Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1911, p. 5

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po THE patLy BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, J EMBER 11, 1011. - PAGR FIV 5 a CHALMERS CHURCH 4 epg Seem 5 WE ARE NOT CHRIST'S - +P JR i [@rivsrevesesrivteshetsammsrese sceverssressoontsescerese® luloresting Story to Sppoivied a Major. Tuesday: apt N. Perreau, adjutant ¢ il : "uf REV. 5. HARPER € GRAY, OF TO- The present uprising sod unrest ix FU NESS WE HAVE HIS SPIRIT, the Royal Military College. is granted ; Start Your { hristmas RONTO, PREACHER, China has presented an opportunity SAID DR. CLEAVER.- the rank of major, 'in the Canadian . the secretaries of the Y.M.C.A.. have | 2 , frlitia from the 29th October, 1911. weeitik, L. ® "h Sa > never before witnessed in amy country, | Pine Discourse Given on the Flow- ' hi 4 A Discourse on "The Great Faith and thy are vigitg, evr Liears Lo3 " SH Ty on gy wo" St. Andrew's Chimes. : and Abounding Grace of Christ"|, "°° very best possible use of this Pe n fam as Tescribeg '¥} The chimes of St. Andrew's chureh =A Musical Programme at they wt of all possibilities. The De- zekiel--Seryices, in Sydenbam | {pealed forth on Sunday, and 'pleased Close rewaber issue of the Association Men Street Church. jail. who heard them. The sacred > g a > sateen auf a : . ) laved by the bells we ory i . 3 . . ! hs ; A very graphic picture of the Rev. 8. Cleaver, DD., of Ton te thy IRAs Playa hes Ware Yury I h F H M; k R 1 N G f i The fn ", 3 h And Aboundin | presen conditions and what the Y.M. presc hed at both 2 eri Li ova] beautiful. e o owing a e ea ice I ts---- Grace of Chr int orgied the subjee is doing in connection therewith, |}, am Street Methodist church, Sup. | - a for an able disgburse, deli ered in 5 McPherson. who 3s to nk ¥ : To Cure a Cold in One D , Chale are hited & . craon iP 1s 10 Speak al day. Two very lar ge congregations ay. haimer rch on nduy the loeal Y.M.C A. building on Tues listened by Rev. Harper Liray, B.A. { / el | * and Wednesday evenibgs. has cl excell ent sermons. Both {Take Laxative Bromo Quinine "Tab- : Hockey Boots, Snow Shoes, Slippers, Moccassins, St. Andrew's church, Toronto) b < : ' urses were very simple and: im- |lets. Druggists refund money if it fails text was Matthew viii, 10; pry | POUL the last six. years a Secretary. pressive, (to cure. E. W. Groves signature is on # Jesus heard it. Herr at Hong Kong, and will give from} At the morning service the subject leach box. . Evening Shoes, Overshoss. Rubbers, Leggins, 8 said to them that fol} owed. Yorty - {first-hand knowledge, an inside view Of twas ""The Great Provision And the | ' prs Anta YO, I have not found 8 : possibilities lying in the path ol Wric e."" "The preache r ¥ based his re- | Sunday the Cells. ¢ : great faith, no, not in Israel." X M.( A. at the present time in [marks on Romans viii, 9+ "Now if | Three or fou drunks, one a member . Suit Cases 1 and Travelling Bags. The preacher pointed out that the £ hina. The meeting on Tw sday even: any inan have not the spirit of Christ, [of the * prohibited list," who has been two great words of Christ wore Tatil ing is for men « . and will take fhe is mone of his.' God, he said, | missing from the city for some time ' . ' and grace. Faith was man's response ip! nee right aft six o'clock, when a has made many provisions fog oar | and who x wanted on a charge of be: S E E O U R E A R G E S T O C K to the prace of Chrid 0 | light supper will'be served in order to [bustness, and our intellectual and so- [ing drunk, 'were the oteupants of the ) ] five wilt irom Christ is grace. was}"2Y time by not going home. Ihe ad: cial life, but the only great provision | police cells all day Sunday. | : \N unlimited, We all had faith: we gould | dress will he t 6.45 harp, and will lis the coyenant he has made, which ------------------ os at live, without it. The grave of | De over about 7.15 hose wishing {0 [links the" Father to His sons' and Kingston and Cape Vincent. Christ was free t H, and just. like 8° $0 the YMC. A for tes will oblige {daughters ty Kinship. 'the only Yay Steamer service change of time, com- baad io the hun ; : | the secretary by letting him know, so to qualify for that Provision is Olmea Noater Dee ut y : Sou At the close of the service, a short (that the ladies will know how many [fulfil the conditions of the covenant, | tciug will leave Cape Vir , Ia iy, musical prog ne, choral and in jto prepare for. which God Himself, and no one else exer ot Sunday; at 8 ap incent daily, strumental, red by members | : CET A re ar set, namely, that we must ve on}. BY nny; 10.2 30 3 &.m,, arriving ar by logal talent. | PURLOINED A TURKEY. dowed with the Christ spirit, and tho |}, ve ston, 1.30 ne Eotiing The provera ew be telichiful | essence ol the spirit which under i alts A Eg The programm nol caliph fut} Another Daring Theft on thé Market | Christ's character was love. ad 1 ape Vincent, -m, » 'The soloists were Miss Mona night, Saturday. Continuing the preacher said there | : HA . Miss Hazel Massie, Mise Florenck Me 'This is the season: of the vear that |8e Wo sides, to love. The negative | The ate Miss McAllister, : i : © Leod, Mixs Tweddell, Mise Rosevenr, Lturkeys are in great demand so. if yon | MMe i8 forgiveness, which is measured | The funeral of the late Rose' Ann 8. Rutledge, 4. Bankier, and Dr, H. tare on the market and have a tur [9 JoVe and the positive side is giv: (MeAllister took place from her late S - | R. Palmer, R. R. FF. Harvey was solo Lav keep your ee on it ing. Christ's whole life on earth was | residence, on Wolle Island, ou Sunday . organist, a Mrs. J. R..C. Dobbs ne- | Ancther bold. theit acctrred om the | marked by forgiveness, and giving-- | afternoon, to the Church of the Sacred lle oven gave Himse. God has made (Heart. The funeral-was one of the | JOHN CHARTERS HAD A NARROW | EMPLOYEES OF STREET RAIL. many ziving we as Mrs. Hut this matper vers plain in St. Mat- [largest aver seen. on the island. A ESCAPE FROM DEATH. WAY GET THEIR REQUEST. KINGSTON SKATI CLUB. ton, livis Wolfe Island, was the] 'ow XXV, nless we have Christ'ssolemn libera was sung for the repose ---- vietiin. » was selling turkevs and spirit. we are none of is, and will | of her soul. The pall-bearers were six i The Election of Officers on Saturday makiug some change for a lady Night, on some persen stole a fine bird The annual - meeting of the King Fy tr. The ease 1s reported Loy #lon Skating Club was held, Satur ie police but the thiel made good day evening at the ' skating rink, 5 escape, At th ron Shan in gy u id e. evening service, Dr. Cleaver with a good attendagee of members This is the secomd daring theft oi delivered a very clever ; Much routine business was dealt wit, | the kind during the week. On Thars- Log" Eoekiel's i including arrangements for the as by 1 woman living on Earl street querade, ug a pair of chickens and vhile viewing Ezekiel's life up to the time A good deal of discussion arose over | was payin for them a thio Hof his vision of the angel on this bank figure skating, and the dub decid made «off with thm {of this Yiver with a measure ee-hand ompanist.\ market on Satur in which a wor never®get into heaven. And to obtain [of her friends. He Used Bundle of Clothes as a Pil.! Superintendent "Nic kle Met Them 5 ------ enon low--Roused in Time by a Young Saturday Night and Acceeded to i | } this spirit of love, which ovércomes {all difliculties, we must take God into our fives. Who 'is 'waiting to imbue that spirit in us. Met at the Station, The young girl who was in the po lice court, on Saturday , on a charge lof vagrancy, and whe was dismissed, mterpretation | owing & VISIon of the grow Ying 'to ne stream from Ezekiel xlvii. After re ¢ Fellow From Kingston Mills, Their Wishes--Everything Settled Claithing Syracuse. NY. as his Satisfactorily--Will Give Better home, John Charteris, 'a middle-aged Service, L nachinst, nearly nad a sleep of death The raise which the employees of un Saturday night, The reason given the street, railway « mpany asked for due danger was the fact that: "he for has been granted without, any took the ravlrond track fof a pillow. | trouble whateve rand with a friendly outer station by, Constable: McCarey. A voung man from the other Ride of Jueling Sxisting between both parties SO . i a ma---- and here she was met by the groom. 1 leh ta 148 been going on during iegirige this ay Rha following | * PRICES AWFUL HIGH. gd erpret, mad hat all lwho artived on the noon train to take a tasdey an bout. uli} the past. ten days concerning. the me : orities interpret, and according her: back. st seven. a was looting it along' raise, and many did not think the , Honorary president, TI. W, Richa Eversthi a - To B Nase to seripture, this stream in Ezekiel's a the 'GIR. track. The fog was very railway company would grant it and . son; lady vice-presidents, Mrs ol wverything Going ] Pr ut Wages, vision was | likened to the gospel of Rushing the Work. t thick, consenuently he could hot #%¢ looking for a strike, as that was at ristmas ee ng 8. Leslic, Mrs. W F, Nickle, Ire, A. Says Workingman. ~ Christ. The stream flowed from unda " : ® : 4 ery well. About a quarter of .a mile | what the employees of the road said| B. Cunningham, Mis. W. If Givens; With egus selling as hivh as 45¢. [the temple, and' so was founded on 1 he mild weather has given the from the station he stumbled . over they would do if thelr, requests were | Seems to have taken possession [of manager, James Swift, Jy eeretary, d por "dodén, and in some cases Die {the church of Christ. | Kingston and Pembroke railway and. mething and upon investigation | not acceded to A meeting was heid | every nook Miss Bessie Richardson; treasurer, being paid, Kinegstonian are won- loo often, to-dav, we think that | OPPortunity. of rushing along their | that "something" proved to be Char- | a week ago Saturday night when the : Percy Lyman; executive comm nttee, | cring just how hich the 'prices will [fine architecture, pool music and a work out on the. line. It is not very |rerise He had v bundle of clothes with | employees made known their wants | BISSKL CARPET SWEEPERS, Miss M. Brownfield, Miss M. eee n, SORE. s capable minister constitute a church often' that railway work can be roshed him and had used it ag a pillow. The : The matter as deferred for another WANTLE Mik ie RS Miss M. Dawson, George Richardson, Hives thing is peoing up hut "wa While they have their places unless aloug so late in the year. Usually, at voung traveller thought!' at first. that | week to see what could be done a ARBORS, Arthur Dalton, Sydney , MeCann. &," remarked a Workinsmar on he | Christ is the foundation, that chureh this time of the year, the line is cov- ihe man wis @ead, and when awaken- | Superintendent Hugh Nickle inter- MUSIC CABINETS, market on Saturday. will fail to fulfill its real mission ered with snow, hut thy extremely fad he saon proved that he was very | viewed the mémbers of the company TEA CURATES, Just this last week the dafirvmen]| The origin of this stream was |mild weather of the past few days has | gach alive by grappling with the fel- land wld the employees when thoy " tothe fact that she was about » married, left in the afternoon for Campbelliord, where the ceremony was to take place. She was escorted to the he outer station was coming into. the and corner of our store Why Not Settle it Right? Winnipeg Free Preds Mr. Borden has made the statement in the Houses of Commons that the financial readjustment - between Mani toba and the dominion, rendered ne cessury by the enlargement of the pro- door. death in Globe, Arizona, of Edward | where he lived ees was §1.50 per day, but they were y on vince, is to he on the haxis of o (ual MAN ON "PROHIBITED LIST" The: influence' of the stream was |]. Leahy, jeweler, brother of Sister After telling him he said he was on paid for overtime work With the JA ES R D "Pho 141 . ity with Saskatchewan anfl Alberta. { i i i ne rol into line and hoosted the 'priee [from underneath (Gi threshold of the given the company a good chance to low. Ad he was drunk the struggle | gathered on. Saturday evening for CHILDREN'S BOLL FU R NITU RE of milk from six eents to seven cents |temple. Some people enter the church |g¢t slong with the work proved an ineffectual one, and the | the second meeting that the company | Give a quart, Butter is selling at 35¢' {by the hack door for many reasons, - a younger man soon overpowered him { was willing to give them the desired to de. per pound. but. everyone who enters the church Died in Arizona. When he got the older man quieted | raise, AT -------------- of Christ' must enter at the front] Word has been receivedl of the J down he asked kim ihis name and | Herteofore the pay of the employ- 4 you Just what 1 Wad! express sion : : marked by the health and plenty | Iwahy, of the Hotel Dieu, and of Mrs. [his way to the city to try and get | increase their pay in the future will The details, Mr. Borden says, have not | Helped to Pay of Man Who along 'its banks, all was life. Men] James Morton, 'also of this vity. Mr work in the locomotive works The | be $1.70 per day. This i* for old em- yet been worked out . Served Him, go hungry in spirit when they leave|leahy's death occurred after a linger west-hound express was due in a few | ployees ot the road. The new men Why make the new Manitoba settle \ rather strange state of afinirs [Jesus Christ. Dut there was . one|ing illness: The deceased leaves a wife | minutes, and the man would surely pa only HY a ine Pease of Je, identic i 'nskatohe ork 4 ftom ; . i y ings 8 ave bee ile o ) dy | cents per day, the y in » future | ment idk tien} Iain Wo Sashats ewan took place after a liquor case, heard {My #pot along the banks of 7 the and deaghter. de daly Kingston about have been i i, hut for the timely Pe To. Ts , st ao 3 the ure settlement, Wideh Ar. Norden has do in: police court, some time ago, in [Stream in Fzekiel's vision; "and the|iWengy yeurs ago. For some time be- Jw RTA, hater ol conviig to) rl Whi A hi the e : nounced fifty times, and which he is that the member of the "prohibited [preacher Kkenvd it to the swampy | Ore going to Arizona, Mr. Leahy was|city, he boarded the express and went i en seen this morning the em- pledged to replace with a grant of the , 8 2 Pro 1 5 PyYl. eweler with Rmith Bros., of King- | west. ployees were in high spirits to think 4 list™ helped to pay the fine of a man places in the church to-d wv. When a2 J ns g 4 . . ; > natural resources ? | . : pth } wr i God' | ston are : ihat an agreeable settlement had H it was a slur" upon Saskatchewan |t'? had heen found guilty o. serving sare a st lo manopo azo. God's emit Serm----and | been effected without any trouble, in 1908 to give it cash grants in lin him with liapmor, when he knew that | blessings, that's where the eroakers GRAND OPERA HOUSE, {and that the traffic had: mot been of lands, why should Mr. Borden pro-| A Vine Song Service. : _---------- been held up In any way. The. railway pose in 1911 to 'give Manitoba cash sotg - gervice in Princess Street | "Dear OM Billy" is Billed for Tues. | en promised shat if given the raise instead of the natural resources of the Methodist ¢hureh, Sunday evening, day Evening. { they would give better service in th > new territory ? was thoroughly enjoved by the audi \ i bi jp fut ure than they had in the past, Since it 'is Mr. Borden's policy io ence which filled the edifice. Two an h event of notable importance wil {and this has been manifest during hou 1 he choir, "Blessed B h be the coming to the Grand on Tues the past ten days give their matural resources to the thems by the choir 5 esse e the dz December 12th. of the. eminent as # western pravinces, why not begin right Name of the Lord" and "Peace Be Yi » now with Manitoba insofar as the new territory is concerned 7 Where is the il) _ sooe) 3 nestle | English character actor, William Haw Es Rate sss nent WIEN oh It ri [UK 4 Sho Ply Suny on 0 CW Su Be niet "oa [B0. Soi uk aver heard, 6 oti [company i the Inughabl mee Of | \ yuu poem FS adjustment which can last only a year waa at he po at Fin ord 30H measurommts of the sogel. About advantage than in Clone bo Thee { jolean And wholesomely funny' fareiosi | Afternoon. : or #0; and must then be replaced by a ---- "Jone thousand years after Christ. foun- whe Ar ye g ri is i My comedy in three acts hy W. B. Risque { The Ladies' Musical Club felt a now aFeEngEneng ¥ CAT oil : Edward Elliott. of Madoe, a voung ded the church the gospel could be! Soul 1 he potor, Rev: ¥. G. Robin. This piece comes almosi directly | very enjoyable recital on Saturday Long Session Promised, man twenty-three vears of age, * died described hy Sukle high " Mi son, gave a short address irom is Tua of fe hundred sights on | aitatuoon, in Conve tis Halt he awd oe suddenly on Sunday evening ait Win- orld, a today, two 10 USA IK To a hieago, erey and; dramtal « Prog an he as L a ge Hs 3 The: session-may last i:il May, and nipeg afier undergoing an operation Vears alter is foundation, all na- At St. Mary's 'Cathedral, critic of the Chie Ago bri nine, saws ils Sua ; Bigh a > Iss is ne the there is a possibility" of it going much | for appendicitis two days previously, flons are bending on their knees be- There was a very large congregation] 1 1# 8 facile example of playing and g Smith, nd Lon ated of mast of ths har forage md All size bottles Kasagra, Gibson's JOT the gospel' of Chitst. « And the St. Mary's cathedral Inst [OP quite worthy of Mr. Hawtrey | 17th and th centurie hose w. Jon her. ron slender, Bobb gra, stream will go on Nintil phe last | Present at St ary's cathedra Ut [ past." The Detroit: Free Press savas : | took part were Miss Mamie Tierney op O81 oy er, 4 ey ne 4 ot, 1 swening, -on the vecasion of the closing | I Miss Knig! fiss Daisy Chown. Mrs Pro sinner is brought into (he fole . y bo o thinks Englishman | Miss Knight, Miss Daisy Cho give more than.a'ro timate of Last week only two contagious dis- oug o the fold, of the forty- hours' devotions to the Anvbody who inks an ¢ the length of tite the svasion will [ease cases were reported to the medi -------------------- ' x has no sense of humor - should see | Arthur Cralg, Mrs R.A. McLelland, e 1 n holy sacrament. Rev. Father MeDon- 'Dear Old Billy! It is the best im-| Miss Dorothy Brownfield and Miss] take. The general opinion seems to bs i Reale officer, Line was chicken-pox Joan Yal- Joan ald officiated at * vespers. The_arch- 3 that another four and a hall menths {and the other séarlet fever g : : . » y 1 (C8 ie Tal It was ith regret! : : i arce since "Charley's Aunt.' | Carrie Waldron It was with reg 1 oe o bishop carried the holy sacrament jn ]PoTt fares ot will at least be required. Legislative Athens has organized a hockey club Rev. 8. Cleaver, D.D., Foronto, lee: {golemn procession around the aisles of {that the members of the clad > Miss Knight for the last time before ly nothing has vet been accomplished, | with- KE. (. Tribute as president. L. [tures on "Jean Val Jean," Sydenham the cathedral, and afterwards impart hairabl she leaves for the west. She will except the passing of the ar esti- | GG Hen Earl, secretary treasurer and St. Meth. church, to-morrow (Tues- [od the. benediction of the holy #era-| admirable, . | greatly missed as an active Hember mates. And while four and a hali' A. G. Parish as manager. day) evening, at eight dclock., Ad- - - ment. The singing and music was un- ee tand on the executive commitiee months is the geveral estimate fqr the mn your Christmas 'shopping list, mission, 25¢. usually fine, the sanctuary choristers i-------- - - ------ remaining portion of the session, thors | 'MeConkey's," "'Huyler's," "Ka : ---- assisting the choir. The altar was Deaths in the City. might easily arise circumstances that ldaks." Gibson's. A Special Bargain, handsomely decorated with natural " the The death occurred in would pretty well keep the mombers | A meeting of the water works com For sale, one Heinzman & Co, piano (flowers and brilliantly illuminated » wis on the list ~ are found, and such a church = ean The accused was fined 825 snd costs [never prosper. A channel must be The and, jt is likely that he would have [dug to connect it with other peo had 6 go to jail had not the man]ple. The direction. of the stream was on the list come to his assistance. towards the east, to the desert, where ------------ it was most needed. The Son of God First Man to Vote. was born in the humble village of F. W. Valleau was the first man to-| Bethlehem, in a manger, because God vote, at Cataraqui, Monday. He had |58W that it was the desert. The des The audience shrieked with laughter Hawtrey is immense and his support is' city} i f b tt to be held. t} it t Sajurday, of George Lake, a, he Greater portion. of Whe| ities i%adn be held. this afternoon Lo uokure, " with, front sorsers round. IE RARGE o. | eighty-one years. He was a Stethod- | MISS. RUTH TOMLISON summer. wind up the business of the vear. [Cheap for cash. Thos. Mill 79 (ho: TO RAISE BARGE DAVIE, uml d {1st in reifgion. The remains Were! wii, wittiim Hamtiny in Shar ON -- ir ---- Richard Cornell, of Belleville, who ence. nn i sent to Moscow for burial, | ta 'at the Grand, on TuMday, Dec John 1. MePherson will apeak to assaulted his wife, was bound over to " The Steamer Hinckley Cleared With bith 1 i RSL The'death oceurred at their home! men only at Y MOA Presday, at{kesp the peace for one vear. A special train was sent out from Schooner and Barge. i : » jon Sunday of the infant daughter of $ | 6.45 pm; supper at 6.15 pom. Ihe KRodaks, suppres. - Gibson's. Brosh over the B.W. and NWR. | 7he steamer 'Sowards arrived light, Suffered for Twenty-five Years and| "4 Mrs. Lemuel Addy, Montreal THE LATE MES, MITCHELL. Launch Kit, including Thermos hottle, The ecivie committees are meeting to handle the poultry shipments from fiom Bath, on Satufdays-amd will he Could Get No Relief. Street. The funeral took place on FM. Cisdh's. Sia. eh fur the Inst time his year. the various points along the live the |j454 up for the seasol, The steamer, -- &s Monday J afternoon to Cataraqul| paneral Service Took Place in St. S-------- -- -- ---- past few davs. "Yunder the charge of Capt. Max Shaw, | Now Tells of the Wonderful Results | "vmetery Mary's Cathedral, " po 3. n "1 W. J. H. Sangster passéd away in has had a very busy seasom in the Obtained by the Use of { The funeral of the late Mrs. F Lhe funetal of the late Mrs Mary Saseienesscsinssairesassssnscs eevessnse : urd n ; - | Brockville * after an illness . of ~ five | coal carrying trade. {| Purdy took place on Monday worn Mitehall took: place from (Hie residence H L N I - *S 2 n > i jmonths. He was thirty-seven vears of | The steamer Hinckley, with the D C ' | ream he te Tealdence Su Prin of hes mother, he, Fa.lon, Neunh dig. : . {schooner Bertie Calkins and the hase fe ! Uae street, on Thursday morning J. W. Bleasdell, barrister, eldest son pd r. $ terment will take place in the family For natty Shirts st $1.00, $1.25,$1.50 Knitted Mufflers at 50 cents to $3. 50 barge Jessie, cleared on Sénday morn large congregation of [fiends atten See our large assortment of 5 Fancy Neckwear at 0 cents » Bi oi Am ---- . . * lot of the late Canon Nieasdell, died at ing, at eight o'clock for Alexandria N Food!' ed the solémn requiem miss whieh « . erve Trenton, on December 7th. The de Hay, and will endeavor to raise i Salem Death Reports. wok weng in St. Mary's cathedral, for Also, Plain Shades in Beales and Irisn Poplin ceased was in his sixty-peventh' year, the barge Davie, of the Mohit real : ka i oat . ; the happy repose of her sous. hmme xty 3 y J i te . , r tic 2 ulotn : + s ORB sit Mrs. Judah Walts died) at her home, | ransportation company, which was Sciatica, neuralgia, and seia 164 Salem, Dec, 7. While on a - visit diate relatives. scted as bearers : T . 3 abi ' " rhenmatisin are the result 8 TUN go frionds in Stitlime Mrs. Hawvnah Soidtaa - on Wellesley Island, 'Tuesday, of Sunk there' thid sunwyner, grain-lad- dows nervous system. Yor this. ree. 1" 5 TR piritunl offerings were Jaid on the Bright's disease. . en. * in RELYOUS Sys : . |eragham, an old ard much respect casket "from Mr. and Meas James . a i d t build up the mer: - ' i k . : expecis a man to think she looks. acrtation barges were laid | away fait Which do BO Id up th [way dh Ngv. 17th. The funeral i Mre (Capt; ue, VV. Fallon, Mrs > is sy {pice from the ome of her daughter, {Capt.i Daly, Mics Annie Norris, My : Collars im quarter sizes. . HUNT'S - - = Brock Street. on" Sana Seon. frien eee, Sagi Mean : : k ho for forty years, has practiéed in . ts » : . . = L When yom don't want your break- | Colborne, which is at Swift's wharf. system, tHe Kidmey-Liver Pills inl" ps h Jolin F. Kennade Hiss Jennie Fallon, messeresescncastararcecsiasesaasssncqeccene fast vour stomach is out oP order. The men who went on strike for forty | 5 Consecon and surrounding country, | Mise Lumb, Mise Nallis Sugherve, Mrs ih ------ -- Ca e----_-- pr-- Stomach trouble is either ecavsed centg an hour on Saturday, and re |and bowels or the" winter « to-day. The business Mr. Colli roan { t ty, i iH 1 , \eH Mr. ns suffered for twenty-five 8 Smith Interment was S10 TIED |] KNOTS of the company, so far M8 the sail; years and never was able to obtain | N'% 3 jor Pl _- -- metery. and Mr 3 William Forrest, Mes. Mau MA ing of the vessels #8 concerned, iv' Sak Tf} {matie al larcymg 17m rice Kelliher, Miss Mary Kelliher, Mr : satisfactory treatment until he began | Miss, Nettie Stapleton, Trenton, ¢ practically completed for another the use of | Chase's Nerve Food bia > tin, her sister, i s ¥. Stap {and Mes Dominie Fallon, Mr. and v F! : ap i x ? Mrs. ham J wine . Axvful Suffering of New Jersey Wo-|%eason. : and hidney-Liver Pills. While the! Tat ki Re Vide returned IT" Willian bamew, Mra. James. Lasted Five Years. There are still over 900 tons of co-| verve Food formas new blood | 0m he r Hows, Thomas Suaghrae, Mr. and' ment in the hold of the steamer Port}, 4 restores the exhausted nervous WWOCTOVOOONC000000000 00000000000Q00000000000 A woman iy never as young as shel The last of the Montreal. 'Stans [00 all treatments ' must necessarily oy jpcidet of this place, pases aly 4 3, and Mrs. Jobn Linaugh, vigorate the action of kidneys, liver. 9 Save tidied | : {died on Nov, 24th. Several atifide Thomas tochefort, Mrs. Patrick Val. j 5 + : by weakendl rondown system, or will tarned to work for thiriy-five cents, W. T. Uolline, Morpeth, Ont., writes: the Sunday school eonydtion 34 , Mrs. Sarah Fallon, Miss Sarah - certainly be followed hy that condi- rd all right since, but had to lay [oy ------y ie pare, & be able to Robkn's Mills gn Tharsday. Misses "Aona and Sarah i : off for some time on Monday, on sc | aieak favorably of two. of Br. (Rase's | re . ; 5 Ang 1, 1 Casseron, Mrs. Bae L 0 0 K »: Be Cook, Vineland, N.d..leount of the rain. As soon as ihe ves ia Che 'Nerve Food and Kid- | City Conncil to Meet. Muchmors, John 0 rig 3 wis sick five years withisel js unloaded she will go into the ney-Liver Pills. " had been a sufferer A spegial meeting of the eitx coun- .. 'A MoEgam, Mr, and Mra, Bib $ 1 5 0. 0 0 worth of indigestion. My stomach seemed to dry dock to havea holy § in her bottom for twenty-five years from sciatic, {ch has been called for this evening ward. McFadden oe Pas have a heavy load in it and at other repaired. lumbago and neuralgia and tried al (10 receive a report of the finance Floral offerings" were reesived from PRIZES Givenaway tothe 1 femes it scemed to be tied in knobs. Large quantities of fiom are arriving {most all the iaedicines 1 could hear | COMMIitiee regarding the appeiat- Me, cand Mra. Wiliam Jackson, Mrs. Nobody knows how 1 suffered, for use at the Kingston dry dock in | of, without one particle of benefit, un- | Ment of an architect to represent the James Kavanagh sud Willimm Roch. purchasers of our SALE "¥ tried a grent many doctors and ithe building of the government boat [til | commenced to use Pr. thase's. | City In connection with the oe hotel fort. A letier of condolenss wis sent GOODS over $1.00 in ; a great mam Kinds ' of medicine bag there. Several teams are busy draw-}1 poticed an improvement before 1! 10 be erected on the Carru Bi by the Ladies' Auxiliary. of the Hotel 3 5 x x nothing did any good until 1 teok]ing the heavy material. had used two boxes, affld the benefits 00 King Street: : ; Dieu hoapital, value. Drawing takes Vinal. Tt had hoped me worsderfully.! This mild 'weather is just what the fSbtamed by continued use have bees . > 3 sit ik ™ I am improving fast, feel butter and jieambont rompanies want, for it will | wonderful: 1 have so much confidence! Many persons in England believe : 9 place DECEMBER ik am getting my flesh back agadn. Vic lonable them to Have their boats re-lin these two medicines" that 1 have that n class war. of. alscwing fropor: : - RE nol has done me a world of good." {| paired at the dry dosks. As soon as |recommended them to dozens of ty tions is immunent and that Fogland : 6% We know the preat power of Virol | the jee is bnee formed, though. they Hiriends, and | have yet to hear of a | noted for ith conservatism, heretolore, i 4 "THE TOKY! in curing chromic © stomach trowils i will be out ol it for, the feimainder of single case in which thay failed to give is ritting toward socialism. and buildiby up all weskened, vow fall. sibasfaction." agene [efllane, sisters , vears of déwn persons. And that is why 'wel . We ba, Chua's medicines ars for Sg nee. was aeremad in Montmal i 4 d p ' 5 OF Edmanson,. fla " s i hei 'J ns, £3 Co., Limited, Toronto. LA , i. 40

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