--2io0 rovw. WiS GORFIRMED DYSPEPTIG Now Finds It 2 Pleasure lo Enjoy Meals Here is a case which seemed as bad and as hopeless as yours ean possibly be, This is' Bic. experience of Mr. H. J. Brown, ~ 384 Bathurst St., Toronto, in his own words; "Gentlemgn--] have much pleasure in mentioning to you the benefits received from your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets and can cheerfully recommend them. I simply had confirmed dyspepsia with all its wretched symptoms, and tried about all the advertised ctires with no success, You hate 'in Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia utiles the best curative agent { could ind. It is now such a pleasure to enjoy + meals with their consequent nourish- ment that | want to mention this for the benefit of others." The fact that a lot of prescription ions or so-called "'cures" have failed to help you is no sign that you bave got to go on suffering. Try Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets and see how quickly this sterling reinedy will give you relief and start your stomach wot rly. If itdoesn't help yon, y ur foney back. s0¢ a box Syme 4 's. Compounded Ly the National' B Chemical Co. of Canada, Linnted,. Montreal, 141 XMAS GIFTS INFPURNITURE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK YY, IN LIBRARY TABLES In Golden and Early English at $12, $16, and. $20.00 BEDSIDE and espns READING Tables ALL & $4.50, in Golden Quartered Oak Parlor Tables $1.25 to $35. JARDINIER STANDS 75c¢. to $6.50 PEDESTALS $4to $06.00 Mahogany oh Dak amy R.d. Reid » Phone 577 2 O00C00 CoPEEeREeted WOOD FUEL . For a good Fuel at a low cost try ous Slabs They are sound and diy; in fine burning condition. Prices $2.75 the half cord delivered § Cor. Bay & Wellington. § "Phone 66. Hardwood The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. T to 383 Princess CA. First-class ---- ton, Ontario, at $6 per year. postage had to be added, making p per year. H. TORONTO Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Ch E. Smallpiece, J.P., representative, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIE, TCRSPAY. BECEARER 12 1911. pr THE "WHIG, TSEVENTYEIGHTH YEAR ' DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publish:d at 306-310 King Street Kings- Editio s at 2.20 and 4 o'clock p.m. "TTWEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts on Mon- day and Thursday morning at §1 a year. To United States charge for ce of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Qanaza; rapid, stylish, and cheap work; nine impro ed presses. THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED J. G. Elliott,. President. - 2 Leman" A. Guild, Sec..Treas. FFICE: bers, 32 Church Street, Toronto. rejoice in the election of Allen Stud- holme, of East Hamilton. Sir James Whitney disliked Mr. Studholme be cause he was not ough. responsive en- He would not recognize the all mightiness of the premier and set him at defiance. \ Once before the | word "Kili Studholme," and he was elected by a combination of bourites. went out; liberals and A second time the premier comands the removal of the lahour man. When the local conservative par- ty was pleaded with, in the interest of Mr. Studholme, the answer was that the goverpment a from East Hamilton, When the battle seemed to be going desired supporter who Labour or the provinee over, will', la- | TRIUMPH OF LABOUR. against the conservative there was a Hon. Mr, Foy to his fate in North To- ronto to go to the relief of Mr. Coop- er, his man Friday, and an oppon- ent of < Mr. Studholme, in Hamilton. The election of Mr. Studholme, under the circumstances, is a personal tri- umph for the labour leader and a per- sonal rebuke for the premier. Sir James thought to placate la- bour in East Hamilton what he would do by telling for it in legisla- tion, but Hamilton' knew what to'ex- pect and Hamilton has given its an- swer. There was not a more signifi cant evemt in Ontario than this Fast Hamilton return of Mr, Studholme. Rev. Mr, the county of McInnes was not elected in Frontenac on Monday, He qualified for the work of a legislator; and the more's the pity. was well and if capacity were the only consid- eration he should by have been elected a large majority. One who has attended the political Whig that Mclunes' been heard in this county for many a meetings informs the "NO such addresses as Mr, have day, The man is not only an ardent student nf public questions; he has large grasp of the public issues, a and he can analyze them and pass. a clear and impressive opinion upom them. Had this comment been . written week ago it could have been said that all his gpeeches were n their character. They may have made men think, and thihk hard, but did not "convert" > convincing in them, That is the quality about the Fron- tenae electors which They is hard to un derstand. rally to the politi- The province of pro- nounced upon the government of Sir Ontario has James' Whitney and given him a re newed lease of power--with a warning that when next he appeals to the peo- ple he will probably uit. get a notice. to The manner in which the dissolution was made did not add to the popular. ity of the government. purpose of The evident it was to take advantage of the people, and especially of the lib- eral party, which, having received a severe jolt in the federal election, was not expected to rally at once. More- over, it organized for a con- test, with the ordering of an election proceeded to change its leader. was not and almost simultaneously The result, under the circumstances, will be regarded as very satisfactory. Mr. Rowell, called suddeiity) without a chance to consult the party, without the time to devel- op a 'progressive policy which the peo- ple demanded, accepted the eall, and has made a splendid success of his work. No man could mada greater progress in the same time. No man could have travelled farther, and impressed the people everywhere he spoke as one of great earnestness, sin- cerity and power. And everywhere he addressed the masses he stood for re forms which he will advocate in the legislature. The Whitney government must concede them or step aside and let another government fill the de mand." The liberals made eleven gains and the conservatives seven. The position to arduous duty have a NEW LEASE FRONTENAC A FIXTURE. cal meetings, and show signs of rebellion against sometimes the party. In the federal election, when rediproeits was discussed, they were ready presi themselves as in favour of certain policy, but they did not in support of it or have been different. Mr, Melunes will be disappointed in the loeal election. to ex- a vote the result woul He was apparca ls conducting a winning campaign. What nappened between he the time met many electors in the public meetings went to the polls to nullify or neutralize the effect of hid arguments, no one was not elected. Mr, Rankin goes to the house most obedient follow F og and no one can imagine wsking any arrass Sir and the time they can say, but he asd of the govern- him ruestions that em- Whitney give If there are any political onditions in Frontenac ention or will James or im trouble, that need at- amendment will have to stand indefinitely. they oF PO WER of the parties will not, therefore, be very much changed. There were seven- téen liberals in the last parliament. There will be twenty-two house. in the new They will be a quarter of the but they from the beginning whole, will make a record of the first ses sion, will remove of Sir James' Nothing to Possibly they some overweaning vanity. criticise in his govern- ment, he said at one meeting ! No flaws to discover, though one searched for them with a microscope | And yet he 'was on the defence he was out in the election." The sharpest raps were those administered by con servative speakers on the platform and in the press. every day They represented that seething discontent which will eventu- ally manifest. itself in open rebellion and against Whitney's tyrannical rule: No 'one expected the liberal party to rally so quickly from a crushing de feat. The first impulse of a party was to let Sir James have a house made up of only one party, and that his own, on the ground that there would be an end of Whitneyism sooner than by electing an opposition of any kind, That was not the decision lat- er, and the wisdom of it is now ap- | parent. The success of Mr. Rowell in his own constituency, though the most determined efforts were made to de feat him, and the success of Mr. Mac Kay, in North Grey, though the meth- ods taken to compass his defeat were despicable in the extreme, are remark- le. Both are to be cordially con- gratulated. , Rowell for premier of Ontario four years hence. Write that down, and do not forget it. \ Y vung day's elections returns are a warning to Sir James. He. sought a snap verdiet. He would, if he could, shut out all opposition, from the legislature. He has seen his = best Public opinion is turning agains him. Tt will ron in that &- rection until it pushes him out. The taxation of land valies is per- mitted in British Columbia. Alberta is making land values the basis of all taxatipn. In Ontario, Whitney fights the reform, He will surely surrender when some of his own «auporters are ; pledagend, ta vote for 1 'at abl hparhe. 3. Ww. Johnson, M.P.P., de "utterly opposed 1 the teaching of any other Hun the Bug Innguage in the pub, EDITORIAL NOTES. lic and separate schools of the vince of Ontario." Let him say it out lond in the legislature or in the presence of the premier, and then lis ten for an explosion. pro- Alberta is borrowing $5,000,000 for railways and good roads. Is this in addition to the $7,000,000 already borrowed for development purposes? But that is a total of $12,000,000 or $15,000,000 in a province whose reali: zable' wealth in 'the near future can not be calewlaped ? Trouble from the municipalities is threatened should the Hydro-Electric Commission be abolished and its work tuthed over to a department of the government. Mr. Beek is opposed. Will 'he refuse an office under Sir James warned of what will happen, when the power question becomes political. hurry call for Bir James, and he left || Whitney ? Hardly. But he has been! JAMES REID'S 'Phone 147) 0 -- -- cy DE. SOPER DR. WHITE [SpeaminTs | In the following Diseases of Men: Piles Yaricccele Dyspepsia Eczema | Kpileps Ath Asthma | Syphilis Catarrh Stricture b Diabetes | Emissions | Kidpey Aftecticas And Blood, Nerve and Bladder Diseases, Call or send his tory for 1ree advice, Free Book (nn Diseases and Question Blank. Medicine furnished In te blet form. Fours--19am. tol pm. and 2 to 6pm. Sondays-i6 2am. 01 pa. Consultation free. DRS. SOPER & WHITE, 26 Toronto 5t, Torche, Ont Lost V skin Disrases | | { { pa REMOVED, T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, an- nounces that he has removed to larger offices over Bank of Montreal, Clarence Street, Kingston, where he has better facilities for conducting his business, Dr.Martel's Fei EIGHTEEN YEARS THE STANDARR FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AND GUARANTE INSURANCE EFFECTED, Ren) Extate Bought, Sold & 'Exchanged Call or communicate with J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market Street, Kingutan, Ontario. DOCTORS ENDORSE \ NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE. When a doctor endor tion it means more Lian testimonial, His opinion that of the professional man to the welfare of the people. Dr. J. J. Boyd, Covington, Tenn, says + "1 feel it duty to write this for the suffering from dandruff. in case a few applications of Newhro's Herpicide will remove all dm It visable to continue 'its use for several weeks." ' The words of J. DB. Thompson, D., No. 2 Burrough Place, St., Boston, Mass, are thusinstic. 1 can praise of Newbro's all that is claimed Herpicide not but brightens and makes it soft. br. T. "A. Moore, Dunean, writes of his experience : My was in places covered by patches of dry, material and the itching was incessant. Since using Herpicide all these evils, have disappeared and my hair is soft, smooth and growing Hgir has ATOWn on' spots before bat 0s covered,' 'ses p- prepara- an ordinary always devoted 18 my benefit of those the averdage wdruff, is ad M. Hollis less en speak in Herpicide. It is and perhaps more, the gives it Cor, not only only cleanses the hair, scalp life Ariz. calp soaly Newbro's [erpicide is the original remedy to kill the dandoofi gern, and stop falling hair. 1pe terriple itching which goes with dandruff allayad almost at once. Herpicide is for sale at drug and one dollar size bottles are guars anteed, Applications mdy be obtain- ed at the leading barber shops. sure you get genuine Herpicide, Send I0e, in postage for samplé and book to The Herpicide Co, Dept. R., De troit, Mich. Jas. DB. Mcleod T. Pest, special agents. stores le Highest Grades GASOLINE. COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY. Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. 0000000000000 0000000° SST tateseoetsTeese That Christmas Feeling 'Reems to have taken possession of every nook and corner of our store, BISSEL CARPET SWEEPERS, MANTLE MIRRORS, E MUSIC CARINETS, TEA CURATES, CHILDREN'S BOLL FURNITURE Give you "Just what 1 want expres- sion * ie Pills | SICKNESS | and L. 00000000000000C0000000 See Our Nobby BIBBYS"" ONE-PRICE MEN'S AND BOY See Our Handsome Overcoats, $15.00 §' WEAR STORE. y JUST J¥FIE GIFT HE WILL APPRECIATE Just run your eye carefully along down our "Reminder list" for a suggestion Men's Overcoat The Tourist New Collar Sizes 35 to 44: $10.00 Two-style Men's Suits Scotch Cheviot, > Hand tailoréd garments. New, fab- Ne su ade: rics. New patterns. $15.00 "Men's Raincoats English Parameita Cloth. SEE OUR $7.00 SPECIAL, Other lines, $10, $12, $15, Sweater Coat New and Wool $4.00 Greys, Reds, Browns, & White Reg Fine Shetland ular $5.00 goods Blacks 0 BIBBY'S XMAS, SPECIAL, $1, useful g Our new Keen-cut } Weé are in Holiday Men's Overcoat $15.00 Black Overcoats English Beaver tailored. Very Raised seams, etc Fine gantly coat to 44 Cloth, ele- handsome Sizes, 36 Men's Suits $18.00 Fine English tailored. Perfeet New MGreens, Bronze. Man guaranteed Browns and Warsted Suits fit Greys; BIBBY'S SPECIAL, $18.00, Ww SEE OUR $4.00 Trousers Man-tailored New terns. Very dressy fabrics BIBBY'S SPECIAL, $4.00, Trousers pat Shoes $4.00 Our Shoes, $5.00 of Canada's beat New heels, new Rlucher, Tan, 'atents : The work shoemakers, lasts. jutton, Black, Vel. or | THE BEST $5.00 SHOES IN CANADA, in r Tan Makes a very ift. Fowne's and Dent's Agents for Gloves for Men 78 80- BIBBYS Ld Agents for Penman's Underwear 82 PRINCESS. and Sweater Coats f3 A paration Toilet ious "If you're sure it's Eddy's, you're offer most of the best for the least money. 'Special Process of Pre- . GAS FIRES, We have the imitation hard and soft Coal Fires, just the thing for thé parlor or dining room grate; no trouble; no dus, no smoke: as cheap as coal to use Let ns glve yi a price piped and met complete 'Phone 516. Personal attention J. W, OLDFIN ®CO,, Cor. Sydenham and Ordnance Stn, THE CLUB HOTEL guarantees Eddy's 'apers free from injur- chemicals of any kind. # WELLINGTON STRE Tr, (Near Princess) There are none appro home! ike 1 they the Jandings sof city stores hotels, but Club f ac b and and \heatre sure it's right." > ASBESTIO aan oon ay AND ALL KINDS | S. Bennett & Co. Cor. Bagot and Barrack "Phone 941. One of the 21 Eddy Drands. ---- 'ue vai) EE -- I BUILDERS | Scranton Coal Co's Coal ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES. Selected SEANTER = YOR Mines, mined in P OF WOOD. THE JAS. Bt. Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 the Place your mext order with Charges are moderate Special rates by the week PF. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, ATWO RORN 6000S SOLD ON TINE All kinds of 1 of Dry Goods Men's Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots and Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings. etc., sold on easy payment. plan. Come in, see our goods and terms. New Stock ®*of Fall and Winter Clothing just received' It will pay you to call and see it Jo Abramsky 268 Pruad¥SS STREET. WE SELL from the Celebrated best Anthracite ennsylvania.' Coal SOWARDS COAL C0. 'Phone' 155. End Ontario ' USE. Ne NY 20] IR CoAaL. will tilled deal thera at Barrack Street. {Your orders § faceortly if you WALSPF'S, 05-57 BOS be