Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Dec 1911, p. 1

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» 4 ' ro "ister of the interior, Kien. eullector, 2 YEAR 78 -NO, 205 T0 BE REPUBLIC Presideat and Several Mem- bers of Cabinet Chosen. HAD A FINE RECORD TUAN-FANG KILLED BY HIS OWN |ficer age TROOPS, Dr, Sun Yat Sen Has Been Given the Chief Place--A Very Prominént Chinaman Has Been Slain--Hé Was Rader in Many Movenients. San Francisco, Dec. 19.-The Cliu- «8¢ Free Press has a cable from Nan- king that Dr, Sun Yat Sen has been el.otod president of the Chinese re public by the delegates from fourteen provinees there assembled, Wong-King was made midister of wat; Tong Far Ling, late revolution. ary governor ol Hupeh province, min. Fung Civ Yau, until recently an editor of a Cligese newspaper in San Francisco, ecloninl minister, s Was a Noted Chinaman. Pekin, Dee. \1--Tuan-¥Fang, who hes just been killed by his soldiers at 'TeyUhow, as reported by lissionar- ies, was one of the most promivent meg in China, He ocouphed high posi- tions as governor of various provinces and was at one time viewoy of Nanking and at Che Klang and Fo- { He visited America in 1900 at the head of a Chinese commis- . sion for the study of educatiom] and industrial claditions, a Tuan-Fang was scholar; art critic and While governor of Shen- Si province at the time of the Boxer trouble he gathered all the foreigners in 1s province together and afforded them protdotion., In September he wes instructed to raise the siege of theng Tu, 'and was reported to have left IHankow with a force of soldiers, FLURRY IN SOUTH ONTARIO. Talk of New Election Because of Irregularities, Whitby, Dec. 13. --Althongh there has been some local excitement over alleg- el technieal irregularities, which might necessitate another election in South Ontario, the returning officer bas declared Sinclair, liberal, legally lected hy 247 mmjority, and that will probably end it. : wero to the effect that Col. Fatewell, Who acts as crown attorney, clerk of the peace and 'clerk ol the county court, did not act un- der the revised statutes in handling the lists, but under the. old provisions of the law, that there were some er: rors in the polling books, and instruc tions given 1. NR. O's. were vague, and that the returns from the polling booths were not systematically hand: led. : 43, INJURED WHILE SKIPPING ROPE. Breaks Her Log fn Exercising With Other Prisoners in Reformatory of Kansas Oity, Kan ; Kansas City, Kan, Dec, 19.-Wiile Hak rope' at the City Reforma. tory for Women at Twentieth and Vine stroets, Miss Lulu Humphtey fell and broke her left log. The women are allowed to take ex- ercise outside of working hours. Seve ral of them were playing back of the building on a grantioid walk. Miss Humphrey is ty-three years old, She was taken to the genoral howspi- tal. PRACTICE STONE-THROWING, May be Ultimate Means of Securing Votes, Now Yak, Decy 19.-Flizabeth Froe- man, a young an-Enghish suf- fragett, der, at a meeting in ap wpiown church, fast night, declared at stone-throwing methods would have to be adopted in this country if women coukl not obtain recognition in any other way. > dl the Bein > ys said, "soe us migh! pra to throw stones raight She was t Wedding Cake Baked in 1875. yton, Minn, Dee. I8--At a wed areakfast served alter the WOMAN, m---- WINNIPEG 18 INDIGXXST. Citizens Demand Discipline of Brutal ) Constables, Winnipeg, Dec. 19.-As a result of the refusal of the Winhipeg police com- mission to even reprimand Constable Webster, who brutally ill-used a eiti- zen With his club, for "sassing"' him, indignant citizens are demanding that the council at once pass a by-law mak- ing the commission wholly elective: There have been so many cases of citizens being cruelly slugged by the police for talking back to the officers that the commission is being severely eriticized for not dismissing brutal of- ™. Recently a well-known lawyer, Percy Hagle, was besten nearly to death in- side the city jail while a prisoner. Chief of Police McPherson, who re ceully succeeded Chiof McRae, has his hands full trying to stop a series of hold-ups and the discipline of the force has suffered. \ RUSSIA BARS BRITON. Scientist Refused Admission Because He's a Jesuit. St. Petersburg, Dee. 19.--The Ras- sian ban against the Order of the Jes gits has proven an insuperable bar against the entry into this country of Father Pigot, an eminent Australian scientist. Father Pigot is particularly anxious to visit the Pulkova observatory in order to investigate seismological questions with Princes Galitzin. The British embassy, on behalf of the me terological office in London, made spe- cial representations at the ministry of the Jjnterior, asking that the anti Jesuit law might be relaxed in favor of the eminent scientist, but all ef forts have been unavailing. AN OFFICER COWED TWENTY TROOPERS Killed Tree, Wounded Several and Drove the Others Away, Mexico City, Mexico, Dee. 19.-- Crouched behind a pillac in the corner of the court yard of the barracks in Cusutillan, state of Mexico, Lieut. Ce- ferino Munoz. of the 0th Cavalry, vesterday, won a fight with twenty mutinuous troopers, in which he killed three, wounded several and escaped unhurt, The men had been drinking made a rush for the barracks doors, shouting "Viva La Liberta," Lieut. Munoz ordered them to quarters, whereupon they opened fire on him. Springing behind the pillar he took shots with his revolver, and thorough: ly cowed those he did not hit. and -------- a in MUST CONTINUE TO SUPPORT. Montreal Judge Declined to Recog- nize United States Divorce. Montreal, Dee. 19.--A divorce, ta have been obtained in the trict court of New Jersey, failed to meet recognition at the hands of Judge Charbonneau when Dame ('aro- ine Francis Smith brought an action against her husband, Henry Charles 'Cornish, to force him to support her- self and her children. The couple were married in West Ham, England, in 1886, Two years ago Cornish left his wife and went to the United States. Here he obtained a divorce and then éanie to Montreal, and is said to be earning $3,000 a vear., His wife traced him and to- day, despite his plea that the Ameri edn divorce freed him from all obliga- tions and habilities, the judge order- ed to pay his wife 350 a month for twelve months and costs. FIND $31,000 SAVED BY SHREWD WIDOW Search by Relatives of Woman Who Invested Cleverly Rewarded by : Discovery of Wealth. Peru, Ind., Dec, 19.--Relatives of Mrs. Saloma Koerner, of this city, for several days the house in which she had lived alone for years; believing she had hidden the wealth supposed to possess. ir aon ors rewarded when they)ound | an old leather han which con tained 21. Worth bonds, certi- ro el Ine ndbag" was found behind a in a closet and when said dis- Mrs. had her husband died At that time i { hues of red or caused commen | after, the cloth will be manufactured Towels, a TAKE T0 HILLS Turks Are Practically Without KITCHENER MAINTAINS THE NEUTRALITY OF EGYPT VERY RIGIDLY. He Has Sealed Up All Possible Points of Leakage--The Italian Troops Number 80,000 at Tripoli, London, Dee. 19.-The continued ad- vance of the Italian troops towards the interior of Tripoli and away from the environs of the chbast towns with- out meeting serious resistance seems to prove the correctness of recent in- formation that the Turkish troops and the Arab allies have withdrawn to the hillsg They are practically, it is reported, without ammunition. Their only chance of renewing the supplies has been shat- tered by Viseount Kitchener's action in sealing up all the possible points of leakage along the frontier between 'Egypt and Tripoli in order to keep Egypt entirely neutral The Mtalian forces now concentrated in the former Turkish province of Tri- poli number 80,000, The Italiane are said to be assisting another Albanian revolt, with the ob- ject of occupying Turkey's attention at home. -------- MARRIAGE AT EIGHTY OUT AND OUT FAILURE, Veteran Who Seeks. Divorce Com- plains His Wife is Jealous and Advises Him to Take Poison. Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 19.--After less than four months of wedded life, Anthony W. Presley, civil war veteran at the Orting Soldiers" Home, is more than ready to 'quit. He has sued for i divoree. = Anthony is eighty years ohl, his wife sixty. They were married here, August 14th, after a long distance courtship, Presley's son, in Colorado, being the matchmaker. Presley vows his 'sbn is. "danged poor judge women." Mrs. Presley is cruel to him, the aged man says. Once when he was talking to a neighbor woman in the garden, his wife grew jealous. Once she told him to. buy himsell some strychnine, his complaint reads. Presley is unwilling ta, pay alimony. He says he gets only $16 a month Pension and that his wile 1a big and usky and ean look out for herself, - of SHOW GIRLS COME HIGH. Cannot Obtain Sufficient For Holi. day Pantomimes. London, Dec. 19.--Show girls have at the present moment touched the top price in the London market. Ag- ents hers are receiving frantic tele grama every day, reading, "Send me six," or "Send me a dozen immediate Iy,"" but t are unable to execute the commissions. More than 2,500 itls have left London in the last ter ays 10 get ready for the pantomimes and Christmas shows in the provinces. One big London spectacle alone en- gaged 500 girls. As a result of the shortage, managers are in despair and one is ofiering £7 a week for good show girls for a new show now being prepared, but they must be up to "gaiety" form. . Girl Babies Taller. 4 Boston, Dee. 19.--Uirl babies are be ing born taller and with much more vitality than used to be the case, ac- cording to an authority in this city. Miss Charlotte W. Dunn, assistant su- perintendent of a hospital here pa- tronized by "the stork to the extent of 3,000 babies a year, sayy: "We have noticed that girl babies are getting taller and that they are appearing in this world jately with more real vitality than formerly. Boy habies' continie on the average in weight and height." No Durbar Effect For Militia. Ottawa, Dec. 19. ~The minister of militia is putting into 'offect a pew rule with regard to the selection of uniforms for the militia. Under the old system the cloth for the uniforms was purchased without any stipulation as to color standards, the result bein that different ts wore ey green, and this has t on review days. Here in Canada specially for the militia un- Set a superviy gion of a textile ex- - Escaped Father's Vengeance. Lafayette, Ind, Bue, 19. Nathaniel negro, alleged to have throat of Miss Iva (Con: , was trailed bloodhounds have been the victim of the hands of the the a operator ght by the 'aid of revolver in father at the police station, TTT aT KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDA -- DIVER PIRATES BIG HAUL. Conveyed Million Feet of Lamber Through Hell Gate, "New York, Dee. ¥0-The fant of stealing a million feet of lumber and conveying - it y the treacherous currents of Hell Gate, was successfully accomplished .. diver pirates on the night. of ovember Ith, according to a police report just made public. The theft has po parallel in the annals of the police. The lumber was from Georgia apd eqnsigned to the Yellow Pine com- pany. It was worth $50,000, aud the two rafts weighed something over 5,- 600,000 pounds. " passage through Hell Gate, which the thieves somehow accom plished with the cumbersome burden, is one which even the big battleshi and liners avoid after mightiall. T rafts were somehow a distance of eleven miles and beached in a se cluded bay on the L Island coast. Later most of the lu WES recover. ed by the harbor police. The identity of the thieves, however, still remains unknown. WW. MORGAN SCHUSTER, Treasurer-generat of Pore American, and Is the chief figure in the trouble octween #ersia and Russia and England, - GIRL PUPILS NEEDING > MONEY CAN BORROW. Will of Woman Provides a Fund for Those Enrolled as Normal East Cambridge, Mass, Dee. 9. The will of Clara Abbett gives $5,000 to: the Leland Home for Aged Women at. Waltham, to be known asthe Ab- bott fund. To John W. Willis and Charles Willis the testator leaves $2,000, frat; tobe To such | and at such interest as they may see fit to voung women, preferably those who live in Waltham, to assist them in aciuiring an wdueation in normal schools or other higher edueational institutions. "A. in DID YOU EVER FIX WICKS? Kansas Man .Remembers First Coal Oil Lamp. ' of John D. Rockefeller," said a citi zen, "1 remember distinetly the first coal oil lamp that eame into this neighborhood. "We had heard about their explod- ing and all that, so we invited peigh- bors in to see the fun, We got the gentleman set up all right and set him out in the yard; then one of my ungles tied a paper on a fishing pole, went to the house and lit it at the open fire, then came back and 'sot her off." This all happened within two miles of Greenfield." DECLARED HANGING T00 GOOD FOR HIM Jury Made Stipulations for Prisoner's Geneva, Til, Tee, 19.~One of the most remarkable verdicts ever found by a jury in Illinois, was, yesterday, returned by the one which placed the punishment of Henty W. Morris at life imprisonment for the murder of Mrs. Fatelle Dumas, of Pontiac. The verdiet stipulated that om each anniversary of the slaying of Mrs. Dumas, the prisoner be placed in a dungeon and put on a bread and wa- fer diet. It was further stipulated that no board of pardons should ever ole the prisoner. ' ee Carnes told the jurors that the verdict could not be carried out and sent them back to bring in one differently worded. One®af the jurors said it was the opinion of members that hanging was too good for Morris. Octogenarian Tried for 'Marder. Alboyguertue, N.M., Dec. 19.--White- haired and bent, Donace ing, eighty years old, was, yesterday, on the instructions of the court, ad Judged inmecent of a murder which, it was alleged, he comnutiee, thirty-six an Fraunciseo, Cal, Dec. 19. Wil- liam C. Mohle, of No. 967 Alaha ad often t-- gence about a year ago, by his Me 1s ur} Greenfield, Kan., Dec. 19.-- Talking ¥, DECEMBER 19, 191. DIED IN INDIA Late Rev. Or, Eimore Marri, . 9 Tots > i; at . HE CAUGHT SMALLPOX WHILE ATTENDING THE DURBAR FESTIVITIES. Deceased Was Sixty Years of Age and Wealthy--~Reecently Mhrried a twenty-four Year-oll Girl, and Started Around World on Honey. moon. Toronto, Dec. 19.--Rev. Dr. Elmore Harris, Baptist one of the chief shareholders of the Massey-Harris company, founder of the Bible train ing school here, and governor of Me Master University, died in = Delhi, In- dia, yesterday, of small-pox, contract ed while attending the durbar festivi- ties. He was on his honeymoon, having startled friends here ahout two months ago by marrying a young lady, aged twenty-four, and starting on a trip around the world, and just before sailing from New York, donn- ting thirty thousand dollars towards the new church building in memory of 'this first wife, Ruth Shenstone. Dr. Harris came into great promin- tacks agai ' McMaster, acl agamst professors at McMaster alleged to have orthodox views. He was about sixty years of age, and is survived by his widow, one daughter and three sons. etree PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From AN Over the World. Father Vaughan says he could not be made archbishop of Toronto. ; All Methodist missionaries in China are safely on their way to Shaoghai. The Dominion railway board will re Sifve new viaduct plans on February ith, The Northumberland fruit-growers have formed a co-operative associa- tion, Sir William Mackenzie is said to he on his way to England for a loan of $80,000,000, The C.P.R. will use oil fuel on its locomotives in a portion of the British Columbia - division, John Bigelow, author and diplomat, died in New York, Tuesday morning, in his ninety-fifth years. Mrs. James O'Connor 'was arrested at Berlin, Ont., on a charge of help- iE hoe husband {0 escape from a Major - Leonard 'has offered to build a tower to Lirace 'church, Brantford, and install éhimes as a memorial io his parents. : : Grand Trunk railway system traflic earnings from December 8th to 14th, show ' the following increase : 1911, $94,821; 1910, $825,943; increabe, $103,878. Three thougand dollars worth of watches and jewelry were secured by robbers who got through the rear window of Henry Langs jewelry store at Welland, Ont. Joseph Desjardines, Montreal, was sent. to the penitentiary for thirty months for a series of burglaries in the village of Saint Elzear, where he was known as a "God's good man," because he gave away everything he stole GUILTY OF NEGLIGENCE. Judgment Against White Star Liner Olympic. London, Eng., De¢, 19.-The ad miralty éourt to-day found the Wile star steamship . Olympic guilty ol navigating negligence and respoosihle for, the collar with N.M.S. Hawke, near Osborne Bay, on September Nith last, with severe damage to both steamers. Judgment with costs is given in favor of Commander Blunt, of the Hawke, in the case brought a. gainst him by the White Star line. To.Shut Month. | Indianapolis, Ind., Yee, 19.~The murder of an ironworker, named Con- roy, in New York, has put up a new proposition to the federal grand jury that is investigating the dynamite cases, and it is understood that the féderal authorities are look- ing into it in the belief that Conroy was made away with because of his knowledge of the great dymamiting conspiracy, and the fact that he would be called before the grand jury to testify. ° -- Carried to Death.' Macan, Ga., Dec. 19.--After attend ing a "Holly Roller" meeting on Sa- turday night, Mrs. Eliza Thorpe, a young woman, became imbued with religious "fervor and = attempted io walk, on the water, yesterday morn: ing. Mrs. Thorpe waded into the river, was Swept under by the corrent and wned. One hundred persons wit: nesserd the drowning. : Want to Join Manitoba. Kenora, Ont. Pée. 19.---The board of Sehaentod from Ontario, from: Fort Wilk west, and joined to Mani toba, because Toronto is too far from this district to give it proper con sideration provineially, Frm mits + Penitentiary for Arson. agent, was, to-day, Seto to five years in penitentiary, burning Sonn the born of Walter Lavin, Tam § 'was very largely attended 1 fie railway for the week of December v REWARD HAD BEEN OFFERED ' a Case of Bernard McColl, Missing Over Two Weeks. The Kingston police have been no tified that a reward of $25 has been offered in the case of Bernard MeColl, who has been missing from his in Camden East since Nov. Jith "fe notice was sept out by George Greer, acting high coustable at Napa: t ¥ home nee. - Where i Dernard MeUoll? That is the question that has been asked so many times in Camden East. He leit his mother's home with the inten tion of going on a little hurnding trip. He is a chemist by trade, om- ployed in Rochester, N.¥., but -- had been visiting at his Tome. When he ft he fook with him, 6 a 32-calibre revolver. The missing young mau is twenty three years of age, five feet eleven ivches in height, wughing 145 pounds, dark hair, blue eyes, ffir complexion and was wearing a brown overcoat, navy bloe trousers and gray cap. Life Underwriters' Banquet. A banyuet was tendered to A. Hom er Vipond, president of the Dominion Underwriters' Assoeiation of 'Canada, Monday evening. The banguet was given in King's cafe, J. W. Corbett, president of the Kingston Life Under writers' Association, presided, and the chief speakers were Mr. Vipond and J. F. Wiston, superintendént of the Manufacturers' Life Association. A fine musical progranune was given by S. Roughton and George Gillespie, while William McFederitige wfused everyone with his recitations. About twenty were present. RUSHED TO STREETS IN NIGHT CLOTHES One Thousand Guests Fled From Hotels Ad Burnin Mising bing Chicago Building, Chiéago, Dec. 19--~Three stokers are missing and are believed to have lost their limes in a fire which attacked the Doard of 'I'rade building about three o'clock this morning, causing one hundred thous and dollars damage. One thousand guests of the Ki¥serofi and New victoria hotels, which adjoint the burn. ing building, were roused from their beds by bell boys aod night clerks, and fled to the street in thew night garments, many of them carrying heir 'clothes with them. furnace a ania Y.LO.B.A. Elect Officers. A meeting of the Young Irish Ca tholic Benevolent Association was held on Monday to wind up busineds for the year and to elect oflicers. The election resulted : President, J. J, Behan; first vice-president, H. Gibson; second vice-president, Frederick Lannb; recording secretary, Hl. V. Eves; finan cial secretary, C, 1. Cross: tveasurer, A. W. Gannon; masshal, PP. Fannon; sergeant-at-arms, J. Bulger; librarian, J. Fitzgerald, ia -- The Late Miss Lynch. e The funeral of the late Miss Hannah Lynch took place, Tuesday morning, from the family residence, to St. Mary's cathedral, where a - solemn requiem mass was sung by Rev. Father Hanley. There was a full choir. Rev. Father Maodonald, of Portsmouth, sang the solos during the mass, which by deceas- ed's friends. The pallbearers wire: T, Dawson, T. J. Leahy, J, Hickey, N.{_ O'Connor, T. Doyle and E. Fahey. A MURDEROUS BATTLE IN-A NEW YORK PARK Two Htalians Were Kiled--Many Ar rests Made--More Trouble is Feared. New York, Dec. 19.--In the fierce pitched battle between two factions of Italians, armed with revolvers and knives, in Jefferson Park, about. mid: M 0 FP M a WI T LAST EOJTION 1 WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronis, Out. Dec. 18th, 10 Lm ~~0Ote awa Valiey and Uppe TLawrenoe and cold. Wednesday, easteriy ® Lond ow before night THIS STORE Will be open evenings from Tuesday until Saturday. A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE TO -- MEN -- A Chance for some good fellows to make a very handsome gift --to a wife or sister, There is nothing you could give her more acceptable or pleasing than a pretty gown foi the house or for evening wear, We have the Daintiest Dresses, of Silks, Satins, Ninons, ete., ever offered for sale in Kingstpn. Every Garment a very 'Desirable Gift. _ Beautiful, Daintily Made, Perfect Fitting. and designed in in the very latest fashion. Every Dress splendid \. value at the \ \ prices we offer them, y We have them in Pik, Sky, Maize, also White or Black, $13.50 to $35.00 The Strongest Values 1 + ever offered. STEACY'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE. ano cin BORN Kingston 1911, to Mr Bari Bireet, DIED. In Regina Herbert te Wm from neess ALONE-~In Dee, 18th E. Malone, on Tuesday, and Mrs, 1, 8 pon nNIET ith he la ral Bask. Dies Peter, second son of Jas, Arnlel family residence, 5213 Street, Wedsiesday. at 3.20 ' Friends and acquaintances BRIEN---In Kingston, Ont. Dec 19th, 1911, Mrs. BE. O'Brien, widow of the Iate Thomas O'Brien uneral (privaté) from her late resid. ence, 367 BrocR Btreet, Thursday morning, to wi on SL, Mary's. Cathedral, re a solemn requiem mass will be sung at 9.380 o'clock Friends ar kindly invitéd to atisnd the mass BORLEY 18th ~At 1811 Watertown, N.Y, Deo, Mrs Eliza McBorley, aged 79 years, uneral (private) from of her son, Charles Johuson Sireet at eight Cathedral, the residence McBoriey, 444 Thursday morning, o'clock, tn ary s where a solemn requiem mass will be sung fur the ropose of her sonl at §.30 o'clock night, Monday, two men were killed, one fatally wounded and several oth- ers more or less hurt. Fifteen are un der arrest, and the police¥are seouring the Italian district for forty others 'Phone 577. ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 230 Princess Street. alleged to be implicated. Tt is said that Black Handers or Camofrists in- cited the riot. There are 25,000 Itali an laborers in.the city for Christmas, and more troubles are feared Express Companies Busy. The express companies were very busy, today, getting a taste of what is to follow for the rest of the week g b RFID The Old Firm of a inks 234 and 256 PRINCESS > 'Phone 14 for Ambulapes TAKE N We have the Agency of the "Royse! toves," a good kin and moder: rices; also a lot of good heaters, se- cond hand, which we will sell at reduc. ed prices Don't walt Phen Turk's. e till they are all one. 708. The express on the noon train, go ing out over the Kingston & Pem- broke railwgy, was very heavy. All the iraing Shing today had quite. a number of students, hound home, for the holidays. . Cost Him Fomr Years, ~ New "York, Dec. 12.-For having written letters to Postmaster Morgan, threatening his life, and demanding $00, William E. Pettus, alias Russell, was sentenced to four years' imprison ment in the federal pemitentinry at Atlanta. About two yeaurs ago Moe gan wis shot and eritically wounded | of the siteet, his asestlant commit ting suicide, - The princess royals jews) case, lomt J in her escape from the 8S. Delhi, con tained tiaras and other very complete stock of Jas. Redden & Co. We invite your inspection of our CHRISTMAS QOSAQUES. CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS. ROWNTREE'S CHOCOLATES. * CADBURY'S CHOCOLATES. SHARWOOD'S SPECIALTIES. as. Redden & Co. a handsome jewels which she had intend: ed to wear upon the occasion of the| opening 'of the Khartoum cathedral, According to Chie the fire loss in Brockville duritig the | ance on property of $162,372, i The i of the Canadian Paci | FE Tih to 14th show an increase of $643, 00. fe Sarnia of ty aio Ju wolring from smi | suey boxes, 2e.. at Best § The Duke of or Connaught bas jdered 8 lot of skales, toboggans aud. Brady's report, | wis. Complete Brownie outfit, regular $4, year amounted to $14,041, with insur (for 83.50, at Best's William Mackensie is on bis way to urops to gel a loan of eighty mil | lion dollars. Choice flower extract perfomes 's. Sir Charles Tupper is improvieg, Leather collar bags, at Best's, in wd

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