» THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W KDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1911. $ooPees, [riage to Miss IL. Grey will | take " ' ny place on December the 20th. After on wr ret arr "> i their weddifig trip they will return tof ! 15 1 old in Kingston and will reside on Johnson " bert street, and Miss Williamson, who "Twilight hu tad Sams ot Two HOLIDAY BOOKS | as been their guest for some time, will leave in Christmas week for New | : 3 poreesenenent BS SE THE FOLLOWING OF THE STAR Mrs Cosine Bermingham was hos- | Williamson expects to sail | on the tess at a very jolly dinner party on [30th on the ».5. Olympic, for her By Florence L. Barclay, By Myrtle Reed Fusmiay Svaning, a rer Which she home in North Shieica, Englaxd, Author of "The Rosary." Author of Lavender and Old Lace, ete, took er guests to the performance ¢ 3 . ' . "Dear Old Billy," in the opera house. | Mr. and 'Mrs. Frederick S. Ham 1 : : A delightful love story showing The table was most efiective with {mond, of Toronto, will spend Christ. A beautiful Christmas love story the 'same power 'of characterization. quantities of huge yellow chrystanthe- mas with Mrs. Hammond's - parents, instinct with the same depth of : : I : mums, and the guests cluded Misses (Mr. and Mrs, Jumes McParland, Em- the same charm of fancy and the same delicate sense of humor which distinguish her earlier books From Trapper to Wearer. (Registered. ) BUY FURS FOR CHRISTMAS Neck Pieces, Stoles, nF Fur Coats, everything { Marie and Dorothy Carfuthers, Miss (ily street. feeling, glowing imagery and refine- Surtiule x anon, Mises Porotliy aid Le Mr. and Jin. Arthur Cunsinghom, ment of literary art as "The Rosary," arjorie rownhe 18se8 da a {Ju-gwa-na-da, areex oC Ome om . Doris Kent, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss [Ne York on Tapes and - told with all the power and o Phillis and, Charlie Shortt, hig { Xe. Wilkin: Harty, Otterburn, spent sweetness which won: for Mrs. Bar- Requely bound hay lavender rene Swift iss Lassie Kirkpatrick, | the week-end in Poronto, the guest 3 - a cloth. rontispiece in co or. and Miss Nora Macnee, 4 . {of Hon. J. K. and Mrs. Kerra clay's earlier books their place in the I | Mr. Fred, McParland arrived in town | front rank of recent fiction. Net, $1.35 "Price, $1.35 Colom¢l and Mrs. T. Benson enter | fromg 1 'algary on Sunday and is the tained st supper, on Tuesday evening, | ruest bf his parents, Mr. and Miss. after the performance in the -Gpera { J ames "MeParland house. : i . 9.8 0 | Miss Irene Williams, University ave » Mrs. Vernon Eaton, Barrie street, nue, has returned irom Ottawa, where, [ O e O $ ore will entertain at diner on Thursday for five weeks, she was the guest of : ' evening. t : Mrs. Leslie Softly. N , . 5 eo a ~. Mr. and Me. ce PD. Craig.' of Ota: « 2060 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN NIGHTS. Phone 919, Much regret is expressed that Cap- wa, are spending a few days in New tain and Mrs. Georges Roy, expect oT this week. leave Kingston shortly to reside in| Quebec, as Captain Roy has heen transferred to the battery there. time in Belleville and 'Toronto, . _ Mrs. Edward Moore arrived from « eo THE LATE THOMAS McADAM Winnipeg on Tuesday .to spend two Miss Ruth Baker, of Unlgasy ar ------ weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. |rjvad in town on Sunday and is the | Was a Resident of Kingston Since y Ty 2 Py J) R. Waldron, Barrie street. Mr. Moore, | juest of Mr. and Mrs, James Me the Year 1833. 1 red Feet? 2 IN FULL SWING who is in Toronto for a few days, Pacland, Emily streat. The late Thomas McA i , Emily street. . MUFFS $3.75 UP. A splendid stock of medium priced furs that give satisfaction to choose from. Miss Sara Gibson, University ave nue, left on Friday to spend some 200000000 $903000004000 f > Adam, who died Ying his ye otuer, Me, ei aburt Miss Norn Gordon, who is visiting | on Tuesday afterncom, was long a re You can not blame the man, or you ean not ure, 18 expeciec in town 'ate Mrs. P. D. Crerar, in Hamilton, is |sident of Kingston, remain over Christmas. 1. | expected home on Friday. and respected. He Capt. Maurice Plummer, Roval Mili Col tary College, leaves for New York on Monday, Dec. 18th, where his mar ; blame the woman whose feet ache, who hus tired muscles and nerves, who is fatigued after a few hours walk, aie ut ea or eaten cov os. | $ BlYing, Looking, Working The rheumatism, aches, pains, distorted look- / ing shoe, and the cramped toes, arg all results and widely known was born in Gah - aud Mrs. J, BH. V. Crowe, of|aneque, seventy "eight years ago. "He the Royal Military College, after Hlearned the trade of machinist and spending a few days in Montreal, the jcame to Kingston about 1853, and vuest of Mrs. Holt, returned home on|iater was one of the skilled men first { Monday. taken into the locomotive works, Miss Dorothy Bill, Maitland street, | where he' had steady employment un {who has been visiting in New York |til laid aside by broken health a few | [fcr the past several weeks, is expected years ago. Mrs. McAdam, whose Cone in and soe them,' np. obligation to buy. eS Ev emm---- th TEE John McKay THE FUR HOUSE. "4 149-157 BROCK 'STREET. Posersssdasapeseeserse $00000000000000000000¢ of a weak instep or broken down arch. Full Tine § of High-class Sometimes the perfect likes of the foot are { destroyed and sometimes they are not, but the victim suffers all the symptoms. fssessvrescsscscssasseovcseel | Ji Ir 1 exe nt Kingston's Famous Fur Store. 41 welry Ir xecl t-- New. Shipments home on Tuesday next. maiden name was Elizabetn Makins, . . . predeceased . him some twelve vears Mr, James C. Swift, who has been | Her death was a great sorrow to the un north of Cochrane for -the past | household, and indeed to all ° who | several weeks, is expected to arrive |knew her imtimately, for she was an sartments Christmas Cheer | is made better by useful, dur- i able and hand- some presents --we have them ' 9 1's ¢ ¢ ¢ | ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 ' $: : ' DINING ROOM : BUFFETS, ; Are always in biggest TABLES, ¢ demand at Christmas times CHAIRS, CABI- ¢ and when you are trying I i | : ' i ' ; ; . "an sd "ni TRADE MARK REGISTERED i {in town next week to spend Christ. | obliging and gracious friend. Wear the Scholl *'Foot-Bazer*' and get Instant mas with" his mothér, Mrs. -Joseph| The sickness which compelled Mr. relief to these painfu} oot aliments, and rest to | | A pt AAAS A i the tired body. The er" is asclentific Swift, Ring street. McAdam to re linquish work was fol Sipport " the arch or ot Baz 1s made of two Fi all Ene "" wed y Se German Silver springs, lather covered, Ligut, Mrs. Wilham Harty, Otterbu an," | lowed, not long aiter, by a distre hh a a, Dative to oll Tot. S I~ R S arrived home to-day {rom 'Toronto, |ing accident which made removal to] wor lo the recalir size shoe and can be changed . & : 3 <¢ <*> Poh CARPET ~~ SWEEPERS Practical and and appropriate sa Christmas Gift JALAL kK. Saves Work and Saves "Carpets. Rich Woods, hand polished at $2.75 $3.50 R. McFAUL, where she has spent the past weok | the hospital for tre tment notessary, | Irom enc juir toanother, sation ji-uo matter with her parents, Hon, J. K. and|But the hurt proved incurable in | what style shoe yon wear, §f you waut io enjoy Mrs. Kerr, spite of all the skill and care bestow Jour walks and Want to funut shout yous, eel Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Craig, William ed. Yet he was one of the most cheer Eazers,"" A trial will demonstrate Our faith e(réet, after spending a few days - in | ful _ and uncomplaining of sufferers, | Wouey back if not satisfied. "ttawa, the guest of Mrs. 18. J. |taking an interest in things around Adams, returned home ou Monday, - hig, ang ws ays glad to se¢ his Dr. A. P. CHOWN, uch (Continued on Page 3.) ° iriends as he must have felt the Druggist and. Optician, - -- enforced confinement Within the narrow : 185 PRINCESS ST. "Phone 34:1. WILL BE NO ACCLAMATION bounds of the hospital, it is safe to one say no one ever saw his Christian If Mayor Graham Insists on a Se temper Fatiied, All Hizough his long . illness; it was a great joy to him tha CITIZENS ARE INDIGNANT cond Term. his daughter was always within his A A yor Girahe it i 'i MLO ¢ hi fe i a eit) a " » Mayor Graham, it is announced, wi! | reach. During his life in the city, ho| wer (he Fact That Nothing Has Dom not reccive an acclamation at the was a consistent member of Chalmers D Vith Mack S coming municipal clections, H befchurch. The last acute attack was one With Mack Street. wants the mayor's chair for a se |aot long, and he was graciously de Citizens in the upper end of {cond term he will have to fight for | livered from protracted pain. The sur- |€1ty in close proximity to Vietori jit. On the streets to-day it was | viving children are: Miss Saude Me |park, are wondering what is going to sated that Ald, Toye would likely | Adam, in the city post office; and {Pe done with the upper edd of sink' {te a candidate for he has been ask-lLiohn McAdam, of Toronto, both . of | treet from Nelson street to Victoria {wd by leading citizens and members of | whom were at the bedeide when fie | he street sas open up tare two loth parties to stand agam and | passed away. months a gd and' since that notnir j romised ¢hay if he does he will re -------------- has been: adne with it: The rizs have cuive such gupport that his election : been driving through there and have will be 'made sure.' A great deal of| Francis &Day's 100 best songs, worked the mud uptill now it J cissatisfaction exists with regard 1o| Henry Lauder's song books. veritable slough. Pedestrians who an " the attitude of Mayor Graham on Queen's University song books. bliged to go. through therd or © MADE OVER For { hildren (various mgttery during the year, Suitable for Christmas presents at [go a long way out of their rpad, arn AND: It will be definitely knowns before | Putton's, 209 Princess streot. ery indignant over the lapse of time i the end of the week" Who will be the] An address will be given hy Mis [and the inactivity of the city official > Nf We have { candidates, ve suggestion was' the: | Wade, in St. George's hall, Thursday | 1 this quarter of the city. RE PAIRING Fur Setts Ald. Hoag be given an acclamation | evening, on missionary work in China. | re . of all he vo aN Tere a maton i ultic vordinlly. Hii, "When you -think of high-class Ww F G URDIER Kad mation next year.. This is regarded, Liggett's. chocolates, $1 1b, and Hc | aweets," say Gibsons, the home of . NS, however, as ~ unfwir, as Ald. Toye's half pound. Mahood's drug store. igh-olass goods, 230 KaNG STREET, Jewelers, Opticians, 00000 VOVOVCVL 00D VPVVIVVVVLDO900090 Issuers of Marriage Licenses. See POPOL 0P0020000000 000 FINE FURS Sas aseateaetseas sesesece a eVAIESRAn NETS in Bak, | 4 to solve the gift prol Mem vou will find "that a visit to the several departments of this' store will repay you. It's really. three stores in one---you are in- vited to come in and look around. DESKS. All sizes, Oak, Mission and Mahogany. $3.50, $5.50, $1.75 wp. ROCKERS. Fine large styles, $2, BV VVVOLLELDTDT BBB BLU LT LDC OGY » cassessessssease Muff, threx-year term as alderman for Sy- denham ward expires at the end of this year, while Ald. Hoag has sfill : ; , p vi Vevavew another year to sit-as alderman. Both Y OOO OODOLOOOOTO OL OOOO 00D parties would be willing to the pro' pobéd acglamation, so it is. reported, but if there is to be such an ar FOR ! ADIES rangement it is felt that Ald. Toye should receive the gift of the mayor's chair for 1012; add Ald. Hoag for 1913. : Hundreds of Collars 26¢. and up " Dainty Jabots 25¢. and up | Pretty Belts 25¢, and up & Chiffon Scarfs > | b0c. and up ¢ Lace Scarfs : 50c. and up ¢| yOUR OLD FRIEND Motor Scarfs 50c. and up . Who uses Eyeglassbs and Spectacles vould be Very puch plenssd with a gift . 4 of Rimmed or Rimless Glasses Wool Fascinators 50c: and up 51" timmed or Kimlew Gi Come. and et a pair, send them . to you friend, mother, or father i Side Jabots 25c. and up & ate: Christman well bit whens 1 11 OAR Pp AREF Caps, Col- PET w: ROUSE. lars and BEAM LLLTLATLL TALE ATV TATS TTL BTV VELBA LS (RUGS, CARPETS, Coats. Ji CURTAINS, DRAP- shave a | a : ERIES, DOOR MATS, hl 4 itt Painti ep LINOLEUMS, Etc, BEET Gloves © am ng H i Phone ¢ BF Ur PS, CLASS TO OURS, - : 50. Yours Indian This & on the, place to kave your : House New Candy Kitchen. Ao Supsired 39 stand WE Rint Shoes, Indian C urios, and Yuin, DUNPHY T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Shoes, Tneia 5, Cor, Moutreal and Ordnance Ste. . THE WHIG'S PUZZLE. F OF Ladies ' ] lagated on Commercial street, Bos- FHERA CENSNE emer DY Can Yom 'Guess What the Picture ¢ Any conceiv- ¢ ton, the largest chocolate bean import The most sanitary and modern candy kitchen ever .erected has just been compléted for the manufacture of Liggett's fine chocolates, It occupies a block and is five storevs high, and is TEOeeR Noa: Uae on Represents? ; able Fur district in America. George Mahood, ch Hospital is APIO success, bi ood "py Yi { high . te " 5 druggist, attended the opening of this in, bad legs sores, dischatgesei ray ness ie home o class sweets. : hd . i 3 ) Evie ries drains, josses Sc, Esther No. at | Gibson's ~ beautiful building and has' just + re rom. era hh Slay ieekman a a Ce ar)Lyman Bros. Co, Ltd. Toronto. Sale men's woollen sox, 2 pairs, 35e. doubt No. req rid, sen send Jel addgmmred envelope Jutton's. 2 Clore Med. Cn. Haverstock Rd. Brownie cameras for young folks, made up in the best ceived a Christmas supply of their UOOCIOOO00 delicious produet. 'lhey roast and styles, Our grind their own beans and only the H it them to face, or exchange them if desired Have you thought of thi "The sweetest story ever toll." 50 Dozen Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs Reg- 5 | ion guaranted or money refunded o Pa Thar, 4 ke ne ge) | ahod's drug stove William Swaine, piano funer. Orders roceived at McAulev's. Phone 778. purest of everything is used, so that big bright ale the finished chocolates are well called Fur depart- $1 life membership U'abard lon ment is sure Sr Fa VL MO0OSP0OSCOIPRRRRESRIOO® | | rar, Now hooks, at Gibson's. 16 hive the . The Highest Scores. « ular 25c. quality, a SNAP for 15 cents Each. | KEELEY, Jr. Optometrist Handkerchiefs, great variety, cheap. At the Pox Ball Bowling Alleys, = 226 PRINCESS ST. "Phone 927. I mce collars, l0e. Dutton's. : ideal gift. over the King Fdward Theatre, are . Syst We alsohave "Known in every home in King now 154 and 178. There are several A big range of Waists, Skirts, Understirts, ete, REAL ESTATE AT BARGIAN PRICES If sold within a few days 267 Barrie Street, cor. Col borne Street, new detached brick dwelling, 2 stories, oak floors, ground floor furnished in Georgia pine. 10 large rooms; furnace, gas and all modern conveniences, including grates: rental, $300. 363 and 365 Barrie Streat, | double new Brick Residence, 3 stories, oak floor, downstairs furnished in Georgia pine, 10 rooms, furnace, gas, and all modern improvements, inelud- mg grate: rental, s23e.00 cash. Can be purchased separate- ston, high-class sweets are sold at competing for the two handsome gen Fur Hand ® ao libson's.""' ' tlemen's scts which are now on exhi- at priceg to please. ol Bags, Fur # | bition at this popular place of amuse nt. Shoes, Feather Boas, Wool ¢ |™ : : ser a ol Music !- Buy book over 100 home songs, Sle. to sing Christmas time. Latton's music store: ; ' ; j { : ' "Fhe railway commission is making 3 'oats and Caps. Barge Parsoas Raised. thiles for the inspection and testing The steamer Fhelps sucecsded in { : \ M raisog the varge Parsons, which was For en sunk smear Alexandria Bay, while } of railway engines, H. rn on \ loaded with coal. The Parsons was Auley's book One section of our store § lowed to Chanmont Bay, and will ge co db wong high: is devoted to § [on the dry dock. : Scarlet Mitts, Toques, Sashes, Overstockings, in 1 y +Y E------------" class sweets carefully, packed at Gib- Men's Hats Sub of Tom Emre assorted sizes. ie 1 Over 2,000 selections by and Men's -E. W. Mullin has sold to Dr. G. W. Infants' White Gaiters, Mitts, Toques and Over- | 'Furs. Here ¢|Nylks a nice lot on William street, | > stockings Beil ven, Choping Wagner, Verdi, To ete, lle, Ditton's wsic store. + you will also owned by Mrs. Heury Wade. Hockey Toques, in all the popular shades, at 25 psp nimi : find Men's * js iseett's chelates, 81 Ib, and 50. | + - and up. ; ee Sssesssatsensensses "Hearonto business: and professional Mahood's dri mond will organize an aseccintion 'to sick immigration. R rsarh pu ' 4 ow Liters FI wo Er ai. il belogaphiies wi NO Caps. ik hoods Seu Sore. vos Sweater Sweater Coats, Overstockings, Under 3 yi the M.C.R. have applied to the la- : las, b | Duteow's, : wear, ele. bor tment for the seth Little dope of comfort, little] » : ines hee . depart uel achutration. Canes and Indian House | Luge inn of hopes 1 the pice" secker Popular Prices on all lines. Songs, "0, Hol int," al Slippers. ! ull of 'sleftaon : All our Ladies' Coats at Half Price: ' Harney," 10; : ¥ y The £0 ih high-class swéets." 5 5 oe (a) "Dream of Paradine Toe. 1 - « § Gibson's. enn try them with scale Williams' piano, MAKE SURE TO iy ONE | Nuts--New shelled walnuts and al- ; ET at Dutfén's music store. OF OUR NEW CATALOGS. | ¢ monds at Gilbert's. EE Four Chima shopping hat i wren rows fh Em Ton : PERFECT pa Ss ig | NEWMAN & SHAW, : ERIN 2 EDGES 0 EERSTE | mEAWAYSSUSYSIORE | Kingson Laundry "Gikson's - for high-class Chistes 8 . 4 . : ¥| Cor. Princess and Sydenhan: Streets maa" a Phone 23. i» Siseseenteesterses: sesse SSeIseastssNeIe. = fusenesuecnesnesninesasses: secesvec