Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Dec 1911, p. 1

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» il KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, (911. THE REFORM E YEAR TS NO, 208 BOARD GRANTS i -- LAST Epix OX WRATHRER PROBA Torentn, Ont. Deo. 15th. 19 BOF tawa Valley and Upper St Lawrbtice-- A THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY |. 1 HANGED NEGRO Met om Thursday Evening and Liaudaiy clearing, with uot much 3 B y ! Elected Officers, A ROME WILL GET PLANT. Works Plans' to Move Hecause of Strike Trouble. Rome, NY. Dee. 15. ~The indefinite report published « few days ago to Russia Takes This Action on Fisher ies in the White Sea. o Archangel, Dec. 15.--Russia has abandoned her plan to introduce a twelve mule lisiit in the waters of the ABANDONS 12 MILE LIMIT. change u temperature. Saturda®faiv A meeting of thé Kingston Historiest Society was held Thursday evening, at -- narsm---- sto Thachers Under THE NEW. SCHEDULE OF SALARIES TO TAKE EFFECT ON JANUARY IST, . Request of Collegiate Tnstitate Club, : of en's, for Use of Gymuasium ea Home" Refused--Hes ports of Inspectors. + Ab the meeting of the board of edu the "mation, held on Thursday night, 0 of com airman of the managemnt mittee, J, IB. Walkem, presented recommentlations of that committe, on the request made by the teachers, Mome few Weeks ngo, for an increas in salary and these recommendations were adopted, As staled in the Whig on Wednesday, the committee did not rosommend a fixed inefaasn in sally. hat decided to place the teachers on their merits that is to grant a bonus 10 teachers deserving of it. The sche dule is explained in the report of the committee, which reads as follows : "I'he management commitles have duly and seriously considered the re fuest of the public school teachers, for a general increase in salaries, Your communities regret thit they eannol grant the request, but they realizy that circumstances warrant certain ad- Justments which are covered by the re- commendations following : "That the salary system now i force Le reconsidered, "That in making future appoint- ments the jnitial salary be 3a) to 8000, according to the qualifiention and experience of the applicant, and the recommendation Of the manage ment comwnkbtée, "That apart from changes mudé by the.foregoing paragro the existing Sohoduie be tind oh far as it re- fers to the maximum salary and nual increase. "I'hnt, in addigion to the salary paid under the existing schedule, any teacher muy receive a total honug in erement ofy 8150 under the following conditions: . "Any ition made to a teacher's salary under clause 4 shall be made oom the recommendation of the inspec _ tor, approved by the management committos, and based solely on super. jor efficieniby with respoct both to Ror rman and Ch 3. Not more: hae 400. Wahl) bel added: Fotn any on yo RR © This bonus increment may be ro duced 880 in any one year, in the ease of a teacher who, hing prevignsly received such bonuid' increment, dey not continue to be graded 'excellent' with rogand to ioney, both in - teaching and discipline. Ne < "I'he bonus increase shall not be paid to any teacher having less than two years' servies under the board. "Ihe amended schedule to go into effect on and after Jamiary lst, 19i2, The chairman, W. J, Renton, presid- ed at the meeting, and the other mem Present were I. R. Anglin, Eduard Beimett, 1. B. Chown, James Craig, J, G. Elliott, James Hender- hy P, + HL Nacnee, = 1 nn G. Lockett, Kdward Lyons, Robert Meck, H. ¥. 0 Wo Mclean, Stephen J. B. Walkem and Robert ny bi Passed Unanimously. The management committes gave the salary 'guestion & great deal of time and coy ation, and the recommen: dations were id with the en- dorsation of all the members of he board. : "f Trusteo Lockett asked for informa: tion as to how the inspector would ar-|. rive at his conclusion that a teacher . was worthy of the increase. Yearly re sults, of course, could not be taken Lim ariiving ats decision. | + Trastee Walkem pointed out that the » aot in the said the yearly re ken; ho did 'working out, giving teachers an .felals of the Schenectady company they the sioet that the extensive plant - of he Seimectady Locomotive Works might be removed from that city te Rome appears to be substantisted by developments when it was annonneed that the big plant would be shifted here and be in complete operation within the next twenty months, This will mean a tremendous addi- tion to Rome's industrial life. No formal announcement of the deal has been fortheoming either from the offi- or the Rome parties from whom hgs been aeniived a big site for the plant in the eastern end of the city and south of the New York Central tracks, but the news is not less official becanse of this. Vig commercial interests have had knowledge of it for some time. Several reason have influenced the officials of the Schenectady plant muke this change, One of them the trouble it has had with strikes, Rome has a manefacturers' organi- zation that malntaing a quiet, but of- olive surveillanes of all employees: in most of the big industries, which has kept' the strike element pretty well i pontrol. . Under thin wyatem evolved by the late John 8S. Haselton; and Gther men interested in the metal in- dustries, it' would be pretty hard werk for a man to gét & -ip the city after he had been figed fbr "canse." The organization also makes efforts to keop the mien they want contented and satisfied with their work and wages, Yaad There Hive Buen no strikes of any Consequench aud none affecting the big metal milfs sinee the Employees' As sociation was organized. CLERICAL ANTAGONISM "TO LIBERAL PARTY . Bruchesi, of Montreal, 2 y Cardinal's Hat.- Montreal, Dee. 15.--Archbishop Bru- chesi has no comment to make on a despatoh' published in the Toronte Globe to the effect that the antage- nam of the Cathelic clergy to the liveral party in Canada had cost his grice the homer of becoming a car dinal, ' It is stated in the despateh that the whole politicd]l situation in Quebec is clearly known in Rome, and that the non-inclusion of a Canadian prelate in the list of new cmidinals is un- | doubtedly the result of the attitude assumed 'by Archbishop Bruchesi and his ultramontane allied, towards the political situation here. In the (lobe, the Catholic clergy, are acgnsed of having formed an al liance with the nationalist leaders in the provinee, and of having endorsed the wmwise and un-called-for" politi: cal activities of the anti-Laurier and avti:liberal section of the church. It is also asserted that a petition was signed by all the Catholic federal ministers aud their followers in par- linment, as' well as hy Sir Loner Gouin and his ministry, 'and by many leading liberals of the province, pro- testing againdt the undue influence of the ultramontanes in Canadian poli ties, and that this position wae for- warded to Rome, with the warning that, if this vourse were pursued, it would lead to disastrous results, HON. SAN HUGHES CALLED ELASPHEMER le Canada Bigs Up a Speech Fe Made Twenty-Two Years Montreal, Dec. 15--Le Canada, the French liberal paper, is conducting a vigorous campaign against Hon. Sam Hughes, minister of militia. It prints a report of & speech made by the col- onel twenty-two years ago, in which he is reported to have "blasphemed'" to El n says : > "Sam Hughes, insultor of priests and of the French. preaches at the ntants eordiale" hetween Catholics and Uratigemen. \ | after the flag stations by his remarks anent prigst and pope. A posed in Comection With COL. HUGHES IS BUSY TO HAVE INSTRUCTIONAL SCHOOLS OVER CANADA. The Qualithed Instructors of the Per. manent Schools Are to be Utilized in Training Men 'to Become Pro- perly Qualified Officers. 8pecial to the Whig. Ottawa, Dee, 15.--A military inti- mation, ret out, will interest officers of Tete do Pont barracks, Kingston, A meres of fnitructional schools throughaut Canada, ealoaluted to overcome he" deficiency of propegly qualified officers are to be established ts part of the new programme... of military reform" to which Hon. Col. Sam Hughes is apnlying hime very assiduously. Heratofore officers have had to largely travel to the parman- ent schools." , Phere ure seventy-five qualified instruétors on the staf of the permanent corps and it is intend: ed that these will do most of the travelling to all' important centres where provisional schools for the qualifieatiors of officers will be es tablishpd, The first of them will open at St. John on January lst. LEONARD MAY BOSS NAR. Government is Disposed to Dispense With the Board. Ottawa, €nt., Dee 15.--Most of the Transcontinental railway commission may be reorganized. out of existences. il plans now said to be under oon- sideration are adopted. The appointient of as chaitman of the commission, in place of 8. N. Parent, who resigned, i to be followed by the removal of the three remaining . commissionery ap- pointed™ by the late government, W. 8. Calvert, Colin Mclsane and CA. Young. It is believed that the new fy sriment does not see the necessity OF a commission of four men, or even of two, and is disposed to place the whole 'work in the hands of Maj. Leo- nard as a practical man, with, of course, a large technical stafi hehind him. The government is known to with favor on the ides of 4 one-man commission, but it is douitfal if sheh a change could Be. effected without friction, Mer. Leonisd, look ie MUST GET MARRIED 7 a To be a Station Agent in (he West. Montreal, ' Dec, 15.-With the new train sorvige that goes into effect on December 20th, on the Grand Trunk railway, the anneuncément is made that ninety-gight of the new stations out of the 158 contracted for in the spring, have been opened, -twenty-sey- en © are under construction, and the balanee Will be completed in the spring. These stations on the Grand Trunk Pacific are an invovation as far as stations in Western Canada are con corned, for they provide, unlike "sta: tions built heretofore, for the looking all the year round, THis means that stations call ed flag slations, points where trains only ut get on or off, are in charge winter and summer hy a enpable eniployee, and are kept heated 'day and night. The one stipulation that is put on by the company is that the agent or clionmen must be married, for in is way the company thinks they will receiye hetler- service, ------ iit A UNIQUE GATHERING. 'Dancers: Will Wear Garb of Plains wei and Indians. Winnipeg, Dee. 15.--The Old Times' aR A ation of pi 'their Arnal Danie on it. - Lieutenant-Governor A spectacular fen-| 5 3 rance of all mend? "agin garb of the Indian fighters, Tudson by. ete. The ladies wore the tholie religious that at the mithorities have given 10 free text sin € ma early in the year to. extend limit of territorial water from three to twelve miles, English trawlers which were within twelve miles of the mouth the White Sea at the beginning (year, and as a result all of the pow- fers interested made representations in St. Petersburg. Appointed: cardinal is slated to have been a secrel vice agent in Canada. NOTHING IN THE op when thers are passengers to . wes shocked, early {his another rumor that King George had been was tremendous ekecitement don streets and almost a panic Bank 'of England, authoritative sources decl is without foundation. White Sen, insidé of which it'was pur- pased to forbid fishing longing io other nations! By vessels be- This action has been taken in con- sequence of protests made by the Unit: al States, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Denmark, Norway and Swed: n. ' A bill was introduced juto the Du- the captured several fishing of qf the Russian cruisers WM[ MH. O'CONNELL, at the consistory held in Pome. ARCHBISHOP CANADIAN STUDENT'S SUCCESS, Son of M.P'. For East Finshury Big Suceess, London, Eng., Dee. 15.~Many Cana- diand will be interested to learn that P. JJ. Baker, of King's College, Cam- bridge, the son of the Canadian M.D. for Kast Finsbury, has won the much- coveted Whewell scholarship for inter national also won the Oda event (the mile) for Ox- ford and Camiwidge versus the Ameri cant Universities. last. July, Before go- ing 'to Cambridge he was ut Harvard University, Pennsylvania. . i Baker is athletics, having law. prominent Young Mr, in BLACKMAILED A CANADIAN. Two Men Get Terms in English Pri son, Dee. 15.--For blackmailing London, Lijah Faber, a Canadian finansier, hy falsely declaring ite had committed an indictable offence against a young wo- man, § futher received nineimonths and Henry Marshall three years. Marshall ser- RUMORS SET AFLOAT That the King Had Been Assassin 'ated in India on Thars- London, Eng., Dee. 15.~All Britain morning, by wsassinateod in India. There in Lon in Fixchange and Officials - of ali are the story front of the royal At noon the India office received a direct. cable stating that the whole Durting programme had been earvied out without ward incident, mentioning any unto * A SEERESS, BUT-- Anna Eva Fay Bad to Ask For Mail: : box. . Petroit, 'Dee. 15." Who's this Atins "va Pay," asked a porter named Wal ters, of Head Porter Baker, at thy Hotel Cadillue, wihgre the seeress is stopping. "She's the smartest earth," replied Baker, your age and if you can tell you where it is." "I don't thinks she's so smart," said Walters, "She psked* me where the mail box was this morning," } ' [the relatives of 'the ecarrisd on The Affair Dccamed in a © Theatre, GALLOWS ON STAGE THE SHERIFF HAD A MURDERER "TO HANDLE. Boxes Were All Occupied--Helatives and Friends of Man Colored Preacher Slew Witness the Execu- tion at Jackson, Ga. Tackson, Ga., Dec. 15.--~Rev. William Turner, the negro preacher, who in cited the race riot, which resulted in the killing of Jesse Siagley, a wealthy planter; was hanged, on Thursday shortly after noon in King's Opera House. > The sheriff had intended to hang the negro in the jail yard, but the weather was very disagreeable and the murdered man Wanted to be present. He desided to have the execution in the operk house. The gallows was erected on the stage. The boxes and front seats were oc- cupied by relatives and friends of the murdered man. Only a few persdns in addition were admitted, Hifore the trap was sprang the negro confessed that he fired the shot which killed Bingley and warned mem bers of his race against whiskey drinking. si Three sons of Tarner are in jail awaiting trial for the same crime for which their father was hanged. Taylor Was Innocent, Columbus, Ohio, Dee. 15.--Belore go: ing to eleetroontion for murdering two Hungarians, '"T'om" Davis, aged tween: tysix, colored, confessed to the crime and stated that Frank Taylor, who i= serving a life sentence for compli city, was utterly innocent of any knowledge of the murder, THE BUSY TROOPS. Small Villages Seized by the Italian Troops. Tripoli, Dee, 15.--The Italian troops took possession, Wednesday, of the oags of Tadjura, conmsting of seve ral small villages about eight miles alobg thé const to the east of the town of Tripoli. The' Turkish troops and the Aral irregulars retired the srrivsl of the ltaliam column, and the iw "habitants offered no resistance. It is believed that the Turks have joined the main foree further miynd, but precautions have been taken by the Idlian commander to prevent n surprise, FELL DOWN IN FAINT When Charge of Murder Was Read to Him. London, Ont., Dee. 13. Big Daniel Reynolds, over six feet tall, broad in proportion, and weighing over two hundred pounds, arcaigned, this morn: ing, charged with murdering Bert, Clever with an axe, fainted and fell flat' when thé charge against him Was reid. When he revived he caught sight of hig six-months-old child in the cor ridor and collapsed again. - In the pric son vard, where he was taken for fresh air, he fell- on 'his face, blackening both eves and mutilating his cheeks terribly. Pinally Magistrate Chittick had to postpone the hearing of the investigation till the 22nd inet. WOULD BAR ABSINTHE, Tts fmportation Should be Prohibited Hereafter. Washington, Dee. 15.--Declaring ab- sinthe dangerous to health, the Pure Food Board of the depariment of agricaltive, to-day, decided that iti importation into the United States should be prohibited after January let next, The ordér awaits the signathre of the secretary of agriculture before becoming affective. ; "It is well recognized in all coun tries that have had experience there with," said the decision, "that the use of the beverage known as absinthe is dangerous to health." ; : WILL HAVE TO INSURE. | Several Millions Will Have to Heed Government's Demand, ! Dec. 15--Nearly ten mil: lion then amd several million women in Erland, Treland and Scotland will 'be compelled to insure themselves with the government against sickness and [non-em t as 3 result of H final passing of Lloyd-George's natiol al insurance bill, this morping. ©. 'Watertown Public Mark : Watettown, N.Y., Dee. 16.~18 is an nounced that the matter of a city market for i considered hy the new common: ail when it Convenes early in mal message to the cowneil, if said, and a strenuous © to anive at in the matter. > Lived 100 Years in One House. Ph ia, © Pa., ° Dee. . {Whig & band of three or whoulder broken, 'jatfended the old St, George's hall, for the purposs of receiving the reports of the comulittee on revision of the constitution amd the somivating 'committer. Prof. D. Ferguson occupied the chair, The election of officers wad as Tollows : Patrons, W. F. Nickle, MP; Dr. A. E. Ross, M.B.P., and the mayor of the city; president, J, M. Farrell: viee presidents, Rev. Canon Stare, M.A, and Miss Agnes Machar; secretary treasurer, Prof. J. L. Morison; librari- an, Miss Saunderf; executive commit tee, Bean Bidwell, Prof. Go D. Fergu- son, Father Mea, Lieut Col. PF. Birch all Wood, D. M. Melntyre, K.C., Prof. W. L. Grant and Miss' Macaulay, The president and thé secretary were appointed a commitiee to wait on the city council and the board of trade, regarding the preservation of the old council building on Queen street. 1t was arranged to have all places of his- torieal interest in the city marked The mestings of the society will in fue ture be held the socond Thursday in the mopth, in the senate chamber at Queen's, when papers will be read and addresses given, Sn-------------- LADS: CAUGHT STEALING, They Were Discovered Yard, Two lads, entered the yard of Ottawa hotel, corper of Urincess and Ontario streets, evidently with the intention to steal, The proprietor, Jumes Norris, appeared on the scene and the lady made a hureied exit, One is ulleged to have gol away with a few empty bottled but the other was caught by Mr. Norris and handed over to Police Constable Filson. After being taken to the station Mr. Norris did not care to press the charge and 80 the youngster was allowed to go. to the four lads ure acoused of several petty thefts in the city of late, Their game hag been Lo enter yards and steal bottles, bapes, ete, and then sell them. it ® alleged that Thursday night, while the two lads were in the yard, two other lads were out in front of the hotel, on guard, and it is further alleged that when Mr. Norris came on the scene they gave a signal to the two inthe yard and they took to thein heels. in a Hotél the | According to reports given FOUND DEAD WITH RIFLE BY HIS BED Gamett Catlin, of Rodman, Believed to Have Enced His Life ~~ by Shooting. Watertown, © NY., Dee. 15.-With a rifle lying beside him, Garrett Catlin, aged Tiftyv-five yeags, was found, dead in his bed, Testerday, at his home, near Rodman, Catlin lived alone. It was noticed by his neighbors that there had been no light about the place since Sun diy. An investigation was made by Roswell Catlin, a nephew, One wf Cat lin's fingers was crooked about the trigger. A brother, George Catlin, of Pierrepont Manor, survives. Coroner Bmith viewed the remaing. A Lecture on China, y A very interesting address on Ching wes given in St. (eorge'y hall, Thurs day evening, by Miss A. E. Wade, the daughter of a Hamilton clergyman, whe has spent about fen years in south-west China, Miss Wade gaid hat among the ne #hods of teaching the Bible the ase of the lantern was found very effec: tive. "4 Chinese artirt had painted pietures' of the parables from the Chin: t8s standpoint on rolls; and, _in this way, the lessons of the parables were brought vividly to the people. Mis ade gave a very interesting and clear account of the work among wo men and. children, Sixty Years a Reader. E H. Peary, of Centreville, Ont. setidy along a remittance 16 pay his stibscription to the Whig. He-writes that he has been a subscriber to the Whig for over sixty vears, and still enjoys reading it) This is a record, i , to be. proud of, and 'the Whig in gratified to know that it has print- #d 8 paper good emough to keop one mind reading it for over hall a con duty, and still find him a friend and walbwisher. - To Mr. Percy we extend otir thanks and our sincere wish that he may live many more years to en joy reading ths Whig. "Duke" Broke His Shoulder Thomas Cambridge, commonly (known as "the duke," while sawing Some wood, Thursday evening, had Ms , Dr. Robert Hanley pensioner, who is nearly eighty years of ! is the first time "duke" has been under mpdical care since the lute Vior- ar yt ingala, that noble womisn, im when be was serving woth bis yegiment in the Crimean war, bullet hole in his right temple and al her {and {0 the boy's empl THE PLEASURE GIFT BUYING IS IN THE EARLY HOURS OF THE DAY i CROWDS ARE THEN AVOID. ED AND PROMPT ATTEN. TION IS ASSURKI, AVTVTTVTVVLVTVLVODAY Whetlier in quest of the un- usual or in search of a practical useful gift, our large, well as: sorted holiday stocks not only afford every latitude for gift buying, but exert a strong in- Muence toward right selection. USEFUL GIFTS for LADIES KIMONAS, LOUNGING ROBES, BATH ROBES, SILK PETTICOATS, KNITTED JACKE, FANCY WAISTS, UMBRELLAS, : # KID GLOVES, NECKWEAR, BELTS, Efe. GIFTS FOR MEN In abundance, including Neck Scarfs, Neckties, Hose, Um brellas, Suspenders, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Fine Shirts, Underwear, etc. i GIFTS FOR THE CHILOREN Are so numerous It would take all this space to mention them. Just call and see for yourself all: these little dainties at STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE, Nong} DIED, ARRIEL--In Regina p Lath, Jerbert Peter, the late William this cit Funeral notice CAMPBELL ~1n . A81Y, Sask, on Der. sucond son of James Arnel, of later Kingston, Francis aged 17 vears i will take place from his late residence, #30 Alhert Street, Mon- y. at 10.30, "ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, "Phone 577. 230 Princess Stroet, on Dee, Marshall Camp- Th JA Firm of U Ly - 254 STH v rk --_ Fab rg GER er. . TAKE NOTIOR. Wa have the Agancy of the "Royal Stoves" a good kin and modern prices; also a lot of good heaters, se- Lond hand, Vhich we rill sell at peucs ed prices. ont wait ull t are al gone. Turk's. Phone 708, oy Jas. Redden & Co. We invite your inspection of our very complete stock of CHRISTMAS COSAQUES, CHRISTMAS STOCIUINGS. ROWNTREE'S CHOCOLATES, CADBURY'S CHOCOLATES. SHARWOOIYS SPRECIALTINSG, Jas. Redden & Co. BOY'S STRANGE STORY. t ------ Says Man Tried to Ohlovoforia Him on Street. Montreal, Dee. 15.-An sitet chloroform. a boy of fourteen at the corner of Notre Dame and St. Job. streets, the business quarter of the city, was the story told to the police ayers. $ Armand Simard, a printer's messens fer, says a tall man dessved in black and with a bag strung over bis back, Seized hist from. bubind 'and plated a handkerchief saturated With shlore. forat over his luce. He dod free and burried he ool) A amined the bos, trace of chloroform.

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