Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Dec 1911, p. 4

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Hockey Sticks, | Sleighs Etc. Prices Lowest Best Goods. CORBETT'S FURNITURE Articles that will not fail to please, CHINA i CABINETS y ces .00 MUSIC CABINETS $4 to $35. (20 Styles) Medicine CABINETS =a 5 COUCHES $4.50 AND UP, JARDINIER STANDS * 65¢. T6¢. up Pedestals $4 to $9.50 Cn R. J. Reid Phone 577 EERO OBOE WOOD FUEL 9 1 For a good Fuel at a low cost ry our wi oy Hardwood Slabs They are sound and diy: in fine burning jl condition.. Prices $2.75 . the half cord delivered . beg & Co.} Cor. Bay & Wellington. SALE Stoves Heaters. Large Stock oS af Second- hand Furniture. | very H suas RMAN, FONG SING urio Street. EE has ER to 383 3, Princasd[' MENTE ' ANTIQUE FURNITURE I have a large and varied 2 stock suitable for Christmas 3 Nothing could Ye more "ldone anything to ton, Ontario, at $6 per year. Editio Attached is one of the best Job stylish, and cheap work; nine impro - TORONTO Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Ch H. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, day and Thursday morning at $1 a year. |postagé had to be added, making p- {per year. THE DAILY BRITISH wHiG yw EDXESDAY, _BECEMBER 13, Joi THE WHIG, SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street Kings- # at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. foblishod in parts' on .Mon- o United States charge for ce of Pally $3 and of Weekly $1.50 Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, ed presses. THE RSH WHIG_ PUBLISHING E0., LMTED J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. OFFICE: : mbers, 32 Church Street. Toronto. E. Smallpiece, J.P., representative, The public school fives the average boy a totally inadequate education for the practical life which he must enter, and it should have been supplemented long since by something better than that which has so far been provided: It may be a popular slogan, "Let us have a technical educational sys. tem which will loom up as large the collegiate or university courses of the present day," but under the Whit- ney administration ther® does not ap- pear to be any prospect for this. Mr. it to the people in as Rowell will give time, Meanwhile the sthool board has been SOMETHING WANTED. ii justified, through Committee, in taking action, for its object the furnishing of such technical education... as the law auth- orites. 'Not much can be done dur- ing the remaining pee rks in which the present board "will in office, but the facts should be got at, and night classes should be re-organized for at least three months of the New Year. the Management having continue not the best for boys, but for. those who are employed, and who could learn much during their evenings, they are not to be dis- pised. Night schools. are SIR JAMES C Sir James Whitney regards as "'phe- nomenal" his success in the recent lo- cal elections, and sits back in happy contemplation of his feats. But his peace of mind is disturbed, not by the miserable grit papers tors have no sympathy with his pro- digious acts, but by the conservative paper of insurgent tendencies. Before polling day Sir James was reminded of several things of which he had no redson to be proud, and the candid criticism was offered by his political friends or allies. As polling day approached these prints forgot about the faults and failings of tho one-man government and called for its return. In Mr. Rowell and his party 'these papers saw nothing they could 0 y ¥ commend. The election is over, however, Sir the subject of some The Telegram and James is very personal remarks. declares : "Untario's next duty is to build fire of sentiment under the Whitney govirhment and keep the: fire so blaz- ing hot that the party in power will have to open up the Tedmiskaming country and establish . Anglo-Saxon ideals in the educattonal Bife of this province, i whose edi-* ALLED DOWN. "Ontario's next duty is to purge the Whitney government of the faults of cowardice in regard to the bi- lingual school evil and of sloth in, regabd to the possibilities of the Temiskaming country." 3 The World tells Sir James that wa been given another chance ~ con- ditionally... He has to do better. The education department must be reor- ganized, under a new nAnister, Dr, Pyne must go. So must the Hon, Mr. Duff, if "agriculture wants to be reconstructed from the top down." A new department is suggested, under Mr. Lucas, are told, 'a minister for the municipalities," while "the Hydro-Kleotric and Adam Beck must go on stronger than ever," under he we a commission, it is presumed; One can Smagine the feelings of the conservative party gengrally when two of the Toronto party papers find it to tell the great Sir James what he must do if he would give of "progressive govern- Sir James may accept the talk good-naturedly, or he may send NOCOSSAry assurance ment." for she editors and say to them some things that will not look well in print. THE Po -- Ea memical in- There is ong -phiise of spection which has not been enlarged upon during the election because edu- eational issues should not, if. possi- ble, become political. The one justi- fication for administering the Educa tion Department by a minister was that he would be amenable to 'public opinion, or susceptible to its demands But there are some people, and the number seems to be increasing, who favour the commission as' distinct from the superintendent -who presided ove: education in Ontario in Dr, Rydreon's day. A commission for education would be independent of the government, ' and ease of the bi-lingual that there were no A commission pro- would, in the schools, see to it violations eof the law. likewise, being devoted to any ject, and having a policy with regard to it, would persevere in "good works, and give the masses all the enlight- enment possible with regard to them. This brings the Whig to a feature of the address which Dr. Knight deliver ed before the Alumni Conference, in Queen's College, the address in which What ix the use of criticism at all if it does not 'reveal the defects in a system and lead to their removal ? Te" education department has not inform the people with respect to medical inspection. s There will not be an acclamation in the mayoralty, zo far as Mr. Graham is- concerned. That appears to, , he curtain. Yes, little 'one, Santa Claus is com- ing. And he travels nowadays by acroplane. The reindeer, swift as they "were, have become too slow for the old man. | -- . Mr. Rowell got his wish--a real old-fashioned majority in Oxford. And he criticised some things very sharply. S mw TORONTO! Fhiw inspection is authorized. all. That iy It is for the trustees to develop it as they please, and it is a work which involves serious 'consideration. Now the department must see that it should lend hand in edueat- ing the . school boards and officials. The experience of every place should be ascertained and so presented, in pamphlets and circulars, that as ynuch as possible may a learned with as little labour as possible. Kingston has had to "go it alone," and knows what it means to introduce medical inspection. There was noth- ing in the literature of the govern ment, in the blue or pink books, to guide the board. Hence if had to evolve a system or plan of its own, and from Toronto, and its medical de- partment, the nurse later obtained such help as enabled her to make a most promising beginning with her task. But the school hoard should have been assisted .in its preliminary service, in connection with this new departure, and that assistance should have been supplied by the Education Department. Mr. Rowell has referred to the seven sleepers who compose the government. He could go further and refer to the seven sleepers who represent the Edu- cation Department in its principal of- ficials, | © be EDITORIAL NOTES. nani A majority vote in New Zealand would have . carried the prohibition law which was submitted to a refer endum. But the three fifths provision killed it., So Canada is not the only cology in which the 'people are sui: fering from license nse handicaps. Over 20,000 voters in Montreal haved been disfranchised for the muunidpal election because they have not paid their water rates. How would it do to apply thai idea generally and dis franchise the man who doesn't ., pay bis taxes belay a sun a ocerisin date ¥ Will Sir James hecon become less dictator. fcaused a general THE. BOARD GF HEALTH RECOMMENDS THAT ALL SHOULD BE VACCINATED, As a Precaution Against Smallpox-- It Desires That Kingston Should be | Free of This Disease. iy Board of Health, at its meeting on Tuesday afternoon, decided to ve commend to the citizens that pre cautions be taken this winter againgt small-pox, and advise all those who have not been vaccinated within the past few years to have that little operation * performed ns a safeguard. At the present time the cily of Mon: treal is surrounded by small-pox and Kingston does mot desire the disease. In. one village near Montreal, where there is a good deal of smallpox, all those - who hav@ the disease were found to have never, been vaccina- ted. Ald. Bailey brought up the question of the nuisapce caused from the stench from Samaged grain at Rich- ardson's elevator. -- There had been many complaints about the this past season. It was decided 0O take .up the question next year if the nuisance occurred again. Several places which have no draius will be dealt Sith by the health ofl cers and sanitary inspector. On Low- er Bagot street a wholé row of houses are undraived, in violation of the by- law. The board recommended the city council to make the nevessary sewer connections between Raglan Road and Montreal streat so that the sewer on Sydenham street can be extended from North street to Raglan. A vote of appreciation of the ser- vices of James Mcleod, as chairman of the board during the year, was passed. Mr. Mcleod has been gner- getic and faithful in the 'discharge of his duties. SPY MANIA IN GERMANY. Newspapers Bitterly Comment Use of British Gold. London, Dee, 13.--A special Berlin despatch to the Daily Express indica- tes that the trial of Max Shultz at Leipzig on the charge of obtaiming iju- formation about German land: and naval armaments for Britain has spy scare through- out Germany. The German newspapers bitterly comment on the liberal use of Dritish gold to obtain coveted information. It is reported that Germany has decided to establish a naval base at Emden, on the North Sea, and will build a harbor thére for battleships and eruisers, Jt is said 'also that Ger many is determined to #stablish a permanent garrison: of 12,000 troops at Varley. The Express correspondent German press: is jubilant because, by the policy of fighting fire with fire, Germany has been able to obtain im portant information, but vigorous, protests against members of British society taking part in spying because their love of sport impels them to court danger, The spy mania, however, is not con- fined to, Germany; a constant watch is being kept by the British authorities on Germans. in important towns and naval ports. savs the garrison Ministers Tired Already. Montreal Witness, It is reported from Ottawa that the new ministers, appalled by the bur- dens whieh they find themselves called upon to bear, are planning to adopt the English system of under-secretar- ies. Twenty years ago an attempt was made to induce the under-sectetary system in Canada, buat it did nog work satisfactorily, Three subordinate positiofis were created, the holders of which, while belonging to the govern- ment, were not chénbers of the cabi- net. They were the controller of cus- toms and the controller af inland revenue, wha were supposed - to" be under-secretaries' to the minister | of trade and' commerce; the solicitor- general, who was understudy to the minister of justice. After a few years it was found necessary to give cabi net rank to the controller of customs and the controller of inland revenue; the solicitor-general alone retaining the rank of under-seeretary. The pro- posal to revive the system was raised some two or three vears ago. It was abandoned because of the resistance to it by Sir Wilirid Lawier and Mr. Fielding. It is quite possible, that it ean be shown that the ereation of a limited number of under-secretaries would lead to greater efficiency in the government, Kingston and Cape Vincent, Steamer service change of time, com- mencing Monday, December, . 1ith, steamer will leave Cape Vincent daily, except Sunday, at 8.45 am. arriving at Kingston, 10.30 aan; returning leave Kingston, 1.30 p.m., arriving at Cape Vincent, 3.30 p.m. Fish--Fillet, haddie, kippe: and cod just arrived at Gilbert's stores. H. L. Newton, who escaped from the Watertown jail last summer, was on, Saturday. sentenced to three years and six monthe in Auburn, N.Y i pris- on, hy so Emmerson, of Water town. DR. SOPER nuisance et ony See Our Nobby BIBBYS™* See Our Handsome Overcoats, $15.00 ONE-PRICE MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR STORE. Collar. 44. w Two-style rics. New patterns. English Other lines, $10, Sweater Coat $4.00 New Greys, Reds, Browns and White Fine Shetland Wool. Regular $5.00 goods. BIBRY'S XMAS. SPECIAL, $4, 'Men' s Overcoat Tlie Tourist: Sizes $10.00 Men's Suits Scotch Cheviot. Hand tailored garments. @ New sliides. $15.00 Men's Raincoats Parametta Cloth. SEE OUR $7.00 SPECIAL. $12, $15, JUST THE GIFT Sa -- HE WILL APPRECIATE Just run your eye carefully along down our 'Reminder list" for a suggestion! We are in Holiday attire. Men' s Overcoat $15.00 Black Overcoats 35 to Fine English. Beaver gantly tailored Very coat Raised seams, eti to 44. Cloth, ele hands rom Sizes, Men's Suits $18.00 Fine English Worsted Suits. tailored. Perfect - fit New Greens, Greys, Bronze. New fab- Man guaranteed Browns and BIBBY'S SPECIAL, $18.00, SEE OUR ". $4.00 Trousers Man-tailored Trousers New pat terns Very dressy fabrics BIBBY'S SPECIAL, $4.00. Shoes $4.00 Our new Keen-cut Our Shoes BN. | New hes new Blucher, or Patents BEST $5.00 SHOES IN CANADA, The work shoemakers lasts. Button, Black, Vel THE Shoes in Tan Blacks or Tan Makes a very useful gift. Agents for Fowne's and Dent's Gloves for Men Agents for Penman's Underwear and Sweater Coats BIBBYS Lr 78 80-82 PRINCESS. Wie Bdén Bons. Your LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY. Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. ? + COON OPOOORISOSNELS S000 cessesvcnicccssee If a man has to boar a permon be sleeps through is, oh . haw to cond iL be mislays . A man is just oh about | business methods Hig want the baly nursed by the doubleentry system. Be sure you get a enp of Henderson's Coffee. carry you through the day. -J. R. HENDERSON Bio your best---thes Ary 46 ake the host of it 'Henderson's Christmas Chocolates and Bon Bons. From CADBURY'S of Bournville, England. + have just received our Annual Importation of English Chocolates and All strictly fresh goods of the highest possible quality, impor ted specially for our Christmas trade. Morning Cup of Coffee. Jit will "Set you up" and OUR Ql OUR WE TALITY IS PRICES ARE TREAT. YOU RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT Brock Street Regs . - INDUBITABLY the best Babhit Metal for all general machin ry is Bearings Harris Heavy Pressure Write for prices. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Fraser Avenue Toronto NM USE... SI OLIN 200]: RK a Ff i oT aE A have just the quality RUTL2 ball -Suilt-you

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