NOTICE. OWING TO THE FACT THAT smallpox is; epidbmic in some dis- ] tricts in the neighboring Province of | Quebec, the Board of Health urges the citizens to take all precautions against a possible outbreak in this City. FRENCH DRY CLEANING. By our French Dry Cleaning method we clean a suit or coat without any ripping apart. You can appreciate what this means to the fit of the article. R. PARKER & CO, ° Dyers and Cleaners, a Price St, Kingston, Oat, Margaret Dusaet ~Corsettiere, Phone 878. 108 Wellington Bt. Toad the fighella adrertisoments in J adie' Home Jourcal, Delinestor, Designer, Now Ides and Vague. Tom Smith's CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS Stockings -at 5 dents Stockings at. 10 cents Stockings at 20 cents Steckings at 36 cents' Stockings at 50 cents Stockings at 75 cents Stockings at $1.00, $1.25, $2.00, $3.00 and $3.50 CHRISTMAS CRACKERS ¢ 'ontaining Hats, Caps, Toys, ete. "12 Crackers in Box, 12 Crackers in Box, 12 Crackers in Box, 12 Crackers in Box, 30c 12 Crackers in Box, 40e, S0¢, 60¢, The, $1.00, $1.50 A. J. REES 156 Princess 8t. Prose 58 ® 15¢ 20c 25¢ WYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORANH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS, FEREON WHO Is TH song A 2 family or any mals ever 1 old m mestead a quarter un of Avafiablo Dominion fend a Raha, = Saskutal ch wan a Alber! EF Sh Yang Aone or Sub- Se © distri proxy ry aan FL aReney, on certain ns, father, mother, er, Brother or sister of inte homeste der. onthe res ho og of of a; least of acre solely Mg nd ocoupled by hiin or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, aln Sunpteny 3 a homesteader in empt & quarter homestead. Price, Must ch of of homestead ogi aa event) Nr Sultivat piri oa homesteader who SEE ul ie homes aad right &nd can ut obt Pisa Fomontt abil six Read M. oertain pope, Suuvade SItY, acres and ee a in Ry of CORY, _ Deputy of ihe Minister of th NE Oasatborizes blication a . CRACEEEEHEREEEEEEREE {Special Notice § WE HAVE ADDED TO OUR | PERMANENT STAFF AN EX: PERT ENGRAVER AND DE- SIGNER WHICH . ENABLES US TO GUARANTEE DE- LIVERY OF: ALL - ARTICLES § PURCHASED FROM US IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS, AND THE QUALITY OF THE EN- GRAVING 1S UNSURPASSED CANADA. to | [the regular matches THE SPORT REVIEW COLLEGIATES WILL HAVE + GOOD HOUKEY TEAM. A Meeting of Intercollegiate Rugby and | Hockey Unions -- Kingston Town. ship Hockey FKeague--Notes on Sport. The Collegiate Institute boys will have a very geod team in the junior OHA. series this wipter. It will be short a number. of last year's players, however. The biggest loss that the team will sustain will be in losing Kinnear Reid, who has been for, years one of the mainstays of the team, The team will still have the Stewart brothers, Charles and James, The lat- ter is ps good on the forward line as "Charlie" 18 in the nets. The team wilt have also "Punch" Derry, R: Ste wart and Brownfield, and a number of other phyers who came to the wehool lately. " K.B.C. Hockey Teath. The Kingston Business College have material, this winter for the making of a good Kockey team. The boys on other occasions have had first-class teams and there seems no reason why the college should not put a winning team in one of the local leagues. Last winter the boys built a large rink at the back of the college and had a fine time, It is expected that a team will be entered in one of the leagues The Issue Settled. The action of the executive of th H.8.A.A.A., Thursday evening, m appointing a committer to distribute the. service rolls, for enlistment im the proposed rifle assodation, which has been' under way for some time, hew practically settled the question of having one. It will take some time for the association To getunder way but when it does so the people may pxpect them to do something worth while, The ain of this association will he to give some form of sport and ex- ercise to the older men of the Sun- day schools many of whem 'do net interest themselves much in baseball, basketball cr hockey, Already the association has created. quite a lot of interest among the older men and they are only waiting for the chance sign the service roll. Outside of it is proposed to put up prizes and medals for eom- petition, Glenburnie Rink. The improvements on the skating rink at Glenburnie have been ecom- pleted, and all that (s required now is the cold weather man's appearance.' The committee in charge of this work state that with the many iniprove- ments they have addéd their rink should be second to none this season. K.T.H.A. Adopts New Rules. At the meeting of the township hoe- key league, the new rules which were so well formulated hy the committee, were adopted. This" committee degerve credit for the manner in which iT ac ranged the playing rules, Smith Ek liott, president of the league, says that the township hockey team and fans are going to aid him in making the year of 1912 a successful season Township of LOUGHBORO The Municipal for the Township of Loughboro will be held jn the Town Hall in the Village of Sydenham, at twelve o'clock noon, or Friday, December 22nd, 1911. Nominations F. M. LAWSON, Clerk. Sydenham, Dec. 9th, 1911, NOMINATION TOWNSHIP OF STORRINGTON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GEFVEN, THAD a meetin of the Kleotors ot. thy the Municipality of the 'ownsh Storrington will be held at the Hall, Sunbury, on Friday, Dec. 22nd, 1811, at twelve o'clock noon, for the purpose of nominating Candidates for the Offices of Reeve and Councillors to serve in the Municipal Council ut the said Township for e year 181 HUGH J. MORELAND, Clerk Township Storrin, Dated at Fp nary the 14th o88 | December, 181 NOMINATION TOWNSHIP OF PITTSBURGH. NOTICR 18 HEREBY GIVEN. THAT a ung. lect the Municipality of the Township of bitin: eld at thelial), Joyce- burgh wij ville, on at twelve o'elock noon, for the Baminating Candidates for the Offices Reeve and Councillors to serve in the Municipal Council of the sald 'owaship for the year 1912. wu MURRAY, k Township Pitisbu rah, Clear! Dated at Barriefiold the 15th day of December, 1911, ton, ay of ameet on the 20th and arrange * {practice for the arnese 4f]our THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, for the "K.T.H.A. The executive will the scyedule, A Croquet Tournament. It is proposed within a short time to hald a croquet tourmament at whe Y.M.0.A, bers. A list has been posted, for those who wish to enter to sign their names to, and the fee Collected wil go to putchase "the prize. A billiard tournament will likely be starved soon also, Intercollegiate Hockey. To-day, in Toro: the representa- tives of the, differant i oi gv On- tario will meet to begin the season onpe more, The schedule for the win ter' will be drawn up 'and the' sebe dule revised if need be. John Mar- shall will represent Queen's university, sitys ---- 'Winding Up of Rugby. JTutercollegiate rugby will be buried for the remainder of this 'year. In Mtawa, to-day, is the meeting c& re presentatives of the different colleges to wind up the business of the yeer. Discussion regarding the bettetment of the union will be brought up and any changes in the constitution will be made. Garfield Platt is secretary of the union and J. Erskine, captain of the rugby team, will be Queen's representative, ~ Waiting For the Ice. The O.H.A. is ready to commence games, the schedule of «which has already been drawn up. The officials of the greatest amateur hockey league in the world have got away with a good start and this season should oeclipse all previous re- cords, Toronto an Ocean Port. Teronto World, There is a good talk being indulged in just now in regard to Toronto heing an ocean pert, but so far it is merely talk. The great thing is to find out whether it is feasible to make Toronto an ocean port. Bt mdy be, and if it be, it is the greatest public improvement that could he started in Canada to-day, be- cae if Toronto can be made an ocean port, so ean Kingston, so can Port Celborne, so can Bufialo, and other points on Lake. Erie, so Chicago, and go on up to Port Arthur. In other words ocean grain vessels could load Wp at Port Arthur, because it Peronto can be made an ocean port, Sha Welland canal could be easily d to accommodate ocean ves- wal, and a proposition of this kind is worth forty so-called Geargian Bay ship canals via the Ottawa. To- lronto eould afford to spend a large amount. of its own money in geiting a report by the most eminent engi- 'news as to the feasibility and tha cost of enabling ocean vessels to en- ter Lake Ontario. It is simply a proposition. that turns on the St. Lawrence canals, The greatest check on fhe railways that do business im Canada would be ocean ports on our great lakes, ------------ i Th and ig Td By Rev. J. D. *D. Boyd, Pastor of(® Zion Presbyterian Church, fr deal of pleasant ® OI IEPEEIEIPRERCEEEEEE. The anniversary of birth is unique. There is *~ mothing like it in all the world. Long ago it made the Yuletide its own, and re deemed it from mlany a fault, it has also taken oyer the early win- ter, naturally the year, and it has gradually so trans ormed it, with Ats own beautiful and generous life, t of all the year it is now the hdppiest part. This wholefome and inspiring char the Christ-child to in f millions of people and things. nations and peoples, to the extent that each has yielded to the heavenly vision, celebrate the Christmas-tide, fl with joyous and generous heants;: and in wo doing hasten a yet more glor- ous Christmas season. For sudely the #igns are nat lacking, of a mhch happier world, when the anniverdar- jes of the hero's of other religions hall be taken over by the Christ, and attuned to the angel song ~of "Pence on earth, good will to men." Of course we rpalize that this ican otly ha as the purest and mpsi aris that the Chrigtmas représerd, permeates yet more fully the individual and national life. hl, 3 sequently with what sincere y must we not ov x their he the Christ life. For 'no doubt lack of true app™tation on the'pert of any of our fellowmen, detraets from the individual touch of cach' of our lives; as well as from the sum total of the world's wealth of joy- 'ova resource. (God haf made each of us pot for Himueli, But also for all His children, the world over. tu to invest, and our brdthren, of their rightful share, of : he elm a ATURDAY, D THE CHURCH SERVICES THE FILLING OF THE PULPITS ON SUNDAY, for the benefit of the mem- [There Will be "Interesting Thewes| Considered in the Pulpits--The Gospel "Message to All People. $f. Paul's church--Morning" prayer, 11 o'clock; Sunday school and Bible classes, 3 p.m., evening prayer. 7 o'clock, Preacher at both services, Rev. W. F. FitzGerald, M.A. St. Andrew's--11 a.m., Rev. John Fairlie; 7 p.m., Rev. H. T. Wallace, 'B.A., B.D. of Queen's, Strangers and students welcome. Special congrega: tional meeting in church hall, Wednes- day, 8 p.m. The First Baptist church--Rev. Doug- las Laing, pastor,- at both services. 11 am. "The Breast Plate of Right- eousness And Sandals of Peace;" 7 p.m, "Choose Ye;"" Bible school at 2.45.1p.m. Strangers and students cor- dially invited. Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- rie and Earl streets--Rev. M. Mae gilliveay, D.D., minister. Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday school, 3 pm.; Bible class, 2.15 p.m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 paw', Stu dents and strangers -eordially invited to all the services, Cooke's Presbyterian street. A service in late Rev. fhorning chureh, Broek memory of the R. Laird will be held in the to be conducted by Rev. Prof. Ross. E. B. Wylie, M.A,, of Queen's, will conduct the evening ser- vice, Sunday school and Bible clase, 3 p.m. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 p.m Strangers courteously welcomed. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot . and Wellington streets--Sunday service, 11 a.m., subject, "Is 'The Universe, In- cluding | Man, Evolved By Atomic j Faves ? Wednesday evening, testi movial meeting. Free publie reading room, same address, open every after noon, exeept Sunday, 3 to 5-o'clock. All are cordially invited to the ser vices and the reading-room. Bethel Congregational, corner Barrie and Johnson streets--Rev. A. P. Mer- shon, minister. 11 a.m., "Forgiven"; 3 p.m., Sunday school for all, George Mills, superintendent.; 7 p.m., exchange of pulpits with Calvary Congregation" al church, Rev. D'Arcy Whitmore will preach. A church of purpose and pas- sion. Strangers welcome: geats Trew; choir and congregational singing, ° Sydenham Street Methodist church Pastor will conduct both services, a.m., subject, "The Yoke that is Easy": 2.45 p.m., Bible school: 7 p.m. The Advan of the Water Waggon. " All welcome, Music : Anthems, ' '0 How Amiable," "Arise, Shine." Solos, x Berlediction," Miss Ardelle Elder; "The Shepherd True," Miss. Irene Hoag. St. George's H i "ecathedral---Third Sun- day in Advent. 8 a.m. , holy commun- ion; 11 a.m., mating and holy eom- munion, preacher, the Rev. Canon Starr, wmubject,. ** Opportunities"; 3 p-m., children's gift service in the ca- thedral; 4.15 p.m., baptisms; 7 p.m., evensohg, special sermon to students by the dean, subject, "The Man who lost His Chances" F: E. Bankior will sing a solo at the evening service. St. James' church, corner Union and Arch streets--Ven. J. K. Macmoiine, M.A, DD., pastor; Rev. T. W. Sa- vary, B.A., vicar, the parsonage, cor- ner Union and Barrie streets. Third our Saviowr's ! dullest time of the' Sunday in advent. 11 a.m., morning {prayer and 'holy communioh. Sermon | subject, 'Four Last Things--Hell;" 3 {p-m., Sunday school; 7 p.m., evening | prayer and sermon, subjoety "Karly Bible Characters--Terah." i First Congregational---Rev. E. Ile LeRoy, B.A. pastar. Morning wor- ship at 11 o'cloe ,» subject, "The Maw- mon of Unrighteousness" i evening worship at 7 o'clock, subject, "Jesus, the Carpenter, the Friend of the Work- ingman"; Sunday school and Bible class, 3 pom; Young People's Society, Monday, 8 p.m. subject, "Mary and Joseph"; midweek service for prayer and praise, Wednesday, 8 pm. Stu- dents. and strangers are cordially in- vited, Princess street Methodist. church, corner Princess and Albert slreets-- Rev. Frederick G. Robinson, minister. 11. s,m, "Christian Steadfastness"; 7 pm., "The World's Greatest Thief'; junior league at 10 a.m.; = Sunday school and adult Bible classes at 2.45 p.m.; Epworth League of U.K Monday at 8 p.m.; general prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. Music: Mortkng service, anthem, "IL = Heard the Voice of Jesus Say' '; evening, anthems, "Lead Kindly Light" and "The Splendors of Thy Glory, Lord"; soloists, Hiss Grace Mitchell and W. Mack, Students and - others invited to this church. Queen Street Methodist church--The pastor, Rev...S. Sellery, M.A., B.D. will conduct both services. 10 am. class meeting; 11 3.0m, topic, "Hallow- ed Be Thy Yame."" Second of the ser- ies en the Lord's prayer; 7 p.m, topic "Lessons From the Life of Joseph" {continmed,) Second of the series on Bible characters; 230 pm, Young Men's Club; 2.45 235 pam Nd _ school usi n S, in, Eyes," and s Over." Miss My rile sing at both services. A cordial welcome to students strangers » Brock street Methodist church--Cor- ner 'of Montreal and Brock streets-- ev, 3 pm, S Pible classes; 7 pm, by, B.A. _ Anthem, a Sita. etm ao, ting; PE Wedueads rs service, Si e and | A TEAL A QALY FIED LLL86008000 HELP---~WANTED, AT ONCE, MAID FOR GENERAL housework, family of two. Apply, 232 Sydenham Street. AN EXPERIEACED, sAgEsLADY FOR city grocery ply, stating Salary, to Box 1342, Whig office. BOY FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT; seady | position to & smart, bright Apply, Business Office, the & GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK ( wages; one who could sleep at home preferred. Apply, 470 Albert Bireet. A MAID FOR ENEREL | HOUSE- work; no, laundry. Apply to Mrs. W. T. Connell, 11 Arch Bikeet, first house off Stuart, IV PIE IIIS LOST. v SILVER PURSE, sum of money. on Queen or Clergy Streets Finder kindly return to this office and receive reward CONTAINING CONSIDERABLE Lacey's stor, PURSE wirTH money, beiween Sydenham, and Spaffordton In- formation can be sent or left at Sydenham Post Office. Fiader liberally rewarded BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. GERMAN CANARIES, FIRST SHIP- ment just received; just the thing for a Christmas gift. W. J. Driver, corner Queen and Barrie Streets: 'Phone No. 612. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS SMART BOY ABOUT, 14 YEARS oLD; steady work? good chance for ad- vancement, Apply, office of Kings- ton Hoslery Co, Lad, King Street WANTED, BY STUDENT, EMPLOY- ment during Xmas. vacation; pre- fers office work; has general of. fice &xperience. Apply, Box 12165, Whig office. AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR NEW fast selling 25 cent article; 200 por ne profit; sample 15 cents, E. & Nordling, 436 Genesse Street, aukegan, IIL AN a JGENT PERSON MAY 100 monthly cOrresponding fan for Dewspabets. No canvassing' for Packpore, N Tp. Syndl- ry 3.969 I SALESMAN FOR KINGSTON AND territory to sell our Calendars and Adverusing Specialities, The Hough thographing Co, Ltd, Toronto. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST. opposite GTR. station, one black from CP.R; on street car line bar ® lied with best of wines and liquors; charges . moderate {al rates by the week, Jahn ousineau, Prop. THE GRIMASON fucess Street. the best of Ale Liquors and Cigar by the week, ard and stable accommodation. Rates Teasonable. Mulville & Driscoll - BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYON ERE, CAN START Nw order ¥ Buliiness at home. No fais your _ Bend fo free Dookie HOTEL, 342-34¢ Bar stocked with Beers, Wines, choicest Brands of each, or speclal own boss Tells how, Lockport, N.Y. EUROPEAN CAPITAL A FEW SMART GIRLS; STEADY work: experience not necessary. good workers can Sarh from $1 to 1.50 per day. pply, office of {ingston Hosiery Api Ltd, King Street W. A LINE FOR EVERY HOME; WRITE us for our choice {ist of agents' supplies; we have the greatest agency proposition In Canada tos rc no outls . Decess ark, Avni: Co,, Albert Stree tawa. OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICS --CAP- able Scotch, English and Irish 'malds; also Danish girls; partios arrivin twice a month, Apply now, The Guild. 71 'Drummond Montreal, 47 Pembroke Street, To- ronto, and 227 Bank Street, Ot- tawa. CLERKS TO SELL TICLES nmocn needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; per- manent position; If you are work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day; jo can double your wages aud e your own boss. Apply, Box "E. B, C." Whig office. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE to sell selected close in property in Regina, Swift Current and Medicine Hat; also acre blocks in Grand Trunk Pacific Divisional Town of Watrous;: highest com- mission paid; g money for hustiérs, J. H, Peoples, 98 Stobart Block, Winnipeg. MEN WANTED, AGE men $100 monthly $80, on rallroads vicinity; experience unnecessary; no strike positions guaranteed competent men; promotion; railroad employing headquarters; men sent to positions last four months; staté age; send stamp. Railway As- sociation, Dept. 1125, 227 Monroe Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 18-38: FIRE. and brakemen in Kingston HAZELTON--MOST TALKED OF NEW eity in Western Canada, On main line of G.T.P. Rallway at Juncfion of two great waterways--Bulkley and Skeena River, in Central Bri- tish Columbia, the last Great West which Is ust 'being opened to civilization by the G.T.P. flway Delightful climate--strategic loca- tion----tributary territory richest in the west. Two million acres splen- did agricultural land adapted for grain, general agriculture 'grazing and fruit growing Gold, Sliver, Capper and lead being found at ase roots in nearby mountains. ne of the largest areas of anthra- cfte coal on the continent, Bulld- ings being ervected--over a thous- and P2 ulation now, H JLTON is destined to be ona of 302 mighty cities of the NM ghty "West. © We want ood, fable agents to sell Hazelton lots: De vote all or part of your time. We control the lots in the very geo- raphical centre of this new city rices range from $100 to $300 sold on very easy terms, as low as $10.00 cash and $5.00 per month Write or wire for outfit of litera- ture and complete details, Our booklet on Hageiton and. Ceéntral B.C, most comprehensive yet lssu- nd Liberal commission An op- portunity of i permanent connection with one of the largest realty firms in Western Canada You will make big meney---so will your eustomers. Get in on the ground floer--that means now Address: CANADIAN PN ATIONAT, INVESTORS, MITED (Capital, $100,000), 310 Hastings Street, Van- couver, C.. References: Trade rs' Bauk of Canada, Bradstreets. TEACHERS WANTED. Rk: SS, Xe. rotestant. - an vd x ark 5, orl: Geo. A. ance, to ont: HOLDING LIMITED TRALHER, class certificate, for 8.8. No 8, Bedford, for 1812; salary $350. Apply to T. H. Swerbrick, Tich- borne, t. fo NTED you 8.8. Ne. os 3 18 ANIaLy ald. Al , to Thomas rEean foam Dpnaldson, Ont. 5 commence $325. Sec.~ Furnished for Attractive ehtes prises in all substantial lines of busi ness. d Railroads, Tradtions, Water and Electric Powers, Irrigations, Timber, Mining, Agricultural and Industrial Bond, Débenture and Stock Issues Underwritten, Purhased or Sold Properties purchased for European exploitation and investment, Financial Undertakings of, all sorts handled. Miscellaneous commissions and or ders of all characters accepted for ex ecution In any European country, Correspondence enclosing full tails at first writing Invited. THE INTERNATI Al. BANKERS oy 14-16-18 Bloomsbury Street, Epgland. FINANCE AND INSURANOR. VOR INSU RANG KE IFPAT INSURES GQ o W. i. Godwin & Son's Tustrance Engor Re over Nortliern Crown Bank, Brock Street, or 'phone {Id GENERAL INSURANCE-FIRE, LIFE, Accident, and Health Policies lssu- od; first-class companies; standard rates, . Boon, Agent, 18 Wellington Btreet. de London BATEMAN & GARDINER ~FIRE, Life, Accident Insurance and Cus- Comme Teper: ea! Watate and Money to Loan; a share of your Vuninobl suicited oi Cidrence Street, Kingston. 'Phone 336, K. CARROLL, Street ~--Faire, Life, Health Insurance, Plate Glass, Employers Tdability and Motor nsurance, Security Bonds, Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Moose Jaw, etc, 14 MARKLY Accldent and AND INVEST. established 1863; president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money issued on roperties, FRONTENAC LOAN ment Soolety; municipal and count ehentures; mortgages purchased; Seposita received and interest al- We C, Me Managing Preston, $7 Clarence Di LIVERPQOL, LONDON, AND GLODB Fire Insurance Con.pany. Avallable assets, $61,187,215. in addition to which the poligyhold security the unlimite all the stock-holders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & BStrangex Agents, 'Phone 325. PENTAL. SPARES, $B SATEEN, RID Et Re = Weiler \eelet frp! Retr Bly 8. A KROYD, 0.D.S, LDS, DENT. ih VER. Dominion "Express Office. 18 Wellington Street. "Phone E KNAPP, B.A, Dentist, Princess. office, rs have for lability of LDS, DO, 19 Montreal Street, Cvs "Phone 662, Ground floor MUSIC. SALSBURY RRO. GROARS Call up 1079 or address as ST Street when In need of an wo for danee, at bamg or ball Remember the 'phone umber, --- - SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- neription; first class work; best lost er only used: one trial wil} rae our repairs n |r 208 Barrie Street, cor, ergy West. TAKE NOTICE, THAT | WILL BUY all kinds of serond-hand furniture' and stoves. will pay highest prices; see me before anyone else. J A QUALIFIED TEACHER POR $8. 4, Canonto, Ont; duties to commence early in January For furthsr x rticuiars, apply to . Samuel Barks, Canonto, Ont ' FOR 8.5. No. § CLAREN- no ties 18 oe comméance '3rd Jan. 1512: salary, er annum, Ap- Ray ane 'gain eations, to Ervin he raleigh, Ont CHER FOR 5.5. Nao, 4, Olden: du to commence Jan & 1512. Apply, stating experi- and salary, to Thos, Johnston, . antl Treas, Sahrbot Lake, Ont. Qu ALIEIED Wei 3d oa ro to eom- January Apply, sar 33 incess -Streel, next St. Andrew's Chureh. i BN To BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up nto up. Als sais Th ping and workman- city and farm. The People's F orum FRvaVeY FOR SALE. OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM, ALSO Cork, all remnants, a ose in prices, at Tur 708. AOME reat differ 'S. » Phone REGISTERED ROAN DURHAM Cow, years. old, ragisten red Durham ol Bull 2 years 8 Ww esthroc Kk, Ont, heehan, FARM LANDS FREE INFORMATION Ask us any question about « rops, values, climate, ete, in Loulsiana, Missisnippt, and Alabama; send 25¢ stamps or coln for six 'months sub scripilon te the Southland Realty Journal, 618 Maisén Blanche Bidg., New Orleans. FLACS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANORS, camping outfits, fishing _tackie marine s'ipplies, lunch baske English raincoats, everything sanvas, kit bags silk tents, Rt A 1 motor boat pli Frank W. Cooke, 0 Ontato " "Phone 881 or TO RENT, GROCERY STOR®, con, Tr King and Lower Gordon 00 % Store, Earl Street "y FOR SALE, A LOT OF CHOICE Dwellings. FOR SALE OR RENT, FARM, PART lots 11 and 12. fn the 7th 'conces« slon of Kingston, two seta bullde Ings; govd stock and grain farm, BATEMAN & GARDINER, REAL ES. tate and Insurance, 67 Clarence Street, Kingston. TO LET. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN. furhished, Stores, ete. McCann, 61 Brock Street, IE FOM FURNITURE, dry, airy rooms. abpoiutelv Pp ; your an lock ahd "rope UlLy : row oh nN, me $ LS Storage, #59 Queen PHRER BARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, warm and comfortable moder conveniences and telephone; use o rik required, suitable for stude hts or martied couple Ad dress, Box 1214, Whig office, " ARCHITECTS, HENRY P, SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETO, 25% King Street. "Phone ARTHUR BLLIS, ARCHITECT, nt Ylreratty Avenue. Telephone WH. NEWLANDS & SON, ects, o's. Offices, 368 e hon POWER 8 SON, ARCHITREOTS, NER chants' Bank Bulldipg, corner Brock and Wellington Streets, REAL ESTATE. , ARCHI= Bagot St BOUGHT AND SOLD; RENTS lected and noney to loan; No. 251 Victoria Richardson Ole office, Street. R OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY. TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS: 8. Kirkpatrick, Agent, 43 Sarence Btreet, Kingston. 'Phone FURNITURES FINISHuMN ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPEC TALTY, ebonizing and ktiding enameliin and all colors of mission work; al work given best attention Driscoll, 23 John Street. Call drop a card. 'Pat, or WINDOW CLEANING. HE SEASON OF FALL HOU cleaning 1s now here: we do al kinds, such as waxing and oiling floors: we also ciean and put up storm windows, Kingston Win. dow Cleaning Co, 21 Montreal Bt, over McLeo Drug Store. USTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" RR, 6, Asheroft, DO, 136 Wellington St., opposite the Post Office; chronle diseases treated by Ostacpathia methods and Electrical Vibration; Ygetments by &ppolntment. 'Phone FORTUNR TOLD ~PAST AND PUT ure, love marriage, business and ail affairs of life carefully treated; #ehd birthdate and 6c in stampa Geo. Millet, Box 17 St. John's, Newloundland. AAm, MOLES, marks and all blemishes without ence, -------------- WARTS, DINTH- growths and skin removed permanently ; 27 years' 1 Elmer J Bar, Naas, Throat Specialist, 258 Bagot MEDICAL, BR. FREDERICK Surgeon Tel. 1058 Residence Street. ETHERINGTON, " Office, 245 Brock Street. Hours, 285 pm, 4-9 pm. 'phone 1150 J. F. SPARKS, BA, MD, HYSOn and Bu geon, ioo Per ington Office hours, 10 to 12 am, 3 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Phone 384. DR. 8; 0. D, MancCALLYLL, PRYMOIAN, #nd Surgeon, 142 filington Office hours, 10 to 12 am, 2 to i and 7 to § pm. Telephone 1093. UPHOLSTERER. W. J. GAVIN PHOLSTERIN pairing oS carpet work, a tress renovating. Drop a card or eall 2168 Bagot Btreet LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDL ers and Bolleitors, Clarence Bireet ¢ ¥, BAKRIST. Law Office, 71 Kingston BOARD AND ROOMS. Press. foe' nd Tepairing. done ah the wa 131 Brock St, near Bibby's ig \ Bright, cover, ivery. FOR THE SEW EAR 44 OKmM Ww APPLY MO Btreet, clos» University. to Queen's Hard Coal stored under Well screened before del Swove and Egg 2000 Ibs. - $100 Nut 2000 Ibs. - - » - 7.25 ET'