Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Dec 1911, p. 3

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Refined, Delicate Skin Secured by Absorption midayion an he considered beautiful i the skin. in tex- ture," Henretiu Chwles, in Factern Stvies, "This troubles éan be ovitgome by opening and cleansing the pores, the closing of which makes the I's he (pores and and mpu Eg the Wax process, # wax | completed tosorhbs the rough, faded! of dizeal wd) outer skin and unelogs fresh, voung skin an then in evidénve, is exquisite refined and heautiful. And , as the pores, now freely matter from the body and the life-giving, circulation, oxvgen. % No « is coarse Writes skin 'rough, open remove dirt es, mereol ized the pores ihe derueath bv delients, it kept expel eftele drink promoting -. I Mercolized wax, because of its won- detful absorption power, is fast super | other treatments for coarse, yellow, - muddy wor blotchy applied at night like eold and washed off next morning. y to. .pe had. at any. deag entirely harmless." in 1 ceding pimply, It 1s VAX 4 Tn PHONE 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street ww, wanting dnything done in the Carpen- ter line, Estimates given on all Kinds of repairs and new work alse Hardwood Floors of all Kinds All orders will receive prompt attention, Shop 40 Queen Bireet. ¥ 2 WORTH CONSIDERING Bome people seem to get this idea that beer is a drink for warm weather exctusively. They fail to appresiate that it's refreshing and 'beneficial all the year round, Wa are agents for Fisher Bros, Perismouth; Berlin Lion Brewery, Berlin, Stroh's Imported Beer, Detroic Wo make a specialty of Keg Beer for the Christmas Trade, The THOMPSON BOTTLING C0. GRO, THOMPRON, Prop. TOF 304, Telepl MARTY" | the after effects THE SPORT _ REVEW WALSH MAY PLAY FOR THE TORONTO TEAM. Manager Ridpath Says He Will Have Walsh For Right VW inge-(ther} News of Sport. According "to Bruce Ridpath; of To- ronto,; Marty" Walsh, the 'famous ningston hockey player, will be in the line-up for the Toronto profes sional hockey team this winter. In giving the Jz ohable line-up of the 'pam he placed Walsh on the left wing and himself on the right wing. Ridpath's physiciag says he will not be able to play buc he asserts that be will be in the game, Bruce will manage the team, while it is stated that "Chau- cer' Elliott, of Kingston, will coach it. The team will play its home games jin Bostooe until the Arena is completed in Toronto. This + state ment that "Marty" Walsh ds. s0 be with Torontos is quite @ surprise to his friends. here, ns everyone' thought that he was securely tied to the Ut- tawa club, Basketball Results, On Monday afternoon, at the Y.M, Mra. J. BB. Renadd, of Goderich St., Strageon Falls, Ont. says: "1 have suffered for months with. a very weak stomach. I had dizzy spells, apd at times could not retain food at all. 1 tried ahy number remedies and preseriptions, but none seemed to relieve me until I tried Mio-na Tablets. 1 used one box and they have completely cured me of my troulles, mend Mi-o-na I know remedy of merit." Mi-o-na j3 sold by druggists every: where at 50 cents a hos, and is guaranteed nny of it to be a as to cure dyspepsia, indie gestion, sick headnehe, nausea, heart- burn, - solr stomach, belching of gas, dizziness, 'heavy stonmch and car sickness, vomiting of pregnancy and of overeating or drinking--or money back, Postpaid from the R. T. Booth Ce, Lid. Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by Jas. B. Mcleod, Smoked Kippered Fillets Bloaters Ciscoes ' Finnan Haddies DOMINIONFISH COMPANY. 63 BROCK ST. PRONE 520 GENTLEMEN'S CANESand | UMBRELLAS PLAIN HANDLES. HANDLES OF SILVER AND GOLD, INITIALS ENGRAVED FREE OF CHARGE, WE DO THE - FINEST EN-& GRAVING IN KINGSTON, BEYOND ALL DOUBT. ¢ Jewellers, ; Formerly Spangenberg's, 847 KING ST; KINGSTON. '| section. of av 3 1 homest . Price, 133708 Der. aca. Putten ust Taside" dp om he homestead Sold caly by trained Corseticres ", Spirella Corset Selection and fitting done in your own home. Boned with 5 i- relia i Flexible, ki sanitary, comfortable. Admits of ust. is 10 your cofivenience. Phone or send post card Margaret Dunnett, Corsettiere, "Phone S78. 106 Wellington St. Toad the Rplrelia advertisements in 7 adios' Home Journal, Delineator, Designer. Now Idea sid V. gue, * SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NURAIH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY P N WHO 18 THE SOL aead of a family or any male over 1 years old may homestead a quarter lable Dominion land 1 Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta Fhe applicant must appear in pecson at the Lominior Land Agency or Sub- Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency. an ¢ertaln gonditions, by ther," mother, son, faughter, brother or sister of \ omen ender. A 1d es--8ix monthe' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his uomestead on . mm of a. least 80 acrs solely owned occupied by hin or by hi ther, mother, son, ughter, brother or er, In certain dfstricts a homesteader In good standing Jay Dra-ampt a quarter 10 3. re-emption in each ears from te of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra, Homest er who has exhausted right and san net obtain emption may eater for a pur- Romenteat in certain districts. a years. cultivate & house 'worth § he Deyste of the leinit planes fii - T0 THE rh loy Brus. Stor wai, I am pleased to recom} intend- | © {sleighing in the cit ot X THE DAILY BRITISH EE ------------------ C.A, gymnssion, Cooke's juniors di feated the Queon pireet juniors by a score of 30 to 7. [Fhe game was very one-sided from the start. Cooke's tednt is looked spon as lheing the strongest' in the junior series. Stew art Toland is a wonder, for he can get baskets from any place on the flow There was to have been a second gume, between, Nt. James' and Bethel, bat Bethel iniléd 10 turn up, so the game went by default, { Baskethall at ¥. M.C.A. There will be three games in the intermediate series of the Sunday sehool | basket-ball series at the Y.M C.A. gympasium on Tuesday. even ing. The first game will be shetweer Bethel and | Sydenham, Bethel los last week to Bt. James by a ver, small margin, The sscond game wil be between St. James and Brock street teams, Both these teams ar looked upon as béing sbout the stron gest in the league. The last game o | the evening will be between St. John's apd Cooke's. This is the first sea son for the boys from Hatter's Ba, 30 be fn the basket-ball, : There will not be another game i 'ho "senior series until Dec. 26th when Brock street and St. Paul's mest All Kinds of Sport, The Ontario Hockey association "al ready has dighty teams in line. New York Nationals" defegted Almendares team 6 to 3 in if {on Sunddy, The six days' bicycle race -in Madi #on Square Garden, New York, is or {this week, | Attell and Kilbane are wanted b, {California promoters for a batt) for the featherweight championship o j Feb. 22nd. The Ottawa hockey club is said te be starting the season on a $5.00 stirplus. They may need all of it be fore the NILA. schedule winds up. : This is the fourth year that the {Canadian Rugby Uwsion has been abl (to bring tne junior clubs together § Order to declare a champion in thi Serys, flugo Lehmann, of Perlin, leave next week to play in the British Co lumbias league, He will probably tak Oren Froon and Horace Gaul salons with him. | Ottawa Citizen: Recent develop (ments in hockey go to show that th (game has already graduated from th calnder of sport. The professiona 'brand is business, noting else. MeVey defeated Jester at DBrishane Queensland, on Saturday, in dhe eighth round of a bout scheduled te go ten. This is MeVev's second vie tory over Lister in three months, The Yacht Racing Union of th fireat Lakes has eliminated the Can ada cup competition on account © the Rochesser yacht club's unsports mnnlike policy, and a new interns tional competition is established. 'hat his royal highness the of Connaught will be a 'patron a many of the hockey games at th Ottawa Arena, both in the interpro wneial and NIA, series, is assured (and Manager Dey, of the Arena, ha erected a special box -to be used b tho royal party. Only two of last year's Mefiiil {kev seniors ~are likely to play | venr- Scott and Davidson, both j(tawa, Woodyat, "Moseley and Blai {mnother Ottawa boy, have left col i logre, Sargent, lakt year's ®aptain and Ramsay, of Quebec, claim the: ° have not the time, and Cassels, an {other star from the captal, announce Kis retirement, . ett ct Caintown Reports, Caintown, Dec. 9.--Alfred Hewitt i much improved in health. Miss Flor {ence Powell, of Escott, and Miss An idvesis, of Rockport, were list week a IMrs. Jodeph Hull's and Mrs. Gra jham's. Mr. and Mrs. John Kincai were guests of Mrs. Henry Franklin Junetown, last week. Miss Beatrie Dickey is home from Athens Higi School. Mrs. Stephen Wilcox, of Rock port, has returned home after staying with her mother, Mrs. Nancy Buell is much improved in health, Mr. anc Mrs, Tames Eligh have returned fron Webbwood and have moved into the house owned by ©. I. Gibson anc rented their farm to William Towe, 0 Mallorytown, Mrs. William Grahan spent a few days in Brockville, visit ing Mr. and Mrs, George Graham Mrs. Nancy Tennant has returne home after visiting in Athens he daughter, Mrs. H. R. Kualton. thy, avans i Duk. | hoc thi 0 ----ee Sons of Scotland Officers. Sic Wilkam Wallace camp, No. Sons of Sediland, elected these offi cers on Monday evening : Chief, A Hendry; past * chief, T. Mackenzie chiefthin, A. Aitken; chaplain, J. Me Callam; physician, Dr. Ross: financial secretary, V. Bryani; recording secre tary, J. W. Frage; treasurer, WW Chapman; marshal, A. McGregor: stan dard bearer, P. Lobban; senior; guard | A. Sinclair; junjor guard, i. Gordon pipe majors, Messrs, Fraser and Clark auditors, Bros, Sinclair and Sect. 13 Catholic Order of Foresters. St. Mary's' court, Catholic Orde of Foresters, elected the following of jficers for the ensuing year: C.R., {William Duffy; V.C.R., Peter Beaupre financial 'secretary, Edward Clayton recording secretary, T. Douléd: treas urer, Daniel Staley; speaker, Frank irimshaw; sentinel, M. Goodman trustees, Messrs. P. Duley, W, Cas ady and B. McGeein; conductors, W Shaw and J. Kennedy, : ibony Brushes. At no place in town can you. buy {nicor and better ebony hair and cloth Lrushes at such low prices .as of Best's, Compare and gee if you don't buy at Best's. Por the first time since 1R83 the {fos office department; of the United a surplus jnstéad of a He it. | Socks! Wha more te the purpos: for a man's gift than the cll good value offered by Dwyer : year there was good amd the weather " 5 x WHIG, TrESPAY, DECEMBER eer Et AMUSEMENTS || {GRAND Y OPERA HOUSE) Tuesday, Dec. 12 The Eminent English Character Actor Mr. Wn. HAWTREY fud His Distinguished Company of bondon Players, in the Laughiog Sue. cess of Two Continenis, "Dear Old Billy" 4 Clean, | Seniy now on Clever o = Cheers. | 23, 50, 7, $1. Sti tebiioel DYEING FOR THE LADIES. The ladies know what god work is in dyeing and cleaning. That is why we Have so many good customers omong the ladies. ~-- Sate. £1.50. or R. PARKER & 00, Dyers and Clenvers, 60 Princess St, Kiugston, Owe. wa "THE KING'S TRA. Acme of Safety and Comfort Are Found In His Majesty's Special. When King Gecrge travels by rail- way, he does so in remarkable safety and comfort. The royal train repre- sents the acme of the railway carriage. builder's art. With their silvermount- ed bedsteads, andweasy chairs, and window draperies; it is difficult to realize that the apartments are see. tions of a railway carriage, while the smooth, easy, and almost silent run. aing of the train serves to heighten the illusion. The warious royal sa- loons used on different lines are built and owned by the respective com- panies, the royal party paying their fares like 'age charge or thé special. The program of running having been completed, a most interesting and complicated part of railway organiza. tion begins. "Each company has a hart or 'visualized time-table," as it has" beenj called. 'This is divided vertically into twenty-four equal spaces; one for every hour of the day, and each hour is further sub.divideds into minutes, the half-hour, quarter hour, and five minutes' intervals be- ing denoted by darker lines. This time-scale is then divided horizontal ly into a distance-scale, the stations and junctions being shown on the left hand margin in their relative positions, On the chart the running of the trains is indicated by means of lines drawn from point to point across the scale, and colored to show the class of traffic--a red line denotes an ex- press train, and so on. The course of the royal train is set down on this wonderful traffic chart, and when. aver the line cuts another, that other must be delaped, and the pur track allowed to proceed through the gap in safety, A special working lime-table is next prepared, and sop ies of it are distributed to the - 'ials concerned along the entire route. The private detective department of the palace also advises the police authorities of the districts through which the train will pass of the hours f running, so that additional protec. tion may be provided at different places. A Free Holiday Resort, Those who are taking a late holi- lay will ba interested to hear of an ideal health resort where no fees are demanded ,and where the sur. roundings are as beautiful and pie- turesque as one could find anywhere. At a high poinf of the Knockmeal- lown Mountains, in County Waterford, Ireland, there is a settlement of Trap- pist monks, who welcome the passing ftranger with mediaeval courtesy. In A comfortable, roomy guest-house men. folk are entertained for a fortnight, ind a mile down the hillside there is a smaller hostel where ladies may stay a week. or the accommodation and rich living no fees at all are exacted, but few of the guests refrain from volun- tarily contributing to the unostenta- tious box that seems to hide. itsell 3 humbly at the entrance. Around the monastery is situated a large and prosperous farm; worked antirely by the monks and lay bro- thers. In the dairy id to be found the most modern machinery, and 'the iset that the present day josties with the Middle Ages at every turn makes Mount Melleray Abbey trebly inter- esting. » Distinctions of faith eount for lite tle, and the majority of the brothers are garbed in white habits and are silent, except during the hours thev spend at thie devolions; only thos: in brown habits hold conversation with the guests. =~ Tubbing the Elephant. A toilet that costs $500! It sounds imposible to ordinary 'mortals; but, of course; an elephant is no ordinary mortal, and every oné of his baths sosts his owhers over five hun-| dred dollars. His massive 'majesty's indulgence in a wash and brush up is, therefore, carefully limited to one 4 year, 2 300 pounds of best is used for two elephantd in En son: Zoo. They are' first thoroughly SRE Se pn to wi t then 'takes eight men's constant at- 12, 1911. Kv SHLAA SLLLLALLELAT0000080000888008¢8 a § The People's Forum | OONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Ste-- First insertion le a word, Basch con- secutive" insertion thereafter hall cent = word, Mink for one Insertion 28e; three ftasertions, §0c; six, $1; ome month, $3. HELP--WANTED. TO SUIT- at, Whig of- 1 GOOOD WAGES person, Apply FAMILY WASHING BY RESPECT able woman, good references. Ky, 'W hig office NO Mrs, A MAID POR HOUSEWORK; Wasning or sweeping Apply, R. Fraser, 65 West Street. BOY POR MAILING DEPARTMENT; steady position to a smart, bright Ind Apply, Business Office, the Whig. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers, No canvassing. Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 8,969 Lockport, NY. ONCE, A no lauadry ferences month office. GENERAL OF -upstair required; Apply to SERVANT; work: re- wages, $18 per Bex B, Whig SIX GIRLS TO LEARN PAPER BOX making; good wages: short hours: steady work; hours, 7.30 Saturday afternoon® off Kingston Paper Box Co, Street to %; Apply King GIRLS WANTED: highest wages; steady employment, Apply immediately, D. 8 Per- rin & Company, Ltd London, Ontario. A LINE FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE us for our choice list of agents supplies; we lave the greatest agency proposition in Canada to- no outiay necessary. Apply, Co... 22% Albert, Street, Ot- OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICS --CAP- able Scoteh, English and Irish maids; also Danish girls; parties arriving twice a month Apply now, Tne Guild, 71 Drummond St Montr 47 Pembroke Street, T rento, Bank Street, Ot- ta al, and CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed In every home, especially by working men; good salary; per- manent position; if you are work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day; you can double your wages a.d be your own boss. Apply, Box "E. on Whig office. WANTED--GENERAL. YOUNG Apply, WANTED, room; 1212 T™O SINGLE houses, or house, for 174 Kart 8 ply to above BY T™WO state terms. Whig office MEN, Box S IN rooms in students, as as possible, idress or 'phone ™o one near Apes 749 SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY Di. pseription; first class work; best leather only used; one trial will suffice, Bring your repairs te Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor, of Clergy West. an apr re A et A TAKE NOTICE, THAT I WILL BUY all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest prices; gee me before anvone else. Thempson, 333 Princess Street, next St. Andrew's Church, v GENTLEMEN TO RRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up. to-date suits, Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and TSpalring done on the shortest notice. homas Galloway, 131 Brock St. near Bibby's Livery, LOST. A WHITE Anyone warded RUSSIAN returning Vera Crother WOLF HOUND. him will be . eg ERICAN HA 1 ad ¥ LF DOLLAR, inder Kir DILCLOTH, LINOLEY ence In prices, at Turks Te Br mn ITIP IITEIRIIR ISPs FOR SALK. MM. ALso sowmm ants, a great differs Phone « all remr fice and rece ny A STLK TMERELLA, WIT the handle. lust or 7 formation will be gratefully reeset ed. RR. Meek H NAME ON siald in BIRDS, BIRDS: BIRDS, GERMAN CANA ment just re fora Chris corner Que "Phone Ne ES, FIRST Sun. ved: just the thing Bilt WwW. J en and Barrie 612, Driver, . Sireets HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BRUNSWICK HOTEL, opposite GT.IL station. one block from CPR: on street: car line; bar supplied with best of wines and liquors; eharges moderats; i pates by the week, Jatin | Céouftneau, Prop. TO ONTARIO ST, Ki Sty ron log HOTEL, 242-244 Bar stocked with], Ales, Beers, Wines, Liquors and choicest Brands of Cigars. Meals, 25¢ each, or special rates Dy the week, Yard and stabie accommodation, Rates reasonable. «+ Mulville & Driscoll THE GRIMASON Princess Street. the best of tat Brand plano, wainut case rented FLACS, Awning Samping outfits Ting suppl Engiiah raincoats eran 'Phone ¥91 RENT, GROCERY 'STong, Dwellings, FOR SALN oR mRNT flon of Kingston ings; goed V BATEMAN & GARDE Bireet, Kin . CARINET . has been » months only: will sell buyer for cash or on Apply, Box 712 AUTIFLL CtRIGHT 5, TENTS, CANORS, {ishing wackie, lunch baskets, raincoats, everything is Sa hase Shin Aents, spray ' cab su wo "On po HE and Lowey ire, Earl Street SALEM, A Gardan ror, 3 Grocery LOT ar cwerce AR . 8 11 and 12 in 'the Rohan i wd sets build. and grain farm, i erate OT EF enrs ust ; ook o © and » TO LET. DWEL BUSINESS CHANCES, Er ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. No canvassing, Be your . own boss Send for free booklet. Tells how, Heacock, 2.9698, Lockport, N.Y FINANOE AND INSURANCRE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES Gal A s¢ to W. H. Godwin & Son's [nsurance wi Emporium, over Bank, Brock Stre INSURANC Nortliern kor Crown phone 421 AL rates T : J a - ar Wellington Street r BATEMAN & furnished, *TORAGR VOR FURN Bross Phone szén LINGS, FunNis Stoves, AND UN. rn 4 MotCann, 51 al uek St Le a a ty imp tye ALESLAD Dx ¥ RoR xX Rou ers fi FURNISHED n Ivements HOUSE, for. the terms reasonable do Apply Plum St EN ih MD SEVEN-ROOM bara. in noerthers part of 81 per month from January R. Chas. B 358 Ragot HOUSE, ITURE, CLEAN, ¥. alry rooms, absolutely. moth nol: your own lock and ke: ity Storage, 250 Queen w. Life, Accident' Insurance and Cus. toms Broker: Real state and o to Joan: a share of your ness aoheited 67 Clarence Street, Kingston. 'Phone 3.6, KW. CARROLL, 14 MARKT! - Street. -- ire, Life, _Acciden and Health Insurance, oA ass, Employers' Liability - ML Insurance, Seeourity Janda, |. Kstate | nipeg, Regina HENR 5 RTH Lr tec FRONTENAC LOAN ment Soclety 013, NEWLANDS 'Phone ARCHITECTS. ¥ PF SMITH, ARCHITECT ETC, 8 King Street, 'Phone 34h. - UR ELLIS, ARCIOTECT, iiversity im Avenue, Telephone ARCHIE. SON, 268 Bagot St iS, elo Offle 608% a, president, Sir Richard Cartwright money issued on city and farm properties, murni-ipal and county | POW debentures; mortgages purchase 1; deposits received and interest pi-| lowed 8. C. McGHL Managing | t ¢ FR 8 so ni 8 Bro YS ARDIITROTS, MER. Bafik Bullding, corner kK and Wellington Streets, Director, 87 Clarence Siceetl LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE! Fire Insurance Conpany. Avaliab el assets, $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have r seturity the unlimited liability of all the stock-holders Farm aod city property insured at lowest! possible rates. Before renewing ot)! or giving new business get rat.s from Strange & Strange, Agenis, oe i Ri nouvGur OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. REAL ESTATE. AND RENTS ang foun; Street. CO. a office, R ). 251 chardson ' to Victoria 'Phone 325. | TRAN es Ci 66 DENTAL, PARKS AND SPARKS, DENTIN, | 'Phone 346. H., siMFso LL.D, DDS, DENY- ay 64 ain Ba Te ophous Ok, ©, ©. NAN DENTIDT Welcker, assistant, 183 'Phone 735 eb an we . i dr LAR. ©. um incens Bc ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPF Driscoll, 23 SATLANTIC LINES C. 8. Kirkpatric arence Street, 8. ALL CLASS. , Agent, 43 Kingston. 'Phone PURNITUERE FINISHER. t TALTY, and gilding, enamellin olors of mission work; ail ven best attention Pat, John Btreet. Cait or an da rk op a card WINDOW CLEANING, S$. A. AYKROY ws, DDN, LDS, DENT. ist, over Dominion Express Office, | | | 30 1-3 Princess Btreet, Klngstoa | | : | { 187 Welllugton Btreet. 'Phone | $10. i ™F ole k dn ov A. BE KNAPP, RA, LDS, DDS, | Dentist, 19 Moi treal Street, nenr Princess. 'Phone 652, Ground floor | office . MUSIC, i | "HEAL TEACHERS WANTED. MALE TEACHER Hinchinbrooke: ply, ence, Ont FOR SS, Protes ant stating Salary and to Geo. A. Smith, Ne. 5, experi Parham, UPHOLSTERER. W. J. GAVIN UPHOLSTERING, RE- + pairing and carpet work, nalr mat- tress renovating. Drop a card or fom rnil 216 Rage! tant - > LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BAMRIST- ers and Solicitors. Law Office, 71 Clarence Street, Kingston. ORCHESTIA | As SALSBURY nROS, on address 21 Sixth Call up 1079 or Street when In need of an or chesira for dance, at home or Ball Remember the "plione number-- | 7 1079 me MEDICAL, TON, | FEAR Rtreet. | 8-9 pm. | EDERICK Office ETHERING Bro 8 4. F. SPARKS, BA, ry SICIAN | = and Su geon, 19 ellington 8 | Office hours, 10 to 12 a.m, 2 to 4 and 7 to § pm. "Phone 356. { M.D, 5 WwW HAIR, ma bilv wi | "rn i DI. B.C. D, MacCALLULL, PHYSMCIAN, | and Surgeon, 142 Weilington St Office hours, 10 to 12 am, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 pn, Telephone 1083. laors storm diseases Ear, Bpeclalist, ani HOUSR ® Is now here: wa do all such as waWng and oiling we also clean and put up N windows, Kingston Win- w Cleaning Co., 21 Montreal St er MoLeod's Drug Store. . TH WITHOUT DRUGS". heroft, DO, 136 Wellington Bt, posite the Post Office; chron's treated by. Ostespathin thods and Eieectrieal Vibration; Areatments by appointment. 'Phone EARN TO rol others; Mary to address for a to 'M Nn ackson, Mich mdi essai tl 5 TO mypPNomiz and « 4 Bank Bldg ee ------ MOLES, arks wnd all mishos thout on. WARTS, growths removed BIRTH. and skin permanently scar; IT years' experi. Dir Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Nose, Throat and Skin 258 Bagot 'Btreet. FOR THE STOMACH 'Here's an Offer Youn Should yor Overlook. Rexall Dy&pepsia Tablets * remedy stomach troubles' hy aiding nature to supply the elements the absence of which in the gastric juices oases in- digestion and dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to digest food amd to guick- tention for i week to rub gal | Tons of ofl into the tough Bides. : As the oil baw "58 the Best, ity, it wi séen how expen- ave Bt sess. One of the most | important parts of the. operation is | the cleaning out of the 'elephants' large flat ears. This is effected by means "of a hard, long-fibred brush. The: animals' toes have alse. to' be pared with a file, and gréat precaun- tions taken not to hurt the huge but sensitive creatures. Curiously enough, seem to realize the im the elephants . portance of yeprly baths. their As a general rule. married men do not lie from choice. Pat their wives perists in' asking such fooksk ques trons, f . It sometimes bappins that ely his wife knows whether a man is a good thing or an casy mark. Some men are born grest amd some others roll wp their trousers 'aml wade right into' the midst of greatness. Jy convert it into rich red blood and material necessary for overcoming na- tural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets in your vest pocket, or keep them in your room. Fake one after each heavy meal and prove our asser- tion that indigestion will not bother you, " We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they will do. We guarantee thew to relieve indiges- tion and dyspepsia. HH thee fail we will refund your money. Three sizes, 25 cents, 30 ecents_and $1. Remember, sou ean obtain Rexall Remedies only at our store,--The Rexall store. 6. Ww. W. J. Burns, the detective, declared on Friday, in Chicago, that Frank Echo, of Clacinnati, who was ex- seted to be the star witness in the MeNamars case, has been enught. Tt is expected his story will cause . the arrest of other men in the case. Puvet's $10 suit or overcoat jis considered & very desirable present. C&T. We Burn Swift's" Is.the remark made by many care- ful housekeepers, when speaking of' Coal and Wood Try U S Next Time. IFT'S APPLES SNOWS, TALLMAN SWEET, BELL FLOWERS. NORTHERN SPIES, SWEET CIDER. : COAST SEALED OYSTERS, D. COUPER, Phone 76. 811-3 Princess' Prompt Delivery.

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