THE DAILY BRITISH { HIG. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1911. An account at The Bank oi | oronto in which to keep the 'housekeeping motic} may prove' ll very convenient us you, as it ll has to others, If you wish H, the account may be opened in the names of two persons, either of whom may withdraw money. 0 Bank of Trtnt 4888. Tordat pov sus 10 AID SANTA CLAUS HELP HIM MAKE HOMES HAPPY. TO MANY The Citizens Are Urged to Help Make a Fgnd That Will Bring Cheer and Gladness to Every Destitute Home, To the adult -inured to some extent to disappointment and hardship the failure of Christmas is comparatively little felt, but the younghters' imagin- ations are inflamed by the brightly fighted and toy-dressed windows, their hopes raised hy the legend of old St. Nick, or, perhaps, hy the memory of otter years,' when the outlook was brighter than at present, and their |. expectations are rade sanguine in the stories of. joxs in store for their more inate playmates Iv is with the fen of alleviating as far as possicle this most poignant sorrow. of childhood that the King- ston papers have inaugurated the Santa Clans fund. The matter in the hands of (he good, generous citizens. Wo beliove taat tuey will see 10 it that toe litle ones in homes Not 80 Prosperous as tneir own soall nol be subjected to the cruel disap- pointrent of a Basta Claus © that never tame. A little lad from the Royal Military fl College writes: Santa Claus for o pair GEORGE B. MCKAY, Man "Queen street, write ; ed Crag FOR CHRISTMAS (e)s1es 8 ws Brass Kings The nicest line of Goods ever offered in ton. By Brass Fenders from $6.00 to $12.00, : : bX Fire Sets, both Black and ( Brass, from $3.50 to $15.00. ¢ Brass Andirons from $3.50 to $10.00. x Black Andirons from $3.00 to $56.00. See our large Brass dinier for $1.49. Best value ever Kingston. ~ W. A. MITCHELL HARDWARE. 83 PRINCESS STREET. 100 O000CO000000000C0000) THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on it is crowing louder as he "goes Only 48¢ per pound. For chewing and snuoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. Jar- offered in rn Useful and Serviceable Gifts rlong. |. Hl kof hockey skates, a hockey stick and a Ince st Two Hosking. of Santa Claus, on "We are thinking? about you today. Could vou be 50 kind as to visit us on Christmas ove ? We will leave the door open so you won't have to come down the smoly Blo chimney. Please leave a pair of ? | rubbers, No, 12,-and a pair No. 7, and two pairs of overstockings, a litlle set of furs and a doll for our little sister, and a Teddy bear for baby, nnd some toys. This is all. Our love to Santa." \iready acknowledged 206 Sydenham school (city) pu- PUPHE. ois sins aeieis vinins A Friend . vives HH. EB. Smith... ca oie oe Margaret Stafford ... .._ ... ... Alma Stafford James Stafford 0] 00 I 00 50 95 i 20 25 Special rate for life College Book Store Christmas, $1. Cornelius Vanderbilt, one of Am- eriaa's foremost financiers and praoti- cal business men, ig to undergo a dan- gerous operation. It is said to befor appendicitis, $1 gives life membership in the bet library service in the city. College Book Store. Ottawa is to have a new $150,000 industry on Railway street, near Pres ton street, the Ottawa Iron and Steel company, "High class Gibson's. Forty-two Moro outlaws were killed in a battle with United States troops membership in Horary until sweets for Christmas." in the Philippines. Give a Tey College Book Store library until Chrisgt- mas, Black Silks for Blouses and Dresses ( Guaranteed Black Satins « 2.00 yard. at $1, 1.50, French Peau De Soie, 6de, 75¢, 90c, $1, 1.25, 1,50. Poplins, $1, 1.25, 1. All Silk Paillettes, 90¢, Net Blouses, 50 yard. $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 yard Silk Blouses, Muslin Blouses. Now heing offered at actually less than mill ° cost. pe 4 Kid Gloves for Ladies and Gentlemen, _guatanteed qualities in makes. Handkerchiefs. Ireland and France. The French and English Our importations direct from. Never before have we been able to offer such 'extraordinary values, Table Linens, Bed Spreads, i o 5 0: clocks I Towels, » peillors » [chines and had it jammed. . The civic finance committee, sat meeting, ¢ jawdrded the 1 Ec hembaenbip CLOSE OF YEAR'S WORK PORTSMOUTH COUNCIL FINAL MEETING, HELD Vo Chegues. For Expenses Incurred at Fire on Schooner Mary Ann Lyden Received From Public Works De. partment. The final meeting of the Portsmouth coumeil, for the year, Was held, Fm- dav ovening, Reeve Baiden, Coun Kennedy, Halliday and Fory sythe being present. A letter wes received from the pub. ic wWorss nk, eundlosi the cheques fcr 'expepss incurred hy tho village during the fire on the schoon- ary Aon Lyden. ¥25 was given A the city fire department, = which assisted in preveriing damage to the government pier. 'The amount was secured through the efforts of Hom. W. Harty. Mrs. Nicholson's dog taxes were re- witted, Mrs. Tobins' dog tax 'was reduced #3, Un recommendation of the board of health" the drain on Alwingson avenue will be attended to at once. A new street lamp will opposite the Orange hall. The clerk preserded the financial 100 copies were ordered to be printed for distribution, The council feels proud of the worl accomplished this year. 'The streets are in a splendid condition. Coun- cillor Kennedy ramarked that he had never sat with a council where such harmony had' prevailed, which aec- Sou, Wfgely for the good work one ~ be placed WANTS §: £30,000 FOR KISS, Says George Jasperson's Love-Mak- ing Made Her Sick. Windsor, Ont,, Dec. 16.--George Jas- person, Kingsville, Ont., aghinst whom an action has been entered in a De troit court hy Mrs, Coatsworth, of that city, claiming 850,000 damages because he Tried to kiss her and make love to her wo violently that sho became il, is a rronfoent resident of ingaville, a wealthy tobacco mer- chant. lie is married and reputed to te worth a quarter of a million dol- lars. Delegates have several tinfhs asked him to run as mayor, but he elways deelined, She alleges Jasperson prosecuted lier ever since sn ne obtained a divorce from her hushalsl gighteen years ugo in Chicago, A-------------- Who Stole the Shovel. Early last evening, two men went into the shed at the Wormwith piano works. One picked up a shovel, and after making the remark : '"lhis is my shovel, walked off, followed by his companion. It appears that one of the men attached to factory, no- ticed the men and heard the conver sation, but did not think it was case of theft. The police are looking for the i shovel, a new Injured Her Hand. A girl by the name of Ramsay, who lives on Division street, near the cor- ver of Clergy street, and who is em floyed at ¢he Kingston Hosigry ne i, met with an accident on Saturuay morning while at work, She caught one of her hands in one of the ma- She 'wer. over to the general hospital and had her injuries attended to, 4 . A Surprise Party; On Friday evening a. surprise. party wos given at the home of Mr, and 'ra. Hanson, Wellington street, for their 'daughter, Miss Lizfie Hanson, hy about forty of her friends. Dan- cing and card-playving were indulged in after which a flash-light picture was taken of the merry party. Music wae furnished by F. Crosby. en piieaighommntns Leave Work Till Spring. The Sydenham high school commit- tee met at the court house on Satur day morning in connection with the falling of part of the new wall. The work on the school will be left over until the spring. The contractor who has charge of the work was present Tat the meeting. The Body Was Buried. The body of the late William man was buried in Christ's burying ground at Cataraqui. The death notice stated that the funeral was to Cataragui cemetery, and hence the enquiry as to the disposal of the body. The church buryi ng ground is not "Cataraqui cemetery.' Cole- church To Pay the Grant. its to that Friday evening, decided recommend to the city couneil {the grant of $2,000 to the inie Oliver Mowat Mémorinl hospital be paid out of this year's revenue, and not hel over till next year, as was suggested. Award $2,000,000 Contract. ary, Dee. 18.4-The CPR. have contract for the econ tion of their two million dollar way shops here house Church Kerr compa York and Chisago. This is the rail way construction and building West- inghouse concern. | : Confessed to Mur Detroit, Dee. 16.--Dr. Jc v F. Sud- Wan, arrested at Tnckact® Mich., last for the murder of his wife, C ay, of New © tlt confession of hia guilt. man ---- that he gave tasfium, but says ve him to it. of royalty in Haguion only at "8. Id {ground | floor will to the Westing | 'September v an, on th, has extent that two and three men were [fra or BIG FIRE AT LONDON PERRIN'S BISCUIT FACTORY vig PLANT DESTROYED, " Loss is $100,000, Fully Covered by Insubance--Five Hundred Em. ployees Are Out of Work. London, Ont, Deg. 16.--The greater portion of "D. 8. Perrin company's biscuit and cenfectionery plant was destroyed fire, which broke out about" 11.3 o'clock last night. The Joss iE estimated at about $100,000, and fully covered by insurance, there heing about $210,000 carried on the buildings. The risks are well di vided among a number of companies, principally Eaglish, The fire started from an oven in the rear portion of the factory, on Carling street, and the flames spread furious- ly; by the time the firemen arrived it had gained great headway. Altogether 500 hands were employed, and some. of these will be out of work for some weeks. _ | GANANOQUE TIDINGS. What is Teanupiving in the River Town. Gavunequs, Dee. 16. --Gananoque Council 284. R. T.of T,, bed their set election of * officers on Thursday evening. Those chosen were: S.C, Miss FE. Delong; V.C, Robert Sheppard; Ro Miss Laura Ferris; ¥.8., Mrs, C. H. Hurd; BST, Thomas Mallory; "chaplain, Frank Wright; herald, Miss Carrie Clow; guard, Miss H. Benson; sentinel, A. Dyer; organist, Mrs, 0. Greer. The statutory meeting of the town council for receiving the financial statement preparatory to having it published, was held in the town hall last evening. Alfred Firman has arfived here from his home near Saskatoon, Sask. having been summoned to the bedside of his wife, who has Dien very seri- ously ill at the home of his brother and efter, Daniel and Mise Alice Fair- man, First street. . Among those who went up to King- ston to enjoy the social function at Queen's last evening, were : Miss A, A. Howson, Miss Todith ammon and Portia Lloyd. Miss Nellie Lake, to Normal School, to-day, to spend the holiday season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schuy- ler Lake, Garden street, William Gardiner, located for the past few mnnths in Hamilton, arrived in town, yesterday, for a visit with his family. On his return Mrs. Gardi- ner and family will go back with him. Miss Gladys Berry, student of Ot- tawa Normal Scoool, arrived, to-day, to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berry, - rock street, Miss Chrissie Night returned to-day from Ottawa, where she has been attending a school, and will spend her Christmas vaeation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: C. K. Wright, Sydenham street. McC a student at Toron- arrived in town, 'CONFLAGRATION AT MOOSE JAW Waterworks and Elevator Destroyed One Man Burned to Death. Mooscjaw, Sask., Dec. 16.--Robert Ness wag burned to death, ome hun- dred thousand bushels of grain doo- iroyed, mills, elevator, coopecage plants and machinery burned--this was the result of a five which swept te business district of this town last night, resulting in monetary loss. of half a million dollars and three ar employers out of work, Tre fire started in Robin Hood mill. in addition the town's water works, including nmense overhead tanks, were dororhd by fire. A BOMB SCARES BOSTON. People Thrown Out of Their Beds. Boston, Dee. 16.--A bomb placed, apparently by Black Handers, explod- ed under the five-storey tenement house at 14 Norman street, to-day, and thirty-five people were thrown out of their beds, but' fortunately nobody was fatally hurt. Thirty-five To Put Up Fine Building. The Montreal Herald says: A hand- some five-storey building to cost in the neighborhood of $158,000, is to be erected next May, on the north west corner of Vietoria and St. Catherine streets, by Johnson Dros., thre firm of jewellers now having their place of business at 483 St. Cath- erine street west, and formerly Bi Kingston, The new building will be one of the handsomest of its kind in Canada. It will have a frontage on St, Catherine street of fifty-three feet and on Vie toria street of one hundred and twenty. = The show rooms, on . the bg handsomely de: corated in solid mahogany. The foogs will be led throughout, The building will be constructed "of steél and concrete and will be abso- lutely fireproof. It will be faced with white stone. A Very Sad' Case kyille, Ont., Dec. 16. A gat of {-years, reswling in Arnprior, gs Fostatiax. and cons veyed stern hospital yoved fo case is one. Four months ago she Arightened a the home a2 her parents, and she de eloped mio an epileptic to such fours was + britught required to hold her. + Dismissed by Government. Ottawa, Dee. 16.--It is announced that the government hes dismissed In- Spector 8. Young and J Overseer D. MeBwan, "of Manitoba, whose , placts will*be filled by J. A. Howell and Paly, of Selkirk. Fishery Overseer Bayhe, of Liverpool, N.S, is also o' dismissed. Tee Famine Famine Feared. Toronto, Dec. 16.--Costinued mild weather in causing anxiety to ice deal- ers all over thé province, who fear that unless COMMENces imme diately, there will be a famine next summer. : : " 'Sava Razkow,' of Cincinnati; and two ars accused, in oman and of siding som is his ohild a peculiarly liot 8 tramp who called at| Hexicd Songs, he : L 'Christmas" Feeling Sy 7 Seems to. Have Taken Possession ~Q Upon Buy ?" Loo f Every Nook and Corner' of this Store. that worried "What Shall I enterin k Changes into the Relieved ("Just What I Wanted" Expression. 480 Fancy Just received To-Day. These pretty. ¥ This has been noticed all week. : Some af the Things: You May Profitably Buy To-Night, Lace Jabots are entirely new designs and very These have arrived just in the nick of time, 25¢, Joe, 39c, 49¢. 60 Fine White Lace Collars and Cuff Setts $1.25 and 1.39 Sett 130 Pretty Lace Collars These are also in quite new designs, Each of these will be put up in Prices 49c, 75¢, 99c¢, $1.25 Fancy Gift Box. A MANUFACTURER'S SAN 35 Ladies' Different designs, worth $1.50, 1.75, ' {PLE LOT OF Beaded Bags . 2.25. Yours To-Night $1.25 Umbrellas for : Men Many new and complete handles, $2.00, 3.00, 1.7 $2.00, 2,50, 3.00, 1.50, 3.50, 4.00 up. WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS, New Style Handles, 75, 1,60, 2.50, 3.50 and many others. Men Gift Handkerchiefs, each. All wanted letters. 25¢ to $4.00 Ladies' Sizes in Embroidered or Lace. Ladies' Sizes in Fine Hemstitched Linen, 10¢c, 121c, 15¢, Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs, 15¢, MEN'S Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 10c, 's Initial Handkes chiefs, Pure Linen. Not all Initials, but nearly all. 20¢, 2c. 20¢, 25¢. I 124c, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢ and up. } for 50¢, put up in Fancy Box. Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs at 25¢ y MEN'S BRACES, Men's Ties to choose from. cut.and made, 75¢ and §1.00. Put up in Fancy Gift Boxes, 25c and 49c, new and serviceable makes. MEN'S GLOVES, Kid, Lined or Unlined, a great assortment . MEN'S NIGHTGOWNS, in English Flannelette, good quality, properly J. Laidlaw & Son. \ HASTEN Reno, Nev. for | imgn in the divorce colony here, anx- to get home for the - {'hristmas Was | holidays, have urged their attotneys to hasten their { sult, the divorce 'case dockets an erowded as they never have been be Technicalities which ordinarily | would be used to get a delay new witnesses overlooked by "g, 0c; -- £ Store mas, $i. "Choice of Gibson's. Special rate College Book Christmas, $1. In Order to Get Home For a Happy Christmas. allow no Tub da drawn-out Tioly of Paradise," 106. Come and with scale Williams' piano, at Dutton's masic store. Give a membersnip in College Bool fibrary. The British army and departments have meat packers of the United States on their Slack list. Conkey's. Sold in Kingston only Canadian penitentiary show an unusual number of eonviets under Ter. years ojd, | ¥ DIVORCE CASES Dec. 16.--Fasterm wo- cases And (8 a ve are white are summoned are counsel and the judges arguments. Night," 10e.; "Kil Lost Chord," l0e.; k Special until Christ: navy supply put the indicted So at 3 royally sweets," for life Store mewmersi PF library in until statistios The This is the Favorite Slipper. Nice Soft Stile, Low Heel, Pure Felt Tops, Trimmed with Fur Colors, Red and Black One - $1.00 One Style at - $1.25 One Style at - $1.50 Open Evenings. all next week. LOCKETT SHOE STORE