Yeo ¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WTHURSDAY, From Trapper to Wearer, (Registered. ) BUY FURS FOR CHRISTMAS 'Neck Pieces, Stoles, Fur Coats, everything ® here i in Come in and see them, is | John McKay 149-157 BROCK STREET. $ PO000000660000000000000000000000000000000000¢ Furs. * MUFFS $3.75 UP. A plendid stock of medium priced furs that give satisfaction to choose from. no obligation to buy. RE THE .FUR HOUSE. | | : EE ------ . RE BISSEL'S CARPET SWEEPERS Practical and appropriate as a Christmas Gift Saves Work and Saves Capes, . Rich Woods, hand polished at Mm. t $3.50 R. McFAUL, CARPET ¢ ' ' ¢ ¢ ' $ ! ¢ ¢ ¢ # ' ' : ¢ ' ' : ¢ ' ' ¢ ' 1 3 WAREHOUSE. 4 Srvressssresressesrsseeel a ERIE J Carriage Painting rag CLASS TO OURS, This is the place tp Lave your Auto repaired to stand all kinds of weather, E J. DUMPHY Cor. Moutreal and Ordnance Sts. NEW BAPION & R ER with great success TE had legs sores, dischlrgesolthers stvigor & v tal force. drains, losses Ke. iste or M iil 81 from Fong: iin ew York City, or Ly deubt Nos reguire Sot frée book to Dr. Ls vo Mud. Con Haverstock Rd. Hampstead. London, Bog. Try newDragéeTastoloss) Form of Theraplon, casy to lake, safe, \asting cure. EMEDY, . 1, No. 2, NAC 3. Used in Cures blood 3 wen dag Fither No, at ta' % Co. 90 Rockman x Fron. ¢ nn: Lad. Toronto, mil sei addressed envelope ¥ L REAL ESTATE AT BARGIAN PRICES If sold within a few days 367 Barrie Street, cor. Coi- borne Sfreef, new detached brick dwelling, 3 stories, oak Tloors, ground' floor furnished imtGeorgia pine. 10 large rooms, furnace, gas and all modern conveniences, including grates; rental, $300. : '363 and 365 Rarrie 'Street, double new Brick Wesideiice, 3 stories, oak floor; downstairs Jurnished in Georgia pine, 10 rooms, furnace, mas, and all improvements, includ. grate; rental $2I8.00 3 £ Can be Purchases separate sessssesasssessnseseneeesse Christmas Presents LASTING, BEAUTIFUL, NONE BETTER. Dining Chairs Chairs of every kind for Men, Women and Child- ren for Parlor, | Bedroom, Dining or Kitchen. Ladies' Dressers handsome 'in Oak Mahogany, Circas- , Sian Walnut CHIFFONIERS.--Men's Dressers, the thing for any mar who wants to keep his wardrobe handy $8.00 up to $50.00. PARLOR SUITES, $20, $28 up. whole flat full, - New ideas. CARPETS from England, Austriz, United States, etc, RUGS. Axminster, sels, ete. All sizes, CURTAINS ete, LINOLEUM widths A Wilton, Brus- Lade, Madras, Silk, AND OILCLOTH, all Repair and Upholstering promptly and well done. 'Phone 90. Yours, T. F. HARRISON GO. LATE MARTIN MEAGHER. Funeral Took Place on. Thursday Morning to St, Mary's. The funeral of the late Martin Mea- gher took place Thursday morning, to St. Mary's cathedral, at 9.30 clock, 'when a solemn requiem mass wos sung by Rev. Father McDonald. | The pali-bearers ware Mr. Mooney, Jd. Doolan, Capb. T. Murphy, Capt. Daley, John Aailtm, 1 Mr, OF Drien and Mr. Tucker. » Sphritual offerings were laid casket by Mr, and Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MeNeil, P. Dono- ghue and family, Mss. M. Sullivan, J. Hanley, A. {lanley, Mr. and Mrs. John Tallon, Mr. and Mrs! J, R. Keating, Dr. and Mes. F; J, O'Con- nor, Mr, and Mrs. J. Doolan, "Mrs. J. Lambert, Mrs. E.! ('Neill, Mrs. A. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mr, and Mes, BE. Swanford, Mr. and Mrs. F. Forsythe, and floral offerings hy 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. William Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ferrier. 4 |" Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and winter goods for his order clothing department, also he ready-made clothing and gents' fur nishing department: they are all well Francis &Duy's 100 best songs. Henry Laudet's song books, Queen's University song bheoks. Suitable {dr ChFistmas presents Dutton's, 209 Princess street. assorted with new goods. On Thursday morning a horse he lonwing to one of thd local ~ Jewish peddlers took sick fell on' Divisjon street, near Brook. A veterinary was called, buf before he arrived the nni- mal died. "Your Cams eh shopping list" # ia not eomplate high«clads ar Netankur'e, Hogler's and Rowntree's load Sold in Kingston onl at Gibson's, 3 o's on the C Sooper, at R. F. Elliott i at oi. Thue | day for Ti business. Murphy,:! BOP BLVVETVOOS Seerapesseseess eee hhh hho dhothiathech dhohhhohtiothedihdhohohindier hnthieththohnh ee HAD A FINE DINNER THE ENGINEERS OF QUEEN'S EN- JOYED THEMSELVES, The Speeches Were Exceedingly In- teresting and Theme Was the Canadian Nation. The upbuilding of Canada was the dominant note of all the gpesches at the dinner of the Wiifrineer ring ciety of (Queen's university,yin Giant hall, on Wednesday 1ight. The theme was one that appealed to the great. body of young men present and upon whom the responsibilities of government must fall within the com- ing years,. Their applause of every- thing that exalted Canadian Life showed that they were in touch with the thoughts expressed. 4 Some three hundred were in at- tendance at the gathering and pre ented a stirring ight throughout the aativkties of the evening. At the ead table, stretching below the plat- form, were many distinguished mem- bes of various faculties of Queen's, and eminent Canadians. ¥. L. Longmore presided and supported on right and left by tipal Gordon, Dean Goodwin, Willis ¢ hipman, Toronto Dr. W. J. Milles, Toronto, DD. H. Browne, Copper: Ulf, ('. R. Uouatlee, Montreal Peter Gig lespie, Toronto, Al W. G. Wilson, OF tawa, Mr. St. George, Montreal, G. Guess, M.A., of Peru, Mr. Hogg, of the Canadian Engineer, Toronto, Col. ( rows, Captain Hughes, R:E., D. M. Melntyre, K.C., Ald. John Carson, Ald, D. A. Givens, Il. A. Calvin, KE. I. Pensé, Ottawa, Dean [ElBg,. Dr. Jordan, Ur, Dupuis, R. J. MeClabtand and J. Gi. Elliott. I'he menu was of an excellent char- neter and was well served by Mar- h=1l Reid, who had as his assistants a large body' of the arts students. On the programme under every course wns an expression from various mem- hers of the professorial staff, and these were quite amusing when the circumstances under which they had been uttered were known. The toasts were few in number. "The hing" was remembered and was m- mediately followed by six addresses from prominent Canadians, Willis Chipman, Toronto, talked qorously on the need of pure water. He pointed out how Lake Ontario has become and Enti- mated that in future years thé cities was Prin- Vevesecssssasevireseal --- wn A. GEORGE Wns & co. HERE'S A LIST OF SUIT- ABLE GIFTS SHOWN IN "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." At all times we try to _make our store attractive but it is especially 80 NOW and we appreciate visitors whether they are prepared to buy or not. All goods are marked in plain figures. For { hildren. Fur Setts; Fur Mufts, Fur Caps, Fur Coats Indian Shoes, Carriage Robes, { 1 | : : : | Snow Shoes. For Ladies Furs, Fur Hats, Fur Hand Bags, Gloves, Umbrellas, i} Waists, Skirts, Belts, Ties, Silk Scarfs, Feather Boas, Goi Jackets, Fancy Col- lars, Indian Shoes. 9 Shoes, Snow Shoes, Hats of all | kinds, Umbrellas, Pennants, Canes. Kowp this list for ref: | erence. WATCH oh WINDOWS. Inspiring--The Upbuilding of a So vi- contaminated § in the yacht Ling. 4 ond danced until the wee sma' hours ¢ ladies in along its borders must filter the wa- ters as well as treat the sewage, which has heretofore run unabated in- to the lake, : Dr. W. J. Miller, one of the graduates of the School of Mining, was pithy and pointed in his re marks, contending that much of the success of the myning industry of Ca- nada was due to the work of the School of Mining. Kingston was one of the best centres of the - whole do- minion for the location of such a hool. It has advantages not pos sed by any other plage. D. RH. Browne, matallurgist at Cop- per C1ifi, discounted the view that Aniversity training was of little value in practical life. He showed the fal: sity of this idea and in a glowing raneygric exalted university education us providing culture, friendship and inspiration to every one who passed through college halls. With knowl edge practical work cowd be readily mastered. Mr. Browne made the wr dress of the evening. " C. R. Coutlee, Montreal, discoursed on the possibilities of Canada, and early | type of citizens, so that the foreign element flocking to our country can be assimilated and made thoroughly British in type. This was to be the qj white man's burden, Peter Gillespie, of Toronto, pointed out to the young engineers the great regponsibilities that rested upon them in. the work of transportation and beity planting, and declared that these gréat requi fis were but in their infancy. He predicted an "enormous population for Canadd™ and Stirring times for those upon whom the re sponsibility of government must rest. Engineers must bear their full share. A. G. Wilson, of the bureau of mines, Ottawa, called for a better knowledge of the English language, showing the necessity ox it "inthe re- ports that engineers must make, They should knew the language so well as to convey their thoughts in the plain- est form to those who require their services. 1. FE. Watts, a» proposed the toast «of | "The Faculty," and Prof. Ji C. Gwil- lim racily responded. The toast to "Sister Universities' was proposed by V\. A. Kemp, and responded to by R. J. Fuller, of Toronto University, LE. E. Billington, of McGill, Montreal, and Cadet Fi F. C. Sweeney, of the Royal Military College. They all spoke of the benefits of cordial relationship = be- tween the universities, and praised Queen's for her liberality and support and the genuineness of her interests in the sister univérsities, z During the evening te foc sors was delivered in two paris hy & fine octetée.~ Fhe song was prEdral in character, a. take-off on each of the professors. It created much amuse "ment. The gathering broke up at midnight with the feeling that the fifteenth an- wal dinner just concluded, was the best that had ever been held at the University by the Engineering Soe iety. AT THE POLICE COURT. Much Tangled\Up Case Before Magistrate. was a ve much tangled up (ci se that Magistrate Farrell had on | Thursday morning. 'Bert" Wright Twas accused of stealing a stove and a baby's erib from one, FElizabeth I lnkely, but in the end the charge against Wright was withdrawn, as it was shown that he did not intend to ¢teal the articles, but in getting at te facts of the case a queer mix-up wes revealed, W. F. Nicklm acted for the accused, and D. A, Givens appeared for the prosecution and the two succeeded in getting at "the facts and having a settlement, Blizabeth Blakely, the complainant, rented a house to Wright and it was Hleged that the latter, when mov- ing, removed the articles mentioned which had been seized by Mrs. Blake for rent due from another ten- ant, Wright, however, contended. that he had no intention of stealing the artioles, but had been. given permis sion to use them while he was in the house, He was quite willing to hand over the things to Mrs. Blakely, znd the case was disposed of with tl is understanding, ARE THE * the it WHERE A REMAINS Of William Coleman Who General Hospital. Enquiry ig being made as to what hag been dove with the remains of the late William Coleman. The deceased had been 'working on the C.N.R., near Perth Road, 'and was fatally hurt by a stone - falling and striking him, on the head. 'The remains were said to have been buried in Cataraqui' ceme- tery, but on enquiry it was found that they had not been interved there. If the remains are not claimed within forty-eight hours after the death took place, it is the duty of the anatomy inspeetor to look after them. As yet he has: not veeeived any information as to what has been done with the body. The remains may have been buried in another cemetery. Died in Knew His Brother in China. Hum Haw, proprietor of the York Chinese restaurant on Princess street, comes from Hong Kong, China | whige John L. McPherson has been for the past six years. Hum's brother is stil in Hong-Kong, and Mr. McPher son knows him wel Yacht Club Dance. Another enjoyable dance was held club Wednesday even- Quite a Jarge number attended moming. Refreshments served during the affair. 3 Will Not Receive. Miss Lillian Knowles aud the young r at the Y.W.CA. building will not receive again on Sa- fuday afternoon until aftér the New ear, ? were in very home in King: ness sweets ave sold ot Music ! Buy book over 100 home songs, 50c., to sing Christmas time. Dutton's "music For. 3 3 the demand there was for the highest |. New | DECEMBER 14, 1911, --_ er Two HOLIDAY BOOKS "r THE FOLLOWING OF THE STAR By Florence L. Barclay, Author of "The Rosary." A beautiful Christmas' . instinct with the same depth of feeling, glowing imagery and refine- ment of literary art as "The Ros: ary," and told with all 'the sweetness which won for Mrs. Bar- clay's earlier books their place in the front rs ank of recent fiction, Net, $1.35 love story, power and cloth. = A WEAVER OF DREAMS "By Myrtle Reed Author of Lavender and Ol Lace; etc," -A delightful the same power, of characterizition, the same chirm of fancy same delicate sense of humor which distinguish ber earlier hooks . Exquisitely Frontispiece in color. love story showing and the bound in lavender Price, $1.35 The. College Book Store 260 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN NIGHTS. "Phone 91. 10 TO The M Cheer AID SANTA CLAUS HELP HIM MAKE HOMES HAPPY. Citizens Are ake a Fand and MANY Urged .to That Will Gladness to Help Bring Every Déstitute Home. Th be t mini her Ou ings cial efeept. the least fortunate cheerful good-will, heen tory the thos whom the season and the shadow, pros vour gloo thos Chri haps, fact te do- mn is Christmas of 1911 promises he most prosperous that on has seen for a long period history. r bountiful harvests of an excellent year and business wor the and the bless in the finan for all a season of never his Id ensure which has surpassed in the nation's , and this faet will help to make oitlook seem more dismal for of the least fortunate ones' tc CATries--ng' promise no cheer... | - brighter The light the "darker and the more cheerful and and genbrilly beautiful Christmas the deeper appears the m which shrouds the 'hives of e¢ unhappy little humans to whom gtmas 1s merely a Jgime when, per the cold dark weather makes the that there is no fire in the o perous is Stove a life-sized calamity If little if appr wad On edged $45.80 for fund. ror though nothing day. ed £52.06. the public could only read the massages that daily come ponr into this office, perhaps it' could eciate more fully the wants of the ies. December 9th, weknowl the Whig the Santa 11th, was munde was added over To-day deduct the $3 by the error and acknowledge 15. To this has been addede the December amount On this BIRO, Sun we caus following : Wi Mrs. C. Dr. "Mary" Mi | OR A A Master Norman Gage £5 00 Law- i ratsoever Circle, Daughters ..... . A. Barry, Ont King St. ence, 1 1 Day frsiae 1 ain 1 s¢ M. Smith and M. Allen Friend Little Boy ... Claus I throngh er- | I at Dutton's music You ean not blame the man, or you can jot blame the woman whose feet ache, who has tired muscles and nerves, who is fatigued after a few hours walk. The cause is a weak or broken down instep, also known as "flat-foot." The rheamatism, aches, pains, distorted look- ing shoe, and the cramped toes, are sll results of a weak instep or broken down arch. Sometimes the perfect lines of the foot are destroyed and sometimes they are not, but the victim suffers all the symptoms. hy TRADE MARK RECISTERED Wear the Scholl "Foot.Bazer' and get instant relief to these painfal foot aliments, and rest to thetired body. The "Foot-Eazer" Is a scientific support to the.arch or instep, Is made of two German Silver sg 2s, leather covercd, Light, comfortable and solf-adiasting to a' in worn in the regnlar size shoe and can be changed « from one pair to No matter what your ¢ what style shoe you we your walks and want t we v come in Jind be fitted to a pi i of Scholl * Eazers." A trint will Je Muustrate our falth-- money back if uot satis is--no matter wi rat to enjoy Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS ST, 'Phone 34:8, Are They? News." published | following interest Who The "Y.M.tLA Kingston, has the ng note | "The male chorus is happy possession of and Jeff. mn Lh a real up-to-date Mott These artists alread, {booked for a number pro gramme to be given in nid of th boys' department in February next, and should prove quite a drawing card." are on the Haly Night," We. "Lost Chord," Paradise," 10¢, Came them with scale Willing store Songs, "0, larnev," 10¢.: "Dream ol iry nnd plano Saturday's Christmas {a stunner. Read the { clot. | "Christmas | will be of town, Whig racy will local bur arti ovders'" for i packed for Gibson's. hioh-elags Hwents sending out A BEAUTIFUL ARRAY OF SENSIBLE We pride ourselves on the a % Y shown in this store. o all sizds, and a guarantee wit 's; Show you, PILOTS We care~not whether will find values HANDKERCHIEFS the Handkerchiefs by GLOVES The' best Kid Gloves in the Bt you want to here that -canno! thovsand, 2« h e oe 8) Xe (» Sessa ss sess RIB Tests dss are PRESENTS 4 at range of Xmas Goods spend He' or $ other 50.00, you be equalled in any stor 50 each to $1 trade at $1.00 a pair All shades, ach pair. FOR LADIES Ladies' Waists, Skirts, vio 8 the designers, Collars, Belts, prices. Underskirts, Motor Scan |, ete Lategt ideas from t { Belt Pins, Popular FOR CHILDREN Children's Scarlet Toques, All sizes. © Sashes, Mitts and Overstockings COATS Any Coat in stock at Haif P ERWIE 4 rice Only newest designs e NEWMAN & SHAW, THE ALWAYS BUSY sTome. Dr. A. P. CHOWN, : S00093500000000 0000s Tired Feet? IN. FULL SWING | Kin OG PEVPOOVILLSHLPOOVO0G00 200000000 Buying, Looking, Working Full rrr rdree Jewelry a 2 > filling iv, i SMITH BROS. 350 KiNG STREET. LEDC COD LID Jewelers, Opticians, 9 so Issuers of Mavviage Livensc © POOP PPOPN0o MADE OVER AND RE PAIRING W. F GOURDIER 'REAL VALUES IN REAL ESTATE 2560 Patrick dwelling {teen Church, three houses ft. x 194 jt Montreal ting Clergy brick, ali furnace Corner A bred Streets, one dw SLreet and lot donubl fr $4,200 Siregt, next £1,000 = . nd stable -%4, 100 2 £1,850 single Prine pre writes for Wernen Prog thy Money inve aid nnoual r Our CT MULLIN Ghe Real Lstat- ¥ xpert Corner Johnson and Division Sty "Phone 539. en busines - PERFECT IE ngson Laundry . Cor, Ingse ard Sydenham Stree, "Phone 22