td 0 mony r a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911. 3s race vmmmn, in your own home- This is made possible A usinga "R ao y of which w! be malled upon uest, it you will find udrods: les ip Jewelry, 'verware, China, cut G Leather Goods, Novelties, etc., ranging in price from i5¢. up. 184-136-138 Yonge St. TORONTO: CLEANING LACE CURTAINS, It is all In the way curtains are cleaned whether they look well or not, We have | the plant and the experience and -ean do the work to your ens tire satisfaction. R. PARKER & 00, Dyers nnd Cleavers, 48 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. OWAN'S PERFECTION EA EEEIREEEEERE | Special Notice § WE HAVE ADDED TO OUR PERMANENT STAFF AN EX- PERT ENGRAVER AND DB- SIGNER WHICH ENABLES US TO GUARANTEE DBE-# | LIVERY OF ALL ARTICLES @ PURCHASED FROM US IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS, AND § THE QUALITY OF THE EN-§@ GRAVING 1S UNSURPASSED @ IN CANADA. \ GER & WRIGHT 3: Jewellers, Cc FUTURE OF CANADA leLowINGLy FORETOLD BY C. A. MAGRATH OF OTTAWA : In Brilliant Address Before .Can- adian Club Thursday Evening-- Uhity Needed to Preserve Canada's Resources. The sighty members of the Cana- dian club of Kingston who sat down to. a dinger 0 the city hall, Thurs day eveping was given 8 very able address by €. A. Magrath, one of the new members of the International wa- terways commission under the Bor den administration. In prifaciog his address, Mr. Magrath said he wanted to correct an error which the news papers had made in calling him the chairmbn of the omission big wis meérgly a member of it, he said. Mr. Magrath gave a glowing ac count of the resources of the coun- try and dwelt considerably - its future, infafg out Bumecous things which Bo PT bound must come be fore Canada in time. Jn asking the question, 'Is there any particular pride or pleasure in bein; a Canadian citizen ¥' Mr. Magra said he realized that this was a decidedly dangerous quastion to. ask, but the situation in Canada ig so different that there is really mo gom- parison, We must be careful to guard our virgin wealth agains the plans of the stranger, and in this too great caution cannol be exercised. Canada's waterways, minerals, fisher: ies and other resources -&Fe ¥6 num- erous that, coupled with the agricul tural wealth of the country, they are sure to attract all classes of human- iby, 7 4 - The speaker pointici out the utter lack displayed 'by the residents ol this country in transforming the alien into a citizen of Canada except as election times. Europe is sending hun- dreds of thoysands into this country every year and Canada'p increase in population depends greatly upon the transforming of them into usual citizens, Mr. Magrath réferred to Canada's position. in the world as vastly su- perior to almost any other country as regards situation, We have great in- land water transportation such as any other country cannot boast * of, but it is almost impossible for her to. maintain her position if she main- tains her position of independence. We must either form a part of the Jiri tish empire or else become affiliated with the United States. Speaking of the recent élections the speaker pointetl out that it had not wise for the government to go sue, and this had been his experience, as he had been in the minority .in the election to the tune of some 1,400 votes, He wished the audience to_under- stand distinctly that he was 'an im- perialist, but would not attempt to explain what the word imperialism meant. He said that it wes desirable that Britain and the ovetsea domin- ions should go down into the far fu- ture as ond people. Britain allows all jclasses to stand together shoulder to shoulder on the highest known plane of civilization, and the greatest ca- lamiity of the human race will be .the disintegration of the British empire, and he feared this. Impucinl conferences were a great help in bringing different parts of the empire into closer communication with more distant parts of - the mother country, He also believed that at least three members of parliament of one provinde and of different countries should sit through the sessions of their sister countries and provinces, that they may see and know what is going on, .He would intimate that these men should not be allowed to 8 HER SICKLY CHILD Is Now Strong and Healthy-----Vinol Built Her Up. Every mother wants her little boy or girl to have afair chance in the world, Male your children = strong and healthy and they will grow wp able to make their own way. For ailimg' children there is nothing 50 good as Vinol, our delicious ten. ie, for it 'gives them a fine appetite, makes their blood rich and puts roses in their cheeks again, '"'d have been. giving Vinol to my. little daughter," says Mrs. G. El saosar, of Hackensack, N.J., "She was very delicate and I was worried about her, Vinol has built her up fine. She is, strong and healthy now, with a good healthy color 'in' her face which never had before. It, only took one bottle of Vinol: to do this for her. She likes the taste of Vipol right in his town--but give _Vinol to_your puny child "how fast it improves. We gi back your money if Vinol does not do all we claim. i : before the people on an economic i#fholme Farm, and W, V. Bulloch, Char We could tell you of many others Mheu 'Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston, Ou ¥ sit through more than one session, so that different individuals should have the privilege thus accorded. He be lieved that this was not merely ad visable, but necessary. In concluding his address, Mr. Ma- grath said the immigration question was one which should be handled with care. He did not infer that the gov- ernment which had just returned had not handled it properly, as at best any government cannot but handle one phase of it. The recent adminis tration had only handled the agricul tural side of it, while there were oth- ers just as important. The cementing together of the Brit- ish countries which encircle the globe, is & maguificent task and in the best interests of humanity. In short, the perpetuation of the great British em- pire, with ite history, its glory and greatness, stands for the liberty and sdvancement of mankind. At the conclusion of his address, Donald M. McIntyre moved a vote of thanks in a very eloquent manner, and Rev. Dr. Jordan seconded it. The gathering broke up about nine o'clock by singing 'God Save the King." TOWN OF GANANOQUE. -- Election of Officers by Two Local Societies. y Gananoque, Dee, 15.--Court Cam- bria, No, 134, S.0.E.B.S., at thay on on Tuesday evening, elected these oflicers : - President, W. J. Weaver; vice-president, , pT . Lish; treasurers' J A. bard; secretary, Fi A, Hkdrd: v.. Lb Richards; first guide, C. Gerard; sg fond guide, E. T. Bovey; third guide, J. Windmill; fourth guide, J. Apple ton; fifth guide, KE. Walker; sixth guide, A. Ketleyy 1.G.; 8B. Jones; QO. G., J, Wadsworth; delegate to grand lodge, J. A, Hubhard; alternate, kK. F. H. Leech, These are the officers-elect of L.0.L., No. 61: W.M., David Butler; D.M., George Crain; recording secretary, L. Loshaw; chaplain, C. Davis; director of ceremonies, William Runnett; first lecturer, W, J. Clark; chairman of committe, A, W. Anderson; commit tee, E. Leakey, W, Dustin, G. Sly, G. O'Bifen. The Beaver hockey team will have their tesmy in the county hocke; league this season: in section 3, ith Secley"s Bay, Lansdowne and Brock- ville, and expect' to make a good showing. 4 The Women's Missionary Socicty of Grace church met at the home of Mrs. James Dopovan, Victoria ave nue, yesterday afternoon.' oo, . R. J. Dilworth, Toronto, was in. town yesterday. .Mre. George Little and . daughtér; are spending a few weeks with relatives in Smith's Falls. W. J. Bullock, proprietor of Glen lea street, attended the big poultry show in Guelph' this week. Mrs. E, W, Fawcett, Oak street, is spending' some time on Woke Island, having been summoned there by the serious illness of Mr. Fawcett's mor ther, Mrs, Hugh Wilson, Pine street, loft, yesterday, for Pelican Rapids, Minn., to spend the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Cecil W, Sherrin. KITCHENER A SUCCESS, Is Handling Egyptians With Tact ~ and Moderation. New York, Bec. 15.--A London ca: ble to the Herald says : Lord Kitche- ner evidently has 'made a hit" ip Egypt. An interesting lettor from Alexan! dria tothe Daily Mail states that since his appointment his popularity his increased in such a manner as to bring about a remarkable change in ment, it appears, has almost died out in the country and apparently it is Lord Kitchener's directness of pur- pose and great fund of common sense that have wrought the change. The" Daily Mail relates several inci dents that bring out these qualities strikingly, Some Bedouin sheiks wished to take t in the war agaizst the Italians in Tripoli. They went to see Lord Kitehener, who has revived the patriarachal and sensible custom of receiving any of those under his administration who desire his advice or help. Lord Kitchener listened to the sheiks, fold them they could got to war and wished them good luck. Then he paused and said slowly :* "Now, you Bedouins are exempt from military service by favor of the khedive, but, of course, if you go to Tripoli and beat the Italians the wux- emption will be ¢ancelled at once, for it would never do to lose the services of such good soldiers." The Bedouin chiefs wer t ¢ and did mot DE to say," the matter was and the men did not go. the country, The nationalist. moves} LATE F. M. CAMPBELL WELL-KNOWN CITIZEN DIED ON : FRIDAY MORNING. Deceased Was the Father of the Campbell Brothers, Kingston Merchants--He Was Seventy-six Yedrs of Age. On Friday morning, there passed a- way, at his late residence, Albert street, a citizen, well-known aud re speeted, in the on = Francis Marshall Campbell, in his seveatly- seventh year. P. Campbéll had been ill for seven weeks with stomach trouble, but at periods during that time hopes Wer hold out "for his recovery, About a month ago his condition became worse and the end came Friday morning. - Deceased was born in the tewsslip of Siorrington, the son of = Samuel Campbell, and about forty-five years ago married Nancy R. Day, the daughter of the late Walter Day, of Cataraqui. Mrs. Campbell pre-decea ed her husband by' eight years. While the late Mr. Campbell had lived a re tired life for thirty-five years, he only moved to the city twenly years ago. During his early life be farmed in Storrington. Deceased is survived by Samuel F, and William M., the wellknown firm of Campbell Bros., hatters and furriers, of this city. He was a Methodist in re ligion, a devoted member of Syden- ham street chucch, and was a liberal in politics. Deceased was a member of Court Frontenac, No. 59, LO,F. The funeral will take place fcorg his late residence, Albert street, Monday morning, and the service will be con- ducted by Rev, T.W. Neal. Fountain pens for Christmas, hood's drug store, Frank Underhill, Toronto won the Brakenbury scholarship of Oxford university, England, This is the first time it has been won by a Cana- n, The choice of royalty sweets," Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's. Me Conkey 's. The success by éreating leaves us. You never saw a genuinely man that did not like to see people work. The man who cgn make happiness contagious does, ina way, the Lord's work. i & i Tigh clash - Gibson's, =7\ Will power much alike, Mp- that you and I attain circumstances seldom lazy other aweetp Jor Christmas." Js bea Constipation relieved by use of Warner's Safe Pills harmless yet, effective. hey do not. gripe nor leave any after ef- fects. ; Ask your druggist, 26c. WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO.. Toronto, Ont. FREE Sample on Request. NOTICE. OWING TO THE FACT THAT smallpox is epidemic in some dis- triets in the neighboring Province of Quebec, the Board of Health urges the citizens to take all precautiors against a possible outbreak in this City. wile TWILIGHT RECITAL OF SACRED MUSi0 ° at ST. ANDREWS. CHURCH Saturday, Dec. 16th 4.30 p.m. Collection in ald of Chimes Fund. Ra -- 4d Er ------------ Well-known }- rR and ~wou't power are . A sugar coated, gentle Jaxative, | SR ELL0LLALLARILLLLELELLLRALLLLNE People's Forum | wih CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES secutive thereafter hall eent 8 word, Minimum charge for ene insertion 3We; three imsertions, §0¢c) six, $1; one month, 02. - HELP---WANTED, A DINING-ROOM GIRL, APPLY, AT once, lo. Queen's Hotel, Brock St. AT ONCE, MAID FOR GENERAL housework, family of two. Apply, ¢ 232 Sydenham Street. AN EAPERIENCED SALESLADY FOR a city grocery. ARR: stating salary, to Bex 1342, Whig office. BOY FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT; steady position to a smart, bright Whig, A001: Business Office, the A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE. work; no laundry. Apply to Mrs. W. T. Connell, 11 Arch Street, first house off Stuart, SMART BOY ABOUT, 14 YEARS OLD; steady work; good chance for ad- vancement. Apply, office. of Kings- ton Hoslery Co, Ltd, King Street WANTED, BY STUDENT, EMPLOY- ment during Xmas. vacation; pre. fers office work; has general of. fice experience. Apply, Box 12165, Whig viiice. : AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers, No canvassin Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 8,960 Lockport, NY. SALESMAN FOR KINGSTON AND territory to sell our Calendars and Advertising Specialities. The Hough Lithographing Cp., Ltd, Toronto. : A FEW SMART GIRLS; STEADY work; experience net Necessary; acd workers can earn from $1 to 1.50 per day. Apply, office of Lingston Hosiery Co, Lid) ¥Kiig Street W. A LINE FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE 'us for our choice list of agents' supplies; we have the greatest agency proposition in Canada to- day; no outlsy necessary. Apply, A Co,, 228 Albert Street, or: OLD, COUNTRY DOMESTICS. CAP. able Scotch, English and maids; also Danish girls; arriving twice. a month. now, The Guild, 71 Drummond St. Montreal, 47 Pembroke Street, To- rento, and 227 Bank Street, Ot- wa. CLERKS TO'SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especlally by working men; good salary; per- manent position; if you are work- ing for small salary bebind the counter, "write to-day; you can double your wages a be your own. hose. Apply, Box "RK, B. C.,"" Whig office. fo Ee WANTED--GENERAL, SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE. geription: first class work: best lesther only used; one trial will waffice, Rring your repairs to Beott's, 200~Barrie Street, cor, of Clergy West. TAKE NOTIC THAT I WILL BUY all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest prices; see me before anyone else. Thompson, . 333 Princess t. Andrew's Church. Street, next GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into np. to-date suits, Price and workfan- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ng aud pairing done on the shortest notice. homas Galloway, 131 Brock St, near Bibby's Livery TEACHERS WANTED. T-- taspertion le s&s word, Each com- |' insertion PIII LOST. SILVER PURSE, CONTAINING sum of money, on Queen or Clergy Streets Finder kindly return to this office and reeeive reward BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. GERMAN CANARIES, FIRST SHIP. ment just recelvea; Just the thing / tera Christmas gift. W. J, iver, corger ueen and Darrie Streets. 'Phone No. 612. HOYELS AND RESTAUBANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, opposite GTR. station, one block from CPR; on street car line; bar supplied with best of wines and liguors;. charges moderate; special rates by the week, John ouginean, Prop, THE GRIMASON HOTEL, 342.044 Princess Street. Bar stocked with the best of Ales, Beers, Wines Liquors and cholcest Brands Cigars. Meals, 25c each, or "Special rates by the week, Yard and stable accommodation. Rates reasonable. Mulvilde & Driscoll BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home. No canvassing, Be your fap boss. Send for free booklet. Tells how, Heacock, 2,969, Lockport, N.Y. FINANCE AND INSURANON. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to W, Hl. Godwin & Son's Insurance Emporium, over Naortliern Crown k, Brock Street, or 'phone 424 GENERAL INSURANCE-~FIRE, LIFE, Accident, and Health Policles issu- ed; first-class companies; standard rates, . . J. Boon, Agen: 15 Wellington Street. BATEMAN & GARDINER ~FIRE, Lite, Accident Insurance and Cus- toms Broker; Real Estate and Money to ioan; a share of your business sollelited. 67 Clarence Street, Kingston. 'Phone 336. K. CARROLL, 14 Street. --Fire, Life, Health Insurance, Employers' Liability and Motor Boat Insurance, Security Bonds, . Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina, Celgary, Moose Jaw, ete, MARKET Accident and Plate Class, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- ment Soclety; established 1863; president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money . issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county ntures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and Interest al- lowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Diréctor, 87 Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Conpany. Availab's assets, $61,187,215. In addition t¢ which the policyholders have fom security the unlimited liability of all the stock-holders. Farm and oity property insured at lowes! possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents "Phone 325. DENTAL. 'ARKS AND SPARKS, DENT 330 1-3 Princess Street, Kingsto 'Phone 344. J 5 ae 2 Priacuss Wirest 4 Falophons Ie etcker. assistant, 168 Princess Bt 'Phone 185. YKROY®D, D.D.S, LDS, DENT. 8 A. over Dominion Express Office, on Wellington Street, 'Phone BE KNAPP, BA, LDS, DD Dentist, 19 Mo:treal Street, pea Princess. Phone 652, Ground floor office. MALE TEACHER FOR 8.8. Neo. 7 Hinchinbrooke; A Rd oh ply, stating salary and experi- enee, A. Smith, Parham, to Geo. + Ont. " A PROTESTANT FEMALE TEACHER for the junior department of the Portsmouth Public School; initial salary, $300. State experience and qualifications up to the 28th inst Thomas F. Graham, Secretary, Ports- mouth, Kingston, Ont SITUATION WANTED. WANTED, SITUATION, BY A YOUNG man (28); smart and of good ad- dress; any capacity; excellent re- ferences, Box 4, Post Office, Kingston. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BAKRIST. ers and Soliciters, lay frice, 78 n 8 Clarence Street. on. BOARD AND ROOMS, n E NEW YEAR. APPLY TO 44 Kill Street, close to Queen's University. . Tom Smith's CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS Stockings at 5 cents Stockings at 10 cents .. - Stockings at 20 cents © Stockings at 35 cents . Stockings at 50 cents Stockings at 75 cents - Stockings at $1.00, $1.25, * $2.00, $3.00 and $3.50" Containing Hats, Caps, Toys, ete. 12 Crackers in Box; 15¢ - 12 Crackers in Box, 20c 12 Crackers in Box, 25¢ 12 Crackers in Box, 30c 12 Crackers in Box, 40c,. 50e, 60c, 75¢, $1.00, $1.50 . "A.J. REES MUSIC, SALSBURY HROS. ORCHESTRA. Call up 1079 or address, 21 Sixth Street when In need of an or. chestra for dance, at home or ball Rewemter the 'phone number-- 9 MEDICAL, DR. FREDERICK FTHERINGTON, Surgeon. Office, 245 Brock Street Tel. 1058. Hours, 2-6 ¢m., 8-9 pm Residence 'phone 1150 J. F. SPARKS, BA, MD, PHYSICIAN and Su"geon, 100 Wellington Si Office hours, 10 to 12 am, 2 to 4 and 7 to § pm. 'Phone 386. and Surgeon, 142 Wellington St Office hours, 10 to 12 am, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m, Telephone 1083. W. J. GAVIN alring an a TPHMATERIN RE € work, Tair mat. call 216 Bagot 'Street. DR. E.C. D, MacCALLUIS, PHYSICIAN | resy renovating. Drop a card or 2d FOR SALE. OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM, ALSO SoM Cork, all remnants, a great differs a in prices, at Turk's. Phone «Ve. . ¥ REGISTERED ROAN DURMHAM COW, years old. registered Durham Bull, 2 years old. 1D, Sheehan, Westbrook, unt, 3 wr FLACS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANO © gute, fishing pias marine sappiles, lune askets, English raincoats, everything im cauvas, Kit bags, silk tents, spray hoods, motor poat supplies, Frank W. Cooke, 358 Omiario me. "Phone $91 or 15. TO RENT, GROCERY STORE, COR, King and Lower Gordon. Grocery Store, Earl Street, FOR SAL, A LOT OF CHOICH Dwellings. FOR SALE OR RENT, FARM, PART lots 11 and 12, in the jth concess * ston of Kingston; two gets build LA good stoek and grain farm. BATEMAN & GARDINER, REAL KS tate and Insurance, 67 Clarence bireel, Alngstan. v % TO LET, UN- in, § DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND lurnisheq, Sion oly Mola Brock Street, ------------ STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CREAN, dry, alry rooms, absodutely moth proof; your own lock and key. Frost's Clty Btorage, 2398 Queen ML, 'Poone bison. THREE LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, warm and comfortable; modern conveniences and telephone; » range if required; suitable for students or married couple Ad- dress, Box 1214, Whig office use « ARCHITECTS, | HENRT P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, BTU, 268 King Street. 'Phone 345 ARTRUWN pas, ARCHITROT, 1%1 University venue. Telephone 1013 WM. NEWLANDS & tects, etc. Sthone 608. i SON, ARCHI« Offices, 368 Bagot St, POWER 8 SON, ARCHITEOTS, MER. chants' Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington Streets, REAL ESTATS BOUGHT AND SOLD; RENTS COL. ected an noney Lo Joun; offices, No. 251 Victoria Street. Richardson, OCRAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. TRANSATLANTIC LINKS, ALY CLASS. es. CC, B. Kirkpatrick, Agent, «3 Clarence Street, Kingston. 'Phone FURNITURE FINISHXR. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, ebonizing and gliding, enamellin and all colors of mie work given best g Driscoll, 23 John Bireet drop a ecard WINDOW CLEANING, THE SEASON OF WALL ROUSH cleaning is now here: we do all Kinds, such ds waxing and olling floors: we also clean and put storm windows, Kingston Wine dow Cleaning Co, 21 Montreal St, over McLeod's Drug Store OSTEOPATHY, "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS. -R, 6G, Asheroft, DO, 128 Wellington St, opposite the Post Office; chronle diseases treated by Osteopathie methods and Eleetrieal Vibration; ments by appointment. 'Phone PERSONALS, LEARN 70, HYPNOTIZE LEARN TO influence aud control others; make fun and money; ay to learn: send your add 6 for a wonderful free book » M b, Betts, 4 Bank Bldg, Jackson, Minh, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, HRIRTH- marks and all growtha and skin blemishes removed permanently without sear: 27 years experis etice. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eve, Throat and n Ear, Nose, Specialist, 258 Baght Street Hardwood ttm Maple. quantity. Unloading some choice Birch and Selling by -measure, any Try US For Dry Kindling. 156 Princess 8t. Seasonabl Goods 1 Heinz Mince Meat . Chivers' English Plum Pudduing, Prime Western Beef, AT PICKERING'S 490 Princess 8t. "Phone 630 Special Just Now CHRISTMAS Owe hundred smployves of the works mr ANDIES RBs dr eh Ss sd