departments. It's not new a matter of cost or value, but a fixed determiniition to sell out: the entire stock. SPECIAL PRICES ~ SHOW- ING. LARGE [ISCOUNTS On every article of Mil- linery and every Cloth Jacket. WATCH OUR WINDOWS! aE Ls 0 J su 188 Frise res Was Given a im- other cases was the charge of | he station, his was come back, nusy members of was rounded upf Constable Downey found He tried to get awny from the constable, the a the TWO Cases a come of Barriclield, Lieorge stabbing James Campbell figured Brash, Thomas archi- from to-day, in the Two HOLIDAY BOOKS dl att AANA A beautiful Christmas "instinet with the same feeling; glowing im: agery and told with all' the THE FOLLOWING OF THE STAR By Florence L. Barciay, Author of "The Rosary." ment of liter: ary art as "The Rosary," sweetness which won for clay's earlier books their place in the front rank of recent fiction. Net, $1.35 A delig love story, depth of the same and refine- same dehic power and Mrs Bar- cloth: A WEAVER OF DREAMS By Myrtle Reed Author of Lavender and OM Lace, ote, the same power of characterization, ate sense of humor distinguish her earlier books Exquisitely Frontispiece in color, htful love story showing and the' which charni of fancy bound in lavender' Price, $1.35 260 PRINCESS STREET. T0 AID SANTA CLAUS mere. TO HELP HIM MAKE HOMES HAPPY. Are Urged to Make a Fund That Will Cheer 'and: Gladness to Destitute Home. here ste n to-day mest part poverty, 'overty tomes of the t is to thes: ten lon of the MANY ' The Citizens Bring Every are sad homes in Ning th and tome I he due te ss 18 la sadn bereavement frequent in the wd the orphan vipecially that the at of the Whig glad seu ol I'he sought out most widow readers as the « heistmas approaches, r have to he MeConachic 1 will seek them out The readers of the to aid a little in brmging cheer hy choerlegs, a Merry Chnstmas thy fatherlesst glad ticings to in short ta do something that the Master set forlorn and needy. Santa help Trom his friends. acknowTed sed $18.50 is directed son deserving Ami and co-workers invited to to the atten mw Whig are Poor, the fashion helping th Clavs needs Already SHARPLES AT PORT Kingston Crew Have Returned Home From Trip. HURON. The steamer John Sharples is at the dry dock, at Port Huron. The mem bers of the loeal erew, which left with the vessel, on ils trip, have returned They had a fine trip, 'making it in six days, towed by the big tug Proctor. The men were given the op tion. of taking the trip for the bulk sum of $30, or at the rate of 53 per day. Owing to the unsettled wrat her at the time, the men decided to. take the ofier of $3 = day, and as » résult they each had $18 to their éredit after their work was finished, while they would have had 230 taking the other bargain. 2 home MODEL SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS Opened in the City Hall Monday Morning. he medel ened in the schoo! hall exammabions op Mopdat morn ing and will continue--until Friday noon There are twenty -eight trying the examination this year, a ver, small A. A. Jordan ig the presiding officer atl the examindtions The reason for the small number trymg the examinations due the" operiing of new motel schools "in ufferent In years pa large numbers have tried the model sehigot examinations tn this city, city number IT saci ons AT KINGSTON PRESBYTERY. Call to Bev. James W. Mcintosh Will be Considered. here will be presbytery this Fuesduy. The will St. Andrew's school room, I am The special item of business will the call which has been extended Rev, James W. Melutosh, formerly Mitchell, ar pastor of Cooke's enireh Representatives of Cooke's church will fhe present. at the meeting pport of the call. : a meetin e Jing ite. an held in will ston mn sORSIOn he and comnente at mo su No Change is Needs 1. The subcommittee of the commitize appointed hy the cit cil to enquire ty whanges in treasury department of the Heat might be benefisial, bes that the present system of book keoping is as satisfactory wld be {desired It is shart and especially {well adaptad the city's require iments, The comnfttee has not been {eallidd to receive the report. special will report as ¢& to Sixty Members--Sisty Minutes. The teachers in the differeft Sunday schools are co-operating with the YMCA. in the whirlwind campaign for sixty members in sixty minutes on Thursday evening next, December 14th. The teachers are trying to have every hoy in their classes take out A mer bership ticket in the Y.M.U.A, and are interviewing their rents with a view to having the tickets taken out this Thursday, thas helping the boys' department, in its campaign Songs, "gy Holy™ Night," He; {larney," 0c; "Lost Chord,' 10¢.: { "Dream of Paradise," 10. Come and Lory them with scale Williams" piano, | a Dutibnls music store. ! Miss Kute Barker, eldest daughter i { i i Kil of the late Robert Barker, of Bright. of, died on Deeamie per Sth, piter short Mlnees. Large cotivignumint of silk bib, 2 tor 260. * Dutton's. fodumer Spencely. deputy county re Lint rar, suddenly at his home in aged Gifiy- { Pembroke, on, Satuciay, Like yeary. Male of «ilk hom, Finch wide, 10r, Dut ton" or a A ANI Help sh "The College Book Store OPEN NIGHTS. i i Ai You can not blame the man, or you ean not blame the woman whose feet ache, who has tired muscles and nerves, who is fatigued after own instep, umatism, aches, pains, distorted look ing shos, and the cramped toes, are sll results of a weak instep or broken down oy Sometimes the perfect | s of the foot are destroyed anc wetimes they are not, but the victim suffers all the symptoms, TRADE MARK REGISTERCD Wear the Scholl * -Foot- Bazer' and getinstant relief to these pa yo ments. and ¢ vst LO the tired body. Th azer" is ascientific support tn the are Is m sade of two German SHver 8 comfortable ap 4 worn in the regnla from one pair toa No matter what what sty lelghc r. your walks and w nt Yo ret about your feet, come fn and be fitted to a pair of S¢ "Foot Eazers."' A rial wili de mopstiale our faith-- wmouey back if uot satisfied. Dr. A. P. CHOWN, Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS ST. 'Phone SENSIBLE PRESENTS every coversd, sting to all feet, zo shoe and can be changed tion fe~noasnntter 340, a ele rev, yy OOOO DOD aise exe EEX member of the seeee This store is crowded with we the newest ideas in Xmas Gifs G® and all marked at. prices 1p please COATS, COATS. a shame to seh s itegble Coat Price, but the wealh haz had to d side w vill J a single garniel in "price All Coats at HALF-PRICE PS dL BEV eT Teele ; Newman ~& Shaw The Always Busy Store. CEE EE Eee SEE eee eE > » Concert at St. Lawrence, Eawrence, Wolfe Tseland, Der On Friday Inst » ples ss ing was spent in - No thedpupils gave an ihteresti tafment under the direction teacher, Miss Harry. chosen, being priate - to" this FRAROT Ih drills performed ny the childrra wen up to the marks being perfort from be ginning to end. The iifuliy decorated. W was chairman and gave an address, whith he stated briefly the adv it was for little children such a traiging at in life, the benefits would reap when they eredit was due their teacher cloge of the programme Good Night, Good Night" wad sung by the pupils, after whlch a vote of thanks was tendered Mise Bares the chairman, Si. i very of 1 lhe selection aily Lppro i Ee a Hy Ons schol wis peas H. Woedma » antagy ou roemne so early o of which orew "mn staise they Maen At 8 chHOTER, oy Tinubile Acongth hoje had. son's. Tired Feet? you want to enjoy | the $0000 P POPPI DOVOOD IN FULL SWING ¢ Buying, Looking, Working SMITH BROS. 350 Ba NG STREET, # POOL OVECOPVOLPILOPOILUPOOVCO0 > y Jewelers, Opticians SLOP Pasuers of Marriage Licenses, 0 TASTE SOPOO0s POISE L002000000 MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. FGOURDIER YOUR OLD FRIEND Who tikes -Eveplasse i Rin a and winch and vou frien Christy they guaranteed or money {ER LEY, J+. op Frmetr is 226 PRINC ESS ST. Pine 927. refund PERFECT LAUNDERING Kingson Laundry Cor, Princess and Sydedaham Strevis, "Phone 22