Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Dec 1911, p. 8

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Eo nr TE aren | Ere oi Ron PAGE EIGHT. | HOUSEHOLD | BANKING ACCOUNTS | An account at The Bank of Toronto in which to keep the housekeeping money may prove ii very convenient io you, as it ll has to others. If you wish it, the account M - may be opened in the names of | two persons, either of whom i may withdraw money, DECLINES CHALLENGE OF OTTAWA DEBATING SOCTEYY PRESIDENT _ To Put Up $200 for an Investigation i "Queen's Journal Points Out That the LU.D.L. is the Body to} Investigate, 3 Monday's -issue of Queen's Uni- versity Journal contajfs- editorial in reply to the statements of Ottawa College Debating Society, which re- sented the 'criticisms of the Queen's H{publication upon the Ottawa debat- Jers in the recent Intercollegiate gon- test at the capial. After quoting ge- ports from both the" McGill Daily and the University of Ottawa Review { The Bank of Toronto INCORPORATED 1855, Capital |, .. Reserve ... °... $5,000,000 | KINGSTON BRANCH | 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE 1, McKAY, ™ . $4,600,000 | ning the Ottawa College Rugby team, which bear out all the cr cism the Journal made, the Queen's OTeAn BAYS: With regard to the stiggestion thai the editor of the Journal deposit two hundred dollars and call for an in- vestigation by the 1.U.D.L. executive woe would point out, in the fipst place, that whether there is to be apy investigation or not is-entirely a i | matter for the clubs concerned, sube- ty not for any "impertinent outsider," as he calls us. In the second plage, if he had relled for his information with regard to our editorial, on the editorial itself, and not on the hesd- ll | lines in spme of the daily papers, he would have known that we ourselvos made no charges with reference to the debate. We did, however, refer to statements which had been made Wie £BRASS GOODS: FOR CHRISTMAS : The nicest line of Brass 'Goods ever offered In Kingy- ton. Be Fenders irom $6.00 tog '$12 ! Hire Sets, both Black and Brass, from $8.50 to $15.00. Brass Andirons from $3.50 to $10.00, Black Andirons from $3.00 to $5.00. ? See our large dinjor for $1.49, Best value ever offered mp Riugston. WA WITCHELL | HARDWARE. 83 PRIXCHES STREET, Brass Jar- 10000 000000000) qa bate. ESTEE of by responsible {by some who were present at the de- These statemoniz were made persons, and 'not by one or two only but by several {Otherwise we would not even have ¢ referred to them. The evidence pro- | duced, in fact, seemed fo 'us suffi- i» 'cient to warrant us in referring to to thé reports in connection with the 2 {other facts which we cited, and in 3 'suggesting that the necessary mea- es, {sures should be taken to see that no {unworthy apirit find expression in { Intercollegiate conteats. Our readers Iwill have noticed, of course, that the &10ttawa men - have since given the i" Press an absolute denlal of the truth of the reports. pd ¢ in the third place we would point out that since nosrecord is kept of these debates a satisfactory investi- gation is extremely difficult to se- curd If, however, Ottawa is sin- cerely desirous of having the matter | investigated, the way Is clear to them. A precedent in such S jras set three years. At tha the tottawa Debating Society fade cer- tain Tharges in the Press After a de- Pate at Queen's." The latter at once appealed to the 1.U.D.L. executive for an investigation. Before the ex- ecutive met, however, Ottawa with- drew its charges and publicly apolo- gized for making them: THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on It fh crowing louder as he goes slong. For chewing und Only 48¢ per pound. smoking. AT A. MACLRAN'S, Ontario Street. This is not, then, the: first time that statements reflecting on some of those concerned with intercollegiate debates have been made. All will agree that these things do not tend to improve the relations between the sister universities. This was the reason wo considered it necessary (to suggest that all possibility of unfalr- Suggestions For the Home. Eiderdown Quilts Regular $6.50, 7.50,8.00. On sale $4.98 Each. White Quilts, $1 to 10.00 each. Fapey Towels, $2.50 to 12.00 dozen. Tapestry Table Covers, to fit all sizes, Sideboard Covors, 5 Diclock Covers, Centrepicees, $1 to 6.50 each. Plain and Embroidered styles, vi y Boxed. x 4.00, 5.00, Silk Stockin oir vo 2.50, 3:00, Cashmore ench Blouse Silk splendid values, $1 1.50, id Stockings length $2, 2.50, 3.00, {with White Em- . broidery),- 790, 90¢ values. On sale 49 pair. ; id hors avery pair gunranteod, §1, 1.25 g Kid Gloves, Black, White, Tan, $2, pa TT Laid We offer Bone. Dresses and . Coats. at Greatly Reduced fof thie v - Tce: in a debate, or on dissatisfac-| tion afterwards, should in future be | revenied. To be specific, we think the addresses of he debaters should be taken down by a Btenographer, mad that two timers should be em- ployed in debate as in athletics. TO AID SANTA CLAUS TO HELP . HIM IM MAKE MANY HOMES HAPPY. The Citizens Are Urged to Help Make a Fund That Will Bring Cheer and Giladness to Every Destitate Home. The Whig had really no idea of the contract - it . undertook, in conjunction with the Standard, to see that Santa " {Clans was so aided and informed that no home in this city would be missed by him, It was islormed from one source that there was really very little need of the fund, that the exist- ipg agencies were numerous enough to inept every 'contingency and that there was no Hebessity for adding to the machinery. Well, it odeurred lo the writer that local eomditions could pot be so un- like conditions im other places, and the prosd eldewhere had found cases that but' for. the newspaper fund would bg very distressing. An experince of nearly: taventy years with Joeal eondi- tions "Kad Lawght ite own lessons. So the fund grew and with it the infor- mation that has demonstrated the im- portance and timeliness of the 'move ment. The first report, based on facts, a personal knowledge of the circumstan- ces, intimated that there were at Jeast a hundred children who should Ie remembered by Santa Claus . and who, but for this special fund, would be made to feel the cheerlessness of an empty stocking. he énquiries went on, as the letters game to hand, and the number of de- serving chiidren increased to 150, then 195, then 200, and (on Saturday night), to 325. The names and ad- dresses are with the general agent of the Associated Uharitees, The meaning of all this is ent. Have you subscrived, reader ? 'There is time yet, but only time, and you eannot give to any: thing which appeals so much to your generosity and kindness, Miss Sara Gill, principal of Syden- ham school, in enclosing 57 to the fund, says: "she children gave will ingly of their own pocket monoy. Wo wish you every suceess in the undew taking." Wr. Winter, of Langdon, N.L., hingstonian by birth, says that he saw in the Whig that Ringstoh- peo- ple were contributing so that the poor children no ght receive a Christ mas present. '1 appealed to me and I would like to coutribute my little share, so 1 encloze a New York draft for $ 85, and hope iit will help to bring joy aml gladness to some of the litth folks." Violet and Robbie Anglin, Odessa, enclose 51 for Santa's purse, so that he can visit each little boy and girl in Kingston. One of the Whig's Santa Claus letters appealed so strongly to a' citizen that he has put himself in communication with the committee, and is determined that Santa Claus shall make his visit to one of. the homes to help the orphans with "poor grammy. Already acknowledged W. F. Winter, Langdon, N.D. Violet and {tobbie Anglin, (dessa No Name ... ... . appar- gentle INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. "Rowntree's sweets." Gibson's. Great sale of stockings for ali; alse gloves at very low prices. Dutton's. The Welland canal has sheen closed for the season, "MeConkey's sweets." Gibson's. Rev. E, B. Wylie, M.A., graduate of Queen's, Sccupied the pulpit of © ooke! 5 church, Sunday evening. Mrs, M, Butland, Livingstone ave: nue, left, Saturday, to spend the wind ter with relatives in Edinbore, Pa. W. T. Gabbard, of Napanee, was in the eity, Mornay, attending the, Tube: ral of "the late, Francis Cogppoeh. 'The standard of quality," McCone key's and Huyler's sweets, Gibson's. Dg. W. A: Smith, of Willard, N.Y,, is visiting 'His parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Smith, Brock street. "Every Indy in Kingston" knows Huylr's and McConkey's sweets are the best money can buy. Sold only at Gibson's, "Choice of roy aly sweets," MeCon- key's, are sold in Kingston only ot Gibson's, Janes T. Sutherland left, this afters noon, for. Belleville, to attend the 'of representatives of junior » ph | niedting TOR. A tenms of this group. Hen a" in y Larking, of Atlanta, Géorgia, eity, being interested in one to be tried at the court house this week. William Bolton leh, Monday mora: ing, with his team of black horses, for Nicholson & Welston's camp at Chap. ley On: Tady in. Kingston®" knows Huvlet's and McConkey's sweets the standard of quality. Kingston at Gibson's. i examinations for the class in are Lori Sold only | "feonmection with the J4th: Regiment, which hag been held at the armduries for the past three months, will pot he held for some time, hd nn Koes a a in jogs s £ evening, in honor . Homer V pond, president of - end As sociation. who ah is in the city. : IN TREASURY METHODS IN BUILDINGS, special Committee Will Tell the City Council That it Is Receiving Suen Service From its Officials. - city council a month age, at the request of Mayor Graham, to. ehtjuire into the matter of chan in the civie departments, oy amalgamation or improved book-keeping, will repart to the council this evening that the city is receiving excellent service from a Shicials that tue system of book- Ding is is the very best, and that the hoot collecting the city's revenué is very small, being oply one per cent. The committee met on ternoon, when a report was presented by a sub-committee, consisting of asyor Grabam and Alds, Fair and Shaw. The ory said "Realizing the importance of abbre- viated methods, having in view the reduction of "aber, snd if possible, the curtailing of expenditure, your committee very closely examined the svstem adopted by each department, giving special attention to the system of original entries and registration, going thoroughly ower their books accounts, ote, and found that the method under. report sof Ape 'dla, 1904, and continued with few changes, commends itself as a system well adapted for a musieipality desirous retaiping departments separate and distinct from each other, affording, as it does, opportunity for the ofticials to prepare wigh despatch any state ment required by the city. The committee stated that the total revenue collected in taxes and water and light rates in 1910, was $342,. 106.81; and total expenditure, $317, 915.27. The expense in connection with the handling the funds and keeping the accounts of these depart- ments is less than ome per cent. The officials of the treasury department handle debentures amounting to #i,- 224,564.16, on which half yearly divi- dends have to be paid, and the cou pons properly filed, and as these divi dends range from ten dollars up- wards it is readily seen the amount of work this entails upon the officers. Owing to complexity in details, separ- ate accounts must be furnished water and light consumers, "The report of the committee con- cludes as follows : "We congratulate the city upon the very efficient staff of officers in charge of the difjerent departments of this work, composed of only five men and one stenographer; also upon the small outlay in econneetion therewith, and would give it as our opinion that nd more efficient painstaking staff of officials could be procured." The mayor's suggesiion of one cash book for the treasury department was shown to Wg unworkable. Such a book would be #o large that it could hard- fy be-handled, and, further, it would be very unsatisfactory. Civic Utilities Committee. The conwmittee also concluded are rangements for the mmalgamating of the light and water committees, which the city council endorsed last month. Ald. Elliott brought up the matter, as it is desirous of arranging for the appointment of a new committes be fore the present council completes ita work for the year, The following was the resolution moved by Ald. Elliott, and adopted : That the committees on light, heat and power, and on waterworks, be amalgamated into a committee-go be known as the committee om civie Wili- ties, with ©. C. Folger as superinten- dent, at a salary - of $2,000 a year; that this committee recom: to council that the work on the public streets be performed by the city em gineer's department, which shall bé held responsible for the condition of the said streets; also setting out the prices at which the work ghall be paid for; this to be embodied into an agreement beiween the engineer's de partment and the civic utilities com- mittee; also that a competent mo- chanical engineer be placed in charge of all machinery coftrolled and oper: ated by the light and water depart ments, . 1 SENT IN FALSE ALARM. ¥iremen Were Given a Ran Tate Saturday Night. Some people have an idea that # is. a goed joke - te send in a false alarm tothe firemen. - It may be a joke for them, but it is ne joke for the firefighters. At 11.30 o'clock: om Saturday night one of the "alleged jokers pulled bex 5 at the corner ol York and Division street. The firemen were soon on the job, but when they in the vielnity was that in some of the nearby .hpuses--but only in the stoves. Then back.to the fire hall the men went. [4 was a long run ou the muddy toads, and It was about 3 a.m. when the rigs were placed in order again. It is a great pity that the eulprit was not caughi. The Late, F. M. Campbell, The funeral of the late Francis M. Campbell took place on Monday morning from his. late residence, bert Street. Rev. T. Woon cou ducted . the. service. -. thie funeral 'was of a. private hatyre, he pa were any c old oid srignds tener | ¥ ian ", P. Flynn as B. Derby- re. a oabet mourners were the ra sons. of Lot the feeased,, Samuel F. gym. ohn Johnson, 8 attawa, a cousin, Take the Old Lady's Advice. And- while you're Bupli wt anty." "uy oranges ihe or Ra box i arg loW this seshon for Cafornia aavel, SHARE. at {ar novaky's, qv op om x ogitne or Baul iit. Mistletoe, 'evergreen rolls and holly jwith plenty of berries, at Cafnovaky's, Sr -------------- . ial committee appointed by | Saturday af-| arrived they found {Tiat the only five|. A am. and. C. Campbell, of "of a cold contrasted THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1941. ---------------------------- JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. TO-MORROW We will place on sale the following cial Christmas Gifts To-day we havo received a number of special bargains that will be offered ro-Morrow. These are suitable for Christmas Giving. COME EARLY as the lots are not large. 143 Pairs Ladies Black Silk Stockings Absolutely Pure Silk, very good quality, with 4-Ply L isle Garter Top and Double Toe anid Heel. + EACH PAIR PUT UP IN A DAINTY GIFT BOX. These Stockings are excellent value at $1.50 regularly. Yours To-Morrow $1.19 Pair. Sizes 84, 9, 94, 10, RRR a'variety of makes ; 480 Pairs Babies' Fancy Knitted Bootees Mostly Pure White. Some with a touch of Blue or Pink. There is a few with Swansdown Tops. value from 33¢, 40¢, H0c. Come early and you have a choice at They range in 19¢ Pair. Hutidreds of Gifts AWAIT YOUR CHOOSING. LADIES UMBRELLAS, $1, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 up to 5.00. . MEN'S UMBRELLAS, $3.50, 2.50, 2,00, 1.50, 1.00, -- Fancy Lace Jabots New and Pretty Designs. Best Makes of Kid Gloves Dent's, Perrin's, Reynier's. 3 Best Makes. Fancy Gift Box and Card with each pair. 25e, Joc, 39¢, 49¢. : At $1.00, 1.25, Every Pair Guaranteed. TO PLACE RESTRICTION on the Number ir of Bo Social Functions at Queen's. , the Queen's Alma Mater Society | Ao on Saturday evening, it wag Al] | ocided to vek the senate to restrict the pumber ol social functions heli the various student bodies during 2% The senate will be ask- - fire of all, Ls 1 Friday evenings. 3 oa end also the " the sophoreore year. and he Rg vear gvent subject to the option of the Arts Society--that s to allow just one of { bodies to is felt by the to restrict all social It will be the usual CC Dgmiel Marphy, of , Ge. died 5 mayor a oo driving 1 lachute. He was a v we ative 3 mn rare. FOR DOYS AND GIRLS, LADIES and GENTLE. MEN. Small Boys', Size 11, 12, 13, Good Hockey Boots, $1.25 and 2.00, BOYS' Hockey, Size 1to 5, 81.50, 2.00 and 2 2 50. LADIES' Skating Boots, 2} to 6, at $1.75, 2.00, 2.50. GIRLS' Skating Boots, Size 11 to 2, at #1. 50 with ankle: stra Men's | See our splendid assortment, 3 ockey Boots, - $2.00 ip a n Evenings. The LOCKETT SHOE STORE

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