YEAR 78 'NO. 204 ------ THEY FACE AN OPEN BREACH Czar's Ambassador Threatens to Sever the With United States Friendly Relations If the Plan to Abrogate the Treaty of 1832 is Proceeded With by Congress---President Taft Held a Special Meeting of Wewhington, Dee. lomatic language is interpreted practically a threat Russia sever all friendly relations with by gross goes abead with its plan abrogate the treaty of 1832 that country was made Secretary of Suate Knox by ambaisador, George Bakhmotofl. protest is believed to have been . rected principally against the faidly declared 'thay violayd the terms of 1832, When informed of this Mr. Sulzer chairman of the house committee or foreign relations, declared that saw nothing insulting to Russia" in his resolution and heey it would go through the senate out modification. Republican Leader Mann, of house, expressed the hope that "recitals" in the Sulzer resolutios would be stricken owl before it passe the senate. lle said it was within the province of congress declare that Russia had violated treaty, Numerous interpretations were on Russia's action, one being "the hand of Japan' figured in cave, time that Japan might seck to evolve an alliance with Russia out of pending differences between lusstu and the United States. Another sug gestion was that "Hig Puiginess"' di had wreaty o Russia the the te thy of inducing... eangress to its action so as 10° posure the tinuance of peaceful trade relation: with Russia. The stats departiiert admitted that the sitnation was serious, Some o the 'oflicials there have 15. What in «ip- ag to the United States in the event that con- to with Baturday to Russian The Tan of the Sulger resolutions which ha "mensitive with tha not put that the It has been rumored for some the thi ight o~ behind the move with Lic purpose modify con- contended from the first that the abrogairon of bis Cabinet. the treaty of 1 would leave the United States without any sort friendly intercourse with Huusia and therefore in a worse position than now Mo enforce the admission Amsrican citizens. All thought being able fo megotiate a treaty with Russia if the of new Sulzer apparently has beeu dismissed, President Taft - called a special hint meeting on the Russian tion. Secretaries Knox, Meyer, [sae Veagh, Nagel and Attorney-Gengral Wickersham arrived shortly after four o'clock and went into executive ses sion with the president. ; It is veporied that the senate would 1 pass, either on Monday of Tuesday, an amended resolution abrogeting the treaty as fully as in the house reso- I lution, but leaving out the long re citals of the house document, espe- tially. the declaration that Russia had y {viGlated the terms of the treaty. fhe president wishes to get the v| Russinng matter clearly before his | advisord and the attitude of the administration clearly defined before » [the senate commitise on foreign re- i | latiors meets to-day,' While the president is very anxious to avoid any Hreach in the trade reln- tiore with Russia, and favors chang ing the wording of the treaty, he also wishes to avoid offending the power. y [ful interests bebind the protefis of American Jews. va course that front, any tion, Strong pressure, it was said, would be brought to bear on the house to i accept the simplified - resolution. What further steps Russia will take 1ol- owing ..the practically certain bro gation cf the treaty, .senate leaders said was a matter for future con- sideration, ca- ditua- 1 { will present a firm but at the same time avoid serious international complica- f Gi -- "DIAMOND DICK'. DEAD Wit am George R. McClelland, Who Was With Buffalo Bill and Texas Jack, Succumbs. Ogdensburg, N.Y. Dec. 18---Won was receiveu here to-day of the dedth, last Light, in Kansas City, Kansas, o George B. Mectlelland, as "Diamond Dick," famous in novel lore, from injuries received being run down by a train while driv. ing over a railroad crossing. McClelland was a native of Ogdens- burg, and his parents still there. lle was a crack shot the rifle, his favorite trick the shooting of an apple from man's head. at the age of sixteen, and in joined whith "Baffalo 1," Hine and 'Texas Jack," business... Ho ix said to have the first dedtor in Oklahoma, when the Spanish war broke out orgunived &° regiment of old in braves. ant ored his and their ser vices to the country, "Diamond quet because of the large diamonds he wore, 1892 "Wild beer ah nimber ol Lis body wil te brought to Ogdensburg for burial. HIGH MEMORIAL TOWER Will be Evected at San Francisco Exe position, "San Francisco, Dec. 18. The exposi- tion: directors have decided to erect a tower a8 a feature of the exposition, whith will he 850 feet high, The structure will ent S1,300.000 and will At the to the he bare is to be 292 feet square memorial The plans have been accepted. be built with private eapival end of the fair it will revert and 120 feet high. From this bas will rio a shail 85 feet square: and Lv fect high, making the total hight the Arata will be of be terra cotta oy marble. . GARKWAR. 0 "OF BARODA, A London lawyer Demands $100. : as Damages. The tower B50 feet. 'London, Soo IS The mystery wire rounding the divorce suit in which the | ance wha named as 0 respondent, t Vy when it was loarnod that George Wel- . Btatham, An attorney, was the = demands $100,000 to Statham, he and his et, the Gaekwar at a card they accom- Gaekwar of Baroda was. | penetrated better known dimg in reside with being a He ran away from Fidma: in the show he Dick" gained his sobri- steel and the exterior will DECALOGUE FOR WOMEN Given Out by Boston Pastor to His Parishioners. Hrockton, Mass, Dee. 18.--The Rev. Albert Marion Hyde, pastor of the Porter Congregational church, has tirenlated among the women of his parish ten "commandments for con: venience." These are the command ments : - | "Thou shalt not marry for a bank account, or even to escape being an i old maid. It is better to remain sin' gle all thy life than to enter into the matrimonial state for revenue only. 'After the marriage thou shalt not ost on an old wrapper and leave thy air on the bureau and wear slippers ran down at the heels, "Thou shalt not be a slave of fash ions, making thyself a spectacle for the bystanders on the streets, furnish- ing jokes for the funny papers and tausing thy husband, father and son to blush foe theo. Tt is better to be {out of fashion than out of sense. "Thou shalt not be out of sorts «| when thy neighbor in a limousine i | smiles on thee in a trolley car. It is better to ride in a' car jhan an autos ; | mobile with a mort on thy hous. Bote women wha! Have rickden in cars have been happy wives. "FPhou shalt not break down the no i | license laws by serving lirjuors at par i | ties, even if thou callest it punch and it gives theo entrance into' the best set. "I'hiou shalt not forget the age of thy children in the street car or in. steamcar or the steamboat, or in any other public conveyance, or even "to the school teacher and truant officer, "Thou shalt not let loose on thy hugband or thy son or thy daughter or any father or thy mother on iron ing day or wash day, or baking day or even in housecleaning time. Ii thy tongue is hung in the middle and wags at both ends thy husband will vemenioer it is his lodge night some. new member, Thy sons 0 corners and thine advertisement ti teving pricd-res or chu Esh abieiuls, hes alt not foiget where pli be wiable to find it when minister salle. : hou shalt not make thine attend ance at Christians are poor mothers poorer church members ot of resolution of abrogation should pase, | He wishes to pursue] and have a great desire to help isitiaie and daughters "will linger long on stioel or thired help will be in the papers all the me, "Thou shalt not spell home any new way---not. as ¢-lu-b or m-a-t-in-ee of even thy ip- a matter of thermo- moter and barometer. Fair wenthet a KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, i911. "DON'T DRINK UP EVIDENCE." Judge in Prohibition City Had w Warn Jurors. Atlanta, Ga, Dec, 15. Noderation| in the consideration and likewise the eonminpiion of liquid rt ieiip wus preached to the juries of Geor- in in a aecision handed down the court of mppesls in the cas: of Morse, charged with keeping bir quor on hand for sale and with the | sale of St. The high court severely admonishad the jurors against "consuming too much of the evidence," and said that while liquor may be introduced that rors may taste, umell and thereby see that it is genuine stufi, il is ups emly that they consume enough of it to warp their decisions m passing on the case, OMIT "80 HELP ME GOD." Present Legal Oath, Washington, Dec. 18. Charles J. Pongparte, former Uttled States note torndy-general, and other prominent | men, have petitioned congress (o for bid the use of the phase "So helv mo God' in the administration of oaths in the federal courts. Senator ine ton presented the memorial to the serate ary miroduced a bill vo put it into efieét. JOSERF giant Bohemian v arrived in The ler, who has | to ehallenge id's cha amp fon Nm title: 27 years old, sta 6 feet 2 inches and weighs 250 po ands His chest measurement 1s 56 inches THE ACQUITTED GIRLS: NOW SEEK DAMAGES Lilian Graham and Ethel Conrad Are Going to Sue Million- aire Stokes. New York, Dee. 18.--Counsel for Lil lian Graham and ¥thel Conrad, who were actpuitied, Friday, announced, to- day, that the show giris would file damage. suits against Stokes for false imptisoninent and malicious prosecu- tion. . "1 shall start 'an action against Stokes for Miss Graham without de- lay," dectured Clark L. Jordan, her lawyer. "1 shall advise Miss Conrad to sue for $100,000," announced Robert Moore, Ethel Conrad's counsel. MOTHER 1S CHARGED With Poisoning Her Son, the Cyril Sparling. Bad Axe, Mich,, Dec. er of Cyril Sparling, with. whose death by Rotert A. Me(regor, held to the circuit court an a charge of murder, was served with a war rant, Saturday, charging her with | poisoning her son. McGregor and Miss Margaret Gibbs, of Port Huron, a nurse, charged with being an accessory after the were held at the conclision of a pre! liminary examination made sensa- tional the testimony of Sheriff McAuley, last witness for dhe ys gin Late 18.-"The moth: in sonnee tion Poisoning Pr. of Ubly, wag British Houses Provogue. London, Bec. 185.--Both houses parfiament prorogued, Saturday morning, till February 14th. The king's was bile and colorless, merely expressing satisfaction with the Morodan settlement and anticipation of great vwesults from recent logis lation for the amelioration of soeial conditions, ol Se Paid Back the Money. Trenton, Dec. 13.--Before Magistrate O'Rotirke © Mervin Mackie, Frederick Ca and Edward Sweet were con- obtaining unlawfully foreigner named Deter The accused made rostitu- tion, paid all the costs and were al lowed their liberty upon furnishing bonds for good behaviour for a 'year, New Officers in Charge. Belleville, Dec. 18.--Axthar McGin- his, recently Aiffainied collector: of custome, and! Gillen, the new postmaster, have' been placed in oll RT jmpective offices. Rob: of customs at on, has been removed and W. by | i Petition to Congress to Amend the' L.| fact, | 0 1 Poly, of that town, appointed.' LATEST TIDINGS ps fom ter ~ Distant Places THE WORLD'S EPISODES IGIVEN IN THR BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody--- Notes From All Cver--Little of] Everything Edsily Read and Re membered. The condition of Sir Charles T upper is still eritieal. The powers have | the Chinese troubles, A Berlin newspaper accuses Hritain ot Punting to blow np German har i intervened to end | oo, David Lioyd-George was badiy|! injured, by a me militant sulivagist, in London, Eng | Father Vaughan made a vigorous de- i fenice of the "ne temere decree, in To- {ronto, on Sunday. | On a pitiful plea of a mother, Home Secretary Mchenna reprieved a man icondemmed for murdering his father in | England, Samuel P. Ayres, of Boston, shot and probably fatally wounded his son {at u Los Angeles hotel, and then ecom- [ mitted suicide. i Rev. R. BB. Grobb, curate of the { Church of the Epiphany, Toronto, has heen appointed rector of All Sains' church, Peterboro. The leading conservatives of Ren Hirew, #t a meeting, on Friday, decid- ted that it would be inthe interest of i the county to elect Hon. G. P. Graham by acclamation. | Immigrant settlers to the number of 5 281 808, arrived in Canada during the { first eight months of the current fiscal year, Argl Ist to December Ist. Of | the pumber, 180,207 arrived at ocean ports, and 101,692 from . the United | States. ' : > The Yialian government has issued an official denial that its troops in Tripoli are: using dum-dum bullets, as has been stated in Constantinople. Rev. Dr. Scoft, of the Methodist church, Drantford, has accepted a call 0900000000000 000000000 I's ln FOUGHT BEAR IN CAR. I er o. | oe Hornell, N.Y., Dec. 18.-- J. A. Rose, a Wells-Fargo ex- press messenger, Is congrat- ulating himself that his per- gon is intact. A wild bear in a cage in the"express car es- caped and attacked the mes- senger, who, barehanded, grasped the savage animal by the throat and held it while he called for help. The claws of the animal tore open his trouser legs, but he hung on until help arrived. He was mearly overcome. seeevEvsaenany SLPS LPFRBOIE SHEE DE nh to Metropolitan church, Vietoria, B.C. Harry Jackson amd Harry Smith, of Santa Claws bas dro a "half million dollar" necklace of pearls in New York, and the favored recipient is the attractive young wife of Frank Jay Gould. stockholders of the American Sugar { Refining company will be called upon lat the next annual meeting to ap. {prove a plan to provide pensions to | the company's 7,500 officers and em- ployees. | Lowell, Mass, started, on Saturday, on & cross-comntry walk to-San Fran {eisco. One is to follow the Canadian 'Pacific, while the other follows the rote of the Union Pacific, in order | that they may find out the shorter he helt to a matter of $85,000,000, which has been causing King George, the Duke of Marlborough and the Duke | of Devonshite all sorts of trouble, has been found in the person of Joseph | Cola, a Brooklyn carpenter, sixty- five vears of age. 1 Mrs. Andrew Jobnsau, © Shelton, je onn., wis about to place a leg of | lamb in an oven pan when she heard {something drop. Investigating, she | found a diamond which a jeweller has {valued at $300. The leg of lamb came from a wholesale firm in New York. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, second son of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt, | from which he inherited a fortune esti- mated at $100,000,000, was married at Reigate, Surrey, England, on Satur hay, to Mrs. "Margaret Fmerson Me- Kim, daughter of Capt. Isaac E. Em- erson, the Baltimore millionaire. Chicago, Deo 18 son, & pretty divoreee of Portland; Ore, and said 16 be wealthy, is be i - hia may mean its: cancellation -- WILL BE LOOKED INTO, Paid Fancy Butter Price For Tubs ? of Earth, Elgin, Hl, Dec. 18.--Fomty tubs of black lowa soil were at the rate of $15 a tub by a local batgrbiem, which supposed it was buy Jia z : Fre dirt dirt in place of butter was dis- covered when the butter was being delivered. A hoop fell off one of the tubs and the bottom fell out of it. instead of the butter which the ex- pressman expected to find the dirt fell out. The other tubs were then examined 'and all found to contain soil, A member of the firm said that he did not know whether dhe Towa far mer whipped the dirt purposdly or whether-- the butier "was stolen in transit and the dirt substituted. Aw investigation is being made. LEFT ON SUNDAY, Last Passengers Taken From the Wrecked Delhi. Gibraltar, Dee. 15.--Word from thy wrecked steamship Delhi, on which the royal party and many others on their way wo Egypt had narrow: es cape: from drowning, states that the five passengers who insisted on stay- ing with the ship after she struck, left on Sunday and were taken to Tangier in a launch. A part of the erew still remains on board the Delhi doing guard duty over the $2500, M0 specie, and other valuable eargo. The position of the vessel is reported favorable for salvage. COMMISSION AY DECIDE, Regarding the Enlargement of the Welland Canal. Ottawa, Dee. }1S.--That the proposed enlargement of the Welland canal will vost from thirty-five to fifty million tollars, was the revised estimate given out by the public works départment, to-day. It is probable that the ques tion of enlargement will be determin ed by a commission to be appointed by the government after Christmas. ANE PEHSONS KILLED. When me Section of a Train Teles. coped Another. Odessa, Mion., Dec. 18.--Nine per- BONsx sleeping in the last car of the first section of a train from Seattle, were killed, this morning, and twenty were injured when the second section ran into and telescoped the first sec tion which had been stopped by a gignal man on account of the freight blockade in front. SIX MONTHS IN PRISON. For Issuing Cheques When He Hao No Funds, St. Catharines, Ont., Dee. 18. liam R. Dingman, of Belleville, an ap ple buyer, well-known in the fruit growing districts of Ontario, was ound guilty, this tmorning, of giving chexjues, when there was no funds to meet them, and was sentenced to six months in Central prison. A PEACE CONFERENCE 1S NOW PROCEEDING Chinese Delegates Are Now Mest ing in an Obscure Room in Shanghai. Shanghai, Dec. 18.--~In an room in an obscure building in city to-day the peace conference proceeding with a hope of settle ment of China's internal troubles dnd reacting a decision whether Chiva is to become a. republic or remain ¢ lintited monarchy. All delegates © the government and revolutionary parties are now there, and are tackl ing the great question with friendly and hopeful anticipation. Nowe but Manchus and Chinese are in the wsec- rel police chamber, but the building is buing guarded: by British police; and it is ~ynderstood that Uritain has ingisted that the conferenes- shall by productive of definite results. upper this is Committed For Trial Cornwall, Dee. 18. Froderick White Arthur and Jamés Tyo, aged eighleen, sixteen and fifteen, respectively, were, to-day, committed for trial for doing gritvous bodily harm to George Gal linger, eighty-three, Cordwall town ship, with 'intent to commit murder. Mr. Gallingér, whose eve was knocked out hy a chub, in the meles, gave evi dence and in g¢ mehsure identified the Tyos as his & assailants. His remaining eye is not good 5 -- vo Retire, Sg ; Dee; 18.+Geoorge an ei iE rly of the city 'shorthe alter Judyute ist. His duties a= chair afl" of the state conservation eom- tion and the attention which his law practicé requires are given as the reasons. "The Pritish and . Japanese consuls at Bhanghai are to act as mediators in the forthedming peace negotiations. Miss Eliza Cooney, of Prince Edward county, died on Fri day, sged cighty-four years. The death of Mrs. James Irving, she {aged sixty-nine years, of Lakeview, oo corred on Sunday, Cancel the Exhibition. Berlin, Dec. 18-~Owing to a dis tinet feeling of aniagonism of svéry. thing British, the promoters of the pg itish exhibition announc nement of the same till dT A. Arise 76 Division Ba. resign as chiet | NEW WAR CRY: North' tnd. me " Ne to-night snow dlarries, LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont, Dec. 18th, 19 am. --Ot- per Ri. Lawrences nds; mostly fair and © and Tuesday A few toc at rth wi ---------------------------------- Of Geman lagophoes is "English Spies." PATRIOTIC SPORTS" OF HIGHLY-EDUCATED ENGLISH- MEN TO AID. 7 Their Country's Elaborate Prepara- tions For War<--The Situation For Sir Edward Grey is a Very Delicate One. Berlin, Dec. 18.--After Morocco, the German Anglophobes have taken up a few war cry--"Fanglish spies." It may be regarded as to & great extent, and undoubtedly pterely is a feature of the the present electioneering campaign. But this' constant irritating of the public feeling is undoubtedly at the present moment one of the chief difli- culties confronting Fnglisn and Ger man diplomacy in the attempt to place the two nations on a, more pedceable footing. But for this aspect there would be something of the comic in the latest outcry, The evidence "in the recent espionage tases is declared to have proved that numbers of distinguished and educated Englishmen, perils and discomforts, have madea, new "'patriotic sport" of aiding Eng land's elaborit¥: preparations for war by acting as spies. The case of Bert rand Stewart, which has just opened at Leipzig, is quoted by the Tageblatt us an example of an Englishman of assured social position devoting him- self to the "espidmage sport" for pure delight' and danger. Broadley speaking, the whole fat ter emphasizes the delicacy of the sit- uation, which Sir Edward Grey not attempt to disguise is forced to speak on relations. Lighly regs ardiods of does . he Anglo-German whenever HE RAISED HIGH JINKS, Made Big Fuss on Train and Was Arrested. While in his cups, Daniel Fitzgerald, 1 stranger to Kingston, raised high pinks on the night traip, coming from Belleville. He was on his way through to Cotean Jumethion, but on account of his conduct his trip was cut short at Kingston. At the outer junction, he was hantled oyer to Constables Mes Carey ange Mullinger, and charged | with Deing drank. It stated that on the train, he created quite a dis turbance, and protested against pay- ing ihis fare. The only charge against him, when he was arraigned in police court was that of drinken ness, and he was remanded: for a day as the Grand Trunk railway may lodge a complaint against him, 18 Crazy Preacher Sentenced. Portland, - Maine, Dec. 18. Protest ing vigorously that God would bring revenge upon his prosectors, Rev, Frank' Sandford, leader of the Holy thost and Us Society, was, to-day, sent to prison for ten years for man slaughter in connection with the death of six members: of his crow: from JCUTVY § Sentenced to Jail. London, Eng., Dee. 183.°-Allen Ross Ross MeDougall, militant suffragetie sympathizer, who nearly gouged Chan- sellor Lloyd-George's eve out with a thrown missile, was sentgnced this moring, to two months at hard labor. A VILLAGE IN TERROR . OVER DIPHTHERIA Schools and Cherches are Ordered Closed, and Families to Cease Visiting. London, Ont., Dec. of Springhield, nuar Ca of terror, owing The village is in a state to the violent out has ordered all schools amd churches Hlosed, and visiting between families to cease till the quarantine raised. Miss Ethel Hayes, postmistress, in among those who Rave died. TEACHERS NOT BATISF ED With Bonus System of Board of VAN LUVEN Funeral {OBES Funeral private) CLARK Funeral LYNCH- Funeral private McCORMACK break of diphtheria. The county hoard {ru I BLLETT--MeGHd, On A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 0 A Chance for some good fellows to make a very handsome gift --to a wife or sister. There is nothing vou could give her more acceptable or pleasing than a pretty gown for the house or for evening wear, We have the Daintiest Dresses, of Silks; Satins, Ninons, ete., ever offered for sale in Kingston, Every Garment a very Desirable Gift. Beautiful, Daintily Made, * Perfect Fitting, "and designed in in the very latest fashion. Every Dress splendid value at the \ prices we offer he m, We have them in Pink, Sky, Maize, also White or Black. $13.50 to $35.00 The Strongest Values ever offered. STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. DIED, At her. late residence, near Baltersea, on Dec, 15th, 1911, iza Anglin, relict of the late C. Van Luven, aged 81 years took place Sunday at 1 pm in Kingston, on Dec. 17th, Mary belinved wife of Robbe," aged 49 years from her lale resid. 460 Barrie Street, on Wed- afternoon, at 2 o'¢loek At Inverary, on Dee, 17th, 19H, Wittlam J. Clark, late of the City of Kingston and Cushendall, ged 64 years, from his late residence, Inver. ary, on Tuesday, at One o'clock, to Cataraqul Cemetery Friends and acquaintances are respectfully re guested to attend In Kingston, Pee, amily residence Hireet, Hannah, second the late Daniel Lynch, Majesty's Customs 1911 Ephram ence nesday 17th, 1911, 26 Johnson daughter of of Her requiem Mars 4 noraing Friends tho al thie solemn mans' will be iu Cathedral, on aay Dec, 18th, at 9.30 o'clock are Kindy invited to sttend mass dun in Kingston, on Dec, 16th, 1911, William ohnston Me- Cormack aged 67 years, peral (private) took place from his late residence, 62 Wellington Street, this afternoon i ---------------------------- MARRIED. Monday, St. Georges Ca hy Rev, Cason M Beatrice Mary, Founge ot pe ter of Lieut Col Sydenham ©, and. Mrs. McOlll, to Morgan Jeilett, of Toronto. Dee, 15th, 1911, in _ ral, Kingston, Edweation. Although the public school teachers have not given out anything officiel iy. on the matter, jt is understood hat they wre not at all satisfied with "Phone 377. ROBERT J. REID, The Undertaler, ' Princess Street, the bonus wchedule, as arranged by the management committee, and pass- ed at the last meeting of the hoard. The schemie 12 not acceptable, but just what steps the teachers will take in the matter, is not known. It is altogether likely ghat the trus- tees will receive a letter from the teachers, in wégard to the matter. Several of the teachers have expressed their disapproval of the plan, and it Stoves" 3 mood prices; ail lot of cond hand, which we wi ed prices gone, . JAMES ao A EN 14 for Am TAKE NOTICE. Wwe havy the Rn of A al good heaters, »e~ sell at reduc. Dou't walt oi they are ail Turk's. Phone was reported that some of them are fikely - 16 resign ahd sesk positions elsewhere, if the plan is carried out, Guest at Ottawa Pinner. Garfisid Platt, of Kisgston, who was | in Ottawa sit the annus! menting of | the Intercollegisie Rughy Football| Union, on Saturday afternoon, was al wide ats thering of newspaper em- | at the Russell hovse on | aor, night. The editorial staff el the Ottawa Jourhal were (he guests to i ul ns of P.D Roms, the proprietor of the) 4 . Platt, who was al inn Ne Wood Ch pol OG. MeClymant, and Ww. i neking afl now of 1 oe Soarmat | Jas. Redden & Co. We invite your inspection of our { very complete stoek of CHIUSTMAS COBAQUES, CHEISTMAS STOCIIINGS, , ROWKTREE'S CHOUOLATES, CADBURY'S CHOCOLATES. SHARWOOS sPECIALTIE : Jes. Redden & Co.