| was Crippled, 'could hardly.walk and had to YC down stairs at times on my hands and knees. My doctor told me 1 bad an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism. 1 wasin the hospital for weeks, but was scarcely able to walk when I left it. . I read about Dr. Miles' Nervine bought a bottle and began to get better from the start, and for the past six months 1 have had scarcely any pain and am able to walk as well as ever.' J.H. Saxpans, P.O.box 5, Rockaway, N. J. Few medicines are of any benefit for rheumatism, but Mr. Sanders tells plainly what Dr. Miles' Re- storative Nervine did for it. One ounce of salicylate of soda added to one bottle of Nervine makes an' ex- cellent remedy for rheumatism, which is now known to be a nerve ous disease and therefore subject to the influence of a medicine that acts through the nerves, as does Dr. Miles' Nervine Sufferers from rheumatism seldom fail to find relief in the use of Dr. Miles' Nervine, with salicylate of soda. . Bold under a guarantee that assures the return of the price of the. first bottle if If fails to benefit. At all Druggists. MILES MEDICAL CO, Torents, Cen. i 'GRAND UNION { Asari the Word's sNead By. Rev. Douglas Is Laing, Payjor of First Baptist Charch? - : . ""Puto you is born this day » « & Saviour." , Thiz was the thrilling aphouncement { of the herald angel to the astonished { shepherds, A Saviour! This is the world's supreme need. As said the late Dr. Parker, of the city temple, Lon- don, "The world did not peed an advisor, or a reformer. but a Savi our {" : _ dn. His own words, Christ declares the supreme purpose of rHlis advent "The Son of mag came to seek pnd to save that which was lost." The fall siguigeanos of Christ's advent soems to have been omly partially ap- preciated dn the past, The emphasis LREV. DOUGLAS LAING, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, has been too exclusively laid upon the solvation of man's soul. The eye of the church has been so 'intently fixed upon 'securing man's eternal well-beimg that she | kas overlooked Christ's THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on it Is crowing louder as he goes Only 45c¢ per pound, smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Omtarie Street. { along. For chewing and teachibhg with referénce to man's pres- ent relationships and present well-be- ing. Only in recent decades have we begun to realize that Christ's purpose was to save, not only- the soul, but the whole man; not simply for eterni- ty, but for both time and eternity. In the three years of His active min- istry, Christ never failed to emphasize REMOVED. T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, an- nounces that he has removed to larger offices over Bank ol Montreal, Clarence Street, Kingston, where he' has better facilities for conducting his business. the supreme value of man's spiritual being, but neither did He fail to put high value upon man's present physi- eal being. Our whole manhood was the object of His solicitude. He had helpful sympathy for the outcast pub- lican and sioner. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and blessed little chil- dren. His teaching and example sure- ly indicated that His will was that heaven's blessings might be realized upon earth. Did got the heavenly host FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AND GUARANTEE INSURANCE EFFECTED, Real Ksiate Bought, Sold & Exchanged Call or communicate with J. 0. HIITTON,, iN "Market Stree SIOKN ESS t, mgaton, Owvtarlo. sing at His advent, "Glory to God in the highest, ON THE COAST, variable . routes, ery. . x The Los Angeles Limited, Chicago daily 10.16 p.m. leaving less than three days Limited, p.ut.; way travel, The' China Chicago 1045 p.m., daily for Francisco and Los Angeles, to B. H. cago and North Western ralway, Yonge street, Toronto. Unsympathetic. \ Detroit Free Press. When a man past twenty-two Who has been around a bit And has eyes, the same as you, And a normal sum of wit, Gets a flattering epistle On expensive linen stock With the startling statement : Build for you an office block. "Twill put Loni tla on the lady Who is proud to bear your name, In it there is hing shady, We know how to play the game. We pay one per cent. a minute For the money that you lend us; Hurry, hurry and get in it! Are you sorry for him when he Wants of sympathy a lot When he's stung for every penny ? You are mot. When a chap who's been to college" And has learned a thing or two And must have a. bit of knowledge Or. they'd never pass him through Meets o stranger who is pleasant With the wily gift of gab, Who sets up the wine and pheasant And insists upon the tab, Then announces : "I can take youn From the vinyarde where you And a millionaire I'll make you, Never more you need to fret. Straightway go and beg or borrow Just five hundred iron men, And Tl guarantee to-morrow For each one-to pay you ten." Are you sorry for him when he Falls for such a line of rot And gets stung for every penny ? You are wot. Doesn't grow upon the trees, That blue skies, howe'er so sunny, Are not good securities; Lets apether fellow tell him He can make him rich to-morrow; Lets another chap compel him To. go out and beg or borrow On a promise that he'll double Up his money in a day, And without much "extra trouble Send a wad of wealth his way. When, while he is sitting drinking At the other man's expense, Or apply his common sense. Are you sorry for him when he Wants your sympathy a lot ? Well, if you' are like the many, You are pot. America is Touched, Peace on earth, good will to men After these many centuries of at | least partial blindne ws to Christ's ap- preciation of man's present, physical | well-being, we are now coming to rdal- | ize in some measure the value of man's present life as Christ saw it. | Wherever the gospel now sheds its KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Hlimited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Twenty-uixth Je sar, Fall Term 'begins August 30th. Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele. FApEY, Civil Service and Eng- "Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest rallway cor- tions in Canada. Enter any ime. Call or write for informa- tion, , KE. Met tealte, I Principal © Kingston, Canada, blessed light, Christian institutions' spring up and fruit in blessing to the community. The Christian school" fol- lows in the wake of the gospel mis- siooary, and men and women are de livered from the bondage of igner- ance, The hospital for 'the healing of the sick is established in the dark plates of the earth by the medical missionary, and emphasis is put upon the value of the presept life. By the gospel's influence, woman iy, resciied from her state of degredation, raised to a nobler plain and given her right- ful place by, the side of man, &nd the} the object Christian solicitude, APPLES SNOWS. TALLMAN SWEET. BELL FLOWERS. NORTHERN SPIES, SWEET CIDER. COAST SEALED OYSTERS. D. COUPER, Phone 76. 841-8 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery. of man's physical state js evidenced by the demand on the purt of Chris- tian communities, that every precau- tion possible shall be taken for the safety of woikmen in factories, ma- chine ghops, qn railways, in mines. It is this same spirit of appreciation which inspires the present great tuber- culosis campaign, To further this ef- fart to bring deliverance to the afflict- ed with this. fell disease, Christian men of means, and Christian com- munities are giving liberal financial Pruly in these latter days the larger significance of Christ's advent is be ginning to be realized. RSI SOR a people seem to get this ide er is a They fall to a year round. We are Jagehis for _ Fisher auth Berlin Lion Brewery, Berlin Hh troh's Imported Boer, Do Detroit. f Keg Beer for eo make a specialty of the Christmas drink for warm weather elusively. reciate ia it's refreshing and beneficial all Muff in the Lap. - A new faney is the keeping of the muff in the lap, not only at theatre and: opera, but-also at dinners and in ballreoms. Of course' the muff is "a beautiful thing in white or other deli- cate fur or a fur combination which is the receptacle for the handkerchief and glasses. So it is a necessity. It is a little French idea that hits the fancy. 1# a man is what his neighbors think he is, he ought to be ashamed of himself. adi qo. wn Yang 1F : 18 the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL Aponte orl & CO. Browdway Weekly. Women of fashion find refinement in ita countty as in urope seem ve a on pit the mercolized ing less and less their complexion does seem a lot : just as you use sold - _ applying at night, washing it next morning. The wax takes off the od sear! akin, in tiny flakes, a little cach day. new undecskin, which gradually en, is velvety soft and lly ap white, radiant with girlish Joveliness. Amy surface trouids "bike - J des, red or yellow pate "frock: Inet who writes thesongs of a tion so long as we handle the ,cus- "Willie, you must mever hear New York Herald. That aged but firmly rooted axiom of the British foreign office, connect- ed with the benevolent uplift of small i nations--"'the revenues first"--appears to be working awry in Persia, where | Russia 38. to the front with her army {and Pritain just belfind marking timo "We care na: with her customs cohorts. toms" has been the proverb. Hence Mr. Shuster must go. Long months ago, when with other untions in China, toms, as usual, that persistently, The intimation" then made that Aniericans are now showing an terest in Persia, of this government, tiative of Persia, Germans Make Potato Flour. The great bulk of the so-called po- retail in the groceries of Germany for cooking purposes is simply finely ground and how= and bolting dried potatoes that is a com- tato flour that is sold at sifted potato starch, There Js, ever, a flour obtained by grinding paratively new product. In 1901, when the potato crop the country tal of 53,682,010 short tons, were made to discover practical demands. the more important of which the tatoes aye dried by stéam what aye ealled kartoffelflocken, paiste fakes, which can be used ceding stock, for for making starch and for other poses for which potatoes are u they can be ground bh (consumption. She Didn't. From Linpincott's. A Baltimore lawyer had an Sltico voy who wag given to telling in other in that of his officcs what hi from a similar fault in ture, he counselled the boy wi his departure. thing that is said in the office," On December 4th, death cainied a very estdomest "lady in the person of had been q sufferer from cancer for Sight Mrs. Albert Ketoheson. weeks from which she Jens confined Ter bed, STi nina out to be a os, chaps, ote. vanishes, of course, with the discarded cuticle, : ping Stone 40 misery. Why Not Spend the Winter in Cali fornia? Atiractive rates will be guoted by affording finest scen- ' leaving for Southern California, the San Fraiicisco Overland Chicago daily 8.30 and Japan mail leaves San Hlustrated literature on application Bennett, general agent, Chi 46 \ "This Beg or steal the cash to seid us," sweat, When a man who knows that money He won't nse his brains for thinking Secretary Knox took the position that the Uni- ted States should participate equally it was England, with her hands on the ous- objected' most was if Americans would but show some interest in Persia the iron grasp in China might be loosen- Christlike appreciation of the value ed. i not at the initiative but at -the ini- It is not a gov- ernmental concern of America, but we fapey it is very much a governmen- tal concern that Americans shall not be discriminated against as such. of reached the emormous 1o- efforts and egonomical methods of preserving the pbtatoes so that the surplus could 'be stored and utilized in supplying future Prizes were submitted, in forming. or for distilliag alcohol, re and bolted for keep Tr, | 18 the Mls "Do what you are told, but in deaf ear to couvmation that WE To 00000800000 COTOTD00000 "Here's: your boilerithat 1 borrow- ed last week, Mra. Wagata and I'm much obliged," rs. Cumback. '1 shoul have A it back earlier, but Jve had so much' worry the en route, { that 1 forfyot dil about it." provide the best of everything in vail "Still Javing trouble GC rumps * "Oh, there's no end of it, and unless those "people move sway I don't know what the outcome will be. 1 used to stand up for my husband through i- | thick and thin, as you will bear w ness, but lately I'm almost convinced that he is responsible for everything. if he'd only quit sticring up Mr Crump I befieve we could Live 3 in peate and ony. #Two or three weeks ago Mr. tramp went into the country aud a dozen turkeys and smd he ry hol ing to fatten them scientifically and distribute them among his best friends for, their Thanksgiving dinners, which fact alone shows that he's & good- hearted man, if people old only treat him right. He talked a great deal about those turkeys and the way he 'was going to fatten them. He said that the flavor of turkey meat. de pended entirely upon the diet of jhe birds, ¢ "He had some sort of balanced ra- tion that would make a' turkey fat in two or three weeks, and also give its flesh magnificent flavor. So he penned { up his birds in the back yard and be- gan feeding them his balances ration. and every morning he'd weigh them, and 1 could see that he was greatly troubled about something. He passed most of his time around the pen, and every now and then he geemed to have a paroxysm of rage. "Then Mrs. Pumpermckel, who is very friendly with the Crumps, told me what the troubte war. These tur- keys were losing weight every day. They seemed to have good appetites, and ate the balanced ration as though they enjoyed it, and still they got ghinner and thinner, until they were the scrawniest th mgs 'yon ever saw-- nothing but feathers and bones. All this time my husband was going around wearing a smile of unspeak able happiness, and 1 begin to sus- pect that he was at the bottom of the trouble in some way. So I watched him carefully. I saw him go out, just at daybreak, throw something to those turkeys, and they snapped it up greedily. "."when he came back to the house I insisted upon knowing what he had thrown to those turkeys, and he handed me a box half full of antidat pills. "That's really for obesity," he stand that Mr. with, a wonderful remedy said, -and 1 under- Crump's turkeys are going to dictate testimonials of its value. 1 have been feeding those pills to them every morning for tem days and 'you can see for yourself how svelte and willowy they have grown.' "Well, I scolded him pretty savage- ly, and it happened that our window was open and so was Mr. Crump's window, and he heard every word of our conversation and came over fairly frothing at the mouth, and his lan- guage really was like a Fourth of July celebrs tion. My husband listen- ed patiently and then had & warrant issued, charging Mr, Cramp with using profane language = within the city limits or something like that, and he was arrested and' fined $10 and costs, and ypu can imagine the tem- per he was in when he came home, "I'he nett morning my husband started to paint our barn, which is so close to the lot line that he couldn't gat at the north end with- out standing on Mr. Crump's lot, and while he was standing there painting a big policeman came with a warrant and arrested him on a charge of trespassing and he was convicted and fined, and appealed the case to a higher court," 1 see very plainly that I'll have to do without the new black dress 1 haae been counting on, for all our money will go to pay court costs. "Now 1 must furry home. 1 always Jike to be there when the police tome to the door, and they are likelyr to drop in at any time." SEA BURIAL. Apmstrong, in The Atlantie him not in the earth with whom the earth Has deali so harshly; is found, Where, tree-roots blindly pushing the ground Would clasp his coffin in ths. moving Martin E. Lay there no peace in girth; Or where the soil, in labor birth f some fieree city, mound Of his low tenement, or mufiled sound Of tunnelling mole trouble the. dream- less dearth § Of sleep eicrnal. Rather lay him deep, In what low grave undigged of any the at would molest thé pade, Whe never sable mourner comes to wee, And ag with pious hand the flowers that fade-- The any-peopled grave down in ihe Untroddeh' cemeteries of the sea. Increase of Heathen Atarms. The existence of 1,200,000,000 hea- ' then has eaused the International Bi- ble Students' Association to appoint a committee of seven men to try to find the reason the number of non-Christian people has 'doubled in the last 100 years. The committee iled from San Francisco, December 13th, and investigate for 1mprov- Smith's Falls high school, Alumni. rotation 2h a in the THE DAILY ea WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 011. sms SOLD IN Christmas --with its merry- making and ieasting--- its gifts and blazing Yule Log will soon be here. Prepare a bountiful feast of good things and add to the Christmas UR: PURITY FLOUR 26 surtty KINGSTON BY J. A. M'FARLANE, DISTRIBUTOR wes THE STREET LAMP. Be npett, Amergcan Maga. = Ww. R, in the Homes 'stand in slumber. Sleep broods shadowingly In this descyted street's farvista'd night, only where light Sheds on the boundary, And shines a kindly host to each a little mortal pave its : dy gree : 0 city wraith, where shadow plight ° Strange troths, Lost footsteps echo and unite To a refrain that seems a threnody. gul's wan The sweet. Jow first tryst, The sob of homeless poverty, faint : cries Struck dumb--loud folly, mirth satirist-- In silence once again fate's byway laughter of a' the lies, . Brave little star, dawn pales, and through the mist, Sadly you wane, How sad, how wise, Encouraging Industry. Toronto Star On Jan. lst the ratepayers of King- ston' will vote on a by-law to par- tially exempt the Commercial Box and Envelope Company from taxa- tion. The by-law states that the company will build and equip a fac tory in Kingston and equip it thor oughly; the factory and site to be of an estimated cost of &18,000 and the plant, machinery and equipmert of an estimated cost of $20,000 in addition. 1 these are good reasons emption, why should not _a. city town be allowed to exempt all fae tory buildings and machinery from taxation, or tax such improvements at a lower rate than vacant" land? Why not extend the same privilege to builders of stores and dwelling houses. This is the proposal of the tax re and oh for ex- or street formers; not that Kingston or any other place shall be compelled to adopt a new system of taxation, but that each municipality shall have the power of encouraging industry and building, and discouraging the culti- vation of burdocks and thistles and 'the holding of vacant land while it riges in value through the enterprise of others. Objections have been made to bonasing local industries, but theyre can be mo obiéction to encouraging 'ail the industries of a town or oty by a general measure of relief from taxation. "The liberal platform declares that : "Social justice demands the remaval of existing inequakties in taxation, and we propose the amendment of the t Act to permit municipal ities to exempt improvements from | taxation either in whole or in part." i friend of the ari The yo irl | student eo in the art gallery gas | ing at the famous classic statues, "It is all very well to talk about Naan perro ae. sod eying ron," 8 eyeing the armless goddess, eritically, "bw she mever conld button a one-piece dress down the back." Edward Smith, Mannville, Alberta,' i= visiting in the vicinity of Flinton. Er a ie -- -~ SESeebsdastatrassensersrssssarensivalvees Makes a very acceptable Christ 'Have it made by CRAWFORD & WALSH Leading Tailors, $66999350009009005400048088599090000000409098 mas Present. Princess and Bagot Sts. i e0s0c0coesseseeee COUNT THE DOTS $100. "GIVEN AWAY PERSONS COUNTING THE DOTS IN Jon HA nd many other prizes according te the Simple Conditions ofthe Contest (which will be sent). This is a chance fof clever persons to WIN CASI and other PRIZES with a little effort, - COUNT THE IX ITS | INTHRHAND® and write the number that you count on a sheet of paper or post card aud mail to us and we will let y6a know at once if you are a winner. AN EXTRA PRIZE of $10.00 will be given for the peatest correc count. MENTION THIS PAPER DOMINION PREMIUM CO. 214 St. Janiés Street, » Montreal, P.O. se ade ' offer nest of the best for' the least A Special Process of Pre- paration guarantees Eddy"s Toilet Papers free from injur-.. ious chemicals of any kind. i + SEE] "If you're sure it's Eddy's, you're bs e's rig" One of the 2! Bady Prands. 'A tot. of times we cronaily judge y Coneealing 1 the truth i= one orm of a man by the money he has when | lying, and, st times, may be justis | death calls, ie ble, ' i