Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1911, p. 2

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MERAY FUkS | To mesons Christmas Furs A SS | This is Your Store. COME AND LOOK, » No Obligation To Buy. Open Saturday Night. 149-157 Yioho McKAY, BROCK STREET. SANS ItIIII seer mers * EY BISSEL'S CARPET SWEEPERS Practical and appropriate as a Christmas Gift Saves Work and Saves Carpets. Rich Woods, hand polished at $2752 2 50 ---------------- R McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. rrr rsa sressssestanenl O0000000OCOOPOVGISITLEIYOODS BIG SALE L.Working Men's and Boys' Boots; also Fine Shoe Repalr- Ing done while you wait, Large Stock of Rubbers, all sizes, at lowest prices in the city. JOHN GREEN, _ 280 PRINCESS STREET. 00000000000 OGRIOINS . e Pain Carriz ih TO OURS, This is the place to have your Auto repaired to stand all kinds of weathér * B J. DUMPHY Cor. Moutreal and Ordnance Sts, 2 FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND GUARANTEE INSURANCE EFFECTED, Real Estate ought, Sold & Kxcha Call or communicate with J. 0. HUTTON, 1% Market Street, Kingston, Ontario, I -------------- A et BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT, Phone 201 . « 5 REAL ESTATE : AT BARGAIN PRICES "If sold within a few days 387 Barrie Street, cor, Coi- "borne Street, new detached brick dwelling, 3 stories, oak floors, ground fioor 'furnished in Georgia pine. 10 large rooms, furnace, gag and al! modern conveniences, including gates; rental, $300. 363 and 365 Barrie Street, double new Brick Residence, 3 stories, oak floor," downstairs furnished in Georgia pine, 10 rooms, furnace, gas, and all modern improvements, includ- ing grate; rental, $228.00: cash. ; Can be purchased separate- it desired. «3 McCANN. « RTS secesee #5840404s4esss eesessce '® sssssessussensssasnasessansanese 200000000 000000 : seesesones saener, esee VOT VTTR OV HLT VRTVTRTOTVROR LVR VOON RE Si LASTING, BEAUTIFUL, NONE BETTER. Dining ' Chairs Chairs of every kind for Men, Women and Child: ren for Parlor, Bedroom, Dining or Kitchen. Ladies' Dressers handsome in Oak Mahogany, Circas- sian Walnut CHIFFONIERS.--Men's Dressers, Just the thing for any man who 72:ts 16 Keep his wardrobe handy $8. 00 up to $50,00. PARLOR SUITES, whole flat full, CAR' United RUGS sels, ete, CURT ete. . LINOLEUM AND, OIL CLOTH, widths, Repair and U Ubholstering promptly and well done 'Phone 90. Yours, T. F. HARRISON Ge. "AID HIS FINE $20, $28 up. A New ideas. TS from England, Austria lates, ete. Axminster, All sizes, AINS.---»Lace, Wilton, Brus- Madras, Silk, all WIFE When He Used Abusive Language to a Neighbor. A man who was fined & and coats, in police court, dor using abusive lan guage to' his. neighbor, had his fine paid by his wife. The accused has not been working for several months, and claims that he is suffering so bad with the rheu matism, that he 6s unable to work. He has been drinking, however, when ever he could get the money trom his wife, and the magistrate gave him tjuite a lecture. His worship told him that he would have made the fine fur heavier, but he knew who. would have to pay it, and for this reason, he would make the fine small, The next time he came before the court, he would" send him to jail without the option of a fine, Drill Competition. A drill competition will be held the Collegiate gymnasium, and a fine picture has been offered as a prize. Each school has the privilege of put ting on one team, for the school, a team for each class. Each team will be composed of twenty scholars. Phy sical Instructor Palmer will make an inspection ofthe drills. A number of classes are; noWsnard at work tawin the prize, : OF [ The Memory Book, An Hoa holiday gift for a, young gitl is a copy of "The Memory Book" to Keep a record * of girlhood days, home life, school and college days and vocial life. Every young girl will ba delighted with a copy. In hand indings from $1 a copy up, at & Roads Are Terribie, Farmers. coming into the city to- day, stgted that the roads were in a terrible state, and the appearance of their rigs verified this statement. The vehicles were. covered with mud. The farmers are very anxious for cold wea- ther and snow. Great Stock of Turkeys. Turkeys by the hundreds were piled up in a Princess street wholesale, on Raturday morning, and at one time as many as' six farmery' rigs wers ont in front of the store with turkeys for the wholesale, "yf 'arehully packed" for shipping all arders for high. class sweets at Gib son's Red Cross drug store. It wust keep his Satanic majesty busy if he finds work for all the idle bands to do. iggett" s chocolates are. the best. Mahood's drug: store. Sale men's woollen sox, 2 pairs, 35¢. Dutton's. Don't cry over past opportunities; the tears may 'prevent you seein others. that are coming. Christmas presents waterproof mo tor veils, SOc. Putton's, The end of love may be a 'quarrel | Christmas Presents! USEFUL, | THE Toldln Twilight wZione given hall by v's Uni a decided suceess, The eom- ared no trouble 'in the plessure snd and are to be * their DAILY The annual convers Friday evening in G t Alma Mater Society sity, Was mittee in charge the arrangemen or comfort of the guests congratulated on the result of efforts. Ihe class 'rooms were tr: formed by and cushions i cosy sitting rooms, and the platform of the hall was also arranged for a sitting-out place. At the entrance to the hal, Principal Gordon reevived the jguests and he was assisted by the ipationesses, Mrs. John Watson, Mrs. dames Cappon, Mrs. J. C. Conn ll, Mrs. W. 8. Ellis, Mes. W. GG. Anglin, Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrftk, and Mrs. ©) D. Skelton, The good floor and spl n- {did music made the programme | wixteen dances far too short, double and triple encores were insist- oid upon. Supper was served in the reading room at quartette tables, which were ded®rated with red carna- tions and Chinese lilies, The dance | broke up about two o'clock and ai woof of its unusual success was the act that almost all of the guests re mained until the last strains of i | orchestra died-away. : * - on the or - Tugs to of Mrs, of * Gordon Mackenzie, will be hostess at a ball on evening at McConkey's to her daughter, Miss: Violet ea. Tuesday introd Macken: Mrs has" fome cember R. Waldron, issued "Arthur * Place,' invitations for an "At| for Wednesday afternoon, 1e 206k - . Mr. street, end in Mr. Stanley left to-day l'oronto. and Mrs sors will leave Winnipeg on Monday next afd will arrive in town on th following Thursday to spend Chri mus with Mrs. Osler's father, LH William Harty, Bagot street. Mr. James Swift, jr., is in M troal for a few days to atiend Gro phera. Mr L. Murdock, of the Bank ot oy who has been moved i Quebec, Joy on Thursday to take over his nbw position. Miss Helen Crowe, Royal Cunningham, Earl to spead the week y PE SURE-TO READ | OUR FUR ADVER- TISEMENT IN YHE ILLUSTRATED SEC- TION OF THIS EDITION READY-TO-WEAR GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS New Waists New Skirts New Neckwear 'New Umbrellas p Every Winter Coat At Reduced Prices hh wa WATCH OUR WINDOWS. GEORGE MILLS & CO. { 126 and 128 PRINCESS ST. a TTT eve PVT VVERLTVTTRE STL ETT TTT ACT® TTTAGTTVTTLTTTTTRTLLTITETTITTTTRTLAT BTS ar i may be a mother ndaw, - Ade a = i E BRITISH WHIG, wl | Foronto, | Hugh Osler and two! "| Miss Wade, Military | | Mr. Lawson, of Otfawa, - | street, returned on, Monday from New WATURDAY, College, who has been visiting in To- ronto, is expected home on Wednes- day. Mrs. Ernest Cumningham and little son, Paul, of Red Deer, who have been visiting in Toroato, arrived in town to-day and are the guests of Mrs. R, C, Carter, West street. - Bg - Bb Mr, Keith McDougal, in town Jor several to Torants: to-day. Mr. J, 8. Cox, who has bony taking a long course at the military school, here; leaves on Monday for Toronto. | Mr. H. B. Posten, who has also been | taking a long course here, will re turn to his home in Quebec on Mon- dav. Mr. M. S. Sutherland, Earl ett on Friday for Stratiord, return to town on Monday, panied by his daoghter, Mes. Ferguson, who will 'spend some here. oe . | Ex-Cadet Laflerty arrived in | today, from Moatreal to ation R.M.C. dance Tuesday evening: Mr. H. T. i visiung his parents, Mr. and Mrs. MH: |S. Holt, in Montreal, will arrive iu {town on Monday to attend the dance {at the RM.C. . | Ex-Cadets James 0'Rielly, { Huntley Macpherson, Quebee, and Wil liam Morrisey, Montreal, will anive lin town on Monday to take the R.M.C. dance on Tuesday Mr. Browne, of Uopper as in town for the annual se {dinner on Wedne rsday, * was the {of Professor W, Nicol, William Miss Dorothy Sweeney, of will spend the Christmas twith her, aunt, Mrs. T. 1. { King street. who has been weeks, returned a) street, He will accom: | Mellis | time | the y on Cornwall; in ng. who | ienge | guest street. foron holidays Riguney Mr. Percival St of Mon- | treal, who was in town for the science dinner on Wednesday eo {guest of Rev. I). M. | University. | Mr. H. Stethan, town for the past several weeks, {return to Montreal on Monday. Mr. Hillyard Robertson arrived, day, to spend with mother, Mrs Loberisc enham street | Mr. Arthur {| Chicago, the spend the iMe. W, C. George, was the Cueen's ening, Gordon, who has been in will to his Ryd some time George nn, Martin will arrive from end, of next week, to holidays with his father, Martin, Clergy street. missionary from China, lis the guest of "Mrs. W B. Dalton, { Johnson street. Mr. and Mrs. W. GG, Craig, Barrio istreet , will spend Christmas with Mr and Mrs. J. D. Craig, in Ottawa. Mrs. Philip Macarow, of Ottawa, ithe guest of Mrs, O'Reilly, in Corn wall. Master Philip Macarow will also | spend the Christmas, holidays with | Mes. Oo Rielly, - - - Miss Kitty Hughes, | has been laid up for ith a bad attack ro ving daily. Mr. hiss sig stile. Professor and phail, Clergy street, | Chris tmas with Rev, ( 'oleman rickville, # 2 io King street, for-- Stratford, * to niece, Mrs Charles Abbott. Mr. Stuart Sutherland, manager of the Merchahts' bank at Creemore, will spend Christmas with his parents, Mr and - Mrs M. Sutherland, Earl King street, who the past -week of quingy, is im- the guest of Rogers, Bary Charles Moore, is ter, Mrs. R. V Mra. Alexander Mac- will spend John and Mrs left, or Friday, vigit her = Laughlin { from Halifax, | the Mrs street, Hughes arrived home on Wednesday, and js guest: of his parents, Captain and W. St. Pierre Hughes, King . Captain W. H, P. will Jeave, next week, to spend the holidays Miss Nan Skinner, King street, will leave, next week, for Montreal, to spend Christmas with her brother, Colonel John Skinner. The Bishop of Montreal and _ Mrs Farthing had, the honor of beige in- vited to dine this week with THR.H., the Governor-General and the Duchess {of Connaught. Mx. Keith Sutherland, who has been engaged in construction work on the Canadian Northern between Winnig 1 and Fort William, for the sen tal months, will, arrive in town Monday to spend the Christmas { days with his mother, Mrs Suthers | and, Earl street. Filkins, for R New C.HA., \ ork, past The Bishop of Ontario ahd Vrs. Wills, after nding Montreal, Len past to nox nt | week in retirned home who has been Hooper, Low i in irped Wednes B.C. Bethel, sister, Miss re ret on home in Pembroke. old Hughes, Johnson street, "on Monday to ¥pend Christ ondon with her mother, Mrs uches will join Mrs. + at the end of the week Sirs. Francia King, Stuart +» who have spent the past week D.C., returned home on fughes the Mr. | street {in Hashin stom, and 3 Mackenzie, Toronto; was at a tea at the Ladies' Clu, r alternoon, in honor of Mis Mel all. . . Mr, Alwyn Forneri, Merchants' bank, twill arrive from Montreal on Satur day and accompany Rev. R. 8S. For neri and Misses Wate and Constance {Forneri to Belleville to spend thie {holidays with Mrs. A. L. Geen. Was . no {guest in town for the -conVersazioni lon Friday evening. Mr. Cornelius Bermingham, Barrie York. r Miss Nina Fairlie is experted from {Toronto the end of the week to spend | Christmas w with Rev. and Mrs. Fairlie, Brock wtreet. Miss * Forman, Queen's university, will leave om Tuesday for her home in Stratford to speed Christmas. Mr. Frank McMartin will arrive town on Nov, 24th and will be {guest of the Misses Johnson, | street, Miss Mildred Jones, King who has been spending the past months Visiting' friends in to, is expected home before 'mas. Mrs, Kings who has been the guest of Mrs. Walter Rutfan, Barriefield. vil return on Thursday to ber home in Wellington, in the Vari slreet. two Toron Christ- - . - Rank, DEC town, ] Holt; "of 'England, who is| |) John | EMBER 16, 1911. By the three greatest million copies The Following of the Star, By FLORENCE BARCLAY, Author of The Rosary. A love story which turns upon a Xmas sermon. Proud, wilfui Diana Rivers, the Po or of wealth as well as of he ¥, beard, and --thougn nsciously--soul went out The story iz told wi h ait 'h ut true ent an nce util reached PEICE NET, 8 The Weaver of Dreams, By MYRTLE REED. The story of young love, descent in the and of love, too, long faith through lonely years and fruititioh when the owg lengthen and night is near at !} iri- morning light, that has kept its the awaits $ gray deepen rom 1 and. PRICE NET, £1.35 The Three Big Holiday Books. writers of fiction, whose books total a sale of over hz three The Winning of Barbara Worth, By Harold Bell Wright, f{uthor of The * hiephe The Worth of authors the Barbar nd high ideals NET, St rd of the i A ws The College { 2060 PRINCESS STREET. } OPEN-NIGHTS. ee Book i ! HH | t i i | forontc, is expecied visit his mother, hing street, Mrs. Griffin arrived in town to-day, and 'is visiting Mr. and "Mrs. W. 'I. Minnes, "Hjlleroft." * Mr. Donald Patt Bank of Mon treal, St. Mary's, willbe town for Christmas. Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick spend Christmas in Montreal Mr. and Mrs. Herbert hirkoe (Continued on page 6.1 in town flrs. Charlis Tayl EBONY HAIR BRUSHES Ideal line of rgon, a. guesh.- in EEE titans stants ttntsttdittttststetss will with tri Christmas Gift New backs, beist An { 1 { | } Sew our Linpor ted a i Hony wi } A Drawing Contest, | Young Tigers Clu i ¢ : |e Reh "Wn +10 $3 I'he street held a drawing cont evening, for the william Dearance the fir a 85 gold piece; and Hiram won the second prize of 00. benetit of thi € won st pris x "Life membership for library, Gibson's led store, Music ! Puy songs, He., to Dutton's music store. Imported peties Mahood's drug¥store. afternoon train and Westport railwa, I'hursday from Delta, the rails jured, although passengers bard Tn: drug home time, book sing ( over 100 hristmas for Christnms N A » Dr. A. P. Chown Beaguist and Uptician, 185 PRINCESS STRLET. 'Phone 343 the Broce was dite! The ville ed milks ing of on atternoon, tw by one on 0 caused NO apfeud WHR mn and crew fi ® ¥ ? » » > » + » > ' + ¥ * > » 3 2 i : } ® FIFI SIIIIIRI IIR SYS: TEVIFE IIIS WI VOPYOPIPOUPIIVY TIPO VYPYY ro. had a bad shaking up of toques, es, 1Vc.; : hose, hemstitched Bia fs, Be o JAS KH BALL homespun G AME i Will Not be Pulled Uff at Que ton's. I'he re w tive of / the ciation « n as Yet. of the 1 ngston curling Friday evening to urangemer for the Scotch who come here in January, to play, and a "Brownia kodak" for a gir H drs awn until farther for Christmas. Cimson's Red Cross "11 Irg store fe Mrs. T. A. Roberts, oi 1!' | thur, whose maiden name wus { lane Grange, of Richmond, ted ot the 2nd aged {ifty-sever | years, "Christ 8 a meeting noon, land "14 cnr ler thie boy or played at five o'clock Hockey pb n's hockey u the ¢ Squad Ont, res ha December, RIM workout in vmnasi street to Livingste aro then It takes a bride with a vivid | King ination believing it is ito Union the honeymoon when she is busy at | the wash tub. {ing "The demand for McConkey's class sweets increases each ye #n Kingston onl: fiibson's Crumley Dros.' the place teal bargains. mas sweets" at Gibson's. loo unag to street and back go on sind lege & mbers dow hizh {of them ar. Sold | work. at ste re, for rgett' MISTPONE 0. A big shipment (») ! While Waigts with sizes and marked at roe To See is to. Buy Another Lot of gur Celebrated Dollar Kid Gloves now ready for your inspection They are made Irom {inest selectdd Bkins bs i the celebrated French maker, Jules Guerry We keep them in all the wanied shades and sizes, Regular $1.25 quality for One Dollar a Pair Guarantee wit each pair. 1 & wn dBm vw 50, Big range of Boys' Sweaters 569¢ each, and at $1.00 each." Two-tolor com inations. = In all sizes ¢ a We have the sweilest range Handkerchiefs us show you the range. ' Save $5.00 to $10.00 by buying your New Half. Price. NEWMAN & SHAW, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Let Coat here y are at selling the mewest Garments We. Hugh Taglor, Standard VIPER EE SRT EYE . fu Sweater Coats 3% ap --~ AAR IRENE RRs Ree 1 SSE seer LI SNE @ Tew. POP PPI IN FULL f I < & & wg LOPPe & p> PLDI VIP0P0P0EIE0LLELEL00E ¥ Jewelers, Issuers of & 2 1's | MADE AND 450 KaNG. 5TR Marriage 4 Soe SWi EET. NE Buying, Look (ing, Working i SMITH BROS. Opticias Lice: OVER RE PAIRING |W. F . GOURDIER 4 v EPI POLLVOVVRLLOL OPO OD 2 On $060000000006400000000 REAL VALUES 21,250 Patric dwe i £4,200) fue i | | 1,000 £1.100 1" i | | MULL Corner John "Phone 539. |Bhe Real state IN IN REAL EST AT £ } xpert and Division Nis Kingson Laundry Cor, Princest and Sgde Pi rham St is, or .

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