Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1911, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR. | * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ' Ho, ' Mow, iY. DECEMBER 11, INCURABLE INDIGESTION COMPLETELY CURED BY "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Baxcrort, ONT., October 17th, "1 have been troubled for years with Indi gestion, and have tried nearly every kind .of medicine. I used "Fruit. a-tives", more or less, for eighteen months, and I am no longer troubled with Indigestion. I think *Fruit-a- tives" ds a splendid remedy for this trouble." ; OHN REDMOND, "Fruit-a-tives" will cure every frace of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomac i g and Pain After Eating, Take them regularly--one ore meals and at bedtime--give the intensified fruit juices a chance to Tegulate your system--and you will be 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial Sed 25¢, Atall dealers, or [rom Fruit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa, "XMAS GIFTS INFURNITURE TARGEST AND BEST STOCK IN LISRARY TABLES In Golden and Early English at $12, $16, and. $20.00 BEDSIDE and READING Tables AZ J $4.50, in Golden Quartered Oak Parlor Tables $1.25 to $35. JARDINIER STANDS 76c..to $6.50 PEDESTALS $4to $8.00 Mahogany and Oak any finish, R. Jd. Reid Phone 577 WOOD FUEL For a good Fuel at a low cost try our Hardwood Slabs They are sound and diy; in fine burning condition. Prices $2.75 the half cord delivered & 3. Anglin & Co. Cor. Bay & Wellington. "Phone 66. SOEs EEe esse OTE Brssssisssssscsnnasang COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. ~ BOOTH & CoO. FOOT WEST STREET. he' < T SALE Heaters. Second-hand 'Suarama, Vatarie § Of Stoves a 4 a lin any case unless the complaint " bogst Stock {rniture. '|stop the grants to bi-lingual schools. has fem to 383 Princess jar BEE First-class Ws is have a Iatge and varied stock Auitable for Christmas : Sie hing could be more ! or useful. Prices te. and see { this fine line of goods before 2 You purchase elsewhere. Also in stock, a big Jue of ordinary furniture. ' bhi Baty z TR | them © THE WHIG, SEVEN ton, Ontario, at $6. per yéar. per year: » TY-EIGHTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publish3d at 306-310 King Street Kings- Editio s at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts on Mon- day and Thursday mording at $1 a year. postage had to be added, making p ¢ée of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1. 50 To United States charge for Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices In Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work; nine impro ed presses. THE BRITISH WIIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. TORONTO OFFICE: Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Ch mbers, 32 Church street, Toronto. H. E. Smallpiece, IP, representative. The council will hold ia special meet- 'appoint the architect ing to-night, to who will, behalf of the city, su. Hig of course, upon the necessary appeal be ing made to the legislature and the act being passed which will confirm the recent' vote of the people. : that the garded on pervise the new hotel building. choice will "be made condlitional, It may be referendum cannot be re- as the equal of one for bonus, bat the question will only a be settled when the legislature bas pass- ed upon it. Would it be to ask what the in order for some one position of the ho- tel scheme is to-day ? Rumours are in cannot be cor- of explain circulation, and they The fimance briefly rect mayor, or some member the committee, could what has been done about the DELAY ? hotel since the vote was taken upon the bond guarantee by-law, and he is invited to do this at once. "Hikewise some énguwiry should be aiade respecting the progress that has been. effected by thie special committee haygng to do with the consolidation of certain departments. special commitiee--the Alds. Fair and Shaw consider" the Three of this mayor and were named to of reorgani The books possinility #sing the treasurer's office, and records, and the manter of keep- ing them, have been examined and it only remains. for the sub-committee to report to the special committee. Why should the consolidation of de- The men know what mug to be done; should be their plans with the partments be delayed? council they to encouraged carry greatest efipedi | tion. There is a little old house on Queen below historically Here street, immediat ely which St. Paul's of the the offices church, is greatest value, of the and visitors to the city were of one earliest governors of {'andda, are driven past it and pointed with pride to the building in which some great thoughts of great men were born 'and nurtured, - A former Kingstonian, on a visit re- cently, dwelt upon the richness of the and, referring said it would be an everlasting shame' if {i disappeared. And it is Mr. Mayor, on behalf of an indignant peo- ple, if moved for expression of their opinion, stop his sale, ; It is not so long sinte the old block city in historic places, to. this-little house, advertised for sale ! who oan, necessary, be sum- The argument of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in the discussion on dismissal of pub- lic servAnts, is the only tolerable one. Men may offend, by reason of their partizanship, and they may, in their | zenl, do something which an opposite party, in power, will not forgive, But the individual ought. to be able to present a defence. The liberals gave every one against whom a charge was made a hearing. He was not moved was put in writing, and submitted by a member of parliament. « Pismissals have been made--hundreds of them---since the Bordeh government into power, very little evi- without evidence of any kind, and there are thousands of per- sons, still for, who are clamouring for recognition. The situ- ation as it appears in Ottawa was ex- plained by Mr. Fripp, ih a recent po- litical said "1 hope for positions are not We have received 2,600 odd applications, and I am glad to say a very small percentage of these eame from the capital ward: My good friend, Dr. Chabot, had go oame on dence, or unprovided meeting, he : those looking disappointed. has Lo - A LAND MARK GOES. street, on a contimation of Sydenham street, $75 to a man who wanted the timbers that were in it. When the destroyer had partially done his work, there was a storm of protests, and the city made some attempt. to buy building back. But Is an- other, and the most interesting of all the loeal spots, historieally, to disap- pear before the house on the hill, beyond Bay went for y the too late, commercial spirit ? Where is the Historical Society ? did exist for It and it did a great deal of good in reviving and recalling many events history of the city. Ly many years, in Surely would hot consent the early this socie- to what some students. of history would call an act ol sacrilege now ? The next day or two will be full of meaning if this ap- peal has the desired ofiect. GOING TO EXTREMES. tee away for a rest, and I am afraid | will soon have to go. We hope to ac- complish something in addition in the house, 'and take our share of the leg- islative work, but it's pretty difficult to receive sixty or seventy: applicants per day and look after one's own busi- ness and parliamentary duties too. It's the lot of a member for ever," Ottawa, how- A point-of interest was that discuss- ed by Mr, Macdonald, of Pictou, N.8., who held that the postmaster of a country office, and receiving a paltry stipend," should not be considered a civil servant and should not be con- sidered an offender when he took an active interest in a general election, The liberal government did not move postmasters because they voted tory, and worked for the tory paity, and why should the conservative gov- ernment act otherwise? If all the postmasters were treated in the same re: way the less wonld be said about it. But it ig small business to punish a rural postmaster -because he did vate fory when his office has hitherto forced him out of polities disfranchised him, not not or Thee is no graft in Australia, and Prof. lox, formerly of McGill college, says it may be due to the fact that the women have votes. Here in a for women's suffrage that a for something, a Mr. Foy says the government, must, through the odueation = department, waiting for Dr. Merchant's report 7 Is this not making lignt of the reference and the commis L {sion ? Mr. Justice Hoghes, of the supreme court, declines to be a presidential candidpte against any one. Sensible man. Who that has been in politics, and drawn out, wants te go age to No man that values his com: fort and peace of mind, RE Ww thout Hamilton is having some trouble in introducing medical inspection, and because the people, and some of the trustees, do not understand what it implies. Again the? education depart ment is remiss in wot giving infor mation with regard to the work. EDITORIAL NOTES, Lirsham must be opposed. . ? The Toronto World thinks Sir James. Whitney has made a mistake in opposing the return of Allan Stud- holme to (he legislature. A mis- take, Mr... World? Know ye not that Sir James never ens? He is the only one who is infallible in the world, ; : aa any " i Now. fhat the election is over Sir Mrtand success, the largest crowd dames will find great interest and in- spiration if very carefully reading the etinisms #f the conservative pa- pers. The fyles of the Ottawa Citizen and Journal and Hamilton Spectator will afford him . fine reading on a lonesome evening, yt The Jooal parties in "South Ren- frew agreed-tweing '© sick of elections that Mr. MeGlarry should be elected An the legislature and Hon. Mr. Gra- ham to dhe commons by acclamation. Me. McGarry has been returned and the Ottawa - government says Mr. Well, it remains to seen whether of not the .2 men must break their The MeNamtss. on Sunday spent the thie. fied day in San Quentin peni-| Wiliam Soury Jordan, ho "iin. employee," of Prescott, 0 "Hock, left 85,75 | minister, Rev. ¥. W, Danby, B.A, swanted in Baltimore, was RECEIVED A LETTER FROM mel TH . * For the Way They Behaved on the Night of the Rush--Alma Mater Society Did Not Like the Way Mayor Graham Trusted the Stud. ents, MAYOR THANKING STUDENTS ay The Alma Mater Society of Queen's University expressed its strong dis approval of Mayor Graham's conduct a week ago, Saturday evening the occasion of the annual rush (Queen's students. The soe ety met, Saturday evening and a communica- tion was read fram M: ayor Graham, thanking the students for their gentle- manly conduct during the rush and told them that their manner of be- haviour would long she remembered by the citizens of Kingston. When the letter was first rend number of the members of the soc ety were strongly opposed to Teeeliing it on the grounds that Mavor ahan had not really kept to his promise. They said that the fact of his pre- sence at "the college and the speech had quite an effect upon the students and when they gave their promise in a body that they would not do damage to property he. should been sitistied with that and not had policemen posted in front of all the theatres and himself at the head of them. . I'he sending of the letter of appre ciation to the students by the chief magistrate was also much appreciated but the thought of the ordering out of the police constables still in- their hearts, After much discussion it was decided to receive the letter, but a reply has not been - sent vet, but will likely be done this week, Une of the most important features of the meeting was the installing of the new executive which was elected on week a tine on of any have go. of the members of the of the A M.S. toll the Whig that if Mayor Graham dered out the police the students, as he said he would, he was of the opinton that the of the students in a. body would have been put down for a time. The stu dents hiked to se like men and when they promise they lived up ito it. executive , Monday, had not and had trusted Or rushing ented gave a ABE ROK NS S TITL EK. It Took Several Years Establish It, to EARL OF ABERDEEN. It is to a tragedy that Lord Aber- deen really owes his suecession to the peerage. His brother, the sixth earl, adored the sea and sailors, Unknown to his family, he shipped as first mate on the Hera, a schooner bound for Melbourne, but on the night of January 27th, 1870, he was washed overboard in a storm. He had called himself 'George H. Gordon)" and here arose a serious difficulty in con necting the dead earl .with the first mate of the Hera. dt togk nearly two years to establish™ the identity and during that period, Loid Aberdeen was unable to take his seat in the House of Lords. Increased Prosperity in Ireland. At the annual general meeting in Dublin of the United Irishwomen, a body that-has been formed. under .the auspices of ihe Irish Agricultural Or ganization Society, Mrs. Harold "Lett said that in every part of Ireland a higher standard 'of comfort was be coming general, and even in small towns in the West anders were en- larging their stores fo deal with cheap furniture for which there was a growing demand. Prosperity without pleasure was of very liitle use to a race of people with the temperament of the Trish, and pleasure without prosperity to back it was practically impossible. A combination of the two was more readily found in Am- erica than in Ireland; hence the .con- stant stream of emigration. A Concert at Kiginburg. Elginburgh, at Elginburg on December 7th was a in present and about fur being realizéd, 'I'he programme was excellent. The speeches of Rev, T. W. Neal and Rev. Mr, Cassidy were Tn enjoyed., The singing and recitations were appreciated and the chairman Elmer Davis, of Kingston, was in his best form. Much credit is due the fon his efforts in making the affair a "sue cess. He has won the hearts of thi people hgre by the kinsiness ant energy he bas displayed during = th last three years and has brought the Elgimbwirg cirenit to the front, so that it is now tecognized as one of the best country circuits in the Kingston district, Dee. 9--The tea meeting venrs being Andrew (Carnegie told Premior Por den at New York that the States would ae four Frandred thou sand men to ie Sanada in case of "Rilly the, Kid ne of 'the famous bank sneak th igves of the world, Stockholm, charged with robbery. taken Eight bodies have: Lake prepa at rankles || ify are really Unite §& caught in See Our Nobby . BBYS™ ONE-PRICE MEX'S AND BOYS' WEAR STORE. . See Our Handsome Overcoats, $15.00 v YOUNG MEN'S SUITS WE'VE THE SORT BRONZO aMimDaLL. 'The Wentworth $15.00 Scotch Lad $18.00 EE COP TANI The Varsity $15.00 The Castle $20.00 New Fabrics. OF CLOTHES Young men like and right here we wish to say that-- Young Men of better taste are breaking away from the" "Challyboy" Styles in Cloth- ing preferring garments that are right up to the minute in style and full of individu-- ality, yet are not freakish: : Our Fall showing of Smart Suits for Young Men is of unusual merit and our young Friends are delighted with the New Models. New Cologings. New Designs. The Alton $15.00 The Gordon $18.00 OVERCOAT SALE Starts To-night 4 50 only New Style Protector Over- coats, regular $13.50, $15.00 Bibbyjs Special values. 8 $10.00 4() only Now Style Speedway, Two style collar, regular $18 and $20 values. $15.00 Bibby's Special Agents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men BIBBY'S 8 80-82 PRINCESS. Agents for Penman's Underwear and Sweater Coats Ltd THE WOMEN WINNING] COMBINE TO LARGE BUY FOOD QUANTITIES, Protective Association, 1,300 Families, Seeking Competi- tive Bids From Grocersvand Meat Dealers. Indiannpolis, Comprising Dee. 8.--As a esult of the organization of Housewives' Protective Aes and the efforts of Mayor reduce the cost of living selling wotatoes and fowls on the market at ost this city now has several or rani ations that are buying in large (uantities from the Prove, and urangements have been made to with raw all restrictions at the city wt, and let the producer sell to onsumer direct, direct the ocintion Shank to mare the INf The _efiect of the campaign = thus nade against high' prices is seen in a sir oli reduction in vegetables, fruits nd poultry 'by the market dealers hémselves, and many of them - say hat though their prices are lower making more money . DBR. SOPER | DR. WHITE ional He of their larger sales. Housewives' Protective has meres vers, and have © guant ot gr . the: | hey ler meats, Lies eries and that 1 cations are % No Need of Haste. + wellknown mentioned the fuct America the n large some paris of t men was considerably that of we ously added, and he the refore, men ; ep can, A @oung woman the lust rows of the up, and, full of indignation, room rather noisily, lect rer remarked ©") fiat it should be huny seated done in -------------- story told be + grand jury icated other men inthe Association of Structural Iron Werkers alle Fhe es thai spersons, Namara, "The boo inion at S414 Lake City. S ' MeXamara, Association Secvetary of ridge trearly 181 few Sop So y red 1 1 they wi recomime e ladies to emigrate to that part.' in one auditorium left whereupon the did not such a Ortie McManigal at Los Angeles. Cal: futernat Bridge McManigal other than J- J paid him for twenty f dynamiting whieh he did since Jao; sot the iron workers' seized by Federal officials are wanted trade large sums of money wf. ' ional Workics Union, "organization in the west." sent by Internat- to the local anion, for a Associa 1,200 buy 11 ~~ fuce the the wl Ove at Night Hright; Makes the and No Charge Because of its extramel Rexall effective action Enders beoomeé dhe constipation, We are so po#itive that levies will UmLHEr 1 {,r them that than Hees to hand back humor | ug for them upon your I you are wot entirely : Rexall Orderlios oft dy, are got fa Ite that do all that is - of positively the mons y 4 satisfied » epton plensant to cAuBe Dausen usually eatharties very do not gripe, other annoyance when ordinary the thy ure mean Rexall Orderlics have a posit gulative effect upon the howels tend to provide pern from Constipation anil the associate ailments. Hesides, ta_pvercome the neceststy of ¥tant use of laxatives to keep bowels in norma! viii We honestly sitvilar thedicine so Orderlies," especially for ar delicate people. 1 he in convenient tablet f sizes of packages Prices, and Set Why 4 A try FINK on our : went Leer and rorend jobs local the to the form ie, the m guarantes Rexall in this a nung The ex ll Si Kingston, Ont. Remember ohtained Hémedeen ¢ Iron our store Mishoo, we i Next if It Doesn't, most popular remedy mere re exper children, ITE Poti Day xed? Oy al men AA hike en OF THE FAVORITE LAXATIVE red od 1 rid

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