J ; STREET: LAMPS 'tee an n On property on Ontario " until the end of the month. ' This will cause more delay and con. YEAR 78 -NO. 290 - 1 a' ¢ i § i aly KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1931. of LAST EDITION To Be Lit on Order of Manager Folger WHO 1S BETTER ABLE TO DECIDE WHEN THEY SHOULD BE LIGHTED. Ald. Toye Suggested the Change The City Will Keep the Street Rail- way Engine and Generator in Re. pair in Return for Their Use, For some years, the citizens have ecomplnined shout the street are lamps not being lit early enough on dark nights when the moon is scheduled t6 shine, but does not. The authority to order the light department to turn on the lamps was given the chief of police, The lighting of the streets i« done according to a "moonlight ache dule" At the meeting of the light, heat and power . committee, yesterday afternoon, on motion of Ald. Toye, it was decided to recommend to the city council that the time of turning on and off the lights be left in the hands of the manager of the plant, The committee dealt wilh a letter from H. C. Nickle, superintendent of the street railway, who stated that unless the city kept the railway's en give and generator at the plant in ood order, and agreed to return it mas good condition as ®hen it was received, the ecompuny could not al Jow the eity to have the use of its machinery any longer. It seems that there has been a mutual arrangement between the city. Manager Folger sta- ted that the company's macuinery was being kept in good repair, but there was tiatural depreciation. 'Lhe city wolicitor was asked his opinion, and stated that there was nothing in the agreement between the city and the company respecting the matter. The arrangement for mutual use scemed to be merely verbal. It was decided to ipstruct the man ager to write thie railway company, saying that the city in return®for their use would keep the engine and generator in repair, but that allow- anbce would have to be made for * de preciation, or accident by lightning, tempest or fire. g The man was given authority to scrap the old are pe and write off the balance between tne amount received for them and their valuation when taken over by. the city. . Susman & Cohen gave the commit: 'Ihe comiiites expréeded its appre ciation of the services of Ald. Ethoty who has been the energetic chairman ol the plant for the past three years. tii HIGH SCHOOL WALL FELL, Aio-- Part of New Addition at Sydenham Collapsed. Sydenham, Dee. '11.--At an early hour, Suliday morning; the people re siding at the or ent of the village were awakened a strahge, loud crashing noise, Some thought it way caused 'by blasting rock somewhere on the U.N.It;, while others knew it was what they had expected to hear for some days--the eaving in of the high school. Daylight revealed a strange sight, Nearly all of the east end and part of the north-east side had fallen, crashing through the joists, Window casings, stones and mortar of two floors are all piled in the basement. Large crowds visited the place all day Sunday. Fortunately, the crash one at night. Had it happened during the it is sure some would have met serious injury if not death. The work will, of course, be stopped uwhtil a meeting of the county council and trustees to see what is to be done, As some say most of the wall will have to come down, as it is considered quite: unsafe to be left. siderable expense to the "contractors, The B,(. R. train passed over the now UN.R." track between Sydenham and Harrowsmith, for the first time December 6th, Newton Obryn left on Monday for his new home at Bow- manville, ho has bought the printing office and will publish the ville © Review. 'Joha MelLean, of Camden East, has ariived to take Mr. Obryn's place at the B. Q. R. itm mill ne. Sw ak inks th wre will two skating » this Phones Foxton is preparing the rear of Foxton's : Williams has the lum- iF > i 1 | i iF pweetest stary ever told," 's chocolates, $1 1h. i's | the 0 BUSTLE CAUSES INSANITY. Art vb Lack of Concentration Cause of Alarming Increase of Lunacy. London, Dee. 13.--That insanity: is alarmingly on the increase owing to causes inseparable from present-day civilization, was the conclusion reach- ed by Sir J, Crichton-Browne in an address at the - Prince of Wales hos: pital, Tottenham. In this country, where hustle was not unknown, lack of concentration, he said, was becom: ing more marked, We flutter from oh- ject to object, tragedy was renounced for musical comedy, our newspapers were becoming more sensational every day, our women were more seli-idser tive, the guillotine and the "Kanga. roo" put an end to serigus delibera tions. The process of nerve-weakening was gradual, and was consequent on our changed mode of life, The introduc tion of machinery made life at once MOnoOLanous and more bustling, Education had proceeded on- wrong lines, leading the minds of children without developing them. 'The strug: gle for existenve was kegner. WAS CHAMPION SPENDER. Squandered $1,230,000 in Three A GREAT STORM Drove Steamer Ashore off KING GEORGE'S SISTER AND HER HUSBAND, All the Women > Mssengers Taken Dithi, of line, including among King Royal Louis" Victoria Dagmar, her their two daughters, bound for Fey pt, | Moroccan Coast. DUKE OF FIFE ABOARD. ---- Ashore by French Marines--The Steamer in Danger of Breaking oF Prim jad Up. J § Dee. 13, The _ steamer Peninsula and Oriental its passengers the Irincess with Tuke of Fife apd | Gibraltar, the ohaedrge's sister, husband, the Years--Proud of It. Geneva, Switzerland, Dec. 13. --Frn- ext Benson, the notorious "Jubilee plunger," who squandered £1. in three years, has just died in Swit- zerlandp After his fortune had been dissipated the trustees appointed by his father's will Wmlidié him an allow: ance of $1,600 a year. Penson, who never attempted to work, always was intensely proud of his period of ex- travagance and wrote a book on "lhe Art of Spending Money." WAS TOLD MAINE WCULD BE BLOWN UP Notified Consul General--Warning Was Unheeded---McKinley Requested Silence. Bedford, Ia., Dee. 13.--A. C. of this city, who was United States consul at Matanzas, Cuba, in 1597, said, yesterday, that two days before the battleship Maine was blown up in Havana harbor, he was warned that rice, OF FIFE, the vessel was to be destroyed. Upon request of President MeKinley, he says, publicity was withheld, "Two nights before the destruction. of the Maine," said Brice, "a man, whom I knew and who was not an Ameriean, eame to my residence af midnight and upon the promise that I would not reveal his name, told me the Maine would be blown up. 1 sent a special messenger to Fitzhugh Lee, consul-general at Havana, but the ofe ficials there failed to eredit' the WiFi" ing- The néxt day the explosion took place. : ¥ "When 1 returned to the United, States, I repofted the incident to Presi- dent MeKinley and the secretary state and the president requested that no publicity be given to the incident at that. time. 1 respected his wish, but feel at liberty to make a state ment now that the naval board has reported that a niine, touched off from the outside, caused the ship's maga- rine to explode." k « POINTERS FOR POLITICIANS. Amusing Variants on Cabinet Minis- ters Non-Committal Replies. London, Dec. 13.~Non-committal re- plies from cabinet ministers to inter: pellations in the House of Commons have become a source of exasperation to some and of amusement to others. Such replies have usually begun with "Wait and see," but Premier Asquith, finding that phrase badly. overworked, achieved a variation in the form 'of "Time will show." Punch now suggests to the prime minister these further variants: "The sequel will duly follow," "The facts will emerge ® subsequently." "Even- tualities will eventuate,' FORECASTS THE DOOM OF RUSSIAN TREATY St. Petershurg Newspaper Says Empire Cannot Yield to Amer- ican Demands. St, Petersburg, Dec. 13.--~The Novoe Yremya says the days of the Russo A n commercial treaty are ap- parently numbered, as the United States' demand for the recognition of passports of Jews is invalid judicially and politically. \ Russia cannot afford, the ne says, to allow jAmerica or any other count wn for her own subjects or for those who wish to enter Russia, It adds that the Russian itandpoint the American regulations are inv lv cruel; for instance, the nrection immigrants who are not able to comply with the money quali- fication and the exclusion of polyga- mists, which closes the United States to sixteen million Russian Mussul-j The Navoe Vromya declares that the logical development. of the abrogation the treaty would be the "exclusion from América of hundreds of thou- sands of Russian Jews, and "the de sire for such exclusion," it says, "is motive of the Jews in the has on Cape coast. assistance in tachment of the Coast Guard Artillery aad broken to pieces in the fierce gale and heavy wives Boats-of of |, . after courageous work by sailors and and children, including the Duchess of 4 pum, Spaniske time, still on the ship, to interfere with the right tof" ashore in a terrific storm, Spartel, off the Several tugs have been to hers answer ugssage, god the eruiger Weymouth has been ordered at with a de- gone Moroccan to a wireless once fife-saving sistance, Private despatches received here in- onte the Delhi is (in a precari- yus position, and in danger of being apparatus, to render breaking around. her. the French ertiser Friant, ----------------------_ a ------ i PRINCESS ROYAL, VICTORIA LOUISE marines, have taken off all the women Fife and her daughters, who have been landed safely at Cape Spartel. The Duke of 'Fife and all the men passen- gers and crew are, so far as known at Made a Holy Day. Rome, Dee. 13.---At the request of the Irish hierarchy, St. Patrick's day, March 17th, has been restored by the to the list of holy days, when an Catholicgy all over the world are obliged to' hear mass, abstain from meat eating and all unnecessary Editor For Fifty Years. St. John, N.B., Dec. 13.-To-day the St. John Globe publishes a fifty-page issue in celebration of the fiftieth year of Senator John V. Ellis', ser vioe as president it editor. Senator Klis © claims the "Jongest continuotis service as editor of 'one paper on the continent. : : "n---------------------------------- St. Lawrence Channel. ttawa, Dee. 13--~Hown. J.D. Ha 208 to Montreal on Thursday to Son of Sir John Macdonald Suc- day. sentenced to an engineer, got twelve years, others received various a ship-broker,said his home London, board of railway J. P. Mabee presiding, to-morrow to take up complaints of of many representatives present went to Montreal and will not While in Montesal Mr. Borden wil¥ #i(- DR. REAUME LEADS BY SEVEN VOTES LIBERALS WILL PF EST The Election by Aeclamation of Hon. James Duff, Toronto, Pee. 13.~Liberals will pro, test glection of Hon. James Dufi, min- ister of agriculture, by acclamation in West Simeoe, and will file a protest and carry the, case to the highest court, on the ground that Returning ffficer Lockhart had no 'right (6 re fuse the nomination papers of J. A. Akitt. Mr. Akitt will also sue lLock- hart for a thousand dollars damages. G.T.R. TRAIN WRECKED En Route to Portland,' Me.==No One Was Killed. ' Portland, Me, Dec. 13.~The Grand Trunk special train bearing passen gers, including many Canadians, to catch steamers here Tor Christmas in England, was wrecked at West Parish, near Neve, this morning. Several pas sengery were hart, but none were killed, at i HELP US, SATURDAY, The Whig will have a very large edition on Saturday and fs anxious to have it out in good time for handling by the newsboys. To this end we would like to! have al' changes of advertisements,' all church notices and .read- ers from 'merchants in the office by §& p.m. on Friday. We hope everybody will help us in this matter, PPEPLIL PLL P IPED PEL LIL EDL ER TRO | | HUGH JON NAMED POLICE MAGISTRATE ceeds Hon. Mr. Daly at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Dee. 13.--At the clusion of a provincial cabinet ing held yesterday made by Hen. George Lawrence that Hon. Hugh ~ John Macdonald, K.C,, ex-préemier of Manitoba, and some time niniiter of the interior a the Tupper government, bad been ap pointed police magistrate of Wioni peg, succeeding the late Hon. 7 Mayne Daly, SEVERE SENTENCES GIVEN, con- meet announcement was To Emngish Spies Into German Naval Secrets. Leipsie, Germany, Dee. 13. --English spies on trinl here charged with pry- ing inte German naval soerets for the purpose-of selling them to Eng- lund, received severe punishment to- Max Schutz, the leader, was soven vears. Hipuibh, and terms. Schutz, was in The others were Germans, To Hear Freight Complaints, Bee. 13.---The domimion® commissioners, with will be hero Toronto, freight connection in and out ol Foronto to and from various parts Ontario. It is expected that of boards of trade from provincial ¢ities, will be to tell their troubles. Premier Borden in Montreal, Ottawa, Dee. 13. --<Hon, R. L, Bor tn he hack in the capital until Saturday. tend the recepfions being given for the Duke of Connaught, ns guest of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy. North Essex Liberals Hope to Gain the Seat on a Recount. Windsor, Dec. 13.--Hon, * Reaume's plurality dwindled to a pitiful seven votes yesterday, and a recount which will be demanded on Thursday is expected to turn a congervative majority into a * defeat aceording to the statements pro- minent liberal leaders here, . Severin Docharme, liberal date, col Dr. Heaume's tion a small margin, but is con- fident he would have been the win ner but for the facl that the coun- try roads were almost impassable in many places, thus holding the vote down to considerably below the nor- mal figove, © Th Kast Middlesex. London, Ont., Dec. 13.- Kast Mid dlesex returns complete. show (hat Sutherland (liberal) was elected by twenty majority. This is a liberal gain, Nesly (comservative) hnving been elected at. the elections of 190% by ol majority of, 539, An Inte Service, The Anglican branch of the Lay. men's Misi Movemen Dr. of candi elec i EG "Now 'crop Gredoblé | 'walabis," Sicily filerts, Tarragona almonds, Texas has introduced GIFTS OF KING AMOUNT TO $1,600,000 HALF MONTH'S PAY FOR THE i ARMY MEN. The Native Army to be Eligible For the Victoria Cross--The Seat of Government in Future is to be at Delhi. Delta, Dec. 13. --At the of the durbar ceremony Lord dinge announced: that the king nsolved to devote fifty Jdaliis rupees - (about $1,600,000) wo the promotion of popular education in India and that further generous gifts would be made for the same pur- pose. He als announced that a half month's pay would be granted to the non-commissioned officers and the men as well ds the reservists of the wi: tish army of india, and that oflicers and men of the native grmy in India would be eligible hereafter to be awarded the' Victoria Cross for bra viry on the field of battle, A half month's pay was also granted to su- boflinate divil servants and cectain classes of prisoners were released from jail, Another important change announé: ed by Lord Hardinge was thst the seal of government was in future to te 'transferred from Calcutta to Delbi, . 4 conclusion Hur had of PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the Wdrld. Royal 'visitors welcomed in Montreal in a downpour of rain. The office of the commissioner-gen- eral, at Paris, is to be re-arranged, J. C. Eaton sent to the general hos- pital of Winnipeg a cheque for 000, K. 8. Macdonald has heen appointed town engineer at Barrie at a salary of £1,000 a vear. Edison Bradley, of New York, is ouilding a large summer residence on the west end of Wellesley Island. Edward Rawlings, manager of the Guarantee company, of North Ame rica, Montreal, died Tuesday morning, Sixteen persons were killed and thir- ty injured by the derailment of two cars which fell into the River Duoro, in Portugal, ea Alexander Walrath, of Chaumont, N.Y., who had his leg amputated a year ago, died on Sunday, aged se venty-five years. W."T. Marshall, of Ogdenshurg, N, Y., won his suit for raising the steamer Vivian, which sunk at Wad- dington, N.Y., in 190K, William Mel.ean, of Summerston, one of Glengarry's oldest and most highly esteomed citizens, died on Sune ay, aged ninety-four years, Owing to scores of cases of diph- theria, at Lindsay, Ohio, the schools churches, and other public places have oeen ordered closed until Janwary lst. 'I'ne price of gas in Owen Sound has been reduced to $1, The plant is run by the municipality, and 'is nét only paying, but is reported to have a sub- stantial surplus. s A peace conference is being held in Hankow between General 1 Yuen Heng, the revolutionary commander, and Tang Shao Yi, Premier Yuan Shi Lai's representative, Morden Somerville, of Moncton, N. b., working in No. 2 shaft at the Dome mine, South Porcupine, fell ap. der the shafting at the mine und wis crush. 4 to-death. By October of next line of the Grand Trunk 25, year the main Pacific railway will be completed and in operation rom Prince Rupert to Bulkeley Sum- mit, a distance of 300 miles. ' The Russian minister of the interior in the douma a bill to authorize a credit of 118,000,000; roubles ($59,000,0005 for famine relief, Of this amount 42,000,000 roubles have already been expended. The Australian federal house has adopted a clause in the electoral bill compelling the writers of all pewspa- 'per drticles and reports referring to candidates to sign the same, also glv- ing the writer's address. Hugh D. Lumsden, formerly chief engineer of the=Nationg Transeontin- ental railway, and latterly with the Canadian Pacific railway, has been 'appointed chief engineer of the To- ronto harbor commission, + Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McCrum, of Smith's Falla, had a narrow escape from being asphyxiated on Tuesday morning. Mrs. McUrum's father hap- pened to go to their home and found the doors locked. He foreed an en trance and fonnd themy nearly dead, Herbert Theodore /Jemnings, presi- dent of the Mount Vernon (N.Y) Na- tional bask, now in the hands of & re ceiver, has been arrested in New York n indictment returnbd by the fed- or: gran® jury, charging him with misapplying $20,000 of the bahi's ul of 5 Lawyers in Lead, Toronto, Dee. 13. <The new legisla- ture has only one undertaker, one me- chanie, one cattle dealer, - one apple bliyer, one real estate dealer, one , and one eivil engineer in it. are {wo veterinary surghbons, gers, two sditors, three ten- manufacturers, nie wyers: . Farmers and merchants come next with fourteen representatives each and Christmas Holly "evergreen, n wos Romain erirs. Dome ston, Cd gE fo yard lengths, table decorations, etc. at Gilbert's, LE PRONBEAL WS : {LAKE WATER SYSTEM i Prengier | Canalejas 2 Mahood's drug stove. ten ARE WORRYING CAILLAUX, Pre-election Campaign Against French Premier. Paris, Dec. 13.-Thé campaign against Premier Caillaux was con. tinued this week with increased bitter ness. Much of this undoubtedly due to the fact that the senatorial elections are to be held in January, when ene-third of that body is to be renewed. The \senate is strongly hos tite to Caillaux's financial pohiey, not- ably to his proposed income tax, and members of the Chamber of Deputies intend to stand as candidates for seats in the Upper House. 2 The nature of the campnign against the premier may be judged by the stories cireulated in the newspapers, and through the common talk, His alleged menace to King Alonso of Spain is repeated, and added afd im proved detalls are given, such ns the name of the intermediary whom M Caillaux used to convey his hint to the Spanish king. Thiz man is said to be 'the head of Madrid's chief news agency. In quoting King ply to M. CUnillaux's threat of * peat ting the Spanish throne in jeopardy, "Spain is not Portugal," the "prime minister is accused of having sponta neously suggested the Congo as com pensation to Germany before that country thought of demanding it. He is also charged with offending Sir Alired Bertie, the Brigsh ambassador, by remarking during a stag nunting party at Rambouillet : 'We, too, have our interchangeable frien Iships These and other and even wilder allegations are put forward as an ex planation of the sudden commence ment of negotiations with Spain over Morocco and the moderation of the French demands, Poth of these were due to the necessity of removing the bad effect of Premier Caillaux's indis cretions, 1% Alfonso's re NOW IN OPERATION Supply From 8,800 Foot Point is Obtained For First Time in Oswego, Oswego, N.Y., Dee; 18. For the first time since the new waterworks sSVElem was put in operation, several months ago, the citizens of Oswego received a supply of water at noon Saturday from Lake Ontario, taken at a distance of X,800 feet from shore Diver Matott made a descent in eigh ty-seven feet of water and. suceeeded in removing the cap at the end of the intake pipe. An attempt to remove the cap was made several times during the past four days, but owing to the heavy sea which wax running it was impossible for the diver to locate the ohdiol. the pipe. The lake was ealm on Saturday, and it was, decided to make another attempt, and to the joy" of the members of the department of water, the work was necomplished. The supply since the plant was put in operation has been taken from a point 600 feet from shore, and while considered wholesome, it contained a arge amount of sediment, especially at times when a heavy sea was 'run ning. CRUSHED TO DEATH When Thelr Engine Struck a Loose Rock on Track, Wells River, Vt., Dec, 13. Engineer Willkam Jovee and Fireman "Jack" Carder, of the Vermont division of the | Grand Trunk, were crushed to death last night, when their engine, in ft dense fog, erashed into a rock loosen od by 'a blast and an obstruction on the track, The engine and several cars of freight were demolished. T0 INVESTIGATE INTO ~ INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Hon. Frank Cochrane Thinks There Has Been Partizanship and Neglect of Duty. (Ottawa, Dee. 13. Owing to the many complaints received by the govern ment about the mawtgement of the In- téercolonial railway, it has been de cided to fully investigate conditions on that road. As a means of investigation, Hon Frank Cochrane, minister of railways, has appointed Emile Gelly, of Quebec, and James A. McDonald, ec i mn ers 10 look into the charges of par tizanship and veglect of duty preferred against some high officials of that company, ' EE - ALFONSO AND PORTUGAL, The Humanite, Paris, Prints Peculiar . Statement. Pariz, Dec. 13.-The newspaper Hip WEATHER PROBAFILITIES, Torontae, Ont, Dee, 13th. 16 a.m » tawa Valley and Upper St. lLawre » Norfh-westerly winds; light falis snow or rain, clearing tonight, Thurs day' fair KID GLOVES ron MEN and WOMEN Many new lines have been added to our already large range of well-known makes. SPECIAL VALUES fn Ladies' Kid Gloves for even- ing wear at $2.00 and 82.50, MEN'S KID GLOVES For evening wear at @0c and $1.00, Special make with ventilated fingers at $1. silk At Sst vp. Gat tng OUR KID 'GLOVE DEPARTMENT Is ready in every detail for the sellihg of Xmas. Cloves ONE DOLLAR GLOVES. Although ope dollar iT a standard price for Kid Glove: we feel safe in saying we hav the best KM "Gloves sold in Canada at the price. OUR®1.25 KID GLOVES. Every year we sell more of these gloves owing to the satis. faction they give! 'Gloves like these make good Xmas. 'Gift 3 They are always sure to be ap- preciated, "DENT'S" GLOVES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, SPECIAL. We have 22 of 4h dalntiont and cheapest EVENING GOWNS In stock now ever imported to this city. If you intend buying such a garment gee them at once, no pun from 41950 to Silk Stockings wear, $t to $2.75, for evening THE PEOPLE'S STORE. BORN Kingston, at 2¢ John O ec. lich, 1911, ia Jitmes 'urtell, a son DIED » ) in Kingston, Ont, on - 11. Thomas McAdam PUORTELL In son Street and Mrs Dec i, aged curs ral (private) Thursday i morning from 234 Barrle Mtreet N o No w- Barriefield, Ont, on v Dee 12th, 1811, John ineth Rattan, aged 24 years and months, only son of Walter J. take to place Thursday at } Barriefleld Church MEAGHER---Suddenty, In Kingston, on Lee, 13th, 1911, Martin Meagher The funeral will take plate from the late rowidefion 79 ower Bagot Btreeh Thursday morning, at nine o'clock to St ary's Cathed ral, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung for the happy repose of his soul Friends and sequoainyi~ ances are respectfully requested t3 attend ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 280 Princess "Phone BY7. JAMES The Old Firm of Undertake 2354 a 256 PRINCESS STR . 'Phone I4 for Ambulances TAKE NOTICE, We have the Agency of Stoves," a° gaod ind and modern prices; alse & lot of good heaters, se- sand hand, Thich oi i at reduc ed prices, Jow't walt 4 are all gone. Turk's. Phone Tos. ' the "Royal Jas. Redden & Co. manite asserts that it is able fo vouch absolutely for the truth of a story which it prints to the effect that when King Alonso heard of the revolution jn Portugal and the sie quent Hight of King Manuel, he (Al onso) hurriedly summoned the Span ish cabinet and asked that Spain's fleet be disputched at once to bom bard Lisbon. The Humanite adds that timidly uhiseted and asked to be permitted Lo consuli the powers. England and France prompily put ther veto on the pro position, "For Christmas shoppers," high class sweets, high-class perfumes and kodaks. Gibson's. : The new odor, "Madam Sherry," Mahood's drug store. Baby's pretty shoes, all colors, 15. ton's. ' British House of Lords has rejected the naval prize bill, jo cameras for young folks. Men's $1.35 night shirts, The. Put We invite your imspsetion of our very complete stock of CHRISTMAS COSAQUES. CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS. ROWNTREE'S CHOCOLATES, CADBURY'S CHOCOLATES, SHARWOOD'S SPECIALTIES, Pathe's Weekly. At the King Edward, to-vight and Thursday. Farl Grey leaving Quebee for Esgland and the arrival of the Duke of Connaught; sriillery {arget practise at Fory Adams, depicting the. latest, typo of disappearing guus and other im- portant events. Aloo 2.000 feet the best comedy and dramas. By ot, Rn Heyman will | sing, "The Ossapic Roll." Ta [hen x. . potatoes and Bryssels sprouts at Coengveky's, : J A for ¥ "Rubbers all cheap at Dutton's,